OF INVESTIGATION JOSEPHINE BAKER PART 1 OF 2 BUFILE: 62-95834 4-694 (Rev.8-22-39) U.S. Departmert Justice I I Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, D. C. 20535 Subject of Request: JOSEPHINE BAKER FOIPA No. [190- Dear 2 Enclosed are copies of documents from FBI records. Excisions have been made to protect information exempt from disclosure pursuant to Title 5, United States Code, Section 552 and/or Section 552a. In addition, where excisions were made, the appropriate exempting subsections have been cited opposite the deletions. Where pages have been withheld in their entirety, a deleted page information sheet has been substituted showing the reasons or basis for the deletion. The subsections cited for withholding information from the enclosed documents are marked below: Section 552 Section 552a El 000(b)(3l 26 6103 El El El (10(2) Kl (10(3) '3 (10(4) '3 (10(5) '3 '3 (W9) 0 (10(6) '3 (10(7) (See Form 4-694a, enclosed for an explanation of these exemptions.) Pursuant to your request, 615 page(s) were reviewed and 359 page(s) are being released. During the review of material pertinent to the subject of your request, documents were located which originated with another Government agency(ies). These documents were referred to that agency(ies) for review and direct response to you. El contain information furnished by another Government agency(ies). You will be advised by the FBI as to the releasability of this information following our consultation with the other agency(ies). FBI SUBJECT FILE DESCRIPTION JOSEPHINE BAKER FILE NUMBER 62?95834 .A- .u I. .. err:- .x a "Iv! J. .. mu 0? tuna-1w. d' 5 ??39?;le 00-1? 1 r? . '1 I we: commuoxs A - 5 Jam? tho following Inmuc- xn I a l~ $111 'k - 30am um. mom. mum. _s)ann mm mm moans, ugh-ma?a mum um, warm: :1 6111'? um; 5 fift- d-I .ffa . T019015 3? . . 1M0: . meme . my; . am? . Glam? . Harbo__ a I ALI. Irma-sums CONTAINED ms: a I a mm saunas UNCLASSIFIED nanWHERE snow" om . a Miss Gm RECEIVED - I- . STATE ?3 URGENT .DSEPHINE BAKER, SPECIAL INQUIRY. REBLBABLE TODAY(I: I?o? . . 'El I -I ROLLAND o. ?1 RECEIVED: - 5:00 PM at a 2.3L .- - - at. EGORDEDQ e; a- 4x23? r? '1 . 5345?: -. abusmmg": - . A-DuncDEPARTMENT 0? November 5, 1951 - ?3'0 8 lie!" The attached letters were sent in by Walter Winchell. They concern JoseghinaBaker, the colored singer who was'T-2cently involved in the incident at the Stork Club. Concerning is fr om one Attachments eff :5 .fs 3:22letter which '5 alleges that !e saw loseplne Baker in" as a guest of the Soviet Union, in 1936. Mr. Winchell states: "Hoover, can we check this please? ?7 loss.? Ir. Gluin? Us. noun Hr. Trui It. Leachin? Ir. lous? Ir. lob! Tole. Boon It . Nun . Titled? NOVI 14195? 10 WNW 'Iw- I HEREIN IS UNCLASSH ED ?f ammo. 35 ?125? ~55 I ?unwa- - 3.4 I x. . II FEDERAL. BUREAU or . Room 4236" 1951 Hr. Tollon 1 - 0mm .GJW mm when: or IWFSYICATON Hr. Nichol- wm "Am WM 0; It. Dolmen It. Novenibcr Z6, 195} In. dd 5736 8-114 - It. Huh?.? 4. Belmont 1742 ogere 5228 38921 w. noun Clegg 5256 1200 7204 Ir. 'rney Glavin 5517 Trotter 7204 It. Lamina?.? Harbo 7525 lick 5540 Ir. Nichole 5640 __Recorde Section in Boeen 5706 _Pereonnel Piles Tole. Boom Tracy 413016 __J(ail Room 65:53 Ix. None .33 Sandy 5633 Room 8118 m?u Holm- Bollom 56:56 _Toure 5627 .-. Leonard 622213 Beading Rm. 5561 IcGuire 5640 Photo Lab. 7620 .-. Iohr 5744 lies r. ?eaee 5635 Room I I I .CBIHE RECORDS SECTION w, W) 646 r. Jones Can lie r. Bishop See Me ?tame? r. Carroll APPROPRIATE ACTION ?'33 r. Carter NOTE a: RETURN I r. Delbey SERIALIZE HE'le r. ?ort Room 4240 r. Romper lies Copeland r. Regal Ir. (:0me 1 r. Btukenbroeker Ire. Isles r. Suttler lies IcNally ALL CONTAINED :13: :33? HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIE xv :12? 22:22:? . I. 0-4: an. - Iv; 113;," ii?_ A (View .. . - I435 . war-1?4; tamer-w {u f' 131egg-am e-uv-flag?y??inz- :19. .2- 4 - 1:11" 7 :25; . $15-$97 ?153:3, gm? wit-L145? ?Ray?fwutp-jg?w? 33"? . 3-1 "awaiw ?Fix? 37:? 5.7"39, Mr. 2.31137" yuan-1m!- 5w 9?s: 4 A . gs?11' 1' b?z- I . [fir-? L. Iv" . 'l I .I- ?1 A I -A .13: . 1511.! indemnlm - I . 1 I I Oa'l v! . . . Monday October 29th, 1951 5? 9. Dear w.w. (Walter Winchell) Just read your column on LB. (Josephine Baker) in today's Daily Mirror, in your last paragraph Mr. Rayburn gives a summation of LB. ?s attitude in the year 1935, In 1936 I visited Leningrad from Hadring The month was June think"? Anyhow the correct dates on, still on, the U.S.S.R. visa issued in Helsinki on my old passport, a British passport. I'm a Scotchman. Well I wandered into the Russian bar at the hotel one was the "Big Shot" 0 evening, surrounded by Red Reds. WC ?1811 ?in "1 at J. 3.3? only colored person there. came to the U.S.S.R. with aliarge grogup oivdl?krencg Reds work in'the {ranch Elections Unionww you with find B. is just a highly; (WI. Mm f0? ?Pale, 1.0.9.- The Reds wined dined her no end I: were laughing up their sleeves at her, as they have no Negroes in the U.S.S.R. she was just a novelty. a a good stooge. Looks to me she is still following the line everywhere she goes. sorry she implicated You waiter. but that might have been one of her assignment, 7 You know how the Reds "love you, - Sincerely, - MO . ALL CONTAINED may?; as UNCLASSEFED I r'w (v ?7 38822 agar-i IS my, Phily ?brin/P, My ?w?rfy of? ?7 .Ih? /73( Aej?ygmn fun-m my a 3 A4 7/57?, 77%. Mun/77f 734/1: 7/ 77/40? any/AIM 7.7M ?ara'fee'l? 13473.3 an; 05?, 77%? ?633.43? . 16314 It" [11 6/9?77?15/ as],qu 1m 4 ~S'ee7Ey/v2wag Hel/ tr?rsa/ozeeo 0/7: 77/44: [payaa/ NR 47 777.6 74?: ?3 7:494? - II It: hwo If?; 77/! {$ch 42,43- . g. flail; ?a?whac 73:14. . lino/3'7? We. 75 ?Ur? (jay/9 ?ab-gl?ffv I735 9y ah?ka?u 77w?. 0102?? it We. . 7" 77? untrue. b?iozu?- 7?61?, 74,44: 63), a fez/b ye" 70"? :10: Jmu 1 7.5 11/ mans um . - ?(mu'k 1P a 7 I ?0 Ti?) ?lms/(3 ?ee 5?"ny- F54 1? I log/(A; 7 4.. 5210.90 77mm ?f/un; 6919,03 for-:1 . o?u- I 7? I. AQ (gaff 77% If. I'll?! n?fH? 4 AdvAM. Jim. "v .4005? RECORDED.5 43-953537-3 77M (Wit? ?3 Item}, an: my I ?um/wags?395 45"? i . - ?1th i I IthwIf. -1. ?3.39% 43 . 3Hotel New Yorker . I Monday AM Dear Mr. Winchell. At 57 this happens to be my ?rst letter to Press etc. etc. Re-Jos. Baker business, you are now on right tract. LB. is a #1 phoney as you her all along. I was surprized that it took you so long to collect your wits this time. Don't slip. and have lived in Brunswick, Ga. my entire life. Our population happens to be unusual, 50% white, 507. colored. It?s one of the few communities in 0.5. not counting Talmadge, Repmajority vote out of our county, neither has We have never had a race riot, or trouble of any sort, thought you'd be interested in this We also (Jews I mean now) have the famous "Cloister" hotel at our famous Sea Island, which is de?nitely restricted to Jews. Of course the dining rooms I: club rooms are Open to the public, but from what I understand the service is also slow. Of course or should I say I have yet to patronize their public roomshave tried several times to get a reservation at the Stork Club and they are always "So Solly. Aren't you hanging out at the wrong Bistro? 7 Forgot to mentio I'm supposed to be a nice Jew. 1970 '1 I Br unswick, Ga. ngga?aAEmN CONTAINED LASSIFIED . undu- . .15Ill?zl Min?" . - arsqtwas; - - 2 mammArman"; .-.- -- . . -. . -m??.c?l - 24?1?. ?fz?lr- I 1? A v.14? .. .T 15,. uff23-. 1.. nu? I I 'r I HOTEL NEW Yunnan! rum-71mm"! [muhumg 7% - - . H..- - I I I. "will-J, .24 ?3 . --9 3 Springfield. Mass. October 28, 1951 Dear Walter Winchell. I have always considered you to be a good judge of character. and after reading your Sunday column on my notorious Jo Baker, I am convinced of it. It was good to see that you had seen right through her race hating campaign. She professes to want to help our race, and yet she calmly goes about destroying the little progress made toward better race relations. It seems that instead of siding our race, she is instead just stirring up every little incident that could possibly be interpreted as racial. Not to say that she should sit by while Negroes are insulted. but it does seem funny that no matter where she goes, some white person always picks her out to abuse. If she is so terribly anxious to do something about racial prejudice. why doe sn't she join the various colored organizations or contribute to our charities? Maybe she does, but I've never heard of it. Her chief ambition in life seems to be to make fabulous salaries, wear priceless gowns, marry European counts and arrest Texans for supposedly calling her a nigger. It made me sick to read how she had gene to France and depicted us as near slaves in this wonderful country of ours. I know there is still a lot to be desired in the treatment of Negroe s. but her running to Paris to be "treated like a human being" isn't helping any. Why couldn't she stay here and fight like millions of other Negroes are doing? My mother says that years ago when she saw Jo Baker perform in New York,? her act was so immoral that its no wonder they "panned" her. 1 how she has come a long way from what she was. but from what I've read, she had no scruples about how she_got there either. If she loves Paris so much, why didn't she stay over there and "live like a human being"? Since all Negroes can't afford Parisienne hospitality, we?ll just have to stay here and improve our country. When Miss Baker forced Miami Club owners to admit Negroes while she was acting there, it probably never occurred to her that the minute she left. the barriers would again be resumed. Most of my race don't want to be Itolerated. All we ask is a fair chance to prove ourselves. I suggest Jo Baker copy our Negro celebrities like Ray Robinson. Lena Horne, Duke Ellington and others. Of course if she can't stand this wicked treat- ment, she can always go back to her beloved France, and good riddance. Sincerelyyour s, A colored student ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN i8 [must/va . 91" i- .Ww. yrs-?- ?f 'sgf(dz; [It 4 I i?luInny .-. v?-l . ~A.asA 114ammow CON 5 UNCLASSIFIED l? - 5 K-SNOE ?951 J13 5:24. sag: '4 $211753 - ??a'gh4,531;] (Un?t? - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT To - The Director mm: November 2, 1951 none 3 D. Ladd 09/ . 'wliscra JOSEPHINQMER minim w: . To advise you, pursuant_to y_o_ur request, oz: information-? n9" and_ enterta' njr. I. i . soaps or 5343035 In the preparation of this memorandum Bake-r Bonfwas .I searched through the single initial and with a comb ion of first name with various middle names and initials. Baker?s married names were also searched. The search was not limited to locality and included a search of both criminal and subversi references.? \kl' I AEERSONAL HISTORY: According to the April 2, 1951, issue of "Life" magazine, kg Josephine Baker is the daughter of a St.? Louis, Missouri, Negro a washer woman. This article stated that Baker, ?who as of the time of the article, was alleged to be 45 years of age, began her Paris night club career in 1925, and has spent most of her life since that time in France. This "Life" article further stated that Baker was reported to have at one time been married to a Negro tap dancer and supposedly married one Pepito Albertina in the 1920's. In 1937, Bak?r gave up her United States citizenship and married a French broker by the name of Jean Lion. This marriage was dissolved by a divorce in 1940. Baker married her present husband, a Frenchman, band leader Jo 27"" ., Boullion, in 194?. According to the larch 12, 1951, issue of "Time" magazine, Baker has been a French citisen since 1937, and during the occupation of trance by the Germans, during World For II, spent he: time in North Africa. This article further stated that while in ?orth Africa, Baker became a Lieutenant in the Free French Air Force, did intelli- gence work, drove an ambulance, and entertained troops. DJS:djb:dm RECORDED '122 _'756?3 moan) .?122 3 19?5, gorms 935mm (l 11 DEC 1 1954 mmovmomgamszix. - 99 0 575590191951?4" .1 I - .- .. .. -..-.. .4 .- I 03210 1: Mr I: . lo investigation has been conducted by this Bureau "10.320. to Josephine Baker. 1: - no: "mango Essen In a As you hill recall, the conuniet Party during the early part of 1951, took a great interest in and engaged in extensive activity in the defense of lillie ucau, a Segro who nae convicted in the State of liseissippi on the charge of rape of a Ihite Dom and, subsequently during Hay, 1951, Das executed by the State ef lissiseippi for that offense. 'c?ounterattack,? a publication of 'Iacte to Coabat thanunisu," 55 Feet 42nd Street, Sea York City, in letter lo. 800 dated larch 23, 1951, carried an iten entitled, "Josephine baker Ion't Support Uouunist Fronts.? According to 'L?ounterattack' Baker cancelled a speaking engagenent at a "Save 'illie lease Sally" scheduled for larch 19, 1951, when she learned that the rally was sponsored by the laerican Labor Party and that Paul Robeson, well-known Iegro entertainer and Communist {arty apologist, and forur United States Representative Vito Harcantonio of Sen York City uould also speak at the cane rally. (100-350512-393) 452-5- . . it Ho'b [b.t In a report dated larch S9, 1944, the Special Couittee on Uh-luerican Activities, House of Bepnesentatiues, stated that 'J'or years the Conunists have put forth the greatest efforts to capture the entire lurican Labor arty throughout See York State. they succeeded in cagturing the Hanhattan and Brooklyn sections of .the herican Labor arty but outside of See York city they have been unable to ain control.? (I - - - WW ?ewe-w"- e-r ~17 "Ra-?1 zh'igayf3., .Lnintl? '5 ?a - A . According to the April 14, 1951, of ?Women on .. chpolo' Joeephine Baker use very intereeted in and urged the ealuotion of um. neon. (100-122064-184) . . 1512.1- - -- . the cationic conittee on Undue-icon un?t?. 13,. . 1948 report characterized 'L'Unitc Del ?9910' on being my 2: publicatione Mien the Couittee found ?tc be comniet initiated and controlled or etrongly in?uenced to be in the Itali- - . v'ft - blur Sumo" . - 00-370288p'V? ?I?nlvu . . I I the civil Rignte nae been cited-6e comniet? Attorney Genera . I - . PW-vr . - Relative - later'n intereet in the Uillie levee uhile in Detreit, Iichigaa, the 1 1c, 1951 inane the ma 'crher' carried a eterg under the Nine 'illian Allan enti ed, "Miteer hine' hper ?agged Jceephine later.? According to thin etcrg Jaher, nhe at that tine nae appecring at the re: theater in - .. cums, Iichigan contacted a: editar cf the 'Detrcit tree haul- and Maine! hin that ehe acald like to note a atatenent an ?e 'legal narder" cf ene cf her people, lillie lcOee, Ihe' ahe an? A nae an innccent nan fraud an a charge e] raping a nhi.te ncnan. an article aent en te atate that after receiving acumen - that her atcteaent ncula he printed in the 'Detreit tree - . the atatenent never appeared. kv' Wm On October 10, "51, according te neaepaper articlea- appearing in neupapere throng at the country, Jceephine later, Ire. Beecie larlen aeroice leader,_and Ir. and Ira. lcger licc, a] the trench theater, alleged that-they)? Cheen node to nait an anreaecnable length a] tine before being eernea -, "m .MW v~w - ..-.. .. .. - zd'?xb?: "i 5,5? u; .?fu 1? 3. a; r? .