616/2018 (27 Gary coonnell Llnkedln amaneeo Gary 0C0nne" 5 '7 nullgem (manna Learn ma skins Gary has Member Board of Trustees at Advanced Tethnita' mtengente . Center No annual puma umnuy . Dump," 3 mm" See :nmau lncu Minuseq Vlewel: ml $5 445 mnnezuun: Gouelnnlem Prajeus Vlewel: 2slsa Dayrow Gary A o-Connell a Delense Serum Learjet, ls cnlel Nauonal and Spaee Cemel, Wtherauelsnn AFB onlo NASIC .s me All Fame and Department ol Delense Cenlel ol Extellence lol allrsaume all and space ll suppons As cnlel ne guloes [he CuslnmeIServite' c" Cusmmer Value Vlewev: 21m 3,0007pevson eenzers analyne pladutuon ensunng umely dellvery ol lelevanl oala ploducls and sen/Keg In All Folce and low! opelauonal atqulsman and lame madermzauon 5" mm (ammumllesl and senlol delense ano (ammumly (uswmevs Gary nas served .n a vallely ol assignmenls lne (ammumly dullng All Forte saleel He began ms govemmenl saleel as a (crop student wun me Naval Sudate Weapons Center .n Danlglen Va Upon {10m lne Gary sullen work as an alvrlOrall analysl lol me Forelgn Tethnology now known as NASIC Gary began sen/mg as cnlel ol me AHVKOVAW Weapons Blanch ln lane and nelo several leaoelsrup posluons znlougnoul lne olganlzauon leaolng lo appomlmen! as Assonale cruel Stlenus! lo. the camel's Glopal lnleal Dlletmrale ln lam ln 20m ne ealneo me lank ol Delense Serum Leader and assumed eullenl posluon as snlelsnenusl ln July was Gary ls a meme. ol naunnalrlevel lnlengente (ommumly ooams and dunng saleel nas served as me Fume vepvesenlallve lo poln [he Weapon and Space Systems \nlengenee Commlnee's Aemdynamlc Systems Subtommluee and me Stlenullt ano Tedmlcal Commluee ln 2007, ne ealneo a Ple5ldemlal Rank Awavd as a Meluonous Senlol Plolesslonal Show less A Exoeriente Membev Beard oilmslees 5'8 Advanted Teennleal \nlelhgenee Cenler (Alla msun viyls ll aeavemeek on.o vmlaes gumanzc lo we aliens and spa pune Aux/armed Yachmal (cruel our Human (aplml ln senlna ana men and Milan Consullanl - Messaglng 616/2018 (27 Gary 01211111211 1 1111mm medus 1111111111111 on 1 111111 11111 11 111111.911", suNquamc, 11.1 11111111111111.1118 1s wen as 11111111111111 11.1 1111191111111 1111111111 1ms1ee wma Edutauon Fund 2qu Pmsuu . 1n ngram Managemenl 011.1111 SAIE SM 11121713701121117 -Zy154mos chief 511e111is1 1111111111 All and Space Center 11121115 711121111 .9 1 mo Education 11111111111 Delense Universily Mas1e1s a1511en1e, M111111y Nauanal Resoune 51111er and Mg 199571997 5 Ah rme lnsl'wme ofTethnolegy 191271995 - Uniue1s11y11c1neinn11i IQ EathelmMSaentetBS) Aerospace Engme 197571991 510115 81 Endorsements Defense 49 8 [named by 51111 1111111119 11111111111; who 111 1119111 shuea 11 mus 11 [named 11mm 11111911111 1119111 shuea 11 111.; A11 Fake 39 [named by 111111111 111 Gum 111wee1, 1111) 11111 1 omevs who 111 n1gn1ys1111ea 111111; 1111115111, momeage Imemgenee 36 Weapons 21 Mililary 1s Mililary 0pe111ians 12 we IMww 111111111111 Mas1e1s a1511en1e, Aeranauntal Engmeermg enng Endorsed 111 3 1151111 (aHeagues 11 Advanced 1e1n111111 1111111111111 (9mm (mo Endorsed 111 2 1151111 (aHeagues 11 Advanced 1e1n111111 1111111111111 (9mm (mo Endorsed 111 3 1151111 (aHeagues 11 Advanced 1e1n111111 1111111111111 (9mm (mo Governmenl zs N111111|Seeu111y 19 lnulligente Analysis 11 Eleumnit W11111e 12 2/4 616/2018 (27 Gary Ocannell Llnkedln mil in," 'n a Suvch Opemlinnal Planning 8 Radar 5 Pnlicy 5 Praposalwriling 5 Spedalopelalions 5 Aeraspaze 4 Federalfiavemmenl 3 (ounurlumrism 4 3 Army 3 Earned Value Managemem 3 Hnmeland Sammy 3 (numrinlelligenze 3 Salellile communiminns 3 Navy 2 Raquiremems Managemem Avionics 2 5le: leadership 7 Organixalianal Leadership 5 Engineering Managemenl 3 Olhel Specie Sysxems I5 l. Cnmmunily l3 SIGINT 5 mm 3 (ommand&(onuol 2 UAV HUMINT 2 Spautlafl 2 lnuragencycaaldinaxion 2 Saullile Securilyclaalante Is Milil'ary Experience 7 Top Sean 5 Defence 4 Show less A Recommendations lul Gwen U) Wilden Harbour had me pleasuve ol Wllden {m :evelal yezvs a1 "may bu! mos! (losely when he was on me Commandel': Afllofl vim Mam yuan m: Glnup (CA6) Tm: small team veponed dlleflly lo the (my 0 mm; 3W (ommandev (a (enlev ol ovev 3000 people) and me senlm mu '1 whim was pan cl Membels ol the (AG opelaled a very laslr pa(e, envllonmenl whele they weve glven pmmy tasks and usually very llule guldaflte ovemgm Wllden had on !eel and always dellveved mellem vesulls Whethel li was an bllefiwg be dellveled Conglessmen ova papellma dollal budgel llem, Wllden lesezvthed me pul logelhel me avgumems and dellveled ll 3 deal, undelslandable mannev Desplleme plessuves lemalned mm and pmlemnzl 3/4 616/2018 (27 Gary 0&1an Linkedln mums and um and walm mm dehvev Interests National Delense Universily 5N5 ZlQZA'mHom's 1 I University clc'mtinnaxi max! "5449 mums 2 :54 E: 5 Ah Forte lnsl'wme ofTethnolegy University of Cintinnaxi '4 "Eu mum"; ma 151mm,." SeeaH Linkedfifi Am mum 5w MW Hummus", <3 mm." Cu Mm Wm a mups IMwwlInkedln