Re'd N'cole me: Mo Carroscc Sent: Friday, January 19, 2012 lo 14 AM To: Lindsey, Scott a c: Story, Deborah, Peniller, Sharon Subject: Concerns Mr. Lindsey, I nave some serious concerns about the conclusions you nave reacned in the case against me. i still do not know wno has accused me olwhat and yeL tne district has lound me in violation ol policy. i was promised a packet olinlormation tor me to respond to during the intewiew and i never received. i was promised a PPT presentation to review and i never received it. Please let me know to mom i should address my concerns above your level olresponsioility. Also. please let me know the process i need to lollow to obtain a copy oltne we used to reacn the conclusions communicated by Mr. Taylor. Tnank you lor your consideration. Moreno Carrasco The L5 Principal Performance by Design" Reid, Nicole R From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mo Carrasco < > Thursday, December 7, 2017 1:00 PM Story, Deborah Lindsey, Scott B; Pertiller, Sharon L Investigation Concerns Dear Deborah,    I am writing to inform you that another irregularity has been reported to me during this  investigation  process.  Dr. Joseph called me on December 6 at about 9:00 a.m. to speak with me because I  asked for a meeting. I communicated to him that the investigation process was slanted towards an assumption  of guilt versus a presumption of innocence. I also shared with him that I have strong suspicions of a conspiracy  formed to frame me. As my lawyer wrote to the district recently, we are concerned about how this  investigation has been conducted.     The 14th Amendment of the Constitution guarantees equal protection under the law. Accordingly, we all have  the right to face our accusers and know the charges against us. At the same time, we all have the right to tell  our side of the story. I have not had an opportunity to tell my side of the story because the allegations were  camouflaged within hypothetical questions.   I have asked for fairness, justice, and the truth. It appears that  the goal of this investigation is to find me guilty. It is difficult to defend oneself against a well‐orchestrated  plan where the system appears to be playing a critical role.  I have reported a disgruntled employee as the  potential first accuser due to poor performance review. This fact has not been discussed and raised at any  time during this process.  This is not a good example of fairness and I am very concerned about how this  investigation is being conducted.     Mr. Lindsey called me yesterday, December 6,  to tell me that we need to do a second interview because the  team “made a mistake” by not providing me with the names of the people accusing me and the nature of their  allegations.  I went through a two‐hour interview as part of a self‐incriminating process designed to entrap  and deceive. I asked several times if I had the right to know who my accusers were and the attorney for the  district said,  “ We hoped that the questions may have helped you think of who it was.”  That’s exactly what I  mean by a presumption of guilt versus treating me as innocent until proven guilty.   A presumption of  innocence would indicate that if I couldn’t relate to the question it is because it did not happen.  That thought  did not appear to be on anyone’s mind.  I have asked for justice and fairness but the process has fallen short. I  was asked to sign a statement that emerged from that interview as “my side of the story.”  When I refused to  sign I was told that they could proceed with the signature of the three other witnesses.    Here is an example of the unfairness in this process. Question #17 stated, “Please describe any instance  where you allegedly, commented attractive about any employees under your purview attractive and  expressed a desire to date them either directly or indirectly.”   I named all of my direct reports from last  year’s team as I tried to remember and when I mentioned   “Letrecia Gloster,”  Mr. Lindsey nodded “yes”—I  went on to share a conversation that took place between us which negates the allegations in the question.    The danger in this situation is that Mr. Lindsey confirmed that Ms. Gloster was one of the accusers. Yesterday,  however, he  called me to schedule the second interview and then interrupted our telephone conversation to  check a text message that had just arrived. When he returned to the phone, he told me in a very agitated  1 voice that the person's name I mentioned during the interview WAS NOT one ofthe accusers. He refused to name the person but i insisted and he finally admitted, Ms. Gloster. He went on to add that "the team" had a long discussion about Ms. Gloster. The question is, why is Ms. Gloster so important in this process? Why was Mr. Lindsey suddenly, six days after the interview, making sure I knew that she was not a pan of the "multiple women accusing me? This example puts into question the entire process used to conduct the interrogation. The "team" can now decide whom to put forward and whom to pullback as it is convenient because I never saw a written statement or any names written down. One minute she was an accuser, the next minute she wasn't. I have shared with Dr. Joseph that this case has been contaminated with illegal practices and no longer have faith that the district