UNCLASSIFIED U. S. Department of State Case No. F- 2016- 17309 Doc No. 006358997 Date: 09/15/2017 Page 1 61:3 RELEASE IN PART B1, 1 From: SMART Archive Sent: 10/19/2016 7:21:08 PM To: SMART Core Subject: (SIT 1 1 Wm. Sensitive MRN: 16 STATE 59007 Oct 19, 2016/ 1923202 OCT 16 From: SECSTATE WASHDC Action: USNATO. USMISSION ROUTINE 5.0.: 13526 TAGS: PREL. PGOV, RU. NATO Captions; SENSITIVE Reference: 16 STATE 5325 Pass Line: AMCONSUL FRANKFURT PASS TO AMCONSUL OUSSELOORF 1 4(8) AMEMBASSY LONDON PASS TO AMCONSUL EDINBURGH AMCONSUL FRANKFURT PASS TO AMCONSUL HAMBURG 1 AMEMBASSY BERLIN PASS TO AMCONSUL LEIPZIG 1 AMEMBASSY VILNIUS PASS TO AMEMBASSY MINSK 1 B1 AMEMBASSY LISBON PASS TO AMCONSUL PONTA DELGADA AMEMBASSY MOSCOW PASS TO AMCONSUL ST PETERSBURG AMEMBASSY PARIS PASS TO AMCONSUL STRASBOURG AMEMBASSY MOSCOW PASS TO AMCONSUL VLADIVOSTOK AMEMBASSY MOSCOW PASS TO AMCONSUL YEKATERINBURG Subject: (S)l Page 1 4 UNCLASSIFIED U. S. Department of State Case No. F-2016- 17309 Doc No. 006358997 Date: 09/15/2017 . UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2016-17309 Doc No. 006358997 Date: 09/15/2017 Page 2 of a (SBU) Cyber/Political Parties/Elections 1.4(3) (SBU) The United States intelligence community has recently assessed with high con?dence that the recent disclosures of alleged hacked emails on sites like DCLeaks.eom, and WikiLeaks, and by Guccifer 2.0 are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. Given the scope of those efforts, the intelligence community has concluded that they are almost certainly directed by senior Russian government of?cials. (SBU) The US. govemment?will provide resources to ensure the sanctity of our electoral systems. The Department of Homeland Security has already been working effectively with more than 30 states to fortify their systems, in addition DHS has engaged a number of local jurisdictions. (SBU) Pro-Kremlin NGOs and Think Tanks (SBU) In the United States, an organization known as the ?Human Rights Accountability Global Initiative," is.working to erode support for the Magnitsky Act, which imposes sanctions on persons responsible for the death of Sergey Magnitsky and other gross human rights violations. The organization screened an anti-Magnitsky ?lm at Washington?s Newseum in June. Circumstantial evidence suggests the organization?s funding is connected to individuals who bene?ted from the tax fraud that Magnitsky uncovered in 2008. (SBU) Russian Activities in Nations (SBU) There has been much public reporting on Russian actions in many Allied and Partner states, and we note that Russia has focused signi?cant resources on speci?c Partners, like Sweden and Finland. Russian actors are suspected of being behind recent efforts to in?ltrate Sweden with distorted and false information about NATO in the Swedish press, at think tank events, and on social media, notably in the run-up to the 2016 Swedish rati?cation of the NATO Host Nation Support CLASSIHCATEON Page 2 of a UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case No. F-2016-17309 Doc No: C06358997 Date: 09/15/2017 UNCLASSIFIED US Department of State Case No. F-2016-17309 Doc No. 006358997 Date: 09/15/2017 (It. Fags 3 of Agreement, confusing public perceptions about Sweden' 5 partnership with the Al_.liance Russia is also suspected of carrying cut cyber attacks against Swedish media outlets in March 2016. SAPO the Swedish Security Service, look the unprecedented step last April of publicly stating that at least one individual involved in the debate over cooperation witlilNATO, on the anti-NATO side, was directly connected to Russian intelligence. 1 1 (SBU) Finland also faces intensi?ed media attacks allegedly led by the Kremlin, which serve to 1' create distrust between leaders and citizens and raise suspicions about joining NATO. . Signature: Kerry Classified By: Name: Kathleen Kavalec Title. Deputy Secretary Of?ce: EUR Derived From: DSCG 11-01 Declassify On: 2041710119 Drafted By: EUR Cleared By: Fags 3 of 4 UNCLASSIFIED U. S. Department of State Case No. F- 2016- 17309 Dec No. 006358997 Date: 09/15/2017 UNCLASSIFIED US. Department of State Case NO. F-2016-17309 Doc NO. 006358997 Date: 09/15/2017 - . Page A of at - BB 1 Approved By: Released By: BS MOSCOW AMEMBASSY RourmE; NATO EU COLLECTIVE ALL EU ROPE COLLECTIVE - DELGADA. PETERSBURG ZENNLADIVOSTOK. AMCONSUL Dissemination Rule: Archive Copy . Sensitive Page 4 o? 4 UNCLASSIFIED S. Department of State Case No. F-2016- 17309 Doc No. C06358997 Date. 09/15/2017