AO 9l (Rrv. 0&09) Crifria.l Corplairt UNmpp Srerss DIsrrucr Counr for the Disaict of Columbia United States of America ) ) ) ) Mariia Butina also knorm as Maria Butina t:- Case No. ) ) D.l.tdo,t('/ CRIMINAL COMPLAINT I, the complainant in this case, stale that tle following is true to the best of my knowledge On or about the dat{s) of District 2015 and Feb- 20 1 7 of Columbia Code Seaion 18 U.S.C. S 371 This criminal complaint is based , tlrc in the county od belief. of in rhe defendan(s) violated: afense Description Compiracy See Appendix A, which 'ts incorporated horein' o! thcse facts: SEE ATTACHED AFFIDAVIT d Continued on tle attached sheet. /71. 's ip?wlure Aoent Kevin Helson. Ptinted rame arrd tille Swom to beforc me and signed in my presence. Date: 07 t1 18 's City and state: signahte A. Robinson, U.S. Maoistrate P ntcd none and title IN THET'NITED STATES DIS'fzuCT COURT FOR T}MDISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IN THE MATTER OF AN APPLICATION FOR CRIMINAL COMPLAINT FOR Case No. MARUA BUTINA ALSO KNOWN AS MARI,ABUTINA APPENDX A TO CRIMINAL COMPL{NT CotrsPiracY to Act aa an Agent of a Foreign Government I . From in or around 20 I 5 and possibly earlier, up to and including the prcsent, in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, MARtrA BUTINA, a/k/a "Maria Butina" ('BUTNA'), defendant, and others known and unknown, including an official of the the Russian Fedcration, knowingly did oombine, conspire, confederate, and agree together and with each other to commit an offense against thc United States, to ofTitle l& United wit, Titte 18, United States Code, Section 951, in violation States Code, Section 371. Obiec& of tte Conspiracy 2. The objects ofthe conspiracy were: a. To act in the United States as an agent of a foreign govemmcn! specificelly the Russian Federation, without prior notification to the Attomey General; b. To act il the United Stales as an agent of a foreig govemment official, specifically an official ofthe Russian Federation, without prior notffication to tle AttomeY General; c. To exploit personal oonnectioos with U.S. persons having influence in American politics in an effort to advance the intcr€sts of the Russian Federation without prior notification to the Attorney General; and d. To infiltrau organizations active in U.S. politics in an effort to advance the intsrcsts of the Russian Federation without prior notification to the Attomey General. Manner eud Meatrt of thc Conspiracy 3. BUTINA and her coconspirator(s) would and did use the following manner and means, among others, to accomplish thc objects ofthe conspiracy: a. While serving as Special Assistant to an official of the Russian Federation, BUTINA would mest in P€rson and communicate via electronic means with that olficial for the purpose of developing and executing a plsn to identiff and exploit personal connections with U'S. persons having influence in American politics who were in positions to advance the interests ofthe Russian Federation. b. BUTINA did establish contsot with an American political opcrative in Moscow who thereafter would work with BUTINA ia lhe United Sates to jointly arrange introductions to U.S. persons having influence in American politics for thc purPose ofadvancing the agenda ofthe Russian Federation. c. Wlrilc teiding in the United States, BUTINA would work on behalf of the official of the Russian Federation by attempting to esablish unofficial lines of communications with U.S. politiciaris and political organizations' d. BUTINA would communicate via email, Twiuer direct me*sage, and other means with the official of the Russian Federation, urd others, to seod reports, seck direotion, and receive orders in furtheranoe ofthe conspiracy. Overl Acts 4. In fur0rerancc ofthis conspiracy and to effect the illegal objects thereof' one or more conspirators committed the following overt acts, among othcrs: a. On or about March 14, 2016, BU'flNA emailed a U.S' person in an effort to develop, maintain, and exploit a relationship in furtherance ofthe conspiracy; b. ln or around August 2016,.BUTINA cntered the United States on an F-l Student Visa, for the purported purpose of attending university full time in the District Columbia' when in truth and in fact, BUTINA continued to act as an agent on of b€half of the Russian Federation and the official ofthe Russian Federation; and c. On or about Seplember 26, 2016, BUTINA emailed a U.S. person to organizc 8n event for the purpose ofinfluencing the views of U.S. officials, as thoso views relate to the Russian Federation.