Complaint against Dr. Sam Braden December 2017 .w;_r" METBO #"flt.: ,_,,., N ~ ;_H~v·P t t: PUStJC ~~ $CH(){)LS-~·-~"' SB..t.t\R Resolution For!n Employee Namc/EMPLID#: oil Position: Secreta.]'-Clerk Braden stated; "come on over here and let me taste it' Date ofHire:8/112017 School/Department: 498- John F. Kennedy Middle Issue: Allegations of Sexual Harassment from Dr. Sam Braden - alleged on Decen1ber 11' 2017' that Vlhile iil Dr. Sam Braden's office discussing recent absence from work, Dr. ~ Principal at John F. Ke1medy Middle. • • • alleges that Dr. Braden "wanted to perform oral sex on me." alleges that he responded to Dr. Braden by saying no, "as he has said on numerous occasions." accuses Dr. Sam Braden of at !east two other incidents (unsure of exact date and no witnesses present during these alleged occurrences). alleges the first incident happened approximately the first week of school where he was propositioned by Dr. Sam Braden to perform sexual acts with him and his wife. The states happened the last week of second alleged incident, football games (estimated date of October 24, 20 17), where Dr. · Braden suggested him to look at his crotch area insinuating the request for sex. On December 11, 2017 reports the December 11th incident to Assistant Principal's Mr. Howard Jones, and Dr. Kelly Latham, along with Bookkeeper/Admin. Records Kinlberly Crowder, and School Officer Williams (first name unknown). allegation is reported to EDSSI- Dr. Barbara MaultsbySpringer. Statements were provided to Ms, Maultsby-Springer by Allegations Howard Jones, Dr. Kelly Lathem, and and statements were provide to Scott Lindsey- Exec. Dir of Employee Relations, and Denetra Batey- Employee Relations Manager for investigation. Involved parties were called into Central Office for interviewing; Dr. Sam Braden, Howard Jones, Dr. Kelly Latham, and Kinlberly Crowder. l¥~!: ·;·;;;; () ·~~·-A:;; :t:/~ ~ i~ PIJB!:JC '$CH·OOLS t SBi\R. Resolution Form ~f.J·.~L~~-'::;::,~;.:..::::~~.-.·~·~·-- :"':~·:;. thorough investigation, the allegation(s) of sexual harassment that Mr. accused Dr. Sam Braden of does not seem creditable. There were not any witnesses of the alleged inciderrl(s). Mr. Howard Jones and Dr. Kelly Lathem, during the separate interviews with both employees, neither of them could give an accou11t of the previous situations alleges. Dr. Kelly Latham did comment saying things in a joking that she recalls in an open area matter like, "While I was in Dr, Braden's office, he was looking at my crotch area ar1d making suggestive grunts or noises.'' Dr. Lathem said was joking and she did not take him seriously because laughing while talking out loud in the front office. Through the investigation we were unable to fmd any information that would substantiate this sexual harassment claim. I Dr. Braden was advised to always have another pa.'iy present when meeting with in his office, and to make sure he is treated the as any employee under his leadership. Dr. Braden was also reminded ofMNPS zero tolerance in regards to retaliation and confidentiality. EDSSI- Dr. Barbara Maultsby-Springer will also meet with Braden concerning some of the feedback of his Management style that was mentioned to be a bit abrasive by some employees inten>iewed during this investigation. Batey, Denetra •·wr !•t;.mr-· Ft-·cm: Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M Thursday, December 14, 2017 9:37AM Jones, Howard E Lindsey, Scott B; Batey, Denetra Re: S. Semrt: 1'<>: c:,: Subjec1: ~ •. fr. Jones, Thank you, I have included Ms. Batey (employee relations manager) on the email as she will be addressing the matter. f(egards, Dr. Braden FI'Orn: Jones, Howard E Thursday, December 14, 2017 8:25:09 AM l'·J: Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M <:c: Lindsey, Scott B SrJbject: Fwd: S. S•~ull: Dr. Springer, and I'm forwatding his statement to you Per your request... this is what was sent to me by Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: _ ---~----- _ > Date: December 14,2017 at 7:15:22 AM CST To: "Howard.jones" On Tuesday December 11th I went into Dr. Bradens office to let hia know I was really at a wedding and thats why I needed to leave early on December 8th. Dr. Braden went on to say never mind that. Come over here and let me taste it. I replied excuse me he told me to come around his desk so he could perform oral sex on me. I said no as I have on numerous occasions. Dr. Braden then said I've been with the district for 30 years I can make it hard for you to get another job with MNPS. He said he'd fill my file with things to make it so I'd never get hired with metro again. He has said sexual things before and I've told Dr. Kellys Lathem and Mr. Howard Joens and Kim Crowder. It's been going on since the beginning of this school year. Sent from my T -Mobile 4G LTE Device 1 Satey, Denetra R:llJIEIIW ..... 0 fmm: ..., _ _ _ '.:&FWW?Ffi11' --FJijR!IlJI Latham, Kelly R Wednesday, December 13, 2017 1:55 PM Lindsey, Scott B; Batey, Denetra Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M Statement Se1nt: To: (c~ Stnbject: The following is the information that was verbally presented to me by December 11, 2017 around 1pm: JFK Clerk, on Tuesday, lltlr. went into Dr. Braden's office to discuss his ( absence from school on Monday, December 11. It was during this conversation that Dr. Braden requested come behind his desk and "let him smell it." When responded with confusion and sought clarification, Dr. Braden then said he wanted a "taste." At this point, said that he was not "like that" and did not appreciate the implication or the comments because they hiid had this conversation on a previous occasion. Dr. Braden became angry and stated that he could ruin him and fill his fil<• with all kinds of papers that would make it so he would never work again. left the office immediately El nd did not return. I informed at that time that he needed to contact Employee Rel<1tlons at Central Office. l you? Dr. Braden Executive Principle at JFK Middle. 4. In your own words, please explain exactly what happened that made yc,u feel a,; thOLJgh you were being harassed or discriminated against? Please include where it occurred anc who said or did what. On Tuesday December 11'h while meeting with Mr. Braden in his office to let him know I was really at a wedding and thats why I needed to leave early on December 8th. Dr. t3radon went on to soy never mind that. Come over here and let me taste it. I replied excuse me he toid me to come around his desk so he could perform oral sex on me. I said no as I have on numerous occasions. Or, Braden then said I've been with the district for 30 years I can make it hard for you to get another job with MNPS. He soid he'd fill my file with things to make it so I'd never get hired with metro again. He has said sexual things before and l'v< told Dr. Kellys Lathem and Mr. Howard Joens and Kim Crowder. It's been >!Ding on since the beginning of this school year." lnterview~r & Interviewee Initials: _ _ _...:\&=-- Investigation/Interview Page 1 of I 5. Whe,, did the alleged incident !s) occur? What was the earliest •JCturrente of the alleged behavior and when was the latest occurrence? o o o 6. First incident happened the first week of the school year (does not have exac': date). stated that Mr. Braden asked him, "So you like the job?" advised that he replied yes. Mr. Braden replied, "So you need to thank me." ,uzzled advised him that he did already tell him thank you. Mr. Braden tells that he and his wife are swingers and would like for and his wife possiblt participate. Mr. Braden also te Is that he enjoys watching his wife be intimate with other partners. The second incident he encounters happened the week of football game estimated Oct. 24, on a Tuesday. Mr. Braden asked to com•? on over here (behind his desk) ... come closer ... asked what's going on? Braden replies ... you know what I'm talking about, as he leans back in his chair, looking down at his crouch area. replies I don't get don't get down like that and he left the office. Third incident occurred Tuesday, December 11th I went into Dr. Bracien's office to let him know I was really at a wedding and that's why I needed to leave early on December 8th. Dr. Braden went on to say never mind that. Come over here anci let me 1·aste it I replied excuse me he told me to come around his desk so he could perform oral sex on me. ! said no as I have on numerous occasions. Dr. Braden then said I've been with the district for 30 years I can ma' 2//fr/!1 1 1 --- Interviewer & Interviewee Initials: _ _ _ _ _cy,_&>_ ~ Jk..,r"'lfg~ t!\. ~¥ct t'/&,/(1 Interviewer Signature/EMPLIDII Investigation/Interview Date Page 3 of 2 .METRO "'" .-.!}.~H· Hif ' ,.,, t: v- -ko PUBLIC r~,f'\- ~ 4<- SCHOOLS Investigation Questions Harassment/Employment Discrimination Dr. Sam Braden JFK Middle Executive Prin. EMPliiD#: Phone:' Introduction: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me( us) today. We value you and your time and appreciate your cooperation in helping us complete our investigation. Nature of the investigation: Alleged inappropriate behavior by you that is thought to have been sexual harassment. It is the policy of MNPS to provide associates with an environment free from all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment and intimidation. Sexual harassment includes any conduct of a sexual nature that unreasonably interferes with an individual's work. The matter under investigation is serious and MNPS has a commitment and obligation to investigate the claim and to keep it as confidential as practically possible. No conclusion will be made until all o1'the facts have been gathered and analyzed. Any attempt by you to influence the outcome of the investigation, retaliation against anyone who participates in the investigation, providing false information or failure to be forthcoming can be the basis for corrective action, up to and including the recommendation for termination. Foundation questions: 1. Are you familiar with the MNPS Harassment/discrimination and Non-Retaliation Policy? Yes (il copy is being provided to you today so that we can emphasize MNP:;'s commitment to enforce the policy) 2. In response to the alleged incident that transpired on December 11th or 12''", in your own wm·ds, explain as clearly as possible what happened, including who did what, where it occurred, who was involved, etc. 1 make sure my school has a great welcoming atmosphere. We all work well together. everyday School starts 8:55 am, the start of the morning consists of opening announcements, pledge of allegiance, afterwards I called about four teachers down around 915 (Ms. Teague -Athletic business manager and 55 teacher, Ms. Shelton- 7'h grade Math teacher, Mr. Jones- Assistant Principle, Mr. Woody- PE Teacher and Basketball Coach, and Ms. Crowder- St,cretary Bookkeeper) to have a conversation regarding a bullying situation with a student. Ms. Crowder indicated that the student's Mother has been to Mr. Jones and another teacher and feels lik,e nothing has been done about ·the situation. Bullying is a serious matter and I want to make sure that we address by follow board policy. We met for over an hour discussing situation. Wrapped up meeting about lOam, Mr. Woody asked Ms. Teague, Mr. Jones, and myself to remain after meeting while others were dismissed. He wanted to talk about a situation. He made me aware of the locker room uncleanliness. Mr. Jones stated that he has spoken to previously to let him know of the condition of the locker room. Mr. Jones said Interviewer & Interviewee Initials: ff" J@ Investigation/Interview Page 1 of 2 the Health Dept. noted the locker room in their findings as well which impact Health dept. score. We proceeded to the Locker room, which it was awful, gnats flying around and uniforms thrown everywhere on the floor. I asked Mr. Jones to go get and Ms. Teague. When they what's going here, I asked how long has it arrived in the locker with us, Mr. Jones asked been liked this? He indicated he would get it done by Friday. I told Jones I had an observation to do at Ms. Saracho classroom so, !left them there to handle the situation. 3. The other alleged incidents that I presented you, what is your account of these situations? Absolutely not, I don't know what he is talking about. I have no idea or understanding of what he is talking about My office has a lot windows, people can see in the office at all times and I can see out. I can see the kids coming to and from the school busses. It is real open. He has only been in my office twice, one of the days he was in my office was last Friday. He stood at the doorway of my office and he asked to leuve early and I told him we are a little short staffed, we h,,d a lot of people out alreadv. I had a problem approving leave due to short staffing. I could tell by h,s mannerisms he was upset, so I stated if you have too, go ahead, I am leaving that as your decision. He stayed about an hour or so and then left the day. Later I was told by Ms. Crowder he told her he was not coming in on Monday. She said she told him to contact me and follow protocol. Crowder said he told her he sent me an email. I never got an email. was out Monday, and I called him on Tuesday to check to see everything is ok, to follow up with him concerning that incident and the locker room situation, Mr. Jones mentioned to me was really upset about the locker room i1cident and that he was going to right him up. I told Mr. Jones if he is going to write him up, m3ke sure everything is documented. 4. Why do you believe the complaint has been made? I think it was a form of retalia·do 1, the second time he was in my office it was a reprimand about the incident with ':he young lady. I think he is envious a little jealous. He always compliments on my attire, I always reply by saying thank you. He always comments on financial status, saying things like I knoVI yall got this and that. is very good worker but he has a hard time accepting criticism. i worked with him on hi,; work s~hedule. and he arrives at work early. If I had to evaluate his work ethic on a scale of J. to 5, he would be high 3 or low 4 range. Very cordial. I see him every day, but work with him is r.poraclic. He helps with any task that I need assistance with. 5. Did you do or say anything that could have, been misunderstood or wuld be~ intenti<>nally misrepresented? If so, please explain the circumstances? Nc, howe·Jer when I first talked to him at the RAC Store, he mentioned I bet all Principals live good. anell t-Jid him that he coulcl do this too just to apply. Just start at the bottom and work his way up. I told him the process at MI~P:i. 6. Were there any witnesses to your account of what happened c•r an·Jone else that may have ii1formation relevant to the investigation? If so, please ;>rovide their namc~s and ~ontact information i'l available. No, this allegation is false, my secretary (Ms. Crowder) can verify how nakes statements to me concerning my dress. 