Talking Points Thank you for the opportunity to comment. I offer comments on 3 area: the conflict of Interest, World Health Organization’s Framework for Engagement with non-State Actors (FENSA) and Implementation of 69.9. Conflict of Interest • Nestlé believes that partnership with business is critical for achieving Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals. We appreciate the intent to develop an approach to the management of Conflicts of Interest (COI) that is consistent with the WHO Framework for Engagement with non-State Actors (FENSA). • Ultimately, though it is up to sovereign Member States to decide who to engage with and on what terms. Member States are in the best position to make individual assessments, based on national context and domestic law, as to what engagements are both appropriate and in the best interests of their respective countries FENSA • We strongly support the implementation of the Framework of Engagement with non-State Actors (FENSA) in a way that enables partnerships, while protecting the integrity of the WHO. • While reasonable steps to avoid conflicts of interests should be taken, FENSA should not be an obstacle to constructive collaboration where non-State Actors can make a meaningful contribution to public health objectives. FENSA • We strongly support the implementation of the Framework of Engagement with non-State Actors (FENSA) in a way that enables partnerships, while protecting the integrity of the WHO. • While reasonable steps to avoid conflicts of interests should be taken, FENSA should not be an obstacle to constructive collaboration where non-State Actors can make a meaningful contribution to public health objectives. Implementation of 69.9 • We remain concerned about the Guidance and its recommendations. • The focus should be on the outcome, i.e. improving the nutrition status in countries. • We believe that to significantly increase breastfeeding rates and promote healthy diets, the Guidance when implemented by Member States should consider other important measures other than simply recommending additional restrictions on the promotion of commercial baby food.