DECLARATION 0F 3 I swear under penalty of perjury that the following statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 1. My name is I was born on in Honduras. I have been detained at the Kames Family Detention Center in K231111233 City, Texas since February 8th, 2018. My child, born on a . .-, is detained with me. 2. Before coming to the United States, I lived in 7 Honduras, with my children. I made tortillas and sold them for shying. 3. I came to the United States to ?ee gang violence that included sexual assault. IMPACT OF IMMIGRANT DETENTION ON MY PREGNANCY 4. I believe I am two to three months pregnant. I am not sure how long I?ve been pregnant but I estimate I got pregnant when I was raped- 5. I learned I was pregnant here in Kames. When I arrived, they sent me and the other women to do medical exarnens. I did a urine test three times to test for pregnancy and it came out positive. The of?cials had me sit in a medical of?ce and a man entered. I believe he worked for GEO because he wore a white t?shirt like the other GEO of?cers. He entered and told me, ?you are pregnan 6. When I was told I was pregnant I felt sad and I cried. I was not planning to be pregnant. My pregnancy is the result of a man raping me, the reason why I left Honduras. 7. I have not received much treatment ??om the of?cials in Kames. After the GEO of?cer told me I was pregnant, he gave me a pink card that says ?diet for health,? that I have to wear on my identi?cation. They give me daily prenatal vitamins. Otherwise, the doctors have not given me anything. I don?t. know how many weeks pregnant I am. I do not know how the health of my baby is. I do not know it?s gender. I have not had an ultrasound. I have not been able to hear the heart beat of the baby I learned about my reproductive rights from the in this center and ?rm: the pro -bono attorneys who offer legal services here. 8. It is hard being pregnant and detained. I feel stressed due to the uncertainty of lmowing whether or not I?ll be released. I have pain in my lower back. I?ve developed welts from the clothing they?ve given me. It sticks to me and itches when I?m going to sleep. My pants are too tight and cause pain in my uterus. I have awful nightmares. It?s hard to sleep at night because I start thinking about what would happen if I am forced to return to my country. I think about the violence in Honduras and the man who raped me. It?s not easy being here and it would be different if I wasn?t detained because there wouldn?t be as much uncertainty about what might happen to me. 9. I?ve become depressed being here and ?nding out I was pregnant. Because it was unplanned, it made me think of my children I?ve left behind. I brought my three?year-old daughter with me and I?m afraid of how to provide for all of my children. Sometimes I don?t want to leave my room. I only want to sleep during the day. I also don?t want to talk to other people. If I do, I quietly observe instead of participating. I?ve gone to the a lot since I arrived here. She listens to me and gives me advice. When I feel stressed, she helps me a lot. She helped me calm down before and after my Credible Fear Interview. 10. I cannot work here. I put my name on the list of women who wanted to work at Kames to make some money. The of?cials never looked for me though or called me to work. Another woman detained here said that it?s probably due to my pregnancy because the job is to lift and carry heavy boxes. 11. I am not eating. I only eat ?lth and drink a little bit of milk because I don?t like the food here. Sometimes the peeple serving the food tell me I need to eat, because if not, the people sewing the food will get scolded. There are foods that I crave in the store, like popcorn and soda. I have not been able to eat them because my sponsor has not put money in my account and I cannot work here to make money. It?s hard because I crave these foods and my daughter also asks me to buy her snacks. 12. I do not think that it is good for my pregnancy to be detained. I want to leave this detention center. Soon. - a. I - v, ?sWeax wafer penalties ofpexjury fhat the above {facial-mien is true and complete tn the best ofmy abilities. ibis declaration was provided in Spanish, a language in which I am ?uent, anci was reaci back in me in Spanish. Name 3. Date I, 7 swear that I an: ?uent ?11 the English and Spanish Ianguagss and that I Item} the abave decimation in '11 Spanishnet: i Name 1a} 24:) :53, Date