7/6/2018 Subscribe A Message from the Office of the Sakyong Past Issues Translate July 6, 2018 View this email in your browser THE OFFICE OF THE SAKYONG Last week, stories of misconduct within the Shambhala community involving the Sakyong were brought forward publicly.  In light of this, the Sakyong has decided to step back from his administrative and teaching responsibilities within Shambhala during the independent investigation of these allegations. He is also stepping down from his positions and responsibilities at Naropa University. The Sakyong fully supports a third-party investigation and wishes to provide the time and space for it to properly occur. He will use this time to enter a period of self-re ection. The Sakyong is planning to send you a personal communication next week. He and the Sakyong Wangmo wish for you to know that they are holding you in their hearts during this challenging time. Translation Note: We apologize that this letter is currently only available in English. Translations will be provided as soon as possible in as many languages as possible. Toutes nos excuses pour cette lettre uniquement en anglais pour l’instant. Une traduction en français sera disponible très bientôt. https://mailchi.mp/8d682456ff22/kalapa-council-quarterly-update-767297?e=08e912d1b6 1/2 7/6/2018 Subscribe A Message from the Office of the Sakyong Pedimos disculpas porque esta carta se encuentre sólo en inglés en este momento. Habrá una Past Issues Translate traducción disponible en breve. Ci scusiamo che questa lettera è per il momento solo in Inglese. La traduzione di questa lettera è imminente. No momento esta carta está só em inglês. Em breve a tradução estará disponível. Entschuldige bitte, dass dieses Brief diesmal nur auf Englisch erscheint. Eine Übersetzung dieses Briefes folgt in Kürze. "Przepraszamy, ta wiadomość jest obecnie dostępna jedynie w języku angielskim. Polskie tłumaczenie listu zostanie przesłane wkrótce." Omlouváme se, že tento dopis je zatím pouze anglicky. Překlad tohoto dopisu bude následovat. Перепрошуємо, що цей лист наразі тільки англійською мовою — попросіть знайомого допомогти вам з перекладом.   Copyright © 2018 Shambhala, All rights reserved. Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list https://mailchi.mp/8d682456ff22/kalapa-council-quarterly-update-767297?e=08e912d1b6 2/2