USDA (/1 00 0 May 4, 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR JOSEPHHAGIN ASSISTANTTO THEPRESIDENT ANDDEPUTYCHIEFOF STAFFFOROPERATIONS D!r.of FROM: L. Christopher Young, Departmentof Agriculture SUBJECT: Request White House Support Mis on Designationfor Travel Staff for Operations, U.S. I. RequestingPrincipal:The Secretaryof Agrieulture 2. Puipose of the trip: To visit agricul!uralareas of Arkansasravaged by recent heavy rains and flooding;at the urgent request of the Governorof Arkansas,its two U.S. Senators,and Membersof its CongressionalDelegation,theSecretary wishes to visit rice productionareas and rice limners in NE Arlck,Arl:ansasNationalGuard assets, .i the direction of the Governor,will transport theSee..-y until the ret.tnnto theNCR. 3. 24-hourPoint of Contact:Chris Young, 202.579.3240.ohris.)'.9Wlg@oscc.usd; 6 ..r 3 ~ 4. Travel Itinerary: • • • Location: ADW - LIT Date: Sunday, 7 May 2017 Requestedtime of departure: 1100 • • • Location: LIT •• ADW Date: Sunday,7 May 2017 Requestedtime of departure: 1530 t-' 0 5. Total number of passengers.(5) See enclosureA. (a manifest will be required prior to exooution, List all names with affiliatedagency,to include the Principal; annotate if a fureignnational) 1 18-L-0088/ESD/0001 DOD-17-0430-A-000001 6. SpecialConsiderations:Aircraftto be madeavailableon a non-reimbuxsablebasis. The memo is submittedlw than the seven requisiteday• becauseof the suddennature of this naturaldisasterend theurgentrequestfor• visit, receivedthis afternoon(Thursday,4 May) from theleadershipof Arkansas. £ Approved as Reques!e attached request is complete . - Copies were dispatched to: l)Nl:. C✓AM CHECK ONE : / - Distribution made , please control and tile. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum , control and file . - Copy back to me . COMMENTS : Attachment : Asstated 18-L-0088/ ESD/0008 DOD-17-0430-A-000008 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSE DATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 10-Apr-2017 O5D004772~17 REQUEST TYPE RESPONSE TYPE Gen~ralIncoming FROM DN!LEWIS Action ID CMD006652-17 TO EXSEC Package View GeneralIncoming OPR SUBJECT REQUESTFOR VIPAIRLIFTANDACCEPTANCEOF flNANOlALl.JABILJTY - Mlt.AIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME DATE SIGNATURE THE ATTACHEDDOCUMENTSMAY CONTAIN SENSITIVEINFORMATIONTO INCLUDEPRIVACYACT MATERIAL- PLEASEHANDLEACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED4/19/201711:14:55AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0009 DOD-17-0430-A-000009 POii 9FA81ALH9E 8NL'( WashinlUNI,D.C. 20511 MSN NO: ACff: 39561 & 39S68 C•37 MSN DATES: 28 Sep2017 2 Oct 17 COST EST: (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) 20 September 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: ExecutiveSecretariat Officeof lhe Sec~tary of Defcn!!C W~hington. DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: AMMENDEDRequestVIPairlift and A~-ccptuceof FinancialLiability(Al8S-17] (b)(3):50 U.S,C . § ,/30 24(i) A.l ,/ . I l. The Director of National Intelligence(DNI) requires round trip airlift from Andrews MD ~~~~~~A~~~~wanmret~ummJfro~mlJMMJanchester. NH on 2 October 2017 . (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) A propot;ed itiMrary hu been coordinated wilh lhe HQ AF: p aru,en; aJ'I 1stentatively scheduled for iuppoct via USAF C-37 aircraft, utif ·n two se mi"ions from Andrews AFB. ODNI Airlift rations ma be ~otaclCd '24f7at (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) 2. Theproposed rouie of flighl is: KADW- KBED - KMHT-KADW.This lrip is in die national ill~t and commercialtravel is uosuiaablcdue to DNI and PDDNl accurity aod oomrnuoicationli iequinsmenu. 3. (U) J certifydJat lhe U.S. militaiyair lrBDSportation iequestedabo~eis requiredby the ODNI. in accordancewith Title 31, USC,lhe ..EconomyAct", and lhe ODNl has obligalCdfund.'ito cover the C.OSISof lhis mmion. This iequestcomplieswilh all of abe uirements outlined in 0MB cin:ular 126. Please submit billingto: FINANCEJFOSILOS; (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(6) Approved~ sementOfficer Disapproy r (6) l'OII eMelM: tJ9EeNL\' 18-L-0088/ESD/00 10 11\ IIIII IIHHI Hil ·· OS001168t- ,17/CM00 15572°17 - DOD-17-0430-A-000010 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM TO: ESD Date: - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: CVAM c,A- - Distribution made, please control the file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: Attachment: As stated Military Assistant 18-L-0088/ESD/0011 DOD-17-0430-A-000011 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSE DATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 20-Sep-2017 OSO011681-17 RESPONSETYPE REQUEST TYPE General Incoming FROM DNJLEWIS Action ID CMD015572-17 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming QPR SUBJECT AMMENDED REQUEST VIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL LIABILITY A185-17. MILAIR DISTRIBUTIONAGENCY DISTRIBUTIONTYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME DATE SIGNATURE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 9/22/2017 8:11:27 AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0012 DOD-17-0430-A-000012 1'9R 8Pfl01At: 1:19E8NLY Office or the Director orNatienal lnleWgence • Washington, D.C.1051 t MSNNO: 1 May 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretariat Office of the Secretary of Defense Washington, DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: Request for VIP airlift and Acceptance of Financial Liability rMcmo A127-17) I. The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) requires round trip airlift fi om An r w • . to Euro Paris. Brussels, Berlin London from )4 to 20 May 2017. (b}(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(1) (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) A proposed itinerary has lieen coor m wrt t e USAF/CV AM planners and is tentativelyscheduled for support yia\JSAf C-32aircraft,ODNI Airlift O rations ma: be contacted 24/7 aul(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) L------------------' 2. The proposed route of flight is: KADW- I.FP8 - EBMB - EDDT - EGSS - KADW. This trip is in the national interest and commercial travel is unsuitable due to DN I and PDDNI security and communications requirements. 3. (U) I certify that the U.S. military air transportationrequested above is required by the ODNI. in accordancewith Title 3 I. USC , the "Economy Act'·, and the ODNI has obli1,,atedfunds to cover the costs of this mission. This reque!.1complies with all · ·. 126. Please submit billing to: FINANCE/FOS/LOS; ; (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(1) ~ J__J Disapproved (b-)(6~0 ·r;.;:, b:)( ,.: .6;:. )=======- I 2017 ~A~-A I DcomvCbicf ManagementOfficer l(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) fie" eli'flOIM:: U9! 9NLY 18-L-0088/ESD/00 13 DOD-17-0430-A-000013 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM TO:ESD Date: - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: CHECK ONE: _L_ -Distribution made, please control and file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: Military Assistant Attachment: As stated 18-L-0088/ESD/0014 DOD-17-0430-A-000014 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSEDATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 01-May-2017 0S0005299-17 RESPONSETYPE REQUEST TYPE General Incoming FROM DNI LEWIS Action ID CMD007375-17 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming OPR SUBJECT REQUESTFOR VIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCEOF FINANCIALUABIUTY MEMO A 127-17• MILAIR DISTRIBUTIONAGENCY DISTRIBUTIONTYPE RLB R OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATI ACHED CXXUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 512/20178:26:18 AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0015 DOD-17-0430-A-000015 F9A 9FFl8blcL tJSI! Oltt I Officeorthe Director of NationalIntelligence Wublngton, D.C. 20511 MSN NO: 40415 ACFf: C-37 16 January2018 MEMORANDUMFOR: Executive Secretariat Office of the Secretary of Defense Washington, DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: Request VIP airlift and Acceptance of financial Liability [A077-18] I. The Dm:ctor of National Intelligence (DNI) renuires round !Jin airlift from Andrews AFB, MD ... ,,., ~ m 26 to 28 January2018 . (b)(3):50 u.s.c. § 3024(i) (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) A proposed itinercll}'bas been cooJdinatedwith lhe HQ USAF/CVAM .,.. 'Di ....,. .... ; .. -,. planners and is tentatively scheduled for suppon via USAF C-37 aircraft from AndrewsAFB, MD. I ODNI Airlift Operations maybe contacted 24'7 at i( b)(3):50 u.s.c. § 3024(i) l(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) I 2. The proposed route of flight is: KADW - KBMG- KADW. This lrip is in the national interest and commercial travel is unsuitable due to DNI and POONI security and communications requirements. 3. (U) I certify that the U.S. military air transportation requested above is required by the ODNl, in accordance with Title 31, USC, the "Economy Act .., and the ODNI bas obligaled funds lO cover lhe costSof this mission. 'Otis request complies with all of t.l?er- ui.reD".entsoutlined in 0MB circular 11 126. Please submit billing to: FINANCEIFOS/WS; (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) ....__=-- __________ (b}(6) _. 1 Iu,/, 1'8111 OPl'leliltt tJSI!eNt'i 18-L-0088/ESD/00 16 DOD-17-0430-A-000016 - --EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM I Date: TO:ESD /I'"+/19' -Action on the attached requestjs complete. - Copies were dispatched to: OIA: l-VA:M CH7 - Distribution made, please control and file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: &Wt: Military Assistant Attachment: As stated 18-L-0088/ESD/0017 DOD-17-0430-A-000017 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSEDATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Nonnal Control Number 16-Jan-2018 OSD000605-18 REQUEST TYPE RESPONSETYPE Gene111IIncoming FROM DNI LEWIS Action ID CMD000753-18 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming QPR SUBJECT REQUESTVIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCEOF FINANCIAL UABIUTY - MIL.AIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE TI-IE ATI ACHED DOCUMENTSMAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE rNFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRJVACY ACT MATERJAL- PLEASE HANDLEACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 1118/201812:39:57 PM 18-L-0088/ESD/0018 DOD-17-0430-A-000018 ················----- F8R 613Fl81tllttJ9E8NLY Officeof die Director of NationallnteUigence WublngtGn,D.C. 20511 MSNNO: 401.40& 40241 ACFJ': C-37 MSN DATES: 23-27 Dec 20l7 (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024 i COST f-5T: 12.December 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR: ExecutiveSccrewiat Office of tile Secretacy of Defense Washington, DC 20307-1000 SUBJECr: AMMENDEDRequestVIPairliftandA«eptance of FinancialLiability [A060-18] 1. The Principal Deputy Director of National lotelligence(PDDNI) · rou tri · · AFB,MD to Houston. Texasfrom 23 to 27 December 2017 .. (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) !(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) propooeditinerarybas coo w1 e HQ USAF/CVAM plannen and is tentatively scheduled for support via USAF C-37 aircraft from Andre te missions. ODNI Airli t · tacted 24f1 at (b}(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) !A 2. The proposedroute of fligbl is: KADW - KHOU - KADW. Thistrip is in lhe nationalinterest andcommercial travel is unsuitable due to DNI and PDDNI security and communications .re.quiremeots. 3. (U) I certify thatlhe U.S. miliwy air transpo.rtationrequested above is required by the ODNI. in accordance with Title 31, USC, the "Economy Act", and the ODNI bu obfigated funds to cover lhe costs of this mission. This requestcomplies with all therequirements outlinedin 0MB circular 126. Pleasesubmitbillingto: PINANCFJFOSILOS::! r' b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024( i) (b)(6) Approved, Disappro· r b)(6) POii OPl'telM. tlSI! ONLt 18-L-0088/ESD/00 19 IIHlllll~ IIIII · --osoo15 ,45i1:1-?ICM00203n ;t1 -- DOD-17-0430-A-000019 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM TO:ESD Date: - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: Ci/A.M ('1A- CHECK ONE~ ,, k://., - Distribution made, please control and file. - Please distribute lo offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back lo me. COMMENTS: Attachment: As stated / Z.#ktz' Milita~ Assistant 18-L-0088/ESD/0020 DOD-17-0430-A-000020 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSE DATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 12-Dec-2017 OSD015454-17 REQUEST TYPE RESPONSE TYPE General Incoming FROM ONI LEWIS Action ID CMD020373-17 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming QPR SUBJECT AMMENDEO REQUEST VIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL LIABILITY • MIL.AIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRlVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 1211312017 8:57:03 AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0021 DOD-17-0430-A-000021 F8fl 6FFl8bftl ~9E 8NLY Office of the Director of National Intelligence Washington,D.C. 20511 MSN NO: 37917 & 37924 ACFf: C-37 MSN DATES: 17-21 Mar 2017 COST EST: l (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § _3024(i) l 5 March 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR: Executive Secretariat Office of I.heSecretary of Defense Washington, DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: Request for VJP airlift and Acceptanceof Financial Liability [Memo A 106-17) 1. The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) re uir rou tri ·rlifi o D to Indian lis, Indiana from 17 to 21 March 2017. (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) A propoi,ed itinerary has been coordinated with I.heHQ USAF/CV AM (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) p anners an 1s tentauvely scheduledfor supporfivia USAFC-37 ajrcrafr QDNI AirljftQnera1iops ma be conlacted 24/7 a~(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(1) (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § I 2. The proposed route of flight is: KADW - KIND - KADW. This trip is in the national interest and commercial travel is unsuitable due to DNI and POONI security and communications requirements. 3. (U) I cenify that the U.S. military air transponation reque sted above is required by the ODNI. in accordance with Title 31, USC. the "Econom y Act ", and the ODNI has obligated funds to cover the costs of this mission. This request complies with all of the requirements outlined in 0MB circular 126. Please submit billing Lo: FINANC&'FOS/LOS;._f{b_ )_ (3_):_ so_ u._s_.c_. _§_3_ 02_4_(i_ ) _______ _. (b)(6) '315 / rf l' b)(6) """ 8PPlel~L tJ9E er•tY 18-L-0088/ESD/0022 1111111 1Hllll111 ·· OSD003347 ~171CMD'J046H 0 17 ·· DOD-17-0430-A-000022 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM TO:ESD Date: - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: CHECK ONE: / - Distribution made, please control and file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: Attachment: As stated 18-L-0088/ESD/0023 DOD-17-0430-A-000023 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSE DATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 15-Mar.2017 OSD003347-17 REQUEST TYPE RESPONSE TYPE General Incoming FROM DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE LEWIS Action ID CMD004811-17 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming QPR SUBJECT REQUEST FOR VIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL LIABILITY - MILAIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 3121/2017 8:35:37 AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0024 DOD-17-0430-A-000024 J ~+- .f..~ ~v'4---"'1ur;t- ,e111 e,i-,e,,-LttseeNt'\' Office of the Director of National Intelligence Wa,hington, D.C. 20511 MSN NO: 39705 ACFT: C-37 MSNDATF.S: 13-J40ct2017 COST EST: (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) 3 Octohcr 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretariat Office of the Secretary of Defense Washington, DC 20307-1000 :Ub2s= .Jq .:>{ 1 "l)proved Disapproved. ____ _ HallockN. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN ExecutiveSecretary SUBJECT: AMMENDED Request VIP airlift and Acceptance of Financial Liability [A029-18] 2. The proposed route of flight is: KADW - KRDU - KADW. This trip is in the national interest and commercial trnal in1e1est and commen:ialnvcl ii umuicabledae ro DNl and PDDNIsecuriiy at comatttaicalians Rqllireme81S. abli.,., 3. (U) I catify lbll die U.S.mi1illly1k trwportationrequeseecl above ia mqainldby lhe ODNLin accordance withTide 31~USC.die "BcGnomyld9. andlbe ODNIbP fan roc:mertbe ms1S of du, minion 'lbiamqaeatcomplies wilb all · .· 126. P.lcue submit biWag eo:FJNANCBIFOSILOS(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(1) · · (b)(6) Approved_ Dlsapprove.- rb)(6) DOD-17-0430-A-000031 - EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM TO:ESD Date: - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: CHECK ONE: _L_ -Distribution made, please control and file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: -·OS0002725•-ti/CMC003941'~17 · Attachment: As stated 18-L-0088/ESD/0032 DOD-17-0430-A-000032 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSEDATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Nonnal Con rol Number 02-Mar-2017 0S0002726-17 RESPONSETYPE REQUEST TYPE General Incoming FROM DNILEWIS Action ID CMD003941-17 TO EXSECBRU... PackageView General Incoming OPR SUBJECT REQUEST FOR VIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL LIABILITY (MEMO A 102-17)- MILAIR DISTRIBUTIONAGENCY DISTRIBUTIONTYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATTACHED lXX:UMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITlVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDEPRIVACYACT MATERIAL- PLEASEHANDLEACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED3/7/2017 5:27:10 PM 18-L-0088/ESD/0033 DOD-17-0430-A-000033 FeFI 8PftehttL tJ91!8NL\' orNational Office of the Director Intelligence Washington,D.C. 20511 MSN NO: 39141 ACFT: C-37 MSN DATES: JOAug 2017 COST EST: (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024 (i) 4Aug 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR: Executive Secretariat Office of the Secretary of Defense Washington. DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: Request for VIP airlift and Acceptance of Financial Liability [Memo A 17~ 17} 1. The Directo.rof National;!~~Lu.Jllil2..airlitUf.Cw~.wll~UH:1:....klW..... NJon 10 Aug 2017. (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024 (i) A proposeditinerary ha.~beencoor _1-na--:-te--.-w-1r:"l'""'.~e "l""r7'1:"'TT.l"l"'T"1,..,,,,;Cm'T'7"~plr-a-,in-e_rs_· and---: .... 1~-te~n~t-at:"'l""iv-cT"y___, scheduled for support via USAF C-37 aircraft from Andrews AFB.· ODNJ Airlift rations ma to Morristown. be contacted 24f7 a1 (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024 (i) 2. The proposedroute of flight is: .KADW- KMMU- KADW. This trip is in the national interest and (;Ommercial travel is unsuitable due to DNI security and communications requirements. 3. (U) I cenify that the U.S. military air trdllsportationrequested above is required by the ODNI. in accordancewith Title 31. USC. the "Economy Act", and the ODNI has obligated funds to cover the costs of this mission. This requestcomplies with all oftherequirements ou~lioe:sl in 0MBcirculj 126. Please submit billing to: FINANCE/FOS/LOSf b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024 (1) _ ~1~ (b)(6) De • Approvtd_ DisapproVI r.... _ )( Chief Mana ement Officer (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) 6 _) _____ 1 FOR 9FFISIAL USE ONlY 18-L-0088/ESD/0034 111111m~ 11 n .. 0$000935""5~ 1?,CMDOt.2707 ~ 17 ··· DOD-17-0430-A-000034 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM TO:ESD Date: - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: DNI C.,;AM CHECK ONE: -~~- - Distribution made, please control and file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: L .,,,,.;v <'°AH" ~ Military Assistant Attachment: As stated 18-L-0088/ESD/0035 DOD-17-0430-A-000035 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSE DATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Control Number 04-Aug-2017 O8D009355-17 REQUESTTYPE RESPONSETYPE General Incoming FROM DNI LEWIS Action ID CMD012707-17 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming OPR SUBJECT REQUEST FOR VIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL LIABILITY MEMO A170-17 • MIL.AIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATI ACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 817/20178:26:47 AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0036 DOD-17-0430-A-000036 Pefl Ol'PlelM: lt9! 8Nt't Office of the Dlndor of NadGnal lntelllgeaa • Washiqton, D.C. 28511 MSNNO: 40450 ACFf: C-40B MSNDATES :....,.:;:29~J~an-~2=-,:,JI;~~ COST EST: (b) 3):50 U.S.C. § 3024( i) 19 Jwwary2018 MEMORANDUM FOR; Ex.ecud\leSeaetariu Off'i.u of the Secretary of Defense Wubinat,on. DC 20307~1000 SUBIECT: AMMENDED Rcquesl vtP airlift and AcceptanceofFiu.nciaJ Liability (A079.18] (b)(3): 50 U.S.G,.§ 3024 (1), , I. Tbe PriDcipalDeputy Directorof Naliooallotelligeoce(PDDNI)requiresround trip airlift from AndrewsAFB, MD 10 San . CA. lm eles. CA. San Jose. and Seattle WA from Jaouary to 2 February 2018 . b 3): 50 U.S.C. § 3024 {i) A proposeditioaary bas beencoocdinlllcdwilh SAF VAM plunen andis lentativcly scb:dulcd for supponvia USAF C-40B aira1lft from Andrews AFB. MD. ODNI Airlift~ .~, be rontaacdW1 (b)( 3): 50 U.S.C. § 3024 (i) al! 2. Tbt proposed route of flipt is: KAQW - KSAN - KLAX - KSJC- KBF1 - KADWThis trip lllin tbc oationaliDleMl and commercialtnvel is unsuilablcdue to DNI and PDDNI security and oornmunicariourcquiremeou. _n 3. M I certify dudthe U.S. military air transportation iequestedabove is requil'CCI by the ODNI. in llCCOldaDce with Tide 31. USC. the'"&onomyAd", andthe ODNI bas obligared fonds to cowir the costa of Ibis .missioo.This request complieswilh all of the requiremeotaoutlined m0MB circular 126. Pleasesubmit biUiagto: FINANCE/POS/LOS;l (b)(3): 50 u.s.c. § 3024(i ) l (b)(6) ..1..tvCbief MaaagemcatOfficer (b)(3): 50 U.S.C. § 3024 (i) l'OR OPPICIM::ttft ONLY 18-L-0088/ESD/0037 111 IIIIHHI - ·-oscooo138-rs1CM000093ts:1a·.... DOD-17-0430-A-000037 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM TO:ESD c/r~/rp I Date: - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: c.,,A C ✓an CHECK ONE: ~ Distribution made, ptease control and file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: ~,ef,/ MIiitary Assistant Attachment: Asstated 18-L-0088/ESD/0038 DOD-17-0430-A-000038 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSE DATE Normal DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Control Number 19-Jan-2018 0S0000738-18 REQUEST TYPE RESPONSE TYPE General Incoming FROM ONILEWIS Action ID CMD000935-18 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming OPR SUBJECT AMENDEDREQUESTVIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCEOF FINANCIALLIABILITY· MILAIR DISTRIBUTIONAGENCY DISTRIBUTIONTYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTSMAY CONTAIN SENSITIVEINFORMATIONTO INCLUDEPRIVACY ACT MATERIAL- PLEASE HANDLEACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 1/23/20188:30:15 AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0039 DOD-17-0430-A-000039 l'elll bi I IOtAt:1:19E 8NL\' Office ordie Director orNatlonal lnteWpnce • Washlngt.on.,D.C. 20511 MSN NO: 39230 ACFT: C-20 MSN DATES: ,..,; (b.,. )(~3),..., :5..,,. 0..,., U,..,. .S,.... .C.,.. . .,... § _ COST EST: 3024(i) 1.5August 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: &ecutive Sec:n:liiriat Office of the Secretary of Defense Washington, OC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: Request VIP aitl.ift and Acceptance ofFinanciaJ Liability (Al73-17] (b)(3):50 U.S.C...§ . t.=:::::--7A "'iip~rompo0: ·sca'ii1t1iiin;;ermyran:"liisliielnii":coocooiaiiiitea"wwii1 liuiie'Rr01.J!n.\J~~~v'A.1~pi'lan:0oe=rrss"aniinc:idi1:iss_, 3024(i) tenta1:1vey scheduled for support via a USAF C-20 aircraft from Andre~ AFB. ODNI Aidift iioAS ma be ~ntacted 2An •1(b )(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § ,_ ________________ _ 3024 i 2. The proposed route of flight is:!(b)(3):SOU.S.C. § 3024(i) lrip is in Lhcnational interest and commCICial 1ravcl is unsuilAbledoc to DNI and POONI security and communicatiom hrus n:quirements. 3. (U) I cenify 1bal lhc U.S. military air traruportation n:qucstedabove i~ required by the ODNJ. in accordancewidl Title 31, use.chc "EconomyAct". and the ODNI has obligated funds to cover the costs of lhis mission. This n:questcomplieswith all · · 126. Pleasesubmit billing to: PINANCF.IFOS/LOS•(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(6) Approved Disappro, r (6) POR e,,1e1M.: tt9! ONLV · OS0009933 -17'/CMD013383 °17 .. 18-L-0088/ESD/0Q4Q DOD-17-0430-A-000040 === === === === === === === === === === === - -~~==== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === - -~~==== === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === === ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: __ _ ~~~~: ~~Jffi~ W;M~' ~=™ - ==: === ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: , ,;~Afa:,: ::: ::: ::: ::: ~n- - ~ ~i-= == ::: ::: ::: ::: 1ff;'t ~I~~ === ::: ::: === ::: ::: -ef"- === - =ir ::: ::: ==: -~l~ === === === === ::: ::: ==: ::: ::: === === === === - ::: ::: --~-------- === ::: ::: ::: -~~:§tu..;.'l'~{tt,~~-b:ir.--tm£ ;d;b_~~~rm;r,m!tM · di in O · 126. Pleue submit billingro: FINANCEIFOSILOS; (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(6) Approvect, Djsapprov (b)(6) F8A 8FAOIM: UIE 8NLY 18-L-0088/ESD/0049 ---------------·-····-·-·. DOD-17-0430-A-000049 ···-·------ EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM TO: ESD Date: - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: CVAM Ct,4 CHECK ONE: ✓- Distribution made, please control and file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: ~ Military Assislant Attachment: Asstated 18-L-0088/ESD/0050 DOD-17-0430-A-000050 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSE DATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 10.Jul-2017 0S0008303-17 RESPONSE TYPE REQUEST TYPE General Incoming FROM NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE LEWIS Action ID CMD011376-17 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming QPR c) SUBJECT REQUESTVIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL LIABILITY. MILAIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 7/14/2017 10:58:42 AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0051 DOD-17-0430-A-000051 -· . ~-::~~~;~~~~...--7?:7 ~1".,;..J'i;?;.':}:::::: ., .....,......,",_...., ., =!~~~ (b)(3)·50 . U.S.C. § m_ 3024(i) Rii~ti-.:S~i- - _~1m~{~J~~-~~fJ1-jf~~: \.W&.i~J_.~~~ ---'l.t!U-1.JJ it~"j=~ 111_IB~-D~~$];~;;j~~~~~~~~-:1~.r~~~~.:~~~tll~%~~/4~1=} ::=:~::~~~~~~i~:;f~,~,!?ffiN~~~~~~~~t~~h H~~ :=.s;~~-i-~~~!t~~~!~:!:~rfum{{'tlii~ij~•~~;/.,:1Tiffi~@_lli'fI.t:"·sjJif~~~~~.-y _tw-~.J.~'Hi l(b)(3):so u.s.c. § 3024(i) __ rn 7.2~~~~~k:(~~iifL~rits:~4D:\\V ~{II ~~¥;:-~iili~ij#i~~~-mh~~~~~~ ~~t.~ci.:ii¾~J;.~~~:.W~tttrr8¾~~{fi}}~.:f~~.rumjy~~~~-·~t.q:$t~:-:- - ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~-ltl~~frtmT-t: !(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) m : : = - - -18-=L-0088 / ESD/0052 === DOD-17-0430-A-000052 --=~~ EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM Date: _ TO: ESD __.J_o ..... /_'-! __ - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: C.HECKO~ ✓ - Distribution made, please control the file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. • Copy back to me. COMMENTS: Attachment: As stated 18-L-0088/ESD/0053 Military Assistant DOD-17-0430-A-000053 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSEDATE IDATEOF CORRESPONDE INCE Normal 29•5eP•20'17 REO'UEST il"YPE IRESf>ONSE TYPE General llncomiilg 111 !FROM lt)Nll~ WlS Action 11 D CMD0 16426 ~17 TO IE-X-SEG Package View General Incoming OPR SUBJECiT' AMM ENDEDRE•QU'ESif VIP AIRLIFT AND.ACCEPTANCE OF FINAWCIAL LIA.BILITT A026 •1B • MILAIIR DlSi RllBUTIONAGIENCY DlSTRIBUlflON TYPE o RLB k .5&tf-+r1Cll,4,A{ 1- CJ: 64 . tf{~'f(o OCRs NAME DAiE SIGNATURE THE ATT.ACHEDDOCUMENTSMAYCONTAiN SENSITIVEINFORMAHON TO INCl UDEPRIVACYACT MATERIAL- PLEASEHANDLE ACCORDINGLY CJAl~PiRINTED1014l20175:32:59 PM 18-L-0088/ESD/0054 DOD-17-0430-A-000054 ,- l'ellle,111e1-.tl91!ONLY Wasldngton, D.C.1.0511 21 SqMember2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretarial Officeof die Seaaaey of Defense Wulliagton. DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: AMMENDEDRequestVIPlidifl IUldAceeptaneeofF.ioancialLiabitity[A186-171 I . The Dft.t10r of National lntelligeace ( · · · · • NJ on 12 September 2017. (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) '(b)(3):50 _ proposed~ bra been cooniliiiiefl~w~1ili"ilme~ITT~pj:j,;ivAAMMipii1annenmieittandiidiiss'· U.S.C..§ y for sPPP9(l via Annx V$APAIC-37Jircqft, ODNIAirJiftOg;Q1ions mav 3024(i) be~iuacted 2417•f b)(3):50 u.s.c. § 3024(1) scheduv I 2. The propoKd route of flight is: KADW - KMMJJ - KADW.This trip ls in lhe national iotm:at and (:IUIElllla'Cial tnvd is cllle io DNl and PDDNI security Md communications KqUimncob. 3. (U) l certify 11111 lhe U.S. militaryair U'IIISpOltillion n:qucsted llboveis R'lqUired by dJc ~ wilb TIile 31. USCt lhe ""Economy Act ... anddie OONJhas obligued nmcS.s IO cover dJe COGSof 1hismission. This Kquest complieswilh all of the J'C9UiJea,ents PYOjor4 126. Pleasesubmit1,iUingIO: FINANCFJFOSILOS{ b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(1) ' (b)(6) Approved Dfsappn,11 (b)(6) in 0MB drr;nlac -It' 'j POii OPPlelatd: tJ91!8NLY 18-L-0088/ESD/0055 DOD-17-0430-A-000055 - EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM TO: ESD Date: - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: CHECKO~ V - Distribution made, please control the file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: Attachment: As stated <;;,_,t,.,., '!It\ Pis, Tu<~ ~#'. Military Assistant 18-L-0088/ESD/0056 DOD-17-0430-A-000056 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSEDATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 21-Sep-2017 OSD011670-17 RESPONSETYPE REQUEST TYPE General Incoming FROM DNI LEWIS Action ID CMD015560-17 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming OPR SUBJECT REQUESTVIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCEOF FINANCIAL LIABILITY A186-17- Mil.AIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACYACT MATERIAL- PLEASE HANDLEACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 9/2112017 3:20:48 PM 18-L-0088/ESD/0057 DOD-17-0430-A-000057 ~Sekt .f" FOR OFFICIAL t,SI! Ol~LY V CV/kM VJ.V.:L/f/'1( Office of the Direetor of National Intelligence V-t CP 0 Washington, D.C. 20S11 MSN NO: 40091 & 40094 ACFT: C-37 MSN DATES: 30 Nov-3 Dc.c 17 COSTEST: (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) 21 Novemher 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretariat Office of the Sccrelal'}'of Defense Washington, DC 20307- J000 SUBJECT: AMMENDED Request VIP airlift and Acceptanceof Financial Liability(A053-18] (b)(3):50 u.s..c. § J. The Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence(PDDNI) require s round trip ajfljft from , / 3024(i) A~rcws AFB MD )9 DavtooaBeach Florida fmrn 30 Novfmberto 3 December 2017~ ...-!(b}(3).50 U.S.C. § 3024 (1) A proposed itinerary has h'--ce""'"n ___ _, I J coordinated with the HQ USAP/CV AM plunncrs and is tentatively i;cbeduled for support via USAF C~37 aircraft from .Andrews AFB MD . ODNI Airlift r.:1tionsma be contacted 24n at (b)(3):50 U.S.C. (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) § 3024(i) N 2. The proposed route of flight is: KADW - KDAB - KADW. This trip is in the national interest and commercial tr.1vclis unsuitable due to DNl and PDDNI security and communications requirements. 3. (U) I certify that the U.S. military air transponation requested above is required by the ODNI, in accordance with Title 31, USC, the ·•Economy Act" , and the ODNI has obligated funds to cover the costs of this mission. This request complie s with all of the r. uif nt outl ·n · n MB ircular 126. Please submit billing to: FINANCEIFOS/l.OS ; (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(6) Approv ~ Disappr I. ~l,1 "' ~~W.~~C.Dl,Officer (b)(6) I IllIIHIIIHII · ·· OS0015229 =17tCMD020094°17···· ,e,. err1e1At useONLY 18-L-0088/ESD/0058 DOD-17-0430-A-000058 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM 1-z/e,/,-,. Date: TO: ESD - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: ~f 11/t•/t?- i>N/ C11N1 • CHECK ONE: ~ --~-- Distribution made, please control the file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: I ~111111111 ···osoo15m·;H1cM0020004°t1 Attachment: As stated -- Military Assistant 18-L-0088/ESD/0059 DOD-17-0430-A-000059 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSEDATE DATEOF CORRESPONDENCE Nonnal Control Number 21-Nov-2017 0S0015229-17 RESPONSETYPE REQUESTTYPE Front Office Doc FROM DNIEWING Action ID CMD020094-17 TO EXSEC Package View Front Office Doc QPR Sso SUBJECT AMMENDEDREQUESTFORVIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCEOF FINANCIALLIABILITY [CIA MEMO AOSJ-181.MILAIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATI ACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATIONTO INCLUDE PRJVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 12/712017 12:06:29 PM 18-L-0088/ESD/0060 DOD-17-0430-A-000060 POROPPIOl,CL 1191!ONL't Offla ordM Diredor orNatiOllallntelD~ • Wa,blngtoa, D.C. 20511 MSN NO: ACFf: 19369 & 39183 C-10C & C-37 MSN DATf.S: 7 Sep 2017 & IOSeo 20L7 COST F.ST: (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) TOTAL: (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) 30 August 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR: ExecutiveSecmariat Office of the Secretaryof Defense Washington,DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: Requat for VIP airlift aod.Aaq,lance (b) of Financial Liability (Memo A180•17) 1. The PrincipalDeputy Director of National l11teUigeoce (PDIDNl)requires roundtrip airlift ffl>II),/ Aodn;waAFR.MDto_HonstooIX 002 Seorcmber 2QI7aqdrewmon tOSepcember 2017.! ,. !(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(1) JA proposeditinerary hasbeen coordioaredwith the HQ USAF/CVAM plannersand is tentativelyscheduledfor support via USAF C-40C aad C-37 ain:nft. utilizing lwo missioas from AndrewsAFB. ODNI Airlift ·oasma be concactcd2417 b)(3):50 u.s.c. § 3024(i) (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ,__ _______________ __. (3):50 U.S,C . § ~.024(i) I "f 2. The pmpOSl!d route of flight is: KADW- KHOU- KADW. This trip is in the national interest and commercialtravel is unsuitabledue to DNI and PDDNI securityandcommunications .requirements. 3. (U) I certifydw the U.S. military air transpormlionreques1ed above is .requirmby dJe ODNI. in accon:LancewicbTide :31,USC, the ..Economy Act.., alld lhe ODNI bas obligarcd funds t0 (Over lhe costs of' this mission. This ~~ complies with all. of the. · · · · 126. Please submit billing to: FJNANCEIFOSILOS; (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(6) Approved< Dllapprov,,~~----........., T(b)(6) J~i /t1. '8 18-L-0088/ESD/0061 DOD-17-0430-A-000061 I cJ () i :b! ~:HQ ~0~4~i'j I. The Di=tor of National lnrelligcnce (DNI) requires roundtripairlift ~ ;~!~~s:; l(~~(~~"o'1~~~n~~o~~ )on 11August2017 13.~ ~ (b)(3):50 coordfilated USAF/CVAM phmnc:rs und is tentatively scheduled for support via USAF C-37 and C-20 aircraft, utilizin° two se"a.--at.e missions from Andrews AFB. ODNI Airlift O erations ma be contacted 24/7 at (b)(3):50 U.S.C . § 3024(i) § 2. The proposed routeof flight is: KADW- KSFM- KADW. This trip is in the nationalinterest and commercial travel is unsuitable due to ONIand POONI securityand communications requirements. 3. (U) I cenify that the U.S. militaryair transportationrequested above is required by the ODNI. in accordancewith Title 31, USC. the "Economy Act". and the ODNI has obligated funds to cover the costs of this mission. This requestcomplieswith all · · · · 126. Please submitbilling to: FINANCE/fOS/LOS:;(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) . ~ (b)(6) Approv_ Dlsappro"""ea--------- rbJ(6J De u Chief Mana einent Officer · (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) 111 IiHIIIII IU --·oS0009700~1'rtCMDO·t31'00 °17 ... F8R 8FFI0II\L Y8E 8ttL¥ 18-L-0088/ESD/0067 DOD-17-0430-A-000067 0, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM TO:ESD Date: r;>/10/17- - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: CiCA!'1 c.,A: CHECK ONE: - Distribution made, please control and file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: Attachment: As stated 18-L-0088/ESD/0068 DOD-17-0430-A-000068 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSEDATE / ..L DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 2s-Jul-201T 0S0009700-17 REQUEST TYPE RESPONSE TYPE General Incoming FROM DNI LEWIS iiII~ I1111 IIi!~I Iii~ Action ID CMD013100-17 TO EXSECMOHLER Package View General Incoming QPR ~:-to SUBJECT AMMENDED REQUEST FOR VIP AIRLIFT ANO ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL UABIUTY [CIA MEMO 167A-17]- MILAIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE A TT ACHED OOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MA TE RIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 8/11/2017 10:35:54 AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0069 DOD-17-0430-A-000069 F9R 8FFl81~L l:J9E814LY Office of the DiNCtor of National InteUigence Washington, D.C. 20511 MSN NO: 38742 & 38754 ACFT: C-20 MSN DATES: 22 & 24 Jun 2017 COSTEST: (b}(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) 15 June 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretariat Officeof the Secretaryof Defense Washington. DC 20307-1000 SUBIECT: Request for VIP airlift and Acceptanceof Financial Liability [Memo A147-17] 1. The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) requires round tri aidjft from Andrews AFB, MD to Fort Wavne, IN on 22 June 2017 and return on 24 June 2017. (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) A proposed itinerary has been coordinated with the HQ USAF/CV AM p anners an 1s en a ve y scheduled for support via USAF C:20 aircraft wit.11two se-arate mis~ions. OnNT Airlift Operations may be contacted 24n at (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) l (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) I 2. The proposed route of flight is: KADW - KFWA - KADW. This trip is in the national interest and commercial travel is unsuitable due to DNI and PDDNI security and communications requirements. 3. (U) I certify that the U.S. military air transportation requested above is required by the ODNI, in accordance with Title .31, USC, the ..Economy Act", and the ODNI has obligated funds to cover the costs of this miss ion. This request complies with all of the re uirements outlined in 0MB circular 126. Please submit billing to : FINANCF/FOS/LOS; (b}(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) J (b)(6) ..... ....) k ~-____,·. (; ,,~l 17 , ==========--- Approved__ DlsapfJI\ l'b)(6l 111111111 IH · --osooonG2"~11,cMcXl10004.:. , .,.··· l'OPIOl'PICl,tLtlSI! ONLY 18-L-0088/ESD/0070 DOD-17-0430-A-000070 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM Date: TO: ESD l'I ;f,,,,1 17 - Action on the attached request is _complete. - Copieswere dispatchedto: CHE Cf-ONE: / - Distribution made, please control and file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: Attachment: Asstated 18-L-0088/ESD/0071 DOD-17-0430-A-000071 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSE DATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 15-Jun-2017 0S0007262-17 RESPONSETYPE REQUESTTYPE Ii!11! I II~ 111111II Iiii General Incoming FROM DNI LEWIS Action ID CMD010004-17 TO EXSEC Package View <::-:: J J( OPR General Incoming SUBJECT REQUEST FOR VIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL LIABILITY. MILAIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATT ACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 6/19/2017 3:35:35 PM 18-L-0088/ESD/0072 DOD-17-0430-A-000072 1'0111 Ol'l'ICl•t tJ91!ONLY Office of the Directer of National Intelligence Washington, D.C. 2051 l 39606 C-37 26 September 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretariat Office of the Secretary of Defense Washington, DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: Request for VIP airlift and Acceptance of Financial Llabilily [Memo A02 I- I 8] l. The Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence POONI re uires round lri airlift f.rom Andrews AFB, MD to Boston. MA on 4 October 2017. (b}(3):50 U.S .C. § 3024(i) !(b}(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) !A proposed itinerary has been coordinated with the HQ USAF/CV AM planners and is tentatively scheduled for support via AF C -37 · crufi ~o ODNI Airlift erations ma be contacted 24n at (b}(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(1) nd ws 8. (b}(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) 2. The proposed route of Right is: KAD\V - KBOS -KADW . This trip is in the nalional interest and commercial lravel is unsuitable due to DNI aod PDDNI security and communications requirements. 3. (U) l certify that the U.S. militacyair uansportation requested above is requiredby the ODNI. in accordance with Title 31, USC, lhc "Economy Act". and I.heODNI has obligated funds to cover I.he costs of this mission. This request compJies with all of the uiroments outlined in 0MB circular 126. Please submit billing to: FINANCFJFOS/LOS·(b}(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(6) c,/u/rr wvv~•'A Palricia A. Lewis De ut Chief Mana ement Officer (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) F8fil err1e11ct tJ9! OIQLI 18-L-0088/ESD/0073 I IIIIII IHIIIIH ·-osoo119ts:11 1CM001~B89;17·· DOD-17-0430-A-000073 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM Date: TO: ESD - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: CHECK ONE: ~ Distribution made, please control the file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum,control and tile-_,/ • Copy back to me. COMMENTS: S«,.#"-, 71."/f (.r t- rhx, -T..., Attachment: As stated Military Assistant 18-L-0088/ESD/0074 DOD-17-0430-A-000074 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSE DATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Control Number Normal 08D011918-17 REQUEST TYPE RESPONSE TYPE General Incoming FROM DNI LEWIS Action ID CMD015889-17 TO EX.SEC Package View General Incoming QPR SUBJECT REQUESTFOR VIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCEOF FINANCIALLIABILITY - MIL.AIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 9/27/2017 8:41:47 AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0075 DOD-17-0430-A-000075 flell 8PPl91M:U91!8Nt'f ordie lNnctor Offlm of Nadonallntelliteace Waslllaaaoa.D.C. JOSIl MSNNO: 39963 ACFJ: C-40 MSNDATES: 12- 1SNov 20J7': (b)(3}:50 U.S.C. § 3024(i} 3 November 20l1 MEMORANDUMFOR: .ExecutiveSeaetarial Officeorlhe Secmaryor Defense WuhinglOII,DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: AMMENDEDRcqUCSl VIP airlifl and Accepunc::e of FinancialLiability (A£N4.l8J 1. Tbe DileCICll' or National Intelligence (DNJ)requites round tripabfift fJ:oa,AndrewsAFB M~ «>BNssel Bel \lffl Crom12 lO 15 No\lelllberl017.! (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(1) (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) A proposed itinerarybu beeacoordinaledwith ttic liQ USAF/CVAM plauen ancfi5 temauvely stbedllledfor supponvia USAF C-40C ailffllft from ScottAFB,lL QDNl Aidift<>maoon&OYY he 2417 aitl(b)(3):50 u.s.c.§ 3024(i) 0 Jtacfed !(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) I 2. The proposedmute of flight is: KBL V - KADW- EBBR - KADW • KBLV. Thi~uip is in the nalioaal ioaerestandcommercialuavel is unsuitabledue to DNI and POONI security aid communicanou requiremenrs. 3. (U) I CCdifylhal ttic U.S.mililBr)' air uansponalionrequestedaboveii.requiredby the accordaacc withTille31,USC,die ..l!conomyAd', and lheODNI ha obligatedfundslO cover the ~ orIbis mission. This n:qtatcomplia withIll orthe · ts outlinedin 0MB circular 126. Please submit billinS to: FlNANCBIFOSILOS· (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) .._,_______ ti /i/r, tftteidl~ I PatticiaA. Lewis DepuryChier Mamagement Officcr l (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) POROPPICIM.1111! 8NtV 18-L-0088/ESD/0076 DOD-17-0430-A-000076 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM Date: __ J_,N_o_✓_/~7- TO: ESD - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: CVAM CHEC7 - Distribution made, please control the file. ~ Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file.' - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: -~'° ~...i>-~. ~\t l, _>-1 Attachment: n±'k&= As stated Military Assistant 18-L-0088/ESD/0077 DOD-17-0430-A-000077 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSE DATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal ControlNumber 03-Nov-2017 OSD013865-17 REQUESTTYPE RESPONSETYPE General Incoming FROM DNI LEWIS Action ID CMD018342-17 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming QPR . SUBJECT AMMENDED REQUEST. VIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCEOF FINANCIALLIABILITY. MILAIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE A TT ACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 11/6/2017 9:55:03 AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0078 DOD-17-0430-A-000078 FOR OFFl81M:: YSE ONLY Washington, D..C. 20511 MSN NO: 38102 ACF!': C-40C MSN DATES: 21 - 23 Apr 2017 COST EST: l(b)(3):50 U.S.C. .§ I. 30240) 12 April 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretariat Office of the Secretary of Defense Washington, DC 20307-1000 SUBJEC.'T: Request for VIP airlift and Acceptan.ce of Financial Liability [Memo A 115-17] mp L The Director of NationalIntelligence {DNI) requires round airlift from Andrews AFB, MD to Fla~sta.ff and Phoenix, Arizona from 21 to 23 April 20l7.l(b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) !(b)(3):50 u.s.c. § 3024{i) !A proposed itinerary has been coordinated. with the HQ USAF/CV AM planners and is tentatively scheduled for support via USAF C-40C aircraft. ODNI Airlift O rations ma be contacted 24n atl(b)(3):50 U.s.c. § 3024(i) (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) I I 2. The proposed route of flight is; KADW - KFLG - KPHX - K.ADW. This trip is in the national interest and commercial travel is unsuitable due to DNI and PDDNI security and communications requirements. 3. (U) I certify that the U.S. military air tr.msportation requested above is required by the ODNI, in accordance with Title 31, USC, the ..Economy Act•, and the 0D1'11has obligated funds to cover the costs of this mission. Toi'i request complies with all of the uirements outlined in 0MB circular 126. Please submit bi.Iling to: FINANCEIFOS/LOS; (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(6) Approved Disapprov rb)(6) De uty Chief Management Officer (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) PCR Of'PICl#tt tJOE ONLY 18-L-0088/ESD/0079 DOD-17-0430-A-000079 EXIECU'TIVESECRE.TAR'V 1 MILITARYSUPP,ORTREQUEST DISPATCH!FORM 1 7 .AftZ., 7 TO: ESD - Action on the attachedrequestis complete. - Copieswere dispatchedto: CHECj>-ONE: ~ - Distrlbulioomade.please•controland file. - Please dis1ribute to offioes as listed on the attached memorandun;, control and fae. - Copy backto me. COMMENTS: Attachment: As stated 18-L-0088/ESD/0080 DOD-17-0430-A-000080 CMD COVEIR SHEET ControlNumber 12-Apr-2011' OSD004770-17 REQUEST TYPE RiESPONSE TYf)E II 'GeneralIncoming 11'1 i='RbM DNJUE\MlS Action ID CMD006648• 17 TO EXSEC Package View GeneralIncoming OPR SUBJECT REQUEST IFO'RVflP~IRblFTAlfllD.ACCEPT AiNCiE Of' FiNA'"NC1AL LiABILIT'I'- MILAIR DISTRIBUTION AG~NCY Dl$f~ IIBUT1ION TYPE RLB 0 I OCRs NAME DATE SIGNATURE fHE ATJ' A:CHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAfN SENSIJIVE JJNF ORMATION TO INCLUDEPRIVACYACT MAlfERIAL • PLEASEHANDLEACCORDINGLY DATE PRINT~D 4/19./201711 :18:25 AM 18-L-0088/ESD/0081 DOD-17-0430-A-000081 Office of the Director of National Intelligence Washington, D.C. 20511 MSN NO: 39808 ACFf: C-40 ......,....,,.....,..,,...,..,...,...,._--, MSN DATES: (b)(3):50 U.S.C. COST EST: § 3024(i) l C 13 October 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR: Executive Sccrelariat Office of the Secretary of Defense Walihingtoa., DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: Request for VIP airlift and Acceptance of Financial Liability [Memo A036• l 8j J. The Principal De ut Director of National lnteJU ence PD/DNI uires round tri airlift from Andrews AFB, MD (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) proposed itinerary has been coordinated with the (b)(3):50 u.s.c. § 3024(i) HQ USAF/CV AM planners and is tentatively scheduled for support via USAF C-40 aircrdft from ScottAFB IL ODNIAirliftOoeratjonsma: contacted 24n atl{b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) !(b)(3):50 U.~.C. § 3024(1) __ r I I 2. The proposed route of flight is:l(b)( 3):SO U.S.C. § 3024 (i) This trip is in the national interest and commercial travel is unsuitable due to DNI and PDDNI security and communications requirements. 3. (U) I certify that the U.S. military air transportation requested above is required by the ODNI, in accordance with Title 31. USC. the "Economy Act", and the ODNI has obligated funds to cover the ( cosL'iof this mission. This request complies with all of the re uirements outlined in 0MB circular 126. Please submit billing to: FINANCFJFOS/LOS· (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(6) Approve Disappr, rb)(6) ~~ Patricia A. Lewis De ut Chief Mana cment Officer (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) l"OR OPP'ICIJ!cL tJSI!!8NLY . 18-L-0088/ESD/0082 IIUI IHIIIH U ~-osoo12soo::w1CM001-s988;1'l"' DOD-17-0430-A-000082 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM Date: TO: ESD _.,_/.=_0.._/;....I I,-'--- - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: C:VA-1'1 c.,A CHL - Distribution made, please control the file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: Attachment: As stated Military Assistant 18-L-0088/ESD/0083 DOD-17-0430-A-000083 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSEDATE DATEOF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 13-0ct-2017 OSD012800-17 REQUESTTYPE RESPONSETYPE General Incoming FROM DNI LEWIS Action ID CMD016988-17 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming OPR SUBJECT REQUEST FOR VIP AIRLIFT AND ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL LIABILITY. MILAIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE A IT ACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL- PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 10/16/201712:44:39 PM 18-L-0088/ESD/0084 DOD-17-0430-A-000084 FOR OFFIOl~L H9E 8NLY Office of the Director of National Intelligence Washington,D.C. 20511 MSN NO: 39792 ACl-"T: C-37 MSN DATES: 23-25Oct 2017 COSTEST: (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024 (i) 12 October 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretariat Offi ce of the Secretary of Defense Washington.DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: AMMENDEDReque.~tVIP airlift and Acceptanceof FinancialLiability[A034-I 8J (b)(3):50 ~0~4~:/1 .... 1. The Directorof NationalIn1elligence(DNI re uires round tri _airlift from ·,_ . •~o Chica,o. IL from 23 to 25 October 2017. (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024 (1) Andrews AFB MD L ·.. _A proposeditinerary has been cooc:"""d,...io_a_ce"""d-w""'i_th_lh,...e ....... H"""'Q .... U,...S"""A~F:-f':"!:C:'TV,...AM~-p-=-1an-n-ers-. -an-d~is__. tentatively scheduledfor support via USAF -37 i raft fi lm 24n at (b)(3):50 u.s.c. § 3024 (i) dr ws A I · i~ ~~~~~~ contacted 2. The proposedroute of flight is: KADW- KMDW - KADW. This trip is in the national interest and commercialtrd.vel is unsuitabledue to DNI and PDDNI security and communications requirements. 