DECLARATION OF MARK HATTAM 1. MARK declare as follovls: 1. am over the age of and testify to the folloyiing based upon my own personal knowledge. 2. have been the General Counsel for the San Diego County Waier Authority since March of 2016. 3. ln my capacity as General Counsel 1 am responsible ror managing the retention or special Counsell including Hyatt Farber Schreck 4. During my time as General Counsel. BHFS has never represented the SDCWA in negotiations with Poseidon. 5. During my iime as General Counsel, BHFS has never informed SDCWA that it represented or wished to represem. Chino Basin. Poseidon. or Cadiz in any negotiations for, or inquiry about. any water transaction with SDCWA. 6. During my time as General Counsel and based on my review of earlier documenis and without waiver of any privileges or protections as to (he specific contems of any of such items. BHFS has regularly made disclosures of potential conflicts to the SDCWA as part oftheir representation. 7. During my time as General Counsel. Ms, Frahm's work for SDCWA has been as rovidin 1 le a1 services to SDCWA. I declare under penalty ofperjury lhar Il'le foregoing is true and correct, Executed this 12th day ofJuly. 2018, in Bonila California HATFAM