UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA TVVlN CITIES Division of Environmental and Occupational Health School of Public Health Box 197 Mayo 420 Delaware Street S.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455 April 6, 1989 Larry R. Zobel, M.D. Staff Physician 3M Center Medical Department 220-2E-02 St. Paul, F~ 55144-1000 Dear Larry; Enclosed please find the tables containing the results of the comparison with the Minnesota population. As I mentioned on the telephone, these must be interpreted cautiously because of the uncertainty regarding the Minnesota rates prior to 1959. Deaths among the study cohort occurred in 41 states; therefore, the U.S. rates may be more appropriate. As you will see from the tables, the results are similar to those presented" previously which used the U.S. rates. The only consistent finding between the two comparisons is for prostatic cancer which we addressed in our initial report. For cancer of the digestive organs and peritoneum there was a statistical~y significant excess (SMR=176, 95% C.L.=I.09, 2.69) for the entire cohort. However, this was not found among the Clinical Division employees. Furthermore, no single site within the gastrointestinal tract was elevated suggesting that this was probably due to chance. Also worth noting is the fact that these are not sites typically associated with chemical exposures. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at 626-4810. ~ sI ncerely, J~S_. Mandel, Ph.D. ,~,~sociate Professor HEALTH SCIENCES Made Available by 3M for Inspection and Copying as Confidential Information: Subject to Protective Order In Palmer v. 3M, No. C2-04-6309 1357.0001 3MA00632313 ~ OALL CAUSES OF DEATII TADLE 5. JAIL I~LECI AIIT HEOPLASHS 2ALL IHFE£TIVE MID PARASITIC DISEASE 9ALL ~ERCULOS[S 160EM[ER OF B~CAL CAVITY AIID PIIARYI~ 0 23 100 OBSEItVED O.ZO 0,68 16.39 69.79 EXPECTED o.oo 0.00 1.~o 1.11 OBS/EXP o.oo 0.00 0.89 0.91 LL 18.~8 5.41 Z.ll 1.35 tJL 0.46 o.os Z.27 1.05 CIIISq 0 3 o 1 0.45 1.~0 0.71 0.~0 0.00 2.1~ o.oo Z.49 1.42 o.oo 0.00 0.~3 o.oo 0.03 O.~Z o.oo 8,23 6.25 5.16 13.83 ~.o9 7.05 0.20 0.01 0.86 0.06 O.oZ o.~8 o.oo 0,~4 13.68 8.Z3 0.01 0,00 2.50 0.48 0,00 0.3~ 28.7~ 0.00 0.27 1.07 0.07 Z,3Z 1.14 0 5.16 0.24 29.60 0.02 O.g6 0,91 0.00 13.8~ Z.20 O.O0 0.03 0.88 0.12 Z.~9 0 0 1 0 0 o 1 0.~5 0.SZ 0.0~ 0.87 0.02 0.~ O,26 0.~8 0.00 0.00 0,00 1.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 Z.61 .7~80 0.00 0.00 0.00 O,OZ O.OO 0.00 0,00 0.03 2.10 6.62 7.0~ 93.44 6.42 181.~6 6.91 14.08 14.55 1.9,~ 0.01 0.00 5.41 0.15 11.39 0.00 0.22 0.04 17,39 1 5 0 0.40 0 0.19 1 Z o o (COMPARED TO MINNESOTA DEATH RATES) OBSERVED AND EXPECTED DEATHS BY CAUSE, STANDARDIZED MORTALITY RATIO (SMR), 95 PERCENT CONFIDENCE LIMITS AND CHI SQUARE VALUES, MALES, CHEMICAL DIVISION ( 1925-APPRO~]HATE ) (1925-~]9~O_APPRO~[tlA I~gCAI~ER OF DIGESTIVE ORGANS ArID PERXTOIIEIJI! (1925-APPROXII.IATEI ]50CM~ER OF ESOPIIA~ (1925-p1930,19~5-APPROXZHATE) ]5]CMRER OF ST~-I~CII 170CAI~ER OF BOI E 172CAI~ER OF SKIt! !