7. Would you have any email communication, texts or other fc,rms of communication between you and the complaint that may be relevant in the investigation of this com~laint (please be specific)? No 8. Is there any other information that you would like to add that is relevant to this inv·estigation?' You know, the only thing I say is I believe in giving 2"' chances. This brother needs to have some type of training on accepting criticism and training to learn more about the school system including superior to staff to student working relationship interaction. Interviewer & Interviewee Initials: - '4»-'- +/J»-'~" '- - - Investigation/Interview Page 2 ot 2 9. Please be advised that if harassment/discrimination is corroborated by the information mllecb~d, MNPS will take appropriate disciplinary action. Do you hav,~ any qJestions at this time? Ciosing Statement: Thank you so much for your time today. This ma;:ter is s·:ill under investigar.ion, so I woul·~ ask that you please do not discuss this matter so not to interfere with the investigation. If vou have any t:t""" :'A' rc \~"-J·~~~ "'~.· ropriate m<1nner. Failure to follow these directives will result in actions that may result in correctiVE! action at' discipline, up to and including termination. It is recommended that you be placed on Administrative leavt~ with pay for two school days. You may continue your work within another MNPS school if hired. A copv of this letter will be placed in your district and personnel file. You are welcome to atr:ach any comments that you may have. Sam Braden, Ill, Executive Principal Executive Principal John F. Kennedy Middle Prep Cc: Personnel File Dr. Michelle Springer, EDSSI Dr. Adrienne Battle, Southe>ladrant unity Supt!rintend. ent _.. . , . S{ ./LL.---c-~,-~'- CA-~ ll (LJ'/'"Ii -- ~-~ - 4~~0-- c,__.__ : (( ·2_ ~· / ( (I / .- ' "'""" -~-~·P't i~wi· •CB ~""' ~.J •;t -. ~ 'r~ -? I Emptoyee: Title: Secretary/Clerk -N ''"''" ' DEC ! 4 ZUi/ EMPWYE;:.. ;;;:u ,, ' '1.'-, 1-- t ~ ~. ~ j School: John F. Kennedy Middle Prep Date: l~ovember 13, 2017 The purpose of this plan is to define areas of concern and allow you the opportunity to demonstrate improvement and commitment. Due to recent incidents of a parent and student alleging that an inappropriate comment has been made toward them, yotl are to adhere to the plan below. Areas of Concern: • Communication with students, staff, and parents Expectations: • Staff member will not be in the cafeteria during breakfast/morning transition time .. Staff member will no longer cover lunch for grade 8 • Sta·ff member will ensure all communication with students, staff, and parents is related to school issues only •· Staff member will have no contact with student This plan be in effect immediately. During this time, you will be expected to make regular progress on the plan outlined above. Failure to meet or exceed these expectations, or any display of gross misconduct will result in further disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The Individualized Performance Plan does not alter the employment-at-will relationsllip, which is defined as the employment is determined by the immediate supervisor and can be terminated any time. Additionally, the contents of this Individualized Improvement Plan are to remain confidential. Should you have questions or concerns regarding the content, you will be expected to follow up directly with me. Dr. Sam Braden, Ill Executive Principal John F. Kennedy Middle Prep 1/ e-~)'? __,.. !Jmtey, Denetra WJI:IIU~ ' ~:~om: Braden, Sam Thursday, December 14, 2017 3:30PM Batey, Denetra; Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M; Lindsey, Scott B FW: S. ~.ient: 'i"; Jones, Howard E !;ulbjet:t: RE: S. IJr•. Braden, llf'l'er speaking with Mr. Jones on Friday, it appears that admits to engaging in a conversation with the female dudent but did not disclose the details. I have requested that Mr. Jones complete the investigation by asking for an additional regarding the details of the conversation. ''tatetnent from Please follow up as soon as possible on tomorrow, Monday November 6'h. Tfwnksl C)l 6"". o fill '" ·<, ,.JIUc/t<.Ue c: . eJ~ Executive Director ofSchool Support and Improvement S-cmtheast Quadrant- Antioch, Cane Ridge and Glencliff Clusters J\chiever I Relator I Connectedness I Futuristic I Restorative GALLUP~" Certified Strengths Coach CO!\IFIDENTJAUTY STATEMENT: This email may contain information that is privileged and confidential. Any dissemination, distribution, or ca;Jying of t!li.s message or any of its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message In error, pi ease contact Metropolitan Nashville Public S.::i"1ools by e-mail at or by phone at 615-259-8400. From' Braden, Sam S.ent: Friday, November 3, 2017 3:58 PIVI Too IVIaultsby-Springer, Barbara M ; Jones, Howard E "'> "'ul1ject: RE: Thanks! 1 Ftom: Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M S~mc:: Friday, November 3, 2017 3:10PM To: Jares, Howard E C1:: llraden, Sam Slllb'ect: RE: ThCink ~'OU, Mr. Jones. Thc111k )10U for the witness statements. The team has a copy of a sample letter of reprimand that cqn be shared. I wi'l u;Jdate you once I have communicated with our community superintendent. Thank you! Cl\ , ;u,., 6'!17". o oo <:: • Jl"""'""""' ""~ Erecut C.:: Braden, Sam SIJI!je; Braden, Sam SIJbject: Fwd: s. Sent f:om my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: n> Date: November 4, 2017 at 6:01:40 PM CDT To: Gayle and I talked about the upcoming football game against Apollc<. Gayle asked if we would win. I replied we have a better team and better coaches. Gayle replied it didn't matter as long as we beat Marshall it was ok. Gayle said JFK hadn't beat Marshall since she'd beim there and she was happy that we won. Sent from my T -Mobile 40 LTE Device 1 !!!!¥• Denetra Frc~kn: Braden, Sam Thursday, December 14, 2017 3:29 PM • : Batey, Denetra; Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M; Lhdsey, Scott B FW: Reprimand JFK_ EDITS . s~~nt: TtO~ S1~1ljed: ·.·~.: .· ~~ 1'1.?' ~~. ~~. ·~.u.-.·~rl.r~ .li.:.u ...·.•· • .·. · .· ·. <. . '.h. F:·om: Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M Sent: Monday, November 6, 2017 4:03PM T•3: Braden, Sam Subiett: RE: Reprimand JFK_ EDITS Qf·· ·~ •.. ,,~,, \'' f\ \' y,,., hr would return until a final decision is made. Thanks! D1•. ,Y,ichelle Springer . Exewti·1e Director of School Support and Improvement Office of School Support and Improvement Spylng of this message or any of its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error) contact Metropol:tan Nl!ihvil!e Public Schools by e~mail at or by phone at 615·259-8400. FI'Om: Braden, Sam S1~1H: Monday, November 6, 2017 4:01 PM T Sulbjett: RE: Reprimand JFK_ EDITS Therefore, I need to contact him to return tomorrow to work. I have not received anything fr)Jm the parents. Thanks for the feedback. fl' S~bject: Reprimand JFK_ EDITS Thanks, Dr. Braden! I have made a few suggestions (see highlights).Aiso, please add as 11any ddailsithat you can about th., student interview you conducted and parent response/ concerns. · Please make adjustments and send to Mr. Lindsey for revisions, then resend to Dr. BaHie and myseif. For· tomorrow, please ensure that has no contact with the student (so no cafe duty fori sure). Please let me know what questions you have. 1 To: JFK Support Staff From: Dr. Sam Braden, Executive Principal Date: November 5, 2017 Re: Letter of Reprimand Dear This correspondence serves as a letter of reprimand regarding your profession!al conduct while serving in your role as Secretary/Clerk for John F. Kennedy Middle Prep. On October 31, 2017, you were accused of having an inappropriate conversation with a female student that took place on October 26, 3017. During this conversation, it was reported that you stated, "You are a cutie. If I were your age ... " ~lili'!::--ml~~i~ You deny this piece of the conversation but do admit to having conversation with the female J~~~~~~~~~ltt~~¥1-~'"''~'-.W~\'~:#~~B_i~~-'~"' student about the upcoming football game.\'j;~~~l~lim-~(1.~-!,~~t*~ ;'1« Engaging in inappropriate conversations with students creates an unsafe and rjiegative environment. This student stated she felt uneasy coming In the building or seeing you in the cafeteria. It is recommended that you be placed on Administrative Leave without Pay fo~ two school dc;ys and be deemed ineligible to return to JFK. You may continue your work within' another 1\ilNPS school if hired. A copy of this letter will be placed in your district and personnel file. You are welcome to attach any comments that you may have. Sam Braden, Ill, Executive Principal Executive Principal John F. Kennedy Middle Prep Cc: Personnel File Dr. Michelle Springer, EDSSI Dr. Adrienne Battle, Southeast Quadrant Community Superintendent ~~~~ \Qti~~.,,.,.r!'lf! _ _,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,~,\-~~!1 Batey, Denetra From: Braden, Sam Thursday, December 14, 2017 3:27PM Batey, Denetra; Lindsey, Scott B; Maultsby-Springer, Barbar~ M FW: , Sent: To: Suhje~t: FYI Fmm: Jones, Howard E Ser,t: Sunday, November 5, 2017 6:23 PM To: Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M Cc: Braden, Sam Sut•ject: Re: . I have an email from He sent to me late Friday or Saturday. I'm forwarlling it to you now. Sent from my iPhone On Nov 5, 2017, at 5:52PM, Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M wrote: Dr. Braden, After speaking with Mr. Jones on Friday, it appears that admits to engaging ih a conversation with the female student but did not disclose the details. I have requested 1'hat Mr. Jones comP,lete the investigation by asking for an additional statement from r·egarding the detail~ of the conversation. Please follow up as soon as possible on tomorrow, Monday November 6". Thanks! GD4.~s~ Executive Director ofSchool Support and Improvement Southeast Quadrant-- Antiorh_ r.:~np Ridge and Glencliff Clusters Achiever 1 Relator 1 Connectedness j Futuristic l Restorative GALLUP~ Certified Strengths Coach , CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: This email may contain information that is privileged and confidential. An'y dissemination, dlstribu'don, or copying of this message or any of its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received thJs message in error, please contact Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools by e-mail at customerservice@mnps.crg or by phanr at 615-259-8400. From: Braden, Sam Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 3:58PM 1 l To: Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M ; Jones, Hpward E Subject: RE: S. Thanks! From: Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 3:10PM To: Jones, Howard E Cc: Braden, Sam Subject: RE: . Thank you, Mr. Jones. Thank you for the witness statements. The team has a copy of a sample letter of reprimand that can be ' shared. I will update you once I have communicated with our community superintendent. Thank you! q)~.~~~ Executive Director of School Support and Improvement Southeast Quadrant- Antioch, Cane Ridge and Glencliff Clusters Achiever I Relator I Connectedness I Futuristic GALLUP'~ Certified Strengths Coach r Restorative CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT; This email may contain Information that is privileged and confidentiaL A~y dissemination. distribution, or copying of this message or any of its contents is strictly prohibited. If you have received t~is message in error, please contact Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools by e-mail at customerservice@mnps.o..rg or by phone at 615-259-8400. From: Jones, Howard E Sent: Friday, November 3, 2017 1:54PM To: Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M Subject: 2 METRO I I puetic Investigation Questlom 1h: SCHOOLS -Dr. Braden Witness Name: Dr. Kelly Latham MPLID School/Department: 15 Pl" iotd'uz. Title/ Position: i359} Email Address: . Phone iZlAiLiri, l/l_ introduction: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today We value you and your time and aopreciale your cooperation in helping us complete our investigation nature afthe Investigation: Alleged inappropriate behavior or a co-wnlker that have been sexual harassment. it is the policy of MNPS to provide associates with an environment free from all of harassment, including sexual harassment and intimidation. Sexual harassment includes any conduct of 2 sexual nature that unreasonably interferes with an indivldual's works i The matter under investigation is serious and MNPS hasa commitment and obligation to investigate the claiiri and to keep it as confidential as practically possible No conclusinn will he made until all oitre iacts have been gathered and analyzed. Any attempt by onI to influence the outcome of the investigation, retaliation against anjvohe who participates in the investigation, providing false information or failure to be fortnroniing :an be the basis For corrective action, in lo and including the recommendation for termination. Foundation 1 Are you familiar withthe MNPS Harassment/oi crimination and Non-Retaliation Policy! (A copy is being prov dad to you today so that we can emphasize commit'nent to enforce the policy) 2' Have you wltness any on any :icca;inn involving- or anyone else? If so. in your own words, please explain as sloariy as possible what happ onec, including who did whal, where it occurred, who was involved. Please be specific as possible. I was coming in from a meeting from Martin Center. -- came up to me said i need to talktoyon, he said Jr. Braden has made sexual advances toward him and he was bred or it. I asked him to come to my office to continue discussing incident due to current conversation was in a conference room (into my office,- explained that he was talking to Dr. Braden auout his absen a and dirlng the conversation Dr, Braden ask him to come around his desk to let him was taken aback ard then he stated that Mr. Braden then stated to give him a little taste.