- ?v.33: . e??qmu: 33:419.:- \ffsumm an5.rial-AI! Folk. I. Qt?c-?Ja?.?Ua9:33?nm l" Iii-mo?? I?ve :943' later at the Stark c1uhfoedat the dtorb Club in'lec tern city. ?The princ ipa1e that they had been eubjected to racia1 diecrininatien. - do you ni11 reca11, 'a1ter Iincbe11, in hie Sunday night breadcaet.cf October 81, 1951, in referring to tbie incident etated that be had been at the club at the cane tine an later an October 10, 1951, but bad 1eft before ebe bad, and at no tine I nhile he nae there had be noted anything proeincting an 'incident.? Iinche11 continued to the effect that be had later card that yter be bad 1eft, later and her party becane incc1aed in one incident? and that later had been ineulted. lincbe11 ehted that be bineelf deplored the eituation but that he nae egua11g perturbed that be nae being brought into the picture and that nae being brought to bear upon bin to denounce the a11eged diecrininatory actione ef the Start c1ub nanagenent agath labor and her party. In Me brcadcaet cf Octcber ?ec, 1951, Iinche11 nenticned the Baker incident and in effect etated that be ceu1d not he into denouncing Bhernan Bi11inge1eg and ?e Utcrh' 1?n Iincbe11'e eyndicated cc1unn appearing in the public run an October 29, 1951, 'incbe11 quoted a 1etter uhicb had een tc bin by George 8. 8chuy1er, In York editor qf the 'Pitteburgh courier,? a 1eading hero neuepaper. fbie 1etter in effect accueed Baker of being I'ueed by the Conuniete and cannuniet Party front erganieaticne and denounced the criticien of Iinche11 nhich reeu1ted the a11eged diecrininatien againet I - -- y?'sm . the start an bae been eubjected to periodic picteting eince October 18, 1981. ?03316, 1.0717112 m; - According to a report of the United states ?litar Attache, Paris, France, dated Kay 13, 1949, a copy of Ihich nae furnished to this Bureau, Josephine Baker provided part of the entertainuent at a rally sponsored by the DeGaulle Political held in Paris, France, on Nay 1, 1949. General Charles Deaaullc nae the principle speaker at this particular rally. .kv"La.44} ?H?i I I y: I, 5 31553."? - - - President, National Council of Negro Fomen, Inc., 1318 Vermont Avenue, Fashington, D. 0., addressed a letter to you advising that the National Council of Negro'lonen would present Josephine Baker on Jul 2, 1951, at the ?ational Guard Armory in Fashington, D. 0. An nvitation was extended to you to attend. By letter dated June 27, 1951, Miss Helen I. Gandy, acknowledged the above referred to 1etter.for you and advised that a prior engagement would prevent you from attending. (100- 345801-8) RE DEFENDATIOH: None. your information. mass Whea J?s?biine?hA??r case over} on her last trig? she was delayed for man? hours ause she was trying 0 bring in a Russian maid She was net bermitted to do this. How db you like that? She won't even a Negro maid. 'f ?Y?lf; I I'm sure of facts on . ALLmroaMAmNcommas! A HEREIMSUNCLASSIFIED Dmujzxeuaammso .. . RECORDED -132 y_ . '13? {w 3019N . .g . '1 4.1.50 (2.7.19) C. FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATIDI FDIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET i Pagdsliwithheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements. where indicated. explain ?iia deletion. [ii/Deleted under exemption(a) with no aegregahle material available for release to you. Intonation pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documentis) originating with the following government agency(ies) . was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Pa?s) referred for consultation to the following government agency?esl; as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. Pagds) withheld for the following reason(s): Fa your information: following number is to he used for reference regarding these pages: ?g-dezz. 43:35: NO DUPLICATION FEE DELETED FOR ms PAGE 24 4-11 . j: .. ., . FEDERAL or I mums 7-17 1952 . 3 Mohr 5744 iroctor __H.1u Gu?y, 5633 Hellman 5633 Land 5736 Belmont 1742 Records Sec. 7235 01033, 5256 Pars. Records 6631 Gloria 5517 _Roa.d1ng Boa 5531 Barbe 7625 __Mail Room 5533 Boson 5706 _Toletypo 564.4 61 4130 ID Clark 2266 hughlin 171.2 _Mochnnioal 8-111. Nichols 52220 . Vic}: 5625 Mrs. Chiaholm Cms?by 5636 Miss Corrigan M13: ell 3?35 4236 H13: 3233 Leonard 6222 13 Dan, Trotter 7204 Eon? 720.4 When-y 5537 English 5627 __Note 8: return your info __Por appropriate action Nichole Roan 561._.?11fr., - . . ?-flmay; :31. 49usual?G,rhp.1'4" v.4; .. a *3 - a..wa z? 32' ?f rl?gf?: . .. 3, :3 I. the [warm Cm??cl 001116 um"090? ?for-otto- SI no Bureau's fun -- Jouphtu anger, the Co and chanson? ?11 be i Hima? "ry of on 'n recently not involved a on ?cunt 8 orb club 3. In.? a Hate) 0M .1109? that an M4 bun (tut-hunted - Approprtcu mo do on busy and ?11 3:11. . ?0 Qpraulo -- limit. I a )5 ?29Eff-7eIii?: I I. ?1 HEREIN 13.5h [i92/i? :1 If 1' ch. -v 9-I'vp/ .1 .r l?xxp . it'" . A .: L. I. rt?? -. kl?44" 33":.Dll ?ay?v - 41,. --.: ..Lc mayA?4.--. .. A J?vwf.? .J . w? ?u u-?k A I. 1, ?1313,; .- I r- -.., .- ., .3".1 4 6.12?m'w ?4,9 I Oj?ce Memorandum - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 1952 a CONTAINED m4 mm?m HEREINIS UNCLASSWIED MM DAT 3" BY MD 7? Hr. 1'01?: In. -. - - I 71.? co: Hr. Lou - 51.35; RECORDED - 427 l?y? ?ij/v? 39 15"?1 24?? I 3-1.4; I-?OhO-ll - ul 41:92. f" WINeuorandun to Ir. Jouphtlu Bohr 5/ n- a1. - A, . -2. June so, 1952 (Mr . 1 1W . Baht-in the Hccarrcn Couittgg, 0' .- cv - Jily 15, 199 . Joanafie tqfer-ai$ee ?e fir-teled?fer uhetever ectten yea appropriatee naran un, lie 0 ine Baker I o- Original to bureau qf Internal Revenue Ada-95834 felinl?? yll' . ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN 3 UNCLASSIFIED DAT BY. 4 . . . van, n? .03 I "3 - Jr" (sf-1liQ?lc-f?u A 3 - l. arc.? . ?ijce Mei/wand 77'2/ - UNITED ATES GOVERNMENT 11: 3 B. D. LADD 1 DATE: July 15, 1952 mm: lgssi?m?mgjj 0N CONTAINE (ccarran om ee eQuee To rnish information concerning gpsephjne??ater- pursuant to request of the.lccarran connittee. Reference is node to Fr. dated June 3 Nichol 's nenorandum I Toleon and that a eunnary furnished to the.Uccarran Committee. contained in Bureau fi ee There is attached hereto a blank nenorandun?for the Bureau of Internal Revenue. There ie also attached a blind tenorandun, thought suitable for dissemination, which incorporates information reociued,fron reliable Bureau informants and from public eources. $9023 0: - In the preparation of these nenoranda, the eearch wae linited to the nainlfile and any references eince Nouenber, 1951, at which tine all previous referencee were reviewed in connection with a neuorandun for the Director concerning Josephine Baker. Baker's none was also searched in the Identification Division where no crieinal record wae?found. However, an Alien Registration print received in January, 1951, was located on one Josephine Baker, a french Kegro artiet who wae born on June 3, 1906, at St. Louie, . i71ouri, in connection with riea Application No. 1510052. nx' - to investigation has been conducted by the Bureau concerning Josephine Baker. is . .- Attachne ate (3) .9 19525/ 5 63-8821? 17 . co - 63-95634 err/m corms same .312nun. . pd . ?id'l?eglr?u? gm'd-ac11341.1 grungy; on war uncanny.- rhe?folloaing infornation ie not being included in the blind nenorandun ae there ie no evidence that liee Baker actually took part in Connuniet activitiee on herfbehalf. According to the looenber 12, 1951, of the "Daily Corker," eaet ooaet Connuniet neuepaper, a Conference an Equal Bighte?for legroee in Arte, Sciencee, and nae held on Iooenber 10, 1951, at "The Pythian" in ten York City, under the auepicee of the National Council of the Arte, Sciencee and l?enxovenber 14, 1951, of the "?aily Yorker" etated-that one of the neaeuree adopted at thie conference nae a telegram to Joeephine Eater aounending her?forthright action in the Stark Club incident. (100-3-4212 p. 86; Icl'nerney, DA, 3/14/52) 0 I I ?ml-'01the rational Council of the Arte, Sciencee and hae been cited ae a Connuniet front by the Connittee on Un-Anerican Activitiee in a Houee Report to. 1954, dated April 6, 1950. i 100-3-4-7059 p. In regard to the Star} Club incident, it will be recalled that on October 16, 1951, according to newepaper articlee appearing in nuneroue neuepapere throughout the country, Joeephine Baker, - .Ure. Buchannan, Earlen eeruice leader, and Mr. and Ere. Roger i' - Rico, of the French theater, alleged that they had been made to pait 3 an unreaeonable length of tine before being eerued?food at the Stark Club in New tort City. The principale involved complained that they had been eubjected to racial diecrinination. (62-95834-4) I 0 1 .1 ..1 The eubetance qf pertinent infernation appearing in the blind nenorandun hae been appropriately - 5' vow, ow 1 5 . ruvf?r" . "1 13.31T._u .A a? ?124?. Ld-m?la?L-?J?.ac?my That the attached blind unorandun be forwarded to the . HcC'arran 4012 That the attached blunt nenarandun be forwarded to the Bureau of Internal Revenue via liateon ahannele. "5 ., :47; mm wmf-ryfg-T; w-r- - M: .- . - . I gr, 1 SI "Rf-'1 - Dr - I I, jg?: ?3 1? . "15 19:2 ?23153 mmomnon connxm emsswaomlsx-14Dene 7 - . . According to the April A, 1951, tune of 'Life' nagaeine, later ie the danghter of a at. Lenie, lieeonri, naeher nenan. rite article etated that later, nhe ne of the tin: of the article, nae alleged to he forty-fine yeare of age, began her Parin night career in 1935, and hae opent noet of her life eince that tine in trance. - . .- the article etated that later nae reported to tone at one tine been harried to a tap dancer and euppoeedly narried ene tepito Albertine in the In 1937, Baker gaoe np her United Etatee citinenehip and narried a trench hroher by the none of Jeanlien. mu narriage nae by a divorce in 1940. Baker narried her hueband, a trench-an, band leader Jo Bonllion, in le7, . a According to the l2, 1951, ieene of 'fine' nagaeine, Baker hae been a french citieen eince 1937, and during the occupation of France by the Gernane, during oorld [or II, epent her tine in North Africa. thie'article further etated that nhile in Forth Africa, IBater beoane a Lientenant in the Free trench Air force, did intelli- 1genoe nerh, drove an anbulance, and entertained troope. 4 - 1' HF peruse or mg later took a great intereet in and engaged in exteneive activity in the defenee of eillie Icaee, a Segre nho nae 5013 convicted in the State of en the charge of rape of a 3 nhite noun and, enbeeqnently during Hay, 1951, nae executed by the a ?Stote of for that effenee. . . 4 '00nnterattact,? pnblication of 'l?acte to C'onbat Counnien,? 55 lent and street, Ion tern City, in letter to. 800 2-3-1 dated larch 23, 1951, carried an iten entitled, 'Joeephine Enter ?3.24 [on 't Support Conuniet l'rente.? According to "Counterattach' .. Baker cancelled a epeahing engagenent at a 'Save lillie Icaee {ff-j lolly" echednled for larch l9, 1951, nhen ehe learned that the ?sun! rally nae eponeored by the Anerican Labor Party and that an - -nelI-hnonn entertainer and Conuniet Party. apologiet, and ferner United Statee n] hen rerh City scald aleo epoch nt the rallyGENERAL . I'?Isikrls I wi? ?e A 1 I ?If? .. 1? i-.uu- -.. vr-i - - . - . 941?, ?4 {1?11 new?! "Minnarepor - - pec a1 an UI-Aaertcan of Representation, 'otated__that 'I?or - genre the Cannon tote have put?forth the greateot efforte to capture A the enttre American Labor forty throughout)?. York State. they - . - oacceeded in capturing =the Nanhattan and araotlyu oecttono of the 4 moor-teal: Labor Party, but outetdet?of lelo Iark ?Cgty they have beet . . to Eater etntereet tn the ?Ute Hcsoe caee uh?e in Detroit, the lay ?16, 1951, tune of the "Daily tartar." out eoaet Couujet neupaper. carrted the otory under the by-Itne of board nether, Motrin lo. 7, - Couuatet Party, and Htahtgau eorreepoodent for the "Daily For-her," . "Pol tteer .IPrtee' Paper dogged Joeephtne Baker." According "fin ?thte-ttory Baker, the at that the nae appearing at the To: Theater Detroit, contacted the editor of the Detroit i'ree_Preoe" and edvtoed Ha that ehe mould like to nah a otate-ent on the 'Iegal aurder" of one of her people, "11 to twee, rho ehe otated nae an tnaoceut Ml [rated on a charge of raping a .htte noun. .- fh-te arttole rent on to etate that after receiving aeeuraneeo that her-""otatenent uould be prtuted tn the "Detroit tree hen," the statement never. appeared. (100-3-90-216?) \t - amen-r - conIMruz I I IV Il*"5109312: - ca ., - . ?41. .- - the cteil Bighte bee been etted by the Attorney . General I. uttetl the pereteu Order 9835. I. 0 ll .- 4.2; 1/3/5300-3-12-2501 p. 75' . a. 25, 1951, reper the In the Arte nee brunch on lay 1951, et the letel tea for: ctty, to pey epectel - "Rf-?5 'rl' .5. - - ?can? "mum-Io: - MIth "Mu . ?Infstair-gt 117419514172} . .- 5;:$3.623!? Jbeephine later and twelve other -er - tribute to ..ptee:, Oil, 081we. .dwdw{,ur tee.- - a in 'tqf itee deect{ 9 tie i ttoaal tee Us! ed Statee It in he eentdg q! efeept 9e defence June, It: 18, 0.8. Sece. 99 en 994,\theitrane eetoe nhteh tn 3; an beauthertee 'p rec? te C'e .jA' - Va. A . 5003 If! 1'1 0' - 5 - -- .4 . .??Luna/thug..- . I 5.6593" {j a - a 0.- Hr. Jr. Laugh] in Hr. 'iChOl' yr. D. J. ivan 1:123.? Hr. Belno nt 4170.238! July 31, ,1958 . a In: 4?s. - - - . a 49?] A. s: n: at Itmzw. ?don't - .- A .. (Houth cammu) - ff mmomnnosco?rum - 1 ., - mom msnmomsz.w-" 3? 1 Attached are nanoranda containing data in the filee of I thie Bureau, copiee of which have been furniehoa to a of the McCoy-ran connittee pureuant to requeete received fron that Connittee for information concerning the following individual" Joanne m?W g; . In 25? In reeponee to requeo for information in the Bureau'e filee concerning the following individuale, the Connittee'e repre- eentative roe advised orally that there was no derogatory informa- tion identifiable with the eubjeate of their inquiryaf-the Omittee'e nae advieed there we no information in the Burcau'e filoe which could be identified uith the following individuale, concerning was a? requeet for information nae nade by the committeeach?nt?e (8) I, Ztcourim quL we 41952 I I- ?c . . 7" Yum; .Ao? "os'e-r a C) 4' 1mm FEDERAL BUBEMI 0F INVESTIGITIDI DELETED PAGE INFORHATION SHEET 4-750 (2'7-79) i Page?) withheld entirely at this location in the ?le. One or more of due following statements, where '1 indicated. explain this deletion. EP/Deleted under exemption(s) with no segregnlie material available for release to you. D/lnformadon pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your newest. Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Dourmantfs) originating with the following government agency?esl . was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Pads) referred for consultation to the following government ngency?es); as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the Page(s) withheld for the following reason(sl: For your information: m/The following her is to he used foyference regarding these pages: f?dv :7 DELETED N0 DUPUCATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE Kim I ?2 poo/noInn41.51; V's; cuh?z?n2,?fur A --. -. ., [fl-v ?ivs \el Lite" .52.. Juklu>~- - . e'l?v 5 3? . A. l? Parauant to a reqneet [ran the Iccar i'onnittee . for infornation regarding infiltration the United -. - tleotrical, Radio and [achine lorhern Ann-ion arm/u) in the Philadelphia area, the connittea nae orally advieed that fen Delaney and San Dillaria, both forner emuniet Party nenbern and both erganieere of Local 155 of the (It.er in Philadelphia, recently led an attenpt to out the Coanuninte fron thin Local. further advice can given that the anti-connuniet aotivitiea of Delaney and pu?aria, no regard: the Dawn in Philadelphia, acre given cone iderable publicity in the local prene in Philadelphia, and further, that both Delaney and Dillaria had given of the "Philadelphia tuning Bulletin? infer-nation for a eeriee of articlee on the i'onnuniet Party infiltration into the awn in the Philadelphia area. . c, J. I farther oral infornation nae furnished that Delaney ?and Dil?aria had been interviewed by representativee of the Hanna emittee on Dh-Jnerican Aativitiee an a reeult of the publicity they received in the Philadelphia area. In anuer to a request for infer-nation concerning the International Union of line, [ill and snelter tortere - H11 the connittee'e nae orally advieed that there van 1- in publication a book entitled ~Official Proceedinge of the 47th convention, International Union of line, Hill and Snelter terhern, Held in logalee, Arieona,,9-lo, lda?l.? l?he Conaittee'n 1 nae further advieed that this book contained the - ,identitiee of all pereone participating in the Convention and aloe included all of the talhn and ntatenento node at the Con- vention verbatin, and all of the renolutione which xere propoeed ?Egg; and panned at the convention. farther oral infernation can . 3i? 0 1531515 8500317! Inomu 1'10! - carn?uu. 3? - \d - Ii. affine. mitt}?! - 65m. cox?#?'givon'to the co'uittool?o that according to roliable roporto, the paoocd at tho convention in fro ontiroly aonoiotont vita tho than current conuniot Party inopan further atatod that a panphlot entitlod 'It'o a trick,? publiohed by the Iducational Departnont of tho International Union of nine, Hill and Snelter torhoro - 11D, chicago, Illinoio, Union nenboro to fight for the righto of con-anion to bo nonboro of thio ?ion and of any Unionhrthor oral advice [urniohed to the connitteo'o ropreoentativo that the January 29, 1951, of Tho Union,? tho official publication of the International Union of Nine, [ill and Snoltor larkora - IID, contained an attack againot tho . HcCarran Act, charging that it I6. a thought-control 1a.. rhio attack in oonoiotent nith tho Party propaganda directod againot tho UcCarrun Act. I - - furthor information .08 furniohed that tho July 30,- 1951, of "rho Union" carried a otatoncnt iuuod by tho . {scoutivo Board of tho union on July la, 1951, which condemned the Suprono court'e docioion upholding tho conviction of the 33 national loadoro a! the connaniot Party andor the Snith Act0011? HTIAL 4.1.1 . . .. .19., . v-A"111Isiif r3 2-. .-: .-.. 0.31pursuant "gun", the following addrcuu porn famtohed to rcpruuta?u of the returns? com-sync: ll.) I I 5A .- John clerk International and Slut" tor-hr. 8403 South Lincoln Strut 2391:3004, Colorado. . one}: of mu, mm ?mm. D. l. kno- 1 Irutdonti tun-unto?! Fun of It?, 7 [$11 and 8" hr ?08 Etch canyon - .. - 7 ff-Yiut, Artuu. {ft-g- - .359 Director, FBI 0' I mir'?? ?r "720:4 CONTAINED :s UNCLASSWIED m? AIR counlan 1m 0 JU 1 1977 (V7 I 0 Re JOSEPHINE BAKER FOREIGN MISCELLANEOUS a Dear Sir: Attached is a clipping from the Rio de Janeiro site on newspaper, Globo," dated August 29, 1952. The article, with two photos of JOSEPHINE BAKER, is headed "Josephine Baker A Servico De Uma Grands Cause" (Josephine Baker at the Service of a Great Cause). JOSEPHINE BAKER is the United States night club and musical comedy star who went to France in the and became a big attraction there. It is believed that she became a French citizen. It will be recalled that some months ago, when she was in the United States, she became involved in an incident at the New York night club, The Stork Club, in which she accused the management of racial dis- crimination. In some way, Walter Winchell, the newspaper colum- nist, came into the picture in opposition to her. The writer knows of the incident only through sparse newspaper attention given it here in Brazil. The attached article a Rio de Janeiro branch of th and Religious Discrimination. announce that the ev??f"tbok of her intention to form xorld Association Against Racial hI7l952, The president of the organi- zation in Rio is to be sponsor 9f an anti-racial law, and pres ntly?a??ember?df'the??ederal House of named House leader of the UDN (Uniao Democratica Nacional 6 National Democratic Union - conservativ party in Opposition to.the present government). 3 The article reports the results of an interview with JOSEPHINE BAKER, who is presently in Rio, where she has had a DESTROYED . '3 '4 ?aw 11 DE \5954 0300 $2 5?34?" my 1330* iw??qs x7 a I INDEX ?59 10 1952 Isat . - - . :fi?$Ak??1- . -. "a .r '1 :ga? ??3235 5- if 2,0? ?anks}- .. i 7 Ill?lv? Ix. .Il?l'qll -a ll revue. 1&8 LT, RA ABTHUB GARP YS, tan and STDN. She refers to the Stork Club incident,/and to Effsuccessful run in at least two night clubs and one theater in names in the World ociation ELEAEQR Shell. As to that incident, she said that she and her friends won out, "Today there is a law against racial discrimination in the State of New York." The closing paragraph states that she will attend the official installation ceremonies of the association in Haiti and in Cuba. It does not state when this will be. At another point in the article, it states that from Rio she will go to Uruguay. The above is for the completion of the Bureau's files. Very truly yours, MARTIN CARLSEN LA Attachment MC:jar -"3?33 ?5 WW. . 114? :9 .31: sushi{11" if? 1 bid} r? "f 1? 121-. I Aid? A - "i A-why. ., ..-. t? 0? I . wrumb MW: a;3.2.3 . .. a; lulu In} nI ?n .H ?or ii: glisaugo - .. .. .. . gigtgin?o?aanIOIsI-Fmr .. . . - Ell. In; 1% . .?allralf-onaVP. crouc- mg on . 38I'a. (Yuar?..1lu. 13?. 1.4.. . .ll ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED c? . $461; 'ng?sra-t ?i 5E31?9?fg?li I . HEW. 5% :fi' I r?r 4' a. a - I . me arena i I ecum- 14, 19541all?l . mm a neuraqu am amm 14, ulcer-tug Baker on!? Cnerpentee' ?fern-?ue; {nj-iff. - cunning {he Bureau of Internal Revenue he been odvteed of the allegation concerning Baker'e tune so reflected in the attached Inn-undue a- - .?zw?lm 3f" 1 .. meet. roles}, In Deputy Attorney Belem! JO?Idad'S'n . 5 ?1 4" 115003031443 001101952 NDEX . 4 5,73, mm ll 9 . ?l?LU-wz nay-913NOV aroma rm: Jed}? ?79119? . - if emu tar-:- . -- Au. momunos CORTAIFED am: IS 31cm mm sum own?. ?an. a nmfm?"! - nun-tong, ?nhb'r 195? - 1.333} (S) . 9'is. 14.1: I I: .: ?$545;sz put, Fix. I -. . -- an :?ilx - jaw-3" . [carding the April 8, 1951, tn 0 of and", - Josephs-c actor to a: daughter of Loan, mcuari, unar- In?. an: article not? the: an", do of the ?u of tho- ar?clc us alleged to [arty-?u "or. of ?90, use: Mr Peru his" ?war ?916, cad he. ape-u nut of hu- uhcc - mt 3? . A - a the crude [nu-?u ?no; that who uu upon-u: . law at on ?so bun ??nd to a up men on uppunnp act-?u -- _ou hp?. Alba-?u u. In 1937, actu- gave up her cum: Stat? and hurt? a trench hrohcr by the am of Jean Mon. nu sonny: ?Helped by a duct-cc In 1940. aun- nan-{u her pnunt hub-cad, a and leader}. loulltoa, in 1347. .- . I =3 Jean?ng to ?u torch n, 1951, tun of "Ytu' Mga?u, 91hr has bun c, Frau-h ?use. since 193?, and daring ?u occupation of true: by the Ccmu, ("tug um m- open her ?u in Iota Africa. the crude further ?and that mu: forth Jfrtoo, uku- a ?who?: tn the In. trench Air hr", did nun:- guu out, (mu abduct, and "brand tnopu' Jouphtu Baker to? a grant, than? and any-aged A ?taupe octtvuy the ?fun 0/ "In: relate, a tag" tho nu - contend to the sun at ltututppt the 8MP98 of up: of a - uh?. mm mud, subsequently (luv-tap top, 1951, to: "heated by mu of autumn [or an offcm. A . I - Toukn?uh,? a publication of "run. to (3th 7* wanna," 55 Int nu Strut, nu ?ty, later to. ?00 ~43? larch 3.8, 1961, currth ?an ?thud, 'Jouphsu sam- Z?faz't 3:3? Cmutu truth" According to 'Couhtarcttach' mulled I cpocttn~ (spammed:th a hive ?c?co new? for an: 19, 1951, when a: loan? an the .3117 apouuru by at Ann-tau Labor Party had that Paul Wheat? sen-horn nut-tuner and Canaan-t Party apologtu, and Stat" lapruuta?u lungemags?gsgg)nr for: A ty Mu 1 also Opuh at the fa Ola-Iq? ?u _Lf 51:95:71 1 8 954?st/At.Mng ,ml-Ju . l, git-(0.. 4? I: 13? "0'61hie "Eff"; If; \oav?r??ffaims-zip- ?I?Afzmi?: it" - :32" pa16?un' fit?mu vivw' . .. I -- A 9-1-s319?3 231' 5,2, 00-3-3866p. Criminal Dim, .. a a report lated taro 89, the Special eh m-Alertoon Home of etoted that ?hr ware the couuatete have put forth the greateet efforte to capture the enttre Aurtoan Labor Party throughout tea for): State. they ta oopturtug the lanhattan and Droonyn eeottoue of the Anertoon Labor Party, but ?use. of tea tort Buy they have .heen unable to It? oath-ox)100-2?70288- tiss: 1.3 51) - 'ezattmto f- er'e tntereet tn the run. loan ?uhtle tn Den-o?, itohtgah, the toy 16, ?951, tune of the "may Fol-her,? eaet ooaet L'ouunte?t levepoper, carried the etory under the Drum of ?Juan Allan, state Board saber, ptetrtet to. Y, Fcomuntet Po ty, and ltohtgae oorreepondent for the ?Daily Iorter,? ensued Itteer Prtee' taper dogged Joeephtee hater.? . to thte etory hater, uho at that ttu nae appear-tn at the fee that" ta Detroit, mohtgan, ??oated the edtter of the Detrott tree Preea' and odvteed MI that ehe'uula like to take a etateunt on the ?legal urder" of one of her people, um: man, who ehe etoted poo on "mount an fraud on I charge of hoping a uhtte boson. Thte article rent on to etate that after receiving aeeurancee that her state-eat you? be rated tn the 'Detrott free fun," the etateunt never appeared. (100?3?90-216?) Tn -- 31 com: lawman . 1- the auditan thaw-55?. In his and}: 356 {mm qoacrql on cant-g the purvtc- qr tsvcuttvo ar?cr 988:.aK: .300-340533-17; 100-359562- WI .9/11/51; 0?3: 081.9 ,1 10/1/?5 a "Daily urhr', of You 85, 1951, "par for the "gran tn the Art. in planning a brunch on . my 17, 1961, the Hotel then?, In Int cu? to pop unto?56081?! 1110131110, 60171 .. - .XlPL-Ttr?l??f?? 99:: 4?51?? r? u- . ?m w- -.-. - . . . Amman-craonol - . .. I A5- (188:, rmma on Em ?,5.ch I A..- - .. A-.. - . "Li: 0 - . . 3mm: ?roman? - to: bis; . - 100-3924 6-1 6310mm To Arrows! (#3513441; cc-Ro'sa L. Malone, Jr., 410 .D.J. - . .- Maw? .1 3?8-739 54?: 5:9415-4 Ya)? .-N ?3 . Al12013217 - 00' Lqu ?1 ?13-?93} (r I 1? 1 . -. . - . -. a cum: 1170311710! - C.Fu?hlz ?23133: A -- . loin-Mug tok'a' dated Hutu Ctty Art] 16, 1951, appeared tn the ltcr" on A the date, actor, ta lea-toe ctty, had announced the re mutton of an orgaatuttoo hon the "torn League Agatut tutu - to thto relocate, taker otatod that the league dtoortataattoa egetnet not only the logro rue but ethoro OM bore the tergeto of reetrtettuo - later further announced that headquartoro of the league vault be tn rotten branch? to cute, ?etude .6 :1 June?. A . - Aocorung'to an ortteie Intel appear? to the knot 89, 1053, tone of '0 cube," :3 neupapor publtoheo in at: de Jouetro, traztl, Joker, loath in that etty, her tntonttou of #5435 for-tug Rte do Janotro branch of the for? Agatnot Motel and Halts-tone Diocrtuaatton. (62-95634-8) .Aocardtug to eppeortng tn the pub: tc A durtng the [trot part of October, 1952, Baker use to "one ?no, - Argonttno, and oho no quoted hautng undo anti-Morten? reurko te the preoo of that eout?. . According to Robert 0. now-Ho colm which appeored t- the "Vanuatu love" on October 10, 19.52, taker ta Buonoe . urn, qfter Preotdent he: Peron, Prootdent of Argentine, $74-91 no tndorud one! quotation am appeared tn Menu .5 - Atreo nonopapor no: 'er porucattom are non necking thou before tor-Id For utth condnnattono at that trtal ~13 and electrocution the order of the any." to tMo hark commented 'She to opeak tug of bot-tea. lot one in" Men about pro-tor): hr to rather bumping etleo eke Hood abroad and nae nod to a 3 oortoo of french". - . i . - hart 'e eoun doe the [one-tag renareo to a -A 'ntto m'preto of (enemy and etvtuutton cu 1 .- uni the ogroeo to No in Korea. In tMo horror of dtoortntutton, shore to democracy?? "In Anortca they hunt chi-tot utth a gun one lung NI fro- . tree." .WJ 88603117 100114210! - 001%7115 . - - . . a 31-33; -- H-i Al I TL 65313521,111?) - ?3.3.1 17 I 'r 03.13 1?10have personally coon nan; and that I . horror Its .010! .- and children ktllod Jito ontnala n11 never Iv Mu. . . - . Jam; J. I 91 In; terrorized on I. Ina: tout. they couldn't 10; no live in peace. 1w brother-su- -. 1a. eta-bled (at. a attic Ian rhea: con conplatncl you promised I: I could kill the nest buulpu?' . .- -A snark further otaicd that Dakar In. grotto as having read the aorta: (a 90r?t?oo' cat as having catd ?tt'a n11 aboolutcly truc"v-mr- ?am >tf?m7zc(xv/f O?ice M67. "2 a. -7 Eng?:Jm 0 UNITED 3.122.; GOVERNMENT 1?0 m. D. I. LADD a, DATE: October 14, .1952 "or a A. H. BELMONT 4, 937 m/ SUIJBCT: nun 001Exam mm: snow 1'0 subunit 0 a blank nenorandg. contains mum Mum .45 .1253. pursuant to a request received cqmuittee, mat genittee. on in?; 1ggz, ghe Attorney 0eneral__vga advice 0 the NcQaHgLI-eggeet and the or naI?o?? the 391555 neurandun was formar n. In ich?gngg?udee the infer-nation aw Mftjee in the neuorandun of us in omation recetved eubseuent to that file renainder the tnfornatton apgeartng in the v. the. . L?e9etxandunow. Emma INVESTIGATION: f~ . Isak at: I I conducted by thu Bureau 1g er. - a 4- ?5 3.1L. corms. gxsmoxgn . Pr . 1. Mfti'acmhte? {us/1021.155 . RD .. .. I 5/ 50-h- . A .i 1" a 031211953 331k I, I ?3:545 - - i" 'l . -- . rhi-tdi??t?i- mm 3A - .312: . 1 JpnInorandun to Nr. .0. H. Ladd fro: A. H. Belnont Be: JOSEPHINE BAKER Ml 21.?le P.4wa megwgegg letter to the Attorney eneral nenorandun cancer v7."op?13/543v?a'.u?m - A v: .., 3?15: . mw A a. Oj?ce?Men?wnzsijum - UNITED GOVERNMENT . m. Director mu; October so, 1952/ Ir. D. U. ALL HEREIN IS gunner.- (1) 1'0 reply to our in uiry as to oh a?iemo- tied randum to the Attorne Genera which was eubmi enclosure with a memoran um ran-Hr. Belnon to Mr. Ladg under date of October 14, 1952, was cu as a memo rand um, 2 .ur A70 3.3 v0 You will recall that under date of July 15,1952, pursuant to a request from the McCarran Committee, a unorandum concerning Josephine Baker, colored singer, we prepared and furnished to that Committee. On July 31, 1952, the Attorney General was advised of the HeC?arran request and the?original of the Baker memorandum was forwarded to him. Under date of October 14, 1952, a blank memorandum which included inforh?'t?imhich warnished to the HoCarran Committee, plus information received was submitted uith a menorandul from Hr. Belmont to Mr. Ladd to be forwarded to the Attorney General. You cemented am sending it through but for the life _of mej don't Engy a place as a a memo. it represents contente?: r- .f 3 iles and no ng.for us to be ashamed of. You further so when did we advise rnal Revenue i [970 A IF . 'ith reterence to the blank memorandum, it was 1? not intende concea source]: in?ormtion, ?1 @255353 that was a Lion? memorandum form on :3 Bureau 1e . This form was used [or convenience sake, ?zaf?'gd?fc/ a RDED 523$ .. I ?v -195! ,1 - 51-?915:31.: ., 1km! -1: 1-2.14-1 I, .1..