January 15, 1996 MEMORANDUM To: J. Charles Jennett Provost From: Joseph F. Boykin, Jr Dean of Libraries Re: Proposal for use of Carolina Panther Income The purpose of this memorandum is to request that $640,000 of the one time funds from the Carolina Panthers be allocated to the Libraries. The Libraries have evaluated various ways an infusion of signi?cant funding could be used to the greatest bene?t of our users. The fact that these funds are one time funds has an impact on the options available. We have examined the potential for a major one time increase in our book budget and for technology improvements. It is our considered opinion that the biggest ?bang for the buck? in terms of bene?t to our users would be an opportunity to ?catch-up? technology wise. However, there are some key information resources which are desperately needed and we have included funding for these items, both electronic and printed resources. . As you know, Clemson was a leader in the early days of library technology, in the early to mid 1980?s. Since that time, we have continued to use the systems we put in place during those years. They have since gone from cutting edge to out of date. For example, in the 80?s we were light years ahead of USC Libraries, now we are behind them. For several months, we have had a task force at work to determine what we need to do to once again be up?to?date and provide our users the best access the dramatically increasing amount of information available in electronic form. The basic concept we have agreed upon is simply described as ?One Service Point.? This concept means that the library user should be able to access all systems and the information on the World Wide Web from one interface. To make this concept reality, a number of steps needs to be taken. RECEIVED mavens 7mm 4