- replie' and said i havr: told you before i am not like that, we have had this discussion hetero-stateit at Brzaen's response wasl have been in this district over 30 years and coulc fill yot he with all kinds of paper ,tha: would make it so no would never work again Did you tell anyone else laser about the It so, who did you :25! and what was their Mrs. meder did say something to me today, she mentioned she wantei to talk and began l0 recall the lntalviewee Initials: lmestigatitin/lntenilew F'agiincident regarding which he had informed her of the same thing. Mrs. Cro\\(der also stated o:hat Braden mentioned that he wanted to talk to her and she hoped it was not about thisI inciclent. I I 4. Has come to you in the past with any other allegations concerning M~. Braden? Yes, but it was just in passing though in the open office, where statecl tha: he was in br. Braden's offi::e and Dr. Braden was looking at his crouch area and making suggestive gm1ts ''"d noi;es. ~at sure of exa.:t dat~. 5. Do you know of any reason why the Complainant would misrepresent allegati·ons~ I do not 6. Are you aware of any other incidents of alleged harassmentfdiscrimina tion by any\ other MNI'S employees? If so, describe the incident, when and where it occurred and who wa~ involved. No 7. Are there witnesses who can corroborate the occurrence of the incident(s)? If so, J!lea1m pro>Jide their names and contact info. No, we spoke in a conference room 8. i I Please provide any other information (emails, ·~oicemails, correspondei,1Ct~, etc.) tHat you thir;k us relevant to the investigation matter. N/A 9. Are you aware of, or suspect, that others have been harassed/discl'iminated ag:ain~t l)y the alleged harasser? If so, who are they? No, no one has ever come to rne with anything. [ I 10. Please know that MNPS does not tolerate sexual harassment nor retaliat:on. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or someone· in our Employee HR Partner. Do you have any questions at this time? ~elations Office or your I I i Note: Fear of possi!Jie retaliation, Dr. Braden likes ·to keep in house, I feel Ji!te he is dis~ppointed that we didn't let him know about this incident before alerting anyone else. He didn't say thatihe was disappointec', however I could tell by actions and mannerisms. Hie has a way or manreer t'l let you know when he is I d lspleased. Closing Statement: Thank you so much for your time today. This matter is s:ill under in~estigation, so I would a ;k that you please do not discuss this matter so not to interfere with the investigation. :If you have any additional information or questions, please reach out to me directly. (End lmerview: oJnetra Batey, I Employee He lations Manager). Acknowl•~dgement of Review of Interview Document: 1 ~:::...::._:::::___~'*---!-i_i~y t7_ Date Interviewer Signature/EMJ>LIP# I Date I i I Interviewer & Interviewee Initials: - - - - - - - Investigation/Interview Page 2 of 2 METRO NASHVfLlE PUBLIC SCHOOLS Investigation Questi Dr. Brad Witness Name: JFK Middle Records Admin./ Book keeper Date of ln~erview: I Introduction: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me toclay. We value you and appreciate your cooperation in helping us complete our investigation. time <~neci., including who did what, where it occurred, who was involved. Please be specific ~s possible. I don't feel comfortable coming out here it's so many different things going on at th~ school and I am unsure to who even come too. There is a group of individuals who feel the same waV that I do, we call ourselves the battered wives of JFK. It group consists of Althea/Willeen Moorehead) Dr. Gloria Reese, Custodian Patsy Gleaves, Dr. Kelly Lathem, Ms. Petway, Arlea Jo Franke-Wylie,and ~yself) [ Several times he has made statements like he knows people, and has gotten peoplelfired. They can go to the board on me but nothing will be done. The thing is I work for JFK and I also repbrt the audit department. If I call or email the audit department and Braden finds out he will getlmad. He says don't call them, they don't know what they are talking about, the Board is looking at them anyway they are talking about redoing the whole department. He always says he likes to keep everything in Ihouse they don't need to know what going on. I feel like he is a bully, he spreads lies and slander about ot~er people. Interviewer & Interviewee Initials: ! Investigation/Interview Page 1 of 2 when i first started he would tell me slanderous things about the otlieromployeesiike racist, that her family was also racist, you gotta watch them ldoh't trl'ist nobody but my wifer He told me to watch Jones, he is a lheif. He also said that he thinks he is gay, he is a minister who" a wifeminister withouta wife. He and Tribete got rl Doubie ftilr stealing at Mcgavock. whenever Braden is not here it feels so much better, when he ls present my items are r, wreck He will not let me close my door at anytime, iisomeone istalking to me he cunles by he says what are yall talking about. Ifl say nothing, he replies and says are yallta kin} about me.. why yot won'ttell me. He will then find work forthe person to do. Braden also mates up st 'ries when people cal out sick, for instance when I called out sick he told Lather" and othels, our depaltmeni ls at 1er because her books are messed up, when- first came in sreden said what you thinkabout - do you think he be bl-sexual. Braden mentioned look at-sjhair, his hair locks I don't know if I want that around mv students. He talks about Springei, ys she can't stand Jones, she just wants myiob. Braden blameslones forevemhing. One day he men mumioned to me that he caught- and Nguyen in the room by themselves, i said what werethey doing, and Brads sail I don': know i Justsawthem in there. insinuating something was happenilg, An np'oyee th it Was fecentlv hired he told me that he worked at Miranda's previously, has been knowing Braden fol'foul yearsfrom beingafrequent customer at Miranda's-old methat lie (Braden) is defi . ye Queen. i i Has M1.- mentioned allegations against Mr. Braden any initiipriroriate or text. behavior? On Tuesday 12/12/17, Cruwder i need to talk to you, he looked really ne ous - that Braden made a pass at me". this dude dune asked me if i wanted to taste il'. Lik lsa 12 pastl think this dude is gay, the stuff he be saying, and every time 1 go in his olrite helm at my julik. - well he did ask me if you were bisexual a whole ago, Evervtime Braden would call_ in his office, it wasn't a lot, but would make a face like he hated go In there. He said he does not feel right, this dude weir, ducl gay has said in the pasl said Braden has made little comment Didn't expound. Mentioned- said Braden was aiways looking at his crotch area. It seems- became more agitated when Braden would call him had: in H: office, and made statements On Thursday 12/14/17 ahout1;00pm he told methat Latham and Jones did someth ng behind his >>ck went over my head, and did him wrong and didn't even tell me. He said it was the would have said something to them tater on that evening around 5:15pm he called he szlio needt talk you, Iszlid UK, to said this is ortthe books aln't nevertalk to you because i can get in trot ole furtalk rig to you about this, you knnw- done went to Lathem and Jones and has slandered ny name and id all kind of .igly and disgraceful things about me. I replied likel was in shock. He asked rre what hao'pened on luesrliy, [recalling the accounts orthe day), I replied with lust normal even, ny attivities tor the day Braden lhen asked do you remember_ coming in to my office. i told hin-- ldon't know, Braden then soyr. That he never has to come into my office, and he has told Lathem and Jolles that wanted hirr to suck mydici .l was like really, and Braden says Latham and Jones done wrote it up and sent it To Office . en says i was blindsided with this Information that is why i had to leave yesterday, I didn't know in hat was going and on Wed 12/13/17, approximately at 3:30pm Braden called roe and asked lor numher. Mew minutes later he called me on my cellphone and said- diiln'l answergi I mv numlaeraird (E I hirn call me. nailed- and he answered and I told him tna Braden had been twingto cell i l'm. - asked me what's going on crowder, I said don't know, out I'm getting ready to text you number, i investigation/interview Fangch 4. Did you tell anyone else later about the incident(s)? If so, who did you tell and what was their responsd? Yes I told Dr. Latham. I I 5. Has come to you in the past with any other allegations concerning Braden? Every nov' and then, he would say dude is weird. He is always saying crazy stuff to me, He is ga~ ... I hate going in there. I never really asked exactly what he meant. 1 Mk 6. Do you know of any reason why the Complainant would misrepresent allegationst No, I just know at ne beginning Braden told he was going to make 55k and after his first check he realized he was not I But I don't think would make any anything up. [ 7. Are you aware of any other incidents of alleged harassment/discriminy n:r•.sam Branden, El!:ecutive l!t'il;!cipa,I a:t]()hn F. Kennedy Middle Schooi, and that he violated the MNPS Empl'oyee.Ha:tassment Policy by rnakbg sexually inappropriate comml;!rtts tow:ardyou. As discussed with you dUtingfhemvestigafion, MNPS takes such allegations·ve;ry seri<:l'tlsly cmm~ Braden, Sam Sent: Monday, January 8, 2018 1:20 PM To•: Maultsby-Springer, Barbara M ; Pertiller, Sharon L Sullject: FW: Fwd: F''l Frt:l•m: Sent: Monday, January 8, 2018 10:35 AM To: Braden, Sam ; Jones, Howard E ; kim.crowder( Subject: Fwd: S•oll·. from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device ---····--- Original messa:ety.oved.~<:r.ti,on.e~during the mterv1ew tnat teeis thlll, was aJso.a form of retahatkl tet'ei:e11ired ills fecling of agerdiscdmination. . . T!treate!ling, Coer:~ve Benav~r/Bullyi that Pt, Br&den has not only displ'<\yed the intln:iidatiol\, threatening, coercive beliavior/bullying toward him, but ~o ?~'er staffme~bers as well. . . . .r.bv1ded.fue names of Dl;. i(eny Lathan:>, Kimberly Crowder (Wiggms), as Witnesses who could c_ortoborat~ his a!legations against. Mr. Braden. o 3123/18- Dr. Kelly Llrtham was,interviewed whll provid!ld exrunples of Braden's unprofesSional managemcmt stykand accuslrti:ons ofinappmpriate smtements that .Dr. Braqen spread thto:tigh()t(tthe school. Dr, Kelly a1$o alleged thlit Dr. Braden's ~~~~~-~- ~~-~--~-~----~~ --~~~~-~~--~~ .....-.------~-. -----l-~----~--~--~----~-~ C!; ...... ~~- ---- -- ~~~~~~----~-..---~--. -~~ -- ....---- .~-.~..----.---~-~-~ MtTRO '.i .:.,; i~\.- i~ .. PUBLIC ~ SCHOOLS SBAR Resolution Form Date: 4/26/18 allegation ofagediscriinination or retaliation. 3/26/2018- Kimberly Crowder (Wiggins} Wa$ interviewed by phone due to her fear of doming into the central-office. Ms. C-rowder id alleges this has liappened n:tunerous times. Msc Cro:wd~r could not provide any iilfonnaiiori: to COl'l:obgra.te~egatio.Q;of aged1seriminationor . retiiliation. o ::l/26/18-.Dr. .Sam Braq~nwllS .inteniiewed couoe:nilng the _ all~glitionS. Wh!O!l !JPY'ked the'l)l;Csti9n, "Jn ~esj)(>i)JPYJotl\e aneged compliirtts ofinapprqprlatehehavior, harllS!lll;l!mt bulll'ing, ~ .,o o mald).Jg any iJiapproptiate $taiEmJents agalnstl Staff members tnples of Dr. Braden's .alleged inappropriaw behavior as we!). lv!t'. Marihal could not provide;aily,evideriCe to eorroboiate-..llegation of age discrimination or re;taiiation. .~ 3/2911 $ - Yvette .Lucas was interviewed, when asked about the ..negations concirtiihg Dt. ~raden' s maril!geiJieilt styre, s..'le .rnentfrined that she heard thing~__$UCh as;.f!lten:~tions \'Attt ~tlt~r 1 . - J~i, J ~" '='=-.~-~-~-~~~~~~. .--- """"'"'""'~"'"''" ...,_ .-. METRO :.-.;~':,~.h',...f; ~Jf Pllfil!t;: i . .=~=-...--=~= ~-~. SCHOOLS SBAR Re.,olution Form Dai:er 4/26/18 tl>!!chers, inappwprime c<;>m.-nents. to others, u _______ ~ o ~witne$ed a;nything. Ms. Lucas explained that she keeps to herself; keeps her "head in the sand em ptn]xlse." M$. Lucas emphasized after our meeting that she is retii:ing soon and is looking futwmtl to it. Based on the iriter.vie~ wit!fJFK employees it jlp):leats there was iiQ evidence t<; substantiate tli& allegations of tetaliatiorr .md . di!>Crlm:ilratiop m.ade flll~nst I:lr. Sam Br(lden However, thtollgh the course of the investigation of Dr. Sa:m Braden behaVilig ln a rnat'..ner that m!!!P' has been intimida~i111j: t\1\d illllJ~propriaj:':;~l!S~~on feedback from . .ai!Q other WltneSl!e!\. this type ot nehavror has been on:-gomg an has l::Ostered a culture offear at JFk. . My recollijllcn regarding the attnosphe!'t'; at JFK and Brad~n's Managecment. I also reeoiilriwndan ane>nymow; smv'eybe sent to all JFK emp)oy\i~$, in oeo;t: Batey, Denetra Friday, April 27, 2018 4:44 PM 'fo~: Battle, Adrienne R; .Maultsby-Springer, Barb ora M tCo:: Pertiller, Sharon L RE: JFK Middle image2018-04-27-154911.pdf Subject Attachments: Good afternoon Adrienne and MicheUe, I wanted to send you guys the synopsis of the investigation over at JFK for you to review. One you have both have some time avaUable we would love to schedule some time with you to discuss frJJther. I am sure that you both agree that this Information Is sensitive and confidential and should be treated as such. Thank you and enjoy your weekend I Tllank you, l'rnm: Batey, Denetra :>1mt: Wednesday, April25, 201810:17 AM T11: Battle, Adrienne R ; Maultsby-Sprlnger, Barbara M Subject: RE: JFK Middle No worries Adrienne, I know we are all busy during this time however, we wi!l find a time that meets everyone's schedule. I know Sharon is not available tomorrow, can you send me a few time slots that both you and Michelle are .3vallable, Friday or Monday, or anytime next week? Thank you, l ' i -----Original Appointment---~.rom: Battle, Adrienne R Somt: Tuesday, Aprll24, 2018 3:09PM lo: Batey, Denetra Subjeo~t: Declined: JFK Middle When: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 3:00PM-4:00PM (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada). Where: 007- Bransford- HC Conference Room 1st Floor 1: Batey, Denetra Friday, May 11, 2018 8:26AM Pertiller, Sharon L Story, Deborah RE: Updated ubjed: Yes, I was able to finally get Mr. Williams to agree to come in this morning at 10.00. I will speak with him concerning ~ew allegation. . Thank you, Denetra Batey ""-"Original Message---From: Pertlller, Sharon L Se . Thursday, May 2018 7:45 PM Story, Deborah ; Batey, Clenetra Subject: RE: Updated - I am sorry about your displacement. At this point, we are not at liberty to conclude the investigation regarding your allegations of retaliation. However, the decision regarding your AP role at JFK was based solely on the needs of the students and district