- I --H r" 1-. ?nix-s: - ?n $176 v; 1-9? - A. - 1:0de sending a letter to the Attorney Genera"Eg?i-A 35??kxu Nazib?'akin; -4 - has been Bureau's nqu r1. 4 01:70:: None. The above is for your information. .0 MW 0 mm iate regly to the . . .5?nus sncPOREICN 2F ?1 .L. I -72: Dunno. urn. mm 01'ITATE. vmmo?ms. 2 'q 30W from T: uku? M. you?: um ?10: . (I In? ?at _rc: gm 1 as 115L814 ?9 - . .3 Hit! - I I men Josephtno nub-r - Anti-Ra?. Prtjudieo OralnSSa?iun *been "pom: to mung that Joupunoca?aur, u! ?mu; 9 trounce): engagement in Buono?W?x-enu -..- doapl?oh) plans to rcturn to Argeutlac I1$hin throo unn?hn $0 tetanus um ?mt Horace re gig'gQMu?m Ln Latin - tun-rice, h1m_??_a?quanen__m Bung: Mags, . Inca ad 1! than varixtceusn or this .?OpOft. Hinton rill advise us. aspirin-n. 1 DEPARTMENT OF - If- . 143%, I m" - Air-1R .5 13-3.? 1 Barbara Mt?en -. ?Assistant Press ?an? 1213:3333; 5 amt-36; Qt - .L ., INFOIMATION COPY - 5 cu ?Mum-l ma or ?my I: ?corona-e mm security namunu (1952,; ?4 . - '0 co nor nus sue: . 1 . 'm?m - emoem . (Star-Home Lgei'u'cc'n?tuL: i i LL44: . TD ?n?n Derlmm or run. vuumcrou. REF inbousy's Despite!) humor 6. 1952 a ICTION DEPTomen a: an 2"7 5 mm hm tb- smLm, wu?c? M1 39011188 - Jen-ohm ?our Intern-e >9 I For the upon-03V: hforuuon. mono: 1: ?teaching to 0.5. correspondont Harbor-t Clark after publication of hi from load. dailies ouch published Josephine Baker's ogen article nbout her Ln a root.? canton of the Son. York 0:11: Nous. g; In concoction rub the lott r. cddrocecd to Hr. Clark no signed .1155 Baker, ?Democrats?, ?Ln Ipcca' and "Bottoms ribed Mr. Clark's mm. as on nae: again? was Baker and wasted editorially run the suppouuon that ?ies ?xer-'3 comments corner interviews (unpack: 506 of October 6th) had aroma on 19517 anon 1n the United Stetee union was Spearhead? in Argentina by la.lW?d?n% Clark. Also nicely quoted by locol dailies eem K185 - er's cements bitterly autumn; Ir. Clark. on Argentine corres- ont Inc on said to Law oeconpmlod Hr. Clark, and rue maturation the United States in general. A truncation of her pabnahod lotto: Kr. Clark rude, in put, an tone-I: a typical Dem]. manager. You J0 the one or pox-son who am: to prove? no peoflo tron Joining hands In friendship. .you on the spades Inlet critloiul other countries and comic 1:154:40?. at. the; to the United wall nor; that in the United States a graves the object. or threats and tnt'uJatlou and that poplo or no. Inc ?an. to: our ?use or. me rich.? or terrorist acts. 8 ?melon I can all rou,?ur. Clerk. and on Ebb mt to but it. that no no lunar emu. 1 he?. been ?11133 no truth about rec. ?ux-Lunatic; in the United State! but am. that you have enact-d no 1: your articles. I propose man an absolute truth about the norm sun. the atrocnios men occur then end which are :11th cannot 0.11 than Ibo try to ?food hut-an tightendbou Ibo utucxod pew-lo 11x0 Barry 611.7 um Pearl 5110:, Ir. Clark. are um proof um. aorta mot-1m Clo-30cm: taco." new; the pubncoucn of mu Euler's letter core reports or a mug. 'q'og grungza?oog onlyg?vucwn Lnuoamuricm a. 1A ammonia: battin' Mob, 9291.90,; got-obi?: or an: Baker's denunci- ation QM dugg?stdl um mm? lutk.? Chn. um MI Arsenal! . I companion should be not. unwed to remain Hui; LJ ELIE I )1 RELEASE W5 I uprqus. Human If?. DFCLAHSIF: REVIEWED BY PA or POI EXP: . A .A ?221" 4mm: - i - ?o 23 3941. INFORMATION COPY .- =51 w? gt?w-a-Lr(WW Wsmium- usI Quantum of 16:. cm. {cum-II a mat pug. . Now If mu uku- um - IrttolI hIadltaId 123? 01k? have but?. Ann I tun-rug ?munch It nu we!? print}. IppIIrIncI, ?Luna: of an ?um 33,011: ?It nu in In tannin h? Inna-Id I. mention to don?mun. ?Inn upon 31.151:- Iad ?mm. In I am on thy u-Gut nod for thI poop].- to Jon manor 1; I spit-n If In?: In my. .. ~30 Erin-I Cumin Inn: 'mpoumf', . ?Es-v5 - I mumI I ?Wham? mlIIu-I: I mum-lop _d1;9?lf_ . "to? ?rms pf .- .. - Lu?uno"ii an?; pawn-gun 1h ?is 51?3- 9:292:52 tum2.45314. AUG. 6. 1.71, Oct. 223. and 0633.61 ?34, Octmnmill- u- - 93.013915 - W: meal PIX--8 Cajun: - Jgg?mlug on met-41 mama 321'010 Jupda con-mun: Buenoo 231%. . ror tn: Lopemont's taut-Nation. .111on ll :ttac'An - ?than. a at law}. pz-ua roger-t; Jose?mme bun?. -5teat Span 1n cu tno squat. of racial .eligious ?germination. Daliwred so ?u nelocto. group or Japanese living is 343m: Run?s and number 31' {Jasmine mt lloct?.13 an. px-otcuaianns". #155 pun-'8 .iucozm ms quite; 1.1 pm: .1 ?runny .wcmmenL-corzuranad bqez?o; 44:5 .mide: in 12.11 by all; Lritica of 23. 'im-:lutod, iam-r's speech man in pug-t. .4 (Ulla;- .04 he'd. know. I ?muting. .3 t: th status for tun r: Lit: _f ?man bong, no he; 'uL_c. o: .F'lle, I .15 behave is. bug?urlorlty .11 tn; in ant, 12.41.; a! ma negro believe gnu am. n. usacnual that. A- 2.14. ulu'u?. has. be my; in but ?(L-emu: u: cglore. pea,? at wu; ..ar1. be uLJ.t.u LU um; we, race": a: .-ir in 22-12;: 1.. 3y nre ?him 10:1: - LUCduze tl.c_ have ten tel", ti": are "1 Dane" that the gait?. an: ..age a; 12-, at 1.1-eir wax-u trots?; a; of the \crld Lug inur; m1: .pod warm" ?by brim; t9 1.24:1:- {11011. I: ever, one 301115 togatlmr against tae ;.dl.1ble injustice, .g summon 1 t._o marl: 2.11.1 g. I "1 revs-me:- that at the begun; at the lam. any, zinc: and partway: l?d-latch; 01? me aux-outlay am. uljustices Jam, acme- cud innocent (mum) of tho wit-s not, ugh-1t. of fraternity, mount: anu noon: lute: not to 1.50 {out cr ms cud she 91mm no-1?: to 391.: the crusade to save Lu: heal- an; $11.16. 01' ab. int]. 1 Am: her. an; 1 mill aria m: min. ha- g..-oulu 1t. ue necessary negate 3135;33ch ktk'du?'yd' Must. protect Our .cucr NOT RECORDED . 9h. . I snow 13 1952 INMIMAHON can (01 . 4 Qo?s? ?1 .. *o . IRS Aflk- x! ?65 J0 - macs! 2 non 93?; W?s, 'If the pop]. or loan parka and ?esh um. and countries than new and 1-0me um?m cam Dull tab tho ball by the ham: and pus a u: @111? n. I hum urea-mutton Dom disappear Matty. on tho contrary, In cumin. mu; m. Gel-10231:. moon: they an In tattoo?tad of We run 30;? on around than can no in?. to that: ?God he.- ann ta you uni-to .- um ?tumult-n a an an pawl: :11 and the doctor discover. that opt-nun all n" Ml 11h, tho doctor opus-nun. no a: a: after I: this .muto hand. mxgxa-xwouwuuwmdm and than discriminant can? nu at ?an um. no 3033.. nun. 'I?unj re?ect on the ?tuition in South Am? and 0th.: out]! nor. an aux-mutton hon odd ?on on no ?nation 1: Mom Aux-1a - I ?3.11. Inch hon-0:. I on at: an Index-Land it: lone negroos nu. taou- mu '1 mt to ?11 you about ?primo- in San Imam, Guinean. one of the many cine. in Bonn Huerta: Ibex-o ?culminate: 0115?". Let. us spa; of the situation or the ymu not. a gunman man doplanblo. "hen 1 heat to Lot mole- ma San mum. I put can! at the exposition of the km} and of the Urban Legion. Thou emanation! ?ghting t.o obuin civil right.- for the colon-?l mph. ?19 want hanks, to urg- nos-es. Mapitdn, nun undue, tolntuon studios, nimd cmpunos, breweries. restaurant at 301.013, can re nguonod but? both, but-r ?lulu Ind both: new amnion. no nqoostod that my Mum ?o no um?. um bun-m0 which boon con?ne-Jul nu:- Ml Harbor- Spock!? at the lot turn to a tragic ?tuition. Harbor, u. Japanese urn gland in wonan up or an order? to loan the country. that mucus. an lam so palatal that we: son an: mm. munqu toy-cunt?: a urau- of ?We and as. ?uan nun a In hours. Sou Imu- thou bum-us, "In: and that: main to thu- boa-o bran" bean. my man-cl as they bene?t u: wanna? of this panama! an an. the nu? p.091. would - gey?xsia?w?n Ii InIbo nut lav? Jig weSo?e, ?kt? 5 - (Cinnpun?z; - No I -T mammotmmuwmxum at, W. dunno. you an u- and. 0 maps?. all with with In: amnion or can met a. mu dun-ll of and Batu would ?min-n: mu 1 mar, pun: urn-?111: PMs-nun .- ort-o nag-mm? ham 'u a ?sue-Jua- hunn in? that a "an the an and u- com caul- biu . - In: un- cont-Ind: .1110 mm bong upland It? .- log-cu, mud?, mm. and out: ?and mu- Ito luv um 0 'Itanus for mu ?m tho at? of tho worn $0 run: that: was: alt-coma?. umum ?hO believe ?h?t 00.10de 1100 u??uootua? that than is but00-Baku- hor nub-a um: um mom? that ?0 111.]. so to hm in April or by for ?u of?cial lungs-nun of ?orid Culth Acacias? mun Rectal um 3911310? nurmtu?m. To can}: u: neon-my financm mm; or this ?sauna?. u- an: mow um. a? loud pox-for: an.? pm can mu could to ulna ?0 tho erminuoa?a ma. . Eton leaving loans ?as. to utteip?od an an an: . I111 31" additional 1mmthat. In has ?41:11am: mums mum no man: .- or an: Aux-ten nun-un- (Pulno an?, than?) omn- ucuou ot th- mm 82.8." be tn ?1me of lo- a! It?. [in Baker in Mil: a ctum of m. hut-t1- up: at m- dupctu Ion; an a hum a mu. urban unh.00.. .. - can't: MW a .L?grm - - :woassEx?zsrmom?WDESEPAJCyE3intimatesMMWW8wohnm-L t? w? :61 I ?nanDn- 41.11%, A scum Ionian-Lb?: - has Inn-urn use. ?no I or young intone: to u. pep-mat, but? nun; - "pros-nan" clippings of a urtu of 19m gnu nut-non nu taught.? in?. "coma: ?so. Mr? tu- was.? st 0 zo?n m- "moan. than?. I'm-naming hunt to unbu- ot a. Inland ?auction to: tho mama? at Colond (I map $0 ma - an awn-ant. point. out - Dunno also 501023.). use the: danth a bf uric. or attuned and Lpuuoud accoutl of no. projuateo the United sun?. all of chick law he: stun mun play by no? ?Ksppors 1: Boom: Mus. twang an: "Crimea" h- pun-mod Lat-rue: a noun or ?opt?: to Am quote: attu- band to Ktu me:- an the renameunion) tho talcum of the/ cox-14 guns: the puny and army of ?u mun. than 0.1.mount to ?rm u. m. but. you not, no pormutdon or no. the United suns, and out?t-3514 hu Ln 5mm; an?, bu bun rum-?4 in a pet dawns ugh-I uni the relative reap?. din-u; th- ucond World Tar. 1.110me. on- mum without u- ?1 electrocution. are dealt out 00.14]: t. up? 1..- omor so of nct? 7101080.. In th- uier of w. I: coat-:7 than I In born she: Coutu- to spot at 'domoruy' ad of 'uvumuon' mu nun-on Ions io_ do Lulu-gunman. nonhuman may?. mm um Inn. south.? .. are may. 7317 an: mph. the, the sauna mum. took upon tho an.? Batu a .1101. It 1. noeuaq to opt: not: - . a null to the mums. at Law: and? tho an! plant u? ?mun-19:11: ml; 90pm Sat. a: nu: "pun-um nth: mac and manna-u: mu- I 01-.- onamsh-tt3udi mac-mew butler: ?:1th {5?.952 g- 1 0 INFORMATION 90:? 45' nun-w E: - ?r g: . ?I'l 'nIt Ion tho :Imu stat!? of nun: rppnunt? ?In the: an ?Inn? Omit 141cm so an Hana net-1.ch had: with can. - nan-1 oud'ho?poplo 11; the Unit-Id mun nu cat-Iago Icahn no- nmalqu In: for rm.ch An in tort-or.? .. ?es . . a IubIIquInI ta tho Luau" I12: Ban: an Inmate Io F. and 4 noun; mm com-L1 oanroaonuon or Labor and an I paracul?IIn In Solar and Alum-Arc wold. Bunsen-our: 01 pi; . mum. . . 1} an. no boa ?91.qu by no pun II ?Quun If Atria-n win? an: "'ienus or :boay'. P51, . - b- Bataan Aim - ?Silt-513? Prue AtuehJitlw: I a . 1 my mama: amt- . .1 . r2} ?wmnwi h? i 3 -re ?29035: EXISTING RARKINGS :1 . . brcwaobuzng . LEASE phylum!? 31mlhw-eoe jovenber 6. 1952 n? .17_ REF AUICN um; . no.Joeephlne - lecture Series Dunnoe use: l_ the DeportIont'e intention. [Salon ettechee couple . engage h-on local dailies which reported tho ?ret or Joeephtne Ham's eerie: of three lecture. on meal end helium ?Manhattan to he delivered before public gatherings in Mono: Anon. mum: to than lecture: to tree elthoush ht hoe been reported to noun that tickets from the Subucrctutnt of Inforntlon not he obtained before entrance actually to Md. l1" mar delivered her Opening oleconree on Tum, lav-be: L. the evening following her no?t pox-romance et tho beta-o Colon for the In Peron Nonment fund. The speech Ia! donated by ll? we: in English and euultaneouely tmelatod lnto Spenteh by interpreter Juno Gene: Berton. bunny of?cer the to ettenn tho lecture given It feet? Odeon reported that although the theatn lteelt It: not over- tuled, lte entrance Ice crowded would-he etcendere tho eere not penittod to enter etthout tlcxete. obtemolo at the anneal-earl? or Intonation. (Althom Ill loot-J. Mlle: hed mounced pre?onel: mt entrence Iculd he 'ebeolntely tree?. the: neglected to path the womtton that it eu necessary first to ?mm Home a" the suhucretertetd bonny otncer ottendug reports that neon; thou holed ednlutcn to nee Baker's lectm on group or neg-one to eonplnued ehout being band from ontruzoe Ihlle the eudteue ens tilled ignite citizens. ?nal heedluee or can? Sporting use Baker'e to mncle'e ?more to no Ihere the or the In nu m: latent, sud Joeephtne hater end 11 ludo'e 'It to lot Inc [151: to but north Antioch Pro-lu- sue Jooeglne hur'. tom ere tnnelcted excerpts token from the oom;lete text or use but" punched by m. l/L. O. 00;. O. .0 Mitten a 9. ~95: . con rge,'. 0- - - 7 2 a- ?ii/Jami; 1 'Inn?L - -, ?l mum in; Fun: (I (Chm m) E: I - ?:1an ww?s?o't?d'i?omtluum - - lam 103M In? ?Hot com 1: on gum potupon to con?dent no mo It you-corny and no or who: .mrloo ill: mount not Conn-nun. mor don noun-no non ?urination on. outrun; mu m. to pontoon in sun Anion. no mun-d; 'h am on do. unto: nun look thou nu. hut in not?. am but: on tho: Inn Into: an un- thLo rmt.? non mot \loa ?no: onouivou nun ovum us?: at I 31.0 no on. ?ung; com-tor - tho abject at run ?um-nun In ?5 mttobuLcou-tor of Mn N. 1.952. sun?: Id: spit-l no.qu [in humor? qoatntiou (m (Mott: 9, 1952). . ?tom ?co-mount oloct mend man on man not utt- lo-unh on urn-loan Lo No ottnulu. Other quotation tut-nun or um pronoun Ln msou of um um sum. A involving tho no? of air-coo 8. how not to on sun Dunno-It in Iowa, nun. to nu- no upon? In no Bopunkr A. 1952 tom of :on, no n1.? QM nu Into: outde was nu! gonna?. hi" and to In I out? on or on. um:- ouum country nun an: ?an no ?Warn. Ian-uou? anthrax-Ion? Ln on: may one: ?penny in on mob limo so won urn? mm suun to not (no country ad. ion"- In. 1 a on 10:10:! of ?mo 1.1? than"! be" loud out If. tom Mon $0 prohibit a: rum ?to tho ?and moon. No 00-1! Mumuumounuuatxmummuwonom nun no ?to 17 mo wool: th?: dtoponlmoot not? to to: no an (-1.11 ill an Inn boon-o an our an out to: noun: Inn soon noonou nu Inn: cande to: CM an moon-tun on It!? box-tun one? bun. nnom um. ?onto moi pawl-sun no urn-anon tom. tho Ann-Luann and tho a. [loo of mu. nonunion of can an only or noun-unl? .nrr1n.1 of [no Inns); has? 10? i1 annual DI ?unn' mu hon and tu- na hunch13-37-.: 392*. .- WW a: - lal?: oo Inna ashamed.? how at hm upim man. no, in fauna: 11:11.0 tan lax-u: Aux-1m an ad: u. mm mm sunlonger runny. Dunn and. It hall to put 10" turn. In. pan on. taut I100 Nata-us um Anne? palm! ?u ?or an:an hot aux-u nu tho autumn the an that kappa-d huh tho 11505:?: of Ih?l.? ?mm mm nun Pnu aw Cinch-Int" ?app-r cuppin- I 00.0- .00. .23h'i .111 .(ft. lgrP-L Un-? . .5137mum? . 