POLICE DEPARTMENT neums nu EECHTEL. cttIEF names a. Mayor 175 wanna" Drive Etanun. ABE-I6 us 57010 -r|x m-mmvu Quaker 30, 1995 To: Detective Steve Rezullto #57 mom: 1). Bechtel, Chicl' Re: Allegation ot Misconduct - Neglect of Duty An allegation of misconduct was presented to me on October 23, 1995, describing the October 10th incident, an escape Attempt by --. Ms - was arrested and clearly under control of uniformed ofl'rcers when you intervened, Your decision to not use proper restraints combined with your failure to exercise due caution to prevent an escape constituted Neglect ofDuty, Given the state of mind ostV - at the time of the arrest, the end results would have been much more calamitous. Based upon the material presented and recommendation otyour supervisor, I hereby sustain the allegation and assign you to one (1) day ofl' without pay' The suspension day will be assigned by Captain Towns as the work schedule permits, As stated in LC. 36-3-3410), "If a chief reprinlantlt a member in writing or suspends a member, the chief shall within forty