On Thu, Oct 12, 2017 at 5:14 PM, Ashley Winthrop (Wm) wrote rroin: Ashlev Winthrop Subject: Media Request for Rep Joe Walsh Message Body To whom it May Concern, My name is Ashley and I am writing to you on behair or First Liberty Pictures. We are currently producing a series that will air on the israeli network yes and we'd like to reature Rep Joe Walsh as a "Friend of Israel" since he has consistently been a supporter rorthe security or the Israeli people Our show's aim is to highlight the common security concerns that our countries share, learn from each other's perspective, and further illustrate the unshakeable bond between the S. and lsrael. Rep. Walsh understands that the post-9l11 security situation in the LLS. is similar to what Israel has faced since its creation. in the form of terrorist organizations like Hamas, the PLO. Hezbollah. and ISIS. He understands it?s crucial that Americans are ready to defend themselves against radical Islamic extremists. Terrorism is no Iongerjust in Tel Aviv orJerusalem. . it has spread to places like Orlando, San Bernardinot and Fort Hood, and it's threatening our shared values of freedom and democracy. For the on camera appearance, he would meet with a gentleman from Israel who has seen the tactics used by these extremists up close and has developed unique anti-extremist techniques that very few in the world are privy to and he would like to share them with Rep. Walsh and our audience. We'd love to ?y him out here to film with us in the A area at the end of October or alternatively, we plan to be in the Washington DC. area the first or second week of November Would he be available then? Please let me know his level of interest in participating. Looking forward to speaking with you Best, Ashley Winthrop Producer rirst liberty Pictures Wont On Fri, Oct 13. 2017 at 12:41 PM, info Walsh wrote: Good Alternoon Ashley. Thank you for reaching outtoloe He is very interested in participating in your series Anything to support israel and to help point out the threat that we now race from isiamic terrorists here on American soil is a subject he never shies away rrom Joe is available to ?y out to LA or no. The only problem with LA is that he is in the Denver area at a family wedding event the zezeth otOctober. So timing might work best for him to meet you in no. Please contact me, his wife Helene, to make speci?c arrangements. Best, Helene MillerrWalsh Wm From: Date: Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 3:15 PM Subject: Re: Media Request tor Rep. Joe Walsh To: Into Walsh Hi Helene, Thanks ror your quick reply. That is great newsi Let?s plan on having him fly out early November in We will of course provide airrare, hotel and car service to and from airport and to our studio. I?m just getting started on this project so please allow me some time to ?gure out the speci?c dates and other details and get back to you 7 probably some time next week. Ourteam is very excited that he?s interested in participating! Have a nice weekend. Best. Ashley Ashley Winthrop 12/12/17 TO me Hi Helene, I've been trying so hard to push this through but it doesn?t look promising i don't want to hold you up or inconvenience you. Believe me when i say this isjust as frustrating for me . this production just keeps changing the schedule! They were all shootingtoday so I couldn't get any ?rm answers. Should have a answer tomorrow morning l?l Alexis Roth: Feb 21 10 me l?l Dear He net As you may be aware April 13th, 2018 Will mark the 70m anniversary of the establishment otthe Jewish state of Israel. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and the entire nation, along with her international allies? Will be celebrating this historic milestone. It is my honor to inlorm you that Congressman Joe Walsh has been chosen as one of Israel?s "70 at 70" for strong support of the state of Israel. The 70 at 70 Awards highlight Ti] distinguished individuals from outside Israel who have contributed to the defense and betterment of the nation. As a country in a uniquely vulnerable location, the people of Israel understand that they owe their very existence to the unwavering support of powerful ?gures like Congressman Joe Walsh. In conjunction With this award, Yerushalayim Televrsion is producing a program tentatively titled 70 at 70 that Will be aired by DEIS, the largest TV provider in Israel. While the actual ceremony will not be until Yom Ha?atzmaut (April 1B)j our ?lm crew Will be in Washington, DC. on February 26th? and would like to present Congressman Joe Walsh With the award in person and conduct a one hour sitedown interview The interview will focus on the shared values between our countries and the work he has done to ensure those bonds remain as strong as ever We have already sat with Tony Ellair, Rupert Murdoch, Larry Ellison, Bonoy and Steven Spielberg among others We would also like to discuss the mutual security interests of our countries. as two beacons of democracy in a troubled woiid. The people of Israel believe that a government's most fundamental responsibility is to prayide security for it's citizens. and Congressman Joe Walsh has been a strong, consistent voice on this issue. Please let me know if he has any availability on the 25th, and we will do everything we can to make this happen. I look lorward to speaking with you soon. Thank you! Sincerely. Alexis Rolhe Alexis Rome Feb 23 to alexls. me l_l Hi Helene, Do you want to booka?ight and we can reimburse him tor his airfare? How much are ?ights currently? I'm thinking we will book him a room ata nice hotel on Monday that way he has a place to stay and can ?y out Tuesday morning. Locking in a shoot time and I'm trying to be ?exible with his radio show. We can reimburse on set for cab fair to and from airport as well. Just keep the receipts. Does this work? Best, Alexis Rothe Feb 23 to me The car will take hime to set. It?s at 206 Union Studio. The interViewerWill be someone representing the 70 at TI). The hotel is booked under Joe Walsh. Con?rmation it: 299285. You can check in at 3pm. Please send me the receipts if you want prior so I can make sure the checkrcash is ready for you on set. Jordan will be on set and ready to help-Also, you can reach me as well but I will not be on location. Thanks! Helene Miller Feb 24 to Alexis l_l Alexis? Could you please send me the website in English) for Yerushaleyim tV? Would like to check out the stationi?oompanyloontent Thank you Alexis Rothe Feb 26 to Jordan me Jordan Simon Hi Helene. Looping in Jordan for the shoot today. Please send over the receipts so we can reimburse you on set. Beet,