practice. ,IJ,s a result of your email on Friday, May, 2018 surrounding allegations that the SRO was told negative things about you, I asked Ms. Batey if I could review his statement. She shared that the SRO never returned any of her phone calls. The SRO is not a MNPS employee; however, I advised Ms. Batey to contact our security leadership <1nd Metro Government if necessary so that we can Interview him. If Ms. Batey has not interviewed him already, we will get it scheduled tomorrow. We will be In touch with you next week. D..e:netra, Please provide me with an update tomorrow morning and I will follow up with~ I'' ~ i ! ji "~ ~ Tali< to you soon, Sharon I I II .Sharon Pertiller, PHR tl; Pertiller, Sharon L ; Batey, Denetra SLibject: Updated I was Informed this afternoon by Dr. Braden that I'm displaced. This Is beyond stressful. I have been trusting the process. If there's any information I need to know please let me know asap. This has been the worse blatant, retaliation, and bullying I have ever witnessed or experienced in my life. I recall December 11, when I had to write to this departmentthat a fellow worker was distraught because he was (alleged sexually) harassed. !Informed this department that I feared retaliation. Hegardless, all parties were sent back to the school the next day. I was directed by Dr. Braden to escort the victim out ofthe building with a police escort. This was awful. I was told by Dr Braden, In the midst of this sexual harassment disclosure, "You know my father went to jail for murder" ... at This suggestion of violence and retaliation is clear. I was told by a teacher at JFK that he saw the statement I sent to Human Resources concerning Dr. Braden's sexual hrthreatenlng may constitoote prohibited harassment under this policy when the conduct (1) is based on a student's real or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sexual orientation, ancestry, or se>c, including gender identity, gender expression, and appearance; and (2) creates a hostile environment. Harassment may take many forms. The matter under investigation Is serious and MNPS has a commitment and obligation to Investigate tha claim. To the extent practicable and allowed by law, reasonable efforts will be made to protect the confidentidlty of all parties, Including the complainant and accused, throughout the course of the investigation. However, anonymity cannot be guaranteed. No conclusion will be made until aU of the facts have been gathered and analyzed. Any attempt by you to influence the outcome of the Investigation, retaliation against anyone who participates in the investigation, providing false information or failure to be forthcoming can be the basis for corrective action, up to and Including the recommendation for termination. ! II l ~ II I Foundation questions: i[" 1. Are you familiar with the MNPS Harassment/discrimination and lihm-Retaliatflon Policy? (A copy is being provided to you today so that we can emphasize MNPS's commitment to enforce the policy) No I 2. recoel1tllyrecelved the allegation that Dr. Sam Braden made negative statements agail\st. Is this true, if so please explain what was said, and tNhen this occurrell? I don't recall. He neg;at111e statements to everybody. me included, He hasn't said anything directly to me. I I I I Interviewer & Interviewee Initials; - - Investigation/Interview Page 1 of 3 3. How would you describe the working atmosphere at JFK Middle? Right now, morale is very low amongst the staff. Everybody comes to me and confide In me concerning work and personal. 4. Who would you say causes the morale to be low at JKF? I think it is several things, administrators ~the Principal, Dr. Braden, it seems to be centered around him. 5. Have you witnessed any harassing/discriminatory, intimidating, threating, or retallatoo.v incldent~s) on any occasion by Dr. Braden? ifso,ln your own words, please explain as clearly as possible wh. happened, including who did what, where it occurred, who was involved. Please be specific a~klble. Absolutely, Dr. Braden asked me to escort-out of the building. I didn't do it. It was done as intimidation. There are other incidents but that one really sticks out in my mind. It appears ever since ~as announced the running for Senate, Braden started treating him differently. I would hate to be in their (employees in general) shoes. Braden was saying tha-wJs not doing this, that. .... td me it is like he was setting him up for failure. 6. Dr. Braden recently asked me to take some backpacks to his wife's school? I told him no, I was told that Pencil Pals. Woody mentioned he took them to his wife's school. Dr. Braden delegates everything. 7. I understaild that you had a loss in your family not so long ago, an<~ the emplo:Jyees at JFK presented you with Items of comfort during this period. It was alleged that there was possibly some confuslout regarding the value of the gift cards received. Can you share with me what was provided to you? Gift cards one was $5.00, one was $10.00. There were three open gift cl;lj 1.\(R)'S ~a);:es $ue!l . allegations IIE!l'ious!yamiwill no:t toletati:Hit,appx;optiate'behav!Ol\' in .the!mployee$ are a:lw.ayseencouragedto bnngsuch mattei$.tQ the attention ofHuman Resourcesat.any tlm!3,1illitho"ut tlt.e ii.~ar of :lietaliation or reprisal. All such allegations ~e investigated and al>p:rc:~pri,ate actioM tal~ to stop mapproprie,nftQ comply VO'ith our policy and to provide our aSSQeiate~;~Witha safe Md profea$ibnal work environment. Our investigation is now complete and ail i;imployees.involvedo'l: who wel:e identified by you as being. ab:le to.pJ>ovide reievant :infr)xmatfo!;i' for the\ invelltigation have been Wemewl!ld. 'l'li.91l'!Jh ther~ wus:not sufficient e"'idence to suppor:t a fiil4itlg'9l~at1on or retali~no '~here iS ~'Vidence of unprof~sionali$m on 1\leh!ilf iilfDr. Sa.trt B:rad~n. . [ Although privacy consideratiollSl.ih\ltQUrabUity to,shatedeti!Us With y()u. about other ~mploy<;l~, app:r:opir~ilte. aOUon'is being- ~en so th~t the unprofessional behaVior doeSI\Qtrepea.titself. Should any arise, please feel ftee.tQ reach outtP fue,at.. Denetra Batey Employee Relatiom Maniigel' co; Employee Central O!fice File (Suppe>>:t) II I II !' ~ ' ! ! Ir II I ![, I I ~ i I i [ ! ~ I ! I METRO NASHV1LLE PUBU.C SCHOOLS lnvestigatlorn Questioll1!s Harassment/Employm(~nt [liscriminatuon !EMPLID#:: JFK Middle 'l and to keep It as confidential as practically possible. No conclusion will b.~ made until all of the facts haw been gathered and analyzed. Any attempt by you to Influence the outcome of the investigation, retaliation against anyone who participate' in the Investigation, providing false information or failure to be forthc,Jming can be the basis f6r corrective action, up to and including the recommendation for termination. Foundation questions; 1. Are you familiar with the MNPS Harassment/discrimination and N(lll.RGBP.taliatk>I'J Poiic:y? (A copv is oelng provided to you today so that we can emphasize MNPS's commitment to enforce the pd the question about what he could do ':o make things better. Ms. Lucas, S'h grade teacher, asked him to have a greater presence on the S'" grade hallway. The entire faculty said that she should not have said that because he made some disparaging comments that he "Runs this school and I have other people to do that". Dr. Braden went on to say that 1 am getting rid of her. 4. Did Or. Braden say that he was getting rid of her at that meeting and when did that meeting occu1.? It was at a morning faculty meeting about a month ago. It was at the end of the same meeting. When everyone else exited the meeting, It was Dr. Latham and possibly Dr. Reese may have been present. When she made that statement I knew that I had to talk to her (Ms. Lucus) and let her know that she need,1d to go and apologize to Dr. Braden so that it would not cause her any grief. I would prefer that i'fyou at"e going to conduct the investigation based on my memory that you just move me. The sheer fact that I am talking to you now is assurance that he will try to get me out. 5" When did you talk to Ms. Lucus about her comments to Dr. Braden? Immediately, after that conversation, I went and talked to her and told her to send Dr. Braden an email to apologize to him. 6. Did you talk to Ms. Lucus alone and If so did you tell anyone about it? Yes. I told a portion of the S'h grade team. Ms. Griffy, Ms. Blackburn and tried to make it like. I told. them, "why did you let her make that stiltement?". I encouraged them not to do that for the sake of peace and for the culture. 7. What. was the setting In which you had that conversation? Ms. Lucus, she was by herself, but with part of the team, we were standing in the hallway. B. Just to make sure that we have this on the record, what is the name and tltle/positlcm of the accused person(s) and their relationship to you? Dr. Braden Executive Principal at JFK Middle. 9. Is th~else that you would like to add to that scenario? Continuing with the retaliation piece w i t h - _ . He had applied for another position with another school and Dr. Braden was called for a recommendation. Dr. Braden asked Ms. Petway to write a letter to say that he came In late every day. Ms. Petway (Front Desk Clerk) refused to do it and she wrote it "per your instructions". According to Dr. Latham and Ms. Crowder (Executive Secretary), he called Ms. Petw I I . i f I ' I . '' '' / .' ' I I I ! ' !' ' ' . < g. Mi? MM 444,44 5 4406644444? 4444' 4? 4y? - 440 4M 444416444 ?54244, 44444444444444 444 44446444! - ?mm/44H 444 was 444 64?? 4444 My mm (Imam 4: M. W4 Wm. mid/hing 444m 344m no 544.4 4444? 414+ 474444444444444ij@ [2 44444 0414444 4 W444 with NI N444 44444444544am W644 (444 44:44.. 444444.416 4404444444444 4543 44444444644444: 5444444444 i 4444 444 44444 \4443444444444444 444444404344440446 444944;? 4144144444 I I . a.[ln s~ I -I . r ~ ittd ~ IND~ W~\1\j 6JPY1 ' I :I . 1 . i I I i' . ' I})! fl. p6tt~ ,,. '~-~t i'('t. ~"fb' 0 I - :'~1~11~ .. '' I ; (tl.k~, M ~ --\\i .ruhot~.t tltl.-t.u~ \J;l\ ~\~ ~ \J:\1\\(tt -- Qtf)JJIJ 4itwLt~ ~~ ~1\i.~ I i . . )drto~ I o ~ncluded in this dowmentatiori Is a Requesffor leave form fo.r Mrs. Bond, Dea111 of Students. or_ Braden had her fill thrs out because she is out of days and ne.~ded to take off for a i(!oc'.lor'$ appointment. Mrs. Bond told me personally that she was golr.g tc' the doctor. Mr;. Bond said that Dr. Braden told her to fill it out because Ber~avement dC!lYS do not count against you. .~r;; .i;, ~ METRO o ~G~CtC .. ~. ,'o ' ~SCHOOLS ADMINISTRATOR REQUEST FOR LEAV'E __________ . . (Code 7; EBS 870): DATE(s);...__ DPll.OFESSICiNAL.LEAVE llASON: (r~fer to Eduoational Agreement) D P.l!:RSONAL LEAVE (Code 6; J.l];IS 865): DAT:E(s)!-...-------~--~---~.--REASON: (appll~able when $peeial approval ofEieoutive Ltad I'rindpa! l~ required -refer to Ed.aClltitinal Agreement) .. o ( ] VACATION DAY(S) (Code 08: EllS 864):o-----~- . 12 month Admilllstrators ~nly QX~lmR-DATE(s), &rrev-me..f ~-.-REASON: ~l'srtkipant ___Traintl' _Joint Committee ~Accompanying Stltd1.1id help U.:em, He e be insulted that a tea~her would write a Gomment about him and t;is professionalism dutfng the PO. He stoted PEirson needed to go aheai;i and get out of his building. After the meeti11g he mid me that he be6eveti the pers< I told him there was no way (different dates), but he said he hecl2 notes on his desk $\~ting ti1at it Wa$ i His manMrwtth the teacherS MS vary agyresaive. Kelly Latham, Ed.O. John I'. Kennedy Mi.ddle Prep ,. I . I 1 <>f l 3/i.7118,!2.:C4 l"~ f/1;\1: FYI--Iatham.krc@gmail.oom. GmaU hups;l/mai lew,.htop&:vc,.l7"ll,,.11''>. .o l'' FW; FYI l ...i .. lnbox x Latham, Kelly R MarE'i tome I received a text from Rogan at 8:50 and immediately texted Crowder to let her know. Braden left school early yesterday stating he needed to have an emissions test done on hi? wife's cao the same reason he used for being late on the same day. He did not return fo11t1e fao:utty meeting. Kelly Latham, Ed D. John F. Kennedy Middle Prep ...... ! From: "Braden, Sam" Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2018 at 11:24 AM To: Kelly Latham Cc: "Rogan, Lilzaya", "Crowder, Kimberly 0" Tuesday, March 27, ztl:l8 ;;;t 12:U:47 PM Ctm. Gmail Announcements lnbox Latham, Kelly R https:/lmail ,"bt-:op&v= .. >1 M"r7 tome Yelled at students and staff o:>ver the Intercom during announce:me1lt$. l~Elfused "lo con'linue unl:tl weryooe wsa "students, thiS l$ nota threat, it's a promise" ~talking abolrt cafel:~riEI :1nd stealing food .-l!llid pai'O!:'Its CilUid oaffectionale touching" "teachers, please discuss this with your strtdenl"S" "if you are Mt f oontror ''if you're out of zone, you're getting put out of JFK" Yefted at A, Barksdale {studeot wah schizophrenia), w~o was havinS a moment, for being in his C>flit~t,, She we offioa end scared to Jeeve because Of the loudness and bustle. Kelly Latham, Ed.D. John F. Kennedy Middle Prep o I "'-1' 1 https:l/mail.gc,<,p&vc"' 17 mtvg6 ... 1.8J8 o. latham.krc@gmail t:Om. Gmail ".: ' .!' 3.8.18 tnbox x M~r9 t.atham, Kelly Fl. tome Ms. Pat told me that zBraden told her and Mckellery that MootE!herJJd h~d been in his ai!Joe 'scr~tchlll\l her. pus Kelly Lath;~m, Ed.D. John F. Kennedy Middle Prep 3 11 . o I <>f l ' Click here to Bil:!llr. or Forward :JIPI18.12:19PM METRO NASHVILLE PUB.LIC SCHOOlS Investigation Questions Phone lrnterview Witness Name: Ms. Kimberly Crowder Title/Position: JFK Middle Records Admin./Book-keeper EMPLIID#: Email Address: 19 2018 Introduction: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today, We value you and your time and appreciate your cooperation in helping us complete our investigation, Nature ofthe investigation: Alleged inappropriate !Jehavior of a mernbet. of fYINPS Management that is thought to have been retaliatory, intimidating, threating and bullying In nature. It is the I'Oiicy of MNPS to provide associates with an environment free from all forms of harassment, bullying, and intimidation. Misconduct that may be perceived or described as bullying, discrimination, Intimidation, otthrc,atening may constitute prohibited harassment under this policy when the conduct {1) is based on a employe(os real or perceived race, color, rBiiglon, national origin, handicap/disability, sexual orientation, ancestry, or ~..>X, including gender Identity, gender expression, and appearance; and {2) creates a hostile environment. Harl Office black. 