?0 0? ANALYSIS morass Stare POLICE State Police Laboratory Telephone: (219) 696-6242 1550 East 18131 Avenue Lowell, IN 46356 June 17, 1997 TO: JOEL common ?r?5?I HELEASED T0: ELKHART POLICE DEPARTMENT 175 EAST WATERFALL 14 ELKHART IN 465 sesame: Lab File 97L-332 DATE: I 1-, Agency Case 963-303-0189 Evidence Submitted By: Detective Joel Bourdon Received: 02(051'97 at 12:10 Item 1 Sealed plastic bag containing a plastic bag and a black hat. Item 1B Sealed manila envelope containing cutting ?om hat. Item 1C Sealed manila envelope containing cutting from hat. Item 2 Sealed evidence collection kit ?om Keith Cooper AKA Keith Morehead. Item Sealed manila envelope containing stain card from whole blood of Keith Cooper. RESULTS: As per Table of Results: The DNA isolated and ampli?ed from the sweat band (item 1B) of the hat (item I) revealed a mixture of alleles from which Keith Cooper can be eliminated as a possible contributor. Table of Results: Item Description DQAI LDLR GYPA HBGG D788 GC D1880 IB sweat band mix mix mix mix mix mix 18,24,29 K. Cooper 1.mix mixture A second sample ?om the hat taken from the facing (item 1C) was not analyzed due to the limited sample size. Hair fragments of insuf?cient size for comparison purposes were collected from the hat (item I). A stain card (item was prepared from the whole blood standard in item 2 from Keith Cooper. A head hair standard was also contained in item 2. Lab File #1 9714-332 EXHIBIT A ?'lup nf?) 0f ANALYSIS so 1) momma; mum; The two samples from the hat (item IB and 1C) and the stain card (itsm will be retained at the Indiana State Police Laboratory; Lisa B. Black DNA Analyst