5. . a O?ice Mf 3.721373329121772 - UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT MR. 1. H. BELMONT cbfsad To nus: Novenber 14, 1952 non 7. P. 61,9 - . - I . ?gym IN cot: f? . - ?rst" .351); 71-6. NINE CHECK REQUEST IS smegma Datum/,3: swarms: Nane check request received fron the Inmigration Naturalization Service (IMS)?for concerning - Josephine Baker. Brason for request, nay apply for admission to 0.8. Baker has been?associated with several communist?front groups and active in the defense qf Billie McGee, who was convict in Hississippi on the charge a 1951 and was de ended by the Civil i as recently,made numerous an icon remarks accounended that semorandua and report be America. furnished INS. PURPOSE: fa advise that a name check request has been received from INS concerning captioned ipdividual and to recommend that the attached nemorandun and report be disseninated in answer thereto. BAGKGROUMD: INS has submitted a name check request concerning Josephine Baker, born June 3, 1906, St. Louis, Missouri. The reason far the request was given as "nay apply for admission to DETAILS: No investigation has been conducted by this Bureau con- cerning Josephine Baker. f) on November 25 1951, a memorandum was prepared for the Director containing information in Bureau files concerning Baker. Under date of July 15, 1952; pursuant to a request from the Macarran Committee, a tenorandun concerning Baker was prepared and.furnished to that committee. Under date of October 14, 1952,7a memorandum was prepared_andgfurnished to the Attorney General. t: 4533? gig? LaughsAttachment ?g ?9 1270 . - . . 9' ?4 aw"kid-'jug .Heno to.?r. A. E. Belmont RE: JOSEPHINE BAKER 33* fro: 7. P. [coy MAME CHECK REQUEST Josephine Baker, a colored singer, gave up her United smates citizenship in 1937 when she narried a French broker named Jean Lion. She has been associated with several Communist?front groups. She was active in the defense of Iillie loose, a Negro who was convicted in the State of Mississippi on the charge of rape of a white woman and subsequently, during May, 1951, was executed by the suate of?Hississippi for that offense. HcGee was defended by the Civil Rights Congress. Baker 1e]? the United States in June, 1952, for South America. lhile in South America she has made nunerous anti-American renarks to the press of that country. There are attached for dissenination to INS a copy of the nenorandun furnished the Attorney General on Octo 4 1952 and a re ort dated 0cto - REC ownmnom That the attached neuorandun and report beyfurnished 1&3 in answer to this requestf-g? 251'. A: v-?Ef'Iv? . I 7* .II 0 I'i- -, - 3 1? ..'rum - IHFOFLUION i an excl-run": seam; 015223.153. November 11 1952 - BM Jyj?? It . jam" ?1 3229915. listing; f' . - $52253? mama . Accordinf?76?35 pril I, 1951, issue (I "Lite" magazine, . .- 1' . Josepbimristhedanghterda?. Louis, Missouri, washerwoman.? This article stated that Baker, who as of the tine bi the article, was alleged to be forty-five years at age, began her Paris night career in 1925, and sincethsitimunrrance.? =1'hearticle farther one time been married to a tap dancer and supposedly married one Pepito Albertina in the 1930's. In 1937, Baker gave up her United States citizen- ship and married a French broker by the name at Jean Lion. This marriage was dissolved by a divorce in 1940. Baker married her present husband - arrenchman, bandleader Jo Boollion, inl9i?l. - - ?1 According to the March 12, 1951, issue a! "Time" magazine, Baker has been French citizen since 1937, and during the occupation a; trance bythe Germans, during World War spent her tune in North Africa. 'i'his article further stated that while in North Africa, Baker became a-Lieutenant in the Free French Air Force, did intelligence work, drake an ambulance, and entertained troops. A ?AbelJospehine Baker took a great interest in and engaged in extensive activity in the defense at Willie HcGe?e, a Negro who was convicted '?inthe8tateduississippionthe chargedrspeoiawhite woman and, we. Hay, 1955:0536 by the State (intensele . I "Connterattack, a publication agi??te 13 what Communism, 95 West and street, ?ew York City, in letter 0. 300 dated March 23, 1951, Married an item entitled, "Josephine Baker Won't Support Communist Fronts. :33qu to "Counter-attack" Baker cancelled a speaking engagement at sun?"Save Willie HcGee Rally" scheduled for larch 19, 1951, when she learnd Hm - h?Bobeeon, well-known entertainer and Communist Party apologist, and iormer States Representative Vito Harcantonio at New York would also 2?week at mgr-any. (100-350.512-393) W, fj ?ingtom? D: co L- . .Q'JLAttachment legal-v magma-inns: - u?maw A INS-W3 ih -to . . (UH give *4 f- f. . 4. xip..l I . a bars-"1W wr- ?wvw Jars-.51?uufz - . 2 a . 3' ?1 :?J'J?ff?APas-1v-.-- 'P?vai-H??e r" "i?nl?d? ?fi .I. J, ie-g' Li's e? v. 4?Lel .. cfEmmiv.1132" n5; {1.31: 5'5" "tv'?53s .1,rr"H-139'. - -cia1 Committe A Jug-Marleen Activities, House at Representatives; stated that "For years I the Communists have put greatest eiiorts to capture the entire 5: - _1 American Labor Party throth New York States They succeeded in ?325. 31-11135: the Manhattan and Brooklyn sectioneoi the American . Pang, but outside oi ?ew York City they have seen unable to win A 3.53113- yleyLifts-f4! 7713-51) .. I -. in- elative to Baker's interest in the Willie McGee case while . .55, t, Michigan, the Hay 10,, ?Bi, issue of the "Daily Worker," A t. 1 font coast Communist newspaper, carried the story under the lay-line 5-: .. William Allan, State Board member, District No. Communist - and Michigan correspondent (or the "Daily Worker," entitled "'Pulitser Paper (lagged Josephine Baker.? According to this story Baker, _2 at that time was appearing at the Fox Theater in Detroit, Michigan, I A . ?we the editor at the "Detroit tree Press" and advised him that she like to make a statement on the "legal murder" oi one at her peOple, modes, who she steted was an innocent man framed on a charge at :?npi.ng a white women. article went on to state that after receiving u?aseurance that her statement would be printed in troit Free Press," :-?the statement never appeared. ?99-3 31-11 a . - - -. can? fuwCongreJ 5,3: 99?? New? Order om -. . (Te'surG-2, 10-1-51) . The any Worker" at a 1951, reported tint tho -- ?jams {or the Negroes 1n the Arts was planning a brunchon May 27, 1951, 1n the Hotel Thor-053.. New York City, to pay special tribute to Josephine Baker h? for their work on behalf of Negrdrartlsu. -. . 1y__1oo-3-_7o41 p. 105; 100-34100 p- and Criminal Division t; zonn at 34:35; 1 h' nil . . .vz57:1- ur-ru .- .- a: . ca: 165} L91 . a' 100-14969-115 p. 0155;, I ai'n?. q, . i . hhvbasal Ulcugilil?l U. 4 a q. {it- mind 4? .l ?0 in?? m0, _52?95834-ocwmrtub-95-.. ,uno.Hval?3?41 Ami??hnh - . - .. . .. (my-Jr; lanai-gm: - mm According to an Associated Proa- datod Mexico City April 16, 1982, thich appeared in the "Washington Star? on the same date, Baker, in Mexico City, had announced the formation an organization known as tho "World League Against Racial Discrimination. Accordizg to this alone, Baker atatod that tho league would fight discrimination against not only the Negro race but an othera who were the targets 0! restrictive practicu. - Baker further announced that headquartora the league would be in Hexico with branchoa Cuba, Gnatamaia and ti 8?vador._ According to an articia'vhich appeared in tho August 89. 1953, Linda oi "0 Gioho, a nowapaper publiahod in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Baker, ?x?vhilo in that city. announced her intention forming a Rio de Janerio branch tho World Association Against Racial and Religion Discrimination. 4; A A I to "title! appearing in tho public pren during the but part at October, 1952, Baker was in Bnenoa Airaa, Argentina, and aha ("0?04 ll him ?nd. anti-American roping-3a to the pron at that . .. i 3w?. - --v:an A .. - unwed?ec- . .- v? . .war-Hi?ngram :33: 25-? Iv?: .. I .4- . . Shut-um Insulin-rim?! - Baf?n} sill. According to Robert C. Rnark's column which appeared in the "Washington Daily News" on October lo. 195:, Baker in Buenos Alres, after President Juan Peron. President at Argentina, had indoer such quotations which appeared in Buenos Air-es newspaper as: "The psrsecutlons are more shocking than before World War ll with condemnallons without trial and electrowtions the order ?1 the day." '11: Run-k commented "She is speaking Amerlca. How she would know 2:51 abroad andwas 'z wed to a series henchmen." v. . -. Bun-E's column also attributed the following remarks to Baker: I "White men onto a democracy and civilisatlon and?send the Negroes to die in Korea. In this horror oi discrimination, where is democracy 7" stree.? I 'l have personally seen many and much brutality. II: 12 The horror (I seeing men, women and children tilled like I animals will never isde from my mind. was terrorlaed on my last trip'bomel They wouldn't ?3 let me 1m in peace. uy brother-in-law stumbled into a white man whose son complained 'Daddy, you promised I Ruark further stated that Baker was quoted as having read the I eerie "Critics" and as having sald "It's all udortunately absolutely true.? . atlon - ,taz - a. ?topic! the repo 1952 ew York. New York in the case em a any; -- (100-392496-5) - The foregoing information is furnished as the result a! 1:11} _:your request for an l'Bl file check and ls nolb be construed as a clearance w?or a nonclearsnce. is {or your confidential iniormaiion and is not to be :?suminmd outside (.1 your agency.05.:that?! e- ?0 .. Bin-bud 51'? "u .Mr? 9r? 810, in}! I - Alonzo-.bcr 12, undo}; fl A. 5 ,g?uuHEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIE A- -. DAT menuand October 80. 198), at hr In", to captioned tutucmin!" of on?. an ?no, nut ?pqtuvu cotton ?only and Mo Iona: pr 01 a '1 In?nite?. pinata!? no uttu?u aunt?! I It? Joupuu tar. - 3 -. Lu Angel? (?at 6-1-It) ?Qm tum- t' w?o?gm 84? uI-uq? A I . [Iksz a; - .- .- b3? 89-1.. {21??3'5" Run-??Fri4-1.4 I 1 1 to: 1. 101:1 Attach - cos? .a . hm, Inna. . .o WEIR :5 UNCLASSIFIED mom I ski?? [?y-37 446;? . in *3 - nu gut 2:001" pagan-ed ?units: m1, cut-um to lg dog-1: - n1?. A . cc - foreign Bax-vice Duh . Eff A -gv . - . r'q- 7-7.4? . 1_ 5 "5?43?r?K - I - (an(-1 LlthIJ?dA-Wd . Aii..' :4 1 - mun. 1. - - 0 O?ice Jam 0 UNITED sun: GOVERNMENT . ?o . .y 1'0 Director, "mm 11/1h/5? A on a sac, hen York I 6 1460 - Attached herewith 1- . photostutic copy or en undated "6-2 Log Entry" furnished to this of?ce by 6-2, Governors Island, lav York City. . be .1301: 13 forwarded for the infer-much of the Bin-em in view 0% a themment pdhnedty being gin-gnaw: - . 2 I, ELL CONTAINED i3 UNCLASSIFIED . . RECORDED I I 5 - 1970 . . .1952 23.UC*Getm . . . - . DCch-mir-ngf 3?4 a . - ?ulrn143ear? . {Oak?5:35Nix: are.? 'sal? ?"333?533?gwm?z9?25.1%" *n-x?icrm -. .. . Hts*xx? 3649-?; ?tf?v+750 (2-7-79) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PABE INFORMATION SHEET Page?) withheld entirely at this location in the ?le. One or more of the following statanenta. where indicated. explain this deletiom Deleted under emotion?) with no segues-able material available for release to you. Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. m/Docum origi ting with the following government agency?es) . was/were forwarded to em for direct respon you. a. Page?) referred for consultation to the following government agency?es); as the information originated with them. You will he advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. Page?) withheld for the following reason(s): For your information: 3/11: following nu her is to be used for reference regarding these pages: DELETED PAGES) NO DUPLICATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE Kit. 1 run/ecu v??wuwffm w~ - 1, - . \rA1,-.. -qu?In. a . 0 I 0. 6?6 M677. 2714772 - UNITED 'rgg: 1-6 . Director, FBI mm: November 17. 1952 SAC, Los Angelo: (100-0) 12:74 @1141"?! W, Lu? ?MLK-?fci? I i .10? mm BAKER, . OF WORLD CULTURES NQ ERNAL SECURITY - 'l~L?ph HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED WHERE SHOWN OTHERWISE. Am. Imomn?nos coarnm 1? 1:31:3331'113'3 . . -75?3 a mMD-ag I'??w?gsg? ?1 3'5? 70 . 57L ?f 4-750 (27-79) FEDEIIAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Pagetsl withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements. where indicated. explain this deletion. [B/Deleted under exemption(s) with no segregable material available for release to you. Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documentts) originating with the following government agency- . . ?gl-nub. ?"006 [nun-3p Ig'cu run? In L940. Run-gar" n; no .5. point [-401 din-Hui Ban-nth q-p 'uuv 11 at! J-hru? I. b. "urn-0'50. do '0 Cum-u In Doing . g. wg?nJ-k In ukul- I OM Mail?! a tun-in nun. duh 00.8. q? "Cm-Io! .- .3 Hi. "Minsk no hh'. aid. mic-and. 0- Jot-Arline Iolru on? lir- ?r Cancun? Ink-chm pooh-b.? unit-d ?kind. uhmem?b - who. a ?My uh cl 70-th ?fEn In: I?m/?lm par in Mia-lad, 'mucba: hm}. an'do: Quinn 12 mi me toque mav?fimda, para up m; imporm: [my gut lucbdr par :1 . Hen-mosh hatalla ror la libertad. h'justicia los hu?nzanos libr? ayer tn CMQ Baker. 315.2359 12 empress a per- cnios estnuios. para que no pueda cumphr contrato u- mm a. a. ,nh-md. 0- HM) In: mom. on ofnu do ran". Oahu- Mir-human um ?an? a? mi; obj. Muscat?ndn. In Imp-nu my n'l. mm coma-.4? do I: Sip gushing: .qae lurker Mr I) pug-run: xi nu- hrn. Tam no 253?, Stu. u? 01.; Qua-r. gt:- 00- no: no huh-om: can. uu h? (ulq. A Ml an uni-m. twin 1-.- o! div-era morn I tubes. RN ?ii- gnu: ammo. him?? Mr uu pm In dew-4A4 by A Man. L'n In hull? pr - kn, I. NM- 02-. In" I9 Mudd- on pan-I. Ln? Mild ROY Mb}- do has midm- d. .Iakn. i 12-. lunv. no! 3 0.1: nun-u "mu-mu. na- - y, mum "an. '9 . *7 .- run-m -- Irvhad? an In ?air DATE 3-12-53 hum, can . .4111 . I I "r Wrenzicv Ems do for justicin 1; has (he. (?hm human? can pun-d: ?rth/i (rank . Ins monowilol yunqui.? can autism! on Inn?; pk?. erphw- Baht. 1a gnu! u- tn?z 91- ante uriu bani. en (1 c?udo gut. do rim mienh-u "170: qu-' (in mucus, In deo-t tie in nun-vs. (SEQ-TV. ap- pcdiun n: 9111.116: I la: utudm gun cuntp?inonur (?$1110. . L1 Uni: un can 3; ?th "Bert-in Him". pn- rg tutu- ?ur 57-0th m?o?ru?-s en 3 pronara "Clha-M. Rtya'?u?. tr wrplimionto dc bu {braw- lu 61?? minno. 1. 9mm: tau urdc. 3 than" In: Marc'- . . La Emqu- bmn. i9 huh de- cid 'in Irrindlr v1 contra"). ?rain con est?, en- ron'iru (munch co 1; Lmhajm?a fun-1'; dc impe- d.r Hfazri?n (-91 Cuho do or. d?quriad?n do In mun-id:- du 05* duo-rimmsci?n run! on Ema?: L?mAnr. DE LA ARTIFTA 1.. couturrib en?s-n! como a but (cannulaHyde.- Ec impndib Chance; .9. with. ho man 0 wt!? hm "Em-ver gc m; I'm-din 9min . tn inn nuts 2 onrontrg?e no an". \?olrib . Inn undo: I.- Arden? In Po iris put b- :pidiern cu "with. 1.0 gm (Mum-t} 0 0.1 gm qwdu uncu an tun wean h?utorin. rah-$6 . . . pr: hum duh,~ Ge 50.: mi: ear-"330nm ch wmuiclard-u Quinn ?01 Em mm?. hm-?ira an "Yd: ?ro 0211'?. I ,b rum-rs. I Io no. a in mis tier-cu! dad ham-u. this name. do; u? In dini- 4" ?31?5" n: ci?mr'g do {67. we". de \?cntk, bruyhdo 901 mu Inner. dc run 93in}- uu-ord'nuu? - Ana.? a inf . . . Minn. . . A . -. ?lIIUIHW ~.?avrrTub-.- "9:4 om do: nm 'Cnbu)- A I. rand. . 0. Pf. hill. . I?ll TV I In I 3.80:3:9131 ?km? 0 John on I. ?man. i "Pidan'nn ?4 Mr hen-*wanton-"1540. gm." ?f'nb?ln . u? diIMMl I 030.13". m? . . a 2 Lat:- 40 I?nd" loo union-n A .. ?u "calmhuh, d? . :nn?n 7. .dc- In?; in?; Minoan-I ban-nan pn- I. min ., Que mm. min. h?imu am- - . '1 "Ml-amid do In. ordnun'a orottunidnd do hark - bands do born. In. in "Inc-to Iii.114 wanna-u. no. run-u . dun: PermacomM.s.u4.- . i - 3350? I '31; Ina-unto! tried" 3. I nod-n ord'l'. LII rerondiuoa I1. "Inn. . In do Wu: 10m comic. on (m dan- and no cod-m? ?