ICR #18-21837 Digital Statement 911 Call CARVER COUNTY OFFICE Transcript of 911 Call For Service July 13, 2018 09:56:48 LM Linda Mullenbach #329 KA: Kara Amorosi Unidentified Male UM2: Unidenti?ed Male KM: Kayley McGarry #335 LM: 911 where is your emergency? KA: At my house. LM: What?s the address? KA: What? LM: What?s the address? KA: I need police to come to my house right now. LM: What?s the address? KA: 6451 Oriole Avenue LM: What?s going on? KA: My son LM: What about your son? KA: He?s being violent and destructive LM: Is he assaulting you? KA: He?s assaulting the house, he took my keys, he won?t let me leave LM: How old is your son? KA: I told him to give my keys back, he (inaudible), he?s got a baseball bat, he also has knives, you?re going to need to bring multiple police (inaudible) (crying) LM: Ma'am how old is your son? 18021837 1 Kara Amorosi July 17, 2018/ LMcan?t hear you. How old is your son? I can?t hear you. Ma?am how old is your son? He?s 17! need, you need to do something. Yep. (lnaudible) don?t want (inaudible) to hurt them oh my You think he?s going to hurt the officers? YES I DO, he wants to, he wants them to shoot he just locked me out of my house, he he wants them, he wants them to get in like a show down with the police, he wants, I can?t even I can?t get in my house (inaudible) What did he say? (crying) (inaudible) Ma?am, Ma?am, Ma?am, Ma?am, have some questions I need to ask you, I need you to get it together for me please so we can help your son. ok Take a couple deep breaths now. oh my god he he the garage, the garage now I can?t get out of the garage crying. OK Ma?am, ma?am have of?cers in route I He?s gonna do something bad because I (inaudible) Ok ma?am I can?t get Ma?am, ma?am what is your son?s name? His name is Archer Amorosi, they were here yesterday, he saw them, he needed a medical evaluation and they couldn?t do anything. 0k is he on any sort of drugs or alcohol today? 18021837 Kara Amorosi July 17, 2018/ LM: LM: KA: LM: KA: LM: KA: LM: KA: LM: KA: LM: KA: LM: KA: LM: KA: LM: KA: 18021837 No, I can?t (inaudible) have to get out of this garage. Do you have a door that opens that you can walk out? I can't reach it, I can?t reach it because the tractor is in front of it, I can?t (crying gasping) I tried to keep my purse from him so he couldn?t get my keys and he got my purse and I told him I would leave if he would just give me my purse and I told him I wouldn?t I call the police if he would just give me my purse. Ma?am, ma?am sobbing ma?am I need you I need you to calm down ok, I?ve got several of?cers coming to help you but I need you to calm down (inaudible sobbing) I need you to calm down so we can help you are going to have to listen to me very carefully ok? So I want you to calm down. I can?t breathe in here Ok. So the tractor is in front of the walk in door, correct? So the of?cers can?t open it either? I can?t move it ijust I can?t move it I tried to but I can?t move it, I can?t move He told me he has knives. Did he, did he have the knives on him when you saw him? No Ok He said that sometimes he wants them to come take him down, he?s he?s not well right now. And where was the baseball bat the last time you saw it? He had it in his hand and he went inside the house with it. Kara Amorosi July 17, 2018/ LMlocked me in here. 0k, and how did he disable the garage door? I don?t know, he pulled like that cord (sobbing) OK is there, Sobbing Ok ma?am what I want you to do is I want you to take a couple deep breaths for me. OK OK we are going to help you get out of there. Do you see that long cable on the chain, there should be a cable on the chain of the door. I can?t ?nd it (sobbing) it?s not.. I tried to bring it up I can?t push it Ma?am ma?am there need you to listen to me very carefully. There should be some sort of chain or cord that hangs down from'the garage door. Right Can you pull on that and that is going to release the locks on the door and then you should be able to go over and pull it up. I pulled on it it?s not doing anything I can?t no, no I can?t Is there a garage door Opener inside the garage? If there?s one in my car, he probably took it, he?s got this all planned out. It won't open it makes a weird noise but yeah it?s not opening and now it?s making a really sad noise (sobbing) OK just want you to calm down. Oh my god I i didn't want him to get my purse, I tried to hide it from him. What?s in your purse? My car keys. Ok well he?s not going to go anywhere because the car is in the garage correct? sobbing 18021837 Kara Amorosi July 17, 2018/ LM: LM: LM: LM: LM: LM: KA: LM: KA: LM: KA: LM: KA: LM: 18021837 Ma?am, ma?am ma'am I need you I need you to take some deep breaths again, come back with me, take