and Pamprotossionagrssi?ed Evaluation Form Wuhan oars NIKE Aiben EVALIJATDH Hui: 0mm Romano McManus Sodom! Educadon WW PERM 60va u-n [Jamar Rm Two or: 9mm Front: Samarium. To: Jma 26.2331? 5' 25" AW C3 ?4de 2016 Ming Mmdom: State the ratings tundra Wis in More 3. 2 or i) in oocordmoo with the hotow de?ower?. ammonia on a: mirage are dnoouragdd For ammonia nah speci?c oxarnpias are requirod. RATINGQ Lu ambienthr and iroquomiy exceeds swarms Panamanian in am mom would he owns 4 ?11chth Ming the Wat's education andior m?snoo ionE. are oftnn signi?cant and hwand tho scope a? WI: mommy roadie annotations. Portoimanoo is as expected andaomodmao bayonet ommtadom mooring tho .3 Strong intividuai's emanation ransom ions. nay-today performance is oumistont and tho WM can mark irrdanendentiy with an appropriate admit of mtvioion. ?71? (imam mom Ody the Mm remnants. Panamanian Es merry satisfactory, out our be trimmed through 2 S3?sfno?tory pmtos?ooaibdovahpm and woodman Endividnaio require more supervision oomidering their odtmtion mtdor 3? nxporionca vol .1 ?uoridation! Gomistentiy indn to meat emitom. Portonnanoo in hoiow ronmnotiio mom tortho position comment-rs his . 2% . . oducatian andfor expsnamd raid. Emmi and substantial momma: is masonry. om: par faith or; ditto W1: 4.: ymir?in oz' dined . Eunitrator: Raid did Woyndd for did ontird . amt: compotomy Provide spw'?c of ovidonod that duppcirt Ehd rating. Promo rotor to the and Parapmiodniomd armada EVEMEW Cmpatohoy Rondo Edr more Momino about tuna/1 to tank in: at onion rating We: and to maid: in womanly on appropriate m?r?iordooh co__r_:orancy - - - - - - Exodiidrit 8min Satisfaoto Unsatisiaoto root: irdd innotionaiiteohhiodi knowioogd ad defined in individual job descriptions and wk to fro his/horth at a high towel of Bamonotrdtoa dotivo intdrost and ability to acquire dim indndidlis r. . ..- Athert fails to accomplish essential functions of idh. Data ooilootion Es a critical aspoot (if Aibert?s position The Spocial Education teacher, Occupationat Therapist and Physical Therapist ati hdvo talkod with Adam about the exorcism that Albert' is asked to do with the student and tho IEP goats that they havo asked him to (progress and commotion of oach examiselactivity) Assistant Principe! sent by email to Abort on March 19 2017 *Aitor our meeting, canto to my attention that you hairs not collected data regarding IEP goals since February 15 2017 March 15 2017 Assistant Principal mat with Albert to rota-1y that students are rooming he is ?too rough? with the student he is assigned to. This information was aldo son! to Athert on March 19 by email. Ai'bdrt is often late so unable to groet student at cu rbsido and help FERPA February 17?, fate and two other staff members had to bring to the ciassroom from onrboido. Unreiiahlo data ooliection and of PTIOT work atom. 4.15! 17 Assistant Principal checked on his data collection and he had not Endowed that he had done tho required exorcism and stretched with the student stood 312911? and Siam? raspoctivoty Albert does not attend to tho moods of his student Akron oat En the hack of the room ooioring rather than homing otudorrt with the: project rewiring find motor skids Hid studgnt was the only one who cad not oomploto Page 1 of 8 SAEOP and Perep?lcssionsl Evaluation Forrn - 2013 the was. The class transitioned to Social Studies and Albert still was sitting at the book of the class coloring not attending to his student. ..4 swimmers?or man r. are": 1' ?2133;21:- 2 4:13" Excellent Strong [j Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 1 Holds set answerable for reassemble or observable quality endier, timeliness end/or effective rosette; toltows - through on obiectives; accepts responsibility for mistakes; compiles with applicable and adopted SP3 policies. . Presents high level oi protessroneilsm inell assets of the ob. end delegates work - Albert is not reliable end he requires significant supervisor: to complete assigned work He does not lotion District pebbles by coming to work with an odor of alcohol 4.14117 Staff noted an odor of aicohoi but within 1 0 minutes the odor had changed to one of coffee and creamer. $30116 and 1271 5'16 it has been documented that Albert reported to work with the odor of alcohol so pervasive that he was asked to go home. Although two separate staff members reported the odor of alcohol emanating from Amen on on March 2, 2017 the principal and assistant principal did not email an alcohol odor. Despite the creation of 3 spectra break and lunch schedule for Aibert he teeves the classroom for no apparent reason and without communicating with the classroom teacher. 4/4117 Albert told the classroom teacher he was not going to take any breaks in the morning to account for lie ionger lunch. He left the classroom 3 or it different times (all test for coffee, bathroom. smoke breaks - back within 10 minutes). Attendance has been or ongoing concern throughout the school year. There have been multiple conversations and letters documenting this concern As oi December 15 2013 Albert has been absent 13 out of the ?rst 65 days of school This is nearly 20% of the timeyou have been scheduled work. As of today?s date there have 1 been 13 absences. Letter of Warning, December 15, 2017 Docmnented Oral Wanting January 30, 2017 Written Reprimend March 3. 2017 Below are some of the documented days and ?mes of being late. January 19, 2017 arrived at 10:30. January .23, 2017 arrived 1:45. He said that he was unable to get to work because buses were full because of a light rail accident. January 26, 201? arrived 9:10. Albert said he was running late beoesuse his olother were in the dryer. January 27. 2017 arrived 7:40.. Assistant Principal reminded him his start time is 7:25 and he needs to check in the classroom teacher. February 3. 2617 arrived 7:45 February 17, 2017 lets two bitter staff members had to greet student at curbside end bring into the classroom. Week of Merch 27- March 31 late and did not arrive to check in with classroom teacher. Arrival varied between 7:49 and 7:45. Week cs April 3- Aprll 6 late and did not arrive to check in with classroom teacher at 7:25. Arrival varied between 7:40 and 7:45. Arrival currently tends to be at curbside but not checking in with classroom teacher. March 3, 2017 Albert are! with and Assistant Principal regarding attendmoe. Attendance continues to be an issue. Notification was given that if there was another unencused absence e. 3 day suspension without pay would reset and with another unexcused absence it would result in termination. Letter was sent by email and a herd copy March 3, 2017. March 22, 2017 Early Release, Professional Development day. Albert left the building early about i230 without with the Principal or Assistant Principe! end dd not attend the Professional Developement (Racist Equity workshop whit Wayne Au). March 23. 