man i8 Gm i| climaie Imcsugnuon: Comer Mail Finn Pannus climalc Chang: palm) moon, Finn Partners climate change policy inquiry ollmaielnvosil atlons Conler To Peler To Whom it May Conoem. The following lelter was senl via cenined mail to your company's headquaners in New york, as well as your DC olhce. Please iorward lhis email lo lhe parties who are besi posilioned io answer lhe oueslions outlined in our lelier, Anached is lhe leiler we seni your company and many olhers (our years ago Leiter: We coniacied you and oiher leaders or lhe public relaiions indusiry in 2014 lo ask about your company's climaie change policies Four years on. we would like lo conlinue ihai conversaiion lo delerrnine if ihere have been any changes io your company's posilion or policies regarding climaie change. A copy or our 2014 lener is aliached. As a resuli or our 2014--15 invesiigaiion, Edelman published iis firsl ever on Climaie Change~ and acknowledged new iniernal policies iorbidding work lhai proiiers climaie change denial. They also decided lo no longer lake on work lor coal inleresls, and sei inlernal rules aboui 'gleenwashing' and lhe use of lronigroups. To relresh our 2014 lener ol inquiry we have several queslions: Does your company have a climate change position slaiemenl? EDELMAN POSITION ON CLIMATE CHANGE Edelman iully recognizes lhe realiiy or, and science behind, climale change, and believes ii represenis one or lhe mosi imponanl global challenges lacing sociely business and governmeni ioday To be clear, we do noi acoepl clieni assignmenis ihai aim to deny climaie change. We believe ihal business govemmenl and sociely musl work logeiher lo address dlmale change by balancing lhe inierdependenl of human developmeni, lhe environmenl and lhe global economy, As such we suppon our clienis- erlons lo reduce emissions lrom meir operalions. improve energy emciency, advanoe aliemaiive fuels and susiainable energy solulions and lead in lhe io susiainable and socially responsible business models. We also work wiih clienis lo oonslruciively panicipaie In lhe dialogue around climaie change and coniribuie lo policy discussions wiih lhe goal or making progress on lhis shared global challenge. 2, Has your company done Internal carbon accounring? Several oiher PR companies acknowledged io us ihai lhey had compleled inlernal carbon accounling io allow work wilh companies like IBM. ihal require conlraclors lo accounl ior lheir carbon emissions. 3. Does your company have rules about what dlents you Will and will nor rake, or me iypes orlaciics you deploy? Some companies reponed io us in 2014 ihai ihey had iniemal policies io avoid working wiih cenain indusiries or employing cenain laclics, including semng up lronl groups or deploying aslroiurl grass roois groups. This pledge aligns wiih lhe PRSA Code or which lisis such ihings as "Examples or improper Conduc Froni groups: A member implemenis "grass roois~ campaigns or campaigns io legislaiors on behalf or undisclosed inieresl groups A member deceives lhe public by employing people lo pose as volunleers lo speak ai public hearings and panicipaie in "glass roals" campaigns. These quesiions are increasingly urgenl as companies reaci lo building pressure lor social responsibiliiy on climaie change, For example, il reoenlly came io lighi ihai lhe eleclric ulilily Enlergy hired lhe Hawthorn Group PR Imps rlmail goagle :n 151450 icy Cllmate lnveshgaiions Cenier Mona Jul 2, 2018 311247 PM HI 7/9/2018 Climate Investigations Center Mail - Finn Partners climate change policy inquiry firm, which engaged a company that paid ‘actors’ to pose as power plant supporters and give testimony in a public  hearing, while instructing them explicitly not to disclose the arrangement. As details emerge, it appears all parties  knew more than previously disclosed.    This  is  reminiscent  of  revelations  in  2009,  also  involving  Hawthorn  Group,  then  a  contractor  to  the  American  Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, a non­profit lobbying group of coal, rail and utility companies. Hawthorn Group  was paid to generate opposition to an emerging climate change bill in Congress, and hired a “third party advocacy”  subcontractor,  Jack  Bonner  and  Associates  to  do  so.  Bonner’s  company  created  fake  letters  opposing  the  bill,  some  on  NAACP  letterhead,  which  were  addressed  to  members  of  Congress.  Fake  grassroots  groups  and  fake  letters are the very definition of fake news and weaken the credibility of the entire public policy arena.    Thank you in advance for your time,   Kert Davies Executive Director Climate Investigations Center   ­­   Kert Davies Executive Director  Climate Investigations Center  P.O. Box 91   Alexandria, Virginia 22313  202­413­8515  @ClimateWatchdog   Finn Partners_Founding Partner_CIC Letter_2014.pdf  319K… 2/2 mama ('lmmc Imcsugnuon: mm Mall . Finn Pannm climalc Chang: palm, Inquiry . I I Cllmate lnvestlgatlons Center Finn Partners climate change policy inquiry Peter Flnn-- Fn. Jul 6. 2013 at 9:26 AM To Climate Investigations Center Thank you for reaching out to us on this. Here are our responses: Does your company have a climate change position statement? Yes, the Finn Partners statement is very simple and reads: Finn Partners recognizes the reality of climate change and does not accept client assignments that aim to deny climate change. 2. Has your company done internal carbon accounting? We have been evaluating proposals lrom firms that provide this service, but have not yet engaged a firm to do an internal carbon accounting audit [or Finn Partners. 3. Does your company have rules about what clients you will and will not take, or the types of tactics you deploy? Yes, we do not take on assignments in support of clients or programs which we believe are harmful to the wellbeing oi our world, and/or to the communities in which we operate. Here are some specifics: - We will not work for clients that wish to hire Finn Partners to help them fight environmental groups. . We will not work for tobacco companies. . We will not work on pro-gun programs. . We will not work for loreign governments or organizations which treat the United States as an enemy. We will not engage in any deceptive practices in our work [or clients. Imps l/mml :n 151450 ill mama ('hmam Imcsugnuon: mm Mall an Pannm climalc Chang: palm) mm, Besl wishes, Feler Finn Pele! Hum Foundmg Partner 301 57th 4th Floor +1 212 593 6428 New York' NY 10022 4917 913 4347 mmparmevs com From: Climate Invesugauons Center [maillo m<