3. (U) I certify that the U.S. militaryair transportation requested above js required by the ODNI, in accordancewith Title 31. USC , the "EconomyAct". and the ODNI has obligatedfund" to cover the costs of this mission. This request complies with all of the requirements outlined in 0MB circular 126. Please submit billing to: FINANCE/FOS/LOS;l (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024 (i) I (b)(6) ~ ~ I~ Approved,, • DlsapprolJ,,-=======-• (b)(6) I\1 ~ -/~ • ~ {)_ . .• 11fJW).VVJ Pauicia A. Lewis r:r-,ut" Chief ?vfar.a"emenlOfficer (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024 (i) FOA OFFl81,CLtJ91!eNt'f 18-L-0088/ESD/0085 111 IIIIHllliH ...OS00127~17/CMCXJ16984~1·7 -· DOD-17-0430-A-000085 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM .TO: ESD Date: -~'~o~Lf=I.,~_ - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatchedto: CVIIM CHECK ONE: ~• Distribution made, please control the file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: Attachment: As stated Military Assistant 18-L-0088/ESD/0086 DOD-17-0430-A-000086 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSEDATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 12-0ct-2017 OSD012798-17 RESPONSE TYPE REQUEST TYPE IIIIlilllllli iiiIIIllI General Incoming FROM ONI LEWIS ActionID CMD016984-17 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming OPR S-'i/0 SUBJECT AMMENDED REQUEST -VIP AIRLIFT ANO ACCEPTANCE OF FINANCIAL LIABILITY - MILAIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME SIGNATURE DATE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 10/16/201712:37:51 PM 18-L-0088/ESD/0087 DOD-17-0430-A-000087 F8FI 8P'P'l81AL tJ91!81tLY Office of the Director of National lntelUgeoce • Was1'ington.D.C. 20511 39067 & 39060 C-37 &C-20 25 July 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR~ Executive Secretariat Office of the Secretaryof Defense Washington.DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: Request for VIP airlift and Acceptanceof f'mancialLiability [Memo Al67-17] (b)(3):50 U.$..C. § ,-,3024(i) 1. The Director of National Intelligence (DNI) requiresroundtripairlift fmm Apdrel!S.AfB_) st 2017 and return on 13 August2017. J A proposeditineraryhas beencoordinated with theHQ USAF!CVAM planners and is tentativelyscheduled for supportvia USAF C-37 and C-20 aircraft, I to K.ennebu ME on 11 Au (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) utilizm two ate mission.~from AndrewsAFB. ODNIAirlift · rations ma be contacted 24fl at (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) 2. The proposed route of flight is: KADW - KSFM KADW . This trip is in the national interest and commercial ttavel is unsuitable due to DNI and PDDNI security and communications .requirements. 3. (U) I cenify matthe U.S. militaryair transportation.requestedabove is .requin=dby the ODNI. in accordancewith Title 31. USC,the "EconomyAct", and the ODNI bas obligated funds to cover the costs of dlis mission. This request complies with all of the requirementsoutlined in 0MB circular 126. Pleasesubmit billingto: FINANC&'FOS/LOS; (b)(3):50 U.S.C. § 3024(i) (b)(6) - Approved -....) Disapp1~iu::=::=:=;-----' fl~ JUL2 6 2017 11111111~~ III · ·· oS0008910--HICMD01'2t4~M7 ···· 18-L-0088/ESD/0088 DOD-17-0430-A-000088 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY MILITARY SUPPORT REQUEST DISPATCH FORM -;--/u Date: TO: ESD - Action on the attached request is complete. - Copies were dispatched to: CAA CVA-M CHECK ONE: ~- Distribution made, please control and file. - Please distribute to offices as listed on the attached memorandum, control and file. - Copy back to me. COMMENTS: CUG.d - Military Assistant Attachment: As stated 18-L-0088/ESD/0089 DOD-17-0430-A-000089 CMD COVER SHEET PRIORITY SUSPENSE DATE DATE OF CORRESPONDENCE Normal Control Number 25-Jul-2017 OSD008910-17 RESPONSE TYPE REQUEST TYPE GeneralIncoming FROM NATIONALINTELLIGENCELEWIS Action ID CMD012143-17 TO EXSEC Package View General Incoming QPR D SUBJECT REQUESTFOR VIP AIRLIFTAND ACCEPTANCEOF FINANCIALLIABILITY. MILAIR DISTRIBUTION AGENCY DISTRIBUTION TYPE RLB 0 OCRs NAME DATE SIGNATURE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS MAY CONTAIN SENSITIVE INFORMATION TO INCLUDE PRIVACY ACT MATERIAL - PLEASE HANDLE ACCORDINGLY DATE PRINTED 7/27/2017 3:32:26 PM 18-L-0088/ESD/0090 DOD-17-0430-A-000090 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION DIVISION 1155 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20301-1155 October 31, 2018 Ref: l 8-L-0088 1: l 8-cv-00787 Ms. Sara Creighton American Oversight 1030 15th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Dear Ms. Creighton: This is an interim response to your October 17, 2017 Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, a copy of which is attached for your convenience. The Department of Defense conducted a thorough search of their records systems and provides the enclosed three hundred twelve (312) pages, determined to be responsive to your request. One hundred seventy-three (173) pages are being provided in full; one hundred thirty- nine (139) pages are being provided in part. Redacted information is being withheld pursuant to 5 U.S.C. ? 552 (b)(6), which pertains to information the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of individuals; and 5 U.S.C. ? 552 (b)(5), which pertains to certain inter- or intra-agency communications protected by the deliberative process, attorney/client privilege. Appellate rights are moot as your request is currently in litigation. Sincerely, Enclosures: AMERICAN PVERSIGHT DEPARTMENTOF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF LEGISLATIVE LIAISON 1800ARMYPENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 20310-1600 28 November SA/LLO 2017 MEMORANDUM TO: Office of the Chief, Legislative Liaison SUBJECT: MILAIR ASSET REQUEST !CO STAFFDEL Hickey REF: (A) DoDD 4515.12. Employees DoD Support for of Members and Travel of Congress 1. I request approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift following Congressional Members and Staff on behalf of the of Defense. This request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable based on review of the following information: for the Department travel NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY: JUSTIFICATION 7-10 December. Travel FOR M!LAIR: See MODEOF TRAVEL: UH-60; in/around the Afghanistan Theater. Attached C-12 1 N BG Brian E. Winski ~hi~f, Legislative Liaison \ r.Jl'Approved ( )Not Approved 00 z 0 < ~ 0 olpproveJJ._,, .\ '1 .----- Jfsapproved 12-/ r /,l Assistant Secretary Affairs Le9islative ()()Approved { )Not of Defense ~ Approved HallockN. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN ExecutiveSecretary AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 111U11111111 U DOD-17-0430-C-000001 . ..osoo15101.-111C"MCXJ19950?17 18-L-0088/ESD/0248 MANIFEST (2): SA.SCorofwional. Staff(4) ,.,,..,~---------------------. 6) l(b)(________________ ! Staff Members ,...._ ___. Professional !(b)(6) Nil.1taq Escorts LTC !(b)(6) (1) !Military Escort JUSTIFICATION: 1. Purpose: STAFFD&LHickey (representing the Senate Aimed Services Committee) travels to Afghanistan from. 7 December 2017 to 10 December 2017. The primary focus of the trip is to conduct SASC member oversight of operations in the Afghanistan AOR. The STAFFDELwill receive threat briefings on the political and security situation, implementation of the administration's new strategy in Afghanistan, current operations, the TAA mission, and the status of the ANOSF (Operations, readiness, casualties, attrition, and equipment). 2. The STAFFDELrequires intra-theater air assets to move the delegation throughout Afghanistan with plaMed travel back and forth to TF-SW, TF-SE, BAF and HKIA. 3. Impact if not supported: If MILAIR is unavailable the STAFFDELwill be unable to fulfill its intended objectives and will be cancelled. Commercial Air travel within Afghanistan would be impractical due to the dynamic nature of the visit and the need to travel to contingency operations ESTIMATED COST: 7 Dec (OH-60) $1,500 x 2 hour= $3,000 8 Dec (C-12) $4,000 x 3.5 houro $8,000 9 Dec (UH-60) $1,500 x 2 hour=$3,000 Total $14,000 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000002 18-L-0088/ESD/0249 DEPARTMENTOF THE ARMY OFFICEOF THE CHIEf'OF LEGISU.TIYE LIAISON 1800 ARMYPENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 20310-1800 SALL 28 Sep~ember 2017 MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Assistant of the Chief, secretary Legislative of Defense Liaison (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: 2 nd ROTARYMILAIR ASSET REQUEST ISO CODEL Reed REF: (A) DoDD 4515.12. Employees of Congress DoD Support for Travel of Members and 1. I request approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift for the following Congressional Members and Staff on behalf of the Department of Defense. This request is for sponsored, nonreimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY: 0/A 12 October: Humphries - Yongson Yongson - ROK swc - Osan Air Base - Camp JUSTIFICATION FOR MILAIR: See Attached MODEOF TRAVEL: UH-60 r b)(6) lf' ~ ~ Approved!----~e~~ Oisapproved~---Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN ExecutiveSecretary AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT \o/6/,, ~ BG (Pl Brian E. Winski Liaison cief, Legislative ? ;;;g;;;GBP;ve~ Robert R. Hood Assistant Secretary of Defense Legislative Affairs <)QApproved ( )Not Approved 1111111!11111111 . -oS0012580::17/CMD016703sW .. DOD-17-0430-C-000003 18-L-0088/ESD/0250 SA/LLO SUBJECT: 2nd R/W MILAIR ASSET REQUESTISO CODELReed lfemtwlr: 2017 (1) SEN Jack Reed {D-RI) Member: 28 September Ranking Meinbex of the SASC (1) (b)(6) Minority staff Director SASC Professional Staff Bacorta : ( 1) LTC l(b)(6) Military (b)(6) SASC Escort JUSTIFICATION: 1. Purpose: The USFK CDR requests that the delegation also visit the ROK Joint Special Warfare Center on 12OCT17. To do so requires rotary wing support for it is unfeasible to drive to_ the three different locations and still execute each site visit during the course of normal operating hours. Additionally, the delegation is requesting an aerial tour ot the development at camp Humphries that can only be accomplished using rotary wing assets. 2. Impact if not supported: would not be met. The stated objectives ESTIMATEDCOST: $4,159 per hour x S hourso AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT of the Delegation $20,795 DOD-17-0430-C-000004 18-L-0088/ESD/0251 ... ~.~. .... .. a ~.~ .. .. ..... .. ,, ' ... ,,' : (. - o - . ~ -. . -! - _1 DEPARTMENT OF THEARMY OfflCE OP1111CHIBF OFLl!GIILATIVE UM10N 1o MIit PENTAGON WA8HINGTON DC mtt-tlOD . SA/LLO 15 March 2017 U7 ~ 0 MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Assistant SUBJECT: LARGE MILAIR ASSET REQUEST ISO CODEL Cook of the Chief, Secretary REF: (A) DoDD4515.12. Employees of Congress Legislative of Defense DoD Support Liaison (Legislative for Travel Affairs) of Members and 1. I request approval to authorize travel/in-theatre following Congressional Staft Members and Appointees Department of Defense. This request is for sponsored, travel based on review of the following information: airlift for the on behalf of the non-reimbursable NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY:17 - 25 April 2011: Italy, Germany, Poland, and England JUSTIFICATION FOR MILAIR: See Attached MODEOF TRAVEL:C-40 rb)(6) MGLaura J. Richardson ~hief, Legislative Liaison ( )Approved ( )Not Approved ApplOW9d M16 1--ft-/11 Di8approyed. ____ Michael L. Bruhn Executive Secretacy _ ?/L-27 LeeAnn Borman For: Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of DeJense Legislative Affairs ~)Approved ( )Not Approved o..,a,tment of Defense AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000005 18-L-0088/ESD/0252 r-_; 0 MANIFEST (17): 1. REP Paul Cook (R-CA), Vice Chairman, House Foreign Affairs Committee; House Armed Services Committee; House Natural Resources Committee 2. REP Rob Pittenger {R-NC), House Financial Services Committee (Vice Chairman of the Task Force to Investigate Terrorism Financing) 3. REP Mo Brooks (R-AL), House Foreign Affairs Committee; House Armed Services Committee; Science, Space, and Technology Committee (Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on Space) 4. REP Albie Sires (D-NJ), House Foreign Affairs Committee; House Transportation Committee Committee; 5. REP Adriano Espaillat (0-NYJ, House Foreign Affairs Education and the Workforce Committee; Small Business Committee 6. REP Marcy Kaptur (D-OHJ, House Appropriations Committee (Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development) 7. REP Steve Russell (R-OK), House Armed Services Committee; Committee on Education and the Workforce; House Oversight and Government Reform Committee (Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on National Security) 8. Mrs. """' (b...,. )""' (6.,... ) _____ ..., 9. 10. l l. Mrs. Mrs ,..,,111;"'!'!"!...,_..,..,.,.--=;r-Mr. l(b)(6) Professional Affairs - Majority Ms. !(b)(6) 12. Affairs 13. I Mr. !(b)(6) _____ Affairs - M-i~n~o=r-i_t 14. LTC b 6 15. CPT (b)( 6) 16. 17. SSG (b)(6) SSG AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT Staff, House Committee on Foreign I Professional Staff, House Committee on Foreign Professional Staff, House Committee on Foreign ..., Army Escort Army Escort MILAIR Army Escort MILAIR Army Escort DOD-17-0430-C-000006 18-L-0088/ESD/0253 JUSTIFICATION: 1. Purpose: The purpose of this CODELis to visit Department of Defense equities, engage with Senior Military Leaders in the region, and meet the men and women who serve our country at these posts and discuss the challenges they face and how Congress can better support them and their families. Additionally, the delegation will meet with European leaders, civil society, and government officials to discuss upcoming elections, European Union (EU) cohesion, and European security, territorial integrity, and financial and economic stability. The delegation will stress the importance of the NATOalliance and our bilateral relationships with Italy, Germany, Poland and the united Kingdom and seek ways to strengthen those relationships. This CODEL Objectives: 3.1 to Increase the supports Army Congressional Understanding of the Demand for Army Forces and Readiness, and 3.2. to Build Awareness and Communicate the Challenges Associated with Building and Sustaining Total Force Readiness. While the delegation will focus on foreign policy issues having significant national security impacts for the region, the U.S., and the world, the delegation will allot significant time to defensespecific issues. Chief among them is the deployment of rotational Armored Brigade Combat Teams and Combat Aviation Brigades as part of the U.S. military's European Reassurance Initiative (ERI). The delegation lead, REP Cook, also sits on the House Armed Services Committee (HASCJ, and has been very supportive of the Enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) O.S.-led NATOBattle Group in Poland. As a retired Marine Colonel, REP Cook is uniquely suited among Members of Congress to look at the U.S. Military's role in NATOfirst hand. Planned engagements with U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR), O.S. European Command (EUCOM), and NATO Leaders, a visit to U.S. Army Garrison Bavaria in Grafenwoehr, Germany, and visiting forward-deployed U.S. and NATO Troops in Poland will deepen the delegations' understanding of both the on-ground conditions U.S. and NATOTroops operate in and the unique challenges they face in Europe. Finally, in meeting Defense leaders and Parliamentarians at each location, the delegation will have the opportunity to both assure allies of the U.S.' commitment to regional security and NATO, while discussing the political and economic challenges facing NATOmembers as they work to increase defense spending and honor the "2/20" Warsaw !?ledge. Of note, the delegation's planned engagement with the Italian Defense Minister will be foreign military sales-focused, discussing Italy's planned procurement of (90) F-35 Joint Strike Fighter jets. While not the intent of the delegation, these engagements support the EUCOM Commander's Priorities to Ensure Postured and Ready Forces and to Strengthen Strategic Partnerships. In addition to the defense equity visits and engagements listed above, the delegation will meet with Heads of State, Foreign Ministers, and Ministry of Defense Officials in each country to discuss the most pressing foreign policy and national security issues of the day facing the U.S.-Europe relationship, These include, but are not limited to the 2017 French and German elections and their implications for the EU and global financial markets, Russia's destabilizing and disruptive AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000007 18-L-0088/ESD/0254 the U.S.-Europe relationship. These include, but are not limited to the 2017 French and German elections and their implications for the EU and global financial markets, Russia's destabilizing and disruptive activities in these elections, the consequences and challenges associated with Britain's departure from the EU (BREXIT), challenges associated with the Syrian refugee crisis, lessening Polish reliance on Russian energy, and immigration/border control challenges writ large. Finally, in participate international Chamber of site visits addition to formal engagements, the delegation will in several informal meetings with members of the business community in each country, such as the American Commerce, and conduct staff rides/professional development to enrich the experience. Commercial air is impractical given the planned itinerary and lack of COMAIRaccess to NATO's Mutlinational Corps Northeast Headquarters in Szczecin, Poland. Commercial travel between locations would significantly extend transit time, concurrently reducing time-onground, and likely curtailing or even eliminating some engagements. Using moderately conservative planning factors for COMAIRtravel (ground transit to airport plus check-in, security, boarding time, etc.) at points of both departure and arrival, it is estimated the delegation would lose as much as 12-16 hours to conduct planned business. 2. 3. Impact if not supported: While COMA.IRoptions exist, if MILAIR is unavailable, the CODEL's robust itinerary will be curtailed to account for the increases in travel time described previously, resulting in the delegation's inability to meet its desired objectives. Additionally, the schedule is structured to allow the Delegation to make the roost of each day, while arriving at each destination in sufficient time to be properly restEURd to absorb information and actively participate in engagements. Finally, MILAIR provides the delegation with sufficient flexibility to add engagements with local officials should they arise during the course of the trip, without having to rush to make a commercial flight; or likewise, move on more quickly to the next location should any meeting need to be cancelled. ESTIMATED COST; $138,112.00 AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT (C-40) DOD-17-0430-C-000008 18-L-0088/ESD/0255 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF LEGISLATIVELIAISON '600ARMY PENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 20310-1600 1 February 2017 SA/LLO MEMORANDUM FROM: TO: Office of the Chief, Legislative Liaison Assistant Secretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: LARGE MILAIRASSET REQUEST CO CODEL INHOFE REF: (A) DoDD4515.12. DoDSupportforTravel Employees of Congress of Members and 1. !request approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift for the following Congressional Staff Members and Appointees on behalf of the Department of Defense. This request isfor sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY: 17-27 February 2017: Ireland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Israel, UAE, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Benin, Togo, Ghana, Algeria, Canary Islands JUSTIFICATION FOR MILAIR: See Attached MODE OF TRAVEL: C-40 (b )(6) MG Laura J. Richardson ;ef, Legislative Liaison /Approved ()NotApproved ~o , -f!!t~~ - eAnn Borman ~rming the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Legislative Affairs ~pproved () Disapproved Approved (R)1!2 -z,Ji~Jrf Disapproved'=:t;;;t.,_~-~c 1 * pv 11~11111111111111 Printeden A~ ...uS0 ~ 9~ reM0002886?17 -- ,._ __ rAichaetL. Bruhn Executive Secretary Department of Defense DOD-17-0430-C-000009 18-L-0088/ESD/0256 Manifest: Congressional Members Senator James lnhofe Ms.l (b)(6) I Senator Mike Rounds Ms. l(b)(6) Congressman Randr Hulgren I R-OK(SASC) R-SD(SASC) R-IU14 (Financial Services) Ms.!( b)(6) Congressman Tim Walberg l Ms. !(b)(6) REP VernBuchanan Ms.l (b)(6) REP~earce Mrs.~ I R-Ml/07 (Oversight and Government Reform) R-FU16 (Ways and Means) R-N M/02 (Financial Services) staff Members Mr.!(b}(6} Mr.lcb)<6) Mr. lCb)(6) Mr.! (b)(6) I l SEN SEN SEN SEN lnhofe African Advisor lnhofe Military Legislative Assistant lnhofe Staffer Legislative Director Rounds Deputy Chief of Staff SA/SLD SA/SLD SNSLD OAP OCLL AMERICAf\ pVERSIGHT Lead Military Escort Mill:ary Escort Millary Escort Attending Physician NCO Escort DOD-17-0430-C-000010 18-L-0088/ESD/0257 JUSTIFICATION: 1. Purpose: To allow members of the Senate Armed Service Committee, Government Oversight Committee, Financial Services, and Ways and Means Committees to meet with military commanders, U.S. Service members, U.S. Ambassadors and Embassy personnel, and senior foreign government officials. The congressional delegation will focus on the following: operational and regional updates, bilateral and multilateral security cooperation, counterterrorism, ongoing contingency operations, trade, and economic issues. In Czech Republic and Ukraine the delegation will meet with senior military commanders and government officials to gain a better understanding of on-going operations, threats, challenges, and opportunities in the region. SEN lnhofe will also visitwith Oklahoma National Guard Soldiers deployed to Ukraine. In Israel, the delegation will meet with senior military commanders and government officials to discuss bilateral relations, on-going operations, threats, challenges, and opportunities in the region. In United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan the delegation will meet with the government officials and senior U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Defense officials to discuss counter-terrorism with regards to ISIS and other adversaries in CENTCOM AOR. In Ethiopia, the delegation will meet with senior Ethiopian defense and intelligence officials and senior U.S. Department of State and U.S. Department of Defense officials to discuss Ethiopia's role in countering violent extremist organizations in East Africa. Additionally, the delegation is i'lterested in economic growth programs n Ethiopia, particularly the African Growth and Opportunity Act and Power Africa and how they contribute to regional security. In Uganda, Togo, Benin, and Ghana, the.delegation will meet with senior government officials to discuss military and economic support and opportunities in the region. Additionally, the delegation will receive updates on the security situation. In the Canary Islands, the delegation will make an overnight stop for the purposes of crew rest. 2. Impact f not supported: Forthe reasons outlined in the next section, MILAIR is the only practical mode of travel. J MILAIR is unavailable the GODEL will be cancelled. The Senate Armed Service Committee is responsible for oversight and legislation relating to foreign assistance, national security developments affecting foreign policy, strategic planning and agreements , war powers, the deployment and use of United States Armed forces, peacekeeping, arms control and disarmament issues, enforcement of United Nations or other international sanctions, and activities and policies of the Defense Department related to the Arms Control Export Control Act. The delegation also includes Members of Congress from the House Ways and Means. Financial Services. and Oversight and Government Reform Committees. While some in the delegation are not directly charged with defense oversight, they represent a broad cross-section of interests that relate directly to national security and defense. This GODEL will equip the members of the delegation to better carry out these responsibilities. AMERICAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000011 18-L-0088/ESD/0258 3. Commercial air travel would be impractical due to the lack of commercial air travel options in and out of the African countries to be visited. Commercial air travel between the countries to be visited requires multiple connections and extensive layovers. Further, commercial air travel would not permit such a robust schedule should any delays occur along the way. The iinerary , in current form, is structured to allow for significant ground travel time and structured to allow the delegation to make the most of each day while arriving at each destination in sufficient time to be properly rested to absorb information and actively participate ilengagements. MILAIR also allows the delegation with sufficient flexibilfyto add engagements with bcal defense officials, should they arise during the course of the trip, without having to rush to make a commercial flight. Finally, MILAIR provides additional security to members of the delegation. The countries to be visited are located in and around high-risk regions of the world and are subject to numerous U.S. State Department travel warnings and travel alerts. Further, a number of ISIS, al-Qa'ida and al-Shabaab operatives and other extremists are believed to operating in and around the CENTCOM and AFRICOM region. Utilizing MILAIR assets allows the delegation to maximize the use of U.S. provided security procedures and personnel and minimizes the amount of time members of the delegation transit high risk pubic spaces. ESTIMATEDCOST : $233,728.00 AMERICAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000012 18-L-0088/ESD/0259 E !... .: ,:;--,...1 . _.,.., o.i.... I I .. ', !.' :,. o?o i ',I I,., 1 o.o..o i~ o. . Ii. ; o IJ :/,. -t:., 'l ., o ~.t ,"; o o -1'.! o.I ooo ; oo ... \t o .-,., o.:.i o : ., ./. o o. o I 'o ~.- . ' ' . Io o. ~ ooo -~' , oo .o o o II l oo .f ll?- llnirrd .Sr~res.5cnarc .'j o ~ " ' ' .:.,\ o~I '.I'.. ',o. 1 i ; I'; l ,. o o~ : :o , .: fo ';.,", " ~ ; oo: ._" I . o, , . ,, o. oof o. o . .I , ::oo ~o oo . : o . 1 o,, i I._,.. t o ; o. ..: ,o. . o 1111 o.o. o ~ o:: ,/. 1 oo Io t oi ~ .1.'.' i o .-. !- :, o.,,. ",'I , , o. 1..;1, !." ,., o oo o.f o ,::,. . o . :.r. o.o: , o . .. .o ".l~ " ,o.oo oo' oo l- o II ol"'i o.1o.o.: ,; ' ..-..--.!.. ,,,. . , ", ., ~, r.1 . . ,. 1 1?.-, ~-o~.u;t I.o t j, ,1), ? o... . utroo ,., ",'.:'.~Iooo .o., H:. :>?; 4oo ,. ..;.o t. ill,.' o , 1 I, ,!t . ...~.,,Io o., o. 1111o' .o IJl:i', : Io.-:.-..; o ., '. .' o. , . I .o:- 1 i ? ' I I . ' July 13, 2017 The Honorable James Mallis Secretary U.S. Department of Defense Washington. DC 2030 I Dear Mr. Secretary: l authorize Senator John Cornyn and committee staff David Hanke lo traveJ to Japan and South Korea from August 29, 2017 to September 3, 2017 for official business. w C--( C I request that the Department of Defense provide assistance for this travel, including class tickets on commercial carriers, foreign flagged caiTiers, and local transportation, an escort l)mcer, and the payment of actual and necessary expenses to include reimbursement for meals and lodging as may be required. as authorized by Section 1314. Public Law 207 and 31 U.S.C. sec. 1108(g). r ~C Costs associated with post personnel traveling outside their duty stations in suppo11of the delegation are authorized. Further authorization is given for $50 enhanced per diem. It would be appreciated if your staff would assist in making whatever arrangements may be necessary for this travel to include a control room at the hotel. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely. Richard Burr Chairman AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT UIUIUI UIUIII . --050010865'-17/CMCXl 1it5"40?17 DOD-17-0430-C-000013 18-L-0088/ESD/0260 DEPARTMENTOF THE ARMY OFFIC!OFTH! Cffll!FOFLEGIIIllTIVELIAISON 1IIIOARMYPENTAGON WAStlNGTCN DC 2031 .. 1100 21 November 2017 SA/LLO MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Assistant of the Chief, Secretary ~egislative Liaison of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: INTRA-THEATERMILAIR ASSET REQUEST ISO CODEL Zeldin (A) DoDD 4515.12. Employees of congress REF: DoD Support for Travel of Members and 1. I request approval of in-theatre airlift for GODELZeldin's travel throughout the Central Command Area of Responsibility. This request from Kabul to Kuwait City and Kuwait City is for fixed wing travel to Amman. NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY: 25 - 27 Dece:nber 2017: Afghanistan - Kuwait - Jordan JUSTIFICATION FOR MILAIR: See Attached MODE OF TRAVEL: C-130 r b)(6) I BG(P} Brian E. Winski ~Chief, Legislative Liaison (i)Approved ( }Not Approved d ApproVl'J \ _,, ,v1,., /4) Disapproved. __ -__ HallockN. Mohler, J.r. CAPT,USN ExecutiveSecretarv AMEHICAr\ pVERSIGHT _ Rob~rt R. Hood Assistant Secretary of Defense Affairs for Legislative (X)Approved ( )Not Approved DOD-17-0430-C-000014 .. 050015630?17 fCM00205-SO~ 17 ... 18-L-0088/ESD/0261 t::u - 20 < <:u -. C 1-1.J\NI FEST: o o Rf;P l,ee 2.eldin(R.-1.'iY), House COJ'll!Uittee on Fo-r.eign Af' REF Michael Coff~an(R-CO), House Armed Services Committee REP David Cicill_ine(D-RIJ, He.use Committee on. Foreign Affairs REP Ryan Fitzpatrick Col(rce MAJ } b)(6) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT (R-PA}, Hous~ Committee on Energy and IMilitary Escort DOD-17-0430-C-000015 18-L-0088/ESD/0262 JIJS'r:IFlCATION": This 1.. Purpose: congressional deleg~tion, led PY REP Zeldin <>f the ,House C";0mmittee o.h Fo.relgh Affairs., secks to improve Membe:r 1:L'nderstanding 9f ongoing Department of Def~ns_e (DoD} operations in the Central Coti'mand (CEN:'r_COM) Area of Rersp(;)T)sil;;iil.ity. the t"_istt:, !-!embers w.ill meet with U.s-. Milita;ry l~adetship OL 1 U.S o .Depar't;inent state officials, and" se:rvice mem):);serving in the Hiadle .e:_ast. The wi11 hE:ilp Members understand the impa'cts of .recent op~rations visits and the- fut:ure of the re.gion followihg key military achieverne-n:ts t:his -summer, Simultaneously, Members will meet with se-rvi.ce m.embecs from their distri_cts The multipie who a1:e deployed committees si-gT).ifi/;ant iri.terests. over represented -in U_.s. m:i.litary che holiday period. in this delegation have and diplcl1\ilU.c efforts- in the region. In Afg.hanisti;in, f.r-o..rnthe U. Operation trawl and s. th~ de.legation will Emba,!rsy Jn A.fghanistan Resolute .by gain a bette:r condu~t al\d the .me~ings colm!and with leacier:ship team for- Sqpport:. on Christmas day, the delegat.:i:op. will t.o. -bas~s tc vJ.sit service member$ apprec;ia~i<>n cif conditions C!n t_he ground. The delegation will then travel to Kuwait to -with leadership of Ope.ration Resolve (OIR), Special Operations J'oint -'.l'ask Fo.r~eOpiar.ation Inilerent Resolve (SOJTF-OlR) , the Special Purpose Mr:irine. Air Ground Task Force (SPM.A.GTF)-, and Ar:my c,ent:ral Cotr,mar:d (ARCENT}. The deleg?tion c;.-o?)si::i~ring will al-so meet with stat:e Department wit.h members of Government meetings and is Kuwait. of The las.t stop will be in ~an, Jo.rdan, Ther.e, the delegation will. visit meet: w-ith Jo.rdani.?-n offic-ial~ and State Department. l~adership the visit a refugee camp, Operatior. Gallant Phoenix, .and the u .s. Armed l:or<::e-s Training cent,er a:t za-rqa. 1 2. Impact if not supported: For t:he_ reasons outlined ln t.he next: section, i.ntra~t:heater MILAIR is the preferred mode of i.r be dropped. 3 o conuner d aJ. air t.r avel -would l unit the de leqa tion' s ability to The addi.i::Jc,nal time required to t.:r:avel c_on~ul:;:t several engageme.nts. Kabu,_l to Kuwi;t,it city via ~ommercial air would likely result in the cance,ll~t.ion of at - least one engagement, in -Afghanistan. After the Kuwait portion o! the Vl$it, thl;l availableflights to Amman will limit ability to maximiz.e tl:,e spent .in Jordan. This the delJS!gation'-s would result in the i;anc~l.latiori ot several proposi;::d portions of the itine.rary in JorrableJames Mattis Secretaryof Dcfem;~ Washington,DC 2030 I Dear Mr. s~-crctary: Pursuant to section l l0S(g) of1itl~ 31, Unit~d St,11<:iCod.:, 1hc 1-lonoruhlcMike Coffman is authorized 10 tr.avelon CODEI. Zeldin to Atghanist:111. Jordan und KU\\.llton or about D~.:cmh..:r23 - 28, :?017. The CODEL will S4:~kto better undt:rstand the cum:nt threats and nntiomd :iecurity concern::;in the Middle Enst. ReprcS1:11tatiHl Coffmun.s travel will origin:ttc and tenninate in Denver. Colorado. Sincerely, ~--2~ Chairman WMT:rar AMEf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000018 18-L-0088/ESD/0265 El.'""~ El\ '.'.'"I .. Ni ;. v,.:,,,,: R-.,4~r~o.,Dr-.r~o .._ , . t~tt~.... 4 o.i,., .' .' :.~. ~. .... . .. ~~-Ho: .,.~4'..~..., . :., ... -~-' .'. ). ' ~; .. 'It<,,,-: .. "\ Dnr l!,111nbnbjf1fim1th(0111'\t'rss tu~). i!Jonsrof l{rurr!H'nt,1t11Jts ("011u111th.r 011.1forrign ~murs ~ I ~'o R,,) ht11 H /1.,w,~.Off1n. B11ildi11p \\ ;1,hill<-'lllll. I)(' !O:-J 5 ir,.b, olh_!,'.,.l,;o_:',\ \\_ ~'. '!_t.I,11y1_gnaJl;j December 8, 2017 The HonorableJames Mattis Secretary U.S.Department of Defense The Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1300 Dear Mr. Secretary: As Chairmanof the Committee on ForeignAffairs, l authorizeRep. Brian Fitzpatrick(R- PA), to join CODEL Zeldin to Afghanistan,Jordan,and Kuwaiton or about Dec~mber 23 - 28, 2017. l request the Departmentof Defensefurnish such assistance,includingtransportation, as may be required to facilitate this trip. The expenditureof funds for llte payment of actual and necessary expenses of such transportation, as may be required will be authorized pursuant to Title 31, U.S.C. 1108(g). The purpose of this trip is of primaryimportancelo the Departmentof Defense. I request militaryair and assistance from the Departmentof the Army. Thank you for your considerationof this request. If there are any questions regarding the trip, please contact Jean Marter, Director of Committee Operations, al 202-270-3949. s~/0~ ,.::RD R. ROYCE Chairman AMERICAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000019 18-L-0088/ESD/0266 CODEL Zeldin Afghanistan. Kuwait, Jordan 23-28 December 2017 U.S. Army House Liaison Office WORKINGITINERARY As of 13 December2017 Purpose:The House Foreign Affairs Committeetravels to CENTCOMto meet with U.S. Government Offidals, U.S. Military leadership, and Servlcemembers to better understand the current situation in the Middle East. Delegation: Members ?o REP Lee Zeldin (R-NY) o REP Michael Coffman (R-CO) ,le REP David Clcilline (D..ffl) ?- REP Brian Fitzpatrick (R.PA) MilitaryEscorts o MAJ..,.,! (b..,... )(""""' 6)-- ..... IMilitary Escort Friday,December22 Time Event Location POC NLT1700 Baggage Drop Reyt,um2024 TBO Saturday.December 23(Departure) Attire: Weather: Time 0730 Travel Casual TBO Event Location POC Shuttle Sweep 600 BlockNew Jersey SE SSG France, l ( b )/ 6 1 0715 Push Team on Site 0745 Link up inside Longworth24 hOur entrance ShuttlePoSitiOned 0800 Notes rcapitol MAJHb)(6)1 Longworth24 hourentra~ce Longworth24 Push learn partner? MAJH h ll li l I hour entrance Rayburn SSGl(b )(6) 1/h H HI Requestfor 24 personbus submktedto motorpoOI. Pendingdriver confirmation. I Horseshoe 0810 DepartRaybum -0855 ArriveDulles Sweep request NEEDED Police Rayburn Horseshoe 1/h )( 6 ) Cell when20 minuteswt I SpecialSenliees l(b)(6) Art: All'pOlt Ops l(b )( 6 1 I I 1 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000020 18-L-0088/ESD/0267 ~eciaf FIJght:Emirates232 departsto Oubai (1z h 45 m) Qvemightflight (8-t-hour1ime change) 1025 Dulles;Airport Sunday, December 24 (P-lanechange/arrival) Attire: Rugged Business.casual Weather: TBD TBD Per Diem} Location Event Time Flight: i:=,n_irales 232 arrivesDubai 0_810 .poc Dubai Mo.bile: 1115 fi Mcbi_le:lliij: Ex,pedlt ~ lntem_atipnal 11 otel (Inside airport) FliSht:Emirates640 departs io Ka~I (2 t~fD =~:c: Gate..TBD ~eclitffi h 45 .Mobile; Email:AliA!=@stat_e.goy . m) 1?30 Flight:'Emirate$640- ) ! Dubai Gym. Notes Exped~~~~li lritemalional .Airport(OXB) 3_h 5 m LayoverJn Dubai alrplin I Servicesl(bl76l l<.IA Lubna Khan KIA Air Lubna KMn RSHQ COll (b)(6) I I I I anjves Kabul 1qassy lubna Khan 1545 Comfort Break VIP.Rooms_at Lubna Kh~n Embassy 1630 Meetingwith-Ambassador Embassy Lubna Khan Bass1700 1apo 2000 ~o.untryTeam Srlef Christmas.Eve.Dinner Retire 10rooms lubnaKnan Lubna~ari Llibna Khart Embassy Embassy VIP Rooms al Embassy Monday, 25 December Attire: Rugged Business Casual_ Weather: TBO Per Diem: TBD Time Event Location 071!'~ Bagg~geCaH VIP Rooms Embassy 07-30 Driveto Resolulesupport CFAC Constituent. brjtaktast COLl(b176) r Driveto PTD.SCofltrol COLl(b)(6) 0745 0845 Notes POC at COLl/ n \/ ~ \ I r _Sile 2 AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000021 18-L-0088/ESD/0268 0655 0920 ~30 1015 PTOS Presentation Orive 10"Yellow8uilo1119~ Meeting with COMRS COL (b)(6) Orivelo HlZl"Soccer C<;)l_ COl COl field" 1030 RotarywingMOl(emerit to COL FOB Fenty 11151120. 1130 1215 1225- Arriveat FOBFenty FOB FentyHQ Troope11gagement COL COL GQL Ground mo11ement to Highllir,e.. Rotary wing movementto COL COL FOBGsmberi 1235_ Arrive at FQB:Gamberi Move lo Gamberl DFAC.- 1240 1250 1340 1400" 145~. 1550 COL COL COL COL COL ~rvelunch Comfort Bre'!-k T.AAC-East .Opf!and Intel Brief Mo~ent to HLZ RWarrives Camp COL COL Alvarado "PENDING.MIi.AiR INf.ORMATI_ON QR CLEARING.OF;:TERMINALISSUES 1620 Emirates flight EK0641 ~apa,:ta Kabl!I Temiln_al1 1900 Emi~te.s tlrghtEK064f Te_rmlnal 3 Exped~ 2045 Emirates ftighfEK0859 EmiratesflightEK0859 arrives Kuwait Citv 2135-2205 Proce$Simmigrationand 2205 2300 Drivefrom KWIlo hotel Arrivalto hotel I Expediter: Ala Ali Terminal 3 Mobile:l(bJ'6J Email:AIIAEti!stale'.QC>V departsDubai 2135 ~Ali Mobile::~:::J Email:A~i8lstate,ilov inives Otlbal I Wt.\Ol'nS Remain overnight: RadissonBlu, Kuwait City;Al Bida Al Taawoon Street, Salwa 13122 Ku~it. City Kuwait, +965 2567 3000 Tuesday, 26 December Attire: Business Casual Weath~r: TBD TBD Per Diem: Location Time Event 0800 Kuwait BreakfastwtAmbassador Hilton. 0~ Lawrence ~ilverman Depart to camp Arifj~n 0930 0940 POC Note~ (b)(6) City Arrl"ve .campAriljan USARCENTCommand Update w/MG McKenrick 3 AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000022 18-L-0088/ESD/0269 1100 1115 1230 CJTF/SOJTFCommand' Update Transition lo DFAC Lunch with cons~tuents. 1400 Publicalf~jrs,ngagem~nt 1445 Dep,rtDFAC t215: 15()0 . (b)(6) Comfortbreak. ??? Rotarywingmovementto Aljaber Air' Base 1535 1800 SPMAGTFprogram Depart Al Jabeito Em~assy 1~ Ex~~livo time/RON Remain overnight:RadfssonBlur Kuwait City,Al Bida Af TaawoonStreet, Salwa 13122 K-uwait City Kuwait,+965 2567 30()0 Wednesdav, 27 December Attire; Business TBD Weather: Per Diem: TBD Time Event 0700, 0730 0850 Baggag~call Depart to Airport REP Fitzpatrick.departs Kuwait ta. London on British:AirBA015() Delegationon Kuwait Ai,:waysFllght KU0561 departs to Amman 0940 1115 1255 POC Location l(b )(6) r I I Notes TermlnalM DeleQatlon on Kuwait Aicways_FlightK!,.10561 .arrrJes.Amman REP Fllzl)atrrclt-arrivesin Lc_ndon 1'435 1200 Pendl_ng REP FltZpatrlckoe.,atts Londonto. Philadelphia'on Ame,ican-Aftllnes AA0729 Count,:yTeam Brief Visit to Kln9Abdullah l Office: +9714309 4034 Mobile:... (b ;;;..i }.i.;; (6.) ___ __, Washington,o-.c. I !(b)(6) CATO 800-787-0703(24 hour line} . CATO 703:-522-2286{Regular hours line) E)q)edtt,ic.e1., Ali Mobile;t( b}(6} Einail:Al!AE@slat4,gqV ExpeditedScreening: TSA Special Serv\ce&(703472-0414) . l(b)(6) Afghanistan Airport Operations DutyManager. YVasbibatooDo,llesInternationalAorport Control Officer: Lubna Khan-.khanl@state.~ov CorrectionsTearn Lead Bureau.of International. Narcoti~ and Law EnforcementAffairs (INL), Ka.bu! Office.~~\.1.0!i :i 1 3633 Mobil~: l(b)(6) _ i.wl rn lW jail rn w j--r---1 . l Kuwait us Embassy Kuwait. Kuwait City Dubai JonathanM. Weadon Deputy Political Cflief us Embassy,Kuwait Tel: ( +965) 2259 ..1495 U.S. ConsulateGenera.I,Dubai, UAE Contact Name:.0aisy Martinez (Visits coordinator) .Phone 1: (+971) 4 3094067 Phone 2: (+971) .506M7889 Fax:(+965) 2259-1051 Assist.Jeffrey Tang Expedi : Ali MQ):)ile: (b)(6) Em~ii:A':!'lt TP":g:s::i:ta-=i.::::-e.-=go=. v7"o. __, Post on$1Emergency: l~)(Jr':::: r Joe December Economic""o1ficer U,S. ConsulateGene~- DJJbaj 6 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000025 18-L-0088/ESD/0272 ___ I Mobile: ._! (b_)_ ( 6_) __ Email: (b)(6) SIPR:.... -----@o::oaajj;ab.~fcenLaf.srnil..mii !(b)(6) 1rb \T~-QIR CG Ajdeje-,Camp ! Lil {b)(6) _...., @me.usmc,rni! MAJ, GS Aide-de-campto the' CommandingGeneral CJTF - Opei'ationInherent Resolve, 111 Corps and Fort Hood Texas b~6::...,.. _______ Baghdad DSNr,,:~ KuwaitDSN : ,..b~ 6~,.,..-------.-' ,B.a!~d SVOIP: ,..b.;....i.; 6~'!"'!""'!"-----.L.., ~~~'ti-dad SVOIP:._.b;;;.u..; 6~----.....1 ARCENt ~~g{&~CFNI Pi:otooo\ Director, ExecutiveServices ArrrlY. Gentral .camRop,i.l.Lli. w...:~:21 DSN;,..... """"""' b 6-'---~--'----~ Kuwait.Mobile:""b........ 6..___ ___,,.... us ___. vsBiackBer . (b)(6) 1LT. (b)(6) Maj!(b)(6) ARCENTProtocol) tcJTF-OIR JVB at Camp Arifjan) LIJG Tom Studt{SOJTF JVB) !(b)(6): . JcPT USSOCOMSOCPAC SOJTF-OfR-PAO'l(b)(6) ' ! Offlce/SchaduierInfo REP David Cicil/ine-1..,. (b..,. }(._.. 6.._ } __ _...., !(b)(6) Army Strategic PlaiOO"f!C $0JTF-OIR/J5 REP Coffman J(b)(6) Phone:!(b)(6) ~j (b)(6) l(b)(6) Major; US I I l MLA, Riiyburn 2443, ~l (b)(6) !(b )(6) BJCES. .... l(b...;.. )('-6)"-------------' Deputy.Chiefof'Staff Office of Congressman Lee Zeldin (NY-01} Washington,DC.Office: 1517 Longworth House Office BuHdi11g Wash!noton.DC 20515 Office:!(b){6) I Long Island Offjqe: '31 Oak Street; S1,.1ite 2Q @~fJf'B Pa>t0eo1 Jhief MAJ,AD g~~~i&fil-018 -'Yf(FWD) $VOIP:i(b}(6} IZ CELL:..,l< ~"l:! )!:!=! C6::!:::: ) Whats~.. n) (b)(?) ! ==::::!..... ~:~m ~r6rv1ITf l NIPR:, (b)(6) S.IPR:~--------------....._, BICES: '"""""' b).._. (6_._ ) ________ __, !(b )(6) Senior Jordan Rno ! P_olicy Adyisor -Eitzratrlck(PA-08) :ciao_ l(b~6) _ . . . State Main office : 202~225-4276 (1 for operator) Wendy Brafman- brafmanws@state.goy OhristiaanDe.Luigi Senior Jordan Desk.Officer Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs/Office of Levant Affairs (NENLEV) Office: (202) 647-1286 6_)_ .... l 8 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000027 18-L-0088/ESD/027 4 DEPARTMENTOF THE NAVY OFFICEOF LEGISLATIVE AnAIRS UOONAVYPEN'fAGON WASHINGTON '0C20350-1300 IN REPLYREFERTO 4600 LAlD 24 Apr 17 MEMORANDUM FROM: Navy Office TO: Assistant of Legislative Secretary Affairs of Defense {Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: SMALL MILAIR ASSET REQUEST ICO REP MJ!\ltTHAROBY REF: 1. (A) DoOD 4515.12. DoD Support Employees of congress for Travel of Mernl;,ers and I request approval to authorize military airlift travel for the following Members and Staff on behalf of the Department of Defense. This Congressional request is for sponsored, nonoreimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: ITINERARY: Rep. (See Martha 8-12 May 2017; attached oBaghdad, (*Requires Roby (R-AL) manifest) Iraq; oDubai, OAE; oKabul, Afghanistan; oKuwait, to execute and Iraq. an aggressive Kuwait; oDoha, Qatar. IT-MIIAIR JUSTIFICATION: Military aircraft ground schedule MODE OF TRAVEL: Small support) is requested to Afghanistan MILAIR Requested H. R . VANOPDORP Acting Legislative Assistant the Commandant of the Marine Corps (X) Approved to ( ) Not Approved o;g;1ally , igned by $jNEJACK.L.10333l7303 . DN:c=US, oat! 5. Governrnent ou-OoD. ou-PKI. ou-USAF. cn-SINEJACX.L.1033317303 Date; 2017.04.ll 14:48:>l!-ll4"00' for: Approved -~r--if---- Disapproved_.....,___ _ Michael L. Bruhn Executive Secretary Department of Defense LeeAnn Borman Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Legislative A!fairs ,/,Approved ( )Not Approved DOD-17-0430-C-000028 -.j MANIFEST FOR CODEL ROBY TRAVEL TO UAD; AFGHANISTAN;:IRAQ; QATAR; 8-12 MAY 17 Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-AI.) congresswoman Susan Davis (D-CA) Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) Congresswoman Jacky Rosen (D-NV) Ms. Margaret Dean, Professional staff Member, House Armed Services Committee Mr. Craig Greene, Professional Staff Member, House Armed Services Committee Ms. Angel Smith, Professional Staff Member, House Permanent Select committee Intelligence captain ~l,-b -)(_6 _) _____ USMCOLA Escort on DOD-17-0430-C-000029 ESTIMATEDCOSTS: MILAIR(C-20) - $67,392.00 COMMERCIAL - $36,148.40 ($7,488.00 {$4,518.55 x 9 flight hours} x 8 passengers) DOD-17-0430-C-000030 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF LEGISLATIVE LIAISO N 1800 ARMY PENTAGON WASHINGTON DC 20310-1800 25 Jan uar y 2018 SLD-OCLL MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Assistant of the Chief, Secretary Legislative of Defense ~iaieon (L~gislative I (A) DoDD 4515. 12. REF: DoD Support Affairs) o , for Travel of Y-"T?bers and Employees of Congress I req uest approval to authorize travel/ ~.n-theatre airlift for the following Congressional Staff Me~hers on behalf of the Depa r tment of Defense. This req uest is for sponsored, non - r e imbur!1able travel based on review of the following information : 1. NAMES: See Attached r::~ERARY: 31 January - 4 February 2018 3 ::-:=: n Depart Pristina, Kosovo via MILAIR to C,,:--r Bond Steel, trip) (Aeria l tour of Bond Steel included) Kosovo (day JUS".'".':--:A': . :)N FOR MILAIR: See Attached MODEOF TRAVEL: UH60 FLIGHT HOURS: 3 Hours Approved~