2017 Assistant Principal met with him to mmZ?B WW SAEOP and Evaluation Form October; 2013 decries no show for Films said he was imitated by the test PD where he tell he was shut down and not heard) firm sciteduie for breaks, hunch, P'i' time with student assigned to. Although repeatedy asked to check in with the classroom teacher when he arrives at school at his assigned time ot 72:25 he continues to he isle and not check in. Therefore the classroom teacher does not have an opportunity to discuss concerns schedule or plane for the day Jemary 19 2017 Assistant Principal met with Albert to dismiss concems and direction for him to report to the classroom at i225 each thorium to check rn with classroom teacher about schedule for the day. debrlei about any concerns for the student he is assigned to and help with set up tor the day (sharper: pencils. get ores ready, moire sure he is collecting data for goals. etc. January 23. 2017 Assistant Principal classroom teacher end Special Education case manager met With Albert to review responsibilites and request was again mode for him to be at went by 7:25 and to check in with classroom teacher As of this date. he continues to be late for work April 3 201?. April 4 2017 arrived at :40 and did not report to the classroom at 7:25 to debrief with classroom teacher and be of assistance to set up for the day. Apri 5. 2017' arrived at work at 7:45 (a full 20 thinness late) and did not report to the classroom to check in with the classroom teacher and debrief or set up for the day. y. racy?: . . v. iL' ?3.34.1?577 Excellent Strong Satisfactory [j Unsatisfactory Deicpeccoperailon his teamwork while participating is a group, working toward solutions which generally benefit all involved parties -.. . fill-11:" I- Add: tells to work cooperativley especially when the situation cells for it. 4mm The classroom was working on a math project and Alberto seeders was the only one that did not complete the assignment. During the work time. Abert set at the hack of the room by himself and colored rather than help the student who needs help with fine motor Principal and classroom teacher have met with Albert on multiple January 23. 2&7. Jeremy 30, 2017. February 14. 2017, March 3, 2017, March 15, 2017 to discuss schedule. loo responsibli?tes and concerns. . When Albert has been asked to meet with the Principal, Assistant Principal. classroom teacher or Speciai Education teacher he has cooperated and made himself available to meet. Although repeatedly asked to check in with the classroom teacher when he arrives at school at his assigned time of 7:25 he continues to be late and not check in. January 19. 2017 Assistant Principal met with Albert to dismiss cortcems end wrec?on for him to report to the classroom at ?:25 each morning to check in Mil"! classroom teacher about schedule for the day, dot: dot about any concerns for the student he is assigned to and help with set up for the day (sharpen pencils, get instructional arse ready, make sure he is collecting data for goals, etc). January 23. 2017? Assistant Principei. cheercom teacher and Special Education case manager met with Albert to review and request was again media for him to be at work by 7:25 and to check in with classroom teacher. As of this date, he continues to be late for work. April 3, 2017?. April 4, 2917 arrived at 8:46 and did not report to the classroom at 7:25 to debriel with classroom teacher and be of assistance to set up for the day. April 5, 201? arrived at work at 7:45 (a hill 20 minutes late) and did not report to the classroom to check in with the classroom teacher and debriet or set up for the day. 1_ Page 3 of8 ?li?rxrtia?momm?r(?Titer a SAEOP and Para ?glessionai Evaluation Form mall-t; 2013 J. ttitle1 g: 3 Excellent [3 Strong [1 Satisfactory Unsa?siaotory' I. . to. A staff member heard students asking him on March 8. 2017 ?Why do you always yeti a Actively and respectfully listens to others and adopts hismsr message style; and. tone to accommodate a variety cl audiences: Encourages opan expression of ideas and opinions. Communicates and relates to sander-its stall and the public guilds constructive and effective relationships Values the importance of providing high? quality services"- - . -: we)? peanut-.2 - -.2 5 -fs? Eva Maia g" 15:5; at"? 3: 1a Albert neglects to effectively or appropriately communicate to different groups {student stall and the public). Albert approached a parent of a student in a different classroom to say that the child needed counseling The parent was highly offended. Albert had unplanned absence on 12114116 and neglected to cornmealcata and intone administration of his absence. After the school day had ended Albert sent an email to the principal that he been arrested and that is why he did not come to work and than on 12115116 in a meeting with the Assistant Principal he recanted and admitted that he had lied and made up the story. Within the classroom, Albert is happropriateiy loud and disrupts the classroom. Both students and the classroom teacher have noted his loud and disruptive voice owing class time.He is inappropriatley loud while in the lunchroorn talking to studentsVolume and tone when communicating with students continues to he of concern throughout the building although there has been some improvement in the classroom. March 15. 2617 Assistant Principal met with Akron to discuss the request of the classroom teacher to bring down the Moms in the class. The teacher as well as students have mmented that he is disruptive in class. When the teacher is trying to individually Toddlers College assess a student he is loud and it is disruptive to the testing and to other students working. When asked to work with other students, he is so loud, it is often disruptive to the classroom. As reported to Albert lit a conversation on March 15 2017 and then followed up by an email on March 19. 2017 students and staff members have reported that he often ?yells and bears? at the student he is Additionally the following information was relayed to Albert at the same meeting and then sent by email on the same date. ?Your volume is too loud and in a school setting especiaiy tn the classroom where students are trying to work or the classroom teacher is trying to wet students individually. Your helping of other students. although exploded and appreciated. is often dhruptive to the operation of the classroom. Five teachers in the past week reported concerns about tone. volume, distracting during instruction earlier I transitions.? Although repeatedly asked to check hr with the classroom teacher when he arrives at school at his assigned time of 7:25 he continues to be late and not attack in. This is the line at day the teacher can talk about the student's progress, relay concerns January 19, 2017 Assistant Principal met with Albert to discuss concerns and direction for him to report to the classroom at 7225 each morning to check in with classmate teacher about schedule for the day, debrief about any concerns for the ancient he is assigned to and help with set up for the clay (sharpen pencils, get instructional area ready. melts sure he is coilect?mg data for goals, etc). January 1 23, 2017 Assistant Principal, classroom teacher and Special Education case manager met with Albert to review responsibilltas and request was again made for him to be at work by ?:25 and to check in with classroom teacher. As of this date, he continues to be late for work. April 3, 201?. April 4, 2017arrived at 8:40 and did not report to the classroom at 7'25 to debrief with classroom teacher and be of assistance to set up for the day. April 5, 261? arrived at work at 7:45 (a full 20 minutes late) and did not report to the classroom to check in with the classroom teacher and debriei or set up for the day. so :f -: Page 4 of8 153?? SAEOP and Perap?esionei Evaluatieh Form 3% 33333293 Qualify?? it and? Ei?biferWSuiwhm? 