5/22/2013 (57 one Knudson Lmkedln Ole Knudsen - 5rd cmnal AYK Penn's Nso V'ewed I Learn the 5m; me has Defense and Aerospaee Leader We ammo 5m: Naval Pongmduale smear cred-e an 'Hr - Delense and Aerospate leader Mm Ovbua' Armamem Systems Dmsrou Over 25 years 0! mmxavy and Deparlmenl a! Derense (DOD) and program managemem experleme Exxeuswe expenente developmg Innovative and eueewe sxraregres, and wmp'ememmg suttessm exemuon ohyst a, m. p'zus Io arwe rmprovea pvoduuwuy, grow my eesr programs, and \ezdmg \avge mgamzaunns Show re" A Experience Vree Preswdenl' preersren Weapens, Armament Systems Div Ovbua' ATK Narzuruvesem - MN mm mr Pmusmw Wax-nus sugmm' A. Avmamm' S,5xm\s 0mm us Army Mam General merireep us Army 43mm; Deputy nireem, Mrssile Derense Agenty Delense Ageuey 29 a: Mu'mAma and Hm'svmc AL Beams 4 ,remns Suwcd as new, me Barnum Agmq mm mr me maqu a? SSE/yam 'n'nn me new; o' me Dec BallmK ane Du'msu (was; We" (ompmmu :Img'nms 'n wands mean, wasn't (.1pr Us and ms rov'hc ngram Exec-me omeer Delense Ageuey ScpZeriu'ZmS -Zyvs" nos HuwstLAIJbamnArm . Messagmg [a 0 WE mp5 sown/MerknudsunraaSDaE126/ 5/22/2013 (57 one Knudson Lmkedln nee mm. Army mm". Exetulive oweer us Amy SanmUrSanmZ 41/51mn Nun'sme Alabama Arm Rnsanusxmc me sumssm o' snvun malnr Am, p'oqmms "mum: m'mr pragmms 1.1901me; I'm mm mm 2009 mm we cxntuunu 0' mar SlB/ymr pm/mc wusch mm dn'mswn AcJans sys'nms nfludu g'oum :mscd man g'cmsmu wmlus (oflmaud mnl'o', radav syslums ijetl Managen Camhal Ammumlmn Systems us Amy m2 mug um I was Plaumy mum, Rnsanusxmc me rm mc' sum, .mm mumunus :Img'nms mu mu a I'm my mumme us Amy omeer us Amy mvaawmuus -23yvs' no Nm-mn naum'xonl scam. Us Am, Show less A Education The United smes Naval Poslgrafluate Sthool Masxev Degvee, Memamml Engmeevmg 3914?: Nas'ur; Dng'cc Uniled States Mummy Academy at Wes! Paint Ezmemv Degvee, Engmeevmg II '9'5 7 La: Skas 81 Endorsements Program Management :9 0 [mm a, Dr Damn' Smumamuand ulhus [mm D'c's mHLDepartmenlolDefense '9 0 Kem Yodnmvand7umus at I mm by 9 a, muqu mum Fuvrmza and other: mm [mm a we; cha ucsal u: Am newsman" I 9 . Messagmg mp5 sown/MerknudsunraaSDaE126/ 6/22/2018 lz Slraugk Defense 9 lanning Governmenl 7 Syslems Engineering Opemional Planning 4 Change Managemenr 3 rinaneial Analysis I Qualily Assuranee I lnrelligenee 1 proiea planning Skills leadership 12 Organizalional leadership 2 cm Sles nelense convening 7 Accompl (57 Ole Knudsdn Llnkeflln Narianal Sammy Mililary l0 Miliurycpevalions a command 5 Srraregie Communkau'ons 4 lnlormalion Assurante 4 mien Managemenl 2 conuaa Managemenr 1 Earned Value Managemenr lnulligente Analysis 1 lean. leadership 9 Vererans Show less A lshmems 1 Organzalmn Assooauml el me Unlmd Sums Army Interests fl Linked In saw guidelines Mm llnkedln The unhed Slales Naval Poslgradu a 5:5 landing Missile uelense Agency a landing Unired Srales M'll'wary Academy ar 5155' idioms .isl our1e'v(ewer us Army ZQfinHom's Unired Slams M'll'wary Academy ar 49 use landing the uniled grales Naval 'au 'aanrUs Seize ,anlra mm . . Messaging FleeU me I Pumlum 3/4 512mm (57 Ole Knudsm Lmkeflln . Messagmg mups IMwwlInkedln