  • ep_artnent - of Defen~e and ct_e-fen-se pr~gra:ms tha_t affect: around the . -~orld, M!LAIR .effectively transports ail -ies q -f t.he United Stat~s the Member of Congress to Camp Bonds -tee'l safely and efficiently to maximize "tthei r scheduled itiherary .events and to . better. - carry' .out th _eir oversight re .spon:s ib.ili'ties. Comn1er_cial air is not available from Pri.stina; Koso.vo to . 'camp .Bonds-teel. A convoy i -s the only other .source . of .t -r;cirisportaticin. . US.ARE'..iR has in-:-.count:"ry MILA.IR is available to prov,i-de COPEL Palazzo shouJ,.d the MILA!R request be -a.ppi; .oved, A.dd1tioh'a l _l_y, M:rIJU:R satisfies secu:rrty requirements ~nd p.i;_ov'ides _aQditiona l securi _ty t.o the Member o?f Congr _~ss. MIIJfl:R wil l also )::> _e - ut .ilized for ,m aerial tour :. The aerial tour will s-howca s -e Cnr.;, Bonds-tee1. four-hour confirmed The . .itinei;:ary, in cur,:ent _for;::i, is strut'!.tu.r;:!;!d to .allow for sign:!. f.:ca,nt gi:ound : travel time and to a _llow the ~elegation to make : the nest of each day while rested to arriving at e.ach des-til'!a -tion in sufficien t time: to be properly absorb i.nfo r !.\2.tio n and actively p.i.rt:i ocipate in engagr.rri .-":hts -. ESTIJ:lcecutiveSecretary ./ jor General, USAF Director , Legislative Liaison (f(JApproved ( ) Not Approved r-J 0 ..:w ~ ASsistant secretary of Defense Legislative Affairs (/2Approved ( ) Not Approved AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 1:;_L-OO??tltl II BREAi) AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT Sinccrclv .. _.._,, 1':' , .-"J ., .~c" .. ' / ; ...,o,.,~..~, .John McCain Chairman DOD-17-0430-C-000041 18-L-0088/ESD/0288 ~\;;..., .. .a ,~ ..,o ... ~,,. ... :" ....., r.,,.;..,.. .. .. ~ ' ..~ ,8 ~ . ~ ; . . . .' ... . - . '_,-. DEPARTIIENTOFTHEARMY ~- OFFtCEOF THECHIEFOF LEGISLATIVE LIAISON 1800ARMYPENTAGON WASHINGTON DC 2031~18CIO 2 March2017 SA/LLO MEMORANDUM FROM: Office of the Chief, Legislative Liaison TO: Affairs) Assistant Secretary of Defense(Legislative SUBJECT: Intra-TheaterMILAIR ASSET REQUESTISO CODEL INHOFE, 15-18MAR17 REF: (A) OoDD4515.12. DoD Support for Travel of Members and Employeesof Congress 1. I request approval to authorize travel/in-theatreairlift for the following CongressionalStaff Members and Appointees on behalf of the Department of Defense from Frankfurt GE to L'viv Ukraine. This request is for sponsored, non.reimbursabletravet based on ntview of the following information: NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY: 16MAR 1030(L) Depart Ramstein GE to L\;v UKR 16MAR 2115(L) Depart L'viv UKR to Ramstein,GE JUSTIFICATIONFOR MILAIR: See Attached MODEOf TRAVEL:TBD MG Laura J. Richardson ~ 01--Ctyef, LegislativeLiaison (l)Ap ~ot Approved ,L.:zz;- MichaelL. Bruhn ExecutiveSecretary Departmentof Defense AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT LeeAnnBorman Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense ~__pislative Affairs ~proved ( )Not Approved 1mrn11111 11m DOD-17-0430-C-000042 ..osooo33ot~t7tCMOOo4825~11.. 18-L-0088/ESD/0289 Manifest: Congreulonal Members SenatorJames lnhofe StaffMembers Mr. !(b)(6) R-OK(SASC) SEN lnhofe Military LegislativeAssistant SA/SLD Lead Military Escort JUSTIFICATION: 1. Purpose:To allowSenator James lnhofe, Chairman of the SASC ReadinessSub-Committee, to meet with military commanders, U.S. Service members, Ukrainian Defense Force leaders currentlye>eecuting the Ukrainian Defense Force Training Mission in Yavoriv Ukraine. Sen lnhofe desires to assess the progress of this training program as wel as engage with Soldiers from the 45" Infantry Brigade (OKNG), from his home state. 2. Impact if not supported:Given the small time window available for this misSion,MILAIR is the only practical mode of travel due to lack of timely commercial air options into and out of L'viv Ukraine. Use of commercial air assets would also require use of non-US carrier airlines. If MILAIR is unavailable,this CODEL will be cancelled. 3. ESTIMATEDCOST:$T80 AMERICAt\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000043 18-L-0088/ESD/0290 Option #1- Depart from DC Day 1. Wednesday, 15 MAR 1920- Depart Dulles en route Frankfurt (UA 8826) Day 2. Thursday 16 MAR 0755- Arrive Frankfurt. 0830- Depart for Ramstein 1000-Arrive Ramstein 1030- Depart MILAIR to L'viv (2 hours plus 1 hour time change) 1330- Arrive L'viv 1345- Depart L'viv Airport en route Yavoriv 1500- Arrive Yavoriv Observe Training Dinner with Soldiers 2000- Depart Yavoriv en route to L'viv 2100- Arrive L'viv. 2115- Depart L'viv (2 hours minus 1 hour time change) 2215- Arrive Ramstein 2230- Depart for Frankfurt 2330- Arrive Frankfurt Day 3, Friday, 17 MAR 1015- JMl departs Frankfurt (AA 705) 1530- JMI arrives Charlotte 1830- JMI departs Charlotte (AA 5271) 2008- JMI arrives Tulsa 1035- Lazer/Jackson Depart Frankfurt (Delta 15) 1545- Lazer/Jackson Arrive Atlanta 1720- Lazer/Jackson Depart Atlanta (Delta 950) 1905- Lazer/Jackson Arrive Washington AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000044 18-L-0088/ESD/0291 DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1010 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20301-1010 FEB1 6 2017 MEM ORANDUM FOR SECRE TARY OF THE NA VY GENERA L COUNSEL OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ASS ISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR LEG ISLATIVE AFFA IRS SUBJECT: Authorization for non-Federal Employee Subject Matter Experts to Travel on Military Airlift in Support of COD EL McCain, February 17- 19, 2017 I authorize the Subject Matter Experts specified in Senator John McCain's request for congressiona l travel support dated February I, 2017 , and January 18, 2017, to accompany the congressional delegation led by Senator John McCain to Munich, Germany, on or about February 17, 2017. The Subject Matter Experts are permitted to travel on military airlift with the congressional delegat ion on a space available basis and at no cost to the government. AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT .o DOD-17-0430-C-000045 18-L-0088/ ESD/0292 - DEPARTMENTOF THE ARMY OFPIC& OFTHECHIEF OFl.l!G48LATIVI! UAIION 1800MUii'( PENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 20310-1IOO 28 July SALL 2017 -- MEMORANDUM ~ROM: Office TO: Assistant of the Chief, secretary Legislative Liaison of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: ROTARYMILAIR ASSET REQUESTICO STAFFDELSterling REF: (A) DoDD 4515.12. Employees of Congress 1. DoD Support for Travel of Members and I request approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift for the following Congressional Staff Members on behalf of the Department of Defense. This request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY: 14 August: Bucholz Illeginni - Dyess Army Airfield Army Airfield - Carlos - Legan - Gagan - Meck - Ebeye - Buckholz AAF JUSTIFICATION FOR MILAIR: See Attached MODEOF TRAVEL:UH-72 Lakota I rb)(6) r 1-\--,0-1 DOD-17-0430-C-000053 18-L-0088/ESD/0300 TAB DOD-17-0430-C-000054 OLA Travel Request CODEL McCain Munich, Germany 16- l 9 February 20 17 Senate Armed Services Committee VJ7 Purpo se: Attend Munich Security Conference and conduct official discussions with highranking government officials regarding political. economic, and military/security issues affecting bilateral and regional relationships. Mode of Travel: Ml LAIR (C-40) Manif es t Member s (17): 1. Senator John McCain (R- AZ) 2. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) 3. Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) 4. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) 5. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) 6. Senator Benjamin Sasse (R-NE) 7. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) 8. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) 9. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) 10. Senator Mark Warner (O-V A) 11. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) 12. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) 13. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) 14. Representative Seth Mou lton (D-MA) 15. Representa tive Michael Mcca ul (R-TX) 16. Representative Michael Turner (R-OH) 17. Represen tative Ted Deutch (D-FL) Subject Matter Expert s I. Gov. John Kasich, Governor of Ohio -Security Detail for Gov. K.asich (4 members of the Ohio Highway Patrolt -Press Secreta ry for Gov. Kasicho -Chief of Staff for Gov. Kasich~ 2. Sen. Joe Liebennan, former U.S. Senator 3. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Fom1er U.S. Senator from ew Hampshire 4. Dr. Eliot Cohen, Professor of Strategic Studies at Johns Hopkins University 5. Mr . Bill Bum s, Former Deputy Secretary of State 6. Ms. Frances Townsend . Fonner Homeland Security Advisor to President George Bush 7. Massimo Calabresi, Senior Correspondent, TIME Magazine 8. Alice Hill, Research Fellow, The Hoover Institu tion 9. Jonathan Landay, Natfonal Security Correspond ent, Reuters I0. David Ignatius, Columnist, The Washington Post pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000055 18-L-0088/ESD/0302 11. Morgan Ortagus, Principle, Maverick 12. Randy Scheunemann, Orion Strategies 13. Mr. Mark Salter, fonner Chief of Staff for Sen. McCain(Committee Letter Pending) I 4. Mr. Josh Rogin, The Washington Post 15. Ms. Evelyn Farkas, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russian/Ukraine/Eurasia 16. Mr. Kurt Volker, fonner Pem1anentRepresentative to NATO 17. Mr. Richard Fontaine, Center for a New American Security- President 18. Dr. Karen Donfried, President, German Marshall Fund 19. Ambassador Douglas Lute, former Ambassador to NATO 20. Ms. Victoria Nuland, Former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs 2 l. Dr. Robert (Bob) Kagan, Brookings Institute, Project on International Order and Strategy 22. Mr. Damon Wilson, Executive Vice President of the Atlantic Group 23. Ms. Jane Harman, President of the Wilson Center 24. Ms. Anja Manuel, Affiliate and co-founder of Center for International Security and Cooperation (Committee Letter Pending) 25. Mr. Kenneth Weinstein, President and CEO Hudson Institute (Committee Letter Pending) 26. Mr. Stephen Biegun. Vice President. InternationalGovernment Relat:ionsFord Motor Company Congressional Staff (4) 1. Mr. Christian Brose, Staff Director, Senate Anned Services Committee 2. Ms. Elizabeth O'Bagy, Foreign Policy Advisor to Senator McCain 3. Ms. Mikayla Mowzoon, Legislative Assistant to Senator McCain 4 . Mr. Chris Mewett, Defense and Foreign Policy Advisor, Senator Whitehouse *Traveling to Munich in advance of the MILAIR +Not traveling to Munich on MILAIR Hote ls: Bayerischer Hof Hotel Promenadeplatz 2-6 80333 Munich +49-89-21200 AMt:: {ICAr\ pVERSIGHT Park Hilton Am Tucherpark 7 80538 Mtinchen +49 89 38450 2 DOD-17-0430-C-000056 18-L-0088/ESD/0303 MILAIR Outbound Manifest{42) 1. Senator John McCain (R- AZ) 2. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) 3. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) 4. Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) 5. Senator Mark Warner (D-VA) 6. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) 7. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) 8. Senator Bob Corker (R-TN) 9. Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) 10. Senator Benjamin Sasse (R-NE) 11. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) 12. Senator Amy Klobucher (D-MN) t 3. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) 14. Sen. Joe Liebcnnan, former U.S. Senator 15. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Former U.S. Senator from New Hampshire 16. Dr. Eliot Cohen, Professor of Strategic Studies at Johns Hopkins University 17. Mr. Bill Burns, Former Deputy Secretary of State 18. Ms. Frances Townsend, Former Homeland Security Advisor to President George Bush 19. Alice Hill, Research Fellow, The Hoover Institution 20. Massimo CaJabresi, Senior Correspondent, TIME Magazine 21 . Jonathan Landay, ationaJ Security Correspondent, Reuters 22. David Ignatius, Columnist, The Washington Post 23. Morgan Ortagus, Principle, Maverick 24. Mr. Mark Salter, former Chief of Staff for Sen. McCain 25. Mr. Josh Rogin, The Washington Post 26. Ms. Evelyn Farkas, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russian/Ukraine/Eurasia 27. Dr. Karen Donfried, President, German Marshall Fund 28. Ambas ador Douglas Lute, former Ambassador 10 ATO 29. Ms. Victoria Nuland. Former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs 30. Dr. Robert (Bob) Kagan, Brookings Institute , Project on International Order and Strategy 31. Mr. Damon Wilson, Executive Vice President of the Atlantic Group 32. Ms. Jane Ham1an, President of the Wilson Center 33. Ms. Anja Manuel, Affiliate and co~founder of Center for International Security and Cooperation 34. Mr. Kenneth Weinstein, Vice Presidenl International Government Relation s Ford Motor Company 35. Mr. Christian Brose, Staff Director. Senate Armed Services Committee 36. Ms. Elizabeth O' Bagy, Foreign Policy Advisor to Senator McCain 37. Ms. Mikayla Mowzoon, Legislative Assistant to Senator McCain 38. Chris Mewett, Defense and Foreign Policy Advisor. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse 39. CAPT Sara Jo er. USN, Lead Escon 40. LT (b)(6) USN, Escort 41. LT (b)(6) US , Escort pVERSIGHT 3 DOD-17-0430-C-000057 18-L-0088/ESD/0304 42. SSgt. ._l (b- )(_6_ ) ____ _,IUSMC, Escort MILAIRInbound Manifest (31}-CODEL Whitehouse 1. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) 2. Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) 3. Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) 4. Senator Benjamin Sasse (R-NE) 5. Senator David Perdue (R-GA) 6. Representatjve Seth Moulton (D-MA ) 7. Representative Michael McCaul (R-TX) 8. Chris Mewett, Defense and Foreign Policy Advisor, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse 9. Sen. Joe Liebennan, former U.S. Senator 10. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, Former U.S. Senator from New Hampshire 1t. Dr. Eliot Cohen, Professor of Strategic Studies at Johns Hopkins University 12. Mr. Bill Burns, Former Deputy Secretary of State 13. Ms. Frances Townsend, Former Homeland Security Advisor to President George Bush 14. Massimo Calabresi, Senior Correspondent, TIME Magazine 15. Alice Hill, Research Fellow, The Hoover Institution 16. Jonathan Landay, National Security Correspondent, Reuters 17.David Ignatius, Columnist, The Washington Post 18. Morgan Ortagus. Principle, Maverick 19. Mr. Mark Salter, former Chief of Staff for Sen. McCain 20. Mr. Josh Rogin, The Washington Post 21. Ms. Evel.ynFarkas, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russian/Ukraine/Eurasia 22. Mr. Kurt Volker. former Permanent Representative to NATO 23. Mr. Richard Fontaine, Center for a New American Security-President 24. Ambassador Douglas Lute, former Ambassador to NATO 25. Ms. Victoria NuJand, Former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs 26. Dr. Robert (Bob) Kagan, Brookings Institute, Project on International Order and Strategy 27. Ms. Anja Manuel, Affiliate and co-founder of Center for International Security and Cooperation 28. Mr. Kenneth Weinstein, Vice President. International Government Relations Ford Motor Co,~.,...-..,.,__ _ _, 29. Ma. (b)( 6) MC, Escort 30. LT (b)(6) USN, Escort 31. SSgtL.:1(;::;: b..;.. ):::::; (;6... ;:;::: )_=::~~~~~=l usMc, Escort AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 4 DOD-17-0430-C-000058 18-L-0088/ESD/030 5 o All times local. Tu 1730 [LTlCMlA tA1,I AIU ff(x,fRF Y,l(rf.H. fnt- o C,C, JU>f, ,UO,AII CIO\"fl'l M.;C~lUU. 1o~1tk',I tuc,v 111.,4 Tl! 1-G ~~h( ~o,S,LtlUVA"t CJ-1l0,t ,..,,. S;. rlOc:111./Z ll,..., i(o,,MI( QA"u.-..c 'tJUht 11.lnitcd States,Senate MA/If o .. ?110'110tO,'/, M t -~friA:ff! ,..,. 1o.1o ,i? J. :,,,.0 .Ill "'"''oo M4'1.IA OA\/tlNI\ ~flAAt'O, otilA8i- lhWN1"6t, '9',.1\1\1\.\(o"J\lff.,. , A"" C NHJ.I ._.ll;H,~N r:t0e:oNoon JRo~( "'"" I l,eGBP"1fKt. ~ 'fl) ~t'fUAo WA SHINGTON OC 205 10-6050 D4ft! oof! f. QftlJ U.-h January 18. 20 17 Honorable James N. Mattis Secretary of Defense I000 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1000 Dear Mr. Secretary: 111 On January I 8 J wrote LO the DeparLmentof Defense regarding my plans to lead a delegation to Germany and Kosovo during the period February 16-19.2017. I write to infonn you that the itinerary will now include Belgium. Additionally. the delegation will no longer be traveling to Kosovo. Further. in addition to those listed in my previous letter, I would like to request that you authorize travel on military aircraft with CODEL McCAIN individuals not belonging to Congress or its staff. but who arc part of the conforence.These individuals are: o o o o o Mr. Massimo Calabresi. Senior Co1Tespo nden1. TIME Magazine Ms. Alice Hill, Research Fell.ow.The Hoover lnstitution Mr. Jonathan Landay. National Security Correspondent. Reuters Mr. David Ignatius. Columnist. The Washington Post Ms. Morgan Ortagus. Principle. Maverick o Mr. Josh Rogin. Journalist. WashingtonPost o Ms. Karen Donfried, President. Gennan Marshall Fund o Ambassador Douglas Lute. lonner Ambassador to NATO Thank you for your continued assistance in connectio n w ith this travel. Sincerely. ~ hn M::. ~{2 Chainnan I!I Hl lll11111 11 o-o sooo11sa-t 11CMD00259211 - AMt::RICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000066 O 500 0t3 71-t'T/CMD00'1999'1'7 18-L-0088/ESD/0313 DOD-17-0430-C-0000 LA Coordination Sheet Subject: Authorization for non-Federal Employee Subject Matter Experts to Travel on Military Airlift in Support of CODELMcCain, February 17-19, 2017 Title/Organization OGC AMt: ~ICAr\ pVERSIGHT Name Paul Koffsky Coordination Requested Receh 1cd 15Feb2017 15 Feb 2017 Coordination DOD-17-0430-C-000068 18-L-0088/ESD/0315 DEPARTMENTOF THE NAVY OFFICEOFLEGISLATIVEAFFAIRS 1309NAVVPENTAGON WASHINGTON DC 20360-1300 INREPLYREFUTO 4600 LAlB 23 OCT 17 MEMORANDUM FROM: Navy Office TO: Assistant of Legislative Secretary Affairs of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: LARGE MILAIR ASSET REQUEST ICO REP. KEVIN McCARTHY (R-CA) (A) DoDD 4515.12. DoD Support Employees of Congress REF: for Travel of Members and 1. I request approval to authorize military airlift travel for the following Congressional Members and Staff on behalf of the Department of Defense. This travel based on review of the request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable following information: NAMES: Rep. (See ITINERARY: Kevin McCarthy attached (R-CA) manifest) 26-28 OCtober 2017; Miami, FL. U.S. Virgin Key West and return 26-28 October JUSTIFICATION: Islands, PUerto Rico, MILAIR is requested because there currently is no commercial air available and the Delegation would like to meet with tour, as well local officials, perform combat support hospital as take windshield tours to better detail the hurricane effects. MODEOF TRAVEL: Large MILAIR Requested ) Not Approved Approved~~ Disapproved.____ Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN ExecutiveSecretarv AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 10/2,v/ /11 _ Robert R. Hood Assistant Secretary of Defense Legislative Affairs M Approved ( )Not Approved 1m11n1 HIInu . .. OSD0133i7?1"7/CMCXJ17682~ DOD-17-0430-C-000069 17 18-L-0088/ESD/0316 MANIFESTFOR CODELMcCARTHY TRAVELTO MIAMI, PUERTORICO 26-28 & U.S. VIRGIN ISLANDS; OCT 17 Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R.CA), House Majority Leader Senator Maggie Hassan (D- NH} Rep. Steny Hoyer (0-MD), House Minority Whip Congressman, TBD Rep. Rob Bishop (R.UT}, Chairman, Natural Resources Committee Ms. Moran & Government Banai, Senior Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC}, Chairman, Oversight Reform Committee Mr. Harlan Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA), Chairman, Railroads, & Infrastructure Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, Transportation Committee Resident Commissioner Jenniffer Gonzalez-Col6n (R-PR), Veterans' Affairs Committee *Will depart CODELin PR* Delegate Stacey Plaskett {D.VI), Ranking Member, Interior, Energy, and Environment, oversight and Government Reform Committee *Will meet CODEL in USVI Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM), Budget Committee Barrett Karr, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Leader Matt Sparks, Director of Communications, Office of Majority Leader Trent Bauserman, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Minority Whip Shuwanza Goff, Floor Director, Office of Minority Whip Leader Security Detail Leader Security Detail Leader Security Detail Leader security Detail Deputy Secretary Claire Grady, DHS CAPT Jo amek Chief Congressional Affairs, USCG LCDR (b)(6) , AS2 Military Aide LT (b)(6) Coast Guard Assistant House Liaison AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000070 18-L-0088/ESD/0317 ESTIMATED COSTS: MlLAIR(C-40) COMMERCIAL- AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT - $57,593.25 No Commercial ($5,907.00 Air x 9.45 flight hours) Service DOD-17-0430-C-000071 18-L-0088/ESD/0318 20 October 2017 Version 8 o Coast Guard Office of Congressional Affairs House of Representatives Majority Leader CODEL Miami, USVI, Puerto Rico, Key West 26-28 Oct 2017 CongressionalParticipants 1. Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), House Majority Leader 2. Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD), House MinorityWhip 3. Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT),Chairman,Natural ResourcesCommittee 4. Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC), Chairman, Oversight& GovernmentReform Committee S. Rep. Jeff Denham (R-CA), Chainnan, Railroads,Pipelines, and Hazardous Materials, Transportation& InfrastructureCommittee 6. Resident Commissioner Jenniffer Gonzalez-Col6n(R-PR), Veterans' Affairs Committee *Will depart CODEL in PR* 7. Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-VI), Ranking Member, Interior, Energy, and Environment, Oversightand GovernmentRefonn Committee *Will meet CODEL in USVI* 8. Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM), Budget Committee 9. Barrett Karr, Chief of Staff, Office of Majority Leader 10. Matt Sparks, Director of Communications,Office of Majority Leader 11. Trent Bauserman, Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Minority Whip 12. Sbuwanza Goff, Floor Director, Office of MinorityWhip 13. Leader Security Detail 14. Leader Security Detail 15. Leader Security Detail 16. Leader Security Detail DHSIUSCG Participa11ts 1. Deputy Secretary Claire Gndy, OHS Kramek,, CongressionalAffairs,USCG 2. CAPT 3. LCDR (b)( 6) S2 Military Aide 4. LCDR Coast Guard DeputyHouse Liaison 5. LT! (b)(6) Coast Guard Assistant House Liaison fioe Crcief I Thursdav, 26 October 2017 - Washington, DC I Miami, FL Attire: Business Casual Weather:Washington,DC 60"/4d' -. partly cloudy Weather:Miami, FL 78"70? -.-mostly sunny 1300 Depart Rayburn Horseshoe for Joint Base Andrews Transportation:USCGGovt Vehicle Drive Time: 0+30 AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000072 18-L-0088/ESD/0319 Version 8 1330 20 October 2017 Embark C-40 1345 Depart for Opa Locka, FL Flight Time: 1 + 55 ,..Lunch Onboard** 1540 Arrive USCG Air Station Miami(KOPF) 1545 Unit Visit - Coast Guard Air Station Miami - CAPT Michael Platt, Commanding Officer o Welcome Aboard o Static Displays --Hurricane Response Discussion with Aircrews o 1615 HangarTour Depart for Hotel Transportation:Assigned Vehicles Lead: Leader 's Security Detail Drive Time: 0-50 Vehicle Assignments: TBD per Detail 1705 Hotel Check-In/Executive Time JW Marriott Miami 1109 Brickell Ave. Miami, FL 33/31 305.329.3500 McCarthy . Hoyer BishopGowdy -DenhamGonzalez-Colon Grisham o Karro SparksBauserman o.. GojfKramek-l(b)(6) 1830 Dinner Rusty Pelican 3201 Rickenbacker Causeway Key Biscayne. FL 33149 305.361.3818 Reservations:TBD RON Miami, FL AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 2 DOD-17-0430-C-000073 18-L-0088/ESD/0320 Version 8 20 October 2017 Friday, 27 October 2017 - Miami, FL / St. Thomas, USVI / Aguadilla, PR/ Miami, FL Attire: Busi11essCasual Weather:Miami, FL 81?174"- sunny Weather:St. Thomas, USVJ84"/79? - partly cloudy Weather:Humacao,PR 85"/75"- morningshowers 0700 Depart for USCG Air Station Miami Transportation:Assigned Vehicles Lead: Leader's Security Detail Drive Time: O+SO Vehicle Assignments: TBDper Detail 0750 Embark C-40 0800 Depart for St. Thomas, USVI Flight Time:2+l 5 ooBreakfastOnhoard** 1015 Arrive Cyril E. King/St. Thomas Airport (TIST) 1030 TimeOn Deck - St. Thomas o Meet w/ Local Officials o WorkingLunch o WindshieldTour of LocalNeighborhoods 1320 Depart for Jose Aponte De La Torre Airport (TJRV) Flight Time:0+I 5 1335 Arrive Jose Aponte De La Torre Airport 1345 Embark CH-47 (18 seats required) 1355 Puerto Rico Recovery Overflight to Hwnacao Flight Time: 0+20 1415 Arrive Hwnacao Combat Support Hospital Landing Zone 1425 Combat Support Hospital Tour 1450 Embark CH-47 (18 seats required) 1500 Puerto Rico Recovery Overflight to Las Piedras Flight Time: O+15 1515 Land at PistaAtletica Luis Humberto Torres (Track Stadium), Las Piedras 1520 Distribute Food/Water to Las Piedras Residents; Walking Tour of Adjacent Neighborhood AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 3 DOD-17-0430-C-000074 18-L-0088/ESD/0321 20 October 2017 Version 8 1550 Embark two PRANG H-60s (18 seats required) Aircraft Assignments: I. H-60 #1: TBD 2. H-60 #2: TBD 1600 Puerto Rico Recovery Overflight Flighl Time: 0-45 Fligl,t Plan: Empl,asize G11ajatacaDam and Island /11terior 1645 Land at Jose Aponte De La Torre Airport 1655 Embark C-40 1700 Depart for Miami International Airport (Signature Aviation FBO) Flight Time: 2 ..,15 ooDinner Onboard** 1915 Arrive Miami International Airport (Signature Aviation FBO) 1925 Embark Vehicles for Hotel Transportation:Assigned Vehicles Lead: leader's Security Detail Drive Time: 0 o 25 Vehicle Assignments: TBD per Detail 1950 Arrive Hotel/Executive Time RON Miami, FL Saturday, 28 October 2017- Miami9FL/ Washington, D.C. Attire: BusinessCasual Weather:Miami, FL 84?/74? - 60% rain Weather: Key Wesi, Fl 83?/71' o 60% rain Weather: Washington,D.C. 68?153? - 30% rain 0725 Baggage Call/Check-out 0735 Embark vehicles for Miami lnternational Airport (Signature Aviation FBO) Transportalion:Assigned Vehicles Lead: leade1.'t Secu1.ityDetail Drive Time: 0+20 Vehicle Assignments: TBD per Detail 0755 Arrive Miami International 0805 Embark USCG HC-144 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 4 DOD-17-0430-C-000075 18-L-0088/ESD/0322 20 October 2017 Version 8 0815 Keys Recovery Overflight Flight Time: 0+40 0855 Land at Marathon Airport 0900 Depart for Windshield/WalkingTour Transportation: Assigned Vehicles Lead: Leader 's Security Detail Vehicle Assignments: TIJDper Detail 0945 Embark HC-144 0955 Keys Recovery Overflight Flight Time: O+20 1015 Arrive Key West International 1025 Embark vehicJes for USCG Sector Key West Transportation: Assigned Vehicles Lead:Leader'sSecurity Detail Drive Time: O+25 Vehicle Assignments: TBDper Detail 1050 Unit Visit- Coast Guard Sector Key West - CAPT Jeff Janszen, Commanding Officer o Welcome Aboard o o Base Damage Walking Tour Roundtable Meeting w/ FEMA, Local, and State Partners 1150 Embark vehicles for Key West International Transportation:Assigned Vehicles Lead: Leader 's Security Detail Drive Time: O+25 Vehicle Assignments: TBDper Detail 1215 Embark C-40 1230 Depart for Washington, D.C. Fligh1 Time: 2+ 15 ooLunch Onboard.. 1445 Arrive Joint Base Andrews 1500 Depart for Rayburn House Office Building Transportalion:USCG Govt Vehicles Drive Time: O+30 1530 Arrive Rayburn House Office Building AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT s DOD-17-0430-C-000076 18-L-0088/ESD/0323 20 October 2017 Version 8 ***MISSIONCOMPLETE*** Points of Contact: CDR Adam Chamie Coast Guard Liaison Office W: (202) 225-4775 C: (202) 345-4787 Email: LCDR KentReinhold Coast Guard LiaisonOffice W: (202) 225-4775 C: (202) 345-4486 Email: CDR Timm Balunis DHSOLA C: (202) 836-1728 Email: Damon Armeni FEMA Congressional Affairs. Deputy Director C: (202) 674-0588 Email: AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 6 DOD-17-0430-C-000077 18-L-0088/ESD/0324 DEPARTMENTOF THE ARMY OFFICEOF T1E CHIEFOFLEGISLATIVE UAISON 1900 /dtMY PENTAGON WASHINGTON DC 20310-1too 13 February 2017 SA/LLO MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Assistant of the Chief, Secretary Legislative Liaison of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: LARGEMILAIR ASSET REQUESTICO CODELWILSON REF: (A) DoDD 4515.12. Employees of Congress DoD Support for Travel of Members and approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift for the of the following Congressional Members and Staff on behalf Department of Defense. This request is for sponsored, nonreimbursable travel based on review of the following information: 1. I request NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY: 20-22 February 2017: Doha - Afghanistan - Iraq JUSTIFICATION FOR MILAIR: See Attached MODEOF TRAVEL: C-130 (b)(6) eeAnn Borman Performing the Duties of the Assistant secretary of Defense Legislative Affairs ~Approved ( )Disapproved 2 Approved_...,._........,~ Diaapproved. _ _,_... __ _0_o/ll_ MichaelL. Bruhn ExecutiveSecretary AMLf llCAt\ pVERSIGHT 18~:o11 DOD-17-0430-C-000078 Coft51!oooional Mewbero REP Joe Wilson REP Steve Knight REP Donald Norcross REP Claudia Tenney S~f Mr, Mr. H R-SC/02 (HASC) R-CA/25 (HASC) O-NJ/01 {HASC) R-NY/22 (Financial t:ara ______ .... 1(b)(6) HASC Majority HASCMinority OCLL Programs OCLL Programs AMERICAf\ Services) pVERSIGHT PSM PSM Lead Military Escort Military Escort DOD-17-0430-C-000079 18-L-0088/ESD/0326 .nJS'l':Il'IC!Ai'ION: 1. Purpose: To allow members of the House Armed Service Committee and Financial Services Committee to meet with military commanders, U.S. and senior Service members, U.S. Ambassadors and Embassy personnel, foreign government officials. The congressional delegation will focus on the following: operational and regional updates, bilateral and security cooperation, counter-terrorism, ongoing multilateral contingency operations, trade, and economic issues. In Munich, the delegation The delegation will also EUCOMand USAREUR. will attend the Munich Security Conference. meet with senior military commanders from In Afghanistan, the delegation will meet with the government officials, senior U.S. Department of State and U.S. military commanders to discuss current train, advise, and assist and counterterrorism operations. will meet with Iraqi government officials, In Iraq, the delegation Kurdish officials, senior U.S. Department of State and U.S. military advise and assist and counter-terrorism commanders to discuss, operations. For the reasons outlined in the next 2. Impact if not supported: section, MILAIR is the only practical mode of travel into Afghanistan and Iraq. If MlLAIR is unavailable the CODEL and between Afghanistan will be unable to visit Afghanistan. 3. Commercial air travel would be impractical due to the lack of travel options in and out of Afghanistan. Commercial and Iraq requires multiple connections air travel between Afghanistan and extensive layovers. The originally planned two-day visit to Afghanistan has already been reduced to one day to de-conflict with Commercial air into and out Afghanistan other CODELsin the region. would reduce the time on the ground to just a few hours due to limited flight options. The itinerary, in current form, is structured to allow to allow the for significant ground travel time and structured delegation to make the most of each day while arriving at each destination in sufficient time to be properly rested to absorb MILAIR also information and actively participate in engagements. allows the delegation sufficient flexibility to add engagements with local defense officials, should they arise during the course of the trip, without having to rush to make a commercial flight. Finally, MILAIR provides additional security to members of the delegation. commercial w air .s,oo~ ~/hQWE c~1301--t .t 'i,73'1 ESTIMATEDCOST: (C-130) C,...,"Jo 5 AMLf llC; pVERSIGHT .ft,, Y l 41' x 24 hourso ,, u $128,840.08 zn,c.,c;. =.kt,(''( , oS'"': k DOD-17-0430-C-000080 18-L-0088/ESD/0327 FY 2017 REIMBURSABLE RATES FIXED WING The following hourly rates for fixe.l :R: pepartNSilor 'Niamey, :Nigef (NlM) FllgntTime:..2'+10, itme .clia11:ge , -t. O 2140 Arrive Niamey, Niger{NIM) Met by control officer RequestExpediter Z2l0 Dep~tfor hotel Hand out keys RON Embassy Compotmd or Hotei'TBD . Wednesday, 21 F.ebrua-ry 2018 Attin~: Bu~iness Weather:N;amey, Niger TBD 'Breakfast 0800 AMERICAr\ Scene Setter, Qourttry Team Briefing, M~t & Greet mth Amba~sador pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000087 18-L-0088/ESD/0334 3 January 2017 Version 6 TBD Meetings with Cameroonian Officials/Bi-Lateral Engag.~ments TBD Meetings .w ith Defense Officials and Troops . TBD Special Operations Forces Briefing Ti3D Meet with Spec -Ops on the ground (wants on .the .grow1d pe1:spective) 1300 Afternoon Pro_grarn TBD Official Dinner RON Embassy Compound or Hotel TBD Thursdav, 22 February 20l8 Auire : Business Weather:Niamey, Niger Frankjitrt:Ni'amey, Niger:(NIM)Jor.'l?'~\ank_fort, G~~y (FR.A) Plight Time: 5+20. time change + 0 Depart osoo MIL.AIR: 1020 Arrive Frankfurt, Germany (FRA) 1050 Commercial Flight Check-In Request Expe.di,te,. Missio n Comp lete DOD-17-0430-C-000088 PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0335 Version .6 i 3 January. 2017 DOD-17-0430-C-000089 DEPARTMENT OFTHEAIRFORCE OFACEOFlHE SECRETARY UNITED STATES AIRFORCE WASHINGTON DC20330 17 Aug 1_7 MEMORANDUM FOR . OSD/LA FROM: SAF/LL TO: Assistant SUBJECT: MI~IR REF:. Employees ~ecretary of Defense (Legislative Affairs) REQUESTFOR STAFDEL Goel (A) DoDD4515.12. o_f Congress . DoD Support for Travel of Members and I request approval to authorize airlift for the following Congressional Staff Members and Appointees on behalf of the Department of Defens~. This ~equest- is for spousored, reimbursable travel based on review of the f~llowing_information: . NAMES: {~); Anish Goel Katherine _(MLA) ; Matt Squeri Suslavich (SASC PSM) ; Jason Bradbury (MLA); Rosie Heiss . (MLA) ITINERARY.: 31 August,. 201? - Fort Wainwright to Fort Greely; Greely to Fort Wainwright Fort JUSTIFICATIONFOR MlLAIR: In support STAFDELintends to visit Fort Greeley the operational environment of forces of DoD and AF Priorities, the. on 31 Aug to gain insight into assigned to AR'.. Given.the significant distance, MILAIR {AH-64/CH.-47) is the best means of travel. Additionally, a range brief will be accomplished while enroute to Fort Greely. This meets the justification criteria of DoDD 4515.12. MODE9F TRAVEL: Helo MILAIR Requeste .._. .... ~ .. ~ . BARNES ~~o..-y I SES, DAF. Legislative Approved ( )Not Approved. Director,. Liaison Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN Executive Secretary ~sistant secretary of Defense Legislative Affairs P('Approve~ ( )Not Approved BREAKING BARRIERSooos,Nce 1947 o for mm 1 1111 11111 ~ DOD-17-0430-C-000090 18-L-QQ88/ESO/Q337 . --osoo108W- 0 17ICMOOt4645?t7 -- 2 COST ESTIMATE& ITINERARY MILAIR: $16,40b.00-$21,620.0p COMAIR: COMAJ:R Not Available Itinerary 1. 31 Aug 17 Fort Wainwright to Fort Greeley 2. 31 Aug 17 Fort Greely to Fort Wainwright AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000091 18-L-0088/ESD/0338 STAFDEL Suslavich Senate Armed Services Committee 27 August ...2 September 2017 HOST: Lieutenant General Ken Wilsbach, USAF, Commander, Alaskan NORAD Region, Alaskan Command, Eleventh Air Force DISTINGUISHEDVISITORS: Mr. Jason Suslavich, Mililary Lcgislalive Assistanl to Senator Dan Sullivan (R-AK) TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD MILITARYESCORT: Maj (b)(6) SAF/LL (b)(6 ) Comm: (b)(6) I Cell ._ 1 ___ _, PROJECTOFFICERS: Capt (b)(6) Legislative Liaison. Alaskan Command, Eleventh Air Force Comm (b)(6) I / Celll (b)(6) Mr. Jay D DeFillipo, Strategic CommunicationsChief, United States Army Alaska Comm! (b)(6) !ICell (907) !(b)(6) I VISIT OBJECTIVE Provide Military Legislative Assistants (MLA) to Senate Armed Services Committee Members an overview of U.S. military entities in Alaska. Update the delegation on current projects, future exercises.and readiness. with an emphasis on forces assigned in AK and evolving arclic issues. AM~f Drart- 20 ,July 2017 / dmf pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000092 18-L-0088/ESD/0339 :;,r.~{':ot,\ .~.1 .--.i.{- 1.~u iii 1 ~ .. HoJ. l t ~\1U 1;11'. .1o, ltl,fll(l,'o 1~;rn,1 -... l ~u ...1tot.,,.. l~()(".(.ft '( \'iK_~.ffl t.i1~;! t~~tH'I t..tu r;"J.nn.u t1(f1H:,o;,:.-, :(:,o., ,:!Jtl, ,'. ..~lt,I l>(;tJ)j(>:, g,:,. i:'.H';!j 1 ~1;.,1:;1 o.1. i :~:,:.o,l:.L o,~t"):.o_:,.,11 ;.:; -'o"6:,i ~ ooo. : ?t { ~I f.,:_.'. IC,1 :.oi ..t.o..\ ,:m;;.rt-:. I ',1.' li:!L'"l'H, ~;~ .:: 1 .,_11:- /",Iv .oo., o..o o,:, !'.O.i hi ....... .-,'..-, 111..:?1.",r,'.1 1,ll IJ ,,o,:, l11e~.o fill 1'.\ ~;0111u,..-.i;,-:-J!t'o:, 1u.~.$.oJl,,....-..r.,',L:,~ o,l, o:,\",tH.to1lllJf 1;f\lJtt.1:. lfOCflU,' lt ;w,t,.f, Ut~O!i[ Y (',,tAH,\M ~itHUH f ,"\r-Ui ,~o .-, iH."1 ~l.f;;~t ~Ht:111.~ ?;. :loTolH'. ".'-11\;.o.o:,t :., ........ ~.o.".. 1 !t,.,(;Ji.:.~.;, fl 1/~'.f.flttl. l-....... oo ;,.,. l o o.o,o,fr t.; I i ~n; ,l o ,..i; :.o,;, o:,;,.,o '.o too'ol.',(, ,1: o o?.- 1, r1'..' p .o.,1,! \o, .1;c:~1:. .\P;fiil~, .o ,. 1:4, .:,1 ,.1;.11., Ml',1.11'., 11itt~oli\.H ~;~1.\. o.II .o.o: 1' oo E.~1::.(H.TH o;,r.r,~n; o.t.-.~ :,,'-foi:1~i (ho,,, .. < I: :1 !(~ !-fo..oo...o--.?? llnitcdeSrotcs Senate COMMllTEE ON ARMED SERVICES i :o, WASHINGTON. DC 20510-6050 :..( _:-;;;._1; 1,.1,.~U,_,: ~.,,i~\,"111\ :;1..-.1.r 1,,ttr; TOit l:o1o ?.1,ooo August 2. 20 I 7 Honorable James N. Mattis Secretary of Defense The Pentagon Washington. DC 2030 l ~ I000 Dear Mr. Secretary: This letter is to requesl assistance for Committee on Armed Services staff members Anish Goel and Ozgc Guzdsu to travel via commercial aircraH to Alaska during the period August 27 through September 2. 2017. The purpose of their trip will be to receive an overview of U.S. military entities in Alaska. including. briefings on current projects. future exercises. and readiness. It is requested that the Department of the Air Forcc be assigned as the action agent for this trip. Expenditure of funds for the payment of actual and necessary expenses and such transportation as may be required is authorized by 31 U.S.C. I l08(g). Your assistance in this matter will be appreciated. Sincerely. John McCain Chairman AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT I ~IHl~Hllll 111 DOD-17-0430-C-000093 --osoo1 oa69~n,CM001~s-zts;1 1 -- 18-L-0088/ESD/0340 DEPARTMENT OFTHEAIRFORCE OFFICE OFTHESECRETARY UNITEDSTATES AIRFORCE WASHINGTON DC20330 9 Aug 17 MEMORANDUMFOR SAF/LL FROM: SAF/LLZO . SUBIB_CT:CongressionalTravel - STAFDELGoel In accordance with DoD Directive 4515.12 and AFI 11.:401,request your approval to operatea non-reimbursableAir Force local area orientationflight for the CongressionalMember as outlinedbelow: DELEGATION:Anish Goel, PSM, SASC; Jason Suslavich,MLA, Sen Sullivan (R-AK); Matt Squeri,MLA, Sen Heitkamp(D-ND); KatherineBradbury,MLA, Sen Blumenthal (D-C'I); RosieHeiss,MLA, Sen Warner(D-VA) ITINERARYAND DATES: (27 Aug - 2 Sep l7) Anchorage,AK; Fairbanks, AK inform Congressionalstaff of Air PURPOSE: Enhancerelationshipswith SASC offi~ and Force and defense mission sets to enhanceunderstandingof DoD missions in support of AF priorityof restoringreadinessas well as SAF/LLssharedunderstandingJine of effort. The . delegationwill gain awarenessinto exercises,currentprojects, and readiness of assigned forces. MODEOFTRAVEL: COM.AIR ESTIMATEDCOST: $2,000 'REC.OMMENDATION: Approve I lbX6) l ...._______ Lt Col, USAF. Chief,CongressionalTravel Branch ( ) Disapproved A{Appr9yed ,Qi. BREAKING BARRIERS ... SINCE 1947 AMLHICAr\ _ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000094 18-L-0088/ESD/0341 DEPARTMENT OFTHEAIRFORCE OFFICE-OF THESECRETARY UNITED STATES AIRFORCE WASHINGTON DC20330 17 Aug 17 MEMORANDUMFOR SAF/LL FROM: SAF/LLZO SUBJECT: CongressionalTravel- STAFDELGoel In accordancewith DOD Directive4515.12,requestyour approval,on behalfof the Secretaryof the Air Force,to operatean Air Force invitationaltrip for CongressionalMemberas outlinedbelow. . . . . . MIASen DBLEGA,TION:JasonSuslavich, Sullivan(R-AK);Matt Squeri,MLA,Sen Heitkamp(D-ND);KatherineBradbury,MLA, Sen Blumenthal(D-GT); Rosie Heiss, MIA, Sen Wamer(D-VA). . . ITINERARYAND DATES: Anchorage,AK; Fair~.A,K/27 Aug-2 Sep 17 PURPOSE: Enhancerelationshipswith SASCofficesand informsCongressionalstaff of Air Force and defensemissionsets to enhanceunderstandingof DoDmissionsin supportof AF understandingline of effort. The . . priority of restoringreadinessas well as SAF/LLs ~d delegation.will gain awarenessinto exercises,currentprojects, and readinessof assignedforces. .MODEOF TRAVEL:.COMAIR ESTIMATEDCOST: $2,000 RECOMMENDATION:Approve I .l(b)(6) ..... ______ ..... Lt Col, USAF Chief: CongressionalTravelBranch ~pproved ( ) Disapproved J. BARNES,S;BS,DAF Deputy Director, Legislative Liaison AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT BREAKING BARRIERS...SINCE 1947 DOD-17-0430-C-000095 '18-L-0088/ ESD/0342 ,, STAFDEL Suslavich Senate Armed Services Committee 27 Aug ust - 2 September 2017 Attire : Cas ual Su nday, 27 August 0930 Arrive Washington Dulle s Airport 1205 Depart Washington Dulles Airport (Delta Flight 1160) 1846 Arrive Ted Stevens Internation al Airport Anchorage (ANC) (De lla 2469 from A TL) NO T E: STAF DEL will self-escort to hotel/dinner via rental ca rs 2000 De legat ion estab lished at Captain Cook Hotel (A LCOM/ LL hands off Air Show DV park ing passes to S/\F / LL) NOTE: Remainder of evening at leisu re. Dinner at nearby downtown restaurant - ..J-lumpy.s.. (o r orde r food /drink s to-go and cat at hotel). Remain overn ight. Mo nday, 28 Aug ust 0730 Attire: UO D/B usin ess Casual (appropriate for jump tower) DV Surre y depart s Alaskan Command (ALCO M) HQ en ro ute Ca ptai n Coo k Hote l to pick u delcoation ____ Escorted by: Capt (b)(6) ___, 0745 DV Surre y arrives Captain Cook Hotel 0755 Depa rt Ca ptain Cook Hot el en route Joint Base Elmendorf-Richard son (JBER) via DV Surrey NOTE: Delegatio n will have breakfast at hotel prior to departure AMLf j 0810 Arrive ALCOM HO, "Bjnky ntrancc " Met By: COL l(b)(6) Commander. Chief or Staff. ANR-/\LCOM NO T E: Phot o oppor tunity then transition lo DV Conference Room 0815 AK Mil itary Operations Briefing (UNC LAS S IFIE D) Briefed by: Co '! (b)(6) !Com mander. C hief of Staff. /\NR-ALCOM 0915 Co mfort Break Draft r 20 ,July 20 17 / dmf pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000096 18-L-0088/ESD/0343 ST AFDEL Suslavich Senate Armed Services Committee 27 August - 2 Septem her 2017 Current Intelligence Briefing (SECRET) Briefed by: Maj Michael Williams, Deputy Chief, 611 AOC. Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Division (ISRD) (907) 552-3347 l000 Depart ALCOM HQ Binky Exit en route Joint Mobility Complex (JMC) ,.ia DV Surrey Escorted by: Capt l(b ...._)(_6_) __ 1015 Arrive JMC for Faeili~ Tour lCommander. 773 Logistics Readiness Squadron Met by: Lt Co1 l(b)(6) 1100 ___. Depart JMC en route Building 8288, Vehicle Management Flight via DV Surrey l(b)(6 ) Escorted by: Capt._ ____ 1115 _, Arrin Building 8288. Vehicle Management Flight for Summer Rebuild/ Refurbishment Discussion and Facilities Tour Met by: Maj l(b)(6) !Commander, 673 Logistics Readiness Squadron 1200 Depart Vehicle Management Flight en route lditarod Dining Facility (DFAC) via DV Surrev Escorted by: Capt .... l(b_)(_6_) __ _, 1215 Arrive lditarod DFAC for Lunch with Airmen ICommand Chief Master Sergeant, Eleventh Air Force Met by: CMSgq (b)(6) 1315 Depart lditarod DFA ro te USARAK HQ via DV Surrey ___ Escorted by: Capt...._ (b)(6) 1335 Arrive USARAK HQ for Oven.iew Brief I Met/Briefed by: co4 (b)(6) 1410 ..... Depart USARAK HQ for Windshield Tour en route Airborne Sustainment Training Area AST A ,,ia DV surrey Escorted hy: (b)(6) and Cap~(b)(6) 1430 Arrive AST A for 4/25 IBCT o,,crview (Hands on dcmo-4/25 Capabilities/Jump Tower) Met by: COU (b)(6) !4/25 Brigade Commander Briefed by: MAJ! (b)(6) I 1630 AM~ f Depart ASTt en routeCaptainCook Hotel via DV Surrey Escorted by: (b)( 6 ) ] and Cap1 (b)(6) Draft - 20 .July 2017 / dmf pVERSIGHT I DOD-17-0430-C-000097 18-L-0088/ESD/0344 STAFDEL Suslavich Senate Armed Services Committee 27 August- 2 September 2017 Arrive Captain Cook Hotel NOTE : Remainder of evening at leisure. Dinner at Simon and Seaforts. Remain overnight. Attire: UOD / Busine ss Casual Tuesday, 29 Augu st 0810 Depart Capta in Cook Hotel en route ALCOM HQ via SAF / LL Rental Vehicle s 0825 Arrive ALCOM HQ "B ink y Entrance " transition to ANR-ALCOM Command and Control Center (A2C2), Air Operations Center (AOC), Oper ation s Floor Met by: Col l... (b_)_(6-) -----.! Commander. 6 I I Air Operat ions Center COMM: !(b)(6) ! 0830 611 Air Operations Center Mission Briefin g and Facility Tour Briefed by: Col !(b)(6) !Commander. 6 I I Air Operatio ns Center 0900 Depart 611 AOC Op s Floor en route 176 Air Defen se Squadron (ADS) Escorted by: Captl(b)(6) 09IO Arrive 176 ADS for Facility Tour and NORAD Command and Control I Discussion l(b)( 6 ) Met by: Lt Col . Comm l(b)(6) I Director of Operations. 176 ADS I NOTE: Comfort break before departi ng to CAC AM~f 0930 Depart 176 ADS en route to Combat Alert Cell (CAC) via DV surrey Escorted by: Captl(b)(6) 0945 Arrive CAC for Facility Tour and F-22 Ovcn 1 iew Met by: Capt l(b)(6) Flight Com mander. 525 Fighter Sq Comm !._ (b_)_(6_) ___ _. 1045 Depaa.t CAC en route 962 Airborne Air Control Sq uadron (AACS) Escorted by: Captl(b)(6) 1055 Arrive 962 AACS for Fac ility Tour , E-3 Static display , and NORAD Tactical C2 (airborne) n. . Met by: Maj i.;,. (b...;. )(~6~ ) ~__. ........ ........_.,.. '> A AC.,.;; ' S..,._,.,,,-,------, COMM-(b)( 6) Cell: .... l(b_)(_6)___ ..... I l I Draft-20July20l7/dmf pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000098 18-L-0088/ESD/0345 STAFDEL Suslavich Senate Armed Services Committee 27 August - 2 September 2017 De1lart 962 AACS en route lditarod Diving Facility (DF AC) via DV Surrey 1155 I Escorted by: Capt l(b)(6) 1205 Arrive lditarod DFAC for Lunch NOTE: Quick lunch; no host for timing. 1250 Depart Iditarod DFAC en ,.oute AK Guard, Building 49000 via DV Surrey Escorted by: Captl(b)(6) 1315 Arrive JBER Armory, Building 49000 for AK Nationa l Guard/ Air Guard Program (AK NG Mission and initiatives Brief 2 J2 Rescue Squadron) Met by: Rank First Last, Duty Title, Unit 1530 Depart JBER Armory, Building 49000 en route ALCOM via DV surrey 1615 Arrive ANC I NOTE: Dinner at airport 1950 Depart ANC en route Fairbanks International Airport (FAI) (Alaska Flight 2813) 2051 Arrive FAI TBD Depart FAI en route Westmark Hotel via SAF/LL rental vehicles Wednesdav, 30 August AM~f Attire: lJOD/ Business Casual 0730 Depart Westmark Hotel en route Eielson AFB EAFB) via DV Surrey Escorted by: Capq(b )(6) j and 1L (b)(6) /1 Lt !(b)(6) 0815 Arrive Yukon Club for Working Breakfast with 354 FW Mission Briefing Met by: !(b)(6) Commander. 354 FW 0915 Comfort Break - Place box lunch orders for KC-135 flight Oraft I I 120.July2017/dmf pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000099 18-L-0088/ESD/0346 STAFDEL Suslavich Senate Armed Services Committee 27 August .. 2 September 2017 Depart Yukon Club en route 354 Ainraft Maintenance Squadron (AMXS) via DV surrey Escorted by: Capt l(b)(6) land 1Lt.... l.------- .... Met by: Lt Col f b)(6 ) !Commander, 353 CTS/Capt l(b)(5) F-35 Program Ollice i 1230 Depart 353 CTS en route Aurora Event CenterlAEf) ,,ia DV Surrey Escorted by: Capt l(b)(6) and 1ul (b)(6) I Ll ~(b)(6) 1240 Arrive AEC for Lunch with Airmen Met by: Rank First Last, Duty Title, Unit 1345 Comfort break I 1355 I Depart AEC en route Cold-weather Survival School via DV Surrey !andILtj (b)(6) IJIL*b)(6) Escorted by: Captj(b)(6) 1415 Arrive Cold-weather Survival School for briefing/hands-on demo Met by: !(b)(6) !Commander. Det I. 66 TRS (USAF Arctic Survival Training School) 1630 Depart Cold-weather Sunrival School en route Westmark Hotel via DV surrey ..,,...,..,.,,.,--.... ______ ,.,.,..,..,.,,,---. Escorted by: Captl(b)(5 ) and I Ltj (b)(6) 111 Lt (b-)(_5)_ ____, I 1715 AM~f I Draft-20 l..... Arrive Westmark Hotel July 2017 / dmf pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000100 18-L-0088 / ESD/034 7 STAFDEL Suslavi ch Senate Armed Services Comm ittee 27 Aug ust - 2 September 2017 NOT E: Remai nder of even ing at leisure. Dinner at Pumphouse. Remain overnight. Thurs day, 31 Aug ust NOTE: Mr. ..... l(b-)(-6)_ Attire: UOD /Business Casua l (appropriate for MTC) land Mr~(b)(6) lwill depart en route DC in evening _____,I Msl(b)(6) 0715 Depart Westmark Hotel en route Eielson AFB (EAFB ) via DV surrey Escorted by: Capt!(b)(6) land I Lt l(b)(6) VI Lt!(b)(6) 0800 Arr ive 168 Wg HQ for M ission Brief Met by: Co(l(b)(6) Commander. 168th Wing 0845 De part J68 Wg H en rou te Hangar 1176 via DV surre~..,, o ...,..,.,-,-------, Escm1ed by: Capt (b)(6) andl Lt !(b)(6) VI Lt.... l(b_)(_6)__ .... 0900 A rrive Hangar 1176 Apron for KC- 135 Tour / Flight Brie fed by: Col !(b)(6 !I Lt Cotl(b)(6) I I I NOTE: Box lunch on aircraft 1330 Depart Hangar 1176 en route Ft Wa inwrig ht Army Garrison (FWA) via DV surrey ..,.,..,..,.,,.,..---, ...,,,..,..,.,,-,-----, ....------. 5 Escorted by: Capd(b )(6) and I Lt l(b)(6) 111Lt lolnt e--C4Mp,..y,l!Ddpl, Pole~co...,--.....-,11--inllloKedlkl',JMc-Ml~'k-PalsbMWPPPIIIPD --~ ... -lto,aott,O.lio. - "--.... ---bt-lrO.Ollio. __ ofp.loflMoftr.lllor. Thn-btll!Mof_llO_hm ............. . To""'1M,_, ..... - ............_-..,_.__1ndiledl<>nlll--oMI .,_._._._..,, 11 n. ___ 21 ""' __ 31 .__ .. .... ....,u-.iaulfflllJ. n.--oo-'oo ..--.,.,....,_ ..__ .....,__ .._,,_ ___ ..____ ......,,.....,. .._._ .............. ,.. .. -(121 ...... ll.51ndMs(IUm .. Tllo-loCODl1'o-Peldll" Prinlnf-; For_.,.__,,.._,.,,,. .._...,..,.p,riN-ooeoo-oo-o-olloolmllcfln ,rn,. lin ....-.(d1odftMpnoltf.,._ lhopri,ll"'fallo,oHoaoiobl ..... ... __ Tho---loo-"'illtpntll-Mhlhll II iJ I II A~ 1c {ICAr\ ::-'VERSIGHT o,_pri,11or"'""""'"o-pMinf) ..,. _. ...... ., __ lD,l,oftho _ _._igM. lho-.i .. looll-oflhoinhrl 0 MANIFEST: 4 Pax Members of Congress 1) SEN Jack Reed, Senate 1) 2) Armed Services Ms. l~b)(6) Mr.~.--------- l(b) ( 6 ) Escorts:. 1) MaJor~.-------'- 0-RI, SASC Ranking Member Conittee Professional Staff Director - Minority SASC Professional Staff Member SASC Staff I USA Legislative Liaison Officer JUSTIFICATION: 1. Purpose: The purpose of the trip is to receive operational intelligence updates from different military commands within with Operation Inherent Resolve AOR and to execute key engagements Host Nation and Department of State leadership. and the DoD, 2. Impact if not supported: MILAIR is requested to conduct movement between Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Baghdad and Irbil Iraq and Kobane, Syria in order to see forward deployed Department of Defense As the Department of Defense and and other U.S. Government elements. other U.S. government agencies partner with local national security forces for counter-terrorism operations, it is imperative to the delegation's discussions and future work in the 115 th Congress they gain the perspective that only a field engagement will provide. 3. Impact if required to use ground transportation cancellation of the CODEL. The distance and security precludes the use of ground transportation. 3. CODEL REED requests MILAIR support Tuesday, 11 April 2017 to Thursday, transportation. ESTIMATEDCOST: $5,002 AMt::HICAr\ PVERSIGHT per hour is the situation throughout the CENTCOM AOR on 13 April 2017 to provide x 11 hours= $55,022 DOD-17-0430-C-000106 18-L-0088/ESD/0353 Delegation Schedule of Monday, 10:55am10ml 8:05am: Washington Events - With MILAIR Support April 10, (IAD) to Dubai Tuesday, April 11, 2017 (DXB) on Emirates 232 (13h 2017 8:05aro-9:35am: 10:00am-l:OOpm: l:00pm-l:45pm: Transition to MILAIR flight Flight from Dubai to Baghdad, Iraq on MILAIR Lunch 2.: 00pm.,...2-: 25pm: AMB off ice call 2:30pm-3:25pm: Country Team briefing 3:30pm-4:25prn: ORA briefing 4:30pm-5:00pm: Movement to external engagement 5:00pm-6:00pm: Meeting with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi 6:00pm-6:30pm: Movement to BEC 6:30pm-8:00pm: Dinner with Ambassador RON Baghdad Wednesday, 6:30am-7:00am: 8:00am-9:30arn; 9:30arn-10:1Sam: 10:30am-12:30prn: 12:30pm-l:00pm: 1:00pm-l:45pm: l:45pm-3:45pm: 3:45pm-4:45pm: 5:00prn-5:45pm: 6:00pm-7:00pm: 7:30pm-9:00pm: RON Baghdad 6:30am-7:00am: 8:00am-9:30am: 9:30am-1:00pm: l:30pm-3:00pm: 3:30prn-4:25pm: 4:30pm-5:25pm: 5:30pm-6:00pm: 6:00pm-7:30pm: 7:30pm-8:00pm: RON Baghdad AM~HICA1-.... pVERSIGHT 12, 2017 Thursday, April 13, 2017 Breakfast Baghdad to Kobane, Syria on MILAIR Visit with Task Force in Kobane, Syria Kobane to Baghdad on MILAIR CJTF-OIR Briefing OSC-I and CJFLCC-OIR Briefing Movement to external engagement Dinner meeting with Salim al-Jabouri Movement to BEC Friday, 9:35am-12:45pm: 803 (3h !Om} 12:45pm-2:45pm: 2:45pm-7:10pm: 7 (llh 25m) April. Breakfast Baghdad to Irbil, Iraq on MILAIR Movement to Task Force Task Force briefings Lunch Movement to FLOT (IVO Mosul) FLOT engagements Return to Irbil Dinner Movement to FLS Irbil to Baghdad on MILAIR or ORA Baghdad Layover Istanbul April 14, {BGW)to Istanbul (GEN Votel) 2017 {IST} on Turkish in Istanbul (IST); request expediter (IST) to Washington (IAD} on Turkish Airlines Airlines DOD-17-0430-C-000107 18-L-0088/ESD/0354 r b)(6) I 5 l(b)( 6 ) CPTUSARMYCENTCOMCCJ4 (US) ..., lc1vCENTCOM CCJ4 (Us):j (b)( 5 ) ....___ ___. CODEL Reed MJLAIRrequest Subject: Attachments: MILAIR Req - CD Reed (Apr 2017)-signed_approvd.pdf Good afternoon Ma'am, Request support regarding OSD Exec Sec approval for CODEL Reed Memo above. OSD LA has actioned this memo at this time. V/R, CPT-!(b-)(--6)___ ...., Chief, CCJ4-DTheater Travel Cell USCENTCOM--------, DSN/COMM: l(b)( 5) BB~(b)(6) ~ 1 ___ AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT ....., 1 DOD-17-0430-C-000108 18-L-0088/ESD/0355 DEPARTMENT OFTHENAVY OFRCE OF LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS 1300 NAVYPENTAGON WASHINGTON DC 20350-1300 IN REPLYREFERTO 4600 LAlH 09 Sep 17 MEMORANDUM FROM: Navy Office TO: Assistant of Legislative Secretary Affairs of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: IN-THEATER MILAIR ASSET REQUEST ICO GODEL STEVE DAINES REF: 1. (Al DoDD 4515.12. DoD Support Employees of Congress for Travel of Members and I request approval to authorize military airlift travel for the following Congressional Members and Staff on behalf of the Department of Defense. This is for sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of the request following information: NAMES: Honorable Steve Daines (See attached manifest) ITINERARY: 23 Sep, 2017; Helicopter Island, Seoul Korea SAC (Defense) (R-MT), Support Request helo support to visit garner a better understanding MODEOF TRAVEL: In-Theacher MILAIR Requesc:_\ __ <' to Yeonpyeong from Yongsan JUSTIFICATION: Yeonpyeong Island in order threat. of the artillery to --.- ......:.......:..:i.,r.6~~:____\,..J-,::::}.~ ~--i!..:_ ( ~pproved HallockN. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN ExecutiveSecretary AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT - ( pproved ~~~-~~NlT .~. HQ)f) ~ssistant Secretary Defense Legislative Affairs ()()Approved ( )Not of Approved DOD-17-0430-C-000109 18-L-0088/ESD/0356 - MANIFESTFOR CODELDAINES TRAVELTO YEONPYEONG ISLAND; SOUTHKOREA: 23 ~E? Honorable Steve Daine? (R-MT), Senate Appropriations Committee . Ai:1ia1'iy.ilsueh. Deputy Chief of Staff, Senator Daines CAPT Butch Dollaga, Congressional Liaison, FMBE AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 17 DOD-17-0430-C-000110 18-L-0088/ESD/0357 9/6/2017 CODEL STEVE DAINES Taiwan and South Korea 20-22 September 2017 Revs Purpose ofTra,,el: To heller assess and understand the United States' national security and diplomatic role in China including: federal outlays in the region where there is national security interests, current and proposed military assets, regional nuclear threat and countermeasures, PACOM operations, and regional stability. Transportation: Ml LAI R/COMAIR Manifest: Honorable Steve Daines (R-MT). Senate Appropriations Committee (Defense: Financial Services; Interior-Environment; State-Foreign Operations; Transportation-l.JUD) Mr. Wally Hsueh, Deputy Chief of Staff, Senator Daines CAPT Butch Dollaga. Congressional Liaison, FMBE Itinerary: (All Times Are Local) W cdncsday, 20 Sep 2017 TBD 5:05 Depart Hart Senate Office Building Della (DL 1578) from Washington-Reagan National. DC (DCA) to Minneapolis/St Paul, MN (MSP) - Flight Time: 2hrs 49mins - Time Change: -1 hour (I hour behind DC time) 6:54pm 7:59pm Layover: 1hr 5mins Delta (DL 1808) from Minneapolis/St Paul. MN (MSP) to San Francisco. CA (SFO) - Flight Time: 4hrs 18mins - Time Change: -2 hours (3 hours behind DC Lime) - Meal Service Layover: 3hrs 23mins - Meal Service 10: I 7pm Thursday, 21 Sen 2017 1:40am Delta (DL 7731) {operated by China Airlines (Cl)} from San Francisco. CA (SFO) to Taoyuan Intl., Taipei, Taiwan (TPE) - Flight Time: 13hrs 20mins - Overnight Flight - Time Change:+ 15 hours ( 12 hours ahead of DC time) - Meal Service AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000111 18-L-0088/ESD/0358 Friday, 22 Sep 2017 06:00 Arrive Taoyuan Intl., Taipei, Taiwan (TPE) 06:00 Passport Control and Customs TBD Freshen up in Arrival Lounge TBD Transit from Taoyuan Intl.. Taipei. Taiwan (fPE) to U.S. Embassy Taipei TBD U.S. Embassy Taipei engagement TBD Taiwan Engagement TBD Arrive airport, clear security 4:00 China Airlines (Cl 162) from Taoyuan Intl.. Taipei, Taiwan (TPE) to lncheon Intl. (ICN) - Flight Time: 2hrs 35mins - Time Change: +I hours (13 hours ahead of DC time) - Meal Service Passport Control and Customs 7:35pm 8:00pm Transit from Seoul-lncheon, South Korea (ICN) to hotel (TBl)) 9:00pm Check-in hotel (TBD) RON Seoul, South Korea Saturday, 23 Sep 2017 TBD Depart hotel TBD U.S. Embassy Seoul engagement USFK engagement Transit from Yongsan LZ (1-1264)to Yi-Pi Do LZ (N206) via helicopter (45 mins] 1045 I I 30 Visit Yeonpyeong Island Transit from Yi-Pi Do LZ (N206) tu Yongsan LZ (11264) via helicopter (45 1215 mins] TBD Seoul Engagement TBD Return to hotel, executive time TBD Check-out TBD Arrive airport. clear security Request He]o support for visit to Yeonpyeong Island in order to gamer a better understanding of the artillery threat Delta (DL 198) from Scoul-lncheon. South Korea (ICN) to Seattle, WA 6:50pm(SEA) I: 15 6:45pm 9:00pm 10:55pm - Flight Time: I Ohrs 25mins - Overnight Flight -Time Change: -10 hours (3 hours behind DC time) - Meal Service Layover: Shrs 30mins United (UA 214) Seattle, WA (SEA) to San Francisco. CA (SFO) - Flight Time: 2hrs 15mins - Time Change: none Layover: I hr 55mins United Airlines (UA 1532) San Francisco. CA (SFO) to Washington Dulles (IAD) - Flight Time: Shrs 6mins - Time Change: +3 hours - overnight flight Mission Complete AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 2 DOD-17-0430-C-000112 18-L-0088/ESD/0359 /.f ., fl!i. ,'i~;_:1~ o.