8:53? 55333 Exeeii 33: 53339 Satisfsetery 633311th I 3333 scheme: 3, 333333333 333 logical 31331313333 make 3333 33313333 9333 3333 33333:: prehiects. Thinks sheet effects 31': hitters 3333 in ski 33333333333 end 333333 . it? "?31 2?5? .333 ?emef?? E?rdenc?ah gt ,1 . Albert teiis in take his 333333303 attemetive actions, resources er when selecting a method for accomplishing a task er project. He has di?icuity latching the right thing to do. I Athert?s judgement is questichehie and his decision quality Is poor 415/17 Albert waited anti the entire class had ieit to transition his student to PE. This made his 3:qu33: 51- minutes iete for PE and this is becoming a I . 7 Exceiisnt? Sitting] Setteiectery Unsstisieetery' ?33333 :3 333 i333i3 3i 3333333333 :3 333331133th takes respessihtii he heck with minim 333333333 Seeks new 3333:3333. Perfume energy and drive; V3333 planning be: will tek'e quink, deeisivs entice when spheriuhity presents itself - . I ER vt'j?, ?3:52; fiat-33'; 211m: in? 27?? "3&1 . Alber: regduires 3 high 33331333333333 cemplete Ieb related tasks and often they stilt do rte: get comp et 4/5117 Assistant Principal checked on his data cciiectice and he had net indicated the: he had done the required exercises and stretches with the student since 312%? and 3124!? respectiweiy. The physical mereplst, occupations: therapist and Specie! Edueetieh teacher have alt made charts and iists oi required exemisesistreches and goats that Albert has been asked to check cit to chart completion and progress at student. A: severe: meetings with Albert the teem (3133333ch teacher, admin, PT) has asked for Aibert is help student engage in games or activitie with his peers during recess. We have seen no initiative to make this happen. Mberl: requires significant supewison t3 compiete je~reteted tasks end assignments Aitheugh he is to sense: a new task when edministra?en er PTIOT er ciessreem teacher checks for compietlon it often hes not been compieted. Ciessreem teacher has created 3 schedule for Aibect and one tor the desk of the student to shew schedule for the day with tines for exercises and stretches. when to go is the or third ?oor, and PT and GT appointments with staff. March 23, 2017 i met with him and talked in him about the importance at date collection, April 5, 261? visited the ciessreem and checked on the date ceiiection. Exercises were not updated since March 29th and arm stretch date was not updated since March 24th i asked him to get these updated if the exercises had {seen eerie and t3 enter the dam when he does the exercises net 23% 3 later . - . .. a: . .- 43: ?II'iLJ-g'tzzi" 3 .316 the ?le . 9? it! 3:51: -. ?xi-MW}! Egg 3 Exceiiest Streng 33333333 Unsetisisctery 333 3333333 33 33333 3' secemplish duties and censiderisg 33th dit?ceity sect dureties e: the task etiicieetiy and effectiveiy Messages :3 get the right tasks dens, in the circles gun-5: . Page?sfa SAEOP and Pampnassiohai Etraluatiort Form I We 29:3 Albert is unable to handie changes in plans and priorities, needs supervision to stay or: task and has difficulty foousi-rrg on priorities. Even after being given the schedule of working with his student (student FER PA first thing in the meeting on examisea'actil as so that the student FERPA to take his student 5 (since the stu eat usuaiiy cornea close to a start at schoot) and 90 dime a the arm and third ?oor on 3115117 Area continued to either not take the star- :nt to do his exercises because he made his own dossier: that what the class doing was something he wanted ha student to be a part of (teacher introducing me Mamie Jar Party agenda for the day) or taidng his student at the way to the dassroora to put away his backpack and coat. 4/411? and 415117 After stressing the importance of the student being back in oiaas for the morning whde group time at 8: 30 Albert and the student don't arrive back to class until after 8: 45 from owning exercises. There has been some improvement about getting his student to the or the third floor for exerobeamm March 23 2017! met with him and toured to hit: about the importance of data April 5 201? ivieited the classroom and checked or: the data collection Exercises were not updated since March 2t?!h and arm stretch data was not updated since March i asked him to get those updated it the exercises had been done and to enter the data when he does the exercises not days later. Maihtalns high standards despite pressing dearllnes; does workright the first time; corrects own errors; regularly produces decorate. morough professional arork. Monitors proposer progress and results designs feedsaokioo sintonorhI Albert has diffeuity meeting deadines arid fails to nor oouraoy or heat 5f W555 415117 Amer! satin the hash of the room coloring rather than haiping his student with the protect requiring fine motor skilie. His student was the only one who did not complete the work. Albert faiis to oompiete data ooiteotion which is an bdioatiori that the necessary exercises! stretches and monitoring of goats re not occurring. ?there has been much effort and oontinued feedback and drec?ort teen to Albert because work is hot hot Med . '15 art?'- 1- -: I, the?- .. n. I. Hg? wglqStrong ?1 3atisfactory Unsatisfactory! Maire-s substantive contribution to environment by understanding routines and procedures of the grotto; assists teacher in organization, shows patience and uses positive reinforcement. Able to perform the duties Iaskad irI'It and out of the classroom has excellent re . - . rt with coworkers. students and community; 77391:?..I {Hinthas to?. . .- Albert demonstrates below average standards of profassionai raponsibility. i-ie fails to oorhrnunloate with staff about his students progress Data was not patented. 4/5/17 Assistant Principal checked on his data and he had not indicated that 1 i he had done the required axeroises and stretches with the student einee 3/29ri1? and $24117 respaotheiy. Page 6 of 8 . and Parap?osional Evaluation Form 2913 ?ndings and mm have boon areas of mem. Week of March 27- Maroh 31 and Andi 3- April 8 [19 has not arrived to work on timo and has not shocked in with classroom teacher at 7:25. mesons repeated requests he continues to come to work late and not foltow the achedula. Workmg with am on - oxomioosiotretohes and recording common, notation of progress on 15? goals are an spotty and have to be I oonthualiy monitored. Completion of data is not up to date. Athert oonsisten?y does not show for work on time therefore the ctassroom teacher does not have an R. yum wamof rating 9 Whamh?o?hyourmm?m? ?oasmmofovama?mngm amaryamo for dammit or o??eai that mama owns-oil Who am 1% any Mignon: pe?ommoewmiatod not inotndod in pm motions. 32.. mama; ammo mm mom-ARV - Elnd_ Comment:- studanm and tam?oa is a omm. '1 :1 - [if T?x? - - 11?452925733 ?aroma-53% Provide my ?nal comments with mam-d to your Emulators mat! rating and moment Whoa Nb??l? man a ask or Mayo 5 concern. altar tamed Wings and mitten tamm of notion. he {Moms not no mm what is impacted of him but he mom-moo to 3:311 make the some mistakes or push tho bounded? in cameraman Mia-art says . emuamr yes to the request, but does whatha wants to do and not what lain the has! intomstofme Overall studonLWhan mmnod am his notions or took emotions be has a reason but Moos not . HEUHB ooinoftta with scams and!? ammt?ardnm 3:16 the odor of atom oonthuo to be oi oonoom. mom to the mm? oohadule of amisaafstratohes and Ema and doounmm it cont?mo to be of concern. Appmpoataiy Warming with Excelbnl? 