6/15/2013 Geurge Franz I Lmkedm George Franz-3m Managmg Dwmoramccenme Fedem h- . am Mthy \nle'hgeme and Cybeyspm Opevahous George's VoHowevs ludgu Mums Kama bywhuher denudunmuan '5 "my vuvmahln us a plans Russm sand "my are mady omwwm memmg mm] (m Fednm 7v: mum eramgy Snmar Managuv 1% Experience Um" Managmg Direuor Attenlme Fedeva.jus Dweuoroloperauons my us (ybev (nmmand Mm," ~1y' Atanmve Fedeml no Mame See (amid mm sumo mnnumans Nannr Ache" mm." Inadersmp zunbum '2 man arwaman Ecovgu ma mm mnumssuy avuv nmu by mam Ecovgu ma Elsunhuwur m; wand moms mus! a Ecovgu ma See all m: plammg mme 9mm Dupa'lwmm o' Duran: Uncuswc 0mm mow Nc'Anrk Damanons Dmt' animus Cyhc' stsmu Yum; 'u madqunv'ms, 51 wismu :Iammvs nfludmg 5mm Cnmponml Agumms muons .- Mp5 lmkedln Peop'e N50 Vwevwed Leam the 5m; George has Avoid ng Phishmg (1 file", mm" ("at . Messagmg 5/15/2013 Geurge Franz I llnkealn Na, laseem :u -12yl59 General us Army lnlell.genee and Sammy Command Na, 1 41rr52mns Land .1 wo'usmml mm: mm Dena mnans, am mums lemma :u (amines and Lom'lms mlldud null mom and alum nnelngem upcm'lms Slayer (ommalm 'hcn'uls and comb." opnmunlls .n suapm 0' me glnnal mmpalgn ma' anmr ad/a'lmd snug mum"; and mm w, new: General Cybev Nanonal Fume lanZDHan, 2m -5 nos 7M Mudc as me p'ovldc luadc's'lla muslng am m" lo (ybnr 'olm lar Don Nunms and C'rlml Na'lmal rm (ybnr anaee Deputy Direemr of aperarions uzl us (VEERCOM Narzmlelarzm: -2,rs:na; rm Hands me an, mnl'ol and ma'slgh' ar Dcaal'mml' ar Delense OWcuswn, and man mum Cyhc'saam aneen, lo (ommamu, _s (ybnr zannana as 59ml pmlun Icadnr rm 'hc (ybnr 7mm Deputy Chlel or Slafl [or lnlelligenee Dz) ana (niel, lnlormation Dominante Center HDQ UC us Army lulzfimgrlulzm' 411r51mn mm Mgham an Land mm and nenmr :25 lw'olmallon spamlms lran rm: muons sun/mg .n me lnlc'wallonnl Sammy Axils'mlm Farm lmplumnm mmrmumll name I'm! wanna women; nnarn wallonal Imam rm: and _s duvnlop plan and mam pane, amen; Show less A Education al Mame '9804 34 Naval War (allege Maslev's Degree, and Sllalegm leadelsmp ZEIUA Ions Seneal of Advanced Mllivary Smflies Maslev's Degree, Advamed and Smmes '9957 we Sles 81 Endorsements . Messagmg 2m ans/mm i4) Geurge Franz I Lrnkeain Fvee Upgmde la Pumium nignry skruea Nal'ienal Security 20 a Endorsed by Derek Hnwey (alonei, use men and 5 amenwno are skilled aums cpemionai Planning 19 Endorsed Enley and orners whom! nignry skruea indust Knowieage inreuigenee Analysis us Deparrnrenmneiense is Dnl) i2 Amy neiense in Force Prcuaion 7 omei Sammy Clearanu i2 Tap serrer 5 Recommendations nemneam 5mm DennisGrimsley :nrei mire"! Paint} Sammy Daria i- reps din 'y more. Interests ktenmre 13413i4iaumrns Raylheon ms in muoan A us Army 3m Armored Division I I Miliury is inrenigenre 13 Command iz counrerrermrisni ir Program Mnnagemenr lnlormalion Assurance 5 varyExperienze Iz Shaw iess A MG mm was rne havdesx wovking i ever me! He ied by exampie and gol me mosr irom eveiyone ne wovked mm A [me proiessronzi max is iespeued rnmugnour me "Milan/and in Me us Army s'i muoan University of Maine :n S'u us Nmi WarCeilege SeeaH IMwwlInkedln . Messaging 3/4 5/15/2n1a Geurge Franz I Linkedm mum Mam 16:10 9 mm mm . 0 Managempyw Sendfieedbazk :0 5E rm umed'n mm 1 2m . Messagmg Mp5 IMwwlInkedIn