~. l.'.,, o.; (: oo?, U,, \ : , f ;.,,-, \'U:r-: ;:.. r.1:rf!t-i~, ~-.-:.~-11.~.,,1,o.n;i:..otif ff I~.'.)If ifJ, C..:.llh .it.~_:: . r::.,1:.oo[JJ uuaiJHJ ll,.Ll1 HJI ~ (~l ; :: o .:. \'.lor.i:,,i' .: ,o:,1,, ,:. ,o:.11t1 o~ : io:.u.: o .\1.,_..,1,.,:.r,..,. . ,,..~.:..f.:,,U .:1.-~(;ftl lf",it~f.'.-i~.,-~ '.,tJo;:,o.o/ ,T~tio~~. ~.~;.H~l .i-,4;n,. !;.rr; r.-:c:;~ 1;S~,\'.ifo ~.'... o; J~' o .: T~).~ 1 1:,;oi,Ll. l.i...", o.1[\.:_,. 1f;.!;t,f. j.-1.:.,;t,:t'o !.~:,', d, ~:o ..ot': o ....,o,', ,\t:.O~o::. ...:~::l.o ~.~--~1.. ;.1 .--..~,L o1,i o.".",'-(:1 tr;:, !o.o., !,o .,o; ~ \i;;;:. .;.'17; -~~F,.1 ~.'o'.':,-1_ ...~i !J, J,~o-.. H. ~;[f1 . ~~:,'...:!i(o~..--: . ;_ :. ~- ?, r;:..;:_(:. :..'>o!..:f.Ji~i'.',', .'..j:1 ;.o;~;.':;M:..aL ., ,.~uu;t t Jo,Jl~C. ,~.-1-~J v=it :::. :, ;:.',~l . ! .,~ ;, r-,:Ep c.o..;:'.,:,,;,:p,, ~ 1t-. { :..., .:r-~ ~ ', .. t~f .:,o:.. _,r;:,:o: ,.:Er,~-d,L.>,!c-.:;c ..-. 1 .. ~:,,:',o. o.:1o&,n..,l(1t1lfll 1.o.~-~.Tl"t)?h{ ~. (; .:~.Ar,r, 1 (,',o,,.! i r,o.:_o_-:._.~1'.,;..: ~o,~$o ..:I 'C;o, =-....! , -~ ~~,.o: ,1!'( l t. o: t.' ,;..4-.,i :.o ., .. :o.t . o.o."\ ! t , '"" o . 1.;tlofJo.o-~ C(JJ1'.MITTEE01-JA!'PHOPRIA'flONS l~F 1.:.:;;.,1.o t:Ji11...o :ti.!..'o11.. 1.' ?1,\Wt..o;,:,ll,~\ 1o.; "t'. i~o!... . o.~oo:, o_,:..; , o io; ..:.. 1: i~r.::-,r. .o.o',~ oo ,:()/..;-=: llnitci'l .~hth~$ ~cnn+-t 1 ; oo'' ~ .o.t ;. I l o.(~f':-:-.;-::;~.;q: - ..,.: W/ISHIN(;lOM, ~ flC 20510-6025 I;:: 1 '. Scpt~mhcr 5. ~o17 The I lonorahlcJames Mattis Secretary l l.S. Department of Ddcnsc Washington.I)(' ::!0)0I lkar Secretary 7'lattis: 1 This letter is to authorize SenatorSteve Daines.and Mr. WallaceI lsuch orhis statI to traYcl on official commiucc business tn Taiwan and South Korea on or ahout Scptcmhcr ~0-24. 2017. Th... a Dec 2017 MEMORANDtJM FROM: Navy Office T01 Assistant SUBJECT: MILAIR.ASSET REQUESTCODBLMICHAELGALLAGHER REV: (A) DoDD4515.12. DoD Support other Federal Officials l. of Legislative Secretary Affairs of Dtafenee (Legislative for Travel Affairs) of Hefflbers of Congrooo and I request approval to authorize military airlift trovel for the following Staff on tHahalf of the t>epartment of Defense. Thia request ia for aponaored. non-reimbursable travel baaed on review of the following information: DIIBSi CODGBPLMichael Gallagher (See Attached Manifest) rrIHBRllY: 23-30 26 Dees Depart 27 Dees Depart 29 Dec~ Depart llec CR-WI), Houee Arffl?d services Ccrlftlittee 2017 (Fixed Wing) Bagbda4, Iraq at 1200 ert Abu Dhabi Intemational, (Rotary Wing) NkIA at 1500 art Camp Reoolute Headquarters (Fixed Wing) NKIA at 2000 ert to Dubai International Airport UAE Conduet oversight of the policy, strategy, and resource iswae aeeociated with Operation ~nherent Resolve in Iraq/Syria, Operation Reoolute Support in Afghanietan, and strategic security efforte with coalition partner, United Arab Ebliratee. .JUITinCA'l'IOlh MODEOF TRAVEL! MIJ.AIR Intra-Theater Plane N. L. COOLING Legislll the COIIIIIUlDClla Corps ~r=~ L, ~ 11,/,v/11. Disapproved ___ _ Appro~ . Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN Executive Secretarv AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT Robert. R. Hood Aaaistant Secretary of Defense Legislative Affairs !l)Approved ( )Not Approved I iU1111111 UII .DOD-17-0430-C-000114 . OS0015631';171CMD020581 ;t7 18-L-0088/ESD/0361 MANIFESTFOR CODELMICHAELGALLAGHER 23.30 J:JBC!MBER 2017 congresama.n Mike Gallagher {R-WI), Ho\u,e Armed servii;:es Committee CongresStun Don Bacon (R-NB), Houae Armed Services Committee congressman Salud Carbajal (D-CA.), House Armed Services Committee Congressman Scott Taylor (R.-VA>, House eommittee on Appropriations Congressman Sean Maloney (D-NY), House. Transportation and Infrastructure .eocm.i ttee Mr. Ari' Zinune:man, Profeasiona.l Staff Member, House Armed Services C:011101ittee Mr. Paul Arcangel!, Staff Director. House Armed Service& Conimittee (':In.g/t1AE only) Mr. spenc:ier Johnson; Professional Staff Member, House A.rued Services committee IAfc;jhan.11tafonly) Captain J(b)(6) AMERICAf\ pVERSIGHT USMC l!!aco:rt DOD-17-0430-C-000115 18-L-0088/ESD/0362 . ,.oo ,., 1 o: ' oo ' oo ,' 1 ' . ' . '' I oo , 1 1.1 I o 'I, , h. , ; ' . .' . oo .. ,, ' , , >uoA [:ongrcss ofthrilnitcd~totes i1ousc of1lcprcsrntotiocs OENI P1ftt~S-'l'l\lAWIA fOM (,ftlivtS, GI t>At;t-' Kf YIN Y()Of R, .:.AA!i-A~ ~U:Vt, WUMACII(. A,-t.ii-t-t~~ Jtff fUfUf~alRAV. ~f.M,\~t MAN ltCA ROB\'. "'l "9AM-. ttommittcc on9ppropriations \lllashington, Bit 205n-Mn MA.FU(l AMOVll f,f~VAOA Ml NII WIIOOSt. rti'ASHII.PltlflON December 11, 2017 ~,,,,IA lt.1 I <.IWI l ,_., W htt1r,. a.~",1<<."f.,_APfllll OU1t, f't U II J YI~{.\ OSI'.._...tNl.ltA~A )l lSf I :,.J fU\MU NI W Yotcll-. flfJSA t. 411~ ,IJPfto. (.UN,-,t C 1"4.UI OAvw:,t PAJ(E_tj()f\Ult."MtOlWA lUC.ltlt MOYBJ\.I."ll-'lltl.L,tJ.fft1'A!il,tr, ~;.... fOflOI> EIISJIOf'.J"'. t",,fOR("ilA ~Al<..._M t I l . v.i U OR,.IA 8tllYMEfll I tUlWfl. WA~11~,,ff1 ... v.--.ttt~ MAH CAlllWfU(,tU. 1'11trr1>ti1:,,VJ C.tRA<.:IMt NG. ~tW ._-(JAi( JIAA.At::f'()(:AfllWl~o~fi l("JurR,,.. M '-~Akk. MA"SSor11us1 t ,~ 11. ll A(,Oll AR l'"tlA (ti JOII"' M UOot(,-,,,U,". M.10111(,AN 1 1.-VH>ft Vlffl ii MA M~l MIU {JUIGH l". 1h INUfS NA.t.;.c.'11 t()III; fU. Mi, S r1\.1I DiHfl ClUt lll(l'IION{. S4:01 r o;--.,~, ni, :n n The I lonorable Jim Manis Secretary of Defense U.S. Department of Defense I 000 Defense Pentagon Washington, D.C. 20301-1000 DearMr. Secretary: Authorization is hereby granted 10 the llonorablc Scott Taylor Member of the Committee Arab Emirates and on Appropriations, to tmvcl with CODEL Gallagherto Iraq, the Unill..-d Afghanistan during the approximate time period of Dl--ccmber23-30, 2017. The purpose of this trip is to conduct oversight of the policy, strategy, and resource issues associated with Operation Inherent Resolve in Iraq and Syria, Operation Resolute Support in Afghanistan, and strategic security efforts with coalition partner, the United Arab Emirates. Oversight would also include ex.aminationof regional dynamics, threat trends, mil-to-mil cooperation, counter terrorism efforts, U.S. force posture in the region, and resource requirements. Nt.-ccssaryexpenses and other authorized costs in connection with this travel shall be paid from appropriations available for examinationof estimates in lhc field under authority of 31 lJ.S.C. 1108(g). It will be apprccia1cdif you will have personnel from the Department assist in making whatever arrangements arc necessary for this travel. The travel will be conducted via MIi.AiR and commercial. Sincerely, Ill~, Chairman AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000117 18-L-0088/ESD/0364 11,1 , i i o o o .I ,, .o . ,1 1 o I I o ,, t 11o t I I j o 'I I o , ., .o.1o1o .!! I, o ' I, I l o , . ,r . , 'o , I, ~ Io!" o o oI o o ,. , I o o: ... "' 11 o 111< I, ,o o II , 'I ,, I ,:. i, ., ' ' ., , : .. , Io 1 ,1,,. 11 of jjl ,,: December I, 2017 J . ,. ,. 'oo Ioo o , .. ,I , Io , 1., t: ' , , 1' I '' / 1 ,',, . , ::,. 111 1, : oo , I IJ o , -., o , , Io I .,, \I p I 1 ,,; : ,1,p,f ol ; 1',t ! 'r. I o ,1 1 / i: o -., 1 o oo tl " l ,,1.,J"l j 1 :,o 1: o ~ o \< , . o.r, , ' I < 1 1,,,1,,Io', : ._1,, o I ,<'} ' 1 .. . 1., , ,, o o , .. t 1 , ! .. .. .. . , , ,., 11; 1,.. . o oo '.l l 1, , 1 .. q , ..,, , ,I . Io , ., I ,o,/' I ,,o I 1i 'oo 11, o;o ll l , o 14o o ,,.11 0 ,, , 1oo, l,,j o , ol , o articipallls: Delegation(~). 8et11Powers Totalflight rime:JOmin Nole: -PPGBPrequired 2130 Arrive at the Embassy Helipt1d(EHP) RON U.S.Embassy,Baghdad,Iraq Stafll)iplom(llrcA1mrtme11ls (SDi-s) Mcmday. 2s Deccmbe1. 2011 Atth-c:Ragge,lCasual Weotlter ;,;B.qghdad: 0800 Brcakfu~t BaghdadEmbassyCompoundDF'ilC 0845 Ground Movementei1routc to Union Jl1 0900 CJ11:-01RRoundtahle 1000 Ground Movementenroute to CJOC~B/Strikc Cell. . 1010 CJQC..B/Sttike Cell Visit 1045 Grot111d Movement :eni'outeto Baghdad Embassy Compound DFAC. 1lOO Lunch w/ Marines/Constituents 1200 G:rou_nd Movementenroqte to Chancery 1210 Embassy Small Country Team Brief AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000121 18-L-0088/ESD/0368 12-Dec 2017- V4 1J 15 OSC-:rBrief 1415 Ground Movement enroute tQ SDA-1 1425 F...xecutiveTimc 1645 Grnund Movement enroute to Ulll 1700 Dinner w/ Constituents RON U.S. Embassy.Baghdad, Iraq Stajf Diplo_maiic Apartments:(SnM Tticsday. 26 Dece)nbel' 2017 Attire: Rugged Casual T-Ji-e41her in Baghdad,Weqiher in AbuDhahilD11bafo 054$ SDACheckout, Baggag~ Call 0600 Breakfast Baghdad-.Embassy Campound DFAC O6S0 Ground movement enr.oule to EmbassyHelipad 0700 Rotary Wing Enrouteto BDSC 0715 C-13(} moveme11t erircmtetoQ-West 0815 Grouqd Movemenl enroute t_oTF PatriotHQs .Q825 TF-:9Mission Update (SVTC) '0925 Ground movemeut enroute tQ TF PatriotUnits .0935 TF Patriot-Uiiit Visits 1025 Mr; Spencer Johm~ondepartsWashington Dulles (IAD) (or.Dubai lnterl'lational(DXB) EST E,11fraJes Ai,-:232,fl.ightlime 12hr 45mil( 1035 Groundmovement e1trouteto Q-West or Ei'bilAiifield 1045 C-130-enroutetoBDSC 1.145 Ei_nigrateCustoms AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000122 18-L-0088/ESD/0369 12 Dec2017-V4 l 200 Depart Baghdad, lrn.qfor JjAE.via iniia-thi::aterMILAIR Flight time:4hr,Umechange: + Jlir 1700. Arrive at Abu Dhabi lilternati011al 1130 AbuDhcdiiProgram o Dol> Liaison Eleme111s o Coutmy Teani B1_.1efing 2030 Ground movement.10Dubai 2130 Arrive in Dubai '2330 Mr. Paul ;\l'Ca.ligelidepart~ hotel for Dubai lnternittiona)Airpott RON Dubai Wednesday, 27 Dcccnobcr 2017 Attire: Rugged Casual Weathe,.In Dubai: Jf'eatherin Kqhu/; 0225 Mr. P~ulArcangelideparts Dubai for Washingt911,DC EmiraJesFlighl 231;.jli~hl lime -14ht45111111, time-change:-8h01.1r~ 0730 $hip.Visit, Jcbcl A.Ii 0810 Mr. Spencet'Johnson a1Tivesat Dubai lnternational(DX8) 0810 Mr. Paul Arcangeli arrives af,Wa$hingt\ ~ ;:; .. .. -~"1...o. ' o . _.I,,_: , '. - .,,,'.' .. DEPARTMENTOF THE NAVY OFFICI!Of LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS 1300NAVYPENTAGON - _;. WASHINGTONDC 20350-1300 o ..... ,' IN REPLY REFl!~TO 4600 LA1D 03 May 17 MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Aasistant of Legislative Secretary Affairs of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT; SMALLMILA.IRASSET REQUEST ICO SEN RICHARt>BURR. REF: (A) DoDD 4515.12. Employees of Congress DoD support for Travel of Members and for the following approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift Staff Members and Appolntees on behalf of the Department of Defense. This request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of the following information: 1. I request Congressional Richard (See attached NAMES: Sen. Burr (R-NC) manifest} ITINERARY: 27-29 May 2017; oQatar; oIraq; *Syria; (oRequires IT-Milair/HELO support) oQatar, JUSTIFICATION FOR MILAIR: MILAIR is requested to execute schedu1e in Iraq and Syria. a C0\1\pressed ground MODE OF TRAVEL; SMALL MILAIR request ~\.\{VJ~ ~hf IL R. VANOPDORP Legislative Assistant to the Commandant of the Marine Acting Corps Approved ( ).Not Approved Digitally signed by SINEJACK.L1033327303 ON:c=US,o=U.S.Government ou=DoD, ou=PKI, ou=USAF, cn=SINE.JACK.l.1033327303 DMe: 101705 Oil 1Q;OO.lil 04'00' For: LeeAnn Borman Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Legislative Affairs "'it/,Approved Ar\~LfllCAr\ 18-L-0088/ESD/0375 ( )Not Approved Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. DOD-17-0430-C-000128 -- MANrFBST FOR CODEL BURR TRAVEL Sen. Richard Sen. Tom Cotton Mr. Christian Burr TO GERMANY; QATAR; (R-AR) Cook, Senior Policy Joyner, Staff .oirector, Staff Mr. R.yan TUlly, Professional USMCOLA Escort Col !(b)(6) Mr. IRAQ; SYRIA; 25-30 MAY 17 _ (R-NC) Chris I Ad.visor, Sen. Burr SSCI Member, SS'cI DOD-17-0430-C-000129 ESTIMATED COSTS: MILAIR(C-20) Commercial - $42,410.00 - No Commercia1 ($8,482.00 Transportation x S flight to hours) Location 18-L-0088/ESD/0377 DOD-17-0430-C-000130 DEPARTMENT OF THEARMY OFFICEOF THE CHIEFOF LEGISLATIVELIAISON 1600ARMYPENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 20310-1900 28 July SALL 2017 MEMORANDUM of the FROM: Office TO: Assistant Secretary Liaison Legislative Chief, of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: ROTARYMILAIR ASSET REQUEST ICO STAFFDEL Sterling REF: (A) DoDD 4515.12. Employees of Congress DoD Support for Travel of Members and - l. I request approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift for the following congressional Staff Members on behalf of the Department of Defense. This request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY: 17 August: Ladd Army Airfield (FT Wainwright, AK) - Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex (JPARC)- FT Greely - Ladd AAF JUSTIFICATION FOR MILAIR: See Attached rb)(6) MODEOF TRAVEL: UH-60 Blackhawk ApprovedJ ' >.- --- --'h..,! . ~.JLEIN ( ~roved ( ) Not Approved HanockN. Mohler,Jr. CAPT.USN ExecutiveSecretary.OoD AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT ROBERTR. HOOD Assistant Secretary Legislative Affairs ( ./ Approved of Defense DOD-17-0430-C-000133 ( J Not Approved 18-L-0088/ESD/0380 - MANIFEST . FOR CODSL .ROSSELLTRAVELTOCHAD: CAMEROON; - NIGER, 17-23 DEC 17 Rep. Steve Russell (R-Ok} oversight and Governmen~ Ref~rm COIUrllitt~e Mr. .am McKenna; General Counsel and Parliamentarian, HOGR CDR b 6 USN, OLA Eocort M!lj b 6 Su.hject Matter Exper~, SO<;OMOffice of t._egislativ:e A,ffairs, (No Cost To OLA) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000134 18-L-0088/ESD/0381 12 February 2018 Ver sion 18 CODEL Russell Oversight and Government Reform Committee Cameroon and Niger 17-22 February 2018 Purpose: For Members of the House Oversight and Government Refom1 Committee to receive an update on force laydown in the AFRICOM AOR . The CODEL seeks more information on stability in the region , US-host nation relationships on fighting terror, recent economic developments , and general regional cooperation. The Members request meeting s with senior leader ship and Spec ial Force s operators . Mode of Travel: COMAIR with Intra-theater MILAIR REQUESTED (Carry-On Only) Manifest: 1. Congr ess man Steve Russell (R-OK) , Oversight and Government Reform Committee 2 . Mr . Liam McKenna , General Counsel and Parliamentarian , Over sight and Government Reform Committee Escort : J. CDR._! (b_ )_(6_ ) _ ___,~Deput y Director , Navy House Liaison Office Subiect-Matter Experts SOCOM Office of Legislative Affair s 1. Maj !(b)(6) ommanding Offic er, SOCFWD- NWA (will join delegation in 2. COL!{b)(6) Frankfurt) I, 6 Additions to passenger manifest for certain legs are noted in the itinerary below and further clarified at the end of this document Itinerary (All times local) Saturday, 17 February 2018 Attir e: Travel Casual Weather : Washington. DC - AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000135 18-L-0088/ESD/0382 12 February 2018 Version 18 2005 Rendezvous at Dulles Airport TSA Expediter accompanie s CODEL to departure gate Cony -On Only 2205 Depart IAD en route Frankfurt, Germany (FRA) United 932 Flight Time: 7+45, time change + 6 RON Overnight Flight Sunday, 18 February 2018 Allire: Travel Casual Weather : Yaounde, Cameroon 1150 Arrive FRA Met by expediter 1220 Depart for MILAIR terminal 1300 MILAIR : Depart FRA enroute Algiers , Algeria (DAAG ) Flight time 2h30m , lime change +0 *Lunch served onboard Colonell (b)(6) voins delegation 1530 Arrive DAAG Fuel stop. I hr 1630 Depart DAAG en route Yaounde , Cameroon (FK YS) Flight time 6h30m, lime change -1 0 *Dinner served onboard 2300 Arrive Yaounde (FKYS) Mel by Ambassador, Control Pflicer. Expediter 2330 Depart for hotel Rep Russell in Amba ssado r 's car Hand out keys Disburse Per Diem US Currency RON Hotel Hilton Yaounde Blvd du 20 Mai +23 7 222 233646 Monday, 19 February 2018 All ire: Business/Rugged Casual AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000136 18-L-0088/ESD/0383 12 February 2018 Version t 8 Weather: Yaounde, Cameroon Niamey, Niger TBD Breakfast on own *Breakfast not included in room rate *Note late lunchtime 0700 Baggage call in lobby Bags will be taken to airstrip 0730 Depart en route Embassy 0800 Country Team Briefing (Security Focus) Ambassador DCM DAO RSO POL USAIDIOT! osc Task Unit SOFLE RAO 0945 Depart en route Ministry of External Relations (MINREX) I 000 (TBC) Meet with Minister of External Relations 1100 Depart en route Ministry of Defense 1115 (TBC) Meeting with Minister of Defens e 1200 Depa11en route airport 1230 Depart Yaounde (FKYS) en route Maroua Salak Airport (FKKL) Flight time I h30m *Lunch onboard Following join tlte delegation: Peter Barlerin (Ambassador) Geoffrey Leone Bradley Ketterer Josltua A11dres Adrian Liptot Jonatltan Baas (Control Officer) 1400 Arrive Maroua (FKKL) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000137 18-L-0088/ESD/0384 Version 18 TBD Maroua program TBD 1630 Depart Maroua (FKKL) en route Yaounde (FKYS) Flight time 1h30m , lime change +0 1800 Arrive Cameroon (FKYS) Cameroon team debarks 1830 Depart FKYS en route Niamey, Niger (DRRN) 12 February 2018 Flight time 2h05m, time change +0 2035 Arrive DRRN Mel by Ambassador , Control q[ficer , and expediter 2100 Depart for hotel Hand out keys RON Hotel Gaweye Rond point Kennedy +227 20 72 27 10 Tuesday, 20 February 2018 Attire : Busines s/ Rugged Casual Weather: Niamey. Niger - TBD Breakfast 0800 Courtesy Call/Overview with Ambassador Ambassador 's office 0815 Country Team Ambassador DCM DAO(non -speaking role) OSC(non-speaking role) SOFLE(non-speaking role) RAO RSO POL ECON USAIDIOT/ MCC FBI AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000138 18-L-0088/ESD/0385 12 February 2018 Version 18 0945 DOD-specific meeting (DAO/OSC /SOFLE) 1030 Meeting with Minister of Defense 1130 Arrive at Air Base 101 1200 Briefings/meetings/tour of facility SOF Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron Joint Special Operations Unit Expeditiona,y Airbase Squadron 1300 Lunch with US team Air Base IOI 1400 Depart for Ouallam In-country airlift Travel lime 0h40m Dele-~w~UQ/ol/owing ----- MAJ (b)(6) SGM (b)(6) LtCo........, (b.... )(..... 6)--- (all SOFLE): .... 1440 Ouallam Briefing by SF Team Meeting with host nation interlo cutors 1730 Depart Ouallam In-coun/Jy airlffi 1810 Arrive Niamey 1900 Ambassador Hosted Dinner Chief of Mission Residence Ambassador DCM Control Office r Pol DAO USA IDIO T! SOFLE AOB Command er RON Hotel Gaweyc AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000139 18-L-0088/ESD/0386 )2 February 2018 Version J8 Wednesday, 21 February 2018 Allire: Rugged Casual Weather: Niamey, Niger - TBD Breakfast TBD Arlit In-country airlift flight lime apprx 3h30m each way Dele ation "oinedb following (all SOFLE): (b)(6) (b )(6) (b)(6) TBD Dinner RON Hotel TBD Thursday, 22 February 2018 Attire: Travel Casual Weather: Niamey. Niger Fran~furt - 0430 Depart hotel en route NIM 0500 MILAIR: Depart Niamey, Niger (NIM) for Frankfurt, Germany (FRA) Flight Time: 5+20, time change + 0 )020 Arrive Frankfurt, Germany (FRA) l(b)(6) I 1050 Commercial Flight Check-In Request Expediter 1250 Depart FRA en route IAD United 8827 Flight time 8 +50, time change -6 1540 Arrive IAD Mission Complete AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000140 18-L-0088/ESD/0387 12 February 201:8 -Version 18 Passenger Manifest by Leg l. Dull.cs- }'"'rankfurt (COM.AIR)f7 Feb: .Rep. ~evenRussell Mr: f-!'; . ~.~...._................., Maj (b)(6) c.n .(b)(6) 2. Frankfurt - Yaomi-1IOO 28 July SALL 2017 MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Assistant of the Chief, Secretary Legislative of Defense Liaison (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: ROTARYMILAIR ASSET REQUESTICO STAFFDELSterling REF: (A) DoDD4515 .12. Employees of Congress DoD Support for Travel of Members and 1. I request approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift for the following Congressional Staff Members on behalf of the Department of Defense. This request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY: 19 August: US Coast Guard Base Kodiak - remote the Gulf of Alaska - US Coast Guard Base Kodiak islands in JUSTIFICATION FORMILAIR: See Attached MODEOF TRAVEL: USCG HH-60 Jayhawk Approve~~ Disapproved._,__ __ _ Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN ExecutiveSecretary AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT (b)(6) BG (P) Brian E. Winski CJPYef, Legislative Liaison (~Approved ( )Not Approved ~~o . ai i < E.Peter .ac::,..i-.nastian~I Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative ~~irs r-Approved ( )Not Approved 111111 HfIU!IUI111 ..-oso009665~fr1cM0013057~1; .. DOD-17-0430-C-000147 18-L-0088/ESD/0394 28 July SA/LLO SUBJECT: R/W MILAIR ASSET REQUESTICO _l(b_)(_6_) _____ Staff: 2 SASC Professional staff HLA to Senator Sullivan (b)(6) a.corta: 2017 .... - Deputy Staff {R-AK){SASC) Director (1) MAJ l(b)(6) Military JUSTIFICATION: 1. Purpose. To provide Members from the Senate and overview of OS Coast confronted operating in Escort professional and personal staff who support Armed Services Committee an aerial orientation Guard Base Kodiak and the challenges the North Pacific and Alaska coastal areas. 2. The Commander, US Coast Guard Base Kodiak, wants the delegation to of the challenges that must be have a comprehensive understanding confronted in securing this part of the US. Table top briefings and slide decks cannot effectively convey the distances, large numbers of islands, and various hazards the USCGpersonnel confront every day. Base Kodiak is one of the largest Coast Guard installations, home to wide variety of missions and aircraft. Part of Base Kodiak's mission includes maintaining aids to navigation across the region. The aids are critical to safe transport of fuel and supplies critical to a wide array of Army and other DoD units in Alaska. The only way to observe this mission and the specialized equipment used is to reach them by air. Surface vessel transport is not feasible. US Coast Guard Base Kodiak has daily scheduled flights in the Gulf of Alaska. This aerial orientation will be flown as part of a regularly scheduled mission, and no additional cost. 3. Impact if not supported. If MILAIR is not supported, the delegation will be unable to view the north Pacific and Alaskan coastal regions patrolled by the USCG. The SASC Deputy Staff Director will not gain full understanding of the challenges involved in securing this aspect of the homeland. There is no other feasible alternative for providing such an overview. An aerial orientation is an opportunity to view the Kodiak's unique arctic environment. Additionally, .each leg of the flight is projected to last approximately 55 minutes. A similar surface movement by boat would take approximately 4 hours. The total round trip of 8 hours (vice 2 hours using air) will curtail the visits to other Kodiak island locations of interest to the SASC deputy staff director. ESTIMATEDCOST: $4,194 AMt::HICAr\ PVERSIGHT per hour x 2 hours~ $8,388 DOD-17-0430-C-000148 18-L-0088/ESD/0395 \ '!>-.; .... ..o ~. .. ......,..civ,. ..o ,oo : TO WC .. .01,-veh. _ou . ..... i i I NBMOIWID~ n (t.eq18lative of . ,tense .~ 2) _ JWSS8LL (~ lT o Jf:CLUR ASSBT JlBQOBST fCO COD8.1' . for Travel of Merlbera and ' DoD suppo (A) DoDD ~515.12. ur: Blnployee.a ot ~grese : for tlM follOtfing-, airlift railitary approval to authori 1 .. I reque9t ~t tho Appointeeo OD behalL of COllgroooional Staff Membero travel bailed' ored, non-reilllburoable for ie st reque ' , . .. Def en- . Thie tion: info review of the ..following stmJSCT: , Steve Ruoooll < -og) t> (See attached unife Rep. ffD1BRAII.Y: 1a-22 r1 . ' _ .. ca.meroon; oYa~. aeraanyi o Fra~kfurt .9< ~t ' . , r~. . Iillillll~IIIIII DOD-17-0430-C-000149 1 .~t8/CMOOOt773~s-.2S .....OSOOOt4 o'oo., .. ' .,..' t ' .,~ .. . :.. ,. , ,; l ,; ..o. '? t l. DOD-17-0430-C-000150 . . DEPARTMENT OF THE NA VY OFFICE OF LEGlSLA TIVE AFFAIRS 1300 NAVY PENTAGON WASHINGTON DC 20350-1300 IN REPLY REFER TO 4600 LAlB 27 JAN 17 MEMORANDUM FROM: Navy Office TO: Assistant SUBJECT: REF: of Secretary of Affairs Defense (Legislative Affairs) 3"!ALL IN-THEATER MILA IR ASSET REQUEST ICO CODEL McCAIN ~) DoDD 4515.12. Employees 1. Legislative of DoD support for Travel of Members I request approval to authorize military Congressional Members anct Staff on behalf request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable followin9 information: airlift of the travel travel Senator John ~ee attached I'l'J:NBMRY: l~-26 Feb 2017; *MWl.ich, ~rmany; *Istanbul, *Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; *Dubai, UAE JUSTIFICATION: tho following McCain ~-AZ) manifest) Turkey; *Syria; Requested) MILAIR is requested various Middle Bast timeline due to the ~ for Department of Defense. This based on review ofo the NAMES: ("In-theater and Congress to requested Courtiers Senator's to expedite travel into to support a compressed schedule and planned meetings. ~r=r/11 Ap~ Disapproved_---+~--MichaelL. Bruhn ExecutiveSecretary Departmentof Defense 'BORMAN Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Legislative Mfairs ~proved 18-L-0088/ESD/0398 ( ) Not Approved IIIllIHBHlll ll!II . --osooot98o~t11CM0002ss1~11..... DOD-17-0430-C-000151 MANIFEST FOR CODEL McCAIN I_RAVEL TO MUNICH, GERMANY; ISTANBUL, RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA; DUBAI, UAE; 19-26 FEB 17 Sen. John McCain ~- AZ} Mr . Christian Brose, Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Ms. Elizabeth O'Bagy, Foreign Policy Advisor, Sen. McCain Ms. Mikayla Mowzoon, Legislative Assistant, sen. McCain CAPT Sara Joyner, USN OLA Escort AMt::HICAr\ " 'TURKEY; SYRIA; Committee 18-L-0088/ESD/0399 DOD-17-0430-C-000152 ~.J r, r1' ESTIMATED COSTS: .f MI LAIR (C-37) Commercial Air ,r~, f <, 7 $ QQ, 419. eo - $21,276.50 ,J/ ,. 7S''f ($6 1 196. 0EUR> x 13 flight ($4,255.30 hours) x 5 passengers) 18-L-0088/ESD/0400 DOD-17-0430-C-000153 OLA Travel Request CODEL McCain Germany, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and UAE 19-22 February 2017 Senate Armed Services Committee V8 .~. Purpose: To meet with national security leaders and in-country U.S. officials in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Mode of Travel: COMAIR/ MILAIR MILAIR Justification: In theater MILAIR is requested to expedite travel into various Middle East countries on a compressed timeline. Manifest Members: Senator John McCain (R-AZ) Congressional Staff Mr. Christian Brose, Staff Director, Senate Armed Services Committee Ms. Elizabeth O'Bagy, Foreign Policy Advisor to Senator McCain Ms. Mikayla Mowzoon, Legislative Assistant to Senator McCain Milita.l' Escorts CAPT~ )(6) !USN, Lead Escort, l< ....b_)(_6)__ __.ILl < _b)_(6_) _ ..... Hotels: TBD A.Ittimes local. Sunday, 19 February - Munich, Germany/ Erbil, Iraq 1100 Depart hotel en route Airport I 130 Depart Munich, Germany (EDOM) [GMT +l] en route to Erbil, Iraq (ORER) [GMT +3] via MILAIR 3 hours and 50 min flight time Advance clocks 2 hours Lunch Served I 720 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Arrive Erbil International Airport (ORER) [GMT +3] DOD-17-0430-C-000154 18-L-0088/ESD/0401 1715 Office Call with LTG Townsend LTG Townsend, COL Whitehurst, Ken Gross 2300 Depart Erbil International Airport (ORER) [GMT +31en route Ankara International Airport (LTAC) [GMT+ 3] via MILAIR I hour and 50 min flight time No time Change Heavy Snack Served Monday, 20 February - Ankara, Turkey/Riyadh Saudi Arabia Attire: Travel Casual Weather: TBD 0050 Arrive Ankara 1130 Country Team Briefing with Ambassador Bass 1230 Depart Embassy for Presidential Palace 1250 Arrive Presidential Palace 1300 Meeting with President Erdogan 1430 Meeting with Prime Minister Binali Yildirim 1600 Depart Ankara, Turkey (LTAC) [GMT+3J en route Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (OERY) [GMT +3] via MILAIR 3 hour and 20 min flight time No Time Change Dinner Served 1920 Arrive Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (OER Y) [GMT+ 3] 2000 Dinner with Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir RON Ritz Carlton Al Hada Area, Mekkah Road Riyadh, Saudi Arabia +966 11 802 8020 Tuesday, 21 February -Riyadh, Saudi Arabia/ Abu Dhabi. UAE Attire: Business attire Weather: TBD AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000155 2 18-L-0088/ESD/0402 l000(T) Meeting with Deputy Crown Prince and Defense Minister Mohammad bin Salman 1300(T) Courtesy call with King Salman 1330(T) Meeting with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Nayef 1500 Depart Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (OERY) [GMT+3] en route Al Bateen Airport, Abu Dhabi, UAE (OMAD) (GMT +4] via MILAIR I hour and 20 min flight time Advance clocks 1 hour 1720 Arrive Abu Dhabi, UAE 1800(T) Meeting with Crown Prince Mohammad bin Zayed Maj Gen Hindmarsh, National Security Advisor Sheikh Tahnoun 2000 Country Team Briefing 2200 Ground transportation to Dubai International (OMDB/DBX) Wednesday 22 FEB - Abu Dhabi/Dubai,UAE/WashingtonD.C. Attire: Business attire Weather:TBD 0225 Depart Dubai, UAE (DXB) [GMT +4] en route Washington Dulles (IAD)[GMT5] via Emirates 231 14 hour and 45 minflight time Reverse Clocks 9 hours 0810 Arrive Washington Dulles **MISSION COMPLETE** AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000156 3 18-L-0088/ESD/0403 DEPARTMENTOF THE ARMY OFFICEOFTHECHIEFOFLEOISLATM!LIAISON 1800ARMYPENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 20310-1&00 24 March 2017 SA/LLO MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Assistant of the Chief, Secretary SUBJECT: Intra-Theater Legislative Liaison of Defense {Legislative Affairs} MILAIR ASSET REQUEST ISO CODEL Frelinghuysen REF: (A) DoDD 4515.12. Employees of Congress DoD Support for Travel of Members and 1. I request approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift for the following Congressional Staff Members and Appointees on behalf of the Department of Defense. This request is for sponsored, nonreimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY: See Attached. 08-10 April 2017: Qatar ~~"""~ .,# ....e,..,,.,ooo:, - Baghdad - Erbil - Baghdad - a.,. ::f; ',, Baghdad ..... flV CENTCOM _._ Good afternoon Ma'am, Request support regarding OSD ExecSec approval for CODELFreylinghuysen Memo above. OSD LA has actioned this memo at this time. V/R..,.,~,-------, CPTI(b)( 5) Chief, CCJ4-DTheater Travel Cell USCENTCOM..,.,..,..,.,,..,... ____ __,, )(6) BB[ b)(6) ?"WCQM M-l (b AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 1 DOD-17-0430-C-000160 18-L-0088/ESD/0407 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF LEGISLATIVE LIAISON 1600ARMY PENTAGON WASHINGTON DC 20310-1800 1:, May 2017 SA/LLO MEMORANDUM fROM: Office of the TO: Assistant Chief, Legislati've Secretary of Defense Liaison (Legislative Affajrs) SUBJECT: INTRA-THEATER MILA1R ASSET RF.QiJESTISO CODEL REED (MAY/JUN 17) REF: (A) DoDD 4515.12. Employees of Congress 1. I request following Appointees DoD Support of Members and approval to authorize Members of Congress, on behalf of the for sponsored, ~on-reimbursable following info~mation: NAMES: for Truvel travel/in-theatre airlitc for the Congressional Staff Members and Department of Defense. T:iis request is travel based on review of the See Attached ITINERARY: 30 May - 01 June 201'/ JUSTIFICATION FOR MILAIR: See At:a~hed MODEOf TRAVEL: fixed \'Jing and Rotary I-ling rJ~ ' MG Laura J. Richardson Legislative Liaison (jApproved ( )Not Approved Chief, Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. ( ) Disapproved CDR,USN Executive Secretary 1111 HIHIIHl~ AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000161 . OSD00641"2 -t71CMD008850 ?17 - 18-L-0088/ESD/0408 MANIFEST:4 Pax Members of Congress 1} Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) Senate 1) 2} Armed Services l(b)(6) !(b)(6) Committee I Staff Director, Minority SASC tPSM, SASC Escorts:. l(b)(6 ) 1) MaJor _______ I ....,- USA Military Escort JUSTIFICATION: 1. Purpose: The purpose of the trip is to receive operational intelligence updates from different military commands within CENTCOKAOR and to execute key engagements with Host Nation Department of State leadership. and the and 2. Impact if not supported: Several locations requested by COOELReed will be unavailable as MILAIR is the only method of travel to many of the locations within Iraq and Syria given current security, travel restrictions and itinerary. 3. CODEL Reed Thursday, requests MILAIR support between Tuesday, 30 May and 01 June 2017. ESTIMATEDCOST:$98,000.00 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000162 18-L-0088/ESD/0409 conn Reecl Movement Requested NI~ Schedule SUpport 30 Nay - 01 June 2017: Tueoc1ar,May30, 2011 8:0Sam-9:35am: Transition to MILAIR flight 10:00am-l:00pm: MILAIR Flight from Dubai (DXB) to Baghdad, l:00pm-1:l0pm: Depart BDSC for EHP via RW RON: Baghdad Embassy Compound, SDA-1 wedne9day, Nay 9:4Sam-10:00am: 10:00am-10:45am: 1:00pm-l:30pm: 4:1Spm-5:05prn: RON: Erbil Iraq (BDSC) 31, 2017 EHP to BDSC via RW MILAIR Movement from BDSC to Al Asad Airbase MILAlR Movement from Al Asad to Qayyarah Airfield West MILAIR Movement from Qayyarah Airfield West to Erbil ~roday, June 1, 2017 8:30am-9:30am: MILAIR Movement from Erbil to Forward location 12:30pm-l:4Spm: MILAIR Movement fron Forward location to Erbil customs check required) 9:lSpm-10:lSpm: MILAIRMovement to BDSC RON: BDSC AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT (1 hr DOD-17-0430-C-000163 18-L-0088/ESD/0410 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY . ! OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVEAFFAIRS I o! 1300 NAVYPENTAGON ! WASHINGTONDC 20350-1300 IN REfl. Y REFERTO 4600 1 LAlB; 22 A.UG17 . I l MEMORANDUM FROM: Navy Offfoe TO: Assistant of Legislative Secretary v( -~ .Affairs of Defe ns e (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: ' SMALL IT MILAIR ASSET REQUEST ICO SEN. JOHN CORNYN RBF: l. (A) DoDD 4515 .12. DoD Support Employees of Congress for Travel of . Members and I request approva l to authorize military airlift travel GBPor the foll b wing Congressional Members a~d Staff . on behalf of the Department of ' Defen~e. This request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of l the following information: . NAMES: Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) (See attach~d manifest) ITINERARY: 02 'Sb"', ,. *Yeonpyeong Island, (*In-Theater Required) JUSTIFICATION : Rotary support with Forward command of . Marines and aerial forward observati':>n MODEOF TRAVEL: In-Theater-MILAIR "lltY CJ{='tx;r:~..;sc ~G ~ Af;CA-L'l.J 46~4-t, t..l4 0- . f ACo,ti\ fO(}t,~ if~'( ~ Approved ( ) Not Appr 9ved I 11 .. OSO0108&>~17 fClv1D0"'145"39 ;17 ... AMLf llCAr\ DOD-17-0430-C-000164 18-L-0088 1/ESD/0411 MANIFEST Sen. John FOR CODBL CORNYN TRAVEL Cornyn . (R-TX} , Senate Mr. David Hanke, Professional Inteiligence LT l(b)( 6) l U'SN; TO JAPAN; Se1ect Staff KORBA< 27 AUG-01 committee SEP 17 on Intelligence Member, Senate Select - C01tllllittee on . Miiitary Escort '; j .i :. AMt::HICAr\ DOD-17-0430-C-000165 18-L-0088 /'=SD/0412 Sensitive Unclassffied CODEL Cornyn Japan, South Korea 29 August-3 September 2017 Senate Select Committee on Intelligence V4 Purpose: Senator Cornyn intends to travel to Japan and South Korea in order to meet with US Forces Japan, US Forces Korea, Japan government leadership, and US Embassy personnel in both Japan and South Korea to discuss and provide oversight of US intelligence activities, programs, and budgets. Mode of Travel: COMAIR Manifest: Senator John Comyn (R-TX), Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Mr. David Hanke, Professional Staff Member, Senate Select Committee on Intelligence LT ~(b)(6) IUSN, Navy Escort, Ll(b_)(_6)__ _JILl(_b_ )(6_)___ .J-!r ,;1~11<~1v_.,._y .... .~m=i I Itinerary Tuesday, 29 August- Washington, D.C. Weather: TBD Allire: TBD 1159 ILT l(b)(6) Depart Reagan International Airport (DCA) en route Houston International Airport (IAH) Note: United 1436, Economy Class. Airbus A320 Flight Time: 3h 20m 1245 !David Hanke} Depart Dulles International Airport ((AD) en route Narita. Tokyo (NRT) Note: United Air/ine.'i803. Bu.,.inessClass. Bodng 777 Flight Time: 13h .J5m 1419 (LTl (b)(6) Arrive Houston International Airport ((AH) 2200 (Senator Cornyn, LT !(b)(6) Depart Houston International Airport (IAI-1) en route Los Angeles (LAX) Nole: United 196./. Business Clas,\. Boeing 737 Flight Time: Jh ./Om 2340 (Senator Cornyn, L~ (b)( 6) Nole: Layover: I h ./Om AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Arrive Los Angeles Airport (LAX) DOD-17-0430-C-000166 18-L-0088/ESD/0413 Wednesdav,30August- Tokyo Weather: TBD Attire: TBD Depart Los Angeles (LAX) 0120 (SenatorCornyn, LT~ en route Haneda,Toky~ Note: United 7983,BusinessClass Boeing 777 Flight Time: 1I h 40m 1530 (David Hanke) Arrive Narit~ Tokyo (NRn Thursday,31August - Tokyo/ Seoul Weather:TBD Allire: TBD 0500 (SenatorComyn, LT 1( b)( 6 ) 0545 Arrive Haneda International, Tokyo (HND) Depart for Hotel Okura 0630 Arrive Hotel Okura - check-in, executive time 0845 Depart Hotel Okw-a for US Embassy 0900 RAS Briefing I 0920 RAS Briefing 2 1000 Break 1015 Briefing 3 (Working Lunch] 1130 End of Briefings/Lunch 1145 Depart US Embassy for meeting with Secretary General Shotaro Yachi 1200 Meeting with Secretary General Shotaro Yachi 1230 Transit to Embassy 1300 Depart Embassy 1415 AMt::HICAr\ Arrive Yokosuka Naval Base pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000167 18-L-0088/ESD/0414 1430 Seventh Fleet Briefings 1515 Transit to meeting 1530 Special Meetingswith NCIS 1645 End ofNCIS meetings 1700 Depart YokosukaNaval Base for Tokyo 1815 Arrive at Hotel Okura - ExecutiveTime 1915 DepartHotel Okura for dinner 1930 No~hostDinner - Oonpachi 2100 Depart for Hotel Okura 21t5 Arrive Hotel Okura RON Hotel Okura Friday, 1 September- Seoul Weather:TBD Allire: TBD 0715 Check Out of Hotel Okura 0720 Depart Hotel Okura for breakfastat Ambassador'sresidence 0730 Breakfast Meetingwith Ambassador 0830 Transit to Hardy Barracks 0845 USFJ andJ2 briefings 0930 Depart Hardy Barracks for Haneda Airport 1000 Arrive at Haneda Airport 1205 Depart Haaeda, Tokyo (HND) en route Seoul (GMP) Note: .Asiana Airlines -OZ 107S, Business Class, Airbus A333 Flight Time: 21120m 1425 Arrive Seoul (GMP) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000168 18-L-0088/ESD/0415 1500 Depart for US Embassy 1545{TBC) Arrive US Embassy 1600-I 630(TBC) Meeting with Marc Knapper. Charge d 'Affairs l 630- l 700(TBC) ORA FO office call l 700- l 900(TBC) ORA overview and specific topics briefings 1915 Depart Embassy for dinner 1930 No-Host Dinner 2130 Depart Dinner for hotel RON Four Seasons Hotel Saturday, 2 September - Seoul Wea/her: TBD Allire: TBD 0830-0900 Transit to USFK 0900-1200 USFK Meetings and Briefings 1200-1230 Lunch in SCIF 1230 Depart Yongsan via MILAIR(RotaryWingsupportvia 8th Army) *MILA/R Justijicatio11:Rotary wi11gsupport is 11ecessarydue to time co11strai11ts a11d logistical reasons. 111ortler to visit Yeo11pyeongdoIsland. the DMZ.a11dafonl'ard operati11gpost;,, a 5-6 !,our period, COMAIR would 11otbefeasible a11dviewi11gtl,ese area1.will provide tile best al/ia11cerelatio11sltip picture to the delegatio11.Gmeral Brooks and !,is team /lave recomme11dedall I/tree locatio11sa11duse of rotary wi11g s11pportto efjicielltfy complete 1/1isobjective. 1230-1730 Site Visits- Yconpyeongdo Island, DMZIJSA, Operating Post Ouellette 1730 Arrive Yongsan via MILAIR(RotaryWing supportvia 8111Army) 1800 Depart for hotel - execulive time 1900 No-Host Dinner RON Four Seasons Hotel AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000169 18-L-0088/ESD/0416 Sunday,3 September- Seoul/WashingtonDC Weather:TBD Attire: TBD 0800-0900 Transit to Osan AB 0900-0930 Office call with Deputy CommanderUSFKf71h Air Force (Osan) 0930-1015 Unit-levelbriefing/tourof F-16s (Osan) 1015-1100 Joint Air Operations Center (Osan) 1100-1145 U-2 Overview(Osan) l 145-1245 Lunch with Texans 1300-1400 35111Air DefenseOperations Center and Patriot Visit 1400 Depart Osan Air Base en route to Seoul InternationalAirport (ICN) 1600 Arrive Seoul International Airport (ICN) 1800 Depart Seoul (ICN) en route Toronto (YYZ) Note: Air Canada 62, Business Class, Boeing 787 Flight Time: 13h I Om 1810 Arrive Toronto(YYZ) Note: Layover:2h 45m 2055 DepartToronto (YYZ) en route Reagan National Airport (DCA) Note: Air Canada 7620, Business Class, Embraer 175 Jel Flight Time: Jh 23m 2218 Arrive Reagan National Airport (DCA) *** Mission Complete *** AMEHICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000170 18-L-0088/ESD/0417 I 1:4 ., .. : 1.,, .',I o.o ;,, o o. ,'o .- . o. 1 , o ,, .... ,. ..:. o: ; .o. _,,.;..i 1.. o,.. f,' ,o.I ,1 I.o ioo I,.oo,ooooo I 11.; II o. _,,\',>,ti ;, . ~I. i. o .. o ol Jlio o,., . :. ",, 1,, .:1 ., I.o. ,o,t 4.:; ,.1..,,; 11: .-.,c1.r,r~ o.... 1, 1~1 f.J1: :it;.-.., I,.o o.'.Ii ..:, o ~. ~o j .',( o t1f I o ?.o. o.t o1 ., 'o o o o.ot, .- oo o ... o . -~ , 1...t., . ,o 'o oI i,o : .o ,, o o,' ".IL- tt,> I . :. ,I o oIL',; .,.,.1 .o -i,JI:' .~ o, o' -. ,.,..,.. ~ .. o ll1. t o'o"-".oo .,oo..o :.-. 1o. u,1oo4 o.o , o .I ', o: o. r.~:.;.,:,.or.o,::r ,\n1:,.1.o;,1;,1 , Ioo 111. r .o.. ,.,1:,=FU,'.-... o o.~ .11.".-,o, , o..o ..' .. ;I,: ;.o., ~ , ,.,1 .1..,.:. 111:. , , lf o.ooruo- l.lnitcd States$cnarc ' ' '''. o.t .".- ,, t\l \ o.,Io, .:'1-.o .-,,, (oof:~, ... .., . ; .: I'. ;.~,. ' ..,_ . '.-. o Io o , o,, 1 . .o. , i . otr . :i , , t.\''JLlt I, . l ,\ii~..... I ,; ,otoi'o.oli' ,,,:,, ,11t, July 13, 2017 The Honorable James Mattis Secretary U.S. Department of Defense Washington, DC 20301 Dear Mr. Secretary: I authorize Senator John Cornyn and committee staff David Hanke to travel to Japan and South Korea from August 29, 2017 to September 3, 2017 for official business. I request that the Department of Defense provide assistance for this travel, including MILAIR, business class tickets on commercial carriers, foreign flagged carriers, and local transportation, an escort officer, and the payment of actual and necessary expenses to include reimbursement for meals and lodging as may be required. as authorized by Section 1314, Public Law 207 and 31 U.S.C. sec. 1108(g). Costs associated with post personnel traveling outside their duty stations in support of the delegation are authorized. Further authorization is given for $50 enhanced per diem. It would be appreciated if your staff would assist in making whatever arrangements may be necessary for this travel to include a control room at the hotel. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely. Richard Burr Chairman AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT ..--OS0010865~ 1?1CMDJt-4540?11.... DOD-17-0430-C-000171 18-L-0088/ESD/0418 DEP~R~ENT OF THE NAVY-. OFFICE()F l.EGISLA1M! AJIPMlt& 1S80NAW pt!NTAGON WA8HIN8TON DCHUQ-1300 INREPLY REFERTO 4600 : :' . LAlB 29 SB~.17 . MBMORANDOM Office rROM: Navy TO: AB~istant of _Legislative Secretaxy Affairs (Legislative of:Defense SOBllllCT: SHALLIN-THBATBRMI:wu:R ASSET ~OBST REF: (A) DODD4515.l.2. DoD Support EmplQYees of_ Congress 1. I.reqqest approval to authorize ~embers and Staff Congres,sional request following . N>>tBS: is for sponsored~ ICO CODELM:URPHY for Travel military airlift on behalf Affa~rs) of'Members . of the travel for Depar.tment based on review of the . senator Christopher Mu%pby . (b...,__,) (See at~ached manit~at) *Frankfurt,. *Lviv; JUSTIFICATION: Gentany; Ukraine; . (*In~theater *.Xiev, Ukraine_; *Ta.ll.inn, Requested) Bs~ia . Mn.AIR is requested: to expedite travel and keep Delegation as close together as possible in order to maintain an aggressive meeting schedule in two countries. U- ~ Approved Disapproved Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN Executive Secretary . lb I~. LOE:Bt.EIN Not Appr'9V9(i ~7~ riv 7i-ctining hase in lviv. Ukraine would he sign(ficanJ/y improved hy MILA/R as the US Ambassador lo Ukraine and key narional SC!curitystq{f would be able to accompuny 1he Se nutors during the visit. t::f~ICAr\ VERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000174 18-L-0088/ESD/0421 Itinerary: Thursday 19 October: Washington, DC Weather (DC): Hi: 0 /Lo: 0 Al/ire: Business Casual TBD Depart Capitol Hill for Dulles via Motorpool t 805 Depart Washington Dulles (JAD) enroute Frankfurt (FRA) via United 8826 (Lufthansa) 7+55.flight time Adl'ance clocks 6 hours Friday, 20 October: Kiev, Ukraine Weather (Kiev):, /-Ii: 0/Lo: 0 Aflire : Business Suit 0800 Arrive Frankfurt, Germany (FRA) enroute Kiev (KBP) viaMlLAIR 0900 Depart Frankli.111 2 + 25 .flight time Ad,,,mce clock,\' 1 hour 1225 Arrive Kiev , Ukraiite TBC Meeting with President/PM TBC Meeting with MFA/MoD RON Kiev, Ukraine Saturday, 21 October: Kiev, Ukraine/Lviv,Ukraine Weather (Kiev):. Hi: 0/ Lo : 0 Weather (Lvil'):, Hi: 0 /Lo: Allire: Business Sui! 0 TBC Breakfast (as desired) I 000 Depart Kiev (IEV) enroute Lviv (L WO) via MILAIR 1 +20.flig/11time No lime chtm}(<' DOD-17-0430-C-000175 18-L-0088/ESD /0422 1120 Arrive Lviv, Ukraine . TBC Meet with Students TBC Visit Yavoriv Training Base (Joint Multinational Training Group - Ukraine) TBC Civil Society Roundtablc RON Lviv, Ukraine Sunday, 22 October: Lvho, Ukraineffallinn, Estonia Weather (Lviv):, Hi: 0 /Lo: 0 Weather (Tallinn): , Hi: 0/Lo: 0 All ire: Business Suit TBC Breakfast (as desired) 0800 Depart Lviv (LWO) enroute Tallinn (TLL) via MILAIR 3+00.flight lime No time change 1100 Arrive Tallinn, Estonia TBC Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport - Hotel TBC Executive Time TBC Hotel-+ U.S. Embassy TBC Modified Country Team Brief with DCM Elizabeth Horst TBC U.S. Embassy-+ CCDCoE TBC Tour NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCoE) TBC CCDCoE -+ Hotel TBC Hotel-+ CMR TBC Dinner with Members of Parliament TBC CMR -+ Hotel t::f~ICAr\ ?ERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000176 18-L-0088/ESD/0423 RON Swissotel Tallinn Tornimae 3, 10145 Tallinn, Estonia +372 624 0000 Monday, 23 October: Tallinn, Estonia/Washington DC Weather (TaUinn):Hi: 0 /Lo: Weather {DC): Hi: 0/Lo: 0 Allin:: Business Suit TBC Breakfast (as desired) TBC Hotel ----+ 0 TBC TBC Meeting with PM of Estonia TBC TBC ._ Lennart Meri Tallinn Airport 0930 Depart Tallinn (TU.) enroute Munich (MUC) via MILAIR 2+25.flight time Turn back clocks I hours I055 Arrive Munich, Germany 1220 Depart Munich (MUC) enroute Washington Dulles (IAD) via United UA 9280 (Lufthansa) 9+20.flighl lime Turn bac:k docks 6 hour.~. 1540 Arrive Washinglon, DC *Mission Complete* ~t~[0322 DOD-17-0430-C-000183 18-L-0088/ESD/0430 ' , ..,.~ ,,-ro,, ' a . ' DEPARTMENTOF THE NAVY ,:, ""' .;.,.~ f., ;.,.,.' .-. ~ \. ' ' :,_ ', -. ' -r.' . ' ..:. OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVEAJ'FAIRS 1300 NAVY' PENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 20390-1300 JNREPLYREFERTO . 4600 LAlD ' 19 FEB 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTY SECRETARYOF DEFENSE GENERALCOUNSELOF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE ASSISTJ\NT SECRETARYOF DEFENSEFOR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS SUBJECT: Authorization for Department of State employees and Sri Lankan Government Officials to travel on Military Airlift in Support of Congressional Roskam on February 23, 2017 Delegation (CODEL) led by Representative Request authorization for the travelers specified in enclosure (1) to travel via military airlift in order to enable the Sri Government Officials to accompany the CODEL from Colombo to Hambantota, Sri Lanka, on a space available basis .and at no cost to the government. SECRETARYOF THE NAVY Disapproved SECRETARYOF nm NAVY PSM SECRETARYOF THE NAVY AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000184 18-L-0088/ESD/0431 DBPARTMBNT OF THE NAVY HEADQUARTERSUNITED STATES MARINE CORPS 3000 MARINE CORPS PENTAGON WASHINGTON DC 20350-3000 DI ll.lPL'f RP-f'D TQ: 1000 OLA 17 Feb 17 MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTY SECRETARYOF DEFENSE From: Office Subj: of Legislative Affairs Congressional Travel CODEL ROSKAMEXCEPTION TO POLICY REQUEST Ref: (a) CODEL/STAFFDELDOD Directive Enclosure 2, Paragraph 4 b. Encl: (1) (2) 4515.12 CODEL Roskam Manifest and Itinerary CODEL Roskam Committee Letter 1. Department of the Navy has been appointed by the Office of the of Defense as the executive agent for the travel of a Congressional Delegation (CODEL) led by Rep. Roskam, on 23 Feb 2017. Secretary 2. Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) requests an exception to reference (a) to enable the Codel to execute the schedule from Colombo, Sri Lanka to Hambantota, Sri Lanka, with Mr. Robert Hilton, Deputy Chief of Mission; Ms. Rachna Korhonen, Control Officer; Mr. Jacob Brahee, Political Officer; Ms. Tameisha Henry, Political Officer; Mr. Prasad Kariyawasam, Sri Lankan Ambassador to the U.S.; Ms. Gamini Perera, Minister of Parliament; Mr. Sajith Premadasa, Minister of Parliament; Ms. Harsha De Silva, Deputy Foreign Minister; Ms. Mahinda Amaraveera, Minister of Parliament. Specifically, enclosure (1) requires a. 3. A waiver Officials Recommendation: for the exception to travel on U.S. Approve requested to policy to allow Sri Lankan Government MILAIR with Codel Roskam. waivers. ~r:;~ J Approved ( ) Not Approved LeeAnn Borman Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Legislative Affairs () AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT Approved () Not Appro ved DOD-17-0430-C-000185 18-L-0088/ESD/0432 February 16, 2017 - VS CODEL Roskam House Democracy Partnership Kosovo, Sri Lanka, Georgia 17-26 February 2017 Purpose: The purpose of the trip is to evaluate the rapidly-evolving defense and intelligence posture in the countries of Kosovo, Sri Lanka, and Georgia. The delegation will meet with legislative counterparts in each nation to discuss legislative methods, challenges, and current issues. Additionally, the delegation will examine governance issues and factors influencing good governance, including security, stability, and national defense through meetings with host nation security forces, NATO representatives, and U.S. DoD members in each country. Authority: Speaker of the House Mode of Transportation: MILAIR Manifest (17) (5 Members, 3 Family Members, 4 Staff, 1 Physician, 4 Escorts) 1. Congressman Peter Roskam, Chairman, House Democracy Partnership (R-IL) 2. Congressman David Price, Ranking Member, House Democracy Partnership (D-NC) 3. Mrs. Lisa Price (Traveling at no cost to DoD) 4. Congresswoman Gwen Moore (D-WI) 5. Mrs. Catherine Smith (Wife of Congressman Connolly, traveling at no cost to DoD) 6. Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) 7. Mrs. Andrea Smith (Wife of Congressman Smith, traveling at no cost to DoD) 8. Congressman Gerry Connolly (D-V A) 9. Fr. Pat Conroy, Chaplain of the U.S. House of Representatives 10. Mr. Jeff Billman, House Democracy Partnership, Majority 11. Mr. Justin Wein, House Democracy Partnership, Minority 12. Jed Meline USAID (traveling at no cost to DoD) M.D., CODEL Physician 13. LCDR (b)(6) USMC Escort 14. Major (b)(6) 15. Capt (b)(6) USMC Escort 16. MS (b)(6) USMC Escort 17. Sgt (b)(6) USMC Escort Additional travelers on 23 February (10) (5 DoS, 5 Sri Lankan government) 1. Robert Hilton, Deputy Chief of Mission, U.S. Embassy, Colombo, Sri Lanka 2. Rachna Korhonen, Control Officer, U.S. Embassy, Colombo , Sri Lanka 3. Jacob Brahce, Political Officer, U.S. Embassy, Colombo, Sri Lanka AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000187 18-L-0088/ESD/0434 February 16, 2017 - V5 4. Tameisha Henry, Political Officer, U.S. Embassy, Colombo, Sri Lanka 5. Omar Rajaratnam, Political Officer, U.S. Embassy, Colombo, Sri Lanka 6. Prasad Kariyawasam, Sri Lankan Ambassador to the United States 7. Gamini Perera, Minister of Parliament, Government of Sri Lanka 8. Sajith Premadasa, Minister of Parliament, Government of Sri Lanka 9. Harsha De Silva, Deputy Foreign Minister, Government of Sri Lanka 10. Mahinda Amaraveera, Minister of Parliament, Government of Sri Lanka Itinerary (All times local) Friday, 17 February 2017 Attire: Travel Casual Weather DC: Low 33 Fl High 48 F, Chance of Rain: 0%, Sunny 0800 Meet at Rayburn. Horseshoe with all baggage 081 S Depart Rayburn Horseshoe for JB Andrews 0900 Depart JB Andrews (KADW) for Shannon, Ireland via MILAIR Flight time 6:00, time change +5hrs 2000 Arrive at Shannon, Ireland 2130 Depart Shannon, Ireland for Pristina, Kosovo via MILAIR Flighl time: 3:30, time change+ 1hr Saturday, 18 February 2017 Attire: Business Weather Pristina: Low 34 Fl High 47 F, Chance of Rain: 40%, Afternoon showers 0200 Arrive in Pristina, Kosovo 0300 Check into Hotel 0300 Executive Time 1200 No-Host Country Team Lunch at Hotel 1345 Walk to government building 1400 Meeting with Prime Minister Isa Mustafa 1445 Depart Government Building to Swiss Diamond (walk) 1500 Briefing with National Democratic Institute (NDI) AMERICAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000188 18-L-0088/ESD/0435 February 16, 2017 - VS 1645 Depart Swiss Diamond for Embassy Reception 1700 HDP Welcome Reception with Ambassador and Ministers of Parliament Chief of Mission Residence 1900 Depart Reception for Swiss Diamond RON Swiss Diamond Hotel Sunday, 19 February 2017 Attire (Program):Business Weather Pristina: Low 34 Fl High 47 F, Chance of Rain: 40%, Cloudy with occasionalshowers 0700 Breakfast provided at the Swiss Diamond Location: Swiss Diamond, Diamond Club (first floor) 0815 Depart from Swiss Diamond for meeting with President Thaci 0830 Meet with Speaker of the Assembly Kadri Veseli and Members of the Assembly Presidency 0920 Media Statement 0930 Meet with Caucus Leaders 1100 Tour with Secretary General to visit Chamber and review Chamber Security 1200 Walk to lunch - Restaurant Pi shat 1215 Lunch with Civil Society and Media working on Parliamentary issues 1400 Walk to Assembly Building 1415 Delegation splits into three groups: (a) Discussion with Assembly Members on Outreach and Constituent Relations (b) Discussion with Assembly Members on Outreach and Constituent Relations (c) HOP Staff Session on Research, IT Support and EU lntegration 1600 Depart Assembly for Camp Bondsteel 1700 Arrive Camp Bondsteel 1715 Unclassified briefing by KFOR Command 1830 Dinner with U.S. Military personnel AMERICAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000189 18-L-0088/ESD/0436 February 16, 2017 - VS 2000 Depart for Swiss Diamond Hotel 2100 Arrive Swiss Diamond Hotel Reverse Accommodation ***Optional Baggage Call*** RON Swiss Diamond Hotel Monday, 20 February 2017 Attire: Travel Casual Weather Pristina: Low 34 Fl High 48 F, Chance of Rain: 20%, Cloudy with occasional showers Weather Sri Lanka: Low 75 Fl High 86 F, Chance of Rain: 60%, Scattered thunderstorms 0430 Baggage Call 0600 Meet in Control Room 0615 Depart from Swiss Diamond for Airport (Motorpool) 0700 Depart Pristina, Kosovo for Djibouti via MILAIR for refuel Flight time: 4:45, time change +2hr 1340 Arrive in Djibouti for refuel 1440 Depart Djibouti for Sri Jayawardenepura Kotte via MILAIR Flight time: 5:05, time change + 2:30 2220 Arrive Colombo, Sri Lanka RON Galle Face Hotel (GFH) Tuesday, 21 February 2017 Attire: Business Weather Sri Lanka: Low 74 Fl High 88 F, Chance of Rain: 20%, Partly Cloudy 0600 Breakfast @GFH (included in room rate) 0900 Country Team Brief Location: GFH 1000 Meeting with USAID and DAI Location: GFH 1115 Meeting with President of Sri Lanka, Maithripala Sirisena (TDC) Location: President's Office AMEf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000190 18-L-0088/ESD/0437 February 16, 2017 - VS 1215 Lunch Location: Black Pepper 1330 Travel to and check-in at Parliament 1430 Meeting with Prime Minister Sri Lanka, Ranil Wickremasinghe 1530 Meeting with Parliamentary Women's Caucus 1630 Meeting with Leader of Tamil National Alliance 1730 Meeting with Hon. Gayantha Karunatileka, Minister of Parliamentary Reform and Mass Media, Chief Government Whip and Government Spokesperson and Meeting with Hon. Karunarathna Paranawithana, Deputy Minister of Parliamentary Reform and Mass Media 1800 Break 1900 Meeting with Speaker Karu Jayasuriya 1930 Dinner Hosted by Speaker Jayasuriya at his home RON Galle Face Hotel Wednesday, 22 February 2017 Attire: Business Weather Sri Lanka: Low 75 Fl High 88 F, Chance of Rain: 20%, Mostly Sunny 0800 Breakfast with CSO representatives working in Parliament (TBC) Location: GFH 0900 Travel to Parliament 1000 Meeting with Foreign Minister 1045 Travel and check-in to Parliament 1130 Parliament Tour 1200 Lunch with Sri Lanka-USA Parliamentary Friendship Association (SUPFA) 1300 Meeting with Committee on Public Enterprise and Committee on Public Accounts 1400 Concurrent Meetings with Sectoral Oversight Committees Delegation to Split -Legal Affairs (Anti-Corruption) and Media, Reconciliation and North & East Reconstruction AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000191 18-L-0088/ESD/0438 February 16, 2017- V5 1500 Concurrent Meetings with Sectoral Oversight Committees Delegation to Split-Internal Administration and Public Management, Public Finance 1600 Observation of Parliamentary Proceedings 1615 Travel to Hotel 1800 Depart for CMR 1830 US Ambassador hosted reception at CMR RON Galle Face Hotel Thursday, 23 February 2017 Attire: Business Casual Weather Sri Lanka: Low 75 Fl High 93 F, Chance of Rain: JO%, Sunny 0530 Baggage Call 0600 Meet in Control Room 0615 Depart Hotel for Airport 0730 Depart Colombo for Hambantota (Mattala Rajapaksa International AirportHRI) via MILAIR 0800 Arrive Hambantota 0845 Depart Airport ERT Port 0930 Visit HambantotaPort 1030 Travel to Model Housing village 1100 Tour of Model Housing Village 1130 Travel to Kataragama Religious Site 1200 Visit Kataragama Religious Site 1300 Travel to Lunch 1330 Visit Environmental Conservation Site (lunch provided) Yala National Park AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000192 18-L-0088/ESD/0439 February 16, 2017- V5 1800 Travel to Hotel 1845 Dinner at Shangri La Hotel RON Shangri La Hotel Friday, 24 February 2017 Attire (Flight): Travel Casual Attire (Program): Business Weather Sri Lanka: Low 75 Fl High 88, Chance of Rain: 20%, Sunny Weather Georgia: Low 75 Fl High 86, Chance of Rain: 60%, Scattered thunderstorms 0500 Baggage Call 0600 Meet in Control Room 0615 Depart Hotel for Airport 0700 Depart Hambantota for Tbilisi, Georgia via MILAIR Flight Time: 7:40, Time Change: -1:30 1310 Arrive Tbilisi, Georgia 1345 Depart for Tbilisi Maniott 1415 Arrive Hotel 1500 Executive Time 1700 Modified Country Team Briefing 1800 Depart Hotel for Dinner at Bread House 1830 No Host Dinner with IRI, NDI, TetraTech, and ARD 2030 Depart for Tbilisi Marriott 2045 Arrive hotel RON Tbilisi Marriott Saturday, 25 February 2017 Attire: Business Weather Georgia: Low 38 Fl High 53 F, Chance of Rain: 0%, Partly Cloudy 0700 AMERICAf\ Breakfast at hotel pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000193 18-L-0088/ESD/0440 February 16, 2017 - VS 0900 Meet in Control Room 0910 Depart for Parliament Building 0930 Tour of Parliament Building 1000 Meeting with Chairman of Parliament Irakli Kobakhidze and Gerogian Dream Parliamentary Leadership 1115 Media Engagement 1130 Meeting with European Georgia leadership 1245 Depart for HDP Alumni Lunch 1300 HDP Alumni Lunch Dinehall, 2812 Shota Rustaveli Avenue 1430 Depart for Parliamentary Building 1500 Delegation splits into two groups (a) Meet with Committee on European Integration (b) Meet with Defense Security Committee 1615 Delegation splits into two groups (a) Meet with Legal Issues Committee (b) Meet with Budget and Finance Committee 1730 Delegation splits into two groups (a) Meet with Foreign Relations Committee (b) Meet with Procedural Issues and Rules Committee 1830 Depart for Dinner 1900 Dinner Hosted by the Chairman of Parliament, Irakli Kobakhidze Funicular Restaurant 2100 Depart for Hotel 2215 Arrive at Hotel RON Tbilisi Marriott Sunday, 26 February 2017 Attire (program): Business casual AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000194 18-L-0088/ESD/0441 February 16, 2017 - V5 Attire (flight): Travel Casual Weather Georgia: Low 38 Fl High 53 F, Chance of Rain: 0%, Partly Cloudy Weather DC: Low 37 Fl High 52 F, Chance of Rain: 0%, Partly Cloudy 0700 Breakfast at Hotel 0730 Reverse Accommodation 0745 Baggage Call in Control Room 0800 Depart Hotel ERT Krtsanisi Training Area (KTA) 0845 Arrive KTA Media will be present 0900 Briefing from Minister of Defense (or his representatives) on current status of Georgian Anned Forces, refonn efforts, and significant bilateral programs 0945 Briefing from NA TO advisors on the current status of Substantial NATO Georgia Package (multilateral security cooperation efforts) 1030 Walkthrough of U.S. Marine section of KT A and meet and greet with U.S. Marines 1100 Depart for Airport 1200 Depart Tbilisi, Georgia for Shannon, Ireland via MILAIR for refuel Flight Time: 5:50, Time Change: -4hrs 1350 Arrive in Shannon Ireland 1520 Depart Shannon, Ireland for Washington, DC via MILA.IR Flight Time: 7hrs, Time Change: -5hrs (Place holder - subject to CVAM Routing) 1720 Arrive at JB Andrews (KADW) 1740 Movement to the Rayburn House Office Building 1820 Arrive at the Rayburn House Office Building Mission Complete AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000195 18-L-0088/ESD/0442 1 8-L-Gb?881?z8t?i??b4?6 PAUL D. RYAN WASHINGTONOFFICE: WtSCONSIN H-232 U.S. CAPITOL 81J1L01NG WASHINGTON, DC 20515 1202)225..()600 SPEAKER Congre9'9' of tbellnitcb~tatej 1'o~t of .l\rprt5'tntatibt5' January27, 2017 The HonorableJames Mattis Secretary U.S. Departmentof Defense Washington,DC 20301 DearMr. Secretary: This letterwill authorize 1heHonorable Peter Roskam(R-IL)to leada delegationof Membersand statTto Kosovo,Sri Lanka,and Georgiaduring the approximateperiodoffebruary 17-26,2017. The purposeof the trip is to evaluatethe rapidly-evolvingdefenseand intelligenceposture in the countriesof Kosovo, Sri Lanka,and Georgia.The delegation will meet with senior Leadersand Parliamentariansfrom each country in order to assess the capacityof each country's legislativebodies to respondto lhese challenges.For protocolpurposesonly, spousesare authorizedto travel at no cost to the U.S. Government. The followingMembersand staff are authorizedto travel: The HonorablePeter Roskam{RoIL)and Mrs. ElizabethRoskam The Honorable David Price (D-NC)and Mrs.Lisa Price The Honorable Susan Davis (D-CA) and Dr. SteveDavis The HonorableAdrian Smith (RoNE) and Mrs. Andrea Smith The HonorableGwen Moore (O.W() The Honorable Dina Titus (D-NV)and Dr. ThomasWright The HonorableGerry Connolly (D-VA) and Mrs.CatherineSmith The Honorable Patrick Conroy,Chaplain of the House Mr. Jeff Billman, Office of CongressmanRoskam Mr. Justin Wein, Office of CongressmanPrice Please note that Mr. Jed Meline. ProfessionalStaff, USAID,has been invited 10 travel with the delegation. It would be appreciated if the Departmcotof Defensewould furnish such assistanceas is neeessary,includingground transportation,to facilitatethis mission, as well as Marine escort and military air transponation. Authorizationfor the expenditureof fundsfor the actual and necessaryexpensesshould be made pursuantto 31 U.S.C. I I08{g) . Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. P-{;"f-Speaker cc: AMLf llCAf\ The HonorableKaren L. Haas, Clerk U.S. House ofReprcscntativcs pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000197 18-L-0088/ESD/0444 WASHINGTON orr1c~: PAUL D. RYAN H-232 U.S. CAPITOL BUtlDING WISCONSIN WASillNGTON, SPEAKER DC20515 (202) 225-0600 (:ongress of tbellntteb~tatrs AJouf>t of l\tprt~entatitltil February 15,2017 The HonorableJames Mattis Secretary U.S. Departmentof Defense Washington,DC 20301 Dear Mr. Secretary: This is in further reference to my letter of January 27, 2017, regarding Codel Roskam (RoIL) to Kosovo, Sri Lanka, and Georgiaduring the approximate period of February 17-26, 2017. Please note that the following individualshave been invited to travel with the delegation in Sri Lanka: Robert Hilton, Deputy Chief of Mission Rachna Korhonen,Control officer Jacob Brahce, Political Officer Tameisha Henry, Political Officer Prasad Kariyawasam,Sri Lankan Ambassador to the United States Gamini Perera, Minister of Par)iament Sajith Premadasa,Minister of Parliament Harsha De Silva, Deputy Foreign Minister Mahinda Amaraveera, Minister of Parliament It would be appreciated if the Department of Defense would furnish such assistance as is necessary, including ground transportation, to facilitate this mission, as well as Marine escort and military air transportation. Authorization for the expenditure of funds for the actual and necessary expenses should be made pursuant to 31 U.S.C. I I08(g). Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this matter. raly,v ~:r-Speaker cc: AMLf llCAf\ The Honorable Karen L. Haas, Clerk U.S. House of Representatives pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000198 18-L-0088/ESD/0445 February 16, 2017 - V5 Points of Contact Military Escorts Captain !(b)(6) Marine Co s Liaison I w. b 6 (b)(6) !(b)( 6 ) m. (R) U.S. Embassy Pristina, Kosovo Miranda Jolicoeur Control Officer Office of Attending Physician LCDR Joel Finny H-166 U.S. Capitol Office: 202-225-5421 After Hours: 202-224-2145 Office of the Chaplain Karen Bronson Navy OLA Travel Section Mrs. l(b)(6) I OLA LA (b )(6) w. (b)(6) J(b)(6) OLA LAOl (b)(6) (b)(6) State Department-Washington, DC Barbara J. Fleck, Director U.S. Department of State Bureau of Legislative Affairs (H) Congressional Travel Office (CTO) Phone: 202-453-8506 Fax: 202-203-7700 AMERICAf\ pVERSIGHT U.S. Embassy Tbilisi. Georgia David Stonehill Control Officer Mobile +995 599-582-663 Embassy +995 32-254-4164 USAID Office: +381385959 2161 Mobile: +377 45-499-971 VOiP: +l (202) 216-6241 x 2161 U.S. Embassy Colombo, Sri Lanka Rachna Korhonen Control Officer +94-11-249-8710 (office) +94-77-347-6595 (cell) House Sergeant at Arms Larry D. Thompson Security Advisor Office of the Sergeant At Arms US House of Representatives H-124, The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 202-225-2456 (Main) 202-226-2752 (Desk) House Democracy Partnership Jed Meline Staff Director +1-202-207-6708 (int'l cell) Fli ht Crew LCDR (b)(6 ) b 6 (b )(6) 5 AWF2 ..... 1__ Concur Date: 22 Feb 2017 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 5 IJ.\l)J. ~.:,J;::11.1,1o.,,1,1,, fllihlll t.,.fHl!i!I 11,11,t;1,:.J:, ~J.:.%>. J!)ousrof ,t;qllT5tnllll"llll'GBPi (!.l!\,Hsh111uto11. 'Df '.!l)j 13 ~-O:{~) OM' III.INllllf '.1 11 ~ -'. ..-.-11o-..u . :,:rr1o1 ...J1 ,, t=.1!? 1'..,;;_ ,.1:,1;.,t,\r..,1, ..11 ,-.1.~rJoI ,, r.',lllll 11"1.I 11>1:11,.-. o..o o r;1.:. ,.:,t Htill'.;j,, Ii t".; oo I loot I flJ;.~l :.1.1 :,,; i ,. I . ,' . ! 11 o rr.l -~11, 1!.l,'o :-..iH i 11;. 1;',ftl P,1~., lttJ:,t .'.,I! h'oLJIIII ~ /il!0.>o.11M.1.11111 ,IA,fl.\ ..- u,... .~ .,,1 f 1 ~.~:jl o o-'-l 1 ,'-'"-1'' Ii '.',, .o o ., o.1. I UAil ,;Al l(,tillHIII.', i1:!:I 111,.1(I;, :H (l!i.-,~_.f_;, 11'.l !!," 1:o 1~.11 ';1.o, 11.' Iooo f;f f o:.o 1 ool, '.:..,i1:. o. \ 4.oo'.,! , 11r.~1,,,o,1o11,olt'.1 ltA\',','o11 ': 1;l1,-,u1,,;,,; II~o:.. I,: o:;.\1111:: J:1 he,,.. o.o o:,- oo f.. ! , Ii: IUo J; l,,;(11 i"1oI ,,,O.i;ldJ,"' I I I I : .11tt I I t 1 l: ; . r,1,\ r, ~ . ; , o Io Jo . I I I , , 11It 1 l, Ho\'.i .. io.o 1 :. 11-.\'.'..,11 i, :n ,1:;:1 o .. ,:, 'I .o 111 ,. t,,htl 1.-.n'..:u,>::1-0ra ,.1,1111 ;, !o1tt :~l f! i, 1 o .-,1111..; '' 11.-. .", (o!1fl o ."!!t1 .o 1;:_1,'.\l:,o1:iJI.", t, FIi II Hol 11! o.,JrII\1MITTEEON AIU\fEU HEHVICEH ougr o( .ltrurtsrnt,1tilll't Q,~ldl:ihlllUIOll, D~ 2'-)SL.:, ll\.)~~~1 '1NI Jll)l')OH[ IJ flFIHIJlll, o)l,Jf,lll :,:., ,,:.~rn, .... J ....... \ Hllo\IJII ~'BiHroH. /,1 M:A?.1,-. ~-M.t l,H,WI ~; Ml:;:;i oilt1 11 t.l ~-HI Al1n: tll ',,','"j tllil. IA I. 11', 1\U Y, .N I I -,,._, uFU!li, 'iU VI le! 1::o;{II, tl):I 1,1i-1~.I" . :i~ ,111 I):. 1,\-1-11o\I.;_ll l,IJI :;!,11 5;,\lllll!f /,jlft",IF,".,.l11lU~~1o,1j,\ 111:lit n1 l'J. Ml".o:r,~ 1v1.1 /,ll! I t,,'.11 '.o,HfB o.o..1o,, .-.o 1 ;. T--~o.o o. ..1f 11 o',, -'.o, .. o,o. 1:.1.. T, tll f ', l,fh o1.; Hl: ::i I :,d'. I I ::1n1,-'. c ~,\: ?:1 o.~ o ,-,,, o: 1 J( .".' ;o ~; -.~11:, ti I '. o.~: -~-!o .r1: o ;/ '.', ,, !.1l o o . .l 1 1ii'.o: . o~~:f I. i. o. . Ii,;;:. :11(:u lfttr;. o:,,i;; oo ; .. ,:111 :o o. , _1;,"l':-llHI\',".~: _.,t.".~,1 .-. l~,\\'Hl Fjflr11,1 !,(, Hi-;!:. ; t't) (JI:,,,'. fl ';.~ , r~:t.i:::~y \ 1o.,,1:.r.: -..,,o.rToo,.-.1,, t111.,\ '.'!"') i-;, !.. :--t ~oo tJlo ,\..~.-'. 1 :1111r, :;u;,.o,:,! -.,::~1.-..o.~-.= F:; I o.,,I 1;.,i .. , \'; . . ;; , 1:1. Ir.'::,, i:. o o.o; .. t ot.'o. o 'I ':.'.o, II ,;[ o, ...o,jo I;:,o.o.'..., o,-:,.r;;, Io'.o.,:to .o o.o.:.,t llnitcd;?,tatrsr5cnatr COMMITIH: ON AnMl:D SHlVICES r,,.'.f;;.o.o t L -_!.'.o,.; 1..:,:, .. 1111.. 1 ,o'. , ..1 :. o: .:,,.ijt.o ', ooo..o'.I I :.,. ",' tr o,. I'o WASHINliTON. nc :1u(,11Hi05(1 : ,,Jt;;", j ,;,~, (. i,j:: ,'. : ., j ,., o : '..ILj l . ;,; . 1.,..,o,,rri41 r,I: o. , o.11'..!Jl-1 1 .: ',1:,11 lHi. :1-!o Scplembcr 7. 2017 Honorable James N. Mattis Secretary of Defense I 000 Defense Pentagon Washington. DC 20301-1000 Dear Mr. Sccrelary: In connection with his responsibilities as Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services. Senator Jack Recd plans to trnvcl to Japan and South Korea during the period October 6-13. 2017. Senator Recd will he accompanied by Elizabeth King. Minority Staff Direclor on the committee. as well as Ozgc Guzclsu and Carolyn Chuhta. staff members on the committcc. I would appreciate the support .ind assistance of the Department of Defense in providing such transportation. including the use of foreign carrier and intra-theater military air transportation. as may he required. h would also be appreciated if the Department of the Army could be designated as the ac1ionagency for this travel. Expenditure of funds ror the payment of actual and necessary expenses and such transportation as may be required is authorized by 31 U.S.C. 11OR(g). Thank you for your assistance in this maucr. Sincerely. John McCain Chairman AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000229 18-L-0088 /ESD/04 76 I.,,:o.oo ..o:- :..o ..: :.., ...,.,o_, . .... .: 1 :" ..oo. .:. . .. ,. .. - o.o;:--... .. o...:. ,c...,:to",' I '-J.' 0 o .', p;,. . : .. - :.:: ', ; o ..... , , I ,',' ; . :,! o ~ ' j I I..'.' '; i .' ." o.I. .',t ,o.'o o .'. o. ) ,1! I ( I~ , o. :. ,.)::,h.'..',i :,1.1,oHtL,"oIooo. ::t!,o:.. I o.:1;;,,-,:-,,. .. I'! t:! ;t ', Ho>-!rl ,i .",l .'.11:.,.~.-, - -ti'.:.",f;;,o,: ..;:- .o,-, .',! .. 1, .o. / H.' oo ! l :,, . : ,' .oo .~. r: .o.o_'. ,", . o..... . . .. . ...,... ~ .oo i .o.- ' :,:. .' ; 1!.[,::.t, .....-... : . , r-,'.11.-.o.:~ . .-. t1tt".i o ;,. .:. . o. :.1.,: i ., o, ',, '; .:. COMMITTH ,: ".': llnitcdStatesiScnatr o. j," .oo. -~ :.~ o ON AflMED SERVIC[S o 1 o i : :, WASHINGTON, DC 20510-{i0!iU l ,.: . .,o-: September 7. 20 I 7 Honorable Rex Tillerson Secretary of Slalc 2201 C Street, N.W. Washington. DC 20520 Dear Madam Secretary: In connection with his responsibilities as Ranking Member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services. Senator Jack Reed plans to travel to Japan and South Korea during the period October 6-13. 2017. Senator Recd will be accompanied by Elizabeth King. MinoriLyStaff Director on the committee. as well as Ozgc Guzclsu and Carolyn Chuhtu. stuff members on the committee. It is requested that $50 in excess of the per diem rate be provided because actual expenses could well exceed that rate. In order to accomplish the mission. amounts beyond those established in the per diem rate are authorized on an actual cost basis. In addition. I would appreciate your assistance in making the necessary arrangements for the use of foreign currency for per diem and transportation. including.local transportation and the use of foreign-Hag transportation. if necessary. to defray onicial expenses during this travel. It is requested that these i:xpenscs be charged in accordance with Section 502 of the Mutual Security Act of 1954. as amended by Section 22 of Public Law 95-384. For your information. &heDepartment of the Army is designc.111.:d as the action agency for this Lravel. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sinccn.:ly. John McCain Chairman AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000230 18-L-0088 /ESD/04 77 DEPARTMENTOF THE NAVY OFFICEOF LGBPG&SLAllV& AFFAIRS NAVY PGBPNTAQOH 13CIO WASKINCTONllC l63SOol300 IN RGBP1'l.V REFERTO 4600 LAlC 07 SEI? l'7 MEMORANDUM FROM: office TO: Assistant of Legislative Secretary Affairs of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: IT-MIi.AIR ASSET REQUESTICO CODELWILSON REF: (A} DoDD4515.12. DoD Support Employees of congrese for Travel of Members and 1. Request approval to authorize military airlift for the following congreseional Member and Staff on behalf of the Department of Defense. This request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC), (See attached manifest) HA.SC ITINERARY: 17 Sep 2017; oHardy Barracks, Tokyo; o camp Fuji, 18 Sep 2017; *Kadena Air Base, Okinawa {ROON} 18 Sep 2017; oosan Air Base, South Korea (RJ Kaye Littlejohn Iitt lcjohnkw(it)statc. gov 202-647-8442 Adoma Adae adacaa( 202-647-8782 Navy OLA Travel Section !(b )(6) (a)nav .mil House Scr2.eantat Arms Larry D. Thompson Security Advisor Office of the Sergeant At Arms US House of Representatives H-124, The Capitol Washington, DC 20515 202-225-2456 (Main) 202-226-2752 (Desk) CATO Reservation Line: 703-522-2286 Emergency Service US/Canada/Puerto Rico - l-800-787-0703 OCONUS - 402-502-4223 Ground Transportation AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT For Official Use Only 7 DOD-17-0430-C-000248 18-L-0088/ESD/0495 Ell.lAH E. C\IMl,IINCIS. MAAH,\ND ONE HUNDREDFIFTEENTHCONGRESS TR~V OOWI>>', SOUtH CJIIIOUNA RANl!lf 4515-.12 ~ .~l) ~~rt . . Bmployees of congress . (Legislative for' Trave1 Affairs) 'of Mealbers and the 1. Requeet approval to authorize military airlift for foll~ing COJlgreasi~l Member and Staff on beba~f of the Depa.rtment.of.De;f~. Thia.. request ia for epo;nsored, non-reimbursable trav-,1 baaed on review the following- NAMBS: Mr. information: Peter Villano, {See ~ttached XTDlBRARY: . . Professional' Staff Member, . HASC unifee~) *CUip Lelnolln&ire, ~JCi~yo, 89malia 02 AUG 2017; *Mogadishu, SOm&lia; *Baledog1e, SQmalia; Bosaas.eo, Somalia . (*~res IT-MlLAXR support) 01 Aug 201.7; JOS'r:tJ!'l:CA'rl:ON: . Mili.tuy Airlift mission requirewmts withi.u.the MODB OF TRAVBL: a.Q8M"M:tt.UR /i(;tt:')..t .ilh. is needed for this. $TAIT.DBL in order time allotted for the itinerary. ' Giambastiaiii Acting Aea~stan~ . Secretary of Def~ ~egislat:ive Approved,~~Dfsapproved. to -aeet request o. Peter fl/J, of . yApproved Affairs iiI :_ . --.J ( ) Not- Approved . Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN ExecutiveSecretary JUL2 7 2017_ I!IllllHlmn1 -.--osooo9122::1'7/CMl'Xlt2398?1'7 -- DOD-17-0430-C-000257 MARD'BST P'OR STAJ'FDBLVJ:LLUO T.RAVBLTO. 30 JUL-OS AUG 17 . ' Di1IBOU'rx SOMALIA,. GBRIW1Y i I Mr. Peter Viliano, HA.SCProt'essional.Staff Member Ms_ I-lml~v KaJugh, IIAScProtessic,nal Staff Member . ~united LTC l(b)(6) States .Special .Operations Command_ Legislat ve Affai~s Sul>~eat Katter !9!r.t _-. *Traveling at no expehse to the Navy. CAPT Todd F1annery, : OSN, OLA -Escort - o . . DOD-17-0430-C-000258 JPY:;,Se,.+t.; (OC/4oFF1cE CC/AMo cerrc">t S/o..s-- OF THE ASSIST ANT SECRET ARY OF DEFENSE WASHINGTON. DC 20301.1300 LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS 24 August 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TOTI-IE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE ARMY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF LEGISLATIVE LIAISON SUBJECT: Exception to policy for DoD Support ofCODEL Moran Congressional Travel. with travel dates of 29 August to 4 September 2017. - I request an exception to the 09 APR 15, USCENTCOM CODEL/STAFFDEL Travel Policy to USCENTCOM and 23 May 2017, Department of Defense Afghanistan Travel Restriction on 0 I - 03 SEP 17 allowing Senator Moran and PSM Caroline Ross to travel to Afghanistan. This is an exception to cu1Tcnt policy, DoDD 4515.12, Enclosure 2. paragraph 5.a.( I). I request an exception to DoDD 4515 .12 on 29 AUG 17 to 04 SEP 17 allowing HON Ryan McCarthy to extendan invitation to Senator Moran and PSM Caroline Ross on departmentrelated travel outside of the 50 United States. This is an exception to current policy, DoDD 4515.12. Enclosure 2. paragraph 2.b. and 2.b.( I). Visits by members and employees of Congress to Combatant Commanders may be conducted on a non-reimbursable basis under Secretary of Defense invitation. These exceptions to policy ap11liesto Senator Moran's visit to Euro e and A~ihanistan on or about 29 AUG 17 to 04 SEP 17. The oint of contact for this action is (b)(6) and can be reached at (b)(6) Robert R. Hood Assistant Secretary of Defense Legislative Affairs AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT ~11nm1 11111 DOD-17-0430-C-000259 0 17 .... ..OS0010S77:.17/CMOOt45"5ti 18-L-0088/ESD/0506 DEPARTMENTOF THE ARMY OFFICEOF THECHEF OF LEGISLATIVE UAISON 1600 ARMYPENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 20310-1800 23 August 2017 SA/LLO MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Assistant of the Chief, Secretary Legislative Liaison of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: SMALLMILAIR ASSET REQUEST ICO CODEL Moran REF: (A) DoDD 4515.12. Employees of Congress DoD Support for Travel of Members and 1. I request approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift for the following Congressional Staff Members and Appointees on behalf of the Department of Defense. This request is for sponsored, nonreimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: See Attached ITINERARY: Afghanistan 29 August - 4 September 2017: Germany - Poland - JUSTIFICATION FOR MILAIR; See Attached MODEOF TRAVEL:G-5 and UH60 (Germany and Poland> BG Brian Winski ~hrl_, Legislative ~pproved ( )Not Liaison Approved ~ Robert Hood Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs (()Approved ( )Not Approved AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000260 18-L-0088/ESD/0507 MANIFEST: HON Rvan Mrf'~rthy A/SA COL (b )(6) XO ADC MA MAJ LTC I (b )(6) I (b )(6) SA l (b)(6) Mr. (b)(6) I I PSO Photographer I - SFC (b )(6) SSG I Commo NCO I OPS NCO SEN Jerrv Moran l{b){6) !MAJ1(b)(6) AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT I I Kansas Senator Personal Staff LL DOD-17-0430-C-000261 18-L-0088/ESD/0508 JUSTIFICATION: 1. The purpose of this trip is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the strategic, operational and tactical objectives of the European Reassurance Initiative (ERI) and how our increased investment in this program, reassures our NATO allies and Eastern European partners, and by potential adversaries. Additionally, this deters future aggression trip will enable a deeper understanding on the current operational resources required in Afghanistan. This CODELwill also gain a renewed understanding of the criticality of our military, with Germany, Poland and intelligence, political partnerships Afghanistan. 2. Impact if not supported: For the reasons outlined mode of travel. section, MILAIR is the only practical unavailable the CODELwill not occur. in the next If MILAIR is 3. Commercial air travel is limited to Afghanistan. Travel requires multiple connections and extensive layovers which account for the loss of approximately two days and three critical engagements to travel. The loss includes air and ground DtOvement, customs, and airport transit. Further, commercial air travel would not permit such a robust schedule should any delays occur along the way. The itinerary, in the current form, is structured to allow the delegation to make the most of each day while arriving at each destination in sufficient time to be properly rested to absorb information and actively participate in engagements. MILAIR allows the delegation sufficient flexibility to add engagements with local officials, should they arise during the course of the trip, without the limitation of a fixed commercial flight. ESTIMATED COST: $200,000.00 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT (C-37) DOD-17-0430-C-000262 18-L-0088/ESD/0509 Mfl .... lo,,1,:,1:0.:,,Ll~ ,lu ?--~-., '.h(l(I-., l.l:o.till o:;..K.i ,1,.4 ~r."-',H!o l '-I.Cl.SI;.l! '\..;.Not~ TE"-!..._F-:1~I;-~ ~~t~ M ~0.L.,lh$. ,'LC,,,... F t 1~4,~l(LlWS.~o- ~U~IC,,I, :..? 1l:1r.,., lf~4~sf, (Ltt.0.11.u.1SO!oroi .,-.. 1:., ,1,..,1o.o. ,..o~11., ..~. .-,.-. uo:.:-.,.;~;,i..." e'., ~.:.Ji=r,..!kw"' 1111octt&11~. c.1:111,, -~uo1;.,,::;, ACo, .,.,fit.\.'1HloJc:( ~-Ml;~ .,o""lr,~o~oe""'\'H?. ~,o~r~ o.:.....:-:, r;. ;Or~ 1,:;'..,1,, "'-1<;o.Ht,.:ri !(IV, !:LJ-\.\....o'JE"./11 Ml ,.icu I! ..\IJ ....f .:,,:.11ria .'ilih'w :,.\ :!.:f 1,.;E:_;.,;t~ C.',.GBPli,Ct o ..cOrirt !..IJ('o.,'.-.._/,tl T.A>..:.~~-,Ji..;. 1,,,n ll:")', .'4lt_;M I w1s.::v;.J111 ."$RAY .. ~..lfl,"U'i ( Ait-~S..., 5,'-tEU('t M:l("l-'lf (>Pfl~ o.t.~l!:StAJ~fono l"I-IEST,;...r !~.f.:. n..-:;.a,-.r.-"-'.' o oo J h.:.1{;1o.1,, '\111i.4,l,i:,o1y,~;,. ~.-rh.t ;:,"t"ts "~O:'liil'!'o~ Jr>.-!NI [,, lOUl:'ll"o1J ';tlf-1~l..,P1t.P ,11ri::t~\o ::a.,,:tl(_ r! (')ilUCIA .:o1F11~ ,..,.., ff,;. 1 o ll I.,. r. t lktniteoJs,tates ~eunte COMMITTEEON A.PPROPf!IATlONS WASHINGTnN. DC 2057CHi025 '.""?'~: ~;ir,, 1,11 ") \!f_"'i?t'r loi ',,\("i I ..-o~(.jNt\ lt~~ .,.~l!~l .Vt,t.! :.n .,_,,.~.r ..... , 1.'.oo i1'1tr.T t .. .-.,,~ -~ .... -o.-.w.: .. l'ilo1:.,,"" ,u;; "!A~e,.o. .. ~II"_; oo ooL..,,. i:,,u-..:i,LJ~~~--~ 1~oo. August 22. 2017 The Honorable James Mattis Secretary of Defense The Pentagon Washington.DC 20301 Dear Mr. Secretary: This letter is lo authorizeSenatorJc:rryMoran and Ms. Carolinl! Ross of Scna1orMoran.s staff. to travel on official committee business to Poland. Gcnnany. and Afghanistan on or about August ~9 lo September4. 1017. The purpose of this 1ripis 10conduct meetings with heads of state as well as military leaders regarding defense!related assess U.S. militar: operations and other activities. This travel is authorized under the provisions of Section S02(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954. as amended by section~~ (a) of thl! ln1cma1ionalSecurity Assisumc~ Act of 1978 (P.L 95-384). and Senate Resolution 179. agreed to May 25. 1977. It is requested that the Department of Defense provide assistance for this travel, includingtranspona1ion.MILAIR. escort officers. and payment of actual and necessary expenses as may be required. pursuant to P.L. 83-207 (31 U.S.C. ? l l 08 (g)) for examination of estimates in the field. ii would be appreciated if your staft: in conjunc1ion,,i1h the!appropriate embassies. would assist in making whatever arrangements may be necessary for this travel. If you have any questions. please have a member of your staff contact LaShawnda Smith on 202.224,6940. THAD COCHRAN Chainnan TC:cr AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT I II I I I Ii I! I I DOD-17-0430-C-000263 ...osoo10an~1-rtCMDOt4557?17 ... 18-L-0088/ESD/0510 OEPARTMEN!'OF THE ARMY OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF LEGISLATIVE LIAISON 1800 ARMY PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20310.1600 23 August 2017 MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Assistant SUBJECT: of the Chief, Secretary Exceptions Army Legislative of to Policy Defense for (Legislative Affairs Affairs) CODEL Moran an exception to the 09 APR 15, USCENTCOMCODEL/STAFFDEL I request Travel Policy to USCENTCOM and 23 May 2017, Department of Defense Travel Restriction allowing Senator Moran and PSMr.H~ b~ )(~6~)--~ Afghanistan !(b)(6) !to travel to Afghanistan on 29 August 2017 - 4 Sept 2017. This is an exception to current policy, DoDD 4515.12, Bnclosure 2, paragraph 5.a. (1). I also request an exception to policy for the requirement of three Members for a small military aircraft. The CODEL will travel MILAIR with the Acting Secretary of the Army and eight members of his personal staff. The CODEL will spend 48 hours Afghanistan meeting with leadership, Embassy and foreign dignitaries. in The CODEL will be meeting with various foreign heads of state and cabinet leaders, NATO and U.S. military commanders, U.S. Ambassadors, and intelligence officials. The CODEL will conduct oversight of DoD and Intelligence operations and discuss with foreign leaders mutual defense, security, and economic concerns facing the NATO alliance. Justification: During the course of this seven day CODEL, the Senator and his Legislative Director will travel with the Acting Secretary of the Army, gaining an in-depth understanding of the resources required to best support current operational demands. The COD~L will provide key takeaways for the Senator to consider during future budgeting allocations and allotments , as well as the critical impact of a continuing resolution. AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000264 18-L-0088/ESD/0511 These exceptions and Afghanistan to policy on or about of contact for this l (b)(6) I action applies 29 is to Senator Moran's visit Au,ust - 4 Septrer MAJ _(b)(6) _ and 2017. to Europe The point can be reached at .. AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000265 18-L-0088/ESD/0512 DEPAR'TMEN'? OF TBE AlUff Office of Legiaiative Liaison 1600 Al:my Pentagon Washington, DC 20310 23 August 201 7 MEMORANDUM FROM: Office of TO: Assistant the Chief, Secretary SUBJECT: Background to Senator Moran Army Legislative of for Defense Acting Affairs (Legislative Secretary of Affairs) t.he Army McCarthy Invite Congressional Delegation (CODEL) Moran was initiated from a legitimate request from Senator Moran to HON McCarthy to join him at Fort Riley, Kansas earlier this month. HON McCarthy had to graciously decline the offer due to competing demands and scheduling conflicts. During the dialogue HON McCarthy extended an invitation to Senator Moran to accompany him on a scheduled trip to the EUCOM and CENTCOM Areas of Responsibilities. Senator Moran energetically accepted the offer triggering the pending exceptions to policy requests. I appreciate your continued support. rb)(6) BG(P)Brian Chief, AMERICAt\ OVERSIGHT E. Legislative Winski-e:::::::: Liaison DOD-17-0430-C-000266 18-L-0088/ESD/0513 .. .. THE HONORABLE RYAND. M cCARTHY Acting Secretary of t he Army Germany, Poland, Afghanistan 29 Aug - 04 Sep v6 Tuesday, 29 August2017 Washington, D.C. - Wiesbaden, Germany Wednesday,30 August2017 Wiesbaden, Germany BusinessCasual / OCP BusinessAttire / OCP 22ll 0900 Depart e/r Wiesbaden Army Airfield, Germany {C-37) FlightTime: 7+30 2245 Time Change: +6 Lunch/ Dinner Attend Commander's Update Brief (CUB), Mission Command Center o- (T) Coin Presentation (Soldiers TBD) Arrive Wiesbaden Army Airfi eld Office Call w/ LTG Hodges -- Greete d by LTG Hodges, USAREURCommander CG-hoste d Roundta ble "Strong Europe" Brief No-host lunch w/ USAREURleadership (GOs+SESsfrom Roundtab le) Arrive Miesau Helipad -. Greeted by MG Shapiro, 21 st TSCCommanding General R/W Overflight of Coleman Work Site (APS / ERi focus) Executive Time CG-hosted dinner at personal quarters RON Wiesbaden, Germany A~ Current as of 22 August 2017/1700 EST pVERSIGHT w/ USAREURleadership RON Wiesbaden, Germany 1 UPJC bltSSIFIEB,ii, ;o,ttl.o _., ..J 11:1 r:r r J::.,.,. ,., 1:, ,,, . .;111 ..w.,;u::l,i;I: 11...,,o:1-' i 1,l.UlooI tr ( ,;:-\o,';.,.," II ,/,. lo1IIH11 ,V,H1o1r11j t 4,!4::- .. (loJ 1,1,~oLofc: 1 o,.;nu.ini o. r,, 1 ;i, .,;,1: ... .-oo,i1.,,i1111, .. ,!!,:,-1i.1:. /.'.Ii.~ (?\Jo t ~.1.o.o.j r >o. I .,,.\I 1. I o 1. ! .", I I,, j, I ; I F f' t. ~: , . ,1 o1 ;t;: ,.,! 1-!., rn u,, ;.i.~,lf.'i' i ')IL. ;. lo l t,~ll till COMMITTEE ON AHMED 8EBVICES 1o .1.1,F- 1..\IJ1(.,1,1l .. r.-.11o11:1ru;. m.1 llhlDi r J', il!lt.; I t "oHIto.,:, lilC,',lltl .''ooI ~L~. l!)o11GBPir of .l\rpngr11t11til1rt II>' .. 1 .. F.",riJ;I ,1to\\ ( o '.-. '.,It l.'I' u1,1~1Ji11u1011. D1( ~1)::w;-6ci:~'.~ jHllJI i !II t. OJ/-JII/ON/ !Id /JI// I/ I MIf/ 1 it,.'t;i:.-. .,1um~1,.IIIL,H! l o\llti111;11:. i i . It o o ,:, o,-,-j;j_,lfLlljoui!:o1 Hl.\lilf, :'.I,',,., n: ,. .oq. ,.: .::,.1 . .I o ,I' o, ~.1.", ". I o!oo . 11 ,,. , .o , r.; .:.-; ;1' ~o.,[ '.I 1..' ,:,,,111.:1 flt lllOf,..1:,, :o:..,1o'.J II 1;,F1 lo!o:io tjt,lll-'f;t;',.lll(ll.',:/.-, ! 1/ 1 Ill J ;1o , \"~. ,I oP,1P:Jo , The Honorable James Mattis Secretary of Defense Washington, DC 2030 I Dear Mr. Secretary: Pursuant to section 1108(g) ortitle 31, UniredStales Code, the following members and staff arc authorized to travel to Djibouti, Somalia, Ke11yaand Sudan on or about l\11gus125 - Scplember I, 2017: The Honorable Austin Scott, The Honorable Mark Vcasey, The Honorable Jimmy Panetta, Mr. Mark Morehouse, Professional Staff Member, and Ms. Katy Quinn, Professional Staff Member. The CODE!, will meet with U.S. and African defense officials in order to conduct oversight key issues within the AFIUCOM area of res1>onsibility,including security cooperation with Djibouti, Kenya, and Sudan mid a focus on the threat of al Shubaab in Somalia. s~/ Willimn M. ;'Mac" Thornberry Chainnan WMT:rar AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000281 18-L-0088/ESD/0528 l,,jt DEPARTMENT OFTHENAVY OFFICEOfl L!Q&SI.ATIVE AFFAIRS nooNAVYPENTAGON WASHINGTON DCZOH0-1HO IN REPLY RIFBRTO 4600 LllB 23 JUNE 17 MEMORANDUM FROM: Navy Office TO: Assistant of Legislative Secretary Affairs of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: LARGEIT MILAIR ASSET REQUESTICO SBN. JOHN McCAIN RBF: l. (Al DoDD 4515.12. DoD Support Employees of Congreas for Travel of Membera and military airlift travel for the following I request approval to authorize Congreasional Members and Staff on behalf of the Department of Defense. Thia request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: sen. John McCain {R-A2) {See attached manifest) ITINERARY, 01 Jul-04 Jul 2017; oSrinagar, India; *Kabul, Afghanistan; *Dubai, UAB (oRequirea In-Theater Milair support) JUSTIFICA.TION: Support multi-country driving an inflexible the timeline dictated level engagements. MOOEOF TRAVEL: Lar!Je "1_ \ ~ Approved ...-:::::::---~ ~, Disapproved CJ si,.Jf7. oBenazir Bhutto itinerary with specific engagements timeline . COMAIRoptions cannot support by this multi-country itinerary with high (,,. J Not Approved Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. COR,USN El'c:ecutivesecretary E. Peter Acting Gia Legislative ~pproved AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT astiani III Secretary Affairs Assistant ( l Not Approved of Defense . 1111 11111 IIUI11 . ... oso oo7645~1? Ic M0010499?1, . DOD-17-0430-C-000282 18-L-0088/ESD/0529 IWIIPBST roa CODEJ., MCCAIN TRAVBL TO INDIA, AFGHAN7STAN. PAltIST>>f; 29 JUN.OsJUL 1' Sen. John Mccain (ll-AZ), Senate Anled services committee Chainan sen o .Lindsey Grahatl (R-SC), Senate Aned services COluni~tee sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D~IU), senate Judiciary Ccinittee sen. Blbabeth Warren (J:JoMA),Senate Anted Services committea sen. David ~ordue {~-GA), Senate Armod Services CCmmittee Christian Broae, Majority Staff Director, Senate Armed services CCMalllittee Tnm!lanAnderson, Chief of Staff, sen. McCain Mr. James Hickey, senior Military Advieor, senate Ar1neo services Committee Bli~th O'Bagy, Foreign Policy Advisor, Sen. Mccain caitlin POling, Na~ional security Advi1or, sen. Perdue Saeha Baker, National Security Advisor, Sen. Warren c,.n Scott Sciretj, USN OLAEscort LT !(b)(6) :AMEf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT USB OLA Escort DOD-17-0430-C-000283 18-L-0088/ESD/0530 DEPARTMENTOF THE ARMY OFFICEOF THE CHEF OF LEGISLATIVELIAISON 1800 ARMYPENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 20310-1600 01 August SALL 2017 MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Assistant of the Chief, Secretary Legislative of Defense Liaison (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: ROTARYWING MILAIR ASSET REQUESTICO STAFFDEL Sterling REF: (A) DoDD 4515.12. Employees of Congress DoD Support of Members and for Travel 1. I request approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift for the following Congressional Staff Members on behalf of the Department Defense. This request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: of See Attached ITINERARY: 10 August: Fort Army Airfield - Fort Shafter Shafter - Schofield Barracks - Wheeler JUSTIFICATION FOR MILAIR: See Attached MODE OF TRAVEL: UH-60 l(b)(6) Brian-E. Winski Chief, Legislative Liaison (\!)Approved ( )Not Approved i.(" BG (P) Approved~JsDisapproved. ____ HallockN. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN ExecutiveSecretary AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT _ ~":~, Principle Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs )><{Approved ( )Not Approved --- 111111 HI11111111 DOD-17-0430-C-000284 -.. 050009669:.17/CMDO 13000"11--- 18-L-QQ88/ESO/Q531 SA/LLO SUBJECT: STAFFDELSterling s~~: 01 August 2017 Hawaii HILAIR Request <31 Professional SASC Professional SAC-MProfessional SASC (b)(6) l:scor:ta: - Deputy Staff staff Director Staff Staff (2) l _________ (b)(6) .__ !Military ___. Military Escort Escort JUSTIFICATION: 1. Purpose: The purpose of the trip is to provide SASC and SAC professional staff a comprehensive understanding of the installations and training areas the Army requires to support operations on Hawaii. The delegation is going to Fort Shafter, Schofield Barracks, and will observe multiple training areas on of home Oahu to gain knowledge of Army Readiness, the limitations station training, and oversee MILCONpriorities. The aerial tour and training will provide the size and scope of the Army facilities area on the island of oahu. 2. MILAIR is the only way for the Delegation to gain firsthand and their conditions across the island. knowledge of facilities the delegation Although they can drive to some of the locations won't be able to gain an appreciation of the entire scope and size areas, and facilities on 0ahu without of the bases, training viewing it from the air. This vantage point will allow the delegation to assess issues such as encroachment and the remoteness of some of the training areas. The SASC and SAC PSMs on this authorizations for the Delegation handle MILCONand facilities Committee, making it of great importance to the Army and the the Department of Defense that they fully understand how critical mission is. 3. Impact if not supported: The Delegation would be unable to see a areas on Oahu and would not fraction of the facilities and training gain an understanding of the issues facing the Army there. The stated objectives of the Delegation would not be met, and the Army's ability to gain authorization for the MILCONand other infrastructure repairs and improvements needed would be jeopardized. ESTIMATEDCOST: $4,194 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT per hour x 2 hours= $8,388 DOD-17-0430-C-000285 18-L-0088/ESD/0532 DEPARTMENT Of THE NAVY OFFICEOfl LECDLATIYEAIFAIRS 1300NAVYPENTAGON WASHINGTON DC-.0.1300 If R!PLYRm'ERTO 4600 LA1G 22 MAR17 MEMORANDUM FROM: Office TO: Assistant of Legislative Secretary Affairs of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: SMALLMILAJ:RASSET RBQUBSTICO REP. ELISE STEPANIK REP: (Al I>ot>D4515.12. Bmployeea of congress l. DoD Support for Travel of Members and I request approval to authorize travel/in-theatre airlift for the following Congressional Staff Members and Appointees on behalf of the Department of Defense. This requ.est is for aponeored, non~reimbursable travel baaed on review of the following information: NAMES: Rep. Elise Stefanik (R~NY) (See attached manifest) ITINERARY: 10-14 Apr 2017t oKabul, Afghanistan; Jordan. (*Requires IT-MILA.IR support) oKuwait City, Kuwait; *Amm.n, JUSTIFICATION FOR MILA.IR: MILAIR is requeated to execute a compressed ground schedule in Afghanistan, Kuwait, and Jordan. MODEOF TRAVEL: SMALLMIi.AIR request ~~ D. J. '!/J Approved ( ) Not Approved /{/L-77 Approved_.,..__,,~ -a/61/ff Oisapproveir_....J~--Mlchael L. Bruhn Executive Secretary Department of Defense AMLf llCAf\ pVERSIGHT For: Borman Perfor111in9 the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defenoe Legislative Affairo LeeAnn (~pprovecl { l Not Approved 111 IllU1111 UIU DOD-17-0430-C-000286 --.oS0003895~t7/CMl'.Xl05664?1'7 .. 18-L-0088/ESD/0533 MAN:CFBST FOR CODELSTEFANIK TRAVELTO AFGHANISTAN;XUWAXT; UAB; JORDAN;9-15 APR 17 Rep. Blise Stefanik (R-NY) Rep. Tom Souzzi {D-NY) Rep. Anthony Brown (DoMD) Mr. Peter Villano, Staff Director, TBD PSM fflSC ~Minnr?.ty) LTC l(b)(6) capt !(b)(6) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Bmerging Threats & Capabilitie? SUbcoramittee I USSOCOM SOLA-DC IMarine Coi:ps House Liaison Office, OLA Escort DOD-17-0430-C-000287 18-L-0088/ESD/0534 ESTIMAT.BD COSTS: MILAI~(Co20) o $25,446.00 Commercial - $5,120.50 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT ($8,482.00 ($731.50 x x 3 flight 7 hours) passengers) DOD-17-0430-C-000288 18-L-0088/ESD/0535 DEPARTMENTOF THE NAVY OfACE OF U!!GISLATIYEAFFAIRS 1300NAVYPENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 20350-1300 IN REPLYREFERTO 4600 LAlH 20 JUL 17 HE:MORANDUM FROM: Navy Office TO; Assistant of Legislative Secretary Affairs of Defense Affairs) (Legislative SUBJECT: SMALLIT HILAIR ASSET REQUESTICO MS. KATE KAUFER (A) 1'0DD 4515.12. DoD Support F.rnployeea of Congress REF: for Travel Members and of 1. I request approval to authorize military airlift travel for the following Congressional Members and Staff on behalf of the Department of Defense. This request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of the following information: Me. Kate Jrvisits to two militcny air bases utilized by DoD (/ncirlik and Souda Bc~v). COMA/l? flights do nor allow for the compressed schedul e being executed and ll'ould require removal c?fcritical site visits. UsinK MILAIR will allow the delega tion lo move efficiently and lo keep on schedule for various meetings and engagements to increase the Senator's understanding of rexional securily operations in his role as Chairman qf the SFRC Subco1111 nNree on European Aff"airs and Regional Securi ty Cooperation. 110 COMA !Rfl.ights Itinerary : ,/ ' . ' Sunday 27 August: Washington, DC Weather (DC):. I-Ii: 0/Lo : 0 Attire: Travel Casual TBC [Sen. Johnson] TBC - Chicago O' Hare TBC [Ms. Westlake. co ~ (b)(6) I TBC - Dulles (b )(6) 1}7~Z?t;r7 -.,. ~-_-1 A AMEHICAr\ pVERSIGHT ~ .--:-"'?i;-~F;f:"f;..,...~~~7~~,...._.. ~ 1 ...~.- ', o o .--"'~ -o .. oo-- ' --~ - ------- - ~--~;~~!.',11 .~. 1 .. -~ o _:,. ./; C ;.__..__.,._ 1i -----,-- 1-~ -- ............ ~'"' , "---- DOD-17-0430-C-000293 18-L-0088 / ESD/0540 Monday, 28 August; Wanaw,Poland Weather (Warsaw):,Hi: 0/Lo: 0 Allire: Business Suit 0715 [Ms.Westlake, CD~ve 0905 [Sen.Johnson]Arrive Brussels, Belgium 1010 Depart Belgium (BRU) enroute Warsaw(WAW) via United 6842 (LOT Polish) Brussels, Belgium 2+00flight time No lime change 1210 Arrive Warsaw, Poland 1230 Chopin International Airport - Hotel 1300 Executive Time 1400 Hotel- U.S. Embassy 1415 Country Team Meeting 1515 U.S. Embassy- Chancellery 1530 President's Chief of Staff/ForeignPolicy Adviser Minister Szczerski 1600 Chancellery-+ MFA 1615 Meetingwith Foreign MinisterWaszczykowski 1645 MFA-+ MoD 1700 Meeting with Deputy Minister of Defense 1730 MoD - Hotel TBC Dinner (No-Host) RON AMERICAr\ Hotel Bristol Warsaw Krakowskie Przedmiescie 42/44, 00-325 +48 22 551 10 00 pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000294 18-L-0088/ESD/0541 Tuesd ay, 29 August: Warsaw, Poland/Belgrade, Serbia Weather (Warsaw) :, Hi: 0/ Ln: 0 Weather (Belgrade):, Hi: 0/ Lo: 0 All ire: Business Suit TBC Breakfast (as desired) 0830 American Chamber of Commerce Roundtable 0930 Hotel -TBC I 000 Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister [TBC] I 030 TBC--+ Warsaw Uprising Museum TBC Lunch (No host) 1330 Warsaw Uprising Museum --+ Warsaw Chopin International Airport ~!:~:~y~;r,~,~ -~ r-.; _,i), ..~o7 ......_., __ l,.. ..__ ..,. ~---.. o'~o , I'.-...,... ......-,~~~.,. , , o- ,_~- -.,-,.~ ~ \. ~ .J;.;_j ~ _,..,_....,_ ~ /__r 1620 Arrive Belgrade, Serbia 1640 Nikola Tesla International Airport --+Hotel 1700 Executive Time 1745 Hotel --+CMR 1800 Meeting with U.S. Ambassador/National Security Team 1850 CMR- Vila Mir, Mihaila Mike Jankovica 6 1900 Dinner with President of Serbia Vucic 2045 Press Statement 2 100 Vila Mir--+ Hotel AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000295 18-L-0088/ESD/0542 RON Square Nine Hotel Belgrade Studentski trg 9, Beograd I 03933, Serbia +381 11 3333500 Wednesday, 30 August: Belgrade, Serbia/Pristina, Kosovo Wea/her(Belgrade):Sunny, Hi: 76?/Lo:54? Wea/her (Pristina): Sunny, Hi: 82?/Lo: 57? Allire: Business Suit TBC Breakfast (as desired) 0800 Hotel-+ CMR 0830 Meeting with Civil Society RepresentatiYCS 0930 CMR-+ MFA I000 Meeting with Minister of Foreign Affairs Dacie 1045 CMR- MFA 1145 Depart Belgrade (BEG) enroute Pristina (PRN) via MILAIR 35 min.flight time No time change 1220 Arrive Pristina, Kosovo 1230 Pristina Airport -+ Parliament Building 1315 Meeting with President of the Republic of Kosovo Hashim Thaci 1400 Parliament Building -+ Prime Minister's Office (on foot) 1410 Meeting with Prime Minister Isa Mustafa 1440 PM office - Film City TBC KFOR Situation Brief 1500 Film City -+ Camp Bondsteel (rotary MILAIR) 1520 Photo/Meet and Greet with U.S. Servicemembers AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000296 18-L-0088/ESD/0543 1540 37th Infantry Brigade Combat Unit Command Brief 1610 Camp Bondsteel - Film City (rotaryMILAIR) 1630 Film City-+ U.S. Embassy 1635 EmbassyBriefing on Countering Violent Extremism 1705 U.S. Embassy - Hotel 1720 Executive Time 1820 Hotel - TBC (on foot) 1830 Dinner with Former Foreign Minister Enver Hoxhaj, MP Lumir Abdixhiku 2000 TBC--+ Hotel (on foot) RON Swiss Diamond Prishtina Sheshi Nena Tereze p.n, Prishtint! l 0000 +381 38 220000 Thursday, 31 August: lncirlik. Turkey/ Souda Bay, Greece Weather (Prisrina):. Iii: 0/Lo: 0 Weather (lncirlik):, /-Ii: 0 /Lo: 0 Attire: Business Suit TBC Breakfast (as desired) 0800 Depart Pristina (PRN) enroute lncirlik (UAB) via MILAIR 2+00 flight lime Advance clocks I hour 1100 Arrive lncirlik, Turkey 1110 Working Lunch with Leaders (IAB & Consulate Adana) 1310 Meet and Greet with Wisconsin Service-members 1330 Windowshield Tour t 345 Hotel 5 [TBC] 1445 C.ISOTF Ops Brief AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000297 18-L-0088/ESD/0544 1545 CJSOTF - Base Ops 1600 Depart lncirlik (UAB) enroute Souda Bay (QNC) via MILAIR 1+OOflig/11 lime No lime change 1700 Arrive Souda Bay, Crete 1715 NSA Souda Bay - 1745 Executive Time I945 Hotel - TBC Dinner with local government officials, Greek and U.S. military representatives 2130 TBC - RON Souda Bay. Crete Hotel TBC (on foot) Hotel (on foot) Friday, 01 September: Souda Bay, Greece/Washington D.C. Weather (Souda Bay):, Hi: 0 /Lo: Weather (OC;: , I-Ii: 0/lo: 0 Auire: Business Suit 0 0745 Breakfast with U.S. Ambassador Pyatt 0830 Hotel - 0900 Souda Bay Overview Brief NSA Souda Bay 0945 Topside Tour 1015 NSA Souda Bay - Marathi I 035 Tour NA TO Piers Complex at Marathi 1100 Tour one ammo (YK-10) at NATO Ammo Depot 1130 Marathi - AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Korakies DOD-17-0430-C-000298 18-L-0088/ESD/0545 1200 [TBC) Early lunch with members of New Democracy Venue: Nykterida Restaurant 1330 Korakies ___. NSA Souda Bay 1350 Arrive NSASB flight line 1400 Depart NSA Souda Bay (QNC) cnroute Frankfurt (FRA) via M[LAIR 2.5 hour.flight time Turn back clocks I hour 1530 Arrive f rankfurt, Germany (b )(6) 1915 [Sen. Johnson] Arrive Chicago, IL 1955 [Ms. Westlake, CDRl(b)( ) 5 ~ rrive Washington, DC *Miss ion Complete * Points of Contact Lead Military Escort: CDR!