3' WM ?2 . Su?shctory ailumry 1 I Employed i Comment: *Emptoyeoa who Who ??otsam? ovara??tminQEoo-Id-have 7 of 8 ootnpatamtaa rated monitor: for or 8 of 9 oompatonolos for Paraprofessionals rated oxoo?ont OR shank! have a majority of oompetomias rated axoo?em (5 of a for SAEGPs or 5 oi 9 for Pampmfeasionais] and have engaged in goal-setting with their evaluator. About Ratings: . Mating of Samantha}: oral! butane ostho competencies (7 ?mini and ?out of 91m Pampmfasaionais) wm mun In an overa? rainy of ?Hawaiian? . An ovara? rating at ?Exoe?om? can moo room: it 5 mm oomionchs have been ram Who! {5 autofor Parmtofassioods} who? the ompbyeo has 3W5 in goaMmt?ng with. mama: avaluaton . A propond?om or malority a! a canals: lavoi can room! In an ovum?! :3an at that Mei. For example, a pmponmranoo or malamy om Iowa in a mg of strong Man tho ram-ago am not of! rotor! ?Slrong.? A Parapm mung of Exca?ant in two mums. a ra?ng of Strong in three competencies am tour Satwacm ratings win monk ?11 an ovem? rating at ?Strong: 1: A SAEDP :11an of 5mm in two competencies, Strong In two competencies and 5321:5mele tour onmpatanows W: Home: In an overall rating of Wrong} A rating of Emotion! four Mommas and Satisiactory In four camgooas room! In an mi: ra?ng of ?Strong.? . 31 case: of a tie. a SAEQP rating of Strong in four categories and Satisfactory in {our magmas wia room in a: moral! rating a! *Sa?sfaotow.? . Ono um?siactoly 1&an wm ream In an over-an tam-g of ?Unsa?sfaototw Page 7 of 8 SAL-EDP and Evaluation Fem mama 1 P9 re?t 7 . . EMerely 1?2 meme er develepmeem let the sevlew Please werk the mieyee 1e eerie: with ?peeled We lite you met to develop letianele lemhy ll is developing sweets etepe. Prevlde kneaded ie your mrren?mmlre perfennence, adieu em tn he telcee key comments an have you w?l wagon me resumes emery to We each attentive (e9, rammed resources. mzeyee ln trese develeememal 1 tools, at other kinds of support) and genera llmellee for complellem GOALS FOR REVIEW PERIOD .57 Employee Comments. I. Evaluator- - Cemments Sunbeam is optimal end does smallest the evelua?m realms en heme mam hewever. there are two peelweye to the "Excellent? level at pedeanenee an employee ls rated exce?enl in el: Mime e! Meeompeteeclee {let Parapmfeeslueele) than {he empleyee will receive an melee taxing ef ?Excellent.? As a eptlen, an mleyee may engage eating-em the welueter we obtain an melee telling of simian? if the eewloyee rated emellent in meleray of eeneetemlee (for Tee empleyee must have engaged- in 903$an dieing the mm mm cycle see the Empleyee {newt-mane fer Section El: {above} fer more details regaining goal-seem Nate: Eveleetlens may be completed at any time, with all evaluation tome completed end towel-dad ta Hum Resumes by April 15. Signed eriginele are te be sent tn Human Resources and copies should be placed the ?le and pre?ded to employees. IV. EMPLOYEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND SIGNATURES- Employee 1 have read the appraisal and have the Hawaiian with my Eveteeter. My signature does not Acknowledgmenl imply agreement. only the! the appraisal leek piece and wee advised of my perfemence eats bate, 7 . Em?loy?ee' Signature-- Ev-lu-tor_3lgnamrl .- DATE Fem Received DATE Beta Enleted Page 89f 8 omenee moreover-cent Report for Cla?d Employees This term is to be in accordance with. Article ll. Section of the SAEOP and Goitactive Bargaining Agreement, and ie an attachment to the Unwtieiectery Porto-enema Evaluation. . NAME Albee Virachlemiih TITLE women or: eases FDR lmeaoveoem: manic AREA 1 Furloticriatfl?echoicei Knowledge -- Aihert Viechiemlii?l is often late and the burden at his reepmeml?tiee tails or: other cleft mowers. Data collection and exercises! stretches are not being thee with the student androi- recorded. 2 Aocoontebitity - Aibert has had several leaves with aoceontebiltty. including emeecive absences. tardiness and taking additional creates throughout the day. Albert Virecilismith has come to work with a prevailing odor of alcohol. 3. Goiieboretteo - Aibert Vireohiemith has consistently reiteed to check in with the classroom teacher to the rooming and Me by the assigned schedule ee designed by the classroom teacher. Special Educedco teacher. PT and 01'. 1i. Commoticetion?eierperecoel relationship skills? Amati Vii-achiemtth is inappropriate in an locimctimci setting being loud and students with conversations about mn-betmotionei moles. a. malty and Problem Solving Amati Viredttemtth makes new decisions abate how to provide services making: the student be late interactions (ouch as putting 3 student to a friendly heedicck) with students and paroles indicates lnai?lty to predict or consider consequences for actions. 7. Planning and mealtime Wollo'i'ime Management . Albert Vireohiemith does not follow the schedule for student?s PT exercises and makes independent decisions about when and they should be done. 3. Quaiiy of Work - Albert Virechicmiti'i does not consistently attend to the needs of the student Mid-i he is assigned. 9. Student management Athert Vireohlemith. latte to communicate with staff about and states by not consistently keeping data about students grooms. or cocci-mime Pensommce LEVELS: Albert Weciilemith needs to have professional oornmonicetlon with all people it the collect at eti times. lootediog students. parents, community members, and other cleft. Albert Virachiemith meet commloete with eoprooriete tone and volume in way that is not distracting in en htetructioriei setting. Aberi Virechiemith must be on time at 7&5 and met checking in with the teacher. Akron Vireoiitemitlt neede to be where he ie supposed to be during his work hours cartooning hie job duties which include keeping to a schedule for the student with assigned times for aterciceefetretoites. Date meet be documented on date cotteciion sheets provide in a binder in the classroom. Albert Viraohtemitlt meet metre every effort to eetabiieh professional relationships Mitt oil etudente using an appropriate and noediemptive tone arid volume of voice. PLAN Fee AND Plan to to be worked out by PrimipwsUperviscr end envieyee. At employee's request, an employee rwmeerdet?re may be present to give Input. 1. Albert Virechlemith should schedule a meeting With EAP ccmoelor. 2. Albert Viredtiemilh ehoutd meet with Mrs. McMemre weekly on Monday mornings at 7225 to discuss his progress toward memorials commnioation with students and accountability for the next three weeks. FEHVSSOH TO. THE EMPLOYEES SUCCESSFUL COMPLETBH OF Maureen: Human Eczema info. $mim, Plimipei?wiscr. Employee 9 i M.