Albert Virachismith RCW 42.58.230(3) Re: Brobahle goose Tampons}; Dear Mr. Virachismith, The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your employment with the Seattle School District is being terminated effective today, January 3, 2017. This decision has been made based on your failure to continue with and complete a six-month drug and alcohol treatment program with the Asian Counseling and Referral Service. - On Friday, September 15, 2017, you met with labor end-Employee Relations Manager Elaine Williams, UniServ Representative Rina Paul, and me in a Step 2 grievance meeting contesting the termination of your employment as a Special Education Instructional Assistant after you reported to work under the in?uence of alcohol on one so, 2017. At that meeting an agreement was reached to allow you to work as a daily paraprofessional sobstitute if you agreed to enter, faith?illy participate in treatment, and commit to complete a six~month drug and alcohol treatment program. On September 21, 2017, you signed a settlement agreement in which you agreed that in exchange for allowing you to substitute you Would have the Asian Counseling and Referral Service, the alcohol treatment program you were enrolled in, provide written updates ensuring that you were continuing with and completing the sin-month drug and alcohol treatment pro . . On November :13, 2017, Your alcohol and drug treatment counselor, Pamela Mancaoo (?Mancano?), reported that you had tested positive for alcohol on October 11, 2017. However, she also. reported that you had attended eight group and/ or individual sessions and were continuing with the program and treatment recommendation to attend two group sessions per week and attend at least one individual session per month. On December 12-, 2017, Mancano counselor reported that of the 10 sessions scheduled in November you had attended only 3 sessions. You had missed 4 sessions, been excused for 3, and after November 21, 2017 you had not returned to the treatment program or been in contact with Mexicans or the Asian Counseling and Referral Sonics to explain your absence. She also stated that you had reported positive for alcohol on November 8, 2017, and are no longer in compliance with the treatment program. Your settlement agreement clearly states that your eligibility to substitute would continue so long as you continued to fulfill the requirements of your treatment program. If you failed to complete the treatment program, tested positivekfor alcohol or drugs, or received three incident reports that could be substantiated you would be considered ineligible to continue working as a substitute or be hired for any position with the District. I took the above information into consideration as I made the decision that there is suf?cient cause to terminate your employment with the District effective January 3, 2017. There is no recourse for appeal. Sincerely, Stan Dames, Executive Director Labor and Employee Relations Attachment: Settlement Agreement cc: Clover Codd, Assistant Superintendent fof?umani?esoumes Elaine Williams, Manager, Laborand Emplojie??R??i?ons Rina Paul, SEA UniServ Representauve 13