Clemson University Clemson, South Carolina MINUTES of the meeting of THE CLEMSON UNIVERSITY BOARD OF TRUSTEES Madren Center Clemson, South Carolina Friday, February 2,1996 After notification as required by the Freedom of Information Act, the Chairman called the meeting to order at 1:OO P.M, with the following members present: Lawrence M. Gressette, Jr., presiding; Bill LaAmick, Louis P, Batson, J. J. Britton, Leon J. Hendrix, Jr., Harold D. Kingsmore, Louis Lynn, Patricia McAbee, Thomas McTeer, Joseph Swann, Allen Wood, W. G. DesChamps, D. Leslie Tindal and Manning N. Lomax, Executive Secretarv ADMINISTRATION PRESENT: President Curris, Vice Presidents Almeda Jacks, Charles Jennett, Gary Ransdell, B. K. Webb and General Counsel Ben Anderson MEDIA PRESENT: Kevin Chapman, Anderson Independent and Bobby King, Greenville News Item 1. Annroval of Minutes Statement: The Minutes of the November 10, 1995 Board meeting were previously distributed to the Trustees. Action: The Minutes were approved as submitted. Item 2. Renort of the Executive Secretary to the Board Statement: *Mr. Lomax stated that the dates for future Board meetings are: April 19, 1996 - in Clemson; July 26-28, 1996 (Board Meeting and Retreat) - in Charleston; November 1, 1996 - in Clemson; and February 7, 199’9 - To be announced. Statement: Mr. Gressette stated that at its meeting on January 29, 1996, the Committee heard a report from the State Auditor Edgar Vau hn on the external audit of the University for Fiscal Year 1994-95. The University got a good report, although Mr. Vaughn pointed out some things that needed to be dealt with and these are being addressed. The Committee also received an February 2,1996 informational report on Athletic NCAA compliance. The Committee approved the University's tort liability coverage, which is reviewed on an annual basis by the Executive and Audit Committee. Action Item - Security Agreement Resolution Statement: Mr. Gressette stated that the Executive and Audit Committee recommends approval of the above-stated Resolution which provides for the appointment of individuals who have received security clearance to act on matters involving the security of classified information with regard to agreements with the Department of Defense. Action: Mr. Gressette made a motion to approve the Resolution on behalf of the Executive and Audit Committee, Mr. Wood seconded and the vote of approval by the Board was unanimous. A copy of the Resolution is at Attachment 1. - Item 4. Student Affairs Committee Reoort Mr. Kinesmorg Informational Items A. Parents' Council Overview Statement: Vice President Almeda Jacks introduced the Chaircouple of the Parents' Council Roberto and Carmen Boscio. Mr. Boscio reported that the Parents' Council was organized six years ago with 20 members. Since that time, the membership has grown to 490. He stated that members of the Parents' Council want to be well informed ambassadors for the University as well as to be the parents' voice to the University. Some of the activities of the Parents' Council include sponsoring the receptions for parents during the Summer Orientations, writing letters to prospective students and holding receptions in their homes for students who have been accepted to Clemson and their parents and serving as career mentors to students. He discussed the monetary contributions that are made by the Parents' Council to the University. Last year over $6,000 was given to the Police Department for call boxes and lighting. Another $6,000 was deposited into the Endowment for the Quality of Student Life. This year's project will be for additional security technology. Mr. Kingsmore thanked Mr. and Mrs. Boscio for their work with the Parents' Council. Vice President Jacks also thanked the Boscios and the Parents' Council for their contributions to the University. She indicated that the Council members come to campus to meet three or four times a year. Mrs. Jacks introduced Shon Herrick who is the Student Affairs liaison to the Parents' Council. B. Student Government Report Statement: Reid Rucker, President of the Student Body, an~ouncedthat he would be stepping down as Student Body President on March 5th. He discussed the projects that students have been involved in this year and indicated that he hopes these will continue into the future. One of the projects concerns students' efforts in lobbying State legislators on behalf of higher education funding. He distributed a booklet which has been compiled by 2 . February 2,1996 Student Government that will be distributed to students to provide facts on "Funding for Higher Education. " The second project is the establishment of the Innovation Award. This award was established about three years ago when the Athletic Department gave $200,000 to the Student Government Association. This money was put into an endowment to provide a monetary award to faculty for innovative teaching in the classroom. The interest from the endowment is used to provide an award to the recipient and the rest is given to the library in the name of the recipient and his/her department. Mr. Rucker announced that the award will be named the Prince Award for Creative Teaching in honor of President Emeritus Philip Prince. Student Government's third major project is entitled "Clemson's Campus Sweep" which is designed to enhance the beauty of Clemson University's campus and to instill a sense of community in the students and faculty at Clemson. The project is a Spring cleaning sponsored by Student Government that will be held on Friday, March 