FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1402256-0 Total Deleted Page(s) 2 7 Page 9 Referral/Direct; Page 10 Referral/Direct; Page 11 Referral/Direct; Page 12 Referral/Direct; Page 13 Referral/Direct; Page 14 Referral/Direct; Page 15 Referral/Direct; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page FROM the by of 123 SUBJECT: .1914; 3331} no.? the Department of State failed to reflect any record of this investigatio i. ~2006 53m 3 f: k? m? i 06 Memorandum . UNITED Bureau file #123-2118 contained additional information indicating that an investigation of applicant for the position of clerk was initiated on August 26,19118, the Department of State, and that the report of this investigation is, utained in the Security and Investigation Division De tment of Sta . JR 1 91949 manome, var DATE: March 21,19h9 9 . OFFICE K61 9033mm}: was, ak ff Doreen Mahe nglis Mr Dale Wgaaher, Mrs. pox-cm?mglis Maher, Mrs. John Mac Kenzi 1 STATE DEPARTWJ Public Law 1102, 80th Congress (VOICE or MERICA) GUY HOTTEL, SAC, WASHING A Civil Service Commission Supplemental Report, dated February 11;, .nb d. A check of the files of the Security and Investigation Division; Em, a? 63' $3 123-2118 1? Date: apmber m, 1948 mammon FIELD ?a From: Edgar Hoover, Director 2" Ewe?: mm SPECIAL INQUIRY - STATE mm Public LEI 402, 80th congress (VOICE .OF You are requested to conduct a thorough. discreet investigation con- cerning the character, reputation ?aha "ldya?lty 13f the .abave?jnamed individual) it will be necessary to furnish leads to ,auxili?azy offi?cea by ?te'letype. but te?lmype summaries to the Bureau are not desired. fl?he original and two copiies of the re: ports are required. Instructions contained in Bureau Bdll?et?in .No. 22. Series 1948. dated April ?10. 1948. should ?be follpwed :in tonauct'ing this investigation. This case .is .to be assigned immediately am} reports "of the completed investigatibn must 'be submitted Air Mail, Special Delivery, where :pz?qper., to mg: the mm? by goctober 12, 1943. {Wag lid/o Riggs National Bank, ?Ph Aveo, ?mhington, D. G. ?rth?? tax ?lurch 8, 1915 3mm ?ckanzia Babertnon, daughter, .c/o Riggs National Bahk, metdng BO 3. Includs in your report a ahtanent that the 31mm: advised you that a search of the central files or the FBI has been under and no mfomtitn or a. derogatory nature eon be identified with applicant, was found. CAT o~s SECTIUN I week 036 homage? menmnivi?on of urS?Pa??S Wt??t: .on, State nepartment, has tile on this Susan at u. 8- amar-Wm - ?35 I SAG, WASHINGTON FIELD genomes Relatives: lots. Jeanne Chapman, cistern-lav, 2260271111 St? Slate Ibnice, Gulif. KANSAS Relatives: mural Haber, brother-in-lu, Irving Fiche]. 000, Kansas City, meson-i. mine?. Ibo Kansas City Office will interview Mr. Hem-d usher i?or personal history data on applicant, including education, wring?, employment and places at residence in this country. germane It will be noted that applicant does not indicate any place of residence in the United States. All offices "are instructed to attempt to determine any U. B. residence. Applicant indicates she was with her husband at the U. S. ?lagation in Switzerland from 191.1 to 3945. Fill conduct mighborhood imree tiget'ione in those localities '?zere the applicant has been known to reside to determine the loyalty, character, and reputation of the applicant. Detemine reputation and stamina in community of Mediate relatiVee through such sources as credit agencies, law enforcement agencies, informants, etc. Cover all leads applicable to your territory appearing on p?hotoetetic copies of the iatteched application. col. lee Aegeles (?31313) 1..) Kansas City (A1313) Baltimore (SD) (ENG . (N. .3 33-1319 ?7}-1Aw; Adfireaa: . - Birthdates i; b7E . ?iz-M?g?u Wad Hula? 206 3 67 "\nO 1 3 him/"b . Subj .WW. Addre as Birthdate SUPV: Misc: - {Searcher 3 5 Initial J5 FILE NUMBER l?737?2/ NR #90 was?. 2 b3 I 1073 Mr" 7642:2947?1- 9/4773; ?2-way ?9 5707w2/La? ?23 22mm (1.722%22m2 E?am?m?m aw; 53? w: Wmum mix: 02: mm mm.