- ab.? mm gimm- l. WHEECTNE ACTEON: Warmer wi? meet with Atben Vitaememith wearer to dismee magmas. Supervise: Wm discuss setting written mide?nea when interacting with stuciente. Supervise: Wm prevtde hfomte?en 2e mien: EAP Classmate teacher w?i previews a written eehedme far Albeit Vh'achismi?: to in?ow. Specie? Education Tead'ter Wm pmvicfe date edleetian sheets for is? goats. Phys?cal Therapist wilt provide data anaemia sheets for exercises and wk with stander and trike. Occupa?ona: Therapist wi? previews data cementing?: sheets fer stretches. . i . EMPLOYEES easemse: 1. War- m? P?neipaiisupewieor ?tgnemre Dn? te/ ere ?Date NQTE: Sgapleyee signature does fret imply agreement ?with the repair! but only that it has been seer: anti disease Diseihmim: Hum Resume M2. Sumner. Wkpmiem Wayne 10 en . SAEDP and Paraprofessionaglassi?ed Evaluation Fog-gr; - -. ., FORMATION -, Emarssm Pmum FTE more WW octagonal Assistant 1.0 ,Evmmos mus Romans Mrs-Moms 599cm Edmotim Vim REVIEW Pm Wow-Dom DA'rscs?swsw' 1093mm From: Sapismi'm?. To: Juno 25,291? Ap?i 5* 201? Murat 2013 Ration Instructions: Siam 1119 ratings swans is 1915219; mucous (4. s. 2 or 1) In accordancc with arc wow Martians. on as ratings are encouraged. Form accounts with specific emanates mom RAWNGS -. . ., Consistency and {rascal-my mam associations. Pe?cmm In that which was mostly be superstar: considziogethe education audio! assurance level. mm are often bayou! {ha scope 1 [0b. 1-15:- assistant? mats smocta?mo Farrow-rams is as accosted and m?rsac beyond expectations the 3 Strains immal?s education audio: meow lam. Day-lousy memos: and the Miami can work - 1? independently With an appropriate mom of supowlsim, . . - m6: --. Gossam?y was only the trim mm. ammsis musuysalafactary, our car has mm though .2 and masses. mm resorts mars supervision madam emanation molar - arms once 1. Uri-ushctory Gmslosr?y (sin to mac: maelstrom, Mommas ism omcta?cns for 1m poem i - mowers educatkm motor ammo raver. [smote are! schematic! immanent is necessary. F'H?frf?? L: if 313.5 Fe. "3 1345: ,gp-??fn?f om mid-r lik??znr' gulf gjimmi?a .1335: ., WE 4? ?sts for the satire roar in sacs Proviso so axsmpiss ct that support {so rams. P?sass to the EAECIP and Giacomo Evarus?cn comparancy more for mars Momma about Mar to look tor or smart toting lower one! to assist in @6153?an so appropriata Izmir}: sash compsloncyc W?wm?mr' . smegma StrongU Satisfactory VUosa?sfactoryE] required educational, knowledge: as de?ned in individual so descriptions, and ores to do brother job or high level of accomp?shmoot. Demonstrates active intorsst arm ability to acquire sort cow 8kmJunie-.1 . . or! fails to accomplish tho asst-antler functions of the job. ts coltsc?cn 1s a critic-oi aspect of moon?s position. The Spacist Education teacher; Occupational Therapist and Physics! Thsrapist at! have tsiksd with about the that Albert is asked as do with the studsrs and the goals that they have asked him to record (progress and commotion of each exorcise/activity). Assistant Principal son: by smsi! to Arbor: or: March 19, 261'! ?Mar our roosting, it some to my attention that you haw not data regarding goats sinus February 15. 2017. arch 15. 2:11? Assistant Principal met with to relay that students are mooning he is ?too rough? with I the student he is to. This information was also sent to Anson on March 19 by smsil. Albert is often Eats so macro to greet student at corbsids and he! Fobmary 17*. ists and two othsr staff members had to FERPA to the classroom from the curbside. Unrelisbis data co?sctioo and recording of PTIOT work done. 415/1? Assistant checked on his data and he had not indicator: that he had: done the rsqurmd and stretches with the student since 3123/17 and 3/24/17 Aibsr! does not anond to the needs of his student. Arbor: sat in the back of the room adoring rathcr than I helping student with tho projsct rsqulring ?ns motor skins, His student was tho coir vo who diatom commas Page 1 of 8 11 35;? SAEOP and Pampaiessionel Evaluation Form consonants the work. The class transitioned to Social Species and Albert stilt was sitting or the back or the stars ooiorlng I not attending to his student. - ?a 3 Excellent Strong 1] Sstisisotcry Unsatisfactory EU Holds sell answerable for measurable or obsenrebis quality timeliness end/or effective results; follows through. on objectives; accepts tor mistakes; ccmpiiss with applicable and adopted 555 pdioies. Presents hi hisyei oi or sit sweetssioi the shoots rioritiss end ciei iotk . . Albert is not retools and he requires signi?cant smennson to complete assigned work. He does not foilow District policies by coming to work with an overwhelming odor of alcohol 474117 Staff noted an odor of but within 10 minutes the odor had changed to one of coffee and creamer 8130/15 and 1211 one it has been documented that Albert reported to work with the odor of abchol so pervasive that he was asked to go home. Aithough Mo separate staff members reported the odor of alcohol emanating from Amen on on March 2. 2017 . the principal and assistant principal so not smell so slcohol odor. Despite the creation of speciic break and lunch schedule for Albert he leaves the classroom for no apparent reason and without communicating with the classroom teacher. 41457 Aibert toid the classroom teacher he was not going to take any breaks in the morning to account for his longer lunch He left the classroom 3 or 4 different times {slijust for coffee. bathroom. smoke breaks back within 10 minutes). Attendance has been an ongoing concern ?socghoot the school year. There have been muitiple conversations and letters documenting this concern. As of December 15 2016 Albert has been absent 13 out of the first 65 days of school This is nearly 20% of the time you have been scheduled to work. As of today's date there have been 18 absences Letter of Warning, [December 15. 2017 Documented Oral Warning January 35. 2017 Written Reprimand March 2017 Below are some of the documented days and times of being late. January 19 2017 arrived at 10:30. January 23 2017 striated :.45 He said that he was unable to get to work because buses were full because oi a ?ght rail accident. January 25 2017 arrived 9:10. Albert said he was turning lets becssose his clother were in the dryer. January 27. 2017 arrived 7 ?40 Assistant Principal reminded hen his start time is 7:25 and he needs to check in the classroom teacher. February 3. 2017 arrived 7 :45 February i? 2017 lets two other staff members had to greet student at curbside and bring into the classroom Week of March 27- March 31 late and so not arrive to check in with classroom teacher. Arrive! varied between 7:40 and 7 45. Week of Apia 3- Aprii 6 late and did not arrive to check in with classroom teacher at 7:25. Arrival varied between 7: 40 and 7 ?45 Arrival currently tends to be at curbside but not checking in with classroom teacher. March 3 2017 Amen met with Principal and Assistant Principal regarding attendance. Attendance continues to be on issue. Notification was given that i there was another unexcused absence 3 3 day suspension without pay would resul and with another unexcused absence it would result in termination Letter was sent by email and chord copy at theendotthe dayoi March 3 2017. 