All Reported Fireworks Fires Reported to the Office of the State Fire Marshal Fireworks Reported as the Heat Source of the Ignition Report Date:7/3/2018 CA July 4th Fireworks Fires Year 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Grand Total Annual Count 4th of July Count Percent of Total 555 510 548 643 869 193 190 190 244 339 1156 35% 37% 35% 38% 39% 37% 3125 Incidents when mutual or automatic aid was given to a neighboring fire department are not included in counts. Structure Fires with Fireworks reported as the Heat Source of the Ignition = All reported incidents that include the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Incident Type code 111; Building Fire and NFIRS Heat Source Code 50; Explosives, Fireworks, other and 54; Fireworks, includes sparklers, paper caps, party poppers, and firecrackers. Wildland Fires with Fireworks reported as the Heat Source of the Ignition = All reported incidents that include the National Fire Incident Reporting System (NFIRS) Incident Type codes 140-143; Natural Vegetation Fires, 170-173; Cultivated Vegetation Crop Fires, and 561; Unauthorized Burning and and NFIRS Heat Source Code 50; Explosives, Fireworks, other and 54; Fireworks, includes sparklers, paper caps, party poppers, and firecrackers. The statistics come from the Office of the State Fire Marshal’s (OSFM) California All Incident Reporting System (CAIRS) data warehouse. Property and contents loss figures, if included herein, are estimates only. These emergency incident statistics, including injury and death counts, are based only upon information submitted to the OSFM by participating California fire departments. Please note that apparent variations in incident counts and associated losses shown in this report may be solely due to fluctuations in the amount of data submitted to the OSFM. And while the incoming data is validated according to logical data rules, individual data elements are not always verified for accuracy.