9. Are you aware of, or suspect, that others have been harassed/discrimlr:ated against by the alleged harassniiA\IIIPP lniti::~k. 00\ lmr::lc:;tiP"~tlnt'l/lntPrviPw P;;:JuP 1 nf 7 II I tfi ~ If I am not happy something is wrong. But this person .that I am referring to Is my secretary and she is connected to my AP, .Mr. They have coffee together every morning. I think that Mr. may feel this way because of the budgetary situation. Also, one of .Ms. Crowder/Wiggins' friends approached me about a raise. His name is Mr. When, he is Chinese guy, and is also good friends with Mr. They worked together in the cafeteria, and he may be still upset. Mr. When went to the SEl Training and said that he heard that he could get teacher pay without being certified. He hangs out in Ms. Qowder's office. I told Ms. crowder that it was not appropriate. Also, Dr. latham called me about him hanging out In there as well, and Ms. Crowder said that she could not get him to stop coming into her office. Those are the only things that I can think of. Today is Ms. Crowder's birthday and I have birthday party planned for her. There are just some issues that you just have to work with. I want to do the right thing. Also, I think there is one thing that may have triggered .Ms. Crowder's complaint, she texted me last Monday, the day that they were predicting bad weather. The odd thing is that she had Mr. and Dr. Latham on the text. !Informed her that she did not need to put everyone on the text because I did not want to accidently reply to all for something that may be confidential that they may not need to be aware of. I think she took it the wrong way. She has a hard time accepting criticism. As a matter of fact, her last Principal, at Thomas Edison ES, told me that she was messy. Well, I gave her the benefit of the doubt because I was her kids Principal. I wanted to prove it wrong and Ifigured that I couid make it work. I"~ u ~ ~ ~- Also, .Mr. will come up in my main office and go into her. office and have coffee. They have a relationship where they joke and play together. Mr. has said things like, "I arn going to make your man jealous", he would get up on her physically and try to rub his perfume on her. It is stuff like that that I don't agree with. Ms. Crowder even approached me and asked me if was coming back ne>wer R. lntPrviPWPP lnitiol<. ~ ~. II ~ I I I I i ' 5. What perception have you provided to your staff members concerning yo~1r dealing with Central Office HR Staff, particularly, Sharon Pertiller, and Dr. Lesley Isabel? Very positive things. I don't talk to rny staff about Ms. Pertiller or Dr. Isabel. However, I talked to Mr. about Dr. Springer because he said that me and Dr. Springer was out to get him. Mr. told me that HR was breaking the law. He was referring to the process of him being eliminated and he said that he is taking it to the top. See, Mr. doesn't like Dr. Isabel because they were AP partners. You see, everywhere that he has gone, he has been displaced. But this time,. he said that he was going over Dr. Springer's head. Mr. will leave the building and act like I don't even know. I told him that I got wind that you are blind coping Dr. Springer and not even letting me know, I asked him why he would do that and he said because he did not trust us. Also, at a community school activity at Hici(Qry Hollow, he was at the event passing out flyers and Dr. Springer saw him doing it. He was so mad at Dr. Springer and sa1d that she doesn't know who she is messing with. It was a quadrant event and he was campaign. He told me that Dr. Springer could not stop me from doing it. He was also emailing staff members campaign information during the school day. Ms. Terrell, a Social Studies teacher, came to me because they knew he was not supposed to do it. I have also seen cards on Ms. Wiggins' desk. Also, Elaine Bond, Dean of Students, told me that Mr. was campaigning. II Il I' 6. Have you ever insinuated that either Ms. l'ertiller or Dr. Lesley Isabel was providing you with information or doing anything that maybe unethical or referred to either ofthen1 as your 'snlt~h' to any of your staff at JFK? If so, what was the nature of that conversation and how did it wme to be? Absolutely not. I do not use that terminology. 7. What can you tell me about a comment that you allegedly macli!! about Dr. Springer ami a supposed conversation that she had with you where Dr. Joseph called yo11 and apologized 11bout Dr. Springer's behavior? The conversations that I had with Mr. was about Dr. Springer being blind copied, but Dr. Springer alluded that you may have been blind copying her. Dr, Joseph hasn't called me to apologize about that. The other thing that Mr. could be tail.u/ o.,.rrr. : ~ ... -F o., I II ! Jl ~ ~ i ~ r.=~ i! ~ I i I they are talking together all the time. Scime of the teachers don't want to be around IVJs. Wiggins because she is so rough and she talks to people so rough. I don't go against her because I don't want them to see the division. Also, a parent came into the office beciluse their child has really bad asthma. He had real broken English. It was really scary, so when I walked up there, she just walked off with a bad attitude. She gave the parent a hard time and those are the types of things that she does not like to be corrected on. 10. Please describe your working relationship with Assistant Principals. It is complete team work. With our Admin meeting on Monday, we are always together. We do not have an unprofessional relationship. You would think that me and Mr. are best friends. However, Mr. has so many things going on that he shows up late for events. Mr. has been really good to me and mv family and I have been good to me. When my dad died, my Mom rented an apartment from Mr. I believe that when it comes to the budget, I think he is hurt. Mr. has talked to me about Mr. When and his concerns. As for Dr. Latham, she tries hard as well. She still has some learning to do bl!t does what she can. Oh, I do recall when Mr. came In late one day, he was mad. He said, "I'm tired of this shit''. My relationship with my Dean of Students is very good. 11. SP: When Mr. came in and said, "I am tired of this shit", when did that happen and what was he referring too? That happened about a month ago and he was refNring to me asking him to do his job basically. Some days, will come in and stay in his office all day. Basically, he is doing other work, he has is restaurant, he is a pastor and is running for office. He never calls me and says that he IS running late. It was Ms. Bonds that told me what he said. I am concerned that he is having these conversations in front of teachers. But after he does those thing,, the next minute he is acting like he Is my best friend. I think that he just has a lot going on and that he is overwhelmed. 12. SP: Have you ever said anything to him about him allegedly bei:ng off for a "fake ass holidav"? If so, please describe that conversation. No. This is what happened. It was In March of this year. Igot wind that Mr. and five of my other teachers. They decidec! to take Ash Maudy c-ff. It was not the problem that he was taking off, he did not give me any advance communication that he was going to be off. He and Mr. Wiggins worked the paperwork out, but I was concerned that he did not give me any notice. Mr. doesn't communicate. He took five days c>Ff In a row because he took that day off with some bereavement leave. I would never say that and I V1ould not say that because it is a;5ain>t the law. 13. Please describe your working relationship with your teachers and support staff? My teachers., re excellent and love me together. Some that you can talk to are M:;, Lovell, Dr. Reese, Mr. Good, Ms. Landwher, Ms. Blacl,1:. That is cousin. They always start off in the morning time. All of them having their grown folks talk. That is how he talks. 25. SP: Did you say anything that may have offended Ms. Moorehead to the point that she was so upset that she had to take a day off? If so, what happened. I don't know. I have no idea. The only tirne , that she wo~ld get u~set is about ;t~e hoR~r roll kids. She would purcha:e the milk ar~d cookies. Ms. Interviewer& Interviewee lmt1als: ~\ J ~ inv~sti~atJon/lnt<>J"VJew PR~~ 'i nf7 t I Wiggins helps Ms. Moorehead. When everything isn't ready, I ask about it and Ms. Wiggins gets something going all the time. They feed off each other. She has never told me that she was up,;et and had to leave. 26, What can you tell me about the collection of some money regat.ding the death of SIRO Williams' father? Ok. They collected money for his dad. I gave him a gift card from Ruth Chris, and some additional gift cards. I contributed some of my own personal money. 27. SP: How much was the gift card that you gave him for Mr. Williams to Ruth Chris? It may not have been Ruth Chris (SB-It wasn't Ruth Chris}. It was a variety of restaurants for $20 each. Ms. Moorehead was upset that I intervened. They wanted to keep in just for us, but I said that he supports everyone. 28. Who was the keeper of the money? I think it was Ms. Bond, but I am really not sure, but Ms. Crower purchased the edible arrangement. 29. Did you do or say anything that could have been misunderstood or could be intentionally misrepresented by any of your staff regarding retaliation or creating a hostile work environment? If so, please explain the circumstances? No. 30. Were there any witnesses to your account of the events th~t may have led to these allegations against you? Please provide specific information including atw names and dates of the events that allegedly occurred. Yes, I think so. 31. is there anyone: else that you believe may have information re!eval'!t to the investigation? If so, please provide their names and contact information if available. I think that Ms. Crowder and 1\tlr. are just being messy. My staff praise me. I have not experienced negativity. I know that Ms. Crowder on my side. You can talk to Richard Marthe/. He knows my style. You can also talk to Ms. Kenya nggs, and Ms. Denise Hines. 32, Do you have any email communication, texts or other forms of communication between you and any of your staff that may be relevant in the investigation of this complaint (please be Sj>ecifit)? No. 33. !'lease lbe advised that if harassment/discrimination is corrobot.atecl by the information collected, MIIIPS will take appropriate action. Do you have any questions at this time? No. I thank you for your time. You guys are so professional and I would not want to interfere with what you are doing. I give it 100% every day. I treat people the way that I want to be treated. Interviewer & Interviewee Initials: lnvesth?-ation/lnt~rvil"lw P.::~P"~ M. nf 7 Closing Statem!=nt: Thank you so much for your tirne today. This matter is still under investigation, so I would ask that you please do not discuss this matter so not to interfere with the investigation. If you have any additional information or questions, please reach out to me directly. (End Interview: Denetra Batey, Employee Relations Manager). Acknowledgement of Review of Interview Document: \ " (d '!v7 ~.>zLA~ V/ :1 /!y ~~ ~{q/tl k ~~- lc . Employee Signature/EMPLID# / gg6'tJ_;5 1 loate 4 lntervlewei' Signature/EMPLID# Date ti ' I I I ! METRO "'"s..~v.c~,tr:. f"!-.M. 1 o , t,.; .... r::: Investigation Questions fi!JBLIC SCHOOt:S Witness Name: Richard Martha I JFK Middle IEMPI.UD#: lntroducticon: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. We value you and your time and a.Jpreciate your cooperation In helping us complete our investigation. Nature of the investigation: Alleged inappropriate behavior of a member of MNPS Management that is thought to have been retaliatory, Intimidating, threating and bullying in nature. It Is the policy of MNPS to provide associates with an environment free from all forms of harassment, bullying, and intimidation. Misconduct that rnay be perceived or described as bullying, discrimination, intimidation, or threatening may constituto~ prohibited horassment under this policy when the conduct (l) is based on a employeess real or perceived race, colcor, . religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sexual orientation, ancestry, or sex, Including gender identity, gender expression, and appearance; and (2) creates a hostile environment. Harassment may take many forms. T'le matter under investigation Is serious and'MNPS has a commitment and obligation to investigate the claim. TJ the e~tent practicable and allowed by law, reasonable efforts will be made to protect the confidentiality ot a,J parties, including the. complainant and accused, throughout the course of the Investigation. However, a1onymil)' cannot be guaranteed. No conclusion will be.made until all ofthe facts have been gathered and. a<1alyzed. Any attempt by you to Influence the outcome of the Investigation, retaliation against anyone who participate,; in the Investigation, providing false Information or failure to be forthcoming can be the basis for corrective a:tion, up to and including the recommendation for termination. F.Jundatlon questions: 1. Are you familiar with the MNPS Harassment/discrimination and Non.Retaliation Policy? No (A copv is being provided to you today so that we can emphasize MNPS's commitment to enforce the policy) z. Have you witnessed any harassing/discriminatory, intimidating, thraating, or retaliatory, bullying incid.a11!t(s) on hone: Ji.LO i n Introduction: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. We value you and you1. time and appreciate your cooperation in helping us complete our investigation. Nature ofthe investigation: Alleged inappropriate behavior of a member of MNPS Management that is thoug!1t to have been retaliatory, intimidating, threatlng and bullying in nature. It is the policy of MNPS to provide associates with an environment free from all forms of harassment, bullying, and lntlmtdation. Miscondt;ct that may be perceived or described as bullying, discrimination, intimidation, or threatening may constitute prohibited harassment under this policy when the conduct (1) is based on a employees real or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sexual orientation, ancestry, or sex, including gender identity, gendar expression, and appearance; and (2) creates a hostile environment. Harassment may take many forms. The matter under investigation is serious and MNPS has a commitment and obligation to investigate the claim. To the extent practicable and allowed by law, reasonable efforts will be made to protect the confidentiality of all parties, including the complainant and accused, throughout the course of the investigation. However, anonymity cannot be guaranteed. No conclusion will be made until all of the facts h~ve been gathered .3nd analyzed. Any attempt by you to Influence the outcome of the Investigation, retaliation against anyone who participates in the investigation, providing false information or failure to be forthcoming can be the basis for corrective action, up to and including the recommendation for termination. Foundation questions: 1. Are you familiar with the MNPS Harassment/discrimination ami Non-Retaliation Policy? Yes, I have reood it (A copy Is being provided to you today so that we can emphasize MNPS's commitment to enforce the policy) 2. Have you witnessed any harassing/discriminatory, lntimlda~ing, threatlng, or retaliatorv incident[s) on any occasion involving any employee at JFK Middle? If so, in your own words, please explain as clearly as possible what happened, induding who did what, where it occurred,, who was involved. Please be speoif!e as possible. 