is acting in fair and impartial manner in respect to my legal rights. Based on these concerns, I am communicating that I do not trust the HR process as acceptable to continue leading this investigation. I would like to request additional time to hire a lawyer in order to request a different process in this case. Thank you for your attention to this request. Moreno Carrasco The L5 Principal Pen'almance by Design" Re'd N'cole Sent: Friday, January 520151252 PM To: Story, Deborah c: Peniller, Sharon Subject: New Information Dear Deborah. From the beginning ol my ordeal. I have asked lorlairness. justice, and the I am sharing additional inlormation that will help you arrive at the truth. which will restore my prolessional reputation by clearing my name. My understanding is that MNPS cannot tolerate retaliatory actions olan employee against another. This much was communicated to me on more than one occasion during this case. it has come to my attention that at least two employees in MNPS have direct knowledge that the case filed against me was a retaliatory action lor perlonning my supervisory duties. These employees are available to testily, ilneoessary. it is surprising that the invesugative team has not taken this perspecuve into consideration in spite ol the lact that warned you on several occasions that retaliation was a possibility. The lingering question is Why? Why wouldn't the district protect me against retaliatory actions when that is a standard operating procedure? Instead. the investigation has been conducted with a presumption olguilt, Fairness appears to be absent lrorn this process. The preponderanoe oi evidence have shared with you in this case points clearly to a premeditated retaliatory action to dislodge rne lrorn my position and cause me personal and prolessional harm. I have five children and need to work lor at least ten more years. cannot find a job with these lalse aocusauons over my head. I trust that you will use the inlonnauon available to dismiss the lalse daims raised against me and allow me the opportunity to and gainlul employment elsewhere. Thank you in advance laking [his information into consideration. Moreno Carrasco The L5 Principal 'lmprovi'ng Performance by Design" Reid, Nicole Sent: Tuesday. January 23. 2013 2 29 PM To: Peniller, Sharon c: Lindsey, Scott B, Story, Deborah Subject: Re. Concerns Hello Sharon, I guess ills useless to continue to ask (Dr inlormalion. I hope everyone's conscience is clean. I am a man 0' lailh and kan that the LORD has a plan [or me away from MNPS, you all the best. Moreno CarrascD The L5 mimvifi Performance by Design" Message-m. From: Peniller, Sharon To: Mo Carrasco cc: Story. Debora ora tory Lindsey. Sent: Tue. 23 Jan 201311.43 RE: Concerns Hello Mo, Attached are the documents that were released to the media on Frldav, January 19, 2017 Although the witness statements and other Investigative documents that were released were redacted, it was necessary In order to protect the privacy of the complainant and witnesses that participated in the invesnganon At your convenience, I would be glad to schedule a skype call to provide you with the redacted names and other redacted information as originally oilered before your voluntary resignation Per our text conversation, a PowerPoint Presentation (PPT) does not exist regarding your Invesllgalloh; however, Scot shared that when you were still employed, he offered to share a sexual harassment he had used in training sessions scott thought it may answer questions that you may have had regarding the claim against you. llyou have any other questions or would like to schedule the skype call, please reach out to me directly. My best, Sharon Sharon Pertiller, PHR Executive Officer of Human Resources Phone: (615)259c8609 rungs rg Metropolitan Nashville Publlc Schools From: Mo Carrasco mailto Sent: Friday, January 19, 2013 10:14 AM To: Lindsey, inn sor Cc: Story, Deborah Pertiller, inn s.or Sublect. Concerns Mr. Lindsey, I nave some serious concerns about the conclusions you nave reacned in the case against me. i sull do not know wno has accused me olwnat and yet. tne district has lound me in violation ol policy. i was promised a packet olinlormation tor me to respond to during the intewiew and i never received. i was promised a PPT presentation to review and I never received it. Please let me know to mom i should address my concerns above your level olresponsibility. Also. please let me know the process i need to lollow to obtain a copy oltne we used to reacn the conclusions communicated by Mr. Taylor. Tnank you lor your consideration. Moreno Carrasco The L5 Principal Pen'almance by Design" Re'd N'cole Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 5.33 PM To: Story, Deooroh Subject: Re. Request for Letter Yes md Thank you, Moreno Carrasco The L5 Pnnoipal "Improving Performance by Design" Messag From: Story, Deborah To: Mo Carrasoo Sent, Wed, Novz pm Subject, RE: Request [or Letter \lrx 1m to confirm rhru Wu ed lemr from Mon Lu rm Lnrm. '1 Debora/i Story Chief Human Resources Officer Metro Nashvme Publwc Schoo's 25m aransford Avenue Nashere, Tennessee 37204 615725978663 (office) 515754077455 (mobnep ,r TR I PUBUC SCHOOLS From: Mo Carrasca mant Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 9:39 AM To:Starv, Deborah Performance by Design" Reid, Nicole