1: March 22 2017 Early Release Professional Development day. Albert left the building early about tar as without communicating with the Principal or Assistant Principal and did not attend the Professions! .Dovelocement {Racial workshoo with Wayne Au). March 23 2017 Assistant Principal met with him to PageZofB 12 . SAEOP and Pampaessiortel Evaluation Form Catches sore discuss no show for PD,(he said he wee by the last PD where he?feit he was shut down and not heard) firm schedule for breaks, lunch, PT time with student assigned to. Although repeatedly asked to check in with the classroom teacher when he arrives at school at his assigned time of 7:25 he continues to be late and not check in. Therefore the classroom teacher does not have an opportunity to discuss concerns, schedule or plans for the day. January 19. .2017 Assistant Prhiclpei that with I Albert to discuss concerns and direction for him to report to the classroom at 7:25 each morning to check in with classroom teacher about schedule for the day, dehrief about any concerns for the student he is assigned to and help with setup for the day (sharper-i pencils, get instructional ores ready, make sure he is data for goals, etc). January 23. 2617 Assistant Principal, classroom teacher and Special Edocetlon case . manager met with Amen to review resporteibilites and request hiss again roadster him to be at work by 7:25 and to check in with classroom teacher. As of this date. he continues to be late tor writ. April 3, 20V. April 4, 2017 arrived at :40 and did not report to the classroom at 7:25 to debris! with classroom teacher and be ct assistance to setup for the day. April 5, 2017 arrived at work at 7:45 (a full 20 minutes late) and did not report to the classroom to check in with the classroom teacher and debrlef or set up for the day. v'V . v? I I. LAPLL1?3 Excellent Strong Satisfactory sesiops coo "ration and teamwork while is grotto. hosting toward solutions which generally . . . . geirmt??mg?r? titres 'af' Abert fails to work cooperativtey especially which the situation cells for it. ere/17 The classroom was working on teeth project and Albert's student was the only one that did not complete the assignment During the work time. Albert set at the back of the room by himself and colored rather than help the student who needs help with ties motor skillsAssistent Principal and classromi teacher have met with Albert on multiple oocessioss: January 23, 2017. January 30, 2017. February 14. 2917, March 3, 2017. March 15, 2017 to discuss schedule. job responsibil?tes and conceals. - .1 When Amen has been asked to meet with the Principal, Assistant Principal, classroom teacher or Specie! Education teacher he has cooperated and made himself available to meet. Although repeatedly asked to check in with the classroom teacher when he arrives at school at his assigned time of 7:25 he continues to be late and not check in. January 19, 2017 Assistant Principal met with Albert to discuss concerns and direction for him to report to the classroom a 7:25 each morning in check in edit classroom teacher about schedule for the day, debriei shout any concerns for the student he is assigned to and help with set up for the day (sharpen pencils, get instructional ares ready, make sure he is coitecting date for goals, etc). January 23. 2017 Assistant Principal, classroom washer and Specie! Education case manager rest with Albert to review responsiai?tee and request wee again made for him to be at west by 7:25 and to check in with classroom teacher. As of this date, he continues to be late for wont. April 3. 2017, Add 4. 2017 arrived at 8:40 and did not report to the classroom a 7:25 to debriei welt classroom teacher and he or assistance to set up for the day. April 5, 201? arrived at writ arms (at iuli 29 minutes late) and did not report to the oiessroorn to check in with the classroom teacher and dehriet or set up for the day. if?e'rriietes??i'sesisegge siege-i2: ., PageBof? 13 . SAEOP and Para ??aofeseional Evaluation Form 1 WalterExcellent Strong Cl Settefactory Unsatisfactory Actively and respectfully listens to othdre and adopts hieiher etyie and tone to accommodate variety of audienceet Endocrag'e'e open of ideas and opinions; Communicated also relates to students,- staff and the public Bulide constructive and effective relationships Values the importance of providing high? - odoiity service .. . . a .. . - - -. L231. if? 1? u. 'u - 372-11; u- Jr, Alert negleote to effectively or appropriately .munlcate to different (student can End the public) Albert approached a parent of a student in a afferent classroom to say that the child needed counseling. The parent was highly offended. Albert had unplanned absence on 1211MB and neglected to mmunicate and inform administration of his . absence. After the school day had ended Amen sent an email to the principal that he been arrested and that is why he did not come to work and then on 12/15i16 in a meeting with the Assistant Principal he recanted and admitted that he had lied and made up the story Within the classroom, Abert is inappropriately loud and dismpte the classroom. Both students and the claoemom teacher have noted his loud and domptive voice during class dinette is inappropriatiey loud while in the Iurrohroom talking to atudenteVolume and tone when communicating with students continues to he of concern throughout the building although there has been some improvement in the classroom. March. to, 2017 Assistant Principal mat with Albert to c?acuee the request of the oiassroom teacher to bring down the mitotic in the claes. The teacher as wait do students have cemented that he is deruptive in choc. When the teacher re trying to indviduaily Teachers College aseeos a student he is ioud and it re disruptive to the testing and to other atudente working. When asked to work with other students he is so loud it is otter: daruphve to the classroom As reported to Abert in a conversation on March 15 2017 and then followed up by an email on March 19 201? students and otati members have reported that he often ?yells and barks? at the student he ls assigned to. A staff member heard students asking him on March a 20W, ?Why do you aiways yell at i Additionally the following information was relayed to Albert at the some meeting and than cent by emaii on the some data ?Your volume is too loud and inappropriate in a school setting especially in the olaeeroom where students are trying to work or the classroom teacher is trying to test students individually Your helping of other i students, although expected and appreciated is often to the operation of the classroom Five teachers in the past week reported concerns about tone, volume, distracting during inetmction endlor traneltione.? Aithough rapeatedly asked to check in with the dasaroom teacher when he arrives at school at his assigned time of 7:25 he continues to be late and not check in. This is the tone of day the teacher can tat: about the student?s progress, relay concerns January 19 2017? Assistant Principal met with Albert to discuss concerto and direction for him to report to the classroom at 25 each morning to check in with classroom teacher about schedule for the day, debriaf about any concerns for the student he is assigned to and help with set up for the day (sharpen pencils get inelructicnal area ready, make sure he to collecting data for goals, etc.) January i 23. 