-?Mihln?n .9 lath. rum hr? . . "Edna do In Bile? Mn 01 In" In l?u- AI camera! I. outrun?. hm. in bot-o Mid. album . . print penin't: Inn?Jo-01min 3M. . (810. amen sinus p: ca um? -: 9mm?- IIO ii? 61-4-5" 6: '09 3' Mind outan 1030 Envy?. m?cm'. . . 'hrh ?3 din rant-blot Debo- - - mun-to -- pun com. 3m mam? do mm. 1: .n u? lucn- lulu-In 6c ?1 Iain-Jun. Tonto "do. much. fur . Ids. cw: rm: dnromruvm: atn. ?udo. InrrN-o. etc. Anya?. . do an to ?Momth NM. 'wd'uamnu. l'uodo on? an. .I . :I-V?v-at u" I - Baht (Ilfibf :1 "am cutout. Air-nu. . ?Tn?nr. . Mr; I'i?nauL Inn-n. .n MK. I In dl- an: run-a! a as. Af?uj?ea. (:50 onto-cu; ?50063 {a 3.3er b?nmlla giltDon-nuns do 85- . u- irr. (uh-n laud: ?41 - d" to?. png'no inpon'm {prhu-dqrafn- 3 ?bu-Mrer - Mum-n mun?: ?10. A an no HAWK, N. nut?swan-:61tom," ?Hny Ilnbn qu lino qu ha. Ru Do buan c? - 3, . En Inn-ante on- - a - pawn" mhi circuit a uni waif-an.- I - t. 'nntiado blur 3 - ml?rr-d ub? in In! - ?ft. ?1 "Plot. Baker 08- nuance-hum!th - - "EmuL000"hom- or Ila: 01min. ?Chn. Sum MI II -. - woman-cum? - . -- nm?i'l??mw?donhmcudunim .- N'mili?- ru- alkalinity!? "u blink" Oi?hr?; odelomeIrv-lb; .. . a? bumamino Our-d: do b- out-din - (HQ hm qua Bonn - . gag-n.? Marx-m Mic-m - . skid do ab - . . 3:153:31? 13? in! Mr Md: 5th? s: ?niniu 9'99?? hm?. 5* . run". huh umn. . in.? on In 0! wa?mto. cm "um "w Coo-Hos do r'nnu "Mun up 31?3"" gnu-tn Mr [00 u-?a-ddom. for Feud? . 9.41., ?gur?IK. my}- I Ith?f O. .. ?0 6? oruwdid) it. apt-um? ?9 CMQ Cilndo a. 1? m1mike-in I l- amna. :03 "?rth! liayonh . a? mt?: .anMe. emu-"uh Ma oi qua n~~ou. *miuorin-u" ?Hana mut- . com d. 1.. c4. enjoy-nu . 0 ??4.39 Iii; ii! Io. . A. ?1?lvv'rug-EEK?; JE MIR "?Me dude qua aqm? en Cuba cl ?jmlpo? tazga - mm Ian iq?uena'a? \l ANUNCLA LA EXIMIA QUE. - EN EL nus Josephine Baker la presi?n de los mono 0150: yanquis para que impidan n: actuaci?n en uba '01 I ?No (-15- 0-. aQu' o. L. H-hno. 0. COM. 0 ?tubp. - huh." goo-Ge bum-us. to. .hnlo'. ?in I h! Ffwa?? ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN Is UNCLASSIFIED n'hnm mg". I. Cor-(mach do gun Hum ame- do cur [urn "plea: ho swim? mn- do oi?f'to. I: got I: aim memnci?n do. "Mm 801?. '85 a 30601 no Lotion Jib. muting! (Iii-1 eru pun-i. adore-u.th A. - . Yummnmuviduawmnumrdnu; - H. In ?ag-m 7 In on out nnu-' 1 Jouphm. an" on: Arum-d. Arum. my. {no om $12. 3 9! "undo, Sow- kunum. we} p30. Ina In $de ?03- 5 him I: I. in clam. .. . cm l'on Jouphiu has", as cobra H9 nu ma um Ciel-mo. Curl-?9 Much lo "iris. "fn'lc I 5 Infant'- {uncut In. no pit-rid pun ?Mu! I 10: In". Roy. bl . bun-In tin-pollen ?0 Chitt- m' born-non do run II . ?st-do: ltnidu. chphiulglomol "no in In?. but II a In.? our? . . .- - no. ya..qu - I, ?uh-5a. in man.? A in II.- hr .1 mac trunks). do In yu- Naa uuHIu-I M. mug-only: In; . a Maud-m. . qu. Quinn tin-Meat!" dumb dn Ilplotlr'?b. ?n mun?! new? dos. (In. 4 ?mm to -.-0 do runny. 1' In nude. rot Nu pm. 9' am. prmm?ou no In (wi- 1? mmuloru. to Huh-0:9: ku- ?l ht ?at?ndw . - Que Hnn?wn an nu to- . teen-Juno Inn-upm- duth an sin-b: lu no- Noo (undo I. nu- - hr. [Muir-Uh I. - 'lo- Irv-uh: dr nu brunc- ro- uni-dos:do?ando ?nsru (W or i guxltu 0 cu lispoup?n In lulu do nu. rump?. nut-o- ?bran ?Mud do inn?. w. .u . p.2wKan?wra.I.. ..Ly.rll- ?o?ll .?ll?b?at? Sun"?! v.1.?rf . . ?t 33. has? ?31: as. 9! Po Inf-at. a: nun 0-3: "Sr: 190.359. .02. hurt. a. r34- uos-La In? mun-cubic, 0. 0a .27 on mm-iusbs . . 9.. ?Avszciiss Que [26521161631223 dc 1:5. UU. lashmn?cn, hm . . . 0 .?(f?hom?i . . 'tigu"- nfmaxim-n on o: fropin: mar-aria to In so - :m'ladm L'n?dvs durnnte todo ol t'mn- Iron "won-Lab!" dc alelu?ruponsablu chin comma-ado e] . BLA ?5 Afr-"z :Imcnuce do qua In! objem? ?ind? mii {rude gm cl Mmhu - LA ?fth: he'qu :Oumd?e . . . rue (once if?, um cu um-no. Dc from? ?913 Ln mujcr dim fc??kl qua by 'u part- do pm. Sun 0,392. belhsx- on In cumin sen-=2, acorn, can mas. u. hscen min on ?Fun hut-edit ml uduui?n ??ch In rug-ombuidades inho- tome. 19m 3' harm?s rear {Cuba 4391):: Josephine Baker? ?Mu. 0? "to que 3? Illa bar-Ida Ede! tunpc. "mt: )n nth-nu .5: ha paczexudo Que Item; log di-rnmiudmu .uvn-oristu dc?c?n. 1pm} de in {can sum-d: pan co- o?ol So?e. cu suns eutn?u In ?Hn li-?gado fa hat; d- ton?perzngenur mi ozt?uci?n. L10 no au- rido Jouvhim Baker. ?111. mu c1 ?erxio. hrliur? mud-n: emu Curio. Pu?. ti debut nub; no two M?s-do murmur-g I to! we Inn sun-ciao antes duruit-do para (?53 9 dc Tehran; 3111.. unis inn-ore: dc to puma, tim- dc mi lltzada a l: Nahum. a fau?lu?_cl du mo to time Ihon u! entnnum do quc qwde duo que no 9? um: pin {iju cl wrdador. a .10; que ha Mule .1 lug" dc pla?.?octd?ra. ni Inn at?? Ifuidn hc?mc?fc. Hm"- . nos dire 1; Baker. ?il?d Of- rfzuidl cbmo, d?tl?lu?s dc ?Condo In (nut-mo en; ru- ur?cz 3?37? cl tomato {Sm-1n. 01 debt: dc! m?du-o but: ?Soy {CV-harm dc "1 CMQ. tn Nitriqtodos to? u'uerus w?hles (-361: zund'ul, can". In 5? an It rum mitair?r?e rial?, ?u any. up discirninacxm um? "59' Glb?cl mm- In _in- not (no) ornniundo on x?errn-?Gu?w?f?n man-16? ?1 7M ?gs? dc; mundt? ?rung-M} On :1 Tel-tru?m?nu. [du- content-mu op Cuba. pro ciauonn Mn pani'nmcmu Ia . MI fox-pres; nl?nlmn cm nemmo duh: pan n. rokrict?. in Ft Guzman. no pix-mu! 1- rem lo cut mus cum: I. Humamdad, c? ?mu? 0'19 'Uud'tndO". dole coma-er In: rtahzaronr: d'cmte Que Mn- A In tutu dc color de[ mutdh. 911'?? ?0 Nd" but! let?- 'el uner-o do in nus. Ii lo hen In profhicnu jog we ?t ?ninth b: tom'{"30 (or. a .. - in ?At: dc ?030: duel ?ammo, n5 I: nai?mionrs dc nu hunts-nos; 3999951?: Baker MM: an n- b?ucnu er. ut- mun-H ten-tun." 319? .T 31:: palabm. Iyudldu In- . . a? "1.2 gem-mew: pan prote?r-?m?mehl? PM 18: mnoz. b5. '?nrupentc lo; d'frn'hns human": 0103. NW (069 in expres?ivo cur-I Me todon lo; iudzriduos. tin but?! cu: innocent?: 01 Ol- fi . tintibn dc ran. ?do: 0: credo: Pn-fdud?m - Ind?! rot In comp'v'u lb-?Wi?n . d, 1" pifJu-(BAE [attics reimm retntad: en el Mtro?. n6 if! m. dribdl} quhn quc cn?cuhn-ieosa uh {nib}; quit-r ihnionu I - mu. Pu; wander an up? :31? team uncallu mastitis, 5 index mullet an obgno dc "77?501183. 0 de Iumm cc69549 I r5391. nu whim: In ?(an ?3 Que ha fezado quempn? ??Sxento macho 3-09" cum- "4 . pun coda: h: tun. religion? 11:7 can count-3.. Lo Junta 5 . . 1 1 Imd-n, o'e gurus. pm 31 [man ?we go cute .1 - -.-- -. . mundo.? . Qnmdo rubllro wimpy. :1 Mn l' i .. ;Mom 3? tree ?ue When In: odo- . . Inf?? n. I'm? um. 0. ui. unquo nun - . . .u . lunar I todu In :"nm 6'1 ?lm-?1m; cl pri?luio dc dufmu - ido. ?1531: un d-cho 92? efpreu: Ida; ?rat-?wk d. mm mm. ?La inonncia es bendm?. prov-i". . n: pinubonmm. I . Eran min!" 01 "9mm ?linden?. - - - 513.3 mom! ti'nhfu?'m 01 fr?. rem-ado on m: pal-Imu- Mo - . 4 sit-59- mums-1m" {Bee dc- su trans-smegma Jag-01M? d-lkno. 419 inordimrio. Jaws-shine chr- en}: :9 (arm: n. rz-abn es run-om 3 lo; Ii impetu- - ?"39 .iitmn it" . 6e pm (.45 ms! ?Aquciiu teal-en 6n:th - .L . Int-nu In:- xnhemsr.": nerves-Pn- iuinurtonn de lo; titnd?ilynh one". I'm-o oq'UI'r-t-n Ci do: mi 07""6h.; A q..e hrtz?r. clan." an.? 7 ha- far. pcrdido nu nntido d. digni- ?mo denour do- an tack; on dad145% mm; . 355i 72.4. Ma v. . a I a fi??A'l .tr? ,4'1 '?rJ 1?1?m; "gr34~ f?ufrip 5923?12I'm: th uprluur Dim!" .- . mm; asth MHW -_nmnsucum4nl - - .. .73'j?gnau to sub in Our must:- if .- run", 1m 0 if use; up I. antral wait no (guy uni-tuna tammcm . -~Im with! ?$391: - 5 main an" .57; ifnon! mm snow mammal. 11:. 1310311101: 36:" .J 4?4,st . - (2 V. W?wmrta ?10%537-18133 ous?nr? Y. -- M- -ing" A . A noqu . my. aim.) tuner; in put an J: umom anmum? m- um ?mu-cw ?g guy gum-pone of . a: :zrh?nun.? (your reference 152321267 dated Oil I?l?liu?ou Dcceuber 9, 195455'; 4? a- .- 5y?! - . . n- . - ?suit?: ?vau, Cha?ng.) m? . .: a: 31330353 EXISTING XARKIHGS 3 {.{Cling ?7501 - 137.: 19s: REF Emily?Dunn); Io. 1312 of fob-I117 )In]: can u: wr gig-?? 5 .0 so; damn: {unkind??lat: - - an out In: tutu-o than u-rtnl Joume Inn- 9 1.11 by for Inn-ophum tux-m mm: the united numb? with 1mm: unno- he: vim on new liner-Lunatic: the Unit? 3m? and bar tau-?1n Q: frond-t Para. Ilia Ink-1?93 um to (man In: to chaddmd of 113:1. to ho:- nuo. 8h. failed to sax-on mum in but World Amen?. taint Rum. and 1.11510" ?Mtg. a. no no nd a. pron conform? do ?1.104 in ?and .1: by Omiltalho upon?: ad a {a ptpc? or 13th dpi?mec She did not appear on tun-1010a or at the :1 1m an or}. any hd bun bookod, he did ?nun-1&3: or at run. ,amh'uu pain? 0 1 slu "pox-tad to have Mound a play put a by I coup?? 3401 ch; tho and.? Francisco Patron, and 3-4: an .9 tuba-s and. the appluuo dm ?03! "Mary. Mu ma?a minie utivltiu a far 1317 I?m at - a. most?! a can. In: eulnruts an man an: It 1:11. xwmum club :90 In mi ounnytu taro-e .poym/ au?d tho: tot up. the on, naturally, churn! .v tic Ala-tux ht.qu Md manna, I ch It. not an tun. 1, m. :11, nu ma unmet an cum appraised no law pro" 190 lure meiotic ad?s?:21Cut any tutor of Mario ?0 ?5 lax-1n; upland - - u? 17? in: that. tho nun a 09-0 i . a. mu sun. 5.: clunde nanny u. tut .. ?314* I that. tho cume in pupal 1 1.: th- mg; 1,691?, $9 of meal - 13:3 do?miaah'd?m 124 95:54- - 2:"r - mmiu 0 Wm 23 1553 mum; -. 4-750 (2-7-79) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET i Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the ?le. One or more of the following statements, where indicated. explain this deletion. B/Deleted under exemption(s) with no segregable material available for release to you. Cl Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. [3 Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Document(s) originating with the following government agency(ies) . was/were forwarded to them for direct re5ponse to you. Page referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies); as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. Page(s) withheld for the following reasonls): For your information: [E/The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: ?t520c?9??'k30 DELETED NO DUPLICATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE . I N0 A #750 (27.79) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET I?infh' Page-(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements. when indicated. explain this deletion. Deleted under exemption(s) with no seve?uo material available for release to you. Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. m/Docume s) at' with the following government agencyh?es) . was/were forwarded to In for direct response to you. Page(s) referred for consultation to the following government agency?es); as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon neth of the material to the FBI. Page?) withheld for the following reason?): For your information: Q/The following mun is to he used for reference regarding these pages: - fefeg/d/ I NO DUPLICATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE DELETED PAGES) 1. 12;: . . z- '17 "ram no: - cog!" Hr. Benoit Autumn Attorney ?gural - [arr-on Mug . Inch 85, 1958 Dtrootor, n15; - c; ?jr?If' .1355?} -. . 3? 'v83003117 - . - loforuc: to node to our nun-dun to tho Attorney General dated October 15, 1952, entitled "Jouphtno later" um: an attaohuu counting infer-o- tton taken fro- onr fun Dakar. . ?j . ., .. 3,5114? Attacth for your information to on copy . of a snot-and? dated lit-oh 1953, to the State -- Doparhont, IMch contains infomtton oouorniny tho captioned tndtotdml. - I . az-o.sa.u ?mu . hi 35Cucmm'r "tau: no: - nun-'5 :1 [g REwaED-ss a 130 I. loom?bmv.? V. v.9, ma kgMAILED 9 :Cm?w ?atom?: 6 0/ 32123: 0 1253 vr'??uvww A . - a I j; 4-750 (27-79) FEDERAL 0F FOIPA DELETED PAGE IIFOHATIOI [3.343(8) withheld entirely at this location in the ?le. One or more of the folle ante-lento. indicated. explain his deletion. [{Ddeted under emp?or?s) A) Inter-in] available for release to you. with no negrop?e Intonation Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. . ?elm! 'tlithejollpwing government .m/wereforw tothemfu ponaetoyuu. Page?) referred for consultation to the following government ngency?ee); as the information originated with than. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to ?re FBI. Page?) withheld for the following ransonls): 1:1 For your infomtion: [i/The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: V113 DELETED N0 DUPUCATION FEE FOR PAGE The comissionof;ml# a I and. ?ion and a . 1 gr ?tonne: t. lily-0nd Futon nil-?mt, I Aunt-1t. Conn-w Jasmin; mm . - . arm.? mamaHEREIN IS WZCLASSIYIED um um}: SHOWN OIWISI1955' ?Mann: . . A . . 3r1?_ . 3 . . 1m ?mqua 5; I . Jx; 'fz?3j'! f? an4?750 (2-7-79) JZ Cl s) ori atin 'th the fol wing government agency?ea) . was/were forwarded to them [2/112 following number is to he need for reference regarding them papa: renew mm or mvasnnmon ram maan use INFORMATION sneer i Pagets) withheld entirely at this location in the like. One or more of the following statements, - indicated. explain this deletion. with no aegregahle Deleted under exemption(a) material available for release to you. Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or we subject of your request. Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Pagans) referred for consultation to the following government agencytiea); as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. Pagets) withheld for the following reason(a): Fa your information: ?o vi N0 DUPLICATION FEE DELETED PAGES) FOR nus PAGE . . Commit-tonn- turnip-anon And long? July 22, 195) Attention: Raymond f. Patron - . . . Ala! Itmt ?minim! ?axuotor. - a. . .- -- Hue-1?: . .. . . I..). J- . . - n2" ?0 <29Quil'? . 3% i .. 6136 - . ?k . 55mm an: ?x 1.1mm.? mama - 74.tuwmw MicIIPOMATIOI - ., 62-95831memo-33 .--Pq!.p* . - rm?? 1" 33 I 5 mm. JUL 221953 '.91. .a i IFF . I .. - . . Ind; ?ll Bonniuionu- I tm, Mutual and [star-haunt: 8mm Soc-bu- 195fL??v'Lt- 7" . - --a~fhl .-.- a . . us1-4Pro- 3. . A532 B- U- "Tryii"! a: u. I 'k'l - P: 5? b?y-Egpm? mnroxnnon con?rm - g: . in: - mm: mom: ommun. A . . 1 9939233945 - . DEC 241953 u.u.u.aEwan-tin-13-qurpv-W" r? -- 4450 (2,749) 23:? FEDERAL 0F INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE SHEET .1 Panda) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements. where indicated. explain this deletion. -. IE/Deletedther exemption(s) mm with no segregable .material available for release to you. in CI lnfonnl?on pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request - - information pertained only a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documentts) originating with the following government agency(ieel . was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. . .- referred for consultation to the following government agency?ea); A 7, as the information originated with them. You will i be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. '5 Pageta) withheld for the following reason(a): For your information: I I .