DAV18E83 SEC. llo'rn CONGRESS 2n SESSION . J. . Fomnalieiug congressional apposition to any withdrawal from the North Atlan- tic Treaty, requiring the advice and consent of the Senate to modify or terminate the North Atlantic Treaty, and authorizing litigation to advance the Senate?s constitutional authority. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Mr. KAINE (for himself, Mr. GARDNER, Mr. REED, and Mr. intro- duced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on JOINT RESOLUTION Formalizing congressional opposition to any withdrawal from the North Atlantic Treaty, requiring the advice and con? sent of the Senate to modify or terminate the North Atlantic Treaty, and authorizing litigation to advance the Senate?s constitutional authority. Whereas the President is constitutionally required to seek the advice and consent of the Senate in order to enter into a treaty on behalf of the United States and must there? fore seek the advice and consent of the Senate to with- draw from a treaty: ow, therefore, be it 1 Resolved by the Senate and House ofRepresentattees 2 of the United States of America in Congress assembled, mm 31933 814.0. l?i. moo-'QGanme 2 SECTION 1. OPPOSITION OF CONGRESS T0. WITHDRAWAL ATLANTIC TREATY. Congress OppeSee an}; effO'rt to withdraw the United. Statee ?ew the Neti'th Atlantic done at Wash- ington, Il?npril 19.49.. SEC. 2. REQUIREMENT TO REGEIVE THE ADVICE AND. CON- SENT 013? THE SENATE T0 MODIFY OR TERMI- NATE THE NORTH ATIAN TIC TREATY. Th a President may enly withdraw train the North JUL- lantie Treaty, in accordance with: its terms! pursuant tn the advi (2e and. eO'naent Of the: Senate, 'pi?tnided that two think: .Of'tl'ie "Senators present. eoneni; Or pursuant tO an. net-Of SE0 3. AUTHORIZATION OF SENATE LEGAL COUNSEL. TO. REPRESENT THE. SENATE IN OPPOSITION TD FROM NORTHATLANTIG TY. The Senate. Legal Counsel is antherized tO' represent the. Senate 'in initiating Or 'intemreinn'g in .8111? judicial. pre? in any Federal emu-t Of .ee?nip'etent jurie??ietien, 0'11" heh'alf'ef' the. Senate, in Order to .OpjtiOs'e any withdrawal of the United. States ?'Oln the North Atlantic. Treaty- and. t0 eiisnre that Snell withdraw ral is tn the advice- and. consent Of the Senate 01?" an Act ef Congresse. Devil 33' ?alt? 3 SEC. The Sen-ate Legal 0.011111%] shall report as some as- ljreetieeble t0 the Committeie: 0111 Foreign Rale?oue of the Senate and. the Committee on Fereign Affairs of the Home with Feep'eet- to ?anyjudiei'el pre? which. the Senate. Legal Cmmeel i'1'1iti'etes er in which it'intem'renes Fesohitihn.