- i I uk.21? J. ?2 - A ?Efr123-200 'annevi ?new .g an}? . 3.1Li:43DIREGTOB SAC 3303332: mm; NLAHER, VOA. ?=me DALE w..mm~1. a ESHINGTON AND LOS ANGELES FROM WASH FIELD I J, ROUTEIIE REFERENCE HOWARD 22mm AT :rwo SAN LEANDRG CAEIF. ARE DCREEN ENGLISH, 5 ADDITIONAL KANES FOR 13.. MACKENZIE ROBERESON AND 10*lp-1I8 3 .- 2. AND FROM IASI VQAI m:o DASH OIE DASH IITI OII AS AND II IIRI ow: AI Iro IAUGII I. ST NYC. ADDITIONAL IAIIS E03 IRS. JQII MACKENZIE ICE AT Is BERN, LII DASH FORTXFIVE AND AT US OF I AFRICA TO JUII .IIDID OCTOBER FORTXEIGHTI . I . - IOTIIL 125~2006 2 '1 WI IECURDHI 75 ,5 Mm? {mm a ?any! ?.43 mm @5wa~ a 1 1 j. 10-8-1143 "i WASHINGTON MID 1mm EORK man FIELD 8 "7 -: v?mcwoa AND SAC 9011mm MAR mam VOA. mm mm 11335.3 DASH TWO 01:3 ONE ?mi EIGHT. ADDITIGNAL NAME FOR APPLICANT :I's 30331531 may ENGLISH. CHECK AT TWO FIVE w. we, FOR ow: RECORD ON APEIJI mm. NO 3130031: WASH. BUDED ocw. TWELVE F0 3323113359. 30mm momma 4% 1254006213 . ?14 4. 3:3 ?ib ?9 123-1398 0 1301mm MARY VAHER, VGA. OCTOBER FOURTH LAST. mm mm, max ?fe/I scram 7, 11943 max-{mom mm mm; own two mam-mm 0N3 our: ?122mm". .mam RECORDS Am: cannon SECTION, 3mm 1mm, maximum, 12.1: 0 ram: DI {mm M) mm: .01: EL moons man mm NED AT FIFTY FIFTY SEVENTH ST., NYC, FOR APPLICANT, mum LAME ABOVE OR MRS. JOIN MC ROBERTSON. EILE RLPORTEDLY .SERVIKTE K, ff. ?31 I I a FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FormN?o 1 BUREAU 'Kc FILE no. 1234146 nerom mm? but: amen MADE 3%ng ,Rn'o??r MADE: BY mums om, mssoun: 710411-48 was E. mm m. mama State Depto, Public LEI 402, 80th some? (VOICE CF MEIER) Unable to locate applicant's brother-index Hm MAI-12R in Greater Kansas City. 7. am - WEE: Bureau letter to lashingten Field dated 9-28-48. ETHLS: it ?Kansas Missouri I Raterencea letter requested that 30mm MR, Irving Piohel Compaq, Kansas City, llissouri, a. brother-in-hw or the ?sp- plicant be interviewed. 'City Directories for Kansas City, masonri and. Kansas City, Kansas, and Independence, i?nsouri, as well as the Greater Kansas City telephone directory avers checked for names HOMRD nuns and all logical spellings and variations of Irving Pichsl Company. No 'such person ?or compegy was Inflected. 67' rd No record of MR or 'Irvin?g Pichel Comparw was on file at th c?editrsuresu of Greater Kansas City. DO NOT WRITE IN EH .: I 5 ?gm'd in 23234, FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION .?Form No.1. . cAseomemA?reo ar WU nus: yo. 1123-351 REPORT DATE WHEN mu: FOR MADE: 31' . WHICH MAD: ms Angeies '10/8j48 4 {slaves w. YATES were are CHARACTER OF - SPECIAL INQUIRY - STATE . .Public Law 402. 80th Congress MARY 143333 A (VOICE or AMERICA) mots: Reference HOWARD ELTIHG. JR. . interviewed - favorable. No unfavorable information obtained ?on applicant' 5 sister-ain- ?1aw.. Mre- MERE EEAPMAF. RUG REFEREEWE: Bureau 1? 1-10 125-;21185 . Bureau letter to Washington Eield, September 28, 1948.. Washington new te?le?type to Lee ?Mgeles, October 5,1948. DETAILS: Reference ?05531) ELTJIHG 232 San Leandro Santa aueusror. A when he met her in Switzerland through mutual friends. She visited a number of times in his 'home and he found her to be "very intelligent "and to have a very pleasing personality. He is eure she is :oppoeea to *COmmunism and ?holds no allegiance ?to any country ether than the ?United. states. He considers her character above reproach and. knows of no ?bad gersona?l habits that she he's. :33 stated that he would recommend her for a pesition of trust. Ar sum maiden. gainromxg: i3?? The following investigation was conducted by SA a. . Street. Santa Monica. California. :15 a housewife and her hus'ban'd is employee by the Douglas Aircraft Company, Santa. Monica. California. Barbara. California, interviewed at the home of his sister- ?at Los Angeles. EWING