R From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mo Carrasco < > Friday, December 15, 2017 10:35 AM Story, Deborah Pertiller, Sharon L Additional Witnesses Dear Ms. Story, During this entire ordeal I have asked for justice, fairness, and truth to clear my name of false allegations. I have expressed and continue to express the notion that I was framed by a premeditated plan to dislodge me from my position. Since I no longer care about my job in MNPS, I will implore you to use all means possible to clear my name so that I can regain my human dignity and my credibility within the education community. I have worked for 33 years to build an impeccable reputation and would not like to see my career come to an end in such an unfair manner. I am in possession of very sensitive information which I have not shared with the media to avoid disruptions to the school district and to avoid causing harm to anyone. I trust that you will follow through on my request below and seek every means possible to clear my name. I will present you with another opportunity to get closer to the truth by interviewing the following witnesses and include their testimonies in the final packet for review: Dr. Shawn Joseph, Director of Schools Mrs. Amy Frogg, Member of the MNPS Board of Education The information I will share with you below is also known to a very reliable third party, if needed. Questions: How did Dr. Joseph know about the most egregious allegation in the complaint (breast grabbing at a bar)? (He met with Mr. Carrasco in his office in August 2017 to discuss an allegation that someone saw him at a bar grabbing a woman's breast. He also shared that this information came to him from a Board member) Please ask him the following question: What was Mr. Carrasco's response? I vehemently denied such an allegation and told him I would never embarras him or the district with such a disgusting behavior. Questions for Ms. Frogg: 1. Did an MNPS employee share with you that Mr. Carrasco was seen grabbing a woman's breast at a bar in December of 2016? It was confirmed to me on December 13th, that one of the accusers communicated with Mrs. Frogg about the allegations of December 2016. Mrs. Frogg shared that information with Dr. Joseph. Logical questions to ponder: Why would an employee go to a Board member with such information? Why wasn't a complaint filed at that time with Human Resources? Why didn't the Board member contact HR at that time? Why didn't Dr. Joseph contact HR at that time? If HR was contacted, why didn't anyone call me in to investigate that incident four months ago? 1 Why would I continue to work in MNPS it those allegations had any chance oi being true? When Dr. Joseph brought this up to my attention, I continued to work in MNPS because iwas tully confident that i had not been involved in such an activity. Had i had the slightest doubt about my personal oonducl' I would have resigned lour months ago. This is just a dosage ol common sense and logic to lunher unpack lalse allegations against me in this case. My theory is that this case had been pre-planned and executed in a vindictive lashion. The lirst accusermed a complaint against me due to constnictive teedback shared during a perlonnance review, The word "multiple" has been used in relerence to other women coming lonvard. The first accuser arrived at HR with names ol other people to me complaints against me. Based on the allegations in the questions iwas asked during the interview. these allegations are talse. some ol them are illogical, and the accuser in question #17 is highly questionable since someone apparently recanted or was withdrawn, Please include [his email as a part 0' the packet lorlhe reviewers. Thank you very much lor your consideration ot multiple perspectives in this case. Respectlully. Moreno CarrascD The L5 ImtITml/ifi Performance by Design" Re'd N'cole Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2017 1235 PM To: Lindsey. Scott a C: Story, Deborah Subject: Re Confirming Soon, In an honesty, I don't have any trust in this process anymore. The team has acted on a presumption oiguiit and everything seems to be part oibig scheme. I am trying to hire a iawyer right now. I wil' be back in touch shonly. Moreno Canasco The L5 Pnncipal "Imp/t7va Performance by Design" From Lindsey, Scott a To: Mo Carrasoo Sent, Thu, Dec 7, pm RE: Confirming win you be bringing an attorney? From: Lindsey, Scott 5 Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2017 11:03 AM To: Mo Carrasco Subject: RE: Confirming 3 45pm is the nevt time All Mil II Original messaze a From MD Currasco Date 12/7/2017 8 05 iMTr To "Lindse Colt Subject Confirming Heiio Soon, iust want to confirm what discussed yesterday on the phone. You indicated that the team has decided to hoid a second interyiew today at 1,00 pm. and that you will provide iniormation on my aeeusers, You also wanted to make sure that I knew that Ms. Gioster was not one oi the aoeusers "this is wired, I wil' see you al1:00[oday. Thank you. Moreno Canasco The L5 Pnncipal mim Pen'olmance by Design" Re'd N'cole Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2017 9 39 AM To: Story, Deborah Subject: Request for Letter Heuo Deborah, P'ease send me a copy or the Iener pubhshed by cnannel 5 Yeslemay, Thank you. Moreno Canasco The L5 Pnncipal Performance by Design"