(b)(6) Deputy Director. LA-3 I Office: !{b)(6) Mobile: b 6 I Navy OLA Trave l Section: !(b)(6) O LA LA-0 I Dir ! Office: (b)( 6) BB: b 6 E-maiI:._! (b_)_(6_) ___ AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT __.,! 7'.,..p_ na_,~''-..o-11_ iI DOD-17-0430-C-000299 18-L-0088/ESD/0546 l(b)(6) OLA L... A.... -1..... B__ 0ffiGe.Hb)(6 ) -----. ~ ! BB: f b)(6) Email: 1.._ (b...., )(.,_ 6.._ ) __ n=a'-'-v--'-'y .=m""""'il ....,l@_, Control Officer (Warsaw) Mr. Steve Bremner Control Officer (Belgrade) Mr. Jon Bowermaster,Political Officer Office: +381 11 706 4312 Mobile: Bowcnnastcr.lS(a1state.l;l,OV Control Officer (Pristina) Mr. Oliver Mains, Political Otlicer Office: +381 (0)38 5959 3000 Mobile: +386 (0)49 958 551 Control Officer lncirlik) Major (b)(6) Oper . Major, USAF 39th Force Support Squadron DSN: (b)( 6) ___ Mobile:......._......._ (b)(6) TSgt j (b)( 5) NCOIC, Protocol 39th Air (b)( 6 ) Office: _, lUSAF . Mobile: (b)(6) a) Control Officer (Souda Bay) Ms. Julia Jacoby, Deputy Political Counselor Office: +30-210-720- 2391 Mobile: +30-695-I83-2979 jacobvji@.statc.b\o\l AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000300 18-L-0088 / ESD/054 7 ... '-"o!.1 'o . o., o,; oI' llnitrd5rarrsSrnarr August 16, 2017 The Honorable James Mattis Secretary of Defense The Pentagon Washington, DC 20301 Dear Mr. Secretary: I have authorized Senator Ron Johnson, Member of the Committee on Foreign Relations, and Ms. Lydia Westlake, Professional Representative of Senator Johnson to the Committee, to travel on official business to Poland, Serbia, Greece, Kosovo and Turkey during the period of August 27 - September 4, 2017. J request that the group be provided in-theatremilitary aircraft assistance by the U.S. Senate Navy Department of Defense. I also request that Commander!(b)(6) Liaison Office, be assigned as the military escort officer from Washington, DC. This travel shall be conducted under the authority of Section 1314,Puhlic Law 207, and by 3 I USC 1108(g). Authorization for actual and necessary expenses tinder the provisions of Section 502(b) of the Mutual Security Act of 1954, as amended, will be requested from the Secretary of State. I Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, d-- AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT IUHIIIUI 1111 DOD-17-0430-C-000301 --OSD0108~~1i/CMOOl45"37?11 18-L-0088/ESD/0548 DEPUTY SECRETARY OF DEFENSE 1010 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20301.1010 FEB2 2 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR SECRETARY OF THE NAVY GENERAL COUNSEL OF THE DEPARTMENTOF DEFENSE ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS SUBJECT: Authorization for Department of State employees and Sri Lankan Government Officials to travel on Military Airlift in support ofCODEL Roskam on February 23, 2017 I authorize the travelers specified in Representative Peter Roskam' s request for congressional travel support dated January 27, 2017, February 15, 2017, and February 16,2017, to accompany the congressional delegation led by RepresentativePeter Roskam to Colombo and Hambantota,Sri Lanka, on February 23, 2017. The Department of State employees and Sri Lankan Government Officials are permitted to travel on military airlift with the congressional delegation on a space available basis and at no cost to the government. 0 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT ..--.osooo2084. tifCM0003227?t7 ... DOD-17-0430-C-000302 18-L-0088/ESD/0549 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY OfflCE OF LEGISLA T1VEAFFAIRS 1300NAVYPENTAGON INREPLYREFERTO WASHINGTONDC 20350-1300 4600 LA1D 19 FEB 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTY SECRETARYOF DEFENSE GENERALCOUNSELOF THE DEPARTMENTOF DEFENSE ASSISTANT SECRETARYOF DEFENSE FOR LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS SUBJECT: Authorization for Department of State employees and Sri Lankan Government Officials to travel on Military Airlift in Support of Congressional Delegation (CODEL) led by Representative Roskam on February 23, 2017 Request authorization for the travelers specified in enclosure (1) to travel via military airlift in order to enable the Sri Lankan Government Officials to accompany the CODEL from Colombo to Hambantota, Sri Lanka, on a space available basis and at no cost to the government. SECRE~ Disapproved SECRETARYOF THE NAVY PSM SECRETARYOF THE NAVY AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000303 18-L-0088/ESD/0550 DEPARTMENTOF THE NAVY HEADQUARTERS UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS 3000 MARINE CORPS PENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 20350-3000 IN REPLY .REFER TO : 1000 OLA 17 Feb 17 MEMORANDUM FOR DEPUTYSECRETARYOF DEFENSE From: Office Subj: of Legislative Affairs Congressional Travel CODEL ROSKAMEXCEPTION TO POLICY REQUEST Ref: (a) CODEL/STAFFDELDoD Directive Enclosure 2, Paragraph 4 b. 4515.12 Encl: {1) CODELRoskam Manifest and Itinerary {2) CODELRoskam Committee Letter 1. Department of the Navy has been appointed by the Office of the of Defense as the executive agent for the travel of a Congressional Delegation (CODEL) led by Rep. Roskam, on 23 Feb 2017. Secretary 2. Rep. Peter Roskam (R-IL) requests an exception to reference (a) to enable the Codel to execute the schedule from Colombo, Sri Lanka to Hambantota, Sri Lanka, with Mr. Robert Hilton, Deputy Chief of Mission; Ms. Rachna Korhonen, Control Officer; Mr. Jacob Brahee, Political Officer; Ms. Tameisha Henry, Political Officer; Mr. Prasad Kariyawasam, Sri Lankan Ambassador to the U.S.; Ms. Gamini Perera, Minister of Parliament; Mr. Sajith Premadasa, Minister of Parliament; Ms. Harsha De Silva, Deputy Foreign Minister; Ms. Mahinda (1) requires Amaraveera, Minister of Parliament. Specifically, enclosure a. 3. A waiver Officials Recommendation: for the exception to travel on U.S. Approve requested to policy to allow Sri Lankan Government Codel Roskam. MILA.IR with waivers. ~~ ~ Approved ( l Not Approved LeeAnn Borman Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense Legislative Affairs ( ) Approved AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT ( l Not Approved DOD-17-0430-C-000304 18-L-0088/ESD/0551 DEPARTMENTOF THE NAVY OFFICE OF LEGISLATIVe AFFAIRS 1300NAVYPENTAGON WASHINGTONDC 2t31D-1300 INREP1. Y REFERTO 4600 LAlD 13 OCT 17 MEMORANDUM FROM: Navy Office TO: Assistant of Legislative Secretary Affairs of Defense (Legislative Affairs) SUBJECT: SMALLIN-THEATREMILA.IRASSET REQUESTICO REP. MACTHORNBERRY REF: l. (A) DoDD 4SlS.12. DoD Support Employees of Congress for Travel of Members and X request approval to authorize military airlift travel for the following congressional Members and staff on behalf of the Department of Defense . This request is for sponsored, non-reimbursable travel based on review of the following information: NAMES: Honorable Mac Thornberry, (See attached manifest) Chairman, ITINERARY: 26-31 Oct 20171 Washington, Washington, DC House Armed Services DC; Lebanon, Iraq, committee and return to 29 Oct 2017; Milair flight from Beirut to Baghdad 31 Oct 2017; Milair flight from Baghdad to Doha International JUSTIFICATION: MILAIR is requested because of the restraints of flying commercial air would substantially limit the ability to fit in all meetings, briefings and site visits sought by the members, to include DoD and national security engagements. MILAIR is requested to support CODELThornberry. MODE OF TRAVEL: Small In-Theatre MILA.IR Requested ~1 ...._ \A~~~4Lf N . L . COOLING Legislative Assistant to the Commandant of the Marine corps Hallock N. Mohler, Jr. CAPT,USN ~l Approved ( ) Not Approved ExecutiveSecretary Robert R. Hood Assistant Secretary Legislative Affairs AMEf llCAr\ PVERSIGHT I!H111111 mlH .. O$0012801~17/CMOO"'f6989?1i -- w b,uI !nshssifiad'FOlJB I AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000307 18-L-0088/ESD/0554 12 Oct 2017 Version I.I Overall Flight Time: 14hr 20min, {7+55 to London) Time Change: +6'11..i, ------ 011emigh1 Flight ----.-...... Friday, 27 October 2017 Attire: Tra\'cl Casual Weather in Lebanon: Sunny. High xx 0 , Low xx 0 1030 Land London 1440 Depart London British Airways /./9 Flight Time: x+xx. Time Clumge: +xhr 2130 Arrive BEY/ Met by Control Officer and Expediter TBD Depart BEY for Embassy RON Embassy Saturday, 28 October 2017 Attire: Weather in Lebanon: Sunny. High xx 0 o Lcm xx 0 1 0800 Lebanon Program (in Work) RON Embassy Sunday, 29 October 2017 Attire: Travel Casual Wet11herin Cairo: Sunny. lliKh xx 0 o Low xx 0 Weather in CENTCOM: Sunny. High xx 0 o low xx 0 0800 Lebanon Program (in work) TBD Deparl for Airport 1100 Mi/airflight BEY to Baghdad ~ 1400 Arrive Baghdad TBD AFTERNOON/F.:VENJNG CENTCOM PROGltAM Srnrnitim b::tI 'ulau!lilicd,'PElth~, 2 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000308 18-L-0088/ESD/0555 12 Oct2017 Version 1.1 Monday, 30 October 2017 Attire: BusinessAttire Weatherin CENTCOM:Sunny, High xx 0, Low xx 0 0600-0700 Breakfastat BEC DFAC 0700-0710 OM ENR to EHP 0710-0720 RW ENR to BOSC 0720-0910 0910-0940 C-130 ENR to KLZ KLZ Engagementsw/SOJTF 0940-1025 RW ENR to FB Raqqah l 025-1125 FB RaqqahEngagements(RCC) 1125-1145 RW ENR to LCF 1145-1245 SDF Engagementwith GEN Mazloum 1245-1300 RW ENR to KLZ 1300-1345 Lunch with Soldiersat KLZ Meal Tent 1345-1535 C-130 ENR to BDSC 1535-1545 RW ENR to EHP 1545-1555 GM ENR to BBC or 1555-1700 0/C w/LTG Funk or CJTF Round Table or EmbassyUpdate 1700-1720 GM ENR to Governmentof Iraq Palace um 1720-1820 . Meetingwith PM and CHoD 1820-1835 GM ENR to MoD 1835-1935 Meetingw/MinDef 1935-1950 GM ENR to BEC DFAC or AMB Quarters ~,111w,,, ho wmtwwwifiuMIOtJe 3 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000309 18-L-0088/ESD/0556 12 Oct 2017 Version I .I 1950-2045 2045 RON Dinner Executive Time Embassy Tuesday, 31 October 2017 Attire: Travel Casual Weatherin CENTCOM:Sunny. lligh xx 0 , Low xx 0 TBD EarlyAM Mi/airFlightto Doha Intl TBD Arrive DOH Depart Doha Intl Qatar Airways Flight 707 Flight Time /.I+ 30. Time clum~e: -7hrs 1550 Arr IAD 0820 MISSIONCOMPLETE Sensltloebat lJ11cl.1ssifkdi'laeue 4 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DOD-17-0430-C-000310 18-L-0088/ESD/0557 12 Oct 2017 Version 1.1 Points of Contact Deputy Director, CENTCOM Legislative Affairs CCDC-LA Military Escort: ! !(b)(6) t_!, Colonel. USMC Carns J-111-se Liaison NIPR (b)(6) SIPR: (b)(6) Rayburn 2022 COM~.~ ........ --"T"""" DSN :.. b......6~====-"""""==--. _, SVOIP: (b)(6) AArrJr _____ Office of theAttendin~ Physician LCDR! (b)(6) ] MD, MPH, FACEP l (b)(6) IMajor, USAF Chief, Congressional Engagements CENTCOM Legislative Affairs (CCDC-LA) 7115 South Boundary Blvd MacDill AFB FL 33621 Staff Emergency Physician U.S. Ca itol 11-166 ) ........ ...--...t----, 0 tlicec.(b~)~(6.:... (b)(6) ' a (b)(6) l CATO: Reservation Linc: 703-522-2286 CaptainHb)(6 ) CPT! J S:..ippo .:::-t to.:::- :' ravel Emp.:..oyccs of Co ~g rcss 1.: 2 Cl 7 r e q:..iest a pp.:::-oval to a :..i:ho .:::1 ze trav el .Sts.f.: Menbcrs o f De:ens e . .:.hi ~ re ques the Departr.1ent :-ein::iursao:e trav el based o n .:::-eview o f o.: Members I a:-_j / i~-theatre airlift f o .:::-:~ c and lq .:po ir.t e es o n b e::a ~f o : : is f o r sp o :1s o r ed , :--,'.):, :he :'o l :..nfo r r.1at~on : KA.MES: Se e At tac :-ie d I':'IKER.~RY: JJSTIFICATIJN 08 Apr:~ OB Ap ri.2. 2J : 7 : :\L-wait - Iraq - :Z.11,1ait. FOR ~: LA: ~: See ~: t a.c ~ed ~a~r c~ TRAVEL: TB) (b)(6) (b)(6) r-:AN::EST: AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0560 DOD-17-0430-D-000001 1. Purpose: To visit the Florida A~rny Natio~al Guard 1-lllth Aviation Battalion, currently serving in Kuwait and Iraq in support of Operation Inherent Resolve. Additior-ally, the delegation will receive CENTCOMCampaign Plan and O&I briefs, country briefs from Departmenc of State country teams for Kuwait and Iraq, and observe training with the Army Theater Reser~e Brigade in Kuwait. MILAIR fro~ Ali Al Salem Air Kuwait is the preferred nethod to Baghdad due -:o As of January 31, 2017, Deyartment of State updated Iraq Travel Warning warns U.S. citizens all travel to Iraq s~ating that, "Travel within Iraq remains against very dangerous, and the ability of the Embassy to assist U.S. citizens facing difficulty is extl:'emely limited." Commercial air travel is limited to Bagdad from Kuwait City and impractical for this delegatio~ given the itinerary planned. Travel to Baghdad from Kuwait City via COMA.IRrequires multiple cor.nections and lengthy layovers which account for 9 hours and 55 minutes of lost time critical for the delegation to conduct congressional oversight during ~he one day visit to the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad. Ihe loss of time includes air and co:mrnexcial air ground movement, c~stoms, and aicport transit. rurther, schedu.:.e should any delays occur travel would not permit such a robust along the way. Current~y, the costs wit~out business class is approximately S2,866 at the lowest fare of $481 on Gulf Air for three Members, one Professional Staff Member and two military escorts per based on Expedia which would allow the delegation to be on traveler the ground in Baghdad International Airport for 45 min..1tes before departing on the return flight tc Kuwait. The itinerary, in the current form, is structured to allow the delegation t~e most efficient use of while arriving in Iraq with suffjcient time to be properly from the C.S to Kuwait City to absorb rested after the COMAIR flight information and actively participate in engageme:its. ~ILAIR allows the delegation sufficient flexibility to add engagements with Department of Defe~se and Departmen~ of State officials in Baghdad should they arise during the course of the trip and as the respeclive DoS and DoD control officers complete the CODEL agendas without the limitation of fixed commercial flights. There:ore, for the aforementioned points, it is believed that M:LAIR is the only practi~al mode of travel for this delegatio~. congressional 2. Base, of transportation for this CODEL to travel operational security and tirr.e constraints, 3. rrnpact if not supported: If MILAIR is unavailable, the CODEL itinerary will be significantly curtailed resulting in the delega~ions inab~lity to meet its desired objectives. MILAIR support from Ali Al Salem Air Base, Kuwait to, Iraq ar.d a return facilitates the maximization of t~me to conduct oversight ac~ivities at the D.S. Embassy in Baghdad and rnain~ain operationa: security. ESTIMATE::>COS':': AC-13.JH: $22,000.00( 18-L-0088/ESD/0561 DOD-17-0430-D-000002 Cl d (b)(1 ),(b)(6) ,Sec. 1.4(a) ,Sec. 1.4(d) ,Sec. 1.4(g) C AM[ HICAN PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0562 DOD-17-0430-D-000003 Cl ific tion in Body COMMJ (b)(6) !(b)(6) o Cl AMf HICAN PVERSIGHT ific tio n in me~;.sac1eBod y 2 18-L-0088/ESD/0563 DOD-17-0430-D-000004 (b)(1 ),(b)(6),Sec. 1.4(a),Sec. 1.4(d),Sec. 1.4(g) Page 1 of 2 AMf HICAN PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0564 DOD-17-0430-D-000005 (b)(1 ),(b)(6) ,Sec. 1.4(a),Sec . 1.4(d),Sec. 1.4(g) A~ ~A PVERSIGHT Page 2 of 2 18-L-0088/ESD/0565 DOD-17-0430-D-000006 GODEL Ross Kuwait and Iraq 06 APR - 11 APR 2017 U S Army House LIa1son Office As of 201000MAR2017 DRAFT #4 Purpose: The purpose of this GODEL is to vIsIt the Florida Army National Guard 1-111th AVN . currently serving Kuwait and Iraq in support of Operation Inherent Resolve Add1t1onally.the delegation will receive CENTCOM . ARGENT and GJTF-OIR Command and 0&1 briefs country briefs from Department of State country teams for Kuwait and Iraq . and observe training with the Army Theater Reserve Brigade in Kuwait in b 6 U.S. Embassy, Kuwait: lrwe, I Office .u.;:~=====. Mob1lel,;a . L1.W.1L.1.W.1 ..... ---.L...---------, Email (b)(6) Post One/ mergencf Business Hours._(_b)_ (6_)_ ___. l~.J\WM ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITY AFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request White House Support Mission Designation for Assistant to the President National Security Affairs McMaster Request approval of t he fo l low i ng proposed Requesting President 2. Purpose of the Tr i p: In furtherance of the President's foreign policy, LTG McMaster will travel to Simi Valley, CA, to deliver the keynote address at the Reagan National Defense Forum, and participate in an additional six engagements with Congressional and media representatives. These engagements will also preview the National Security Strategy themes 4. LTG H.R. McMaster, Security Affairs . House Mission: 1. 3. Principal: for National White for 24-Hour Poi nt of Contact : Hina Gir, l(b)(6) or 1 ..... (b-)(6_) ______ I Travel Assistant Spe cial Assistant __.I Maryland to Simi Valley, Evening Location: Simi Val l ey, California to Andrews Air Base, Maryland Date: Sunday, December 3, 2017 Requested Time of Departure : Mid-Morning pVERSIGHT at Itinerary: Location : Andrews Air Force Base, California Date : Friday, December 1, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Late AM RICAr\ to the 18-L-0088/ESD/0600 Force .- osoo 14765: 1?t cM001s4a3?17 .-- DOD-17-0430-E-000020 5. Passenger Manifest : (b)(5) 6. (b)(5),(b)(6) AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0601 DOD-17-0430-E-000021 001138 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON April 12, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS o,/1'-./ FROM: LTG H. R. MCMASTER \J" - ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT SECURITY AFFAIRS FOR NATIONAL SUBJECT: Request Request White House Support Mission Designation for Assistant to the President for LTG H.R. McMaster National Security Affairs, approval of the following Principal: for National proposed White House Mission: 1. Requesting President LTG H.R. McMaster, Security Affairs. Assistant to the 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's foreign policy, LTG McMaster will travel to Sedona, Arizona, to address American and international leaders in business, government, politics and civil society and facilitate an open,.,.,_,~.....,....,....1,1,......_.....,;;i.;;i.~1.1......:..i..i...--'IJw.w.,l,,l,j,JalloJl,,l,Si,,ot-i..w......i..:iii.a.--. world challen es. (~~ ) (b)(5) 3. 24-Hour 4. Travel Location: Point of Contact: CAPT John Reed, l_ (b_)_(6_>____ ..... Itinerary: Andrews Air Force Base Date: Friday, April 21, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: TBD Afternoon Location; Sedona; Arizona, United States Date: Sunday, April 23, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: TBD Morning AMERICAr\ OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0602 I UHHIIIU U ----oso005302~t7tCMOOOi3i8?17-- DOD-17-0430-E-000022 5. Passenger Manifest: (b)(5) 6. (b)(5),(b)(6) AMt::HICAr\ OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0603 DOD-17-0430-E-000023 (b)(5),(b)(6) AM HICAI\ pVERSI HT 18-L-0088/ESD/0604 .-osoo10866 ~17/CM0014542st7 .. DOD-17-0430-E-000024 (b)(5) AM RICAr\ OVERSIG .H.~.T---. 18-L-0088/ESD/0605 .... ........... .,,...._.... DOD-17-0430-E-000025 1 ES DOD-17-O430-E-000026 (W15) DOD-17-O430-E-000027 UEIIB THE WHITEHOUSE WASHINGTON June 14. 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR: JOSEPH HAGIN ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS MEMORANDUMFROM: JARED KUSHNER ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT SENIORADVISOR SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR WHITEHOUSE MISSIONDESIGNATIONFOR MIDDLE EASTNEGOTIATIONS REQUEST APPROVAL OF THE FOLLOWING PROPOSED WHITE HOUSE MISSION: I. Requesting Principal: JaredKushner. Assistant 10 the President and Senior Ad\'iSOr 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's foreign policy. Senior White House Staff and Emissaries of the President will tra,.el to the Middle East to participate in meetings. 3. A 24-hour Point of Contact (POC): Avi BerkowitJ... (b_ )_(6_ )___ 4. _. Travel Itinerary: Location: Andrews Air Force Base to Tel Aviv. Israel Date: Tuesday. June 20. 2017 Requested time of Departure: 12:30 PM EST Location: Tel Aviv. Israel to Andrews Air Force Base Date: Wednesday. June 21. 2017 Requested Timeof Departure: 11:00 PM Local Time S. Passenger Manifest: Attached 6. Special Consideration: Aircraft to be made a,.ailable on a non-reimbursable basis. The use of commercial air transponation is not leasible due to time constraints on the team's travel itinerary and the unavailabilily of acceptable connections to the desired destinations. (b)(5),(b)(6) AM ~ ICAr\ DVE::RSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0608 DOD-17-0430-E-000028 FLIGHT MANIFEST Flight Manifest-Joint Base Andrews,MD- Ben Gurion Intl, Tel Aviv, Israel (b)(5) Flight Manifest- Ben Gurion Tntl, Tel Aviv, Israel - Joint Base Andrews, MD (b )(5) AM RICAr\ OVER.SJ.GHT___ 18-L-0088/ESD/0609 DOD-17-0430-E-000029 THE WHITE HOUSE V.iAS '-i i 1'-tG"':C, K June 15, 20:.7 MEMORAKDUM FOR JOSEPH HAGIN SUBJEC7: WHlT& HOUSE MISSIC~ REQUEST The attached request is for designation as a Wr.:.te House Support Mission. Senior W:~ite Eouse Staff and Ernissar!es of the President will cravel to Tel Aviv, Israel on June 20-21, 2~17. A C-37 is available and will ~eet on a nonmissio~ requirements reimbursable basis . o~L~ ~hite AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Deputy Director House Military Office 18-L-0088/ESD/0610 DOD-17-0430-E-000030 000335 Redo III THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG H,R, MCMASTE~J;~ ~{ ASSISTANT TO THE PREStDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request Request White House Support Mission Designation for LTG H.R. McMaster approval Requesting 1. President 2. Purpose 3. of the Principal: for National foreign of the policy, conduct bilatexal 24-Hour Point Travel proposed White House Mission: LTG H.R. McMaster, Assistant Security to the Affairs Trip: In furtherance of the President's LTG H.R. McMaster will travel to Turkey aeeting? of Contact: !(b)(6) 4. following from February 10-11, 2018. Quinn Lorenz. reachrble Ior .... l(b- )(-6)______ to at _ Itinerary: Location: Andrews AFB, Maryland to Istanbul, Date: Friday, February 9, 201B Requested Time of Departure: Evening Turkey Location: Istanbul, Turkey to Andrews AFB, Maryland Date: Sunday, February 11, 2018 Afternoon Requested Time of Departure: 5. Passenger Manifest: (b)(5) 6. AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0611 DOD-17-0430-E-000031 (W5) 18- [3/0612 DOD-17-0430-E-000032 ?militia-MM? (W5) June Memorandum for: Joe Hagin Assistant to the And Deputy Chief William Through: 2017 lJ7 OQ President of Staff for 0 Operations McGinley Secretary Cabinet Lance Leggitt Chief of Staff From: Secretary SUBJECT: Travel 22, Request Support White House Support Request Directed by the approval Mission: for to 1) Requesting Tom Price White House the following Principle: Secretary Mission proposed Designation for White House Thomas Price, M.D. (HHS) 2) Purpose of the trip: This report is an updated version of a previously approved request to White House Military Based on the restrictions for flights in and out Operation. of Aspen the Secretary has rearranged his schedul~ rn ~11n~o for Suooort Mission assistance in Utah and Texas. l(b)(5) (b )(5) 3) 24-hour Point l(b)(6) 4) Travel pVERSIGHT John I, l(b )(6) Itinerary: o Location o AM RICAr\ of Contact: Texas Date: leg 1: Salt _.lor Tworney, ... lfGBP(/j .CJs;1" 000335 Redo III THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG H.R. ~ MCMASTE~ohJ/ ASSISTANT TO THE PREStDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS Request White House Support Mission Designation for LTG H.R. McMaster SUBJECT: Request approval of the following proposed White House Mission: 1. Requesting Principal: President for National 2. Purpose foreign conduct of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's policy, LTG H.R. McMaster will travel to Turkey to bilateral meetinqo from l'ebruary 10-11, 2018. 24-Hour Point 3. Contact; of l(b)(6) 4. Travel LTG H.R. McMaster, Security Affairs IQuinn or Lorenz, Assistant reachable l(b)(6) I to the at Itinerary: Location: Andrews AFB, Maryland to Iatan.bul, Date: Friday, F-1>.ruary 9, 2018 Requested Time of Departure: Evening Turkey Location: Istanbul, Turkey to Andrews AFB, Maryland Date: Sunday, February 11, 2018 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon 5. Passenger Manifest: (b)(5) 6. AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0627 1111 HIIHlll 1111 ..-OSOOOt804?18/CM00022S1~18 --DOD-17-0430-E-000047 .rim wm:oJ.'M nomm WASHINGTON ,January 18, 2018 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEUP'fY CHIH!F OF STAFF li'OR OPERA'l'IONS JOHN DEST ASSISTANT FROM: PERSONNEL '- PRESIUENT FOR PRESIDENTIAL o REQUESTWHITE HOUSE SUPPORT MISSION DESIGNATIONFOR PRESIDENTIAL DELEGATIONTO LIBERIA SUBJECT: Request approval Mission: of the following Principal: proposed White House Support 1. Requesting The White House 2. Purpose of the Trip: A Presidential Delegation will Presidential Inauguration of Liberian President~elect o. Weah on January 22, 2018. 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact: David Solom~o~n~,~!= (b=)= (6=)==::;-----'lor. through the State Operations center, _H b_)_(6_) ___ ___, 4. Travel attend George Itinerary: Departure Location: Arrival Location: Date: January 21, Requested Time of Requested Time of i4,,,.sfe,'1t Germany Monrovia, Liberia 2018 Departure: 9:00AM Arrival {est.): 6:00PM r~aa~f~5l, Departure Location: Monrovia, Liberia Arrival Location: Frankfurt, Germany Date: January 23, 2018 Requested Time of Departure: 4:00PM s. Passenger a) AMt::HICAr\ Manifest: Honorable Thomae A. Shannon, Jr. , Under Secretary Political Affairs, U.S . Department of State (Head of Delegation) The pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0629 for DOD-17-0430-E-000049 b) Ll.lis Mendez, Personal Mrni.stant Lo Lhe under Secretary for Political Affairs, U.S. Department of State (Guest of HOD) c) Ambassador Stephanie s. Sullivan, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs, U.S. Department of State Senior Direct.or for Africa, Natlonal Security d) Cyril Sartor, Council, Executive Off:l.ce of the President e) Major Gregory Vadnais, Director. of. the Michigan Department of Mi.U.tar.y and Veterans Affairs f} David Solomon, Protocol Lead visits Officer, Office of the Chief of Protocol, U.S. Department of State g) Jennifer Wham, Protocol Officer, Office of the Chief of ProtocoJ., o.s. Department of State (b)(5),(b)(6) I AMEHICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0630 DOD-17-0430-E-000050 (b)(5),(b)(6) ..... AMEllCAr\ OV!~_R!=;I GI-II ____ _ 18-L-0088/ESD/0631 DOD-17-0430-E-000051 001138 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON April 12, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS xc",. ,.,. / LTG H. R . MCMASTER\J" ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FROM : FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request Request White House Support Mission Designation for Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs , LTG H.R . McMaster approval of the following Principal: for National proposed White LTG H. R. McMaster, Security Affairs. House Assistant Mission: 1. Requesting President to 2. Purpose of the Trip : In furtherance of the President's foreign policy, LTG McMaster will travel to Sedona , Arizona, to address American and interna~ional leaders business, government , politics and civil society and facilitate an open, honest discussion of approaches to world challenges. l(b)(5) the in real (b)(5) 3. 24 - Hour 4. Travel Pa i n~ of Itinera contact: CAPT John Reed, '~(b_ )_(6_)____ __, r y: Location: Andrews Air Force Base Date: Friday , April 21 , 2017 Requested Time of Dep arture: TBD Afternoon Location: Sedona, Arizona, United States Date: Sunday, April 23, 2017 Requested Tim e of De parture : TBD Morning AM RICAr\ J)VERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0633 DOD-17-0430-E-000053 5. Passenger Manifest: (b)(5) 6. (b)(5),(b)(6) AM FllCA~ _J)VERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0634 DOD-17-0430-E-000054 *1 PM (3 ?2rd?! 7? F..- )?lhl? Pf 7m: gan?mxa 1 ES DOD-17-O430-E-000056 (W5) 1 ES DOD-17-O430-E-000057 000930 THE WHlTE HOUSE WASHINGTON March 31, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTY CHIEF or STAFF FOR OPERF.TIONS LTG H.R. MCMASTER(J1\o~ ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FROM: FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request Request White House S~pport Mission Designation for LTG H.R. McMaster, Assistant the President for National Security Affairs approval Requesting President 2. Purpose foreign of of White 4. Trip: the policy, Pakistan, ~f proposed LTG H.R. In furtherance Mission: Assistant c~~....._.....__ ................ ~ohn w. Reed at o !' any lime through Afghanistan to New Delhi, Location: Kabul, Date: Saturday, April 15, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: 9:55 a.m. India New Delhi, India to Date: Monday, April 17, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Location: Kabul, Afghanistan Date: Monday, April 17, 2017 pVERSIGJ-IT the Itinerary: Afg~anistan AMERICAr\ the (b)(6) Location: Andrews Air force Base to Kabul, April 14, 2017 Date: Friday, Requested Time ot Departure: 8:00 a.m. Location: to of the President's will travel to for meetings. McMaster and India or (b)( 6 ) House Situation Room at Travel House White McMaster, Affairs. Security LTG H.R. 24-Hour Point l(b)(6) following Principal: for National Afghanistan, 3. the to Kab~l, 5:05 to Afghanistan a.rn. Islamabad, 18-L-0088/ESD/0638 Pakistan DOD-17-0430-E-000058 Requested 8:00 a.m. Time of Departure: Location: Islamabad, Pakistan Date: Monday, April 17, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Location: Date: 5. New Delhi, Tuesday, April India 18, to 1:20 New Delhi, India p.m. to Andrews Air Force Base 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Passenger Manifest: 10:00 a.m. (b)(5) 6. (b)(5),(b)(6) AMLf llCAr\ QV~B~IGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0639 DOD-17-0430-E-000059 6fNSA-A(atwllstan/Pallistanncla U!:31Mr. lD Requesting Agency NSS Prin cipa l Traveler's Last Name McMaster Start Date Apr 14, 2017 End Date Apr 18, 2017 Uni t 89th AW Iti nerary Kabul, Afghanistan ; New Delhi, India; Kabul, Afghanistan ; Islamabad , Pakistan; New Delhi, India Date Received Mar 31, 2017 Passenger Count (b)( 5 ) Subm itted < 7 Days Approved < 4 Working Days Secu re Commun ications Secur e Comm . Comments Commerci al Transporta ti on Inv olved Trip Contact CAPT John Reed I Trip Co ntact Phone !( b )(6 ) TripSat~? DCOS Coo rdinati on Type Trip Comment Reviewed By Dechmerowski, Felix C. CIVWHMO/OPS Trip Archive State Open Type Notification DateDCOS coordinated UploadedBy White Note Yes Yes Apr 3, 2017 Tansey , Patrick J. CIV WH MO/OPS NSS Memo Yes Yes Mar 31, 2017 Slingerland, Katherine J . MAJ USA WH MO/OPS IdPIUolaa DV Load Date Local Time ICAO 0.. Local 1'lllle ICM) Travel Itinerary Acft Tallt 1414/0800 08:00 KADW 1414/2025 20:25 EBBR JOINT BASE Apr-17 Apr-17 ANDREWS TO BRUSSELS NATIO NAL C40B 10041 38097 14/2255 22:55 EBBR 151415/0925 09:25 OAKB BRUSSELS Ap r-17 Apr-17 NATIONAL TO KABUL INTL C40B 10041 38097 C- 10041 38097 Msnt (L) 15/0955 09:55 OAKB 151515/ 1240 12:40 VID P Apr-17 Apr-17 1717/0505 05:05 VIDP Apr- 17 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT KABUL INTL TO INDIRA GANDHI INTL (DEADHEAD) 1717/0600 06:00 OAKB INDIRA GANDHI INTL TO KABUL Apr-17 INTL (DEADHEAD) 18-L-0088/ESD/0640 40B C10041 38097 40B DOD-17-0430-E-000060 17/1505 15:05 VIDP 1717/1320 13:20 OPRN 17Apr-17 Apr-17 C40B 10041 38097 INDIRA GANDHI CINTL TO BAKU INTL 40B 10041 38097 18/1340 13:40 UBBB 18Apr-17 18,. 18/1540 15:40 EINN 18/1410 14:10 UBBB 18Apr-17 Apr- 17 18/1910 19:10 EINN 18Apr-17 pVERSIGHT 10041 38097 40B 1818/1000 10:00 VIDP Apr-17 AMERICAr\ C- 17/0800 08:00 OAKB 1717/0950 09:50 OPRN KABUL INTL TO 17BENAZIR BHUTTO Apr-17 Apr-17 INTL BENAZIR BHUTTO INTL TO INDIRA GANDHI INTL BAKUINTL TO SHANNON 1818/2235 22:35 KADW SHANNON TO Apr- 17 JOINT BASE ANDREWS 18-L-0088/ESD/0641 C- 10041 38097 40B C40B 10041 38097 DOD-17-0430-E-000061 me I DOD-17-O430-E-000062 (W5) 1 ES DOD-17-O430-E-000063 003802 THE WH ITE HOUSE WASHINGTO October 18, N 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG H. R. MCMASTER M~ (,.,~ ASSISTANT TO THE ?RESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITY AFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary Tillerson Request approval of the Principal: following proposed Rex Tillerson, White House Mission: 1. Requesting Secretary of State. 2. Purpose of the Tr ip: In furtherance of the President's foreign policy, Secretary of State Rex Tille rson will travel to Honolulu, Hawaii to participate in PACOM briefings. He wil l then travel to Tokyo, Japan, Seoul, South Korea , and Beijing, China to participate in the President's bilateral meetings. He will then travel to Da Nang and Hanoi, Vietnam, and Manila, Philippines to participate in APEC and ASEAN meetings, respectively. 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact: Campbell, Supervisory General Services Officer, tariat. Mr. Campbe l l can be reach'f-!'!'~..,.._...__-'-'-""-----.....i..; or via He can also unclassified email at (b)( 6) reached at any time t~-ro JJab tb e Denartmen t of State Operations Center at ~b)(6) be I. 4. Trave l Itinerary: Location: Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland Hawaii Date: Friday, November 3, 2017 Requested Time of Departure : Morning to Hono l ulu, Location: Honolulu, Hawaii to Tokyo, Japan Date : Sunday, November 5, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0644 1OSD0131?Y~17/CM0017425?17 111111111111 11 ... DOD-17-0430-E-000064 Location: Tokyo, Japan to Seoul, South Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning Location: Seoul, Date: Wednesday, Requested Time of South Korea November 8, Departure: Korea to Beijing, 2017 Evening Location: Beijing, China to Da Nang, Date: Friday, November 10, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning China Vietnam Location: Nang, Vietnam to Hanoi, Vietnam Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon Location: Hanoi, Vietnam to Manila, Philippines Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning Location: Manila, Maryland Date : Wednesday, Requested Time of 5. Passenger Philippines November Departure: to Andrews 15, Air Force Base, 2017 Afternoon Manifest: (b)(5) 6. (b)(5) AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0645 DOD-17-0430-E-000065 1 ES DOD-17-O430-E-000066 000335 Redo II THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 1, 2018 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG H.R. MCMASTERM.6~~ ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request White House Support Mission Designation for LTG H,R. McMaster Request approval of the following proposed White House Mission: 1. Requesting Principal: President for National 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's foreign policy, LTG H.R. McMaster will travel to Turkey to conduct bilateral meetings from February 10-11, 2018. 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact: L..l (b_)(6 _) ________ 4. Travel LTG H.R. McMaster, Security Affairs Quinn Lorenz, lor l(b)(6) Assistant reachable I at Itinerary: Location: Andrews AFB, Maryland to Izmir, Friday, February 9, 2019 Date: Requested Time of Departure: Evening Turkey Location: Izmir, Turkey to Andrews AFB, Maryland Date: Sunday, February 11, 2018 Requested Time of Departure: Morning 5. to the Passenger Manifest: - (b )(5) 6. 18-L-0088/ESD/0647 DOD-17-0430-E-000067 (W5) C) A - C) Caram, George N. Caram,George N. Thursday,February 1, 2018 8:35 AM Lorenz,Quinn A.;Doyle, EvanT.; Charnon,StevenJ.; #NSC-CROSS RE:APNSAMilair Ftom: Sent To: Subject: Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO -==--=snac-----------------~---=ooo=~----c---------o=- I From:Lorenz, Quinn A. Sent: Thursday,February1, 2018 8:33 AM ~T~o~:~00 ..... v.... le..., ..... n ........ T...... <-4.lH.;.;,. b )~(6~)_____ 1 =fv-a !(b )(6) l 5 ...1!>; Charnon, Steven J.... Subject:RE:APNSAMilair Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO (b)(5) 2 T 18-L-0088/ESD/0650 DOD-17-0430-E-000070 (W5) 3 (b)(5) From: Lorenz,QuinnA. Sent: Wednesda1f, Januaiv24. 201812:18 PM I I To:#NSC-CROSS (b)(6) Cc: #NSC.CROSS(b)(6) Subject:APNSAMllair Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO (b)(5) 4 AMt::HICAr\ 0- \ J L n ('.?" I ,t"' ;,--,v ._I 1......,1""'1 18-L-0088/ESD/0652 LIT I I DOD-17-0430-E-000072 (b)(5) Munich,Germanv to JBA (b)(5) ==============z===========~===~=:::=================c= Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO ------;--------=------=-===---------------===~--oazme- Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO -------=ma=--o=ooo-----==o-------~~m==------=~---=oo-~ Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO ------=---=~==------~z------==o==--------------~-----Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO ----------=~----==-----=--=so---oom~==~~~~---~===----- Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO oao=ooo-----====-------==--------~===-------------oooo Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO Classification: UNCLASSIFIEO//FOUO 5 18-L-0088/ESD/0653 DOD-17-0430-E-000073 000957 FINAL THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON April 12, 2017 ln co MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN 0 ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERA~IONS FROM: LTG H.R. MCMAS:ER~ ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDE~T FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary of State Rex Tillerso~ of the approval following 1. Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance foreign policy, Secretary Tillerson Lago, florida 3. Rex Tillerson, Principal: Secretary of State. of the President's will travel to Mar-a- 24-Hour Point of Contact: ""'l (b """ )..;.. (6..;.. ) ____ time through ._! (b_)(6 _) ___ 4. White House Mission: proposed Travel Gregory J. Campbell at ....,!or via e-mail at !(b)(6) I or any the Department of State Operations Cen~er at ___.!. Itinerary: Location: a-Lago, Andrews Air Force Base, Washington D.C. to Mar- Flo.rida. - Date: Thursday, April 6, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Mor~~ng Location: Mar-a-Lago, Florida to Andrews Air Force Washington D.C. Date: Saturday, April 8, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoo~ 5. Passenger Complete AM RICAr\ p _ yERSIGHT Base, Manifest: passenger manifest attached at Tab A 18-L-0088/ESD/0654 DOD-17-0430-E-000074 (W5) 1 ES June, 1st 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR JOE HAGIN WHITE HOUSE DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF THROUGH: WILLIAM MCGINLEY WHITEHOUSECABINETAFFAIRS RYANJACKSON FROM: CHIEF OF STAFF U.S. ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTlON AGENCY The President of the United States has directed the following White House Support Mission I. Requesting Principal: Administrator Pruitt 2. Purpose of the trip: After participating in an event with the President, Administrator Pruitt\\ ill depart Cincinnati, Ohio for international travel to Rome, Italy where he will be meeting with Vatican officials the next day and then will proceed to Bologna, Italy where he will participate in the G7 summit. 3. 24-hour Point of Contact: Kevin Chmielewski l(b)(6) 4. Travel Itinerary: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 12:00PM EDT Depart Andrews on Air Force One for CVG 3:00PM EDT DepartCVG for JFK- New York TBC 7:35PM EDT Arrive in JFK- New York DeltadepartJFK-FCO 5. Passenger Manifest: Administrator Pruitt Ryan Jackson Lincoln Ferguson Kevin Chmielewski Pascquale Perrotta AMERICAr\ PVER$1GHT I II~ llllllill 111 H .... 050006866? t7 ICMD009480: 17 .... 18-L-0088/ESD/0656 DOD-17-0430-E-000076 6. 1 ES THE WHITE KO\JSE WASHINGTON June 5, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOSEPH HAGIN WHITE HOUSEMISSION REQUEST SUBJECT: The attached request is for designation as a White House Support Mission. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will travel from Cincinnati, Ohio to New York city, New York on June 07, 2017. A C-37 mission basis. available requirements is and will meet on a reimbursable DANIEL P. WALSH Deputy Director White House Military AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT Office 18-L-0088/ESD/0658 DOD-17-0430-E-000078 WH - EPAOH, NY (7 Jun 17) Requesting Agency WH STAFF Principa l Traveler's Lnt Name EPA - Pruitt Start Date Jun 7, 2017 End Date Jun 7, 2017 Unit 89thAW Itinerary Cincinnati, OH; New York, NY Date Received Jun 2, 2017 Passenge r Count (b )(6) Submitted < 7 Days Approved < 4 Working Days Secure Communications Secure Comm . Comments Commercial Transportation Involved Commerd1 I Trans . Comments POTUS requires EPA to be in Cincinnati for POTUS trip. EPA then catching internat ional flight in NYC for meeting with Pope in Rome . Trip Contact Kevin Chmielewski Trip Contact Phone (b )(6) Trip Status DCOSCoordination Type Tri p Comment (b)(6) I Reviewed By Dechmerowski, Felix C. CN WHMO/OPS Trip Archive State Open Documenla DateDCOS DCOSCoord Coordinated Type Notified CVAM Notified OSD White Note No No Jun 5, 2017 Sikkink, Matthew G. LtCol USAF WHMO/OPS Cab Affairs Memo Yes Yes Jun 2, 2017 Notification Type DV AME:RICAr\ Load (L) pVERSIGHT Date Local 07-Jun-17 0711145 11:45 KADW 07-Jun-17 07/1300 13:00 07-Jun- 17 07/1500 15:00 KCVG 07-Jun- 17 07/1625 07-Jun-17 07/ 1710 17:10 KJFK 07-Jun-17 0711800 Time ICA Uploaded By Created Weller, Kimberly L LtCol USAF WHMO/OPS Travel Itinerary Acft Tallt Msn# KCVG JOINT BASE ANDREWS TO CINCINNATI/NORTHERN KENTUCKY (DEADHEAD) C-37 60500 38631 16:25 KJFK CINCINNATI/NORTHERN KENTUCKY TO John F. Kennedy ln!'I Airport C-37 60500 60500 18.00 KADW John F. Kennedy lnt'I Airport TO JOINT BASE ANDREWS (DEADHEAD) C-37 60500 3863 1 18-L-0088/ESD/0659 DOD-17-0430-E-000079 2 3 2017 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 17.2017 Approved-':""...;.~..:..:..~-;--- Disapproved1_--4~-Michael L. Bruhn Executive Secretary Departmentof Defense MEMORANDUMFOR JOE HAGlN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATJONS FROM: DABNEY R. KERN DEPUTY ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECTOR.WHITEHOUSE MILITARYOFFICE SUBJECT: REQUESTFOR WHITE HOUSESUPPORTMISSIONDESIGNATION FOR TRAVELBETWEENWASHINGTON D.C. AND PALM BEACH, FL Request approval of the following proposed White House Support Mission: I. Requesting Principal: President Donald J. Trump 2. Purpose of the Trip: The Chief of Staff has requested roundtrip travel for White House and Agency Staff between Joint Base Andrews. MD and Palm Beach. FL for official functionson February 19. 2017. 3. A 24ohour Aircraft Point of Contact (POC): Patrick Clifton. Offic~...(b_)_(6_) __ _.lcell Phon~._ (_b)_(_6)__ ___, 4. Travel l1inerary: Location: Joint Base Andrews, Maryland to Dobbins Air Reserve Base. Georgia Date: Sunday. February 19. 2017 Requested Time of Departure: 0545 Location: Dobbins Air Reserve Base. Georgia to West Palm Beach Int. Florida Date: Sunday. February 19. 2017 RequestedTime of Depanure: 0745 Location: West Palm Beach Int, Florida to Joint Base Andrews. Maryland Date: Sunday. February 19. 2017 Requested Time ofDepanure: 1500 - 5. Passenger Manifest: (b)(5),(b)(6) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0660 I IllII111I111111 ...DOD-17-0430-E-000080 0$0002205? t7"/CMD003200?17... (b)(5) AMERICAr\ flVERSIGHT ~ - o-o ooo ooo o - -ooo ooo oo -oooo oooo-uo-ooo- ooo-ooo-~ ----oooo ooo-ooooo --ooo o 18-L-0088/ESD/0661 DOD-17-0430-E-000081 000743 REDO THE WHITE HOUSE WA S HIN GTON March 28, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESI DENT AND DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS ' LTG H. R. MCMASTER f:} SUBJECT: Reques~ White House Support Mission Designation Request approval of the for \' - FROM: Secretary fo ll owing proposed Principal: White House Mission Secretary : 1. Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's foreign policy and at the direction of the President, Secretary Tillerson will trave l to Ankara, Turkey on March 29-31. 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact: J onathan Mennuti , Dep ut y Executive Director, Executive Secretariat at ~!(b_ )_(6_) ___ 4. Travel Itinerary Rex Tillerson, Ti~lerson __,! . : Location: Andrews Air Force Base to Ankara, Date: Wednesday, March 29 , 2017 Requested Time of Departure: TBD Morning Location: of State. Ankara, Turkey to Bruoaola Turkey , Bolq~um Date: Friday, March 31, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: TBD Morning Brussels , Belgium to Andrews Air Location: Date: Friday, March 31, 2017 Requested Tim e of Departure: TBD Afternoon Passenger 5. 6. Manifest: List of passengers Force provided Base at Tab A. (b)(5) AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0662 DOD-17-0430-E-000082 DOD-17-0430-E-000083 NOTE: REIMBURSE~ENT IS REQUIRED FOR ALL UNOFFICIAL PASSENGERS TRIP ITINERARY MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD The following individuals were manifested aboard the following aircraft : ... oj (ti Mission No: 37948 Tail No: 10041 ..J ..J <( (ti Cl) Cl) co LL - z::::, .:JI: C: :> .... * * * * * * * * * * o * * * * o * * o * * * LI. ~ .r:. * * * 0 TILLERSON, REX SECRETARY OF STATE BARNES. WILLIAM SPECIAL AGENT DANQUAH, LEONARD SPECIAL AGENT FITZSIMMONS. ELIZABETH DEPUTY EXECUTIVESECRETARY HAMMOND,ROBERT SPOKESPERSON HEFFERN, JOHN ACTING ASSISTANTSECRETARYEUROPEAN AND EURASIANAFFAIRS KALMAN.NICHOLAS PRESS, FOX KENNA. LISA EXECUTIVEASSISTANT MANISCALCO. DANIELLE LINE OFFICER MATUS. LUIS SPECIALAGENT IN CHARGE MCCRAY, KATHLEEN PHYSICIAN MCGURK. BRETT SPECIAL PRESIDENTIALENVOY MENNUTI, JONATHAN DEPUTY EXECUTIVEDIRECTOR PENTIS, WILLIAM SPECIAL AGENT PETERLIN, MARGARET CHIEF OF STAFF SMITH, LEE BRANCHCHIEF WILLIAMS, MEREDITH SPECIALASSISTANT WROUGHTON, LESLEY PRESS.REUTERS LL C (ti u u::0 NAMES AND OFFICES ~ (/) (ti 2 ~ 0 .c ~C: co (/) u. ~ 0 ctl oj C: .... u. co C: (/) ctl Cl) <( Date(s) ofTr ip: 29-Mar-2017 - 31-Mar-2017 C: 0 C: C * (J) <: co o * * * * o o * * * * * * o * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .. * o * * * * * * * * * * * .. o * * * .. .. * * o * * o * * * * * * * Prepared By. Joyce Harley .ve Secretary AM HICAN pVERSIGHT l 'NCl.t\S Sltn :o 18-L-0088/ESD/0664 DOD-17-0430-E-000084 Executive Airlift Support Mission Mission #: 37948 Version#: 1 Status: TENTATIVE GDSS #: Aircraft Type: Ground Aircraft Dept ZULU Date / Time Dept local Duty Day 06 +20 2,849 8+ 20 -3.0 04+10 1,858 14+00 20:15 -3.0 00+5 5 220 16+25 JI-Mar-17 06:00 -3.0 Ol+oO 220 3+o0 10:00 31-Mur-/ 7 11:00 - 1.0 05+oo 1,858 10+00 19:05 31-Mar-/7 15:05 +4.0 07+ 35 2.849 19+05 To 23:00 +4.0 EIN N 29 -Mar- 17 09 :20 19-Mar-17 19-Mur-17 11:50 -1.0 LTAC 29-Mar- 17 15:00 16:30 19-Mar-17 19:30 -3.0 LTAG 29 -Mar- 17 3 1-Mar-17 02:00 31-Mar-17 05:00 -3.0 LTAC LTAC 31-Mar- l7 05:00 31-Mnr-17 08:00 -3.0 EINN 31-Mar-l7 11:30 31-Mur-17 12:30 -1.0 Tail # o+o o I 10041 KADW 29-Mar-17 03 :00 18-Mar-/7 1+30 2 1004 1 EINN 29-Mar-17 10:50 1+ 30 3 10041 LTAC 29-Mar-l7 32+35 4 1004 1 LTAG 2+00 5 10041 1+30 6 10041 Date/Time z ETE 10:20 -1.0 19-Mar-17 18:00 17:25 19-Mar-1 7 3 1- Mar- 17 03:00 EINN 3 1-Mar-17 KADW 31-M ar-17 Dare / Time DoD Reimbursement Rate Estimated Flight Hour Costs: $136,250.00 Total Pax : ETA Local Date/ Time (NM) ETA ZULU z From leg lime C--10B Dist Total Planned Hours: 25 +0 0 Not yet determined 25.00 $5450 PASSENGERS KADW/EINN ACTIVE LEG EINN/LTAC ACTIVE LEG LTAC/LTAG DEADHEAD LTAG/LTAC DEADHEAD LTAC/EINN ACTIVE LEG EINNIKADW ACTIVE LEG AIRPORTS KADW Airport: JOINT BASE ANDREWS City: CAMP SPRINGS Stale: MD Country: USA EIN Airport: SHANNON City: SHANNON State: Country: IRL LTAC Airport: ESENBOGA City: ANKARA State: Country: TUR LTAG Airport: INCIRLIKAB City: ADANA State: Coimtry: TUR EASA0\1~o rl;i( fnpC .. t l!.feb.J.\is Printed at 3/16/20 17 2: 14:22 PM \ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0665 DOD-17-0430-E-000085 March Memorandum for: 14, 2017 Joe Hagin Assistant to And Deputy the Chief /~ President of Staff for 2 Through: Lance Leggitt..:{\ Chief of Staff Secretary Tom Price From: Jessica Harrison Deputy Director of Scheduling Request SUBJECT: House Support White Operations and Advance Mission Designation for Travel Request to approval Support Mission: 1) Requesting for following the Secretary Principle: proposed White House Thomas Price, M.D. (HHS} 2) Purpose of the trip: The President has directed the Secretary to t..,.,.......,,.__ ............... ~.................................... ......,-=......_....._......,....._..,_u.c:i......_-==......., on his behalf. (b)(5) Point 3) 24-hour !(b)(6) 4) Travel of Contact: I, (b)(6) pVERSIGHT , !(b)(6) or Itinerary: o Location AMERICAr\ (b)(6) leg 1: o Date: o Requested o o Lo c ation leg 2: Date: 03/15/2017 AAFB to LaGuardia 03/15/2017 Time of departure: LaGuardia 4 : 30 PM to AAFB 18-L-0088/ESD/0666 DOD-17-0430-E-000086 o Requested o Location o Date: 5) Passenger See attached Time of departure: leg 3: AAFB 03/15/2017 Manifest: for 11:00 PM 7 the full passenger manifest (b)(5) (b)(5),(b)(6) AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0667 DOD-17-0430-E-000087 Flight Manifest (b )(6),(b)(7) (C),( b)(7)( F) ~--.. I) Secretary Tom Price, I(HHS body 2)!( b)(6) (b )(6),(b )(7) (C),(b)(7)( F) M.D. manJ 3) Matt Lloyd (HHS DJ;r.eet6'r of communication) 4) Mike Dubke communicationsl 5) [ ..]tHHS OIG Protective Detai 1) 6)l (HHS OIG Protective Detail) 7) ..,....__,fHHS OIG Protective Detail) 01,])SS 3. DSS~-'llJD 02; IJSS- 2. .s. .DSS-.1BD04,DSS DSS ~ DSS o t>SS 7, MC'!'SAM,#l,"(BD SJBS.:IRM ..MC.-:; 4, >>ssolB.DOlt- 6. Klem. ~o. a. ~ Sllien A, SA!$ w ., .WffStfm:\'.i&-4- AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0700 DOD-17-0430-E-000120 /Y'I ILA(!t.~ ~' fell .. SA1'1Dr<.f\ U 4) AMERICAr\ PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0701 DOD-17-0430-E-000121 June 23, 2011 Memorandum for: Joe Hagin Assistant to the President And Deputy Chief of Staff Through: William Cabinet From: Leggitt Q ....j_ Chief of Staff ~IZ)Q Secretary Tom Price for Operations McGinley Secretary D Lance SUBJECT: Request White House Support Travel Directed by the White House Mission Request support proposed to approval Mission: I) Requesting for the following Principle: Secretary Designation for White House Thomas Price, .. o M.D. (HHS) 2) Pun,ose of the trip: This report is an upp.ated version of a previously approved request to White Housb Military operations. The White House has advised that the original sites in Houston, Texas are not feasible for the Secretary. Therefore our mission will need to redirect to Dallas, below . Texas. These changes are reflected in the itinerary (b)(5) 3) 24-h (b )(6) ur 4) Travel AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Point of contact: ... l___________ lor Itinerary: 18-L-0088/ESD/0702 .-OS001489t" 17/CMOlt9660; 17 ... DOD-17-0430-E-000122 leg l: Salt Lake City, Utah to Dallas, o Location Texas o Date: o o o o Requested Time of departure: 12:00 PM Location leg 2: Dallas, Texas to AAFB, Maryland Date: 06/26/2017 Requested Time of departure: S:00 PM 5) Passenger 06/26/2017 Manifest: 10 See attached for che full passenger manifest. Manifested persons traveling for other than official purposes will be required to reimburse the government for an equivalent fare. ) (b)(5) 6 (b)(5),(b)(6) AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0703 DOD-17-0430-E-000123 Plane Salt Manifest (Leg #1) Utah to Dallas, Lake City, Texas Monday, 26-June-2017 I) Secretar Tom Price, 2) (b )(6) 3) (b )(6) M.O. (HHS/10S J {HHS/ASPA) (HHS/IDS) 4) Cec1 1a Martinez 5) Nina Schafer (HH~/IOS) f (HHS/lEA) 6) l(b)(6) 7) XXX 8} XXX AMEHICAr\ pVERSIGHT ( HHS OIG ( HHS OIG Protective Protective Detail) Detail) 18-L-0088/ESD/0704 DOD-17-0430-E-000124 Plane Manifest Dallas, (Leg ij2) Texas to AAFB, Maryland Monday, 26-June-2017 ll Secretary l(b)(6) 3) (b)(6) 2) Tom Price, M.D. lCo,I IS.feb-ll.fs PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0714 DOD-17-0430-E-000134 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 28, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEUPTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS JOHN DESTEFANO ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR PRESIDENTIAL FROM: PERSONNEL REQUESTWHITE HOUSE SUPPORT MISSION DESIGNATION FOR PRESIDENTIAL DELEGATIONTO SUBJECT: FRANCE Request approval 1. Requesting 2. Purpose funeral of the following Principal: proposed White House Mission: The White House of the Trip: A Presidential of Former German chancellor, delegation will Helmut Kohl. 