CENTRAL ANALYTICAL LABORATORY Report No. 6967 Date ..... ~g~S~. A~ -L~8 ..... Subject: IRDC 137-092 : FC- 95/Monkey Dept. Name Reque sCot: _ _ .~.w-.. Lo~.... Request No. A69507 Dated ~eport: Reference 137-087 by IRDC was a 90 day subacute Rhesus monkey toxicity study of FC-95. Incorrect (too high) feeding levels were used and all animals died within the first few days. The feeding levels were lowered and the study started again as 137-092. -The serum and livers were each individually submitted for analysis. Each group contained 4 .monkeys, 2 male and 2 female as follows: Group ~ II III IV Dosaqe Level 0 0.5 mg/kg/day 1.5 mgikg!d~y 4.5 mg/kg/day Survival 4/4 4/4 4/4 0/4 SERUM ANALYSIS Monkey Dosage Level FC-95 in Serum (ppm)~ Blank on Method - 2 7355M 0 40 7358M 0 20 7368F 0 15 7463M 7466F 7462M 7500F 0.5 mg/kg/day " 150 150 1.5 mg/k~day " 250 275 © Our newly developed pyrolysis method was used. Precision is estimated to be ±i0 - 25%. 3M MN02343995 1181.0001 ~.R.’#6967 - 2 - August 8, 1978 The high levels of FC-95 in the control serum cannot be explained. For example, 7355M was run on 2 different days with the same experimental results. Perhaps a total fluorine should be run on this sample to determine if this level of F is present. See Table below containing liver results for further discussion (Footnote 2). ¯ LIVER ANALYSIS Monkey Dosage Level 7355M 0 3000 50 7368F 0 1500~ 2~ 7463M 0.5 mg/kg/day " 7466F 7462M 1.5 mg/kg/day " 7500F 7484M 4.5 mg/kg/day 7502F " FC-95 in Liver(m~)~ FC-95 in Liver(ppm) 7000 i00 8000 I00 45000 650 40000 600 40000 650 80000 i000 The livers were stored in the refrigerator several months prior to analysis resulting in the separation of some liquid. The high values and physical size necessitates taking only partial livers in which case the same ratio (estimated visually) of solid to separated liquid was taken for analysis. In addition, recovery of FC-95 was estimated from experiments where FC-95 was added to a control liver. ~Because of a higher than expected value for the control, a 0.133 g liver sample was analyzed for total fluorine. The fluorine value calculated as FC-95 is equivalent to ii ppm FC-95 in the liver. As time permits, more work should be done to verify these "high" control levels. ~/ c:R.A. Prokop 236-3 3M MN02343996 1181.0002