- MU m/The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: Z- gag/<53 DELETED PAGES) . NO DUPLICATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE . mm {xi i; ?1 rat/904 \?Li 16mm. . m. .. w. 4-750 (2-7-79) ?w FEDERAL 0F INVESTIGATION FDIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 233+ sh: entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements, whore indicatedrexplain this deletion. Deleted raider exemptionm Vii-h no 8687083519 material available for release to you. Cl lnformdlion pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. ing government agency?es) . was/were forwarded to them direct response to you. ?v 'r 12?53(43) referred for consultation to the following government agencyties); . as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. '0 a .1 3" Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): a; For your information: -- I I 94? following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: an 52:? gay?340 DELETED . . a, NO DUPLICATION ma FOR THIS PACE rt?) ?23" I I 7 "3-55-3-i?iealiafcl? 5 .15.v?mm. a: 53:. A John lacu- favor. mm; 1040111 run or bragging: nub act: . um .. 3 11mm. nem? - I A 1mm" loromu 1: undo our .1 - '27. 1953, )0 the bop. of which dcsi . - a I . Mich this hmu my Kromu- In your pecunia- -. concerning tho tune?. 4-750 (2-7-79) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET \3 Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the ?le. One or more of the following statements, where indicated, explain this deletion. [E/Deleted under exemption(s) with no segregable material available for release to you. Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documentts) originating with the following government agency(ies) . was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. Page(s) referred for consultation to the following government agencyties); as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. Pagets) withheld for the following reason(s): For your information: following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: 75 y? Va DELETED NO DUPLICATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE ,3 A ?i i lw' FBI DOJ mama! I up on ?100? - 31". I. ma Amman ?cum any ?man man A . v? A HEREIN IS UNCLASSIYI 3? ?b - 1315? ?l 3 mm s. 195; Dig-0&5, Subject: :05sz 1vme cum-gun, 2.11:1 gPu-ic. ?Dmth ed I . 5' ugh ?has, 1 8 L4 INTERN. smurf Boom-lat Jamar: 6: honvsih? ?13335.? enclosed box-"1th on. copy 0: a Confident?! hobo gr. 153% I . (A ?1 tin?" mg'ji'f; . m?zmmnani?o??fm' 1 Emu IS uncussmm mm? mam-jig 11813353057? 01mm. . -. I - 5.433 Auk Allmung-?gure. swim! asconofm . "again-as. . I - "mini.--. . Ex-Jzz "33:51.49: rig-- .. 051#1733.1. It? 4.. 5?7.5341:0st um Proj?dieo melons a; ?eminme 194m)? r?rlw?? 0- Act-ch 31 195a H?3b 4Q . --: . gg;;g;;9e Baker on Race Prejudice IL .ia light of Ecbaesy Copenhsgen'e reference despetch on Iz?ar'e recent public talks ir Dennerk on race prejudice, it eaeirzble to on her ectivitiee in France in th: eenn=ctiea. ?1ghly reg-r?cd in France is en entertainer, eh: i 31.: something of a reputation here in the putt f0" 2 "s ?a defender of the racieily Although her activitfcr . regard hrre occasionally exbosed her to charges of 1 Br 2vs3 ;ae uncovered no carporting evidence to give then substance . feat: 1hr: an :ztizlz c3 hzra asp:?rtd in 1919 in a Se"'f? r:=iee and that the has sunported several racial cesee much publici c: b' the Communist a ees involving American negroee. Jen; since gave up her Americ.n citizenthip to - :c;:rdin; :3 her at she had sufferer of reciul discriminction in the United LL ex. the is new bent on exposing such conditions eh ov e. In 6913; ehe represezta a French orgeni ~t the ?r=r - . 1e ?acisme ct era 3' uncer m1f6?=EKE?nzsrue?e1r .. . pee nee ?rcnce and ci?cehere. Tne lect such speech prior to her dopenhagen trip tee de- aw lared that whereas she has been charged with being ":ee of the etand e?e hee taken on race prejudice, ehe it not cocoa 'ch issues of D1013 .2 ere: or December 1953 in Paris It the Felain do It Edtuuliti. te;t, ts :ubliehed in Serial form in the January, February and dc Vi'u'rc, was almst identical to that giver. ir In Fat. ta a, cue was careful to state that clue was n1 any of the muntriee she mentioned but use merely fighting fcund then. She r3?? a Gommunist be- on Lil: add inzolerable Conditions wherever 35: vith eny politiccl 5: comp-icueuely ebeent from her remarks. -_th account of her upeaiencee entitled ?xer? Voyage am: Stat p; lishcd ih:tL? Prc??ho u; the tame time, it is worth noting Miss Baker'e attacxs 3 recs u-ejudice ere prtgenderantly directed egainet the United States any criticis: of race prejudice in soviet-controlled canntric- titreover, {car a trip to ice and the United States, Knee Baker in 1949 wrote an . hi . ~Unie,' which qzu oct your. weekly sag-.21: . 39/- -6 $2 603?; 26;. i?cr Oct?gieg-Zgz 5-3926 r2 -I?e be Srarford:cz . ?re; cg?uccd frqletf?ie bov?ietJ-i-ediev?. :ionde. no crticle we 11::th criti?-?l ?ol? one - - nited States, end its rapear.nce in such periodicrls use on indicetion the: the patently no objection: the tine to the use of her arms and r' by the wonmunirts. Noreovcr, the bee not hesitrted to c2! 1 such Joznunist-twuted "ceases cel?bres" of so~C2l;ed reciul discrinin-tion in the United Ststee as those of ii'lie Ac?se and Hell.? ~99. Haveter, LISA, Iith union she is associated, is not a Joamunist 17o:., nn;-Lo it; in the sphere of rectal t3: nonveocn: contre lc Recisme, l'dnti-Senititme et pour 1: Prix was orgsnized in 1927 ;nd claims to betone of the clue: gr: o? it: kind in the vorid. Its organ, Droit to kt? I vigorous st;nd Fgeinst what it regerd: he rec a 0 so none- tic? vnore?er it occurs. and it has from time to time published e?ror; dci"n:1:tions of enti-Soeitieo behind the iron cnrtain, nrrti- at the time of the Prague trials. Although it hes left- 31?: orientation, it is strongly anti-Stalinist. A list of its afficn?3; elected at the 16th Notional Congress in October 1953. is .3 1). TLcr: :rc For? cxe'rotr. itce ard neutr.lr ist= ozong then, but none it knoxn to the Smb;esy bl a member of the. Suziunitt Farty. :1 out, Kins Beker :p;e:ro to have confined her politic 1 iutcr- tL. ;;cction of race pr:jufic<. Litheugh in 8?Y?r.l itsturzt -. ?123, she ha: identifie; herself ULth Cozmuniet-eupported her ictivity of a representative seems to haVb becL lln-tc5 to her association with LISA: an :nti-Coumunist organization rgzinst racial discriminition, whose position in re; rd to the aillie HeSe; _nd other case: in question happens to have coincided sitL the: of the Communists. There is no evidence, however, that she has othz'sl:c identified herself with by the it Conninist herself or has been aseocinted xith any Gonnunist or-' 52:: tion or front. ln Vth' of her 03:1.510351 visit. to the United . it is bclieved the Department be iclif inforzed of the foregoing View: of the Embassy in her regard. G. He?urtrie Godley First Secretary of Embassy- tnclosure:l.fengrel Bureau of the central Cocuittee or LISA Etb"ssy poaching copy to: American Enbassy, COVEHBAGEE ?cb:t:y distribution; . .. ?in $1589: 2 .: ?Ll-?135 Tiffani . Pd3i95 3 Harrison "5 51: 50?33 ar uh? - :1 M?s? cm": 51.4) QLI . 01?. . .5. . 0i; val-.r . 1 Entry - gabjpgunnp Juan ?anuora'nd ?r Mu tcr' I. .JIFM (. -- .- ,1 . 5 . -. (Jail! it: .?ll'aq4pt .A. bf" .. -. ms.- 10.? - - - .. - H?4.9.11yard "5 u? it: ?Ou?lo'btf?? gra??' mg: 9:19?, I . o. can ?uni: om? up 39313; .t or. I ?a '3 that JoupMu Battajaiirlo?fdr?n?hr' ?5.31:3 '3 55h - 09gb ll: Fulani 1.1, cubo- Inga un?httr. . - A. 23;..Drig to 3) nut rec. vcd: Chara-0.. (-- .. - . wwu?v?" "way ~z>md ?ax" . 0 Milk . ml.3. [13.1121 .n . . ix .- --.r.uda .. . 1v . . i333urn?, . .W L. t- {lulu . l. .15?Qt-For.me .nmo . .a 51.? 21.. .L. .kvo. Hiya . .. . . . . (1 .. .. .u .3 owl..4..J..1WA .. .srl.? - . v. I?ll?1? \r .4: .. 19lou? 3 6:3 nit]. . . .wmmnaV no o??ko?mk?w NC.- ov.o~ Jan damage..on ?no: .- as. a -, . ?gouio? I a 3:31 a. ?35:331. .. up?? Inuqusmuo? .. NI. nun-rot .3 T.up. f?n? (UN). vw/u. .. v1.9? nag 17:2 .9 6rll. .11- ..I . . . "wua ll. .32.. llb10?83762-9583; a Date; '3 April 21,1951. 332?s: nu - To Sir??! legal h? I ALL-Imuog com-Am?. 7.:237. Paris. France . -g msaowuomnmnSubject. 4032mm: mm . AINTEENLL SECURITY n? V: Ithe following-'ainpeared in halter Iinchell's [column of April 9. 1951.. they?? York Daily 'Bov does the 8. consul at Paris France, lain-issuing an American visa to anti-Aser can speech na er, 'Josephine Baker? Isn't ha acquainted with her rantings against the U. 8. in Argentina and elsewhere? Isn?t he {all ar with the regulations at U. 8. Immigration? They stogpsd *dmitting persons to these shores for being a Nazi, only or asciat aided in getting this In ate into the U. 8. a few years ago._ After er Ianager ssi 'She asked me to find out what you would do or say about her giving up her 0. 8. citizenship,? to which we said: 'Oh, how's her lunged her set into $26,000 a week until she 4' staged a 's ow' at the Stork her trick hoomelranged, she staged some 'shows' against the D. 8. and has been ?nes." You should determine fro- the U. 8. Embassy. Paris, it he captioned individual has recently been issued the foregoing information {attains to a U. S. visa which she was issued when coming to a United States in 1953. 'Iou should also be alert to mrnish the Bureau any infomt reflecting her return to the United States HMI?kma-emma . a 4 11' Incas d? kit-ajgxi'l ,1 i} I .- . z/cc - Foreign Service Desk WP A I ele .I . 19?? A . - ?nggn $743018: Legal ittach-e has background 1? tiongiu is ease.? ?in-1: manta - .rflkapt? - - 1? .5 {?rw - .3 '1 '99? 3'3:39} -- a A -: .K ?G'l?khi' . 3 {?an ,F-tl?izkgda A?y?a?g Ma site ?ush?173-" {Vii-1 "i aTall?z? ?y ?1 .. - . . f. :4 :0 -3 . :Phds'leI??ak4Lm-t . '7 THE FOREIGN sun/[UNITED STATES OF AMERICA American @593}. "t my?? d' 1.. .0 . In: i954." . -. 14mm Director, "m be, . 3?33". P.- '5 3. Subject: .- I - - CONTAINED - 95534 . .- Q70: . -. -. nan-J- use . - {Th-If ?u Coututuor m. a ?"9793!? ad humans? unto. L. Muenr. imi?i?r?ic?bl :wrii? amuswtumnom . mum-"mu. 38910 04, Jesus": urn ?taut0-m3?4?f - . - i - tel fork (62-0) 3? 3'2 05513?? Coin?nzm cw- v'v- 9? .1955" it 2? 1010?; . 4?750 (2.7.79) . 9 '5 mam FEDERAL runnu or FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET A if 1v; entirely at this location in the file: One or more of the following statements. wbe indicatedt'explain this deletion. Deleted tinder exemption(s) with no segregable material available for release to you. ll ilnformddion pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. ing mvernment agency(ies) . was/were forwarded to them direct response to you. I . We) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies); I as the information originated with them. You will l, he advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. I. Page(s) withheld for the following reasonls): For your information: Q/The following number is to he used for reference regarding these pages: 511DELETED NO DUPUCATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE mm mm ran/Do; ?2 53?? M: A .4: . .13? ?yr-vi: I FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page-(s) withheld entirely at this location in the ?le. One or more of the following statements, where indicated. explain this deletion. m/Deleted under exemption(s) (ta/v2 with no segregable material available for release to you. ll Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documentls) originating with the following government agency?esl . was/were forwarded to them for direct re5ponse to you. Pagels) referred for consultation to the following government agency?es); as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. Page-(s) withheld for the following reasonls): For your information: [Er/The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: 92- frieze/?- 74%" DELETED N0 DUPLICATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE I -. . .. Hg". . Ian-L404 .172173 can .Au? {Dag?5? legMrLoe lngelee . -.. ?v . a - - Jim333?; Age 2- a 7? Dear Sire .- g; .- Daily papere proclatn Joeeghin?jarez. to be . .. allowed'to roam (7.8.1 -- She is a renowned Egg - defiant of law d: orden I an ashamed to admit I paid noney to pee an ignorant, and the Poorest performer I ever saw at our downtown-3 theatre her last time here. her tnuendoe to - .: public on behalf of 311' a white ee: stuff too nuch -- lets match who enplo'pe thie trouble A taker She's here for no good., an intermediary:7 ?ET-tb-?i? for eonething or cone one:31? ?0 A in bw Jed'15n.1.: rih'V?JaSifu .?It. .0 :nr. 1 ?wr' . . - . d. $393,- Etna A . . new: car! . QBHI QT - . 5:3 Theft 4: ?x 5531+! 5. Af?x fit-Y! .. 1; -. a . rig-r 'wrms: . 411.;- c- - A mam. MW INVESTIGATION r' I LO. v' 7'3 rig-3'? up suns A YER-51-119154 The following Teletype noon;- to: BUREAU - IS-FRENCH. REBULET 6/7/51; AND ?6/9/5111. RECORDS USDC, BDNY, CIVIL- DOCKET mam 72-71;, . . . . THAT JOSEPHINE BAKER FILED A LIBEL 12/21/51 VERSUS HALTER AND KING FEATURES, INC. INDIVIDUALLY AND IN THE AMOUNT BAKER - ?l . . . . . ALLEGED. THAT WINCHELL IN HIS COLUMNS INDIOATED THAT BAKER 195 FASCIST, A COMMUNIST, 03' ONE COIISORTS WITH AN AN ANTI-NEGRO, AH mm OF THE PEOPLE OF HER om: RACE, DISHONEST, A FHADD, ND A Pmsorq CF LOH OR DOCKET REFLECTS THAT 0N 6/28/51; CASE HAS 192.13% JDDOE KNOX. BEARING TO 16/27/5hL? . Am INFOPMATION bomnm - . HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED not?! SHOWN emu. - BUREAU (ea-95831;) ALL INFORMATION CONTAI HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED DAT Mm? 4" 551,9}161354 'AppvI corms nasrnorm 3m mo 01' IIVETIGATIOI WITH) STATE 03PM JUSTICE Tunsnit the following T0101.pr lounge to: [ti/mm I OFFICE or ms, nape -- x3330 ENTERTAINER, ENTERED TEE us on 6/5/51; BAKER HAD PERMIT AIVISED THAT BAKER STATED THE PURPOSE OF ER VISIT HAS TO SUE HALTER NINCEELL FOR WRITTEN BY IN HIS BM ABOUT ER. ABOVE SUBMITTED TO BUREAU FOR INFORMATION. - BUREAU (REGULAR MAIL) me; n; RM 99%) . 3 3M ED NFORMAUON comm Wm 13 ?3me (5-2 7.7.7391 bg?mo 1W 1- In. ?211.."ch 11 mac 1 1904,63 b? RESORDED-3B 1411954 ru?lgl.? m" - Approna: am. - - Ayn?~_ 7 I. . . . . . . w. rm >2 ("viegvun pure, g1: . rk.? grim Aim-I'm 0-9454 {Hint-9 . 6.3.54. conwcr to 10m: Hymnal" or sunset, sags-v -. nazmurur Mann u} Itmmribt to regain} in I -- fez-Imus coma 1'0 roan Ann-mm: Hanan: Imtmus, mnusasn 52) users an wand wanna. n. . . . zoom 1 .9?95831101!: Relet requested determine eutue otdluauit and keep advised of developments. . ALL INFORMATION HEREIN IS :z mums: By . . I . ?$3353 . . manta 5 $93? A (I JUN111954 Wm A133 MA:me ?96? mean-o". nan-atManc?': $292137 . I '19'22.? 2-18.. 55mac-?3; *v - "31- 3-3; -. far-:29 ne'e?c?rm?? an gamma..? I . 7r :52: 3:AII?gi?gwIi}. . - f4 -. T'ai' if ?Ittaohed. hereto 1e 9 . dated lovaber 1&?3952, concerning Jo gun, Baker. Horn ?i 3W0 3. 1906. 0% . Louie ?meaom. ere II eleo at?; teched Ienorandun a -- . .. {3?d-73 1? -I . . 1-1. - ?.393 3 *1 2" - addit? onto the 'ett'ac ed inter-potionpaper articlee?dnrin? the Ionth of februa 195 cetod that ?Joee J. - 2:770 - in . ?at?airi- :35: ~1 ?ja'l'he enot era-eat agency; 'edvleed on lax-oh 3,195). that Ma oonteoto with grandpa} 9R Iegro leadere 1n Kenna reaulted in nu being infomed that Josephine later to no rtlouhr upon the 1 Cuban legro population even ough the Con-uni?. Deny feta 1a a the racist View. of Baker - .H-.. . - .. .4. ?valWinUlils ..hri . Luau}. 3W..- .. . - . 4ulH 141%.! 1.. 1:u?mHJ4 .31--.. uml . .. . .Il- . .14 .i I labsl?t u.lhbar.93.. I. .141: . .I. . . . 0.5-1.Lt?. knew Emit?0.0333. ?3333v.4 ?Ill..