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact: Nicole Fasa~n~o~,=! (=b)=(6=)===-~I through the State Operations Center, l~ (b~)~(6~)----~ 4. Travel attend the or Itinerary: Location: Andrews Air Force Base to Strasbourg, France Date: Friday, June 30, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: No later than 2:00PM EST Location: Strasbourg, France - Andrews Air Force Base, Washington D.C. Date: Sunday, July 2, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning 5. Passenger Manifest: (b)(S) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT ..--osoo1445,::1-r1eM0019on?11 -. 18-L-0088/ESD/0715 DOD-17-0430-E-000135 ........ ....J (W5) 6* (W5) 000930 THE WHITEHOUSE WASHINGTON March 31, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG H.R. MCMASTER~~~ ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request Request White House S~pport Mission Designation for LTG H.R. McMaster, Assistant the President for National Security Affairs approval Requesting President 2. 3. following Principal: for National proposed White LTG H.R. McMaster, Security Affairs. House Mission: Assistant to the Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's policy, LTG H.R. McMaster will travel to foreign Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India for meetings. 24-Hqur Point qf ]or ._~11 /8:0/1 +4,0 GLRB 17oMay-l7 0710 17-M,,,.11 07:SS .0.0 DGAA 17-May-17 08:SO Il'rMay-17 08:SO -0.0 GLRB l&-May-17 1255 18-Moy-17 11:55 -0.0 EDDT 21-May-17 07:00 21-MBy-17 09:00 LSGG 24-May-17 12:00 1#-Moy-17 14:00 Date/Time C-37B ETALocld z ETE 17-Moy-17 1)7:JO -0.0 10:05 17-May-17 IQ:OS 18-MayoI? 10:SS 18-May-17 EDDT 18-May-\7 20:30 -2.0 LSGO l l-May-17 -2.0 KADW 24-May-17 DoD ReimbursementRate EstimatedFlight Hour Costs: $319,075.25 DaJe/Tune Dist Total Planned Hours: 31 +40 Total Pu: 10 31.67 o $10075 PASSENGERS KADW/GLRB ACTIVELEG GLRB/DGAA DEADHEAD DGAA/GLRB DEADHEAD GLRB/EDDT ACTIVELEG EDDT/LSGG ACTIVELEG LSGG/KADW ACTIVELEG A[B,f>OR~ KADW Airport. JOINT BASE ANDREWS City: CAMI' SPRINGS State: MD Country: USA GLRB Airport: MONROVIAROBERTSINTL City: MONROVIA State: Country: DGAA Airport: KOTOKA City: ACCRA Slate: Country: GHA EDDT Airport: TEGEL City: BERLIN State: Co,mtry: DEU LSGG Airport: GENEVA City: GENEVA State: Country : LBR CHE Printed al 5/5/2017 3:25:41 PM pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0750 DOD-17-0430-E-000170 September.t2,2017 MEMORANDUM FORJOSEPHHAOIN ~ ASSISTANTTO TIIE PRESIDENT ANDDEPUTYCHIEFOF STAFFFOROPERATION ' FROM: KristanKing Nevins,Chiefof Staffto Mrs. Karen~ SUBJECT: RequestWhite HouseSupportMissionDesignationfor Travel Requestto approvalof the followingproposedWhiteHouseSupportMission: 1. RequestingPrincipal:Mrs. KarenPence, SecondLady of the United States 2. Pmposeof thetrip; Mrs.KarenPencebas beeninvitedto addressthe JointSpouses Conferencein Honolulu,HI. Mrs.Pencebas invitedMis.HollyanneMilley,spouseof GeneralMilleyto accompanyher on this trip. The purposeof the Joint SpousesConference is to providea forum for military wives that will enrich,empower,uplift,enlighten, motivate,and strengthenthem in their roles as women,wives,mothers,and community leaders. Mrs.Pencewill offerthe kev note addressat the coofermceat lunchon Friday. (b)(5) 3. ~r Point of Contact:EsteohaniaGongora;l(b)(6) ~ffice)an4 (b)(6) kcell) --------"""'L- ll(b)(6) - ~ CA ~ ~ - 4. Travel Itinerary: ~ Thursday,September28, 2017 (b)(5) TBDPM Arrive Honolulu,m RONHonolulu,I-Il Friday.September29, 2017 11:30AM AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Keynoteto Joint SpousesConferenceLunch 18-L-0088/ESD/0751 I II~ ~II IHI! HIH . ..osoo1115:,;::171CMDJtg1"77?1v.... DOD-17-0430-E-000171 RONHonolulu,HI Saturday,September30, 2017 'IBDAM TBDPM DepartHonolu1u, m to JointBaseAndrews ArriveJointBaseAndrews S. Totalnumberof passengers.Mrs.KarenPence,SecondLady.Pleasesee attachment. 6. (b)(5) (b)(5),(b)(6) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0752 DOD-17-0430-E-000172 (W5) (W5) 1 ES Q0426-4TH.E WHIT!t HOUSE WAS.HINOTON .to., 20-17 November MEMOR}WDUM FOR JOE HAGINASS_ISTAN'T TO 'l'H$ PRESID~T AND DE..l?UTY CKIEF.~F~AFF FROM: LTG H. R. MCMAS"'/~~ ASSISTANT TO ~"PR~SlDE~f FOR OPERATIONS f;b FOR NATIONAL. SEC.tlRITY AFFAIRS soaJECT: -Request White Ro~se $upport Mission -Designation Principal: foi: Rex. 'l'illerson.~ Tillerson, Secretar~( of .state o.f 1. Req:uesting :i. 9i the Trip:: In. futth.erance of the. President"s fa.reign pol:lc:Y., Secretary of State Rex_ 'I'illE\rson will t;r.a.vel t.o Ot.tawa, Cana.da Qn :ruesday ~ Decembe.r l9., 20-17, to partiq_ipate in bilateral meeti:n9s. Re.K Secretary Stat.e_ o. Purpos.$. ot- -Contact.: Kaith t. Heffern,. Deputy Dire~e!:::.-t!::.!.o01;:1,:r!::.&....!=:!~~ ....v~ Secre.tariat. Mr.. Heffern 24-'!-tour Point Executive eached .at (b)(6) or v:ia -unclas~ifi.&d t{e can also (b)(6) l;>e :r;eached ~.t any time ':E5:ci:iwili:::GBPfieei'"l:iee~piar:.rttmernernt ot- St.ate Oper~tions-- Center -4. can. email ~t .at r:-:! (b~)-:-: (6~) --, Travel Itinerary: Locatjoh:: .cari1er Andrews AFB~ t1~ryland, Airpor.t, International Date: Tues<;f~y, December 19, R~que$ted. .TiI!le .of Depa:rture: Ottawa-McDonald Location: to. Otta.wa-McDcmaid Ottawa, .Canada. 2017 Morn!.ng cartier Internation~l Airp~~t~ Ottawa, C'anada, to. Andrews AFBi Maryland. Date: Tue~da,y, .December 19-~ 2017 Time. of Depa:rt~r~ :_ Af~e;rrioon .R!;'questeq ~. :easse~g~r M.~nif~at: At;.-t:adhed at Tab ~ I I11111111 iIHIU ... OSD015432=HICMCXl20349?1i' .-. 18-L-0088/ESD/0757 DOD-17-0430-E-000177 (M115) ES -PlaK Mpl{eet (Leg#1) AAFB,_Unltecl S1atel- Qttawa;:~~ TOe;fda,y, 19-Dec,-2017 PAX.C.J>idtJt 11 1~ .fflE SECRETARY .1. DBPUTYEXBCUTIVB SBCRE:TAR:Yi, TBI) 3; DSS-TBD-01, DS$. 4.. -OS$.'{BDo; DSS 3~ USS.TBPO~; DSS6, DSSo .'J'.'BQ 04;.nss 7. --~ Carolinej;J. I. a.ffl:na.KoithL. oss oss. ossoss SIP _9. MCTM~:t 1;11tb 1:p.S l'SRSONAL.ASSISTAN1\ TBD. 1l. SIES Williams,Mffldilh B. SI.BS-BX SfES.lRM-MC -s s 1-2. Pagel_oU ___ ---.....,-~,.~ 18-L-0088/ESD/0759 _,..._ .. DOD-17-0430-E-000179 2t-N...:2t1710:56MAM MJafoll N0i Ta-,No.. ~a~ M'.aniren (lq#.2) _ . ~ ca...._.AAFB,Unifecl $ates . l. Tiaesuy, 19-Dlc:-2017 PAX Capacity:il nm.SECRBTAR.Y oEPUTY BXBO.imsBCRE.TAR.Y,. TBn '3, OSS.-o TBOOl.DSS 4. l>SS-TBD02,D$S 2. S. DSSo TBJ)03,~ o:. DSS-'rBD 04, nss 1; Bsplnc,n.,'Qlooltne .t,..f, .8. Heffern,Koith 'I:.. SIP ,$/ES-BX .9;_MCTEAM. 111;ran. j2. D_SS DSS DSS S/ESoIRM-MC 10. S-P6R.SONAL-ASSISTANT,: TBD. U. S/BS. pg$ W'i.lliains, ~ltl1B. s s Page2of2 AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0760 DOD-17-0430-E-000180 April 6, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: JOSEPH HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: DABNEY R. KERN DEPUTY ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT DIRECTOR, WHITE HOUSE MILITARY OFFICE SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR WHITE HOUSE MISSION DESIGNATION FOR CHIEF OF STAFF TRAVEL Request 1. approval Requesting of the following Principal: proposed White House Mission: The President 2. Purpose of the Trip: The President will host an official working visit for the delegation from China in Mar-A-Lago, FL from 6-7 April, 2017. The Chief of Staff has requested transportation for White House and Agency Staff between Palm Beach, FL and Joint Base Andrews, MD following the conclusion of the Chinese delegation's visit. 3. This request staff members 4. A 24-hour 5. Travel is (see Point for air attached of transportation manifest). Contact (POC): for Patrick the Chief Clifton of Staff 6 - ~l (_b_)(_ _) ___ and additional _. Itinerary: 7 Apr: 1645L, Andrews. depart West Palm Beach International airport for Joint Base (b)(5) - (b)(5),(b)(6) ..J / M RICAr\ ( ')\/FR~ IG I-IT 18-L-0088/ESD/0761 DOD-17-0430-E-000181 Attachment Proposed 1 Manifest (b)(5) AM llCAN pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0762 DOD-17-0430-E-000182 November 15, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOSEPH HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS THROUG H: WILLIAM MCGINLEY CABINET SECRET ARY THE WHITE HOUSE ~ fl v...J RRTANMCCORMACK \ / FROM: COS SECRETARY PERRY SUBJECT: Request White House Support Mission Designation for Travel Request approval of the following proposed White House Support Mission: I. Requesting Principal: Secretary Rick Perry, Department of Energy 2, Purpose of the trip:I (b)(5),(b )(6),(b )(7)(C) 3. (b)(5),(b)(6),(b)(7)( C) 4. 5. __________ I 6. 24-hour Point of Contact: (Dan WiJmot; .__ l(b)(6) 7. Travel Itinerary: o o o Location: Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to Abu Dhabi, UAE Date: December 4, 2017 Requested time of departure: 5:00 pm o o o Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE to Doha, Qatar Date: December 6, 2017 ~cquested time of departure: 5:00 pm ...,__ l(b)(6) __, 8. .Totalnumber of passengers. 7 (b)(5) AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0763 .. OS0 014766.__1?/C M0019484 ?17 .- DOD-17-0430-E-000183 DOD-17-0430-E-000184 EnclosureA: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. AMt::HICAr\ Plane Manifest (Leg #1) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to Abu Dhabi, UAE Monday, 4-Dec.-2017 Pax Capacity: 7 Secretary Rick Perry Department of Energy Dan Wilmot Depa1tmentof Energy Shaylyn Hynes Department of Energy Luke Wallwork Department of Energy Andrea Lockwood Depa1tmcntof Energy Wells Griffith Department of Energy l(b)(6) ,(b)(7)(C) Depa1tmentof Energy/Security Plane Manifest (Leg #2) Abu Dhabi, UAE to Doha, Qatar Wednesday,6-Dee.-2017 Pax Capacity: 7 SecretaryRick Perry Department ofEnergy Dan Wilmot Depaitment of Energy Department of Energy Shaylyn Hynes Luke Wallwork Department of Energy Department of Energy Andrea Lockwood Department of Energy Wells Griffith !(b)(6) ,(b)(7)(C) Depaitment of Energy/Security pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0765 DOD-17-0430-E-000185 EnclosureB: Planning Assumptions (b)(5),(b )(6),(b )(7)(C) Airfield Identifiers (b)(5),(b )(6),(b )(7)(C) Requested Option (b)(5),(b )(6),(b )(7)(C) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT $27,210 $11,100 Total: $38,310 18-L-0088/ESD/0766 DOD-17-0430-E-000186 000187 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 2, 2017 FOR JOE HAGIN MEMORANDUM ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT ANO DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG (RET) MICHAELT. FL'lNN~ SUBJECT: Request White House Support Mission Designation for Michael T. Flynn Request approval of the following Principal: proposed Michael White House Mission: 1. Requesting Flynn 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's foreign policy, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Michael Flynn will travel to Tampa, Florida, to meet with U.S. Central Command and U.S. Special Forces Command leadership. 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact: John Reed, Executive to the National Security Adviser, !(b)(6) 4. Travel I Itinerary: Location: Date: Assistant Joint Base Andrews, Washington, Florida Monday, February 6, 2017 D.C. to Tampa, ~ ~ "?"'1 ~- 0- .. ~ Requested Time of Departure: Passenger Manifest: 5. f'l Horning (b)(5) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT .... 0$0001369' 0 t7/CM0001988?17 .... 18-L-0088/ESD/0767 DOD-17-0430-E-000187 ) (W5) 0034-70 'THE WHITE HOUSE WASHI .NGTON September 28, 201 7 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTY CHIGBPF OF STAFF ~OR OPERATIONS LTG H. R. MCMASTE:R~~ 1/4 FROM! ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITY AFFAIRS Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson SUBJECT: Request approval of the following Princ i pal: proposed White House Mission : Secretary l . Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the Pr esident 1 s foreign policy, Secretary Tillerson ~ill travel t o Miami , FL to participate in meetings of the Business Council 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact : Keith Heffern, Secretariat at! ~)~) !or through the State of State . Deput] Director. Executive !(b)(6) at !(b)(6) 4. Rex Tillerson~ Travel !- Executive or Operations Center ~ It i nerary: (~ Andrews Air Force Base, Location: Florida Maryland to Miami, Florida Miami, to Andrews Air ~ Force Base, Maryland Date : Thursday, October 5, 2017 Bequested Time of Departure : Night 5. Passenger At t ached AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Manifest at : Tab A. 18-L-0088/ESD/0769 k o, ~ Date ; Thursday , October 5, 2017 Requested Time of Departure : Afternoon Location: ( " "I DOD-17-0430-E-000189 6, Special Considerations t Aircraft to be made available on a nonreimbursable basis. This will provide needed support schedule in the absence of timely and stemming from a tight adequate commercial. air connections and security concerns . The aircraft would also enable necessary secure links to be maintained . communications (b)(5),(b)(6) AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0770 DOD-17-0430-E-000190 Tab A DOD-17-0430-E-000191 201714945 United State1 Department of State o Washinston, D.C. 20520 UNCLASSlfmD SEP282:40PM MEMORANDUM FORLTG(RET) I. KEITHKELLOGG CHIEFOF STAFFANDEXBCUTIVE'SECRBTAR:Y NATIONALSECUIUTVCOUNCll.. SUBffiCT: Requestfor SpecialAir MissionsAircraft Request approval Qfthe followingproposed White House Mission: l. RequestingPrincipal: 2. Rex Tillerson.Secretaryof State, ,. -. Trip~ Purpose of the In t\Jrtherance'OfthePresident t~fureignpal~y objectives,Secretaryof State Rex Tillersonwill travel to Miami,-Fl.roef :;:t, .. Thursday,October S, 2017,to participatein meetings.of The BllSinesaCouncil. ..~ 3. 24-HourPointof C9ntact:Keith L. Heffern,DeputyExecutive.Director, ExecutiveSecretariat Mr. Hefferncan be reachedatl (b)(6) Ior via unclassifiedemailat!(b)(6) IHe can also be.reaclmd at any time throughtheDepartmentof StateOperationsCenteratl(b)(6) I 4. TravelItinerary: Location: AndrewsAir ForceBase, Maryland,to Miami lnt.emational Airport,Florida. Date: The afternoon of Thursday,October S, 2017. Location: Miami InternationalAirport.Florida. to Andrews Air Force Base~ Maryland. Date: Thenight of Thursday,October-S,2017. S. AMERICAr\ Passenger Manifest: See attachntent. pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0772 DOD-17-0430-E-000192 6. SpecialConsiderations:Aircraftshouldbe made availableon a nonreimbursablebasis.The Departmentrequestsan aircraftwith upgraded communicationinfrastructureto adequatelysupportBxecutiveblanchcontinuity communiQtionsrequirements. This will also provideneededsupportrelated to securizyand schedulingconcerns,as weJlas maintenanceof secure.. communications links. 7. The Departmentof State's Officeof the LegalAdviser.hasclearedthis request. AWMibroent: Planemanifest I AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT o 18-L-0088/ESD/0773 DOD-17-0430-E-000193 L~CLASSJFIF.O 06-0ct-2017 08:33 AM Page 1 of 1 NOTE: REIMBUR.Sf.MENT lS R.F.QlJllrnD VOR ALL UNOFFICIAL PASSENGERS TRIP ITINERARY MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD The following individuals were manifested aboard the following aircraft : Mission No: 39632 Tail No: 10040 Date!slQfTriQ: 05-0ct-2017 ~ - 06-0ct-2017 ..J <( 0 NAMES AND OFFICES TILLERSON,REX SECRETARYOF STATE (b)(6),(b )(7)(C) ESPINOSA.CAROLINE SPECIALASSISTANT MARTINEZ.RONALD MOBILECOMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST MCKAY, ROLAND SPECIALASSISTAN1" SMITH, LEE BRANCHCHIEF (b)(6),(b )(7)(C) WILLIAMS. MEREDITH SPECIALASSISTANT urpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's foreign policy and at the direction of the President, Secretary Tillerson will travel to Lucca, Italy for the G7 Ministerial Meeting on Foreign Affairs and Moscow, Russia bilateral Rex Tillerson, White House Mission: 1. for ~rincipal: Mission Tillerson meetings on April Secretary of State. 9-13 . 3. 24-Bour Point of Contact: Jonathan Menr.uti, ~De=p~u......_t~Y---Executive Director, Executive Secretariat at l.... (b_)_(6_) ____ _.Io 4. Travel Itinerary: Location: Date~ Andrews Air Force Base to Lucca, Sunday# Requested Location: Time April 9, 2017 o! Departure : Lucca, Italy to 'IBO Mornir.g Moscow, Italy o Russia Date: Tuesday, April 11, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: TBD Eveni~g Location ! Moscow, Russia to Andrews Air Force Base Date; Wednesday, April 12, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: TBD ~venir.g 5. Passenger 6. Special Manifest: List Considerations~ nonreimbursable basis. stemming from a tight AMERICAr\ ,OVERSIGHT of passengers Aircraf~ to provided be made at Tab A, available on . a This will provide needed support schedule in the absence of timely and I ~ mlHIIIIHI I o--ooosooo436t ~t7tcMOOoa1~~11- 18-L-0088/ESD/0775 DOD-17-0430-E-000195 adequate commercial The aircraft communications air connections and security secure concerns. would also enable necessary links to be maintained . (b)(5),( b)(6) .Attachment Tab A Incoming AME:HICAr\ ,OVERSIGHT Correspondence 18-L-0088/ESD/0776 DOD-17-0430-E-000196 Tab A 201702983 _$ l 11ittotl :-i1.111o..' D1.rooll ' llllPIH of~, oo,,. :i -\1--:;:~ . ' -),+~...,,.,. -~~~~,"' ; .,._, -- -- March 23. 2017 UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUMFOR LTG (RET)J. KEITHKELLOGG CHIEFOF STAFFANDEXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft In furtherance of the President's foreign policy objectives and at the direction of the President, Secretary Tillerson will depart from AndrewsAir Force Base in Washington, D.C. on the moming of April 9 and travel to Lucca, Italy to participate in multilateral meetings at.the 07 .MinisterialMeeting on Foreign Affairs. On the evening of April 11, the Secretary will depart Lucca and travel to. Moscow, Russia to participate in bilateral meetings . On the evening of April 12, the Secretary will depart Moscow and return to Andrews Air Force Bas.e early on April 13. The Department of State requests this be designated a White House Support Mission and that a Special Air Missions aircraft be .made available on a nonreimbursable basis to transport .the Secretary and his party of approximately 17 passengers, which includes staff members and security personnel, from Washington, D.C. to Lucca and Moscow on April 9-13~ 2017 . This will provide needed support related to security and scheduling concerns, and will enable secure communications links to be maintained. The point of contact for this mission is Jonathan Mennuti! Uem1tv Exec11Jve Director, Executive Seer . . be reached at (b)( 5) or 5 He can also be reached at any via unclassified e-mail at (b)( ) time through the Department o rations Center at l(b)(5) I AMERICAr\ PVERSl~l-fT 18-L-0088/ESD/0778 DOD-17-0430-E-000198 The Departmentof State's Office of the 4egal Adviserhas clearedthis request. .1lf--~~ foseph E. Macmanus ExecutiveSecretary Attachment: Plane manifest AM RICAr\ j)VERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0779 DOD-17-0430-E-000199 lJ.Mar-2017 09:25:21 AM ,Miffl011 No.3?'JJO Tail ~o. 10041 PlaneManifest(Leg:#1) AAFB,UnitedStates. Pisa, Italy Sunday,09-Apr-2on PAX Capacity: tr I. THESECRETARY 2. ASSISTANT SECRETARY - EUR. TBD 3. Cha,Hannah 4. !(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) 5. Ho~ DereckJ. 6. !(b){f(( b)(7)(C) 7. Kenn] Lisa S. 8. !(b)(6).) )(7)(C) ~f 9 l(l( 6:~rt~~#~ 10: t(j )(C TBQ I J. PA SPOKESPERSON, TBD 12. Peterlin.Margaret J. 13. S/ES-EX REPRESENTATIVE,1'8D 14. SPEECHWRITER 01, TBD 1s. Walters m WilliamA, EUR 5LE5-S S/ES I s S/fS.JRr-MC PA s S/ES-EX SIP Speech MEO 16. !(b)(6),(b )(7)(C) 17. SeatRegum ,DrODJ; jp AAFB. United States Adds in AAfB,Ualted Slates Page 1 of 4 AMERICAr\ I)VERSl _~~T 18-L-0088/ESD/0780 DOD-17-0430-E-000200 U-Ylar-24117 09:25:21AM Mbiion ~u. J7910 Tall No, IOIMI Plane Manifest(Leg#2) Pisa. Italy - Moscow, Russia Tuesday, 11-Apr-2017 PAX Capacity: 11 I. THE SECRETARY 2. ASSISTANTSECRETARY- EUR, TBD EUR !:1 elhi, Kabul, Afghanistan Date;.The morningoflburiday, October26, 2017. .. . .... Location: Kabul,Afshaniatan to Geneva, Switzaiand. Date: The afternoonof Thursday, October 26, 2017. .. Swit7.erland to Joint Base Andrews, Maryland Location: Geneva, Date: The afternoonof Friday,October27, 2017. Special Considerations:Aircraftshouldbe made availableon a nou.reimbunable.basis. The Department requests an ainnft with upgraded communication'iniutructure to adequately support Executivebranch continuity communicationsn,guimnents. Thia will also provide needed support related to securityand scheddling concerns,as well as maintenanceof secure S. communicationslinks. . :, .o 6. Onthe manilngof Monday,October 23, the 8ecletary will use in-theater support to fly '-,,Qatar to Iraq. He will depart &om Al Udeid Air Base to BaghdadJntemational Airport.FromBaghdad Internationalhe will fly via ... ..... 18-L-0088/ESD/0796 DOD-17-0430-E-000216 helicopterto the Embassy Baghdad Compound. The same will apply on his return to Al Udeid. 7. On Thursday,October 26, the Secretaly will use in-theater helicopter support from Bagram Air Base, Afghanistanto Embassy Kabul. The same will apply on his return to Begram Air Base. 8. PassengerManifest: See attachment. 9. The Departmentof State's Office of the Legal Adviser has cleared this request. Attachments(2 ): 1. Planemanifest .2., Kenna-KelloggMemorandum,dated September2s,~2017 18-L-0088/ESD/0797 DOD-17-0430-E-000217 Drafted: SIES-BX-JoyoeHarley,7-6167 Cleared: S/BS:DHogan- ok, 10/16/17 LIM: SAbramson-ok, 10-16-17 SIF3-Milrep: CBrickson- ok, 10-16-17 Approved: 8/BS-BX- KLHeffem-<>14 10/16/17 ., ..11o ' ,,o.. 18-L-0088/ESD/0798 DOD-17-0430-E-000218 1. TIIBSBCRBTARY 2. Amlln&MidaM. CBS SlGBPS.IRM-MC 3. Backmtn,11klrnuJt "'. s Browa.afmooS. ~! -~ 1. Jfw-,.d,IM'tC. I. Hcent.Klflb L 9. Hopa.lllr,ctJ. !~l(~ M. SIP SIP SIES-EX se StP .~~q BElITP-lr lt1 ~tl8 .. lS. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. McCray, A. N..... Reem NerliD.MapMI , PJaOj,TBD MBD ~ s AP AP AP "AP . .:JIIBA . S, ,S PIBSS04,TBD PUSSO,,TBD '~.-. . 21. PUSS06,TBD ..~"' -.:.. 22. s.a.field, Dawl ~:e 23. oSaand,JoapbG. 24. WW...,M"9dllbB . :~ . 25. 26. %1. ,..... PrwltMD:Vnkef-- Papi oftO J\MERICAr\ p 18-L-0088/ESD/0799 DOD-17-0430-E-000219 . t. nm SBCIBTARY 2. Amlil,.AllolaM. 3. Btdc:nn. 1'bow It. -4. ,. !(b)(6),(b}(7){C) :em-nm 6. Blpmoll, .M. 7. ............ Miertc. .. Hefl!ila.KtllhL ~I SIP sms..EX. 9. Hopi. Dereck J. 10. ~BrilDH, SIB8 SIP ~lifi' Dul,. Mm> IS. McCray,Klffeen A.. 16. Nm...... 17. Pdlrlfa, Marprd J. 11. PUSS 03.TBD 1,. PRESSCM,1BD 20. 1RBSS05,TBD AILS s AP AP J,J) ,. ... Al 21. PRBSS06.TBD NBA 22.Slldeld.Davld 23. o Sennl. .Joeepb0. .s s 24. WiUilme,Mandid&B . l$. 26. 'J.7. ,_,_ CBS SIES-JRM..MC PrwflMeeek?ed hp -2ofH , ..... 18-L-0088/ESD/0800 DOD-17-0430-E-000220 PlantM111fM(IA&#J) RlyNII,SndlAnblao Al tJdeW,Qatar Sanday, n-Oct-2017 Pilcapldty:27 1o. 'IHBSBCRBTAR.Y ... = CB$ SIBS-JRM-MC 2. AlllliD&,AIJciaM. 3. BecbNm,TbomuIL alnton s. $. l~ b)(?)(C) 6. Etpllola.C.OU.. M. 7. lflMmoad. 1tobenc. I. lWlin, KeidlL ,. Hopn. DereckJ. s SIP SIP SIBS-EX :tH=dt'w~c) SIES SIP u. l> .. .. ...,.~ I -o I NGBPA s s ........ .,. Mi,".,,, !'ddd9e'lt --o~JJML.elCl'Un.Map.oJ. S 17. PRliSSOJ,T8D 18. PRE8S0C.TBD 1,. . .fUSIOS, 18D 20. . 'PRESS06,TSO .21....Salel,N111118DA. "' 22o .o 2).. AP AP AP , .. AP ... . .! ' CT ,..,,.,... ,oo ScmnMt.-..o . s . ., ..:~.o.-. WalaDr. ICllmC. DOD SCA . S . . 2.f. Wella,AJlce O. 2'. Wlllllmt, Meredhh8. 26.. 27. W Br 2 MBD ..,NpPtfN.Jtdft Prw II Ne Mt Mo Pagelof18 18-L-0088/ESD/0806 DOD-17-0430-E-000226 ......JfallJNly, .Plane Malfflt(Leclt) A,..??IJba-Geana.Swberfllld 26-0d,;2017 PAX Capadty: 21 CBS SIES-lRM-MC s SIP SIP St'ES-EX sms &IP ::T MED s / AP AP AP AP er s ,:. DOD 5CA. S oa-o vrw,,.,.,.,Meewen * le Penw,AMeoW,o Paae9of10 AMt::HICAr\ p 18-L-0088/ESD/0807 DOD-17-0430-E-000227 .......... .... 1'-0ct4117..... ... ;- CBS SIBS-IIMoMC s SIP SIP SIES--BX SIES St! MBD s.tSECJ s AP AP AP o,.o. AP o er --,,o. s DOD SCA s _.,.,. PawflGINDeMoloM Pap10ef18 18-L-0088/ESD/0808 DOD-17-0430-E-000228 003101 TH.GBP WHITE HOUSE WASHING'TON September 6, 2017 MEMC:>RANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF Of STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG H.R . MCMASTERI-A~ :P.SSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITY AFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request Wtiite House Support Mission Designation for Secretar y of State ReK Tillerson Request approval following of the Principal : proposed Rex Tillerson White House Mission : 1. Requesting , Secretary 2. In furtherance or the Presiden t' s of the Trip: foreign policy, Secretary Tilleron will travel to New York to participate in multilateral meetings at the United Nations General Assembly. 3. 24-Hour of State. Purpose Point of Contact: Keith Heffern Ex:ecutive Secretariat, .,, (b = )=(6 =);~~----~f'=:! or via State Ops. at ... (b_ )_(6_)____ P. (~)r(g)ctoc Executive ~_______ I. ... 4. Travel Itinerary : Location: Washington, D. C . t o New York, Date : Sunday, September 17, 2011 Requested Time of Departure ~ New York evening Location : New York, New York to Washington, Date: Friday , September 22, 2017 5. Requested T'ime of Departure Passenger Manifest: See attached 6. list : : stemming schedule AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT D. C. afternoon . Special Cons i derations nonreimbursable basis. from _ a tight Aircraft This will to .be made available pr o vide needed in the absence cf 18-L-0088/ESD/0809 support timely ?n a a,n d. DOD-17-0430-E-000229 2 adequate commercial air connections and security The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications links to be maintained. concerns. (b)(5),( b)(6) Attachment Tab A Incoming AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT Correspo ndence 18-L-0088/ESD/0810 DOD-17-0430-E-000230 Tab A AM RICAr\ OVERSIGHT o-o-oo- --- -~-- .-, ., oo --ooo --o-- oo --- oo ~ ,, " ? o~- o uoo-o ---oo o -o--o~- ~ -o~ o o- oo oo oooooo o" oooo ~~ -o-oooo 18-L-0088/ESD/0811 ~ o oo oo---o --- o "oo oooooo ooooo o o o o- oo o "o-oo DOD-17-0430-E-000231 201712946 United State"s Department of State o Washington . D.C. 20520 September UNCLASSIFIED 6, 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONALSECURITYCOUNCIL SUBJECT: Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft . In furtherance of the President's foreign policy objectives and at the direction of the President, Secretary Tillerson will depart from Andrews Air'Force Base in Washington, D.C. on the evening of September 17. 2017, and travel to New York. NY to participate in multilateral meetings at the United Nations General Assembly. On the afternoon of September22, 2017, the Secretarywill depart New York and return to Andrews Air Force Base. Tue Department of State requests this be designated a White House Support Missionand that a SpecialAir Missionsaircraft be made available on a nonreimbursablebasis to transport the Secretary and his party of approximately 19 passengers, which includes staff members and security pers0nnel, from Washington, D.C. to New York on September 17-22, 2017. This will provide needed support related to security and scheduling concerns, and will enable secure communications links to be maintained . The point of contact for this mission is Keith Heffern, De u Executive Director, Executive Secretariat. Mr. Heffern can be reached at (b)(6 ) or via unclassified e-mail ad (b)(6 ) o ! He can also be reached at any time through the Department of State Operations Center at ({b)(6) AM RICAr\ OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0812 I. DOD-17-0430-E-000232 The Department of State's Office of the Legal Adviser has cleared this request. Executive Secretary Attachment: Plane manifest AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0813 DOD-17-0430-E-000233 ll-Aa&-ltl'1\4:2i:61PM MissloaNo.- 'Toil No. 18041 Plane Manifest(Leg #1) AAFB, UnitedStates o N~wYor~ Uni,ed States Sunday,17-Stp-2017 PU C!lpacity: 19 I. THE SECRETARY 2. TBD ASSISTANTSECRETARY.TBD 3, Biers, Daniel L. SIP 4. DSS o TBD 01, OS$ 5. 6. DSS o TBD 02, DSS DSS o TBD 03, DSS DSS DSS 7. 8. 9. Fitzsimmons, Eli:zabethM. Hammond, Roben C. Mad~ ~unir Dawan M. DSS S/ES SIP :/ES-IRM-M IC 10. !(b )(6jJ~ )j7 )(C) MC o # 1,i'BD 12. MEDICALDOCTOR,TBD 1t. 13. 14. 15. 16. t7. (8. MED Nelson. EricG . Peterlin, Margaret J. PRESS 01, TBD PRESS 02, TBD Williams. Meredith B. S/ES-EX s AP AP s 19. SeatReggut QroPfinAAFB,Ugifgl Sytes AddsinM, Page-I of2 AMr-FllCAr\ ,OVERSIGHT _______ _____ __ 18-L-0088/ESD/0814 DOD-17-0430-E-000234 J0.Aag-l&J714!2$:0I PM Mluloa No. Tail No. JO(Ml Pla?e Manifest(beg#l) New Vork, UoiteclStates- .AAFB, United States Fr.iday,22-Sep-2017 PAX Capacity : 19 I. . THE SECRETARY TBD SIP DSS 2. ASSISTANT SECRETARY, TBP 3. Biers, Daniel L. 4. DSS- T.8DOI. DSS 5. DSS - TBD 02, DSS DSS 6. DSS -TBD 03, DSS 1. Fitzsimmons.,ElizabethM. 8. Hammond, R()bert c~ 9. Mad~ 1 Munir DawanM. DSS S/ES SIP s 10. !(b)(67, )(7)(C) I 1. MC TEAM,#. I, TBD I S/ES-lRM-MC 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. MEDICAL DOCTOR, TB'D Nelson, Eric G. Peterlin, Margaret J. PRESS 01, TBD PRESS 02, TBD 17. Williams,Meredith B, MED S/ES-EX s AP AP s IS.. 19. Sgt Reqyat Drops1nNew York. UnitedStates AddsinNewVoris, UnitedStam Page2 of2 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0815 DOD-17-0430-E-000235 000337 THE WHITEHOUSE WASHINGTON February 14, 2017 MEMO.RANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS ~ FROM: LTG SUBJECT: Request White ttouse support Mission Designation for Secretary of State, Request approval {RET) J . KEITH K8LLOGG~ following of the Requesting 2. In furtherance of the President's Purpose of the Trip; foreign policy, Secretary Tillerson will travel to Mexico in City, Mexico, on February 22"-23, 2017, to participate bilateral meetings. 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact; Jonathan Mennuti, Deputy Director Exe utive Secretariat . Mr. Mennuti can Executive be reached at (b )(6) or via unclassified e-mail at (b)(6) He can also be reached at any time throuab the Department of State Ope.rations Center at ITfilillTI Secretary of State. L !(b)(6) Travel Rex Tillerson, White House Mission: l. 4. Principal: proposed Rex Tillerson Itinerary : Location: Andrews AFB, Maryland to Mexico City, Date: Wednesday, February 22, 2011 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon Mexico Location : Mexico Cityr Mexico to Andrews AFB, Maryland Date: Thursday, February 23, 2017 Requested Time of Departure! Afternoon 5. Passenger Manifest: See attached 6. AMERICAr\ for the full passenger Special Considerations : Aircraft nonreimbursable basis , This will pVERSIGHT manifest. to be made available on a provide needed support 18-L-0088/ESD/0816 DOD-17-0430-E-000236 stemming from a tight schedule in the absence of timely adequate commercial. air connections and security The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications links to be maintained . and concerns . (b }(5),(b)(6) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0817 DOD-17-0430-E-000237 201701314 United Stat~s Department of State o Waahingeon,D.C. 20520 UNCLMSJFTBP MBMORANDUMFORLTG(RET)J.K.El'IHKBLLOGG CHJEFOF STAFFANDEXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONALSECURITYCOUNCIL SUBffiCf;Requestfor SpecialAir MissionsAircraft In furtheranceof the President'sforeignpolicyobjectivesand aUhe !=EB13 5:34Pf'I directionof 1hePresident, SecrefalY. Tdlersonwill depad fromAndrewsAir Force Base in Washington,D.C. on the afternoon of February22 andtravelto Mexico City, M.exicoto participatein bilateralmeetings. . On the afternoonof February23, the Secretarywill departMexicoCity and return to AndrewsAir ForceBase.. ~ 1he Depa,:tment of Staterequests this be designateda.WhiteHouseSupport Missionand that a SpecialAir Missionsaircraftbe madeavailableon a nonreimbursablebasisto transport the Secretaryand his party of approximately28 passengers,whichincludesstaffmembers,press,and security personnel,ftom Washington, MexicoCitJPY,Mexicoon February22-23,2017. Thiswill provide.neededsupportrelatedto securityandschedulingconcerns , and will enablesecurecommunications links to be maintained. The point of contaa for this missionis JonathanMennuti,,~ Executive Director,Executive Secretariat. Mr. Mennutican be reached at I~~ Ior . viauncJassified ~. atl>I 2311701 17:01 MMMX23Feb-17 C-32 80002 37659 pVERSIGHT LICENCIADO BENITO JUAREZ TO JOINT BASE ANDREWS 18-L-0088/ESD/0823 DOD-17-0430-E-000243 003802 REDOI I I THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON November 8, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE' GBP>RESIDENT ANO DEPUTYCHIEt OF STAFF FOR OPEAAT!ONS FROM : LTG H.R. MCMASTER@~ ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary Tiller .son Request approval 'of the following 2. Purpose of the Trip : In furtherance of the President's foreign policy, Secretary of State Rex Tillers on will travel to Tokyo, Japan, Seoul, South Korea, and Beijing , China to participate in the President's bilateral meetings. He will then travel to Da Nang and Hanoi, Vietnam, and Manila , Philippines to participate in APEC and ASEAN meetings, respectively. He will then travel to Naypyitaw, Burma to participate in bilateral meetings. He will then travel to Berlin, Germany for required crew rest. Point of C'ontact :. Gregory Secretary : Requesting .24-Hour General Rex Tillerson, White House Mission 1. 3. Principal: proposed Campbell, of State. Supervisory E~x~ecu.!=!.t~""'i. v~-!,!;~.__,tariat. ~ j(b)(6) can be reache,:.::d:.....:::a~t:....J,i (b) .....(6_) ____ .....__,orvia unclassified email at ~)(~ He can also reached at any time through the PePrrtment of State Operations Center at ~Fb~)~(6_) ____ __,_ 4. Travel Services Itinerary G c::::::.: Officer, I be i Location: Andrews AFB, Maryland to Tok yo , Japan Date : Saturday, November 4, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon Tokyo, Japan to Seoul, South Date: 'Tuesday, November 7, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning Location: AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0824 z_ Korea lilllllmllH H .--OSIJOOt 208-retCMCXJOt 494~ts .,,__ DOD-17-0430-E-000244 Location: Seoul, South Korea to Beijing, Date: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 Requested Time of Departure : Afternoon China Location: Beijing, China to Da Nang, Vietnam Date: Friday, November 10, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning Location: Da Nang, Vietnam to Hanoi, Vietnam Date: Saturday, November 11, 2017 Requested Time of Departure : Afternoon Location: Hanoi, Vietnam to Manila, Philippines Date: Sunday, November 12, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon Location: Manila, Philippines to Naypyitaw, Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning Location: Naypyitaw, Burma to Bucharest, Date: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Evening Burma Romania Location: Bucharest, Roaania to Andrews AFB, Maryland Date: Thursday, November 16, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning 5. Passenger Attached 6. Traffic Manifest: at Tab A. restrict.iono in Manila require the Secretary'o to divert to Clark International Airport, adding 4 how:o of drive tiae to and froa Manila. In 1ieu o~ aeparat.e air1ift support ~o reduce the addad transit time to Manila, the Departm.nt requests that the Secretary'o aircraft arrive at Manila International Airport on November 12 and reposition there by 14:00 on November 14 in order to ~ot the crew day liaito on tho return to Washington. aircraft 7. M Special Considerations: Aircraft should be made available on a non-reimbursable basis. The Department requests an aircraft with upgraded communication infrastructure to adequately support Executive branch continuity communications requirements. This will also provide needed pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0825 DOD-17-0430-E-000245 $Upport related well 8. to security as maintenan .ce of secure The Department of State's cleared this request. and scheduling concerns, communications links . Office of the Legal Adviser as has (b)(5),(b)(6) AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0826 DOD-17-0430-E-000246 UNCL.ASSIFIED 21-Nov-201710:55AM Page 1 of 2 NOTE: REIMBURSEM.ENT IS REQUIRED FORAl.I, UNOFFICIALPASSENGERS TFUPITINEAAR:V MEMORANDUMFOR THE RECORD The followingindiViduals were manifestedaboardthe followingaircraft: 1n Q) OJ M!HIPD No,39881 ~ 0 ~ C) i:: .-0 j ? I!! ta .c: C i:: tV .c: u.. 0 < -fi =C:a, -~ ~ '32 .s zCaJ ~cu . 6 c>> [ Datets) ofTrip:04-Nov-2017 - 16;:NQY-2017 ~ ii: ~aJ ~ C (.) LL. ~ 0 ~ :::,, as ~ cc z g .c >, -fi u:::0 u.. -5 ~ 5 ~=u.. z G) ta (Q (U ~ (D :, ~ :I:: :E z ~ ~ ~ NAMESANDOFFrCES 0 ~ ..I tall No;10040 C) ...J t'D C: :::"' t TILLERSON, REX SECRETARY OF STATE * CAMPBELL,.GREGORY SUPERVISORYGENERALSERVICESOFFICER CICCONE,CHRISTINE "' DEPUTYCHIEFOFSTAFF (b)(6),(b)(?)(C) DONNELL,KATHRYN SPECIALASSISTANT ESPINOSA , CAROLINE SPECIALASSISTANT GOMEZ,SERAFIN PRESS.FOX * o * * * * * o * * * * o * .. .. .. iii * tU * * .. * o * * .. o .. * ..o * cc .ij i .~'i 0 * * 0 C: C ta .c: Cl') * * * ' * * o o * o ,, o o o 1' * * * * (b)(6),(b)(?)(C) HOOK,BRIAN DIRECTOR KRITENBRINK, DANIEL U.S. AMBASSADOR TO VJETNAM MADYUN,MUNIRDAWNJ !1PS.CIAL A..<<;SISTANl' * * * * ,. * * * ~ * * 1' * * .. * * * .. .o (b )(6),(b)(?)(C) MCCRAY,KATHLEEN . PHYSICIAN PANG,ERIC Ul'\1:111 S: r.naau, .... - o -:-int.Ii:::... n.,.,.,"' !ST .. o o o o * * o * o * * *' o o o o o * .. * "' o o .. * '* * \11 * .o * * o * * (b)(6),(b )(7)(C) (b)(6),(b )(?)(C) ,SEMRAD. JOSEPH. STAFFASSISTANT THORNTON.SUSAN ACTINGASSISTANTSECRETARY WADHAMS, NICHOLAS PRESS,BLOOMBERG WEIGOLDSCHULTZ.EVA DEPUTYEXECUTIVESECRETARY .. .. * ,. * * * o o * o. .* o o * * .. o. * o * * ., o o ,. .. o oo * * * * * * f?repared8y: Matlt1ewl, m a, :=::, :::J 0 0 C m C: ~ C . C C'II :s ;c, C/J aJ ,. o o o - 18-L-0088/ESD/0828 n /1, ltl Dale 1 Prepared By: MallhewKozlowsky llNC:LASSIFIEP DOD-17-0430-E-000248 Tab A DOD-17-O430-E-000249 UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUMFOR LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONAL SECURITYCOUNCIL SUBJECT: Amended Ill Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft REF : Kenna-Kellogg Memorandum, dated November'7, 2017 Request approval of the following proposed White House Mission: I. Requesting Principal: Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. 2. Purpose of the Trip : In -furtherance of the Presidenfs foreign policy objectives, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will travel to Tokyo,Japan, Seoul, South Korea, and Beijing, China to participate in the President's bilateral meetings . He will .then travel to Da Nang and Hanoi, Vietnam,and Manila, Philippines to participate in APEC and ASBAN meetings, respectively . He will then travel to Naypyitaw,Burma to bilateral meetings. He will then travel to Bucharest, Romania for required crew rest. s4ces . 24-Hour Point of Contact Gregory Campbell, Superviso~ General Officer, Executive Secretariat. Mr ~Campbell can be reached at~ H5) _or 6 via unclassifiedemail atl (b)( ) L He can also be reached at any time throu~h the Department of State Operations Center at! (b)(5) 3. I 4. Tra:velItinerary: L<>cation : Andrews Air Force Base, Marylandto Tokyo, Japan. Date: The afternoon of Saturday ~November 4, 2017 , Location: Tokyo, Japan t.oSeoul, South Korea. AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0830 DOD-17-0430-E-000250 Date: The morning of Tuesday, November 7, 2017. Location: Seoul, South Koreato Beijing, China. Date: The afternoon of Wednesday,November 8, 2017. Location: Beijing, China to Da Nang, Vietnam. Date: The morning of Friday, November 10, 2017. Location: Da Nang, Vietnam to Hanoi, Vie1nam. Date: The afternoon of Saturday, November 11, 2017. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam to Manila, Philippines. Date: The afternoon of Sunday, November 12, 2017. Location: Manila,Philippines to Naypyitaw, Burma. Date: The morning of Wednesday,November 15, 2017. Location:,Bunna to Bucharest, Romania. Date: The evening of Wednesday, November 15, 2017. Location: Bucharest, Romania to Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. Date: The morning of Thursday, November 16, 2017. 5. Passenger Manifest: See attachment. 6. Traffic restrictions in Manila require the Secretary's aircraft to divert to Clark International Airport, adding 4 hours of drive time to and from Manila. In lieu of separate airlift support to reduce that added transit time to Manila, the Department requests that the Secretary's aircraft arrive at Manila International Airport on November 12 and reposition there by 14:00 on November 14 in order to meet the crew day limits on the return to Washington. 7. Special Considerations: Aircraft should be made available on a non-reimbursablebasis. The Department requests an aircraft with.upgraded communication infrastructure to adequately support Executive branch continuity communicationsrequirements. This will also provide needed support related to security and scheduling concerns, as well as maintenance of secure communications links. AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0831 DOD-17-0430-E-000251 3 8. The Department of State's Office of the Legal Adviser has cleared this request. Lisa D. Kenna ExecutiveSecretary Attachments : Plane manifest Kenna-KelloggMemorandum,dated November7, 2017 PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0832 DOD-17-0430-E-000252 4 Approved: S/ES-EX - Gregory Campbell Drafted: S/ES-EX - Matthew Kozlowsky, 7-5467 Cleared : S/ES: EWeigold-Schultz - ok UM: SAbramson - ok S/ES-Milrep: CErickson - ok PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0833 DOD-17-0430-E-000253 0-00323 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 24, 2018 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG H.R. MCMASTER~~~ ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFArRS SUBJECT: Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Request approval of the following proposed White House Mission : 1. Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of / the President's foreign policy, Secretary Tillerson will travel to Cairo Egypt, Kuwait City, Kuwait, Amman, Jordan, Beirut, Lebanon, and Ankara, Turkey, to participate in bilateral meetings on February 11-16, 2018 . 3. ~4-Hour General Point Officer, !,j(b)(6) Department Travel Rex Tillerson, of Contact: Services !(b)(6) 4. Principal: of State ltinerary Secretary Gregory Campbell, Supervisory Secretariat, ]. or anytime through Center l{b)(6) l- Execntiw:o Operations the : Location : Andrews AFB, Maryl a nd to Cairo, Date: Sunday, February llr 2018 Requested of State. Time of Departure: Egypt Morning Location: Cairo, Egypt to Kuwait City, Date: Monday, February 12, 2018 Requested Time of Departure: .Afternoon Kuwait - Location: Kuwait City, Kuwait to Amman, Jordan Date: Tuesday, February 13, 2018 .Requested Time of Departure: Evening pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0834 IIIIIIIHIII DOD-17-0430-E-000254 -osooo1soos1CM ~t 00022 r5:1s ... Location: Am1nant Jordan to Beirut, Lebanon Oat~: Thursday, February 15, 2018 Requested Time of Departure: Morning Location: Beirut, Lebanon to Ankara, Turkey Date: Thursday, February 15, 2018 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon Location: Ankara, Turkey to Andrews AFB, Maryland Date: Friday, February 16, 2018 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon 5. 6., Passenger Manifest: Passenger manifest attached at Tab A. Special Considerations: Aircraft to be made available on a nonreimbursable basis. This will provide needed support stemming f.rom a tight schedule in the absence of timely and adequate commercial air connection$ , and security concerns . The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications links to be maintained . (b)(5),(b)( 6) Attachment Tab A Incoming AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT Correspondence 18-L-0088/ESD/0835 DOD-17-0430-E-000255 Tab A 1 8- 201801790 1124/20118 :53 AM United States Department o ' ' ., 1 . MEMORANDUM FORLTG.(REI) J. KBIIH KELLOGG CHIEFOF STAFFANDEXPGBPUTIVB SECRETARY NATIONALSBCORITYCOUNCil. SUBJECT:Requestfor SpecialAir MissionsAircraft Requestapprovalof the followingproposedWhiteHouseMission: .. . :, I. RequestingPrincipal: Rex Tall~ S~ of State. 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact: GresoryCampbellSupe , rvis:@General Service Officer,Eucutivc8ea'etariat. Jilr_(),nv,b<,II ~ bereacbecl 5 at ~ >c> Ior via unclassifiedemail atl (bl(5 ) He can also be-reachedat any time throughthe Departmentof StateOperationCent s. erat ~(bH6> l 4. TravelItinerary: Location: AndrewsAir ForceBase,Marylandto Cairo, Bgypt. Date: The morningofSunday,February 11, 2018. pvERS Location: Cairo, Egypt to Kuwait City~Kuwait. H Date: TheafternoonofMnndev . FAhrntn"II 1? ?MQDOD-17-0430-E-000257 18-L-0088/ESD/0837 2 Location: ~ Ionian to Beirut, Lebanon. Date:.Themo~ of'lhuraday,Februarly~, 2018.. Location:Beirut,Lebanoto o Anbra, Turkey. Date: The afternoonofThwsday, February1s;2018. Location:Ankara,Tmteyto.And.JewAir s Foree~ Marylind. Dat.e:The afternoonof Friday,February16,2018~... SpecialConaideratioas: Aircraftshouldbe made available-on .a non-reimbursablebasis. The Department requestsan aircraftwithupgraded communication inftascructure to adequatelysupportExecutive branchc:ontinuity communicationsrequirements.Thiswill also provideneededsupportrelatedto securityand schedulingconcerns,as well as mainta1anceof secure cnmrnunication links. s . . --. S. 6. QfState'sOfficeof the LegalAdvise haselear r id this The~ ~uest. ..~.- . :.o..; " .. f .~-. .... . ....."'"a., ''.'1".., - . ~v.. --.. -'... , o. .... o I o . o .. f 0 r 'I- o _,,,._ .. ..... , t -.I ~oo Attecllmcnt .Plane manifest .... M pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0838 'o DOD-17-0430-E-000258 Pl~neManifl?st.(~ #1) . AA,FB,UnitedSt.tcs-.Sh11onon.lrt;lond - Sat!,Jl1!ai:, ,.1'0-F~h-~18 P~~ Capai:ity: ZO CBS 2. Anyae;AlanaM. . 3. -Ba)'omi. Vaqs 4. Bro}Vh, Clintons. s. campbell,G~gory1oo 6. Hogan, Detl:c~_J.1-. Jenlcins: .Jo1tathan LJ .8. !(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) !l.. M, REU'fl:.RS s. . S/ES-EX S/BS StES-lRM-MC I .KL6\Jb tns~i)M;~bjlfe ro.l, bYP<< -AildsjjCi,im,hypi I P9:ge3,af8 J\f\,H lf'At\. --.VEnS;-G HT 18-L-0088/ESD/0841 DOD-17-0430-E-000261 OSoFtb'1HS.t5:ci~ PM ~11~!)7 r.?11~-1'1~11J 'Plane Mnntrest-(1.e&~) kuwl'lit,Knwslit,-~1'im11n sJo~ an Tll,s(l~y, lJ~Veb-2018 PA~:.CapnclJ;.: 10 I , THSSECR.liT.4.RY ' CBS A1wse.. Alifll(l,M. .&yomi, Yilta Brown,Clinton.S, 2. 3. a. .REUTERS 'S S/ES-EX 5, Campbel~Gr.egeryl 6, Hoian,.Deredd, S/GBPS S/6S.U(TM):MS ~:l&)~\~~ b~*j" 'L. CNN- 9, Koliin:iki.MicheJle .-M. I IO. Hb}C 6) Cb}{Z\(C) 1l. Morello,CarolA. 12. .Outzen.Richard-H . 1.3. ~a~~l J. 14.!(f['.)0 )] 15; !11ffini,JosephA. WASHINGTON POST -~Jr, DOD s i CBS l:6. :SJPCommtmicetions .Advisor, TBD 17. 'Sattcirficid.,J)avld M. sm~~ .~:k:rt:i JDL l$ !(b6 1 c 20, .smnrai{; ~os~ph .G. .21. Walktf.'Jolinc. 22, W~ih!JlJll,.W'illlotn ..A, si: SIP NeA WSI 'P11ge4-of .B /\~Ar- {ICAr\ pv ,ERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0842 DOD-17-0430-E-000262 ~o.dl-~{8.JS:IM!Ql~l MissrPR-NG. ~ .Tallftn.!'18 '!113 Plane Manlt'~t ([qi#$) Amm1111;..,Jo.rct.a11 ~ tleir!lt, ~~ llnOII .Thursday, .os-F~-2011t P~~ Qapaclty: 20 l, HI!::-S~RETAR'Y 2. Anyse.Al_aria. M, ta.r 4. Browft,ClintonS.S. Campbell, Or~gm'}' J. 6; 1-fogan,.Dereck-J ~- 3. Bayc>'m~, RGBPUTHRS ~~ 1&ffl~ ~f b1cvf ~iL 10, ' SIF.S SifS-1 BM-MC' 1 9, K~fii . -SIES.EX I I ~~heHt M, !(bJC b)jj; ) 11. Morello,CQrolA, 12: Ou1zen,Ricbaflt.J{ 13. P.rnerHnLMar1p1rer J'. 14,!(b) 6),(b)(7)(C) 15~ R_u~ni,J~l1 A. . l J6, SIPCom1nunicadons Advlsor1. .rao.17a Sat.terf)eld., Oav~J,( . 1_8. $chwa'5..1.el!cla.H . 19. ltA,. I2. Outzen;RichardH. .]isatl,g,mt CNN MED .0 l .Ados.fn Beirut, Letinon 18-L-0088/ESD/0844 DOD-17-0430-E-000264 . i,5-J'i!l1?281815:!M:&l-Pll"I ' Allnl,aNa. ,Wdi Tidl No,,1Jeoo3 : .rta~e: Mal\l(~t (L.e11#1) A:nkara. turkey - .~bannon, .Ir~la11rj FridoY~l:(>-Fcb-2 '0J8 ~AX CapacitYtlO 1. l'HE SECRETARY ,2. Anl'se,Al1maM. .,J . Bayon'il , Yara . 4. .Broi~n. .ti\11ton S; 5; 'Cahlph.el! ; Gregory.J. C8Si. '6,. Hogan,.D~k). sti{S REUTERS s' S/BS-EX 1. 1enkin[ij J~tbanL. lt:l~i@~M rL Morello, Carot A. 12. 0-1,.1\ic~ H. 13~Peterliil =rct t 14. !(b)(6))Jc ) IS, R~ni, Jo.,ephA, . J6; SIPComm1_1nica~(Qns Advisor , TBD l7, ~fterfi~ld~D.11.vWM. fs: Scl)wartz EeJicla H 19, !(b)(6) ,(b)(7)(C) 20. Semrad,.Joscj>h0, 2J. Walker,.1-0hnC. 22. Walters . ': William A. _S-lRM-MC -: 1/2 N I WAStitNGTON Pb~'T' .D.00 ' .. . s CBS: .-SIP NBA ~fil s JC.if MED SqtBspgtJt >>roJ10,Mrt1eI 111:m I' j .Ad'di lnAnUora;Turk,: Page.? of8 18-L-0088/ESD/0845 DOD-17-0430-E-000265 J$it'tb,l0l8.15_:t4:Q N.I 1-11. Nci,485071'111!ll6~9'W Ph1110 M-nifuit(Leg #8) ShiJJlllOq~,lfe!and ,.. AAFB. 'IJnite(J S.ffl~ Frld~y,16-F.20}8' p,Ax.capaeJf)':~tl r. 1iJGBP ..$GBPCR~TAJ~Y .l. ,At1:t'Se, ;Alana:M, CBS REUTUIS' l_. Bavomi,Va1,a 4. Bro*n , e'li~,-011.~.. .S. e&mpbell, 'Qrcgory J. 6,, -Hopn, Der8l:k Jo. .1. Jenkin~Jo~h~ L.. a-o.!(o}{6}. lC7: c s S/ES S/ES.JRM~Ms -9' ~-lot .f(C 7)i~)Ue M 10.: I~lin, Marg~t J. WASHINGTON. POST 000 . - s _14. loimunic,tions Advisor ,..TBD li~ -~.lttffll~d, .D~V!dM . 1&~ .sc:b~111tt. felici~H, CBS SIP ~ nt .!(b )(6jb} (7)(C) 20,_ ~ )t:is,!ph. o -2.1. . Walker,John.C. JC.S tl . ,Wal~ JIJ, Wilf!am A. .I . &'ES..EX MEO ~eatBequest pt,pflp$1u,91p&Irefa11d , Ad'ds idlteuteo,Jt'CflP4 I I Page8 of .8 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0846 DOD-17-0430-E-000266 001249 REDO III "{HE WHlTE HOUSE WASH .INGTON May 4, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTY'CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERA.TTONS FROM! LTG H.R . MCMASTERl.J.,.;(,!,;- ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secre:ary of State, approval of the following House Mission: Secretary Requesting 2. of the President's foreign will travel to Fairbanks, Alaska to host the Arc~ic Council Ministerial meetings. and participate in multilateral the policy, Rex Tille-rson, White 1. Purpose Principal: proposed Rex Tillerson Trip: In furtherance Secretary Tillerson of 3. Greg~ry through the Department l !(b)(6) Travel Campbell, General Mr, .Campbell =an or via unclassified email at He can also be reached at any ti:J1e of Sta~e Operations Cen~er at .F,,1-,....,.,.....,....._ .............. ~ Secretariat. Services 4. of Stat~ . Itinerary: Location: Andrews Air Force Base to Fairbanks, Date s Wednesday, May 10, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning Alaska - Fairbanks, Alaska to Fort W:ortb, Texas Date: Thursday, May 11, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: After~oon Location : Texas to Andrews Air Force Base Date: Thursday, May 11, 2017 Afternoo n Requested Time of Departure: Location: Fort Worth, AMERICAr\ OVE_RS.IGHr__ _ . . ......... .. 18-L-0088/ESD/0847 __ _ I!ll~IHlll! l~!H "'..osooo~M1-0 t7 /CM0007724::f7 .... DOD-17-0430-E-000267 5, Passenger Manifest: See attached 6. for the full passenger manifest. on a Force Base to Fairbanks, AK and from Fairbanks, AR to l'ort Wortb, TX, where the Secretary will deplane for personal travel. This will provide needed support stemming from a tight schedule in the absence of timely and adequate commercial air connections and security concerns. The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications links to be Special Considerations .nonreimbursable ba.sis .: Aircraft. to be made available for the tlight from Andrews Air maintained. Aircraft (pursuant to be made available to the Economy Act) 'TX to Andrews Air that it the basis Fairbanks. on a reimbursable for the Force Base for is part of the flight remaining return trip basis from Houstoh, staff members form on (b)(5) ,(b){6) ,- 18-L-0088/ESD/0848 DOD-17-0430-E-000268 Tab A 1 ES DOD-17-O430-E-000269 201705450 XR 201705410 REV III $ 201705155 l 11itPd ~la\4'~ Dtopart11w111of ~lak $_: i\7;-:J, .. .. o,;_,,_ II /I' If.., UNCLASSIFIED fU ff' ,_UII I May 4. 