_6~ER OF PROSTATE 186CAI~ER OF TESTIS (OTIIER GEI ITAL ORGAI S-1925-~9) ]08CAI~ER OF BLADDER 192~-APPROXZ ~TE) 11950-1969 ONLY) ]89CAt~ER OF K/DNEY ! 1925-APPROXEHATE) 190¢At~ER OF EYE 11950-1969 OHLY) 19IM~ER OF BRAZt] AfJD OTIIER CEHTRAL fiERV~S SYSTEH 11925-APP~OXELIATE ) 19ICkiER OF TilYROID 11950-1969 OtlLY] (19~O-~19~5-APPRO~II. ATE) ~ ZOOLYIIPIIOSARC~A MID RETZCULOSARCOHA o ~ ZO IIODGKIII’S DISEASE o.1 1357.0002 20~LEI~EIIIA AIID ALEUKEIIIA (]950-1969 OHLY) IP[US ~SPECIFZED) LYIIPIIOPOZETIC CAtlCER 208CMICER OF OTIIER LYllPI ATIC TISSUE Z09ALL ZIOBEIIIG#I HEOPLASIIS ZqOALLERGIC ~EtiD~RItlE ~tlE~ABOLIC ~t~TRITIOtlAL DISEASES 250DI~BETES HELLITUS ( 1950-1969 OrlI.Y ) AIID PERSOHALITY DISORDERS (1950-1969 OrlLY) 280ALL DISEASES OF BLOOD AIID BLOOD-FORItIIIG ORGAI]S (IgZS-~lg]O_APPROXIIIAT ]IgI~I~AL~PSYCII~IEUROTIC~ ]20ALL DISEASES OF /IERVOUS 5YSTEII AHD SEIlSE ORGANS IHCLUD]I~ CIID (]92~-APPRO~IIIA/E) (1925-APPROX[HATE) ]90ALL DISEASES OF CIRCULATORY SYSTEH ]9]CIIR~IIC RIIE~IATIC IIEART DISEASE ~IO~RTERIOSCLEROTIC IIEART DISEASE~ {1925-=19]O_APPROXIHATE) ~5OALL VASCULAR LESIOIIS OF CNS ~60ALL RESPIRATORY DISEASES ( 1950-~ 1955 APPROXItIATE ) ~80ALL PIIE~I~IIA I 1925-tlg]O-APPROXIffATE ) ~gZEItPIIYSEIIA qg~ASTIIItA I ] 925- s 19]O-APPROXIHATE I 5ZOALL DISEASES OF DIGESTIVE SYSTEIf ~I]ALL GASTRIC ArID D~DEIIAL ULCER 5~]CIRRII~IS OF LIVER SKIP( MID CELLULAR TISSUE 580ALL DISEASES OF GEtiITO-URINARY SYSTEtl -682cIIgOtllC IIEPIIRITIS 709ALL DISEASES OF TIlE 739ALL DISEASES OF TIlE BOllES AND ORGAt S OF tlOVEIIENT "799SYIIPTOIIS,SEIlILITY~AI D ILL DEFII ED COHDITIOIIS DOOALL EXI"ERllAL CAUSES OF DEATII 801ALL ACCIDEIlTS TOTAL RESIDUAL 8]OI~OR VEIIICLE ACCIDEtlTS )>.~’~959SUICIDE 0 0 (.~ 3 72.88 2,89 96.73 3.21 1.86 3.71 4.74 0.~9 6.69 1.42 2.63 0.66 1.15 1. o~. 1.08 O. 9~ 0.Sq- Z.Z8 0.81 0.8~ 0.00 O. 90 2.11 0.00 0.32 0.26 0.92 O.Z1 0.88 0.19 0.01 0.03 0.16 0.23 0.00 0.33 Z.8~ 1.66 1.36 1.43 3,03 1.30 Z.73 3.00 ]2.68 2.36 2.16 7.50 1.95 6.15 1.40 0.05 0.16 0.90 1.55 0,05 OJ’,7 0.03 O.07 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.81 1.7~> 1 lOre 0.00 o~ 10.58 0.81 0.~0 0 7 8.68 0,97 1 7 3.09 11.45 O.q3 1.78 1.05 2.34 0.09 0.20 0 1.70 1.27 0.18 1.27 1.66 O. 10 1,12 0.00 ~.0~ Z.86 1 6,88 0.00 0.00 0.01 12 2.16 D.OO 0.00 0 z 0.91 0.00 0,6Z 1 3 0.1~ o.o1 1.18 0.37 O,Ol o 0.52 0.60 0.65 1.2~ 1.20 13.02 o 1.66 0.88 0.62 1.83 0.17 0.03 o ~2.17 0.89 0.83 1.57 0.00 1 3~,27 1.26 0.38 1.83 1 21,~2 0.83 0.01 0.00 0.92 0,13 27 10,86 -O.OZ 10.78 9 -6~,D8 0.03 1 1357.0003 .33 3.00 13 CANCER RESIDUAL (.1 . 5L I Made Available by 3M for Inspection and Copying as Confidential Information: Subject to Protective Order In Palmer v. 3M, No. 02-04-6309 3MA00632316 1357.0004