1don't think so Interviewer & Interviewee Initials: ~ Investigation/Interview Page 1 of 3 I i I I I y... ' 3. Have you experienced any harassment, builying, intimidation, or retalllatory behavior? if so please provide me with the specifics? That's a loaded question. Only because I can take it as the person joking because I klnda blow stuff off. I don't like to be included in mess. To get into my personal feelings I would so no. 4. Who has said something to you in a joking matter that may fall into the category of harassment, bullying, intimidation, or retaliatory behavior? The Principal, Dr. Braden, It was a staff meeting and the floor was opened up to comments and suggestions. I made a suggestion which I think it hurt he feelings. It wasn't so much what he said, it like he just went cold. He made a comment, but I can't remember what h'~ said. I do know he made a defensive comment, not that it matters because I didn't mean it that way. 5. Do you recall a faculty meeting that was held in January 2018, one ofthe topics of discussion was the panorama scoring. Dr. Braden asked the question what he could do to make th1ngs better at the S.thoof. Is this the incident that you were explaining to me in the previous question? Yes 6. What steps did you take after the meeting? I did approach him and I told him that I apologize and I didn'.t mean to offend him in any way. I also wrote him a personal letter. 7. What was his demeanor when you apologized in person? He was ok ! ~ It Why did you feel the need to apologize to Dr. Braden? Dr. Latham came to me like ooohhh you really stepped in it now .. those were not the exact words her she used. Several people said that Dr. Braden was probably upset with me, so that Is why I apologized. SJ. Duri11gthe faulty meeting In question, did Dr. Braden seem upset, talk In a loud boisterous voice a!: any time, not to you or anyone? No 10. Describe the working environment at JFK Middle? From my perspective, I enjoy it. The administration, Dr. Braden, Dr. Latham, and Mr. are very supportive. Whenever I have to meet with Dr. Braden he has always had my back. He is complementary. 11. Are you aware of, or suspect, that others have been harassed/discriminated against by the alleged harasser? If so, who are they? I have heard things, but I have not physically witnessed anything. 12. What are some of the things you have heard? Altercations with other teachers, inappropriate comments to others. I have not witnessed anything, I kinda keep my head in the sand on purpose. I stay my room and take care of my business. u. Is there anything else that I need to be aware of at JFK? No I am content Investigation/Interview Page 2 of 3 I I II 14. Please know that MNPS does not tolerate harassment, intimidation, retaliation or bu!ly!ng. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or someone in our Employee Relations Office or your HR Partner. Do you have any questions at this time? No. Closing Statement: Thank you so much for your time today. This matter is still under investigation, so I would ask that you please do not discuss this matter so not to interfere with the investigation. If you have any additional information or questions, please reach out to me directly. (End Interview: Denetra Batey, Employee Relations Manager). Acknowledgement of Review of Interview Document: if~3/t2'1/lt - Employee Signa~ure/EMPLIDII ~ Date /}wA-~ InterviEwer SignattJre/EIVIPLID# st~.)Ji Date I} i Io ! l ! I Interviewer & Interviewee Initials: L Investigation/Interview Page 3 of 3 tam. i t' t' WWC nvesiga ion Ques Ions sen-eta - Witness Name: EM PLI Dill: School/Department: 35K Middle Title/Position: Spec Literacy Teachen Dev. Email Address: Phone: Prerrd Comlunioation: Deneta Batey; ploye Relatins gr. Date of interview: 4/24/18 Investitor/itlei . . introduction: Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. We value you and your time and appreciate your cooperation in helping us complete our investigation. Nature of the investigation: Alleged inappropriate behavior ofa member of MNPS Management that is thought to have been retaliatory, intimidating, threating and bullying in nature. it is the policy of MNPS to provide associates with an environment free from all forms of harassment, bullying, and intimidation. Misconduct that may be perceived or described as bullying, discrimination, intimidation, or threatening may constitute prohibited harassment under this policy when the conduct (1) is based on a student?s real or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sexual orientation, ancestry, or sex, including gender identity, gender expression, and appearance; and creates a hostile environment. Harassment may take many forms. The matter under investigation is serious and MNPS has a commitment and obligation to investigate the ciaim. To the extent practicable and allowed by iaw, reasonable efforts will be made to protect the confidentiaiity of all parties, including the complainant and accused, throughout the course of the investigation. However. anonymity cannot be guaranteed. No conclusion will be made until all of the facts have been gathered and analyzed. Any attempt by you to influence the outcome of the investigation, retaliation against anyone who participates in the investigation, providing false information or failure to be forthcoming can be the basis for corrective action, up to and including the recommendation for termination. Foundat'1'on questions: 1. Are you familiar with the MNPS Harassment/discrimination and Non-Retaliation Policy? (A copy is being provided to you today so that we can emphasize commitment to enforce the policy) No. It has been brought to my attention that an incident took place on Wednesday, April 18, .2018? can you explain in detail what happened? See attached statement {.13 After the incident, did you reach out to Dr. Sam Braden to discuss what occurred? if so, what was conversation regarding, what was your response and also how did he respond to you? i made a phone call within in 3 minutes and he stated he would take care of it. As the day went on no one stopped by to talk to anyone. He finally stopped mater that evening and he just spoke. Nothing was ever discussed. Thursday i went to work, nobo be it, business as usual. Dc. iviooreland didn?t come to work Interviewer interviewee initials: Investigation/interview Page 1 of 2 Interviewer Interviewee Initials: Thursday or Friday. Friday I took a sick day, followed regular call out procedures emailed him (Braden) and Bookkeeper called me and left a voice mail saying that he needs my statement. He said that someone at the Board found out about the incident and he needs me to come in ?on my off day? and give a statement. He asked Ms. Appleton to come in on her off day to give a statement, and he asked Mr. Good to provide a statement as well. Appleton told me that when the statement didn?t read like he wanted them to, he gave them the statements back and told them yall covering up for - you know what he said, if yall don?t do it, yall are going down with him too. Neither wanted to write a statement (Appieton and Mr. Good) they mentioned that they were writing under distress they wrote their statements per his request. 120 day employees (Mr. Good and others) are in fear of theirjobs. Braden has made statements to me concerning them, saying he would cut their hours. Braden was trying to say i was irate and passionate on the phone and said I wanted to whoop her (Latharn?s) ass. Why would i say this in a room full of people? i was calm and told him what happened. He is the one that previously told me that she (Dr. Latham) was racist. He told me to watch out for her and to tell him it she says anything out the way toward me. He has been saying this since i got there, that she didn?t want me there in the first place. Meanwhile, we (myself and Latham) have talked about this and we both laughed about it. You mentioned in our conversation earlier that you were unhappy with the atmoSphere at JFK, Can you expound? How would you describe it? behind the scenes. Now on the outside it is emaculate, but behind the not handling things, talking about people in passing, making inappropriate comments, i should not know you dick size. DB: Has he made this statement to you concerning his penis size? Yes, he was making a statement to me about somebody else. like they don?t know me i will put this 9 1/2 dick on Have you witnessed any harassing/discriminatory, intimidating, threating, or retaliatory incidentis) on any occasion by Braden? If so, in your own words, please explain as clearly as possible what happened, including who did what, where it occurred, who was involved. Please he specific as possible. Yes, with Sherman Swindall. Trying to find out if he ?going? he made comments to Swindail about me trying to see if he would respond could hook up. If you call Ms. Appleton in here you will know what is going on. i tell her everything i am involved with. My significant other, we were down to one car at a time and he would come and wait for me to get off. He was down in Crowder office, because he knows her and Ms. Petway and Braden walks in and asked him are you hear for a meeting? He responded and said no, when he left Crowder told me that Braden said -know he (my significant other) should not be here in the building. Now he says that i can?t have visitors. Every time i have a visitor, it?s a problem. Every time I am out, it is issue. i didn?t have any problems with Braden until Richard (my significant other) came up there. Now it?s why you late, why is he here, why can?t he rivait in the cafeteria? In general with the staff we don?t do what he wants or if he doesnsensational. He is discriminatory toward anyone that doesn?t do what he want. i guarantee if i was single and was giving him some play he wouldn?t say a word. He talks about Mr. Jones all the time, he always says that tones is not doing anything. i feel that he has talked about him so much and constantly saying he doesn?t do this and that. The perception is now with staff feeling'the same way. Braden has put that out there. i have seen the write up?s that people receive. He tells me not to tell anyone, but l?ve seen them. Did you tell anyone else later about the inciden?s) Wed. 18? If so, who did you tell and what was their response? Only people that know are the people in the room (Ms. Appleton, Mr. Good, Dr. Mooreland) Are there witnesses who can corroborate the other information you provided today)? It so, please provide their names and contact info. Qiana Appleton, Kim Crowder, Richard Marthei investigation/Interview Page 2 of 2 a. Please provide any other information (emails, vo'icemaiis, correspondence, eta.) that" you think is relevant to the investigation matter. Yes, please provide. 9. Please know that MNPS does not tolerate harassment, intimidation, retaliation or bullying. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me or someone in our Employee Relations Office or your HR Partner. Do you have any questions at this time? Elosing Statement: Thank you so much for your time today. This matter is still under investigation, so i would ask that you please do not discuss this matter so not to interfere with the investigation. if you have any additional information or questions, please reach out to me directly. (End interview: Denetra Batey, Employee Relations Manager). Acknowledgement of Review of interview Document: Employee Signature/EMPLID# Date Interviewer Date Interviewer Interviewee Initials: Investigation/interview Page 3 of 2 To: MetroNashvilte'Pubtic'Schools Employee Relations-Dena rtment Dr. Sam Braden", EH .EXecetive Principal John F. Kennedy Middte School Re: Personal Statement? incident Aprii 2018 On Wednesday, April the 6th and 81th grade testing team was busvchecking inn/out materiais for TN Ready testing as we? as preparing for the next day of testing in my office space, Ream 2697. Pres err?: were Dr. Johnetta Mooreiand (schoot counSeIOrjg-Mr. Thomas Good, {Numeracy Coach), Ms. Giana Appleton [Advanced Academic Resource Teacher}, Mrs. Ange'lia Education teacher) and myself, _Literacy-Tee?her Dwelqpm-entSpeciaInt), A ugset Dr. Latham stood in the open doomay- and begae to scream in the-digrection of Dr. Mooreland who was coordinating make-up testing with Mrs, McKelleryu She stated, "i donf?t appreciate you going above my head to Braden to ask Mrs. Friend to help you'with your make-uptestirnd" when Dr. Mooreiand did not turn around to address her, she-became more irate and yelled). "Don?t ask me to heip you with a damn thing anymore. I ain?t helping y?all do shit-since you went to go over fo?krs head.? She then released the door and left. There were student's and staff in'the grade heifway'at the time. then called Dr. Braden to inform him and. he said that he would take care o? it. Meanwhile, we were at! stunned at what had just occurred. Asthesub'sequen't we at! then realized that she wrongiy eccused ?n Mooreiend when indeed had beenme who-meet and advocated for assistance with make-up testing from Dr. Braden having approved and radioed to her instantly. Respectful' Literacy Teacher Development Specialist John Fitzgerald Kennedy Middle-School . I 0.32 "350%:1095 - - . I m. Whom Hr - Cmca? Ham? int; 139'; 101? zen? RE 1 1,01% CUE [curd 0km . DR. MM Exit GLODAJ Mdc?cuam 501M my gal} Wm - foam 5mhhj 44W,ng W1 941:3 En WWML Stow/13 W5 (1035?? 019m and, .S Riki :1 d0? 01534 g/me 7?1) do ?n?j 315%: 4r fj?u - MM WV W13 444-611 as P: WK 91713 CID am (jaw f? 1% Wm I 5% ?107": LU 5W, WM Splash0mm) . Said (new $0qu ma! Dal/1?5} ML I do 51ml Rm inn/w wast; iv Wt: 641d 73/: W) r6370 ?13mmk?: Wm Wax/?cur? ha LOCLD 3 A0913 mam We 47:33; be?t KI . . 