$33027?" RESTRICTED (when complete) Witness Statement (CJ Act 1967, Act1980, and 55: Criminal Procedure Rules 2005, Rule 27V1l Age if under 18: 016,, liloverlarnsarl'overlfi') occupation: 33; person This statement (consisu'ng of Lt page(s) each signed by me) is true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I make knowing that, ifi tendered in evidence, I shall be liable to prosecution if I have wilfully stated In it. anything which I know to be false, or do not believe to be true. Date: 15/06/2010 When Aaron was growing and then became a toddler it was apparent that he was showing signs of behaviour problems, he would often bang his head against any hard surface and whilst doing so would - aggressive and shout. He did not Interact with other children and appeared to be a loner. RESTRICTED (when complete) RESTRICTED (when complete] Continuation of Statement of: Page 2 Aaron was always getting himsell into trouble more often than not. and did not appear to be aware of the dangers around him; he would climb buildings and on one occasion he tried to stab me then went on to climb the roof of the house. the police were called and the house was cordoned off. He appeared to tear nothing! Aaron would also always laugh after he did these things as though he thought he was doing nothing wrong, I was unable to cope with him anymore and needed more help. It was decided at this stage thal he should go into care. He needed the help of professional people. When Aaron went into care moved to Glastone St. Canton. Nottingham. Aaron was referred to the Beechdale Children's home in Nottingham; I remember it was just before his 12'" birthday. I would visit him regularly, some days he was in a good mood. some days not, He wasn't happy at the fact that he was in a home. i can't remember how long he was at this home but I do believe that it was whilst here that he was sexually abused by another child at the home. I think this was investigated by Nottinghamshire olioe. I do not know what the outcome was of the investi ation. RESTRICTED (when complete) RESTRICTED (when complete) RESTRICTED {when complete) -- Signamre Wimessedb I