some deep breaths, come on, bring it in, you gotta stay under control so that we can help you. i just want, I just want to get out of this garage. I I understand ma'am but if you are gonna be hysterical we are not gonna be able to help you so I need you to to bring it in with me now come on take some deep breaths. sobbing/crying 0k is the car in the garage with you? yes Ok then he he can?t take the car if it?s in in the garage with you, ok? I know you?re locked in the and you can?t get I don?t know how he got my purse, I don't know Don?t wor, let?s ok we?re not going to worry about your purse ok? Your purse is the last thing we?re worried about we?re worried about you and your son. I i don?t know how the police are going to get in, I don?t know, I can?t open the door for you. (Crying) I don?t know how you are going to get I?m sweating so badly (crying). ok ok yep, yep we?re gonna. We're gonna help you out we?re gonna get you out of your garage ok the of?cers are outside now ok I have I have three dogs and they don?t do anything bad ok we?re not gonna worry about the dogs ok we're not gonna worry about the dogs we?re gonna to worry about you and your son right now ok? I don?t know what to ok but I am gonna help you but need you to, I need you to stay calm with me ok, you need to stay calm with me I am, I am, I?m scared for him, I'm scared for him. yep, yep the yep the officers what are they going to do ok ma?am ma'am couple deep breaths, couple deep breaths for me ok Kara Amorosi July 17, 2018/ LM: LM: LM: LM: LM: LM: LM: UK: UM1: UM1: UM1: KA: UM1 sobbing couple deep breaths the of?cers are going to do theirjob ok? Couple deep breaths for me. sobbing (radio traffic in background) And there that tractor? tried but I can't I canlawn tractor? Or is it It?s a big huge riding lawn mower. ok ok I?m going to put the phone down, let me see Ok I can?t I can?t lift it either, I can?t lift can?t do anything with crying Are you back with me? crying Ok ma?am, ma?am, ok I I need you to bring it back in you need you need to take a couple deep breaths for me ok? You getting this upset is not going to help anything ok? (voice in background outside) (inaudible) door No no I'm not near the door (inaudible) handles on (inaudible) Pull the handle It?s not doing anything (inaudible) I did it?s not doing anything can?t You gotta pull back that way (inaudible) I can't get I can't get I tried. I can?t get it Who?s all in there? 18021837 Kara Amorosi July 17, 2018/ UM1: LM: KM: LM: LM: LM: UM2: LM: UM2: LM: UM1: LM: LM: UM1: KA: It?s just me. Step back ma'am step back. My car is here (sobbing) (Uncontrollable sobbing) I can?t I can?t get it I can't get itl cannotl I can't get it I can't get it Kayley can you start a rig? We are going to need one for Another one? She is she is hysterical she is like almost out of breath, she is screaming. thank you screaming, I need my (inaudible) I need my ex-husband (inaudible) do you hear me? I I need i need I need my son?s Dad (sobbing) Ma?am, ma?am (the deputies are there talking to her but she is like .) l need,lneed, The suspect?s in the living room you can see a handgun Two people in the garage trying to get out (Two? She didn?t tell me there was someone with HELLO have to go now to see his dad (inaudible) (inaudible) (The tractor is in front of the door, and he disabled the garage door so they can?t he came out and pulled something and now she doesn?t know what to Yeah and I'm like there?s a cord pull the cord) Just a second and tell me HELLO What do you want me to do? Can you try the big Try the cable that?s locking the door I found it. 18021837 Kara Amorosi July 17, 2018/ UM1: KA: UM1: UM1: LM: UM1: LM: UM1: UM1: (Inaudible) Is there a latch on the (inaudible) of the garage? A latch? (Sobbing inaudible) that?s what I tried to tell (Inaudible) this is a horrible situation. Is there a lock on the rail Is there a lock on the rail of the garage? I need you to (inaudible) A lock? (Inaudible) (Crying) Try here we go let's try. It's not doing anything. (radio traffic) (I think the troopers have Carver tac 3) I don?t know any better way. Is it a riding lawn mower? (I don?t know if Hennepin has their tac 3, so we will have to do) OH MY GOD I FOUND IT Come over here and listen to the directions I?m giving you I?m trying to give you assistance. Stop (inaudible) and come here (inaudible) the directions I give you. You need to come here. I'm worried for sliding door on the side see the slide Unlock the door can't, I tried, I know what you're saying, I'm not stupid but I can?t get it INADVERTENT ERRORS OMISSIONS MAY HAVE OCCURRED DURING THE TRANSCRIBING OF THIS CONVERSATION. PLEASE REFER TO TAPE FOR PRECISE DIALOGUE. 18021837 Kara Amorosi July 17, 2018/