5' 3. ?12 ?rub (MM. wit-M P)me DOM-J6 ML :thleoVn Piacq, Loki/?4; r: (wad (Md 1 (tasked ?m kiwi CM, WM 1" aim?? was Sc:@4542 {mu?c9 W's Wong Lon/uch +3 Ma, (Q). I Wk limb wowng Kw}; har- Gng? 2 To: Metro Nashville Public Schools Employee Relations Department Dr. Sam Braden, Executive Principal John F. Kennedy Middle School Re: Personal Statement? incident April 18th, 2018 On Wednesday, April 18th, the 6th and 8th grade testing tea-m was busy checking in/out materials for TN Ready testing as weli as preparing for the next day of- testing in my office space, Room 2097. Present were Dr. Johnetta Mooreland (school counselor}, Mr. Thomas Good, (Numeracy Coach), Ms. Qiana Appleton (Advanced Academic Resource Teacher), Mrs. Angelia McKellery (Special Education teacher) and myself, Marcus Kinnon (Literacy Teacher Development Specialist). A visibly upset Dr. Latham stood in the open doorway and began to scream in the direction of Dr. Mooreland who was coordinating make-up testing with Mrs. McKellery. She stated, don"t appreciate you going above my head to Braden to ask Mrs. Friend to help you with your make?up testing!? When Dr. Mooreland did not turn around to address her, she became more irate and yelled, ?Don?t ask me to help you with a damn thing anymore. I ain?t helping y?all do shit since you want to go over folks head.? She then released the door and left. There were students and staff in the 6th grade hallway at the time. I then called Dr. Braden to inform him and he said that he would take care of it. Meanwhile, we were all stunned at what had just occurred. As the subsequent minutes passed, we'all then realized that she wrongly accused Dr. Moorelandwhen indeed it had been me who went and advocated for assistance with make?up testing from Dr. Braden having approved and radioed it to her instantly. Respectfully, Literacy Teacher Development Specialist John Fitzgerald Kennedy Middle School To: Whom it may ooncern From: Dr. Sam Braden, in Date: April 18, 2018 Time: approx. 10:30 am. contacted me by phone regarding the assistantprincipal?lr. Kelly Latham. He Was very anger about a comment that she made to the school ?ounselor, Dr. woorland in' the test??n'groom on Wednesday, April 13, 2018-. He wanton the-say to megover the-telephone that-Dr. Lathamhad cursed out Dr. Moorland for no reason at all. Then-he went Into-this very. unprofessional rant about ii it was we l-would kick her ass and fuck this shit and damn this! I listened carefully and informed-him we will deal this after testing. Calm Today, I discovered the entire testing team of 4 did 'not report to work alt-all to complete make-ops. Dr. Eatham got a crew together and. they completed the-"work *s?or that team. Finally, I attempted to call _to-come in a-writ'e a statement regarding the situation plus I sent an" email. He did not respond to either. I Dr?raden .cv" On Wednesday, April 18, 2018, I was working with Mrs. 8'3 umgerder trying to-get the? and grade testsand make-up schedules together. During this process, this, Appleton, Dr. Moer?eiaisd, and -ame to us indie-id uall-y to. ask if the E?h'and grade testing'team could use of the makeup testers for the Stu-and 7-?h-gradiers because they were be?hied; During all three conversations, I said no, but offered each of them more than One jselut-?Ioh-?to? their problem. i even offered to help. It was not long after-my last conversation {with that ta. Bra-den came over the walkie- to tell me that the makeup tester-sheu-id- go to the 671'? and 8th grade team. 'At this point, I knew that they had not told Dr. Braden the truth or the whoie stow as to how or why i made the decision I made. Thisis not. the first. time that "Dr. Meot?eiaed has done this to me. If she doesn?t ltk-?e what i say,- she attempts to manipulate the situation to prove me wrong. Because of our history regarding this, i became angry.-J went te room and told Dr. Mooreiand to not ask mef'or "shit" that i was looked a me u- turned to the side in an attempt to ignore me. I told her'that I knew she heard me and that I didn?t appreciate her going over myhead. I then left the room. After-i left the teem, I walked the building to calm down and to Dr. Bradee?s office to; leform?him ef what i had done, 3 em net pleased with my lack of professional behavior regarding this matter, and i told Dr. Braden as mush. On April 18,- 2013, Dr. La-tha?m- came. into my office. very upset stating that she needed to speak with me. She stated that she- had just-had a verbal incident with Dr. Moorland and .hefr'testing teem (Mr. Good, - and Ms. Appleton}. Dr. Lathem stated that-she was angry because she felt like they had gone over-her head as testing ceordinater to get a member ef her teem ?10 assist them with testing because they were behind and she was net. She said she had spoken with Ms. Appleton, Dr. Mooreland, end-separately eheue the issue befere they came to me. When they came to me, i did net? knew the whole story-end attempted to term: the problem. Dr. Letham apologized and stated that she- iet her anger get the best of her. She reported that she went to room and. yelled, ?Don?t ask me for shit. Wail ask questions and then want to go over my head when you don?t get whet-you went. Elie-nit ignere me i know. you can hear me. Don?t ask me for shit.? She eheh left the room and came directly" to my office. 4/28/2013 On April 18,2018, Dr. Latham came into -r.09m_ very upset- and begam yeliing amass the room at Dr. Mooreland. Dr. 'Latharn not go aver mtg-head again.? Or, Mooraiand was helping a teacher- with testing materials and did not respond to En Latham. Di. .Latham then said; know you hear me, and don?t ask-me for shit agaia? and ieft'tha room Mr. tanner: became very agitated at this, He stated; ?Dr. Latham-Was talking to 9r. Moorelanti, but I feel like she was talking to me as well. if she hadtalked-to me like that, i would kick-hat ass.? He then went to the phone to make a phone call. He hungup the [Ghana and said, ?It?s gust like she?s talking to me. If she talked tome like that, Fit! kick her ass.? ?Was very upset; he was agitated. Dr. Maoreland didn?t respond. to Br. Latham. ?gam Compiaint against Dr. Sam Braden Additional documents received during investigatidn Eiatey, Denetra mu I mum?Ila.? From: Sent: Friday, April 13, 2018 7:35 PM To: Batey, Denetra Sisulbjeet: Fwd: attachments: .txt; Ms. atey, have included a screenshot of a tweet Ijust saw regarding a donation of backpacks to JFK today. The tween says they delivered 787; Dr. Braden stated we only received 350. He only gave them to the students who completed their Spring Break TCAP Practice Packets. This number did not exceed 350. I have no idea Where the other 437 backpacks are. I truly do not know what to say about this. . . I?m speechless and angry. 'i?oday, I met with Dr. Braden and Ms. Adams, Our budget person, about personnel. He removed Ms. Petway (the secretary he called a "Black Bitch" for not lying for him regarding ?and said he was going to This was not a money issue. We had enough to keep her, but he chose to remove her and gave no reason whatsoever. This is a clear case of him following through with his threat of retaliation. ?li'esterday, Dr. Braden told me and Ms. Moorehead that we needed to be at the school at 7:30 am to meet with Ms. Adams and Dr. Springer regarding the budget. Ms. Moorehead and I were there by 7: 1 Sam to prepare. Dr. Braden called my cellphone at 7:40am to check to see if we were there; he also asked if Dr. Springer was there yet. I told him no. He laughed and said that she changed the meeting time to 9am at 9pm last night. This is untrue. When Ms. Adams arrived at 9:30am she stated that the time for the meeting had always been set at 9am. Once he ?nally arrived at the school (8:45am), he told everyone what he had done to Ms. Moorehead and me while laughing. He found it incredibly funny that he had "tricked" us into coming to work. early. I did not find this funny at all. This is yet another form of intimidation. and using undo in?uence over me while abusing his authority. Again, I am speechless and angry. I cannot tell you just how uncomfortable and miserable am smirking at JFK with Dr. Braden in charge. JFK is an amazing place with amazing people who do not deserve this treatment. Forwarded message . .. n-sm;? . Date: Fri, Apr 13, 2018 at 7:16 PM Subject: To: . . . . . I - - .. -. LA?i-S?chm 3 Betsy, Denetra me: I I Sen-t: Thursday, April 12, 2018 12:22 PM To: Batey, Denetra Subject: Braden Ms. Batey, I am emailing to seek an update regarding your investigation of Dr. Braden at JFK. I know you cannot give me in?nrraation; however, the situation here is getting worse, and I want to he sure that our voices are being heard. This week, he has gone to most faculty members soliciting birthday gifts for himself, as his birthday was during Spring Break. Many have come to me upset (I have provided your information as requested) because they feel, pressured into buying him something "or else. Please provide me with any information you can, as we are trying to handle testing and his growing adenti on seeking behaviors that distract and disrupt. 'li?hank you. Denim From: Sent: Wednesday, March 28, 2018 12:48 PM To: Batey, Denetra Subject: Re: Braden I just faxed you my notes pertaining to our conversation last week. Let me know if you need anything else. Sent from my iPhone On Mar 27, 2018, at 2:27 PM, Batey, Denetra wrote: 0k thank you Denetra Batey 6315-2598645 Office 6515-2148851 - Fax From: Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 1:41 PM To: Batey, Denetra Subject: Re: Braden Anda just to let you know, I have acted ignorant on all accounts. I have pretended to attempt to ?gure out who the culprit is myself. . OnTue, Mar 27, 2013 at1:34 I >Wrote: Add Dr. Reese to that. He?s having a celebratory faculty meeting today to Show Whoever said. that that "he can play too.? Sent from my iPhone On Mar 27, 2018, at 1:10 PM, Batey, Denetra wrote: OK thank you, who were the two employees? Also, please remember to keep your conversations confidential, it is imperative that you do not have any conversations with any other staff members concerning the information that we discussed during our meeting. Thank you, Denetra Batey 615-259-8645 - Office 615-214-8851 - Fax From: ?[mailto: Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 1:07 PM To: Batey, Denetra Subject: Fwd: Braden Please see below. I've had two more people approach me with the same story since I emailed myself. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: Date: Match 27. 2918 at 12:59:07 To: 11 I In Subject: Braden Ms. Pat just came to me and said Braden told her that someone has complained to the board that he?s a bully. She also said he said he lives Ms. Lucas and would never say anything bad about or to her. Wm ?Hump-x mum. .. Sent from my iPhone Bee: De'ra i me Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 1:07 PM Ta: Batey, Denetra Subject: Fwd: Braden Please see below. I've had two more people approach me with the same story since I emailed myself. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: Date: are a To: Subject: Braden . Ms. Pat just came to me and said Braden told her that someone has complained to the board that he's a bully. She also said he said he lives Ms. Lucas and would never say anything bad elbow: or to her. Sent ?om my iPhone There have been several occasions in which Dr. Braden has been very inappropriate in the workplace. Whether its saying inappropriate things, slandering coworker?s-names, lying, and or stealing. I will be elaborating on every one of these statements within this letter Lying For instance, he has told me to code him as being present on December 27th, 28th, and 29th when he was not in the building. i was on vacation, and the substitute secretary [Darlene Awwad) wrote a statement and signed it stating that he was not in the building. I had originally put him down as three vacation days, but he told me to reverse it because Mrs. Awwad iies, and he was in the building ail three days. Pat-Gleaves [the head custodian) ean also verify that he was not in the building. I did reverse the days because I did not have a vacation request sheet on file that had been approved, and he is the boss. I really do not feel as ifI can go against him without any retaliation. He told to me that Dr. Springer saw my office and said that the board told her that I need to clean my office This at the end of last year. I don?t remember exact date] He said that the audit department has made a statement about me having ?all these groceries? in my office and that they are going to audit me because they want to know where I am getting money to get all these items [He said this to Ms. Petway? and Coach S?windall in October 2017) He told Ms. Pat [custodian] that he had to loan me $15010 when I first got here because I needed money, so he took me d0wn to the bank and gave me $1500. (Ms. Pat told me this l?/Iarch 9, 2018}. This did not happen. I have never borrowed money from Dr. Braden. He has told me that he has had to give Ms. Pat money on several occasions because she did not have gas to get home. She denies this ever took place.[ September 1, 2017] He has told me that staff cannot just take religious holidays that it has to be approved by him; I told him that we cannot question that because it is their amendment right, then I showedhirn in the certificated handbook. He still wanted them to out paperwork February 14, 2018). He then said that people who take religious holidays just meet up and hang out. He was: referring to Mr. Jones (assistant principal], Marthe] Teacher], lVis. SheltonU?th grade Math Teacher], and Ms. Wilkes [6rhgrade teacher). February 15,2018],These staff members had taken Ash Wednesday nff. These staff members were approached by Dr. Braden and were very upset that he would not only question them, bat slander them as well. He also said that he filed a grievance on Dr. Springer beCause she is harassing him. He said she calls to check up on him, and she shows up at his school unannounced and that is a form of harassment. He said she is doing this because he was her supervisor, and she is just trying to get back at him. He also stated that Dr. Battle and Dr. Joseph personally contacted him to apologize for Dr. Springer?s actions. i February 13, 2018]. He said that the board is looking at the audit department hecause they do not know what they are doing. He said Dr. Joseph is going to get rid of the audit personnel and hire new people. He stated this can multiple occasions, generally when they have denied iundraising because of incomplete data or when there is an audit finding. When I told him that I have to code him every time he is out :of the building) he said I didn?t and that the payroll (ilepartment was giving me wrong information, and 1 better not mess with. his time. i told him to email them because they specifically said that we have to make sure we are coding when principals are out of the building, and he said I have never had anyone track my time. (February 8, 2018). I did get clarification from Dr. Springer; and she sent me an email explaining that she did check with payroil and what I was doing was correct and to keep doing it. Currently, Dr. Braden stiil asks me to code him a regular day when he is out of the building. [March 14, 2018] Slander He mentioned to me that Dr. Latham [assistant principal) was racist and that I need to watch for her-because she does not like black peopie. This was told to me on numerous occasions during the summer before I met her to begin the school year. This caused me to have bad feeling about Dr. Latham before even meeting her. He also told me the Ms. Pat [custodian] was a prostitute at the truck stop.