advised. that .he has known Mrs. .MAEER ?since about 1942, .L Ehe applicant's sister-index. ?rst 3mm CHAPM 2266-27th 24' ?emf/fat? "t a gime?f E5 Meme Wt?w?mte 4? ., q? we Lg; Bureau .AHSD *3 ?2 - Dos Angelee dipplume mm! 7?2203: 4 LA 123-361 3. F. Chief of Investigation. Douglas Aircraft Company: advised that he is personally acquainted with JAMES husband of numb CHAPMAN, ,who has been {associated with 'Douglas for many years as a painter fore- man. "He and. his wife are blown to be reliable and respectable citizens. There is no question .of their loyalty or integrity" in the community. Ehe Santa Monica Credit Association irecoras re?ect that ?hm-rend Mrs. CHAPMAN have a favorable credit rating in Santa. Monica. no criminal record ?was located for either ?Mr. or Mrs. 3mm: ?at the santa Monica Police Department. 105 Angeles :Police Department, .or ?the Los ?Angeles County Sheriff's Office. UPON COMPLETION ?20 OFRICE 0F ORIGIN VOA. NO 800538! AT STATE m. RECORD STATE mm. mm WE ENGLISH. SERVICE 83011011 AND ASK FOR STORAGE BUDED OCTOBER mm ?Max co. aux-nu (123-2118) 3455:1411: 123-1398 ?1 NEW 13, 1948 WASHINGTON FIELD - MGM. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION 4? MNO-1 I I THIs use: ometmmo . Ell-E NO- 123?251 REPORT MADE DATE WHEN MADE PERIOD FOR MADE BY WHICH MAD: BALTIMORE, IARXIAND 10-11?23. 410/53,, 8/48 EDGAR s. aousenomea mom 3TH: . I, . I swam. -- same ?e?emme Dome?: 4sz ?am . PIiblic Law 402, seen Congress (310.1203 '03 magma) NT REFERENCE: - Bureau File 2123-2138 FACTS: General THOMS HOLCOMB, reference, advised ?applicant. ?Wa$ Englis'h by birth and a member .of "the intema?tioml eel: ?by residence, having 'vieited the United Dtates 0:in brie?y. Applicant's husbena, member of the legat'ion "Ea 'at the Union of ?oeth Africa, comitte'd suicide :in June, 1928. ?No: eflection on applicant?. .HOBCOMB Woula not gmrantbee gamma-AW ?7 lqyalty of applicant 'on his limited acquain- tance and in View :of the amlieantw back: ground. 3 A - Bureau latte: dated September 23, 1948, etc ?Dos .Angeles, Xaneas City ?and Baltimore. LE DETAILS: At St. Imys, .Mazyland heperafl "moms 3101;001:123, sfpmer gutted States Minister to the Union of South ?Aifri?ce, advised that he .had known the applicant about a year, 3 gram 194? when her husband became his First Assistant at. the .Iegation at Capetown, Union of South Africa. stated that. the applicant '3 husband had committee suicide in June, 1948, 'but that this ?suicide 31163.net re- fleet. on the applicant.. He \stated $113.1: the suicide was brought or; overwork an?l personal NOT In": In: THESE: SPACES con?m REPORT \3 . .212 275ft: I Rehab a 2533-3112331: ?a 9? 2 - Baltimore 2 ?3 dl\\ 19%? i if 'u I, ?mm ml" 7""m3L mime-251 worries. Regarding the applicant advised that he believed she was English 'by birth and had been in 'Fmrroe at the entbreak of World ?war .II :and had escaped to Switzerland where sheazmet her "husband. jerther advised that in View of the applicant '5 backgromd end his brief acquaintance with her he come net guarantee her leyalty and could not recommend her for a position thick: might entail the handling .of co'nfidential matter. He advised that to his heeleage the applicant had never resiaed in the "United States, having visited mly brie?y and at present he believes she is staying with member of the btate Depart? ment whcee name he would not recall. M, 5:53:52? '71; Mums?w? age r5253; $39 :12 ,fw msom. AND WI. 3, Novaabor 9, 191:8 3an MESSENGER r? in Jack D. m, Aucoiate Ohio! Divider: of Security Dorm-taunt or State 515 223d Street, N. W. Washington, D. o. 0 WEEK NARI mm 5?.an INQUIRY- STATE hblio 1m: 1602, 80th Gong-ass (VCEGE (F M105) Elmore are tron-titted hon-?1th the following reports covering tho completed investigation required under "Public In 1:02, of the 80th commoner: the above-named porno: 4 Report of Special Amt John nos-man tinted Member 1, 