August 1, 2018 Dear Parents of Lafayette Academy Students: OPSB informed us that Monday’s asbestos issue was not as significant as OPSB first thought. The small amount of asbestos released during construction was safely cleaned up and work on the site continues ahead of the August 27 start of school. Upon consultation with our partners at OPSB, we have determined that the Kerlerec Street campus remains the best option available for Lafayette Academy Grades 5-8. Again, our top priority is to provide your children with a safe educational environment. Accordingly, we have hired an independent expert to verify that all regulatory requirements to protect school children and employees from asbestos exposure have been met before the building is opened to staff and students. Please remember that we have scheduled a parent meeting specifically to address any asbestos-related concerns. This meeting will occur on August 9, 2018 at 5:30 p.m. at the Dunbar School, and will feature a medical doctor who is a specialist in pediatric pulmonology as well as an independent expert in the field of asbestos remediation. We encourage you to attend. Finally, accompanying this letter is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) addressing issues such as transportation, school start/end times, school uniforms, and others. We will update these FAQs frequently in the next few weeks. Please tell us if you have a question that is not answered and should be added by calling 504-861-9767. We will continue to inform you of developments affecting the Lafayette Academy community as soon as this information is available to us. Sincerely, James R. Swanson President, Board of Directors Choice Foundation 9330 Forshey St New Orleans, LA 70118 Web: Phone: 504.861.7032