[ This was told to me school year 2016-2017) He said that Mr. Marthel Teacher], Mr. Good (numeracy coach}, and Mr. Kinnon were ?peter eaters?; this is his term for homosexuals. [He has said this on several occasions, I don?t have an exact date because he says it often. He has said it in front of Coach Swindall, Ms. Moorehead, and Ms. Pat] Coach Carter was a "carpet muncher,? which is another word for being a lesbian. He has also told Ms. Pat that my boyfriend beats me and that he is worried about me and that she need to keep an on me.( November 2017] He told me that before Dr. Latham got a job at IFK that she was about to get thrown out of her house because she couid not afford it because her husband didn?t work, and he lives on her. She was about to get fired from Metro, and she was crying in his office at her interview begging for the job. this was told to me when I first got the job in iune of 2015 and again last school year 2016?2017) He said Jones was sent back to the classroom for stealing at McGavock, so I needed to watch him around money. Last school year 2016-17 and February 2018). He said Althea Moorehead (Title 1 Coordinator] stealls from Title El funds, and that she was caught stealing at Apollo i December 2017 but he says it all the time]. Which this surprised me because if he thought she was stealing there, why have her over Title 1' here?? He also said that the principal at Thomas Edison begged him. not to hire me because I was a troublemaker, but he just wanted to give me a Chance. He then said should have listened to her.? He tells me and Ms. Petway(front desk secretary]that he is going to look at his budget and rearrange the front office. He started saying this when he got upset that we would not lie for him when he toid as to put in writing that Coach Swindall [a former employee] was late to school all the time. We would not do it because it wasn?t true. in retaliation, he went and told Ms. Pat that he doesn?t trust the front office anymore and that he was going to hire new staff. March 9, 2018] . He also told Ms. Pat, Mr. Marthe], and Mr. Jones that Sharon Patiller told him that I went to the board and stabbed hirn in the back, told all his business, and that I cannot be trusted.{ Ms. Pat told me March 9, 2018 and Marthel told me January 8, 2018] None of this information is verified. Dr. Braden iikes to taik about people and cause chaos. Stealing Our SRO, Officer Williams, father had passed, and weucollected money for him. We collected a little over $350. We bought an edible arrangement for $153 and the rest we were supposed. to give to him in cash or a gift card. Dr. Braden insisted we get him a gift card. So he said that he was going to give him a Ruth Chris gift card. He showed it to me and then he took the hallmark card and Ruth Chris card and went to his office. I thought he ?was going to sign it and give it to Officer Williams. A couple of days later i asked Williams how he liked the Ruth Chris card we gave him. He stated that he didn?t get a Ruth Chris card. I was like He said iet me go and get what was in the envelope. He came back with a Panera card with $10 on. it, a Starbucks card with $5 on it, and a Steak Piace gift card with $5 on it. I asked if that was all that was in the envelope, and he said yes. I was so shocked I couldn?t believe it. He had also told Dr. Reese and Dr. Latham that he had gotten. Williams a gift card from Ruth Chris. I couldn?t sleep that night. I could not beiieve what he had 9, 2018) . When we order snacks for the school and students, he takes boxes of snacks home. Ms. Franke and I bought some ?owers for the fish tank with our own money and put it in my closet and when we went to put it in the fish tank, it was gone. The only people who have a key to my office closet are me and Dr. Braden. Then we found out that he has a fish tank at his house. At first we didn?t know what had happened until he said, he has an empty fish tank in his home that need fish in it.This may be a little farfetched, but Franke and were and are upset, and there is no other explanation. [February 2 1,202.8) I would like to say that 85% of the staff is very afraid of him. in the context that they could lose their job with Metro. He is constantly telling teachers that he will ?write the-m out of the budget? or have them dismissed; he claims to have done this severai times before. We work in a hostile environment because we all have to be actors and actress around him so he will not be so angry with us. We are scared to disagree or even state our opinions in fear that we will be retaliated against. The names below are people that you can contact to verify my statements. Each one of them has espressed to me their fear of him. There are so many more incidences that have happened I just cannot state it all. I know in speaking with the people below you will find more information that will coliaborate with mine. I encourage you to pick random people and talk to them as well. 1. Dr. Kelly Latham, Assistant Principai 2. Dr. Gloria Reese, Instructional Coach 3. Dorris Petway, Secretary 4. Office Larry Williams, SRO 5. Althea Moo-rehead, SIP Lead 6. Patsy Gleaves, Head Custodian 7. Sonji Collins, teacher 8. lanai Shelton, teacher 9. Kim. Mounter, teacher 10. Dr. Deborah Smith, teacher 11. Aquarius Floyd, teacher 12.. Antonetta Carter, teacher 13. Howard Jones, Assistant Principal 14. An Nguyen, ISS Monitor 15. Arlea-Io Franke-Wylie, library clerk/lead tech Thanks for your time and thank you so much for listening to my concerns. Also, please keep this as anonymous as possihle. Even though ll am speaking out, I am still fearful of retaliation because Dr. Braden says he knows people in Central Office who tell him everything. He also received copies of the statements in reference to Coach Swindall?s harassment claim. I still have to Work with him every day and by myself this summer. Thanks :Eia'itey. Denetra From: Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 4:08 PM Te): Batey, Denetra Subject: Fwd: Confidential letter Attachments: confidential Letter.doc>< -- Fomarded messa 6 Prom: Date: Mon, Mar 19, 2018 at 7:42 AM Subject: Con?dential letter To: I Ujptiaied copy with dates. February 8, 2018 From the dates of December 26-thmugh B'E?ada'? was not the? He called me 051 December 29m tail! methath'e had been-With grandma, and ww?d Be i? me?- 4 n- at shortiy; he never arrived. Ms. Pat Gleaves, the custodian; was the only Other-pars. in th? bwildirfg duiing those dateg. 3" I I .- . 55p? -: J- I i: h. it. Egg :lf ?53353.1; . I. 3 39.45 Denetra . . _rm? From: . Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 1:07 PM o: Batey, Denetra Subject: Fwd: Braden Please see below. I?ve had two more people approach me with the same story since I emailed myself. Se at from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: Flmm? Date: March 27, 2018 at 12:59:07 PM CDT Y's? Subject: Braden Ms. Pat just came to me and said Braden told her that someone has oomplained to the board that he's a bully. She also said he said he lives Ms. Lucas and would never say anything bad about or to her. Sent from my iPhone Eatery, Denetra awn-x: Sag-1t: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 1:13 PM it): Batey, Denetra Subject: Re: Confidential Letter from Arlee Franke-Wylie heard him as well. I: to On Tue, Mar 27, 2013 at 1:12 PM Batey, Denetra wrote: Q: 0k, thank you Denetra Batey From: I I I ?m Behaif Of Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 1:02 PM To: Batey, Denetra Subject: Re: Confidential Letter from The custodian Ms. Pat Gleaves just came to my of?ce and told Dr. Latham and I that Dr. Braden is in the library saying that people have been saying he doesn't do anything for the school. He can't say who told him 5 because if he does his job will be on the line. But he does so much for this school. ll am not sure why he is telling her this but I thought it was information that you may need, i 0m. . .. . JFrcim: Kimberly Wiggins On Tue, Mar 27g 2018 at'8:29 AM, Batey, Denetra wrote: Thank you - i have also attached the policy that we spoke about yesterday evening My contact information is below, please don?t hesitate to contact me. I will be in touch. I hope you enjoyed your birthday! Denetra Batey Employee Relations Manager Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools Meme a: gala me Elli-Bill: 5C - Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 9:08 PM To: Batey, Denetra Subject: Confidential Letter from i Eiaitey, Denetra From: Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 1:21 PM To; Bate-y, Denetra Suhjeet: Re: Confidential Letter from The only thing I said was. ?Why was he saying that?? And Gleaves said I have no idea, i was just I will be happy to give them your information. Thanks again. They may not call you but if you want their numbers I will be happy to give it to you. Most of us are scared to reach out. I?m still nervous. On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 1:17 PM Barey, Denetra wrote: The next person that comes to you discussing Dr. Braden, and alleged statements. Encourage them to reach out to me in employee relations. Do not engage in the conversation. Thank you, Danetra Batey From: ?imailt0=i' I i 1 Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 1:13 PM he: Batey, Denetra Subject: Re: Confidential Letter from Arlea Jo Praise-Wylie heard him as well. On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 1:12 PM Batey, Denetra wrote: Criethankyou i i - Jun-M. WWI-.mutuuaa ?my. .. J. .- Denetra Batey 1] 0? Behalf 01*? lFrom: Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 1:02 PM To: Batey, Denetra Subject: Re: Confidential Letter from Kimberly Crowder The custodian Ms. Pat Gleaves just came to my of?ce and told Dr. Latham and i that Dr. Braden is in the library saying that people have been saying he doesn't do anything for the school. He can't say who told him because if'he does his job will be on the line. But he does so much for this school. I am not sure why he is telling her this but I thought it was information that you may need. On Tue, Mar 27, 2018 at 8:29 AM, Batey, Denetra wrote: Thank you? i have also attached the policy that we spoke about yesterday evening. My contact information is beiow, please don?t hesitate to contact me. I will be in touch. i hope you enjoyed your Denetra Batey Employee Rotations Manager 3' Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools MEIR-Q . Puma . Emams Sent: Monday, March 26, 2018 9:08 PM I i To]: Batey, Denetra Subject: Confidential Letter from From: Kimberly Wiggins i fiatey, Demetra From:- Lindsey, Scott Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 2:27 PM To: Batey, Denetra stoibject: Fw: Statements Attachments: 20180313162724382.tif; statement .docx Frem: Barbara Sent: Monday, March 19, 2018 1:16 PM To: Lindsey, Scott 8 Ce: Battle, Adrienne Subject: FW: Statements a: Dr. Michelle Springer Executive Director of School Support and Improvement Office of School Support and improvement Southeast Quadrant - Antioch, Canelfiidge and Glenclif?f Clusters 1 .vu- Achiever Relator Connectedness Futuristic Restorative Certified Coach CIZJNFEDENTIALITY STATEMENT: This email may contain information that is privileged and confidential. Any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message or any of its contents is strictly prohibited. if you have received this message in error, please contact Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools by e?maii at customerservice@mnpsorg or by oraone at 615?259?8400. i-v-m-m-Original Messa From: Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2013 4:32 PM To: Barbara Subject: Statements Dr. Springer, release see the attached documents. 1 scanned the two statements and then typed the written one for clarity. The second statement is from the school bookkeeper. She reported this information to me this morning, so i asked her to write a statement. Please let me know if you need any more information. Thank you again for your time. Jolm F. Kennedy Middle Prep >-This E-mail was sent from (MP 3053). >-St:-an Date: 03.13.2018 16:27:23 (?0400) :rCLJeries to: 38? I. .r .2. if. On this particular day a staff merriber and I were walking down the hallway on the first floor by the teachers? lounge when we were approached by the Executive Principal who said these unforgettable words that he ?saw Ms. Moorehead scratching her We were so in shock that we stopped and we couldn?t believe Our ears; we said did you say and he repeated it: He saw Moorehead scratching her p_y. I can?t remember the date because I was in shock. We both were. 50 you see me and the other staff member are close friends to Ms. Moorehead and he knows this. P. Gleaves .. a Gmail - On Mamh 12, 2018, Dr. Braden catne to my of?ce "talking alum-1t a teacher. .. Page i of '1 Kimberly-Crode - - - I-r {On March 12, 2018, Dr. Braden came to my d?ice talki?mg want a: teachlerm. 1 message i i 51> On March 12, 2018. Dr. Braden came. to my of?ce talking about-a- teacher staf?ng that some s?Jc?en?; ia tha- 7111 grade haifway told him that Ms. Akins was scratching her co?ochy BIKE it was; laud.- lacked at him and said ?Yuck! That?s nasty!" And said ?tlknowl-Yw should have Saw?y-?re kids was looking when they torid me!? and-starsed laughing and waikeEI-out. Wa?..u?m Tue, Mar 13;, 20*?8 3:4[3 PM 3n .1: mm a