mun: Ilml Ium'. nu 0 Am! llu' mu nulmvu) lumymy A mm. 0. She didn't mm draw up, A. Nu. 0. sm- dndn'l pull her down or of that natureNo. sir, Sh: paddled her on her behind? Yes. sir. Through dress. Yes. sir. How many limes dud sh: use lh: paddle? An amual counl'7 Yes That I (1011'! know. wasjusl But how many times? She used Iwo paddles and one nick, Whal happened [0 H11: first paddle? The firs! one was [he slick and il brake, We" wait a secund. We started offwilh lhe M. .. we Inn" in ,u-muc 4 A sm- uxml un- slick [he lils| imlc 5 Q. Tc" nu- :ihuui the suck 6 A. The stick was. it was like 2| ruler. 7 Q. Well. like a ruler; docs Ihnl mean il's 8 V'ardstick? A yardstick is like a ruler. 9 A. it was heavier. [0 Q. Heavier than a yardstick? A. Yes. l2 Was iI flat like a yardstick? 13 A. Ii was a flat piece of wood. but it was 14 slrong. 15 0. Was it a piece offinished wood? [6 A. I'm not sure. sir. 17 Q. Was ii a slick like you'd pick up on the gmimd outside? I9 A, No, sir; it had a definite fon'n Io it. 20 How long was ii? 2! A. Say aboul like Ihis. 22 Q. Somewhere belween Iwo and um feet long, 23 linle less than a 24 A I'd even go, give in a yardstick. 25 Q, Are you sure it was in [an no! yardstick? mm. )nulnlur' .v A Va, 0. AN: "In: an, 0|th dunngumung characterisnus nflhis Objecf> A. ll wax uboux |hal lhick. Quancr ofan Inch thick" I gucss. Okay, How wide was il? About an inch? Aboul an inch. and a half. 0. A. 0. A. And ilwas long, (I was>> 0 A Did it have any markings on it? A No, not lhal I recall. Q. Did it have any use 1113! you'r: aware ofolha than :0 discipline students? A. No, sir, Q. Never saw it used as a straight edge ar anything like (hat. A. No, sir: no. Q. Did they have a supply annex? A. I don't know where [hay got it from. Q. I: this (he only lime you eversaw mi: object used? A. No. sir, [uchl Milan-Ink" mu lclm'l until my you semi mu: like II mud huluru" ch'. Was in (hm onc'] A Q. A. A. Could have been. 0 Do you know'7 A sir. Sis|er used that to paddle malne additionally? She gave her some addilxonal whacks lhal'] A. She starled with that one Q. She started with Ihal one. A. Yes. Q, All How many limes did she use lhal before it broke" A. Idon'! know, sir. Q. Mom Ihan one? A. Yes. sir, Q. You have a clear recollection sining here today nearly rony yzars mm mm it was more than once. 11.1111 Map A 11 when on 11w helmm 0. Wm: 1111 larcnkon 1|11: [0119,1116 wcuml nnc'.' A. No. i1 she had smacked her, I hclicvc 11 W11: 1hc thud 1imu. l'm suxc. hm I hu1ic1c was 1hird 1mm. Q. And wl1cre did [he slick brcuk'.' A. 11 brokc upon the impac! she had struck Elainc. Q, Right where she was holdmg A. No. 11 broke further up. Q. And 1111s was on Elamc's bmlom. A. Yes. Q. No! on the back ofhcr legs? No. 511', Not on he! back? Em on her On buttocks, A A. No, sin A Okay And afier 111m whal happened 41' 11' n1lvn1l1ml muhHe .ulu lluw dl-I \Iu mu ll puddlc" l'lu mu mu. Do you uny ldcu ulmuc. ll wax unL'u or more than once" A A. BY MR. It was more Khan once Do you hm'c any uleu luuv many llmc<7 N0. sir (The video tape vl hanged SARTORE. Afler paddle broke, Ihen what happened? Then she picked up third paddling device. Whal was dual? 11mm a puddle. Was iljusl like Ihc ulhcr one? Yes. And She Elaine with |hzl. And you could always tell when |hcy Wen: dune, bccause the last one was Ihe And that was the end or me p>0? Elam: do during this? Cried. What did you (107 jusl sat mm, And you see anything |nt=r on Io indlcale A hum": "1.111.: 0 Nun 1m um gumuc mm lluAncr [11c A1lur (In: paddling A mm the And whul kind dlt1\hC use" a slick box 1hr) ucrc flicks. wooan Sticks Wooden ch. From a box. Ye: bk: 3 Diamond match mmO Jusl struck in on (he side ofiL Okay, And were they .- how big was "my" They were long What were (hey there for" Fun time I had them War: that any candles in 11.: room? No. sir, Was there any fireplace in flu: room? No, sir, unnll'hc4 "an nul .ninling mum 5 A. Oh air a o. sinnling "in the rule>>. 7 A. Yes. sir 8 Q, As "as drinking, 9 A. ch. \ir. 10 Children wet: ilgalnsl drinking. 1 I weren't they" l2 A Really never came up. l3 Q. Do you remember a! cnnfirmallml being advised 14 or a scnnon by :1 pricsl as (0 molding 15 alcohol" 16 A. No, sir. 17 to give a pledge lo avoid alcohol to 18 :11: age oflwemy-onehow many matches did Sme- 21 use? 22 A rm going to say [we in lluec, sn Nut 23 really sure 24 Do ynu recall that where was any more than 25 one? 1 0 . hand or hmh'.' 5 A. I believe II was 11ml]. 6 0 Ten fingers? All ten fingers. 7 A. [believe sd, I believe sol 8 Q. And she used [we or Ihlee mmches 10 do this? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q, And how far did she hold zhem'l 1 A. She. sh: had them -- welI.1hcrc was a flame. 12 and she'd go like this. and pass 1h: fingers over 13 n. 14 And how long did she hold under each 15 finger? 16 A don'1knuw.sir. 17 Q. Whal EIaine do when she did 18 A. Cned. med pulling her hand away 19 Q. do you mean, med her hand may? 20 A. Slsler was holding her hand. 21 Q. 50 sh: held her hand with on: hsnd? Sh: held 22 with her Icfi hand 0! he! hand? 23 A. don't know. She facing Lu, She had lo 24 be huldmg 1h: hand 11m she was burning her 25 lefl hmd. 7 3 Sly: mum57m had hold Ulu 5 Uka) So did she hold me bu\ "hue she 6 passed [he match undw Elame's fingers, or did she have to pm the box downshe struck a match. put the hm dovm. took 10 and "here did she pm the hm down' 1 1 A. On the desh 12 Q. Was she smnding right by zhe desk or did she 13 walk over the desk? 14 A, she was on the side or the desk 15 So she pm Lhe matches dovm on the desk? 16 A. Yeah, 17 Q, And Lhen was able and than reached for 18 Elaine's hand? A. She look Elaine's hand 20 And did Elaine wimdmw her hand al allAnd S|sler pulled it? 23 Sisler told us, nl vim she held her 24 hands, she said this is whal happexu In those who 25 sleal and wow. uhnhr Hun <