7 ahead SHANNON L. BJORKLUND -- FAX dorm com June 14, 2018 VIA EMAIL Tony Webster tony@tonywebster,com Re: Data Practices Act Request to the City of Saint Anthony Dear Mr Webster. This letter Is in response to your Dala Practices Act request to the City 01 Saint Anthony. 5th concurrently with this letter is an FTA link that will provide you access to around 450 files Nearly 300 of these files are emails in the MM format, which we understand is not the format you request, but we are providing these since they are Immediately available and we assume you would like to receive data as quickly as possible, This production includes emails obtained lrom a manual review at emails that did not contain a keyword but are located in certain email subfolders that a custodian identified as potentially containing responsive data. As before. we are providing you with a spreadsheet With metadata for those emails. In addition to the emails, we are including non-email documents. including around 80 voicemails in way tormal, along with their corresponding emails from the voicemail system, and a number of text messages between Mark Casey and Jay Lindgren. Not public data has been redacted or Withheld pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 13 37, 13,393 and 13.43. We believe we have identified a procedure for providing emails to you in format in future productions and have already begun implementing that procedure. As Jay Lindgren and discussed With your counsel this aflernoon, we propose producing an initial set of emails using this procedure. to allow you to review and confirm that it meets your approval belore we review more data We also propose narroWing the search to the email box at Mark Casey, City Manager. As Mr. Lindgren intormed Mr Flaherty, we expect Mr. Casey's email contains nearly all. or at least the vast majority. of emails related to this topic, because Mr Casey instructed City staff to copy or forward to him all emails related to the Incident. We appreciate your consideration of this proposal. We anticipate the next production will have emails in the may tormat. sincerely, . Shannon L. Biorklund SLB'dbr cc Jay Lindgren. Esq City Attorney for the City of Saint Anthony Mark Casey. City Manager for the City of Saint Anthony Scott Flaheriy, Esd.. Counsel for Mr Webster ("@briggs com) Durseyswhitney LLP 50 South Sixth Street 1 suiteisoo i MinneapolisMN i 554024492 i i F-- i tiorseyrnm