2017 Assistant Principal, classroom teacher and Special Education case manager met with Albert to review reeponeihilitea and request was again made for him to he at work by ?:25 end to check in with classroom teacher. As of this date, he continuee to be into for work. April 3 2017 April 4, 2017 arrived at :40 and did not report to the classroom at 7: 25 to dander with classroom teacher and be of aeoletance to eat up for the day April 5, 2017 arrived at work at 7:45 {a full 2d minutes fate) and did not report to the classroom to check in with the classroom teacher and debriet or set up for the day fie rile; CEiE?HiiEi-?i? mm do? innit" Pegc?cfa 14 at?? . SAEOP and Pampaessionsi Evaluation Form seam see - Strong Seiisieciery Unsatisfactory Uses analysis. semitones sod logical histhede to metre good decisions and; soivs modems. Thinks streets hsieiihri ocmmesiostiosehd ectionsII 51:1 Aibert fails to tske into consideration alternative assist, resources or constraints when selecting a method for accomplishing a task or project. He has dii?cuily knowing the right thing to do. Albert?s iudgemerrt is questionable and his decision quality is poor 41511? Amati waited unit the entire ciaee had left to transition his student to PE. This made his s'tuderrk 5+ remotes Ilete for PE end this is becoming a trend. When the student is iste do:- - fer; =1 a. . a: 55. Strives for trees: idiots oi; performance. is: seif-reiierrt and takes for werir with midimai supervised Seeks sew reopens ibilities: Perform were wrthI energy skid dries; vetoes crannies hut wilt Iisire stride decisive setter-Ir whee eh opportunity seems itseiir.? I I ?shed . Ahert requires is high times: of supervision to complete job rotated tasks and sites they stiil do not get oompieted. 415117 Assistant Principai chedred on his data collection and he had not indicated that he had done the required searches and stretches with the student since 3/29/17 and erase 7 respectively. The physiosi therapist, occupational therapist and Special Education teacher have made charts end lists of required . exercises/streshes and goals that Albert has been sdred to check off to chart completion and progress of student. At several meetings with Aibert the team (classroom teacher, scenic. PT) has asked for Albert to hep student engage in games or activltie with his peers during recess. We have seen no inikistve to make this happen. Maori requires eignhicent supervises to cornplete jar-related tasks and assignments. Aithough he is agreeable . to accepts new test: when awninistretion or PTIOT or ciassroom teacher checks for completion it often has not been compieted. Classroom teacher has created a schedule for Aihert and one for the desk of the student to show schedule for the day with times for exercises and stretches. when to go to the or third ?oor. and PT and GT appointments with staff. March 23 2017 i met with him and talked to him about the importance of date selection. April 5. 2017 i visited the classroom and checked on the data collection. Exercises were not updated since I March 29th and arm stretch data was not updated since March 24th. i asked him to get those updated it the Jexercises had been done sod to enter the data when he does the exercises not days tater33-119 LIJEQEEQIU Just? r_IsfiiciI-. {its ?If F311 71714 - -. If w- r; irf?iri?hit; tori ?grrhejsrExcellent Strong Satisfactory Uhsstisfs setory El sets prierit ties and deadlines to sseighed duties and Mites considering; both and I criterion of the task. tees resources eiticierrtiy end sheetiveiy Manages to get the right tests done. in the i right order. . - 1 .1 i Page Sofa 1 15 ft": Cg SAEOP and Paregiessionel Evaluation Form A . i Gotcha; sets Albert is unable to handle changes in plans and priorities. needs supervision to stay on task and has dif?culty tccusing on priorities Even after being given the schedule of wanting with his student (student FERPA )iirsl thing in the mommy on exerciseslactiltles so that the student FER PA Albert was told to take his student dirsc from the curbside since the student usually comes cioee to the start at school) and - go to the and third floor at?! ?l 3115117 Albert continued to either not take the student to do his exercises because he made his own decision that what the class was doing was something he wanted his student to be a part at (teacher introducing the more Jar Party agenda for the day) or taking his student all the way to the ctassroom to put away his backpack and cost. 414117 and 415/17 Alter stressing the importance of the student being back tn class for the morning whole I group time at a: 30 Albert and the student didn't arrive back to class untll share 45 from morning exercises ?there has been some improvement about getting his student to the or the third floor for March 23 2017 i met with him and talked to him about the importance of data collection. April 5 2017 visited the classroom and checked on the data collection. Exercises were not updated shoe March 2%"1 and arm stretch date was not updated since March 24:? i asked him to get those updated it the exercises had been done and to enter the data when he does the exercises not days tater Meintalns high standards despite pressing deadlines; does work right the first tires; corrects own errors; regularly produces accurate thorough professional work Monitors process progress end results; designs feedbecit loop_ this work ..:zi Albert has dif?culty meeting and fails to monitor accuracy or quality of work 41511 7 Albert sat in the back oi the room coloring rather than helping his student with the project require-lg fine motor skits His student was the only one who did not complete the want. Albert falls to complete data collection which is an indication that the necessary exercises! stretches and monitoring of IEP goals is not occurring There has been much effort and: continued tweet: end wrestles gt van to Albert because work! not being completed ?3333 5M twi?yi; 12?" iiExcellent [3 Strong Ci Satisfactory Unsatisfacth [1 Makes substantive contribution to the environment by understanding routines and procedures of the group; assists teacher is organization. shows patience and uses positive reinforcement. Able to perform the duties asked in end out of the classroom hes excellent :3 on with coworkers. students and community about his student's progress. Dots was not collected. 415?? Assistant Principal checked on his data cotiection and he had not indicated that he had done the required exercises and stretches with the student since 312%? and 3124?? respectively. Page 6 of a 16 . SAEOP and Parap?essional Evaluation Form . mom; 2m and attondanca have been areas of concern. Wool: of March 27- March 31 and April 3? April 6 he has not arrived to work on limo and has not mocked In M111 olasaroom teacher at 7:25. Despite ropealad? roq nests he mtlnuoa to name to work late and not follow the schedule. Working w?h student on oxamlseoislratohos and recording oomlatlon. notatloo of progress on goals are all spotty and have lo be contlnually monitoredl Gomlellon of data ls not currently up to date. Alba oonolstantly does not show up for work on lane 1113me the classroom teacher does nol have an .7 nl . to discom- lsollos, ow; ?chedu . for the da 7 . -. .. . fad-ahz'T': 1 i?n" in; 7! WEE-{min 1 5 h; . 1 7' me?mlommwl?l . mas layout to Emloalofo for oovolopmonl or Wmama tho: motion the overall rallng along will: any ml" al rallng noel Wt. Wm: ml loom lo poor sections. 1 When Allied ls glvon alask or amlra?on Maya 3 oatmeal.- allot mated maollnga and )7 - i '3 Milan looms of notice, ho lodlcatos loot. ho mdemlaocls what ls oxpaosml of but he - 25:. 