29, starting at 8:OO A.M. and ending with a concert that evening in the amphitheater. The goal is to bring the University community together for one common purpose. Item 5. Acriculture and Natural Resources Committee Report - Mr. Wood Action Items A. Appointment to Clemson University Research Foundation (CUW) Board Statement: Janis Cheezem recommended that the Board extend the term of CURF Board member Darra Cothran to July 31,1998. Action: Mr. Wood, on behalf of the ANR Committee, made a motion to approve the recommendation, Mr. McTeer seconded and the vote of approval of the Board was unanimous. B. Purchase of Site for Animal Diagnostic Lab Statement: Stassen Thompson presented a request for approval to purchase 4+/,acres for the site of the Animal Diagnostic Laboratory. The site is comprised of Lot 32 and 75 feet of Lot 31 on the map shown at Attachment 2, running the length of the common property line, located in Richland Northeast Industrial Park, Clemson Road, Richland County, SC. Fair market value of the property, MA1 appraisal is consistent with the purchase price of $25,000 per acre. Phase I environmental assessment did not reveal any environmental problems. Funds to purchase the property are FY 95 state appropriated funds. All utilities (water, power and sewer) will be run to the property line at the County's expense. Action: Mr. Wood, on behalf of the ANR committee, made a motion to agirove e request, Mr. Kingsmore seconded and the vote of approval by the Board was unanimous. 3 - February 2,1996 Item 6. President's Report Statement: President Curris reported that the self-study process has begun that will lead to certification of our Intercollegiate Athletic Program. This is in accordance with policies adopted by the NCAA. Ben Anderson is serving as Chair of the Commission. There are four committees all of which have representation primarily by people outside the immediate athletic area. These committees will be paying particular attention to equity and access, academic integrity, and financial stability. When the process is completed, a visitation team will be appointed by the NCAA and then a report from them will be submitted. The President stated that a part of our approach to the South Carolina General Assembly and the Governor is to support a proposal from Clemson University to establish an Industrial Extension Service patterned on successful programs in other states, not the least of which is Georgia Tech's Industrial Extension Service. We are especially interested in addressing from our educational and public service perspective some of the key issues that the State has identified in its overall economic development plan, particularly in the area of rural development. President Curris discussed the funds received by our Athletic Department for the rental of our stadium and other facilities by the Panthers football organization during their inaugural season. He distributed a report from Athletics Director Bobby Robinson which outlines Mr. Robinson's recornmendation for distribution of those funds (Attachment 3). Dr. Curris endorsed Mr. Robinson's recommendation. Mr. Gressette asked that President Curris convey to Bobby Robinson the Board's appreciation for what he and the Athletic Department have done for academics. He stated that this distribution of revenue is indicative of the support that the University has received from the Athletic Department over the years. Mr. Kingsmore asked the Executive Secretary to the Board to write to Mr. Jerry Richardson to express the Board's appreciation for contributions from the Panthers Association to support the University's educational purposes. Item 7. Executive Session Statement: The Chairman announced that the Board needed to go into executive session to discuss personnel and contractual matters. Mr. Kingsmore made a motion to go into executive session, Dr. Britton seconded and the vote of approval was unanimous. The Chairman announced that no decisions would be made and no votes taken while in executive session. The Board went into executive session at 1:45 P.M. 4 February 2,1996 Item8. Open Session Statement: The Chairman reconvened the meeting of the Board at 210 P.M. He announced that no decisions were made and no votes taken while in executive session. Item 9. Budget and Finance Committee Report - Mr. McTeer Statement: The following informational reports were received by the Trustees: FY 94-95 Comprehensive Financial Report and Audit Report A. B. Bond Update C. Facilities Activity Report Chief Financial Officer Search Update D. E. Facilities Management Contract - Item 10. Educational Policv Committee Report Mr. Swann Statement: Mr. Swann stated that the Committee did not meet; therefore, there were no items to report. - Item 11. Institutional Advancement Committee ReDort Mr. Amick Statement: The following informational reports were received by the Trustees: A. Mid-year Gift Report B. Mid-year Media Report C. Madren Center/Walker Golf Course Update Item 12. Ratification of Mail Ballot Statement: Mr. Lomax stated that the Board approved by mail ballot of December 13, 1995 the awarding of honorary degrees to Jack McCormac and Thomas S. Moorman at the December 1995 graduation ceremony. Action: Mr. Amick made a motion to ratify the mail ballot, Mrs. McAbee seconded and the vote of approval was unanimous. Item 13. Adjournment Statement: Mr. Wood made a motion to adjourn at 2 2 0 F.M., Mr. Kingsrnore seconded and the vote of approval was unanimous. Respectfully submitted, Lomax ecretary to the Board of Trustees 5