19h8 at lashingtoo, D. 0. Report of Spooial Agent Big-r 3. ?muholdor dated October .11, 191:8 It Balthm, Report of Special Agent I. Yates new dated October 8, 19% it In: Angolan, 03111. Roport 0: Spoon]. Agent Jones Hathaway Hated October ?11, 3.91:8 at Kansas City, Nissan-1. unclean-iv 7/ {1 ff i- ?a 123-42118; 1? ff pi) 4? LJRzimc/ .4 3: .wwiEE?AEd-?wrum .6 LATEUMJ tibim-H.? ?9 4" m? sun?w 3: noes. . ET .4, I 3 s?w??g?g 973/4721?? of igg a ig?it?iu?hf.? 2:83? whiff NOV 4. mm @155: ii i I I I I . O?ice Memomndum . UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Director, DATE: November 5, 19468 i 1 FR {j sec, New n53 SUBJECT: DOREEN MARY MAKER- SPECIAL INQUIRY - STATE DEPARIMENT Public Law 402, 80th Congress (VOICE OF AMERICA) Bureau File 123-2118 Rebulet to Washington Field office, cc New York?s Which refers Bulet of September 28, 1948. This is to advise that the Bureau letter of September 28, 1948 was not received at this office and that this case was considered RUG by our teletype to Washington Field dated October 13 last with carbon copy designated for the Bureau. Unless advised to the contrary it will be presumed that no further investigative work remains to be performed by?this division. i 123-4398T353, . 0V: illutgi??w 2r; 135 191;?! 1349? . ta! I ?flaiu?: I 9? FEDERAL BUREAU OF IN f7 1 351?. Tune cAse omenmrao A1- BUREAU nu: No. 123-2006 AT 1 '?groga 0/5, REPORT moan? no? 711-1-L8 6, 71?; 12, [he JOHN some: A66 TITLE gush came-renown: SPECIAL ENQUIRY 33m. 5mg rublic ?aw ?02, 80th Congress (VOICE 0? Lemma Mrs. 33119. W. daher, 3&5. Doreen ?11in93 Mrs. John Ma IKenz'ie ob?ertson :13 DOREEN aka Doreen Mather: References moms ?ana . NEH recommend MAKER. Social acquaintances ms. R. 33. REAMS ana MR. and MRS. L. P. LEI recommend reverie!) . Neighborhood investigation we gavel-able. reviewed and contains nothing derogatory. Passport records reviewed nothing derogatory. Employment sat Gar?inckel Department Store ,August '23, 19% to preaen't. verified. Nothing derogatory. Supervisors recommend favora'oiy. Nothing derogatory FBI Central ?Files re loyalty. ?No record have, Metropolitan ?Poli'ce Dopartment, Vlaeh- ?imgton Credi; Mean, Stone's ?Mercantile Agency, 3&1 DivisiOn of State Department, :or 050. ESYNOPSIS OFF Sureau ?le ?No. 1-23-2118. alreau flatter ?ated Septen?mr 28, 191:8. 3 13.20. The :aaditionail names of M13. JOHN MAC KENZIE DOREEN ENGLISH, and MRS. DALE 3mm, .as reflected in the files of the immigration and Naturalization Service, and M15. DOREEN ENGLISH mm, as found "in 'records. ?of .. GariinckelTs Department Store, are being ?added 'to the title. 1r 150 NOT want IN THESESPAQES v" ?corms or?mts 3:90:21); a? nix/M . 1.0. M: 325'! ?e ?If? Q: ?3 BureauWasgington F?ie f" i . ll~75 3?15 1?23 than m" i sin}! 3454;: .l I- I. mm Orm?q ital-2034 WFO #1234006 REFERENCES MISS GIORTA IOOMIS, 21430 Street, Northwest, stated that she has known the applicant about four years. MISS stated the applicant came to the United States in the summer of 19115 She advised MRS. MAKER had a good character and reputation and ?was loyal to the United States. MISS Looms fur- ther advised MRS. MHER Knew Fax-ope and the European people very well and would be an excellent and trustworthy employee. -F 133.. J. P. Assistant to the Executive Secretary of State, Armor, Navy) and Air Forces Coordinating committee, stated he has known the applicant about two years. He advised that the applicant had been in the ?french underground during part of the war and had gone to Switzerland, where she had been employed by the office of .War Information, and met her husband, DALE W. MARE, a State Department employee. MR. stated that MARE cormitted suicide because of poor health in the comer of in ?Victoria, Union of South Africa, where he had been First Secretary of the United States Legation. He advised that he considered IRS. to have a good reputation, character, and to be loyal to the ?