15?s. - 'i . commas or months boonda?as in other areas. Alboll says I Egg? Evaluator: yeslo the request, mom: who: he wanlslo doand not who: ls lo he beat Wares: of the 1 ?like?? all-mu student. When quasllooedahmll hla aollom orloclc o: aotlom be has a reason but ltdooa not ?lling coincide the sohocllua mom mm: Tm and the odor of alchohol oonllnua to be of concern. among to the ancients aohadola at axorolsasismhos and Woo and :1me It continue to be of mam. Approp?ately hellme with 1 MW 55mm mo fan-?les la a mom. Blink?? who moalva an over-all rallog should have 7 of a omelomloo rated axoallent for SAEDPs or 8 ol 9 mpelonolos lot Parmrolosslonala rated omellanl on should haw a majority of oompalemlas ram omellool (5 ol 8 lo: SAEQPs or 5 ol 9 for Manama} and how ongagod ln Weaning with knoll evaluates About mt Ratings: . A ram ol Emailed the compotonolea {7 out of 8 for SAEOPS use! 5 out of 9 lot Paraprolaaslooals) mun lo :1me mm of ?Excallmh' . All moral! wing of ?Mellon? can also result if a maiorily ol competencies have boon salad Excellent {for when the employee has engaged In his?'l?t evaluator. . A preponderance or majorlly at a certain lavel can mull ln an overall mum at that lava. For example. a pmpondoramo or mam can result In a :31an of Strong when the ratings are not all raw 'Stroog.? A Parapro ram ol Excellent in two competencies. a rating of Strong lo llmaa and low Sa?oloolaly ratings will mull lo an aurora! rating of ?Strong." A SAEOP rating of mallard 31 two competencies, 811an In two and Satlslaomw in four commas will ?93th in overall rating ol ?Similar Agimop rallng ol 3mm in low mtogorlos and Sallslaolory lo four categories will result in an ovaral ruling at a my a Egoasa of a lie. :1 SAEOP vainly ol Strong in four calogorlas and Salolaolory to {our categorloa mun in an overall rating of In One onaa?oloclozy rallng will result an overall tattoo of Wmallslaololy.? Page 7of8 17 1 if . SAEOP and Pame?tessional Evaluation Farm WI. 2973 Section It: Goals for Rev a rind 9 Emma! W495 zifp?yeainst?c?aniaw??x? r: i Idant?y 1-2 Wat or prof-m . a! magnum! gaasslum?ves far the New Flam wank with the Was tn mist mam the; you wait to develop, Manda for why it Waging mm amps. Fmide . ttayuwmm?futura W5 um? ta waceaafuly whim each (3.9., tequlva? mamas. in these devesapmamm madam meta. trawling a: cum: lands of mpuurl), and a gamma: ?ame to; magma. - i" GOALS F63 HEWEW PERIGQ Employae-r- Co'mmanta Evaluatur'zi Gmmnu. Gad-netting is op?mm and does: nut am the avazua?en ratings an 5mm mpatendaa. however. these are two pathways tn the ?Man? ma of Mommas. if an ewmyaa is rated me?mt in a! but me at ampuleadea (7 of a for SAEGPs and 8 at 9 to: Paraprotaaslmats} than :he amnioyaa w? mam an metal rating of ?Ewe?mt' As a swam: Option, empioyea may engage in goal-swing with the evakmur and obtain an amt! ram of ?Excananr i the mime is mt?d mam: In a magar?y at mamas (5 o! a far GAEQPs and 5 of 9 for The employee amt have engagad in goal-gating dining current Maw cyan. Flame see the Emptayee for 53cm (above) for mare datum ramming goat-sawing. Employ-I i have rem this appraisai and 11an diam?mad the Manhattan with my Evaluatan My signature does nut Acknowledgment impiy that the appxatsal discussiamtookgzaca and I was advisad of my perfomanca. - I - zap/r? xy/ . - .D Employ"; Sign? i l' l- t' 'D'tue' vquatarSgna ura?hm m/naxa Entered Page 3 of a 18 I a wit! meet with Amer! Viracmsm?rth waakly ta discuss pmgress. stipendsur will am setting written guidelines what: mtaracthg with students? Supemfsor wit! provide ?mutation in contact EAP. chasm teacher wilt provide a mama mheduiefur Amer: Virachismkh to in?ow. Spade} Education Teacher wilt provide data co?action sheets far IEP goals. Physicai Tharapiat Wm provide data cn?ac?on sheets far exercises and wart: w?h standar and trike. . Oocupa?onai Therapiat win provide data mitec?on sheets far snatches. . ammvee's naspwaET? "m I warm/arm f?rw 7 7 . Pdncipa?Supewisor Signature ta fwgaa mgramf? $232: Etnpioyaa signature does nut necessgr?y imply agra?f?zent ?h ma report. bu: only that it has been seen and ussad. 1 9 Bistr?mtitm: Human lie-mums info. Swim. P?ncipa?Supm-vimn Wye: 5 a nuisance improvement Report for Cia .ed The form is to he used in accordance with Article ii. Section of the SAEOP and Perepmiessionel Collective Bargaining Agreement, and is an attachment to the Unseiisfselozy Pericrrnesce April?,2?17 _?ME_5_iia_ed Vireehischith instructional Assistant John Muir glernenig? OF Alli-5A5 AREA 1 Functioneifi'eohnicel Knowledge Albert Viachiemiih is alien isle end the tenths of his respens?a?i?es fails on ether stall members. Dela collectbn end streiehes are not being dens with the student audio: recorded. i 2 Accountability - Aleert Vireohiemlih has had several issues with acceenlebility, including exoess?we absences, tardiness and taking breaks throughout the day. Albert Vlrechismilh has come in werk with a prevailing odor of alcohel. 3 3. Co?ehoreiion Albert Virachismlih has consistently refused te check in wilh the classer teacher in the morning and abide by the assigned schedule as designed by the classroom teacher, Speelei Education teacher, PT and 01'. 4. relationship skl?si Albert Vireohlsmiih is happropriele ln an instructional selling by being loud and distracting students with converseiiens about non?nelmcticnel iopics. 6. Critical Thinkinngecision Quality and Problem solving- Albeit makes poor decisions about how to . services making the studeni be late for classes. Interactions (such as pulling a student in a friendly heanhcic) with . students and parents indicates inability lo omelet or consider for actions. Planning and Organizing Wode?l?hne Management Albert Vireohlsmiih does not follow the schedule for student?s PT exercises and makes indepeneeni decisions about when and ii they should be done. 8. Quality of Work Abert Vilschismiih sees not consistently eitend to the needs of the student which he is assigned. 9. Student management Albeit Virechlemlth fails to mmenicele with staff about plegiese and status by not consistently keeping eels about student?s progress; OF ACCEPT ABLE PERFUME LEVELS: Albert Vireehismith needs to have professional communication with all people in the school at all times, including students, parents. community members. and other shit. Amen mes: communicate with appropriate prefeeshnal lens and volume in way that is not disheciing in en heirucilonei selling. Ahead must be on time at 7:25 and must checking in mm the ciassreem teacher. Ahead Virechiemiih needs to be where he is supposed to be during his work hours performing his fob duties which include keeping to a schedule for the student with assigned times for exerciseslsh'eiehee. Date must be documented on (late collection sheets provide in a binder in the classroom. Albert must make every effort to establish prefessicesi relationships with all students using en and nenelsmmive ions and volume cf veins. PLAN FOR mneoveuen?r AND ?meme: Plan is to 355? mega derby Wodpei?STipEi?tiecir ahh?pleyee?i employee's request. an empleyee lepresentai?re may be present he give input. 1. Albert Virechiemiih should schedule meeting with counselor. 2. Albert Virschismilh should meet with Mrs. Moiulanue weekly on Mendez; mornings at 7:25 is dlscuss his progress toward appropriate eemmunlcetlon with students and let the next three weeks. PRINCIPAUSUPERVESQB TO SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF sesame emsmee. swimwear. Employee 20