\i ?9 skiinm?qaa: . . . .. v.101.. BMW .. . . .m - .rle. .. . A I lat-1.: Off; - UNITED 31.. OVERNMENT I IA - to fijvbirectar, FBI (62-95334); {mo/Sh non SAC, haw gar]: . I tamer?Rebuair tel. 6/11/51; a HY air tel to Bursa . i ?h?m . . ?x7=;25 1:5; 3 Record of the ClerklI-of? Court, SDNY, underCivil - poem No. 72-71;, reflects that on 12/21/51, JOSEPHINE am, 1 represented by Attorneys HAYS, ST. JOHN, ABRAMSON and filed a libel action against Hearst Corporation and King Features, Inc. individually and jointly charging that defendant WINCHELL ir?icated in his syndicated column. that the plaintiff, JOSEPBDIE BAKER, Ian. a a Fascist, Communist or one who oonsorts with?Commists. . . an Anti-Semite, an Anti-Negro, an enemy of the peeple of her 5 own race, intellectually dishonest, a fraud and a per-am of; . ion or doubtful character. . ., - A claim for $400,000 damages was filed as follower attic-ath . . . 1. Damage for unemployment $100,000 2. Publication caused damage 200,000 .- . Punitiv dama 100 000 . The complaint filed by Am GARFIELM, 120 Broadway, Attorney-at-Law, alleged that on or abcut 0/10/51 JOSEPHINE BAKER, in company with friends, visited the-Stork Club, was treated discourteously. It . BAKER formed a picket line for a few evenings thereafter. - "1i alleged that WALTER WINCHELL waspresent on 10/165'51 at the Stork Club and-resented publicity and thereafter embarked upon a public campaign to vilify, libel and damsge BAKER in her reputation and professional standing in the H30 3? AI community. Further, the complaint alleged that on or about 03 10/22/12/21/51, HAUPER HINCEELL maliciously. wantonly and recklessly print ed and published information of and concerning BAKER in the Daily Hirror'_ and in various papers throughout the US1k" Further that 10/28/51 an article was Witter-J by intended to mean that BAKER was an Italian Fascist cr'f sympathis er of Italgen Fascists, that she invited (jag. I. o' 1.LLINFORMATIO --. a? .u I 8X TE {?gs ?-sw . g?myw?g?Hr-r13?. v.2. r-w; --.- . .. i q: I aw.? 4? 55.91.92 751: I .. ?Egg - Letter to Director - . i NY 105382141 . ., .. -. - . planted incidents purposes at publicity and self-displaysg??gg-g 3. .- . that '16 10 29/51 an article intended totem 3 as horn swoggled", deceived and I "?people into accepting her as a heroine and champion; that 5.391;; - - _she has in some improper way been connected with Comunism'ge?gn "pro-Gommuni ate and fellow travellers; and that she approved oi? their views and philosophy; that she did not rotest 3-5431 I- "against discrimimtion in Cuba: that the Star): 0 uh incident 1. -was a "job"; that. she engaged in lascivious dancing; that . I, the places where she performed did not want colored patronage: that she did not mix with colored people all did not want . to be associated with then and that she was anti-Hegro . and wanted to he only with the white people? - - - Q: The further alleged that an article 1. -- it written by on 11/4/51 intended to mean that v; SEPHINE: BAKER planned to act in a disorderly . ?a Washington, D.C. Department Store in order to incite 5?55: publicity against discrimination. but the newspapers having j" i 3? - awn a; failed to help her in a false endeavor she did not go ahead. It alleged that an article written by mum?s? on 11/5/51 intended to mean that there was something illegal- - or suspicious in connection with the status or BAKER in r? the US and that she was under surveillance by the . and might be prevented from ever entering the US again: that . 1 she was intellectually dishonest and a complete .opportunistsAccordi?: to the complaint; an article written .. INCHELL on 12/9/ 1 intended to man BAKER hates Jewid: people. g. A The record reflected that the Attorney for defendants WALTER WINCHELL, Heartt Corporation and King - 1 Features, Inc. was MC CAULEY and RENE, 959 8th in" RI, 111The 1-311th notations appeared on ,the#12/21/51? :11 led complaint and 31ismed?additignsl summons gig - -A 7-. i. . .1th "we, 73.1. . ?we? (a -. than . .Tt-t- . . it as 3 e215 .. b-u-fntz" Sr a. ?ve. ?l?v r- - ?W'uv-o - w?Aou. .. . T--. uhx.'that - -- . ?f??snu .. .If?0e . . - .u-I-ubmwg - . - "0 - I - . . .1..er to nag553?? 1: 1/2/32 sued mass. ind realm.? 53531/1h/52. riled additional summons and ret nod1/15/52 riled stipulati on end ordered extending time to ensuer I . to 2/11/52. - s. 2/6/52 filed answer I v? a 2/6/52 notice of tel-ringdislpositionfof plsintitr?x' 2/26/52 riled stipul?n?tion?end order sdjourning dispositionwf? 1; or plaintiff to u/25/52965-9". filed and ordered adjourning disposition ct. plaintiff to 5/28/52. -- -- - a j; ?3931?; -- 6/5/52 riled stipulation and order sdjourning disposition of plaintiff to 9/2u/52. 1/26/53 tiled. stipulation and order adjourning disposition qr plaintiff of 2/26/53. w- z? 12/15/53 speciel pre-triel before Judge KNOX. {?Belslring held' - Kg - .gnd adjourned to gdxl; . . at?5/9/51; riled notice or 3/12/51; tiled jury demand by defendants. .35 . h/l/Sh on cell of special pre-triel before Judge KNOX. Bearing; adjourned to 6/28/516/28/51; on call of spe?cisl pro-trial before {use mom 1 .- - . Bearing sdjourned to 10/27/51? was:31? ?lf- - Immune): as no further action in ection with - - instant in suit is scheduled until 10/27/5u, this investigation .. is hiding placed in a pending .- The Bureau will kept advised of all deveIOpnents4?750 (2-7-79) FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1. Pagets) withheld entirely at this location in the file. One or more of the following statements. where indicated. explain this deletion. E/Deleted under exemption(s) with no segregable material available for release to you. [3 Information pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documen?s) originating with the following government agencyties) was/were forwarded to them for direct reSponse to you. Pagets) referred for consultation to the following government agency(ies); as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. Pagets) withheld for the following reasonts): l: For your information: lE/The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: - -- - DELETED PAGEXS) NO DUPLICATION FEE FOR +750 (27.79) . mama: FEDERAL BUREAU OF IIVESTIDATIDN a FDIPA DELETED PAGE IIFDMATIDN SHEET . Page(s) withheld entirely at this location in the file: One or more of the following statements, ?are indie-sped! explain this deletion. 9 ?elded under exemptionts) with no segregable ?material available for release to you. _._lnfonndlion pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your muest Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. Documentts) originating with the following government agency(ies) I: . was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. a I. P,g9(s) referred for consultation to the following government agencyties); as the information originated with them. You will be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. ?e 4 Page(s) withheld for the following reason(s): - For your information: m/The following numzr is to be used for reference regarding these pages: I . 1" DELETED PAGES) N0 DUPLICATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE 4-750 (2-739) (m FEDERAL BUREAU OF FOIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET .92. Page(s) Withheld entirely at this location in die filet One or more of the following statements, indigbdfexplain this deletion. . - ZiDeleted dhder exemption(s) material available for release to you. 13 ?i pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your request. El El 'Documentts) originating with the follovying government agency(ies) au? 1! be advised of availability upon return of the material to the FBI. .5 lauds) refemed for consultation to the following government agency?es); Page(s) withheld for the following reasonts): Information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only. . was/were forwarded to them for direct response to you. as the information originated with them. You will 4?7 :1 Cl For your information: a E/The following number is to be used for reference regarding these pages: - - :g s'k? u? 1. DELETED PAGES) a? N0 DUPLICATION FEE FOR THIS PAGE .. j? A - z? ?2 for; vac-T?: Of?ce - 11.4.3 1'0 2 Director, FBI (62-9583!? If SAG, lav York . .A b, I Jasmin?133! - lamet, 8/30/94?Referenced new- ?Vi??am? tho??md! 01? 3h. 7.- Clark of the under Civil Pocket 72-714. reflected 7? ,?that the pre-trial hearing before'lndge no; achednled f; 5 yea/5a was adjourned henna-t; under an.? of Erollowing notationuu-z' I 3? I ?01: can of special pee-tndi?al before Knox, Honing to I: It 10 also noted that the record: of the in. I 2 2321267 refledta. that JOSEPHIIE um depart . United Staten from Idlevild Airport ITO on 6/1U5h via Pan-Ame can nos fli ht A .. 532% . Inae ch as no furth action in connect on with 425" a, . a i jaw suit i'a acheduled until 3/31/55, this inv tigation it ?going placed in a pending inactive atatua. 1-: '1 Bin-em will be kept advised of all Idevelopinefn'ta. - a Q6 nEc_141954 I i v. . - .. 4-750 (2.7.79) (r . ti:? FEDERAL BUREAU OF a, FDIPA DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Papal) Withheld entirely at this location in the file, One or more of the following statements, when-ale. indimmd.? explain this deletion. .. A I. Deleted iinder exemption(a) With no sensable material available for release to you. Cl pertained only to a third party with no reference to you or the subject of your requesL information pertained only to a third party. Your name is listed in the title only._ wing government agency(iea) . was/were forwarded to them direct reaponse to;you. I men s)orig' ating ?th the fol Bdge h; -- - . - -y-ihe-?m?o - llemorandum to llr. Belmont as: JOSEPHINE mm surestaccordance with the-request of ur. Tolson on 9, 1960, Bureau files have been reviewed concerning x{osephine Baker, former Negro singer and entertainer. nab-m? A ?s . The Bureau has not inves?gatWen however, [ilesncontain considerable information regard'i'ng her activities, during the past several years. She was born in St. gouis, - Fissouri, in 1905' 'or 1906. Her mother was a washerwoman'.? files-contain?ittle?concerning her earl life. According to 1? an article in 'Life" magazine in 1951, began a Paris night/?r? .._club career in 1925 and has spent most of her life since that time in France; however, .in recent years she has traveled over much of the world. She was reported to have at one time been (I lrl/ married to a Negro tap dancer and purportedly married one Pe. ito Albertina in the 1920's. In 1937 she gave up her'United 'ates citizenship and married a French broker by the name of Ii. Jean Lion. This marriage was dissolved in 1940. Baker married "a ?ench band leader, Jo Boull ion, in 1947. During Forld For 112;? and the occupation of ?ance by the Germans, she spent-her time in North Africa. The magazine article stated that while ?in . A North Africa, Baker became a lieutenant in the Free French Air Force, did intelligence work, drove an ambulance, and enter- tained troops. .3. '1 In the early part of 1951 the comist'l?arty took . a great interest and engaged in extensive activities in the de nse of Willie licGee, a Negro who.had been convicted in the te of Hississippi on a charge of rape of a white woman. He was executed for that offense in Hay, 1951. "Counterattack' in March, 1951, carried an item entitled "Josephine Baker Ion't ?Support communist Pronts.? This article stated that Baker canceled a speaking engagement at a "Save till ie McGee Bally" scheduled for Marc 19, 1951, when she learned that the rally was sponsored by the American Labor Party and that Paul Robeson, ?well-know Negro siner and Communist aoloist, would speak at.?anawrsm/Musi . -: . Lugs: a; refs-ha"? x'v . .. - . Memorandum to yr. Belmont - 33': . - .?me 2 o, article appears the April ita .Del \POpolo? (cited by the C'al ifornia committee on Uh-Auerican ?1 u" i? On October 16, 1951, accordin to newspaper articles .. appearing in numerous newspapers throug out the country, Josephine Baker; Hrs. Bessie Buchannan, Harlem service leader; a" and and 10's. Roger Rico of the French theater alleged that hey had been made to wait an unreasonable len th of time before 94-5 ,0 ing served food at the Stork Club in New For City. The principals involved complained that they had been subjected tti'.i racial discrimination. Falter 'inchell, in his broadcast on October 21, 1951, referred to the incident at the Stork Club stating that he had been at the Club at the same time as Baker -. had left before she did and at no time while he was there he noted anything proxinating an incident. Iinchell stated that he himself deplored the situation but he was equally . I . I J. -. 0 113.91? . . . Hemorandum to Belmont as: pert A. bed by being brought into the picture and that pressure was ing brought to bear upon him to denounce the alleged "a discriminatory actions of the Stork Club management against \Baker and her party. He stated that he would not be pressured . into denouncing Sherman Bill ingsley and the Stork Club. There was indication that the Stark Club had been periodically 'rpicketed since the Baker incident. In Finchell ?s column on October 29, 1951, Iinchell quoted a letter which he had received from George Schuyler, New York editor of the"l?ittsburgh 00urier,? a leading Negzg newspaper. .?l'his letter.in effect accused Baker of being ed? by the communists and communist Party front organizations and denounced the criticism of Iinchell which resulted from the e; alleged discrimination against Baker at the Stork club. ?9 - According to the November 12, 1951, issue of the ?Daily torker, a conference on L'qual Rights for Negroes in - ts, Sciences and Professions was held on November 10, 1951. - New York city under the auspices of the Nat ional council (f?ic?a?v 'iIwere? 3- -- 4- 7-3: v-Bu-yg?qu-n II elf-Juana v4; .7 a 1 nun-1:1 -- x. Isnorandwn to 35': JOSEPM mm I - the Arts, Sciences and Professions (cited by the House committee 3551;;? tin-American Activities). One of the measures adopted at this conference was a telegram to Josephine Baker commending her for - her forthright action in the Stork club?incidentApril l6, 1952, an Associated Press release. date lined Hexico city, contained information that Baker in Mexico I City had announced the format ion of an organisation known as the "iorld League Against Racial Discrimination. This release pointed out that the League would fight discrimination not only against the Negro race but all others who were the targets of restrictive practices. Baker announced in this release that headquarters of the League would be in Mexico and branches would be establ ished in many other countries.? . Sybseguent to this tile, our files contain voluminous information- pointing up vicious anti-American remarks made in Keuss? 1-: various countries in the world by Baker. They appear to stem 54" from her establishment of the Iorld League A ainst Racial 0'9 Discrimination her to nice is ue. The State Department have furnished copies 0 speec es ere he United States and points__out vicious atrocities against Negroes in this country. Ora$uch statement lads by Bakernoas to the effect that she had pers'onallygeen a number of of entire families. - Wynmay.m a. .