(hated States. SOCIAL ACQUHNTANCES MRS. R. B. REHAB, 11119 Heirilock Street Northwest, ?stated she has a . known the apolicant about three years. She stated MRS. MAHER had a good repu- tation and character and was loyal to the United States. She advised the applicant had resided With her about awoek in 19145-5116 further ?advised that the applicant's daughter, WENDY, was how attending the National cathedral School for Girls. MRS. EL. GODLEY, 3017 Street, NorthWest, stated she had known the applicant approximately four year's. and considered her to be a woman of good character and reputation and loyal to the United States. MRS. MAKER resided in MRS. GODLEI ?5 home for about three .weeks when she first arrived in this country? MRS. .001)me advised that the applicant had arrived in this country in late 19115, manied DALE MHER, became a naturalized citizen, and left . about February of 19% for the Union of South Africa ?to join her husband at his new station there. She stated that BEES. TIIAHER had returned to the United States about August of l9h8. . . ?estern European Division, State Hepartment, stated A Po that he has known HRS. six years. He Stated she had a good character, '1 United States. reputation, and ?was 105? ;j 1-2; 7M1) #1234006 MRS. A. .M. RICHARDSON, Clerk, 311661 Crescent Place, stated they had no record the applicant's residence there, but she remembered that MRS. MAM and her husband had lived ?there a few months ?late $212195 and early 19116. She stated that no guest there new meld remember the applicant. 'She stated that to her lkrro?ledge, MRS. MEIER had a good 'eharacter and reputation, and was :a loyal? Merit-an citizen. She further advised that the tapfilitant went "to the Unien of South Africa ?when she '1e1?t*this address. At the iTa?eard 31m}, 1739 IE. '18. Manager, produced records ?hich reflected the applicant resided there from August 3.7., 19148 to Septemwr h, Il9b8; MARIE 3061:3113, owner ?of the inn, stated that the had the applicant Jim:- about a month and .co'nsidered "her to be ?of good character-and reputatien. MR. B. BROOKS, Assistant Cashier, iRiggs INa?tional Batik, advised ms. were was now residing at 163h-3hth Street, NorthWest. - MRS. R. GALLUM, 1650-311?th "Street, '?erthwest, stated that :the appli- cant had. ?ust moved into ?the neighborhood about 'two weeks ago ?and that no one ?in ?the neighborhood would know her. At the Willard .Hotel, ?lhth end Avenue, Northwest, MRS. ?Clerk, produced :recerde Yhich reflected the applicant had resided there ?from August 12 ?to August .17, 191:8. i Imemnou SERVICE A?t the Immigration and Naturalization Service Office at 19th and East :Capito?l Streets, the records concerning the applicant were preduced and reflected the renewing :in'fo?matien: She resided in London, -mland until ?1930; from I930 to .1932 in Bruges, Belgium; 1932 .to 3.938 :in 'Iondoh, "England; December 1938 to June 19140 ?in Mentone, 3Ezrezace; 191:0 to ?19h? in Nice, Monte Carlo; Neverdber 19112 to May 19113 in Geneva, Switzerland; 191;}. to date (19143) in "Bern, Sedtzerland. These records reflected that the applicant's daughter, ANN MAC KENZIE ROBERTSON, was ?born'June ?15, 1933. MRS. MAEER listed her ioce?ueatien as Writer and stated that she speaks, reads, and writes English and french and some Italian. :She arrived in the .United States October 1916 at tax. ?in? #1'23-2006 . New Kerk City and was married October ?213, 19115 ?to DALE W. mm, a member of the Mexican Foreign Service. She was naturalized :December 17:, 19115 at Wash- .ington, 13,0. Naturalization Certificate #6372765. A certified copy of the birth certificate records the birth of DOROTHY rm on March .1911; at. Smaliburg, Norfolk County, England. On her alien registration form, MRS. HAHEE lists her ?birthdate as ?Mareh ~1916 at Norfolk County, Emgland. Her petition of nat?r?ieation lists her 'birthdate as March 8, 1915. . 1 .3 It the rtfinckel ?pepartment Store, and ?Streets, Northwest, recond?oduced MRS. B. CECIL, Personnel Glerk, reflected mat MRS. Em, 3-739 Street, Northwest, was employea there on August 23, .1953 as a Ba?ieswoman. This record shows her social security number as .577-h2-h9hh. MRS. H. E. GEHRING, Fashion Goorrdina?tor of Ethe applicant's super- visor at Barfinckel ts Department Store, stated that she has 'imown the appli- oant :a couple of monihs and ?to her knowledge, .she has a good character, reputa- tion, and is loyal to the United States. PW, Floor Manager, Gar?ncke?l ls Department Store, has also .lmom theapplicant about two months and stated ?she had a good character, reputation, and was =very satisfaetory .during her employ. MRS. T. E. ANDERSON, assistant Barker at "the same store, has known the applicant about 'two months and stated that she was very pleased with .her work and "stated she was pleasant and cooperative. "The files of the PassPort Division, Department of State, reflect that Diplomatic Passport #703 was issued on December 19145 to DOREEN MY ram, born March 8, 1915 at Smallburg, Norfolk, England, for travel to South Africa for the purpose of joining ,her ?husband. The applicant stated ?in ?her passport application that she emigrated .to the ?United States on October 9, 1915 and was .naturali 2336 .at. von becember 3.8, 19113 antler certificate of Naturalization #6373765. She further stated that she was last married on October 15, 191:5 :to DAIIE WILEORD m, "who was born at Norman, Oklahoma on April 16, 189? and who was employed :at the American Enbasey at. "Lima, Rem. The applicant was previously married :to JOHN ROBERTSON WFO #1234006 4 .and her maiden name "is indicated as DOREEN MARY ENGLISH. This pasepor?t in- cluded the agplicant?s minor child, WENDY A. MAC KENZIE ROBERTSON, who was born at fLondon, migland on June 15, 1933. This passport was amended at Johannesburg, Union 10f South A?rica on July 12, 1911.8 to excluae the applicant' 5 minor child. 1 i No iierogatory information was indicgtea in mesa ?records. The files of the folloWing agencies were checked and have no in- formtion concerning the applicant: Central Intelligence Agency, 301159 Committee on ?UneAmerican Activities, Metropolitan gPolice Department, Washington Creait Bureau, Stone '3 Mercantile Agency, State Department Security and Investigations Division, and the Civil Service Conmission. The Bureau has advisea that a search has been made of the Central ?files of the FBI and no it??orzmtion of: a derogatory nature com erning loyalty which could be identified with the applicant was found. ?There was no record of ;the applicant's daughter at the ?redit Bureau, Washington, 33.0. or Stone's Mercantile Agency. There was no record of the applicant's daughter at the Metropolitan Tolice Department. REFERRED UPON COMPLETION TO THE OFFICE OF ORIGIN A .. a I . 1 WFO #123-2006 ADMINISTRATIVE Reference HOWARD K. was in South America on an 'inepection tour and was not available for interview. In an effort to locate the State Department Security and Investiga- Zt?i'ons file and the Office of "War Information file on the applicant, the follovring persons were contacted, but could find no file ?on MRS. MAW: MISS A. GREEN, Clerk, National Archives; MISS J. "Personnel 'Records Section, State De- Pal'tment, Walker?Johnson Building?; m. ROBERT STHFORD, Foreign Service Records ?(and Control Section, State Department. :I?ele type :to alreau and Los ,Angeles (dated October 5, to inter- view reference HOWARD ELTING at his home at Santa Barbara. .Tel?etype to Bureau an? ?New York: dated "October 14, l9h8 to check Office of War Inform tion records on applicant. Teletype to Bin-eat). and New York dated October 8, 19113 to check Office of War information records under additional name for applicant. Warn)?? I a? -u a. l/?Jf?fgl/ [1531?? {5:3 3 {3th . i a