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVE SECRETARY NATIONAL SECURITYCOUNCIL MEMORANDUMFOR MICHAEL L. BRUHN EXECUTIVE SECRETARY DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE SUBJECT: Amended III Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft REF: Macmanus-Kellogg Memorandum datedApril 24, 2017 In furtherance of the President's foreign policy objectives and at the direction of the President, Secretary Tillerson will depart from Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. on the morning of May 10 and travel to Fairbanks, Alaska to host the Arctic Council Ministerial. On the afternoon ofMay 11, the Secretary will depart Fairbanks and travel to Fort Worth, TX, where he will deplane for personal travel. The aircraft and staff will then continue directly to Andrews Air Force Base. The Department of State requests that the flights from Washington. D.C. to Fairbanks,~ and from Fairbanks to Fort Worth, TX, be designated a White House Support Mission and that a Special Air Missions aircraft be made available on a non-reimbursable basis to transport the Secretary and his party of approximately 17 passengers, which includes staff members, press, and security personnel. This will provide neededsupport related to security and scheduling concerns. and will enable secure communications links to be maintained. The Department of State requests a Special Air Missions aircraft be made available on a reimbursable basis (pursuant to the Economy Act) to transport the Secretary's party of approximately 12 passengers, which includes staff, press, and security personnel, from Fort Worth to Andrews Air Force Base after the Secretary disembarks for personal travel following his White House Support Mission. The AM RICAr\ ,OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0850 DOD-17-0430-E-000270 Departmentof State requests this aircraft on thebasisthat it is part of the return trip from Fairbanks. The point of contact for this mission is GregoryJ. Campbell,Gene.;:..;;ral=--,.. __ Services Officer, Executive Secretariat. Mr. Campbell can be reached at Cb)(5),(b)C5 l 5) !(b)(S),(b)( 6) Ior via unclassified e-mail ad(bl( He can also be reached at any time through the Departmentof State OperationsCenter at !(b)(6)j l !(b)(6) l Thepointof con~ for5 ~dine is~es is ReginaldGreen.S/ES--EX. Mr. Green cah be contacted at !(b)(6) o or via unclassified e-mail at (b)( ) I Funding data follows: 19_701130003-1001-702201- 010101-1100-2111. The Department ofState' .s Office of the Legal Adviser has cleared this request . .. [ ,f , (.// / i / v . L,,. . ~ 1 ~/ . .,.7'7-t.., ,,,,-.. .. . li / ._, lseph E.. M cmanus ExecutiveSecretary ll t! '~ __, V iV ' Attachment: Plane manifest Macmanus-KelloggMemorandumdated April 24, 2017 AMr-FllCAr\ .PVERS.JGHT_ 18-L-0088/ESD/0851 DOD-17-0430-E-000271 N-May-301719:11:2' ,..... No.ll2'I Tall No."'" Plau Maalfest(Leg#I) AAF& VnltedStates - Eletsota,Un!t,c& States Wednesday, 10-May-2017 PAX Capacity:19' I. THE SECRl:TARY 2. Campbell,G~&Ory J. Slf.S-E.X s 3. Ciccone. Christine M. 4. lanquah.LeoMrd F.(f>SS) Mc<~ Ma Io fort w.rtli, UaiJld Sygs MaureenI (DSS) Pen). Matthew L (DSS) Vargas, Danic:f (DSS) AMERICAr\ OVER .SIGHT _ 18-L-0088/ESD/0854 DOD-17-0430-E-000274 000743 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGT 'ON March 21, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS 0 FROM: LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG~ SUBJECT. Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary Tillerson Request approval of the -following Principal: proposed Rex Tillerson, U7 ()o White House Mission: 1. Requesting Secretary of State . 2. Purpose of the Tr.ip: In furtherance of the President's foreign policy and at the direction of the President, Secretary Tillerson will travel to Ankara, Turkey on March 29-31. 3. 4. 24-Hour Point of Contact: Jonathan Mennuti, Executive Director, Executive Secretariat at Travel Deputy ~l (b~)-(6~) ___ ___.I . Itinerary: Location: Ankara Turkey Date: Wednesday, March 29, 2017 ~equested Time of Departure: TBD Morning .Location: Washington, D.C., United States Date : Friday, March 31, 2017 Requested ~ime of Departure : TBO Morning Passenger 6. Manifest ? List of passengers of .America provided at Tab A. Special Considerations: Aircraft to be made available on a nonreimbursable basis. This will provide needed support stemming from ,a tight schedule in the absence of timely and adequate commercial air connections and security concerns. The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications links to be maintained. AM FllCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0855 rn I HIIII 111111 ..--oS0003647c:. t71CMD005232:1?. ... DOD-17-0430-E-000275 ------- - ---------------- - ,.,.,.., (b).(5)...,.,... ..,,.,. ,(b)"(6) """" ------------------. AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT . 18-L-0088/ESD/0856 DOD-17-0430-E-000276 201702724 United States Department of State o D.C~20520 Washinseon, UNCJ&SIFJRD MEMORANDUM FORLTO(RET) J. KEl1HKELLOOG CHIBFOF STAPPANDEXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONALSECURl'IYCOUNCIL SUBJECT:Requestfor Special~ MissionsAircraft In furtheranceof the President' the directionof the President, 8e91Ctary Tillmon will departfromAndrewsAir Force BascdnWashingto11t D.C~on the morningof March29 and travelto Ankara, Turkeyto participatein bilateral'meetings. ~- ,.. On themorning of MarQh.llt..the Sec~ AndrewsAir ForceBase. .., . .: ,. will depart Ankaraand retutnlo'= . TheDepartmentof Staterequeststhis be designateda WhiteHouseSupport Missionand that a SpecialAir Missions~raft be madeavailableon a nono reimbursablebasis to transportthe Secretaryandhis party of approximately17 ~ whichincludesstaffmembersand security personnel,ftom W~bington,D.C. to Ankaraon March29-31,2017. This willprovideneeded supportrelatedto securityand schedulingconcerns,andwill enablesecure communications liDb maintained. Thepoint of contactfor this missionls Jo~ Mennutit~ty Executive Direct.or, ExecutiveSecretariat.Mr.Mennutican be reachedat IM@L lor vialDlclassified e-mailat!!b)(6) lHe can alsobe reachedat any timethroughthe Departmentof StateOperationsCenterat! (b)(6) l AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0857 DOD-17-0430-E-000277 TheDepartment of StateosOfficeof theLegalAdviserhasclearedthis request. ' Att19bswmt: Planemanifest ~:t'. .- . . -. ~ ... ? -.~"""to.. ~ .. 1 oko~ .~ ... , . . AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT .. . .... .'! . 18-L-0088/ESD/0858 . .-. -. DOD-17-0430-E-000278 PlaaeMllllr.t (Lea #1) ,\AFB, UnitedSt1feloSllauoa, lrelaad WedDllday,29-Mar-2017 PAX Clpadly: J7 1. THESECRETARY 2. ASSISTANT SECRETARY, TBD 3. Diaz,N'maF. nm SIBS-S 4. DSS o TBD01, DSS S. DSS- TBD02, DSS 6. DSS - TBD03, DSS DSS DSS DSS 7. DSS-TBD04,DSS 8. FilNlmmom,, ElmbethM. 9. lflmmoDd. RobinC. DSS SIES SIP l 0. 11. 12. 13. 14. Kenna. LisaS. ManJP'Atlcc,, DaaieUI A. McCray,ICalbleenA. Pltlrlln....... J. PRESS01, TBD IS. SIES-BX RBPRESENTA TIVE,.TBD 16. Smith. Leew. 17, WiWlml, M.. dldtB. Set !Maw Drw 1,MO- P.W 8tttto s sms-s MED s AP SIES-BX SIES-IRM-MC s &Hoo MD, PaMdSCICM Paget of4 AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0859 DOD-17-0430-E-000279 ~ - - - - -- - - -- --- ..-.o . .... ... -....... --.... - ..-. ..- -- -... l. nm SECRETAllY 2. 3. 4. 5. TBD .Y, T ASSISTANSECIU!TAR 0-.NiuF. DSSo TBD01,DSS DSSo TBD02, DSS DSS-TBD 03,DSS DSSo TBD04,DSS M. s. FilzllmmcmElimeth Rot.I c. Hammond, ICennt,U.S . A. , MukeaJcoDaniaUe A. McCray,ICadlleen ~ Mlrpret J. PUS., 01, TBD TBD SJBS.BXREPRESENTATIVE, Ltew. Smidt. Williml, MeredilbB. 6. 7. I. ,. 10. 11. 12. 13. I?. 15. 16. 17. .. _..... ...... - .. ............ .. ...-.-............... - ............ .. ... ............. .o .. TBD sms.s DSS DSS DSS DSS SJBS SIP s sms.s MED s AP SIES-BX SJES..IRM-MC s -o o !Hefo e,,,., Jafend WRapwt Pnwaowo, o....., Pap2ef4 !)VERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0860 DOD-17-0430-E-000280 Plane Manilae (Lee~ Anbn, Turby-Suaaon, Jntaad Friday, 31-Mar-1817 PAXCapacity:11 I. 11IESECRETARY 2. 3. 4. .5. TBD S/ES-S DSS DSS ASSlSTANTSECRBTARY, 'IBD Diaz,NinaF. DSSo TBD01. DSS DSSo TBD02, DSS oss 6. DSS- TBD03, DSS 7. I. 9. I0. JI. 12. ' 13. 14. 15. 16. ~ OSS-180 04, DSS F"Jt:nimmODS, ElizabethM. SJBS SIP Hammond. ~ C. s Kera, LisaS, Maniacalao,DanielleA. McCray. Kadlloea A. Peterlin, MmpretJ. SIES-S MEO s AP PRESS01,TBD SIES-EXREPRESENTATIVE, TBD Smitb.LeeW. 17. Willlams,Meredilh B. . SIES-BX 9JESGBPIRM-MC s MvlaApkprea Tp,:t,y .. Pagel of4 AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0861 DOD-17-0430-E-000281 Pllae Manifest(Les#4) Ullited S... SbauoD.INllod o AAF1J. l'rldly.31-Ml,..2817 PAXCapaeffyi l'J 1. nm SECllTAllY ,YTBD T 2. ASSISTANSECREl'AR 3. Diu.NtnaF. TBD 8JES.S DSS 4. DSSoTBD0l,OS., 5. DSS-11ll>02.DSS 6. DSS-TBD03,DSS 7. DSSo TBD04.DSS &. F'mimmoal, ElizabethM. Robertc. , . JfanuNed. 10. K--.U.S. DanielleA. 11. Mini~ A. 12. McCray,KalhieeD . J. Marpret 13. Peaer1in 14. PIESSOI,TBD TBD RBPRESENTATIVE. U. SIBS-EX Loow. 16. Smi1b. MeredllbB. 17. WiJUama. SllfIMM AnNft Rew,, kt'JPY1 DSS DSS oss S/BS SIP s SIBS-8 MED s AP SIES-EX 8./BS-IR.M-MC s A#Sle-Mekllw Pap.Cof4 pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0862 DOD-17-0430-E-000282 002342 REDO THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 28, 2017 MEMORANDUM fOR JOGBP HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYC.HIEE'OF STAE'F FOR OPERATIONS LTG tl. R . MCMAST~~(....~ F'RQM: ASSISTA~T TO TfIB PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITY AFFAIRS Request White House Support Mission Designa t ion for Secretar y of State Rex Ti llers bn SUBJECT .: Request approval of the Principal following House Missio n ; White 1. Requesting 2. Purpose of the T~ip: In furtherance of the Presiden~'s foreign policy, s,cretary Tillerson will travel to Honolulu, Hawaii, where he ,,.;ill participate in meetings, Manila , Phi\ippines where he will participate in the Association lof : proposed Rex Tillerson, soJtheast Asian Nations Forum, as well as Bangkok , Thailand Malaysia, he wi 11 participate 1. 'l ' 24-Hour Secretary (ASEAN) of State . N cP Regional a nd Kuala Lumpur, in bilateral meetings : Eric G. Nelson, Executive Director, E:xecut;i-Ve Secretariat at: !(b)(6) via emai 1 at !(b)(6) !, or through the Departmeri t of State operations Cen t er a t: !(b)(6) I. Travel Point of (o~tact . I. t-- -C b ~ Itinerary: Locatio n: Andrews I Air Force Base to H~nolulu, o Date : Thurs~y, August 3, 2017 Requested Time of Departure : Afternoon Loca t ion: (\ C .Hontlulu, Hawaii: t.o Manila, Pawaii Ph.11 ipp1nes Date : Friday , August 4 , 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon Locction: Manll ' ! Phillppines to Bangkok, Date : Tuesday t August 8 , 2017 Requested Time of Departure : Morning AMEHICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0863 IillllDHlllllll . .-osD01488t~t"7/CMDOt964S~t, .., DOD-17-0430-E-000283 Location: Date : Ban~Jcok, 'l'hail .and to Kuala Lwapur, Malaysia Tuesday, Requ.asted .e, August 2017 Time of Departuro: Afternoon Location; Kuala Lumpur, Malayaia Dat.e: Wodneada_y, Auguo .t g, .2017 S. Requested Time of Departure: Pass .enger Manifest Attached 6. Special to Andrews Air Force Baoo Afternoon :. at Tab A. Considerations ; Aircraft to be made available on a nonreimbursable basis. This will provide needed support stemming from a tight schedule in the absence of timeiy and concerns. adequate commercial air connections and security The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications links to be maintained . (b)(5) ,(b)(6) AM I\! pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0864 DOD-17-0430-E-000284 Tab A 18- 201709539 Rev. 1 llnitnl Stati.-. ll1.p ~ll'lll11o1II of SI.alt' H11 ~hi11gt1w . l>.C:. :!fl.5:!0 Ji.ily28) 2017 UNCLASSIFJED MEMORANDUMFOR LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVESECRETARY NA1)10NALSECURITYCOUNClL SUBJECT: Amendment:R~uest for Special Air MissionsAircraft REFERENCE: Kenna-KelloggMemorandum,dated 7/6/2017 In furtheranceof the PljCsident'sforeign policy objectives and at the direction of the President, Secretary Tillerson will depart from Andrews Air Force Base on the afternoonof Thursday, Augurt 3, 2017, enroute to Honolulu, Hawaii1 where he will panicipate in meetings. ln the afternoonof Friday, August 4, the Secretary will travel to Manil~ Philippineswhere he wiUparticipatein ASEAN RegionalForumand U.S.-ASEAN Ministerals. On the morning of Tuesday,August 8, the Secretarywill travel to Bangkok.Thailand for bilateral meeti11gs . ln the afternoon of August 8, he wfll travel to Kuala Lumpur,M~laysia for bilateral meetings. In the afternoon of Wednesday,August 9,2017, the Secretary will travel from Kuala Lumpurenroute to AndrewsAir Force Base. The Department of State requests this be designateda White House Support Missionand that a Special Afr Missionsaircraftbe made available on a no11-reimbursable basis to transportthe Secretaryand his party of approximately18 passengers,which includesstaff membersand secL1ritypersonnel, from Washington, D.C. The Department requests an aircraft with upgraded communication infrastructureto adequately support Executivebranch continuity communications requirements. This will provide needed support related to security and scheduling concerns,and will enable secure c be maintained. 1 The pointof comact for this~ission is Eric G. Nel~on,Executive DireclOr,. lor ExecutiveSecretariat. Mr. Nelson can be reached atl 111i4Tail Na. 1~1 Plane M111lGBPcst (Lee#1) AAFB,UnitedStateso Travij AFB/Fairfield,UnitedStates Thur$day, 03-AusoZO rT PAX Capttlty: ll I. THE SECRETARY 2. Biers,Daniol L. 3. Brown,ClintonS. 4. Cane[( DuaneC. S. !(b)(6= b)(7)(C) 6. HommondRobertC. SIP s MEO SIP !:~~Ult1~fB!B JO. Nelson,EricG. Jl t Pa~g,EricY. 12. Pelerlin,MargaretJ. 13. PReSS01, TBD 14.. PR.ESS 02.TBD S/ES,EX SIESoIRM oMC 15. WtigoklSebullz,EvaA. S/ES s AP AP s 16. Wifllams,Meredith8. 17. tA. SWBumo Pt11J1 la A.Am.United SCoIV AddaInA&fl. United SWH PaceI of9 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0868 DOD-17-0430-E-000288 17..Jal-1017 14:28:191'M llbtlpn:~o . Jl1'74TlltNe.19041 Plane Ma1llrest(Leg#l) Travis AFB/Fairfield,UruteclStata- HouolllJo, Unlted States Thll rsday, 03-Augo2017 fAX C11paclty:18 I. TI-IESBCRETARY SIP 2. Bien, Daniel L. l . Brown,ClintonS. 4, Canev] DuaneC. s. Hb)(6) b)(7)(C) 6, HammondRobertC. s MED SIP i:l!!ffli, 10. Nelson,Eno o. 11.. Pana.Eflc V. 12.. Peterlln,Margare1J. Jl. PltESS0.1,TBD SIES-EX SIES-1.RM-MC s AP .AP J4. PKESS02, TBO 15. WeigoldSchultz,EvaA. 16. Williams, Meredid1B. 17. S/ES s 1,8. scatRmyut PtM lg ltMYPAFDlfalrfitld. UnirgSIJkl AddiInTravr,ftfBlfoJCOe14,, Uplbfl M!&!l Page2of9 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0869 DOD-17-0430-E-000289 27-,hil-lll 17Jo:H: t9 l')t MIHIDII NL 3187? TallNo.ltcNl Plan~Maatreat(Leg #3) Honololu,iJnftedScates-A11denenAFB.Gum Prlday,04-Au&ol017 PAX Capacity: 18 I. THESECRETARY 2. Biers,Danielt.. SJP Brow11, Clinton S. 4. Caneva.DuaneC. S. !(b)(6) .(b){7)(C) MED s 3. -nd~;~c . i:r~~rcc .1 SIP 6. 9. l b)(6) ,(b)(7)(C) 10. 'Nel~n, Eric G, 1l. 12. 13, I4.. I'S. S/ES,EX SJES-fRM-MC Pana.EricY. Peterlln.Maraam I. PRESSOl,TBD PRESS02,TBD Weiac,ldSchultz.EvaA, s AP AP S/ES s 16. William$,Meredithl3, \7. 18. Sgt klmt II DropsioHopqlylu.QniledS!ftp A,dd1 IPUAPPl!slv, YoUs4 Statu Page3 of9 AMEHICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0870 DOD-17-0430-E-000290 l?.J.l-101114 :28:111 P~t MINfonNo.JA7? 1111No. lllf.ll PIHt M1nifest(l..ea #4) Andomn AFB, Guam- Manltl. PJIUtppines SoUmlay,OS-Aot-201"7 PAXCapacity: 18 I. THESECR.ETAAY SIP Bien, Danitl L. J, Brown . Clintons. s 4, CancI] C. MED '2. s. ! s MEO b)(7)];1 Hammond. Robert C. SIP io.~~ il'ffl? 't1 6. 1-1; I 1:~ f~=]=~.=H~l l 1. Nelson.BricO. SIBS.PXI 12. Ptn&,Eric Y. Lt Peterlln? -Mlltpret J. SIES~IRM-MC 7. 14. 1S. 16. 17. JI. S!ES-EX s AP PRESSOl,TBD PRESS 02, TBO Thomton,SusanA. Welg()klSchultz,~va A WilliJms,MeredllbB. SeatBfomt AP RAP S/ES s Rnn loMpoIIo, Pbllpnlng Addiip MIRIIL PtdUnpJnc, Htffem.KeithL (SIES-GBPX) Thornton,Susan/\ (BAP) PageSof9 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0872 DOD-17-0430-E-000292 21.Jol-201?14121:19 PM Mlaloo Me.31874 TalJ~ . f~ I Plane Manifest(Lq #6) Ba11gkol1, Thailand- Kuala L.,ampur, Mitlaysl11 Tuesday.~A111~2011 PAXCap1cfty: l8 I , THESECRETARY ~ Biers,D8nielL. 3. Brown,ClintonS. SIP ~: ~!~)1bf/1Ji c2. 6. Hammond,RobenC. MED s SIP S/ESoEX 7. Heffern,.KeithL.. II ~. WE )!16} 1GBP)(3)/C} ~. !.EL6)L ) _?)(C) 10, lCb)f 6} Cb)f 7}(C} I 1,. t-hllson,EricG. S/ES-EX SIESoIRMoMC 12. Pang.EricY. U. 14. I5. 1.6. 17. l 8. Sgt Bww AMERICAr\ s Peterlin,MargaretJ. PRESS01, TBD l>RESS 02, TBD Thornton,SusanA. WeiaoldSchull%. EvaA. WlHlam~J.4ffldith8 . pVERSIGHT AP AP EAP SJES s Drops lo Bangkok, DDJlln4 A,hhle IMoktkeTyHaad 18-L-0088/ESD/0873 DOD-17-0430-E-000293 '2T.J11MIJ114:Jf:1' PM Mtmo. No.Jl87? Tall :0,., l?"I Plane Mantrest(Leg #7) K.aaluL.v_ftJJ)llr,Mahty,11o AndeQe,iAFB,Guam Wc4n~y. 09-Aug-i817 PAXCapacity:18 l. THE SECRETARY 2. Bien,DanielL. 3. Brown.CJitltonS. 4. Canef(i DuaneC. s. !(b)(6 b)(7)(C) SIP s MED SIP 6. Hammond,i.tobct1 C. 7. Hef'k~Keith L. , . ~ 1rni 9. SIES-EXI ,~, niCJ b }(6Jjj \:cl 10, fo )(6) ,(b)(7)(C) I I. Nels'On, Eric 0, I~. PanS,EricY, q . Peterlin,Marpret s. 14. PRESS01, TBD S/ESoEX IS. PRESS 02, TSO AP JIS. ThGmtOf'I, SusaqA. 17. WeigoldSchultz,Eva.A. 18. Williams,Meredilh8. EAP S/ES $pt Rcawt SIES-IRM-.MC s AP s l>rtadoKua!oLympyr, Mflays!Ja Pace7 of.9 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0874 DOD-17-0430-E-000294 n..raf,21117 Ulll:19 (tM Mlu!GtlNo.3187~ TauNO.111041 PlaneMonifest (Lea#8) AndersenAFB, Guamo Honolulu,UnitedStafd We4noday , 09-Aua-lOl7 PAXCapacity:18 t.. THGBP SECRETARY SIP :2. Biers,DanielL. 3. Brown.ClintonS. 4. s ~um cWev C, 73 f 6).b MED S. !(b 6. lfammond.RobertC. 7i HdTem,Keith I,.. SIP S/ESoEX !:~gU~HgHBf g~ I rn.l e ~ I- 0 C 0 ~ "'ffi 0 (IS :I: ,. ,. .2 (U C: (U I.,; o ,. o * * ill, * * o .. * u. <( C: Q) ~ ~ (l) ::::, Q. C: ~ m "C C <( :::::J . ~ C: "5 0. {!! Q) 0 E ::::, "C C: 0 ...J C J: ..J CJ (U E ~ LL ::::, C :, Q) tC ~ <( 0 ...J t:: I!! ~ (/) 0 ii: IL al Q) 0) iI 0 NAMESAND OFFICES tC If: J:0 u. '(ij <( .~ co Tail No: 10041 tC LL <( ,. o <( ~::::, ::::, 0 C: 0 :I: * * * * o * o ,. o * o * o (b)l6) ,(b)( 7 )(C) IMORl:LLO, CAROL PRESS WASI-IIN~TOJ\l I (b)(6) ,(b)( 7)(C) o * o o o o o * Pf"l.C:T NELSON.ERIC EXECUTIVEDIRECTOR PANG,ERIC MOBILECOMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST PETERUN,MARGARET CHIEFOF STAFF THORNTON.SUSAN ACTINGASSISTANTSECRETARY,EAP WALTERSIll, WILLIAM PHYSICIAN WEIGOLDSCHULTZ,EVA DEPUTYEXECUTIVESECRETARY WILLIAMS,MEREDITH SPECIALASSISTANT .. o o o o o * * * * * * * * * o o * * o * * * o * * * * .. * * * o * o w * * * * * * o * o fl' * * . o * * * o ,. * * * * .,. * * * * .o o o o * PreparedBy; Joyce Harley 18-L-0088/ESD/0877 UNCLASSJFll::D DOD-17-0430-E-000297 MEMORANDUMFOR: JOSEPHHAGIN, ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENTAND DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS THROUGH : WILLIAMMCGINLEYt CABINETSECRETARY FROM : Wendy Teramoto,Department of Commerce SUBJECT: Request White House SupportMission Designationfor Travel Request for approval of the fo11owingproposed White House Support Mission: 1. RequestingPrincipal: Secretary Wilbur Ross 2. Purpose of the trip: Bilateral Meeting in Berlin ; Germany o 3. Special flight accommodations ~e needed to facilitat e the Secretary's participation in both the Berlin bilateral meeting and PresidentModi's visit to the White House . The Secretary's attendance for ModPs visit is requested from 3:30-Spm . Commercialflights through London , England willnot suffice as the majority leave before 3pm and the special agents will be in possessionof firearms. ! 6) 24-hourPo.intof Contact: James Rockas,1Cb)( 4. Travel Itinerary: o o Location: Washington, D.C., United States t0 Berlin, Germany Date: June 26, 2017 o Requested time of departure: Est. 9pm o Location: Berlin, Gennany to Washington, D.C., United States Date~June 28, 2017 Requestedtime of departure: TBD o o 5. Total number of passengers: 5 o See enclosureA. <> . Soecial Considerations: Non-reimbursable reauest (b )(5),(b)(6) AMER1c -,;.... - ;-"___ pVERSIGHT ____________________ 18-L-0088/ESD/0878 ll!IIIUI I CM001ot99:t , . ... DOD-17-0430-E-000298 PlaneManifest(Leg # 1) Washington.D.C., United States-Berlin, Germany Monday, 26-Jun-2017 1. 2. 3. SecretaryWilburL. Ross WendyTeramoto, Departmentof Commerce James Rockas, Press Secretary,Office of Public Affairs 4. l(b )(6),(b)(7 )(C) I 5. Plahe Manifest(Leg #2) Berlin, Gemiany-Washington,D.C., United States~Berlin, Germany Wednesday,28-Jun-2017 1. 2. 3. 4. Secretary Wilbur L. Ross WendyTeramoto, Departmentof Commerce James Rockas. Press Secretarv. Office of Public Affairs (b )(6),(b)(7 )(C) 5. AdditionalInformation: Your primary POC in the White House is Cabinet Affairs or NSC Exec Sec. For infonnation (rough flight times, crew rest/day regulations, etc) please contact. te?hnical WHMOOperations; l(b) (6) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0879 DOD-17-0430-E-000299 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 15, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOSEPH HAGIN SUBJEC':': WHITE HOUSE MISSION REQUEST The attached request is for designation as a Wr.ite House Support Mission. The Secretary of Commerce will travel to Berlin, Germany on June 26-28, A C-20E is missior. available requirements 2017. and will meet on a rei:nbursable basis. White AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT DANIEL P. WALSH Deputy Director House Military Office 18-L-0088/ESD/0880 DOD-17-0430-E-000300 38753 Mission#: Executive Airlift Support Mission 1 Version#: TENTATIVE Status: GDSS#: Aircraft Type: GnmnJ Time Aircraft leg Tail# Dept ZULU From Dtpt Loct1l Date/Time Date /Time ETAZULU z Date/Time ETALocRl Dau/Time z ETE C-10B (NM) Duty Day Dist 0+-00 1 60206 KADW 27-Jun-17 01:00 16-Jun-17 11:00 +4,0 CYQX 27-Jun-17 03:SO 17-/1111-/1 OJ:1() +2S 02+SO 1,134 4+SO 0+4S l 60206 CYQX 27,Jun-17 04:JS 17-Jlln-/7 01:0S +2.S EGAA 27-Jun-17 08;4S ]7-/1111-/7 11!1:4S o1.0 04+10 1,790 9+45 Ot-45 3 60206 EGAA 27-Jun-l 7 09:30 17-Jun-17 10..J0 -1.0 EDDT 27-Jun-17 11:20 27.Jlln-17 JJ:20 o2.0 Ol+SO 703 )2+20 19+40 4 60206 EDDT 28-J1111-l1 07:00 1/J.Ju11-17 09:00 -2.0 EOAA 2&-Jun-17 09:05 11.Jun-17 J(}:05 -1.0 02+0S 703 4+0S 0+45 s 60206 EGAA 28-Jun-17 09;50 16-J1111-J7 l(J:50 -1.0 CYQX 2&-Jwi-17 14:35 11-Jun-/7 JZ:0S +2.5 04+45 1.790 9+35 0+45 6 60206 CYQX 28-Jnn-17 IS:20 18-Jun-17 IZ:S0 +2.S KADW 28-Jun-17 18;30 ZI-J111t-J7 14:J0 +4.0 03+10 U34 13+30 DoD Reimbursement Rate Estimated Flight Hour~ TotalPn:: 5 ~ TotalPlanned Hours: 18.83 o 18 + 50 SS740 Pd,~~(i_QERS KADW/CYQX CYQX/EGAA EGAA/EDDT IACTIVE LEG I ACTIVE LEG I ACTIVELEG EGAA/CYQX IACTIVE LEG I ACTIVE LEG CYQX/KAOW I ACTIVELEG EDDT/EGAA ACRPQRTS KADW Airport: JOINT BASE ANDREWS City: CAMP SPRINGS Staie: MD Cow,try: USA CYQX Airport GANDER INTL City: GANDER State: NF Country: CAN EGAA Airport: ALDERGROVE City: BELFAST State: Co1mtry: GBR EDDT Airport: TEGEL City: BERLIN State: Country: DEU Printed at 6/15/2017 10:33:43 AM pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0881 DOD-17-0430-E-000301 002'3.42 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHlNGTON July 6, 2017 cJ1 cw 0 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS F&>il- FROM: Ass LsTANT TO GBP PRESIDENT ~ORNATIONAL SE!CURITY AFFAIRS Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson SUBJECT: Request of the following approval L Requesting 2. 'Purpos~ Principal: of the proposed Rex Tillersoh, Trip : White House Mission ! . secretary -rn fi.trtherance of the of Stat$ President' . S' foreign policy, Secretary Till13rson will travel to Manila, Philippines where he will participate in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN l Regional Forum. 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact : Eric Executive Secrer:ariat Directorr l 6) email at ICb)( State 4. Center operations Travel Itinerary Location: Date: at G. Nelson, Executive at !(b)(6) I, via or through the Department of Friday, C August 4, 6. AMLf llCAr\ 2017 Time of Departure : Requested Time of Departure: Passenger Manifest Attached at Tab A. Morning to Andrews Air Force Base Afternoon : Special Considerations: basis, nonreimbursable J)V.E-RSIGHT. ,: -c Base to Manila , Philippines Location: Manila, Philippines August 8, 2017 Date: Tuesday, 5. (__{ : Andrews Force Requested l !(b)(6) Aircraft: This will to be made avai provide 18-L-0088/ESD/0882 needed on a support DOD-17-0430-E-000302 stemming from a tight schedule in the absence of timely and adequate commercial air connections ~nd security concerns. The aircraft would also enable necessary secure links to be maintained. communications (b)(5),(b)(6) AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0883 DOD-17-0430-E-000303 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 10, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOSEPH HAGIN SUBJECT: WHITE HOUSEMISSION REQUEST The attached request is for designation as a White House support Mission. The secretary of State will travel to Manila, Philippines on August 04-08, 2017. A C-40B is availal:lle mission requirements reimbursable basis. and will meet on a non- DANIEL P. WALSH Deputy Director, White House Military Office AM RICA~, _QV_ EBS.IGJ:iT .. 18-L-0088/ESD/0884 DOD-17-0430-E-000304 201709539 l . ~. :,,_~.:,~~\(: _; ' 11i1 ? -,I ~laloo....D,-1,m .tuwnl 1>fS.talt- ' ,,'\;;, , o,;?- -- H11,,/1111,:.::rm, . /J. t: . 2 0:~:]II ~-..i~-~ ..,.... II ' Wit" . S / H f,o o.~11 ( - UNCLAS'SIFJED July 6. 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVE SECRETARY NATIONAL SECURITYCOUNCIL SUBJECT: Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft In furtherance of the President's foreign policy objectives and at the direct.ion of the President, Secretary Tillerson wHIdepart from Andrews Air Force Base on the morning of Friday, Au.gust 4, 2017, enroute to Manila, Philippines where he wi'll participate in the ASEAN Regional Forum . On the afternoon of Tuesday, August 8. 20171 the Secretary will travel from Manila cnroute to Andrews Air Force Base. The Department of State requests this be designated a White House Support Mission and that a Special Air Missions aircraft be made available on a non-reimbursable basis to transport the Secretary and hi.sparty of approximately 20 passengers, which. includes staff membets and security personnel, from Washington. D.C. The Department requests anaircraft with upgraded communication infrastructure to adequately support Executive branch continuity communications requirements. This will provide needed support related to security and scheduling concerns, and wil1 enable secure communications links to be maintained. The point of contact for this mission is Eric G. Nelton,ExecurveDirector, Executive Secretariat. Mr. Nelson can be reached at! (b)( 6) or via ' unclassifiede-mail atHb)(6) l He can also be reached at any time ~broLgh the0e artment of State Operations Center at 1 !(b )(6) The Department of State' s Office of the Leg I Adviser has cleared this request. .~ 0}f u't\J. . Kenna \ . Exec~tive Secretary Attachment: Plane Manifest AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0885 DOD-17-0430-E-000305 G6.Jal-l0 I 7 U:25:2.~ P;',1 MissionNo.Jlt874 l'ail No. 10041 Plane Manifest (Li..-g#I) A.AFB, United States. Anckorage, Ui\ited States Friday, 04-Aug-2017 PAX Capacity: :ZO I. THE SECRETARY s 2. Brown,Clinton S. 3. DSS-TBD 01, DSS 4. DSS o TBD 02, DSS DSS o TSD 03, DSS DSS - TBD 04, DSS 5. 6. DSS DSS DSS DSS 7. EAPRepresentative,TBD EAP 8. Hammond,RobenC. SIP 9. Heffern, Keith 10. Hook, Brian H. 11. LINE OFFICER PLANE TEAM # I, TBD S/ES-EX SIP 12. MC TEAM,# I, TBD S/.ES.S S/ES-fRM-MC 13. MEDlCAL DOCTOR, TBO MED 14. Nelson, Eric G. S/ES-EX s Pelerlin, Marglll'et J. Piazza, Lucia 17. PRESS 01, TBD 18. PRESS 02, TBD 19. Weigold Schultz., Eva A. 20. Williams, Meredith B. IS. 16. Seill Rooaest s AP AP S/ES s Dropsin A41!B, UnitedStates Addsjl\ AAFB,UnitedStattlj Page I of6 AMLf llCAr\ J)VERSIGHT ___ 18-L-0088/ESD/0886 DOD-17-0430-E-000306 06.J11lolfl11 13:25:?5 PM MissionN~J8874 TuilNo.10041 PlftReManifest {ug Ul) Anchorage, United States - Tokyo, Jap11n Friday, 04-Aug-2017 PAX Capacity: 20 I. THE SECRETARY 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Brown, Clinton $. DSS-TBDOJ,DSS DSS o TBO 02, DSS DSS - TBD 03, DSS DSS o TBD 04, DSS EAP Representative, TBD Hammond, Robert C. Heffern, Keith Hook, Brian H. LINE OFFICER PLANETEAM 111,TBD MC iEAM, # I, TBD MEDICAL DOCTOR, TBD Nelson, Eric G. Peterlin, Margaret J. Piazzn, Lucia &. 9. 10. I I. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. DSS DSS DSS EAP S/P S/ES-EX SIP S/ES-S S/ES-lRM-MC MED S/ES-EX s s AP S/ES s Williams, Meredith B. SeafRequest DSS AP PRESS 01, TBD 18. PRESS 02, TBD 19. Weigold Schultz, Eva A. 20. s Drops in Anchorage. United States AddsinAochorage. UpjtedSJllts Page 2 of6 AMLf llCAr\ J)VERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0887 DOD-17-0430-E-000307 06.Jul-2011 ll125:25 PM Ml.manNo.3ll874TaUNo.10041 Plane Manif~t (Leg #3) Tokyo.Japan - Manila, Philippines Saturday, 05-Aug-2017 PAX Capacity:lO 1, THESECRETARY l, Brown,Clinton S. s 3. OSS-TBD0l,DSS DSSo TBD 02, DSS DSS 4, DSS oss 5, DSS o TBD 03, DSS 6. DSS o TBD 04, DSS DSS 7. EAPRepresentative, TBD EAP 8. Hammond, Robert C. SIP 9. Heffem, Keith S/ES-EX SIP S/ES-S 10. Hook, Brian H. 11. UNE OFFICER PLANE TEAM fl 1, 'fBD 12. MC TEAM,# I, TBD S/ESoIRM-MC 13. MEDlCAL DOCTOR. TBD MED 14. Nelson, Eric G. 15. Peterlin, MargaretJ. S/ES-EX s s AP 16. Piazza, Lucia !1. PRESS01, TBD !8. PRESS 02, TBD !9. WeigQld Schultz, Eva A. 20. AP S/GBPS s Williams, Meredith B. Se,t Request Drops inToi.yo. Japan Addsjn Tokyp,Japan Pagel of6 AMLf llCAr\ ~ flVERSIGHT - .- ------..--.---....- ...-~. ..... 18-L-0088/ESD/0888 DOD-17-0430-E-000308 06-Jul-:2017 ll:2.5:25 l'M Mis.sifln No.311874 Tail No.10041 Plane Manifest (Leg #4) M1nila, Philippines - Andersen AFB, G uan1 Tuesday, 08--Aug-2017 PAX Capacity: 20 I. THE SECRETARY 2. Brown,ClintonS. s 3. DSS-TBDOI, DSS 4. S. 6. OSS DSS DSS - TBD 02, DSS DSS - TBD 03, DSS DSS- TBD 04, DSS DSS DSS 7. EAPRepresentative, TBD EAP 8. SIP 9. Hammond, Robert C. Heffern, Keith S/ES-EX Hook, Brian H. LINE OFFICER PLANE TEAM# I, TBD MC TEAM,# I, TBD MEDICAL DOCTOR. TBD Nelson, Eric G. IS. Peterlin, Margaret J. 16. Piazza, Lucia 17. PRESS 01, TBD 18. PRESS02, TBD SIP 19. 20. S/BS I 0. 11. 12. 13. 14. Weigold Schultz, Eva A. Williams, Meredith B. Seat Rcauest S/ES-S S/ESoIRMoMC MED S/ES-EX s $ AP AP s Adds jn Manila. Pojlipnine, Pl1!W in MJ}nlla. Philippines Page 4 of6 AMLf llCAr\ ~ flVERSIGHT ' ..... - . ...-.-----. .------..----. ......... . 18-L-0088/ESD/0889 DOD-17-0430-E-000309 &o.Jul-2017 u:i,,25 t>!\-1 Millsio1No.JBB74TailNo.l!JO.'I Plaae Ma11ifcst(Leg #5) .Andersen AFB, Guam - Honol11lu, United States Tue$day, 08-Aug-2017 PAX Ca11acity:20 I. THESECRETARY 2. Brown, Clinton S. s 3. DSS-l'BD 01, DSS DSS 4. DSS DSS o TSO 02, DSS 5. DSS - TBD 03, DSS DSS 6. DSS DSS o TBD 04, OSS 7. EAPRepresenrative, TBO 8. 9. I 0. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. lo. 1'1. 18. 19. 20. EAP Hammond, Robert C. Heffern, Keith Hook, Brian H. LINB OFFICER PLANE TEAM # I, TBD MC TEAM,# I, TSO MEDICAL DOCTOR, 1'B0 Nelson, Eric G. Peterlin, Margaret J. Piazza, Lucia PRESS 01, TBD PRESS 02, TBD Weigold Schultz., Eva A. Williams, Meredith 8. Dropsjn Andersen AFB. Cu11.m Sgt Request Sf!> S/ES-EX SIP SfES-S S/ES-IRM-MC MED $/ES-EX s s AP AP S/ES s Ad&inAndersen AFB, Guam Page5of6 AMLf llCAr\ ~ flVERSIGHT -- oo -o--o-oo oo oooooo o o o -ooo-ooovo-o--ooooo ' ""ooo ooo 18-L-0088/ESD/0890 DOD-17-0430-E-000310 t\6-.lul-l0t7 13:lS:lS l'M MisdooNo.38174 TnilNo. 10041 Plane Manifest (Ltg #6) Honolulu, United States- AAFB, United States Wednesday~ 09-Aug-2017 PAX Capacity: 20 I. THE SECRETARY Brown,Clinton S. 3. DSS-TBD 01, DSS s 4. DSS - TBD 02, DSS DSS - TBD 03, DSS nss DSS - TBO 04, DSS DSS EAP 2, 5. 6. DSS DSS 7. EAPRepresentative. TBD s. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Hammond, Robcn c. Heffern, Keith Hook, Brian 1-1. LrNE OFFICER PLANE TEAM# I, TBD MC TEAM, fl I, TBD MEDICAL DOCTOR, TBO Nelson, Eric G. Peterli n, Margaret J. SIP SIES-EX SIP S/ES-S S/ES-JRM-MC MED $/ES-EX s s 16. Piazza,Lucia 17. PRESS OJ, TSO 18. PRESS 02, TBD AP AP 19. Weigold Schultz. Eva A. S/ES s 20. Williams,Meredith8. SUt Reoye?t Drops in Hon9h1lu. UnitedStates Adibill Honolulu. United States Pagc6 of6 AM RICAr\ D\lE_BSlGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0891 DOD-17-0430-E-000311 001650 Redo II THE WHITE HOUSE WASHI .NGTON MEMORANDUMFOR JOE HA ;r.N ASSISTAN 'T TO THE PRESIDENT ANO oePOTY CHIEF OF STAfF' FOR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG H , R, MCMASTE~">} ~ 0 ~ ASSISTANT TO T~P~ESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY Wbite House Supporl Mission Designat . on for Secretary Tillerson Request SUBJECT: Request approval 1. Requesting 2. Purpose of the following Principal: President, Tel Av(v, 24-Houi Point Travel White House Mission ? Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State . Secret ry Tillerson will t~ovel to Riyadh, Rome, and Brussels on May 19-26 . Executive or !(b}(6) Center at 4 ,. proposed of the Tr ' p: In turthecance of the President's policy ob"ectives and at the direction of the foreign 3. AFFAIRS Jonathan of Contact: Director, Executive l !(b)(6) !. ~ Mennuti, j~D~e~p~y_t_v ___ Secretariat or through the at !{b)(6) State _O_p_e_r_a_t_i_o_n_s __ Itinerary Loca~ion: Brussels, Balgiwa Dat:e: ni llammond. Robertc (Sil>) Hook, Brian ti {SIP) ,tsmr(b~~t~ ,s, M McCray.KathleenA (Mf.D) Peterli)l,Mara1m l (S) Smith.LC'C W(!iroSoIRM-MC} Willi1"1',Mo!b II (S) Pagel of2 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0903 DOD-17-0430-E-000323 000816 REDO TH E WHITE HOUS E WASHINGTON 10, 2017 April FOR JOE HAGIN MEMORANDUM ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS MCMASTER'- FROM: LTG H.R. SUBJECT: Re quest White House Support Mission Tillerson for Secretary Designation Request approva: following of the proposed Rex Tillerson, Principal: White House Mi ssion: of State. Secretary 1. Requesting 2. of the President ' s In furtherance Purpose of the Trip: the President, of and at the direction policy foreign for the G7 to Lucca, Italy will travel Tillerson Secretary and Moscow , Russia Meeting on Foreign Affairs Ministerial on April 9-13. meetings for bilateral 3. Mennuti, Jonathan 24 - Hour Point of Contact: at t Secretaria Executive Director, Executive 4. Travel o ~u~t~v___ ~~e ~ Q ) J(b)(6 _,, L Itinerary: Andrews Air Force Base to Lucca , Italy Location: April 9, 2017 Sunday, Date: Morning Re quested Time of Departure: to Moscow, Russia Lucca, Italy Location: April 11, 20 1 7 Tuesday, Date: Evening Time of Departure: Requested Moscow, Russia tc Andrews Air Location: 13 , 2 017 Thursday , Aprii Date: Morning Time of Departure: Requested List Mar.ifest: 5. Passenger 6. Considerations: Special basis. nonreirnbursable stemming from a tight of passengers Force provided Base at Tab A. on a to be made available Aircraft support This will provide needed in the absence of timely and schedule OS0004862-t7 /C MCXl06764?17 . pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0904 DOD-17-0430-E-000324 adequate commercial air connections and security The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications links to be maintained. concerns. (b)(5),(b)(6) AM H CAr\ j)VERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0905 DOD-17-0430-E-000325 201704765 . I 4/10/20l'Z 10:52 AM j' o \ 111tt-c~ tat,o .. Jkp a rtnwn t o !"llalc. I\ 11,l,jll!:(1111. /) . ( . :!fl .,:_!(/ 11'/l' l/ . ,(tt/f UNCLASSIFIED April o. ::01 o 10, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG CHIEFOF STAFFAND EXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Amended I Plane Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft REF: Macmanus-Kellogg Memorandum dated March 23, 2017 In furtherance of the President's foreign policy objectives and at the direction of the President, Secretary Tillerson will depart from Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. on the morning of April 9 and travel to Lucca, Italy to participate in multilateral meetings at the G7 Ministerial Meeting on Foreign Affairs. On the evening of April 11, the Secretary wilJ depart Lucca and travel to Moscow, Russia to participate in bilateral meetings. On the morning of April 13, the Secretary will depart Moscow and return to AndrewsAir Force Base. The Department of State requests this be designated a White House Support Mission and that a Special Air Missions aircraft be made available on a nonreimbursable basis to trarisport the Secretary and his party of approximately l 7 passengers, which includes staff members and security personnel, from Washington, D.C. to Lucca and Moscow on April 9-13, 2017. This will provide needed support related to security and scheduling concerns, and will enable secure communications links to be maintained. The point of contact for this mission is Jonathan Mennuti, Deputy Executive Director, Executive Secretariat Mr. Mennuti can be reached at !{b)(6) lor 6 via unclassified e-mail arl(b)( ) He can also be reached at any time through the Department of State Operations Center at!\b)(6), l AMERICAN pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0906 I DOD-17-0430-E-000326 The Department of State's Office of the Legal Adviser has cleared this request. / , r I ~ I"'"\ Josep E. Macmanus l Executive Secretary Attachment: Plane manifest Macmanus-Kellogg Memorandum dated March 23, 2017 AMERICAN pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0907 DOD-17-0430-E-000327 Approved: S/ES-EX - Jonathan Mennuti Drafted: S/ES-EX- Margarita Pickett, 5-1765 Cleared: S/ES: DHogan-ok LIM: SAbramson - ok S/ES-Milrep:CErickson - ok AMERICAr\ QVERSIGH_T_ 18-L-0088/ESD/0908 DOD-17-0430-E-000328 UNCLASSIFIED NOTE: REIMBURSEMENT 13-Apr-2017 10:46 AM Page 1 of 1 IS REQUIRED FOR ALL UNOFF ICIAL PASSENGERS TRIP ITINERARY MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD The following individuals we re manifested aboard the following aircraft : C 0 Mission No: 37910 Tail No: 10041 ..J 3 C C Cl] co LL en C/J Cf) ~ C < u 3 0 LL a:: 0 0 C ..J Date(s) of Trip: 09-Apr -2017 - 13-Apr-2017 < Cl] 0 -----(.) ~ LL co ~ LL LL NAMES AND OFFICES 0 TILLERSON , REX SECRETARY OF STATE 0 .c Cl] (.) C C/J Cl] z:::::, LL C/J 0 ~ a::~ .c Cf) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * o * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l(b )(6) ,(b )(7)(C) HAMMOND , ROBERT SPOKESPERSON HEFFERN , JOHN ACT ING ASSISTANT SECRETARY EUROPEAN AND EURASIAN AFFAIRS HOGAN,DERECK DEPUTY EXECUTIVE SECRET ARY HOOK , BRIAN DIRECTOR (b )(6) ,(b )(7)(C) KOUNOVSKY, SARAH LEDERMAN , JOSHUA PRESS . AP LOGGINS , LEE INFORMATION MANAGEMENT SPEC IALIST MADYUN , MUNIR DAWAN SPECIAL ASS ISTANT (b )(6) ,(b )(7)(C) MENNUT I, JONATHAN DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PETERLIN , MARGARET CHIEF OF STAFF WALTERS Ill , WILLIAM PHYSICIAN WILLIAMS , MEREDITH SPECIAL ASSISTANT Prepared By: Joyce Harley 18-L-0088/ESD/0909 UNCLASSIFl ED DOD-17-0430-E-000329 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 11, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOSEPH HAGIN SUBJECT: WHITE HOUSE MISSION REQUEST The attached request is for designation as a White House support Mission. The Secretary of State will travel to London, United Kingdom from Sept 13-14, 2017. C-40B is available mission requirements reimbursable basis. A and will meet on a non- ~?~~\__ DANIEL P. WALSH Director White House Military Office 0 ; C AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0910 DOD-17-0430-E-000330 002852 REDO THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 7, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF ~OR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG Ii. R. MCMASTER l J~e.J~ ASSISTANT TO THE J.~troEt'; FOR NATIONAL Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary Tillerson SUBJECT t Request SECURITY AFFAIRS approval of the following proposed White House Mission: 1. Requesting 2. Purpose of tne Trip: In furtherance of the Pre-sident's foreign policy, Secretary Tillerson will travel to London, United Kingdom on September 13 to participate in meetings ~ multilateral 3. 24-Hour Point of Cdntact: Keith L. Heffern, Deputy Executive Direg~r: E,xecutiyj Secreta;dat. Mr. Heffern can be reached at --~6)_ _or !(b)(6) .He can also be reached at any time through the Department of State Operations Center at !(b)(6) L Principal: ~ex Tillerson~ Secretary of State , l 4. Travel Itinerary: Location: Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, Kingdom Date: Wednesday, September lJ, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning to London, United Location: Base; London, Maryland United Kingdom, to Andrews Air Force Date; Thursday, September 14, 2017 Requested Time of Doparture: Evening 5. Passenger Manifest: Attached at Tab A. AM RICAr\ OV~RSI_GHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0911 DOD-17-0430-E-000331 6. Special Considerations: Aircraft to be made available on a nonreimbursable basis . This will provide needed support stemming fxom a tight schedule in the absence of timely and and security concerns. 9dequate commercial air connections The aircraft would also enable nece~sary secure communications links to be maintained . (b)(5),(b){6) AM RICAr\ OVERSIGHT __ --~ - --- - -.---.- , ,,_ .-.--- -- .--.-o-,--,- .-~--- .----~ .-." ' ' " - ...-o- "-- 18-L-0088/ESD/0912 ...---o-----.....- '------ -~- ~... _ ,_-~...,- ---,--- -.- . -- .... - . ._ - DOD-17-0430-E-000332 .... , ,.. __....,,__ ... ..~------ -.-.. .............- ,,-. ,., , . o ' , 18- [3/0913 DOD-17-0430-E-000333 201711328Rev.l . IS 917.QDl7 4:09PM of s.tate vepartment Uwte( .tates o Washingto11, D.C. 20520 it.ww.stute,gov UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUM FOR LTG(RET)J. KEITHKELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVE SECRETARY NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Amendment- Request for SpecialAir Missions Aircraft REF: Kenna-Kellogg Memorandum,dated August 17, 2017 Request approvalof the fo1lowingproposed White House Mission: Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. I. Requesting Principal: 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's foreign policy, Secretat)'of StateRexTillersonwilltravel to London,United Kingdomon _. Wednesday,?ep~m~r 13.~~_l7. to GBP.._~cip~teJn ~ultila~era~m~~ings. ' - ---. ,, 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact~ Keith L. Heffern, De ut Executive Director, ExecutiveSecretariat. .Mr. Heffern can be reached at (b)(6 ) or via I unclassified email at !(b)(6) He can also be reached al any time through the Department of State Operations Center. at! (b){6) 4. l Travel Itinerary: Location: Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, to London, United Kingdom . Date: The morning of Wednesday, September 13, 2017. Location ! London, United Kingdom to Andrews Air Force Base. Maryland . Date: The evening ofThursday, September 14, 2017. 5. AM RICAr\ Passenger Man1fest: See attachment. pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0914 DOD-17-0430-E-000334 6. Special Considerations: Aircraft should be made available on a non~reimbursablebasis. The Departmentrequests an aircraft with upgraded communicationinfrastructureto adequatelysupportExecutivebranch continuity co1nmunicationsrequirements. This wi11also provide needed support related to securityand schedulingconcerns,as well as maintenanceof secure communicationslinks. 7. The Departmentof State's Office of the Legal Adviser has clearedthis request. ~'I Li D. Kenna Q ExecutiveSecretary Attachment(2): Plane manifest Kenna-Kellogg Memorandum~dated August t 7. 20 t 7 AMt::HICAr\ 18-L-0088/ESD/0915 OVERSIGHT ____________________________ _ DOD-17-0430-E-000335 Drafted: Cleared: S/F.S-BX-JoyceHarley,7-6167 S/BS:DRogan- ok, 9/06/17 lJM: $Abramson- ok, 9/06/17 S/ES-Milrep:CBrickson- ~ 9/06/17 S/ES-BX- KHmfem- ok, 9/06/17 Approved: S/BS-BX:BNelson- ok, 9/06Jl7 .o \ . ? oo ? oo ,. ooo .. .... . . , AM RICAr\ OVERSIGHT ~- -~~-..- ~~~--..- ----. . -..- ..- ---~---- 18-L-0088/ESD/0916 ---~ - DOD-17-0430-E-000336 Plue Ma?lfest (Leg #t) LNda11t U?lted Kingdom AAA, Ullited 8ahl- Wedaeldly', 13-&p-2817 PAXCaplelty: 18 I, THGBPSECllSTARY 2. !(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) 3. EURRcp,acatlll1w. TBD 4. Hammond. lollertC.. s. Hoffem,KeithL. 6. Hopn. ~J. EUR SIP !:1;Jl%!&~ c} $IP SJES-EX SIES 9.-~orclr~M c s ,o.ldiD7 NEA II. NEA~.t_TBD 12. Peterlia. MargaretJ.A. 13. PRBSSOI.TBD s AP AP 14. p~~~~ 15.! {bX:tC? C 16. Smkh,Leew. 17. WaltoaIII, WilliamA. 18. Williams, MeredithB. ...... I SIES-1~-MC MED s ,..,.,,,MfB,.,..,.... PmwlpMO,!/oW rtecn Pagelof2 AM RICAr\ DVERSJG.H.I . 18-L-0088/ESD/0917 DOD-17-0430-E-000337 I. niGBPSECRETARY 2. !(b){6),(b)(7)(C) 3. EUJl~ve. TDD -4. H.nmood.RobcrtC . $. ff6n. KebhL. EUR SIP S/ES-EX SIES 6. Hopn.DereckJ . ~ 1fflMft~.C) SIP s 9. Me4yua.MunirDewanM. 10,! (b~~ ti. )r,J . ---TBD !2. Pet<rtMission Designationfor Travel t Request to approvalof the followingproposed White House Support Mission: 1. RequestingPrincipal: Mrs..Karen Pence, Second Lady of the United States 2. Purpose of the trip: ~en Pence has selectedArt Thcr{lpyas her initiativeas Second Lady. The officiallaunch will begin with a press conferenceheld at FloridaState University (FSU)~home to a nationallyacclaimedru.ttherapy grad'uat,e; education program. Following the press conference,Mrs. Penceplans to meet with FSU's current art therapy students and facultyand visit CanopyCove, a Tallahassee-basedresidentialeating.disorder treatmentcenteroffering art .therap)lservicesto dients . . 'The official launch of Mrs. Pence's initiative will serv~as afornm to highlightits three main objectives: 1) To elevate the profession so. diat people und~,:stand that art therapy is a mental healthprofession,and not arts and crafts; To help people understand that art therapy is a treatment option for various conditions,illnesses, andlife experiences;and 2) 3) a, To .encourage more young people to go into the profession, 3. !24 h~urPointofConracto futenhaoiaGongo,:a;._l (b _)(_6_) _______ (office)and~ b)(B) l ("-- 6 ___,I !(b)( ) Wednesday~October18, 2017 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 11:00 AM 1:10PM AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Depart Joint Base Andrewsto Tallahassee,FL ArriveTallahassee,FL Arrive Florida State University Press Conference AnnouncingArt Therapy Initiative Meet with Florida State Art TherapyStudents Canopy CoveVi~t 18-L-0088/ESD/0919 ~ ~\.) C --...J 4. TravelItinerary: 'IBD C> ~ DOD-17-0430-E-000339 3:00PM DepartTallahassee,FL for Joint Base Andrews 5. Total number of passengers.Mrs. Karen Pence, Second Lady. Please see attachment. 6. Special Considerations; Commercial travel is unfeasible given the tirtte Mrs. Pence needs to arriveTallahassee to. st&.1herevent. AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0920 DOD-17-0430-E-000340 Plane Manifest Tallahassee,FL Wednesday.October .ts. 2017 L Mrs. Karen Pence 2. 3. 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ms. Ktistan Nevins Ms. Kara Brooks Ms. Estephania Gongora Ms. Sara Egeland Ms. Cynthia Andrade Dr. DonnaBetts Dr. Sara Kass TBD TBD 11. 12. 13. 14. TBD TBD usss. TBD USSS TilD USSS Office of the Second Lady Office of the Second Lady Office of the Second Lady Office of the Second.Lady Office of the SecondLady American Art Therapy Association Creative Forces White House Digital Office White HousePhotographet o USSS Additionallnformati~:in: Your primary POG in the White House is Cabinet Affairs or NSC Exec 'Sec. For technieal information(rough .flight time$,crew rest/day regulations, etc) please contact, WHMO Operations: AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0921 DOD-17-0430-E-000341 000957 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Apr i 1 3, .201 7 MGBPMORANDUM roR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANTTO 'I'HS PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF :OR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG H. R. MCMASTER~~(->~ ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDEN':' FORNATIONAL SECUR:TYAFFAIRS Request SUBJECT: Wnite House Support Mission for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Designation Request approval 1. Requesting 2. Purpose foreign the of following Principal: propose ,d White Rex Tillerson House ; Secretary of t.he Trip: In furtherance policy, Secretary Tillerson Mission: of State . of the President's will travel to Mar-a - L1290, Florida 3. ~4-Ho11r Rolot (b)( 6 ) njme tbtauab (p)(6) 4. Travel of Contact : ! or via e-mail the Department I. Itinerary Gregry at of 1 J camob: 1 (b)(6 ) tate Operations a: lor any ;enter a~ {) : li_) Location : Andrews Air Force Base , Washington D. C. to Mar - a-Lago , Florida Date: Thursday, April 6, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning Lo.cation ; Mar-a-Lago, Florida Washington D.C. Date : Friday, April 7 , 2017 Requ_ested Time of Departure: 5. Passenger Complete AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT ~ -p to Andrews Air Force Base , .Afte.rnoon Manifest; passenger manifest attached p at. Tab A 18-L-0088/ESD/0922 - 05000435-g .~t 7/CMD0061"27 ,1'7 .., DOD-17-0430-E-000342 6. Special Considerations: nonreimbursa.ble Aircraft basis. will to be made available 6n a needed . support stemming from a tight schedule in the absence of timely and and security conc&rns. adequate cofl'U'l\ercial air connections would oalso enable necessary secure The aircraft communicat i ons lin~s This provide to be maintained. (b }(5),(b )(6 ) Attachment Tab A Incoming AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT Correspondence 18-L-0088/ESD/0923 DOD-17-0430-E-000343 .:... . .J" . ~ . ... ~'- .. . .-.:, . ,:.<.- ..' :~h~/:;>:: IiltJYt .... ' .,. .: --:~i:;:1\~. . -~''~;, ..;;t. _ _.:_; {~)~?_()_:..~~}.:/. __ ;{i::.._.._. ~.:\. - ... 1/2 >-.,::\.. .:;-.~: :~~.-.::_:r1 ..<. '.... __ :_?t'.?j.>;)\<.~ ..--' ":~:D: :i~);.,J,I.t .~ . .. ..";.."+1i..i."!.":,~-~,.. .!._.-. o ~ ._=.f. .; ;,:... o .o.'-":. -~,. _"?'J:.. ,; .o . .-.>~=~.:;~: ,:;,,. . . -=i~. .,_=j ..;:.-. 18-L-0088/ESD/0924 DOD-17-0430-E-000344 201703429 4:13 !2017 HbO AM [ ni k d S tat t>:--! J1o11i11.tni,.nl {,f Stal,i UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUMFOR LTG (RET)J. KEITHKELLOGG CJ-DEFOF STAf'F A:!';DEXECUTIVI::SECRETARY NATIO~AL SECURITY COT.JNCTI~ SUBJECT.: Request for Special Air !vfissionsAircraft. Tnfurtheranceof the President's foreignpolicyobj~tives and at the direction of the President..Secretary TiIIerson wiHdepart from Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. on the morning of Thursday, April 6 and travel to Mara-Lago., Florida, to participatein bilateral meetings . On the afternoon of Friday , April 7. the Secretary wilJ depart Mar-a-Lago ~ Florida and return to Andrews Ai.r Force Base . TheDepartment of State requests this be designated a White House Support Mission an.d that a Special Air \fissions aircr~ft be made available on a nonreimbursable basis to transport the Secretary and his part y ofar,proximately 10 passengers.which includes staff members and security personnel, from Washington, D.C. to Mar -a-Lago. F.lorida, April 6-7. 2017 . This wilt provide needed support related to security and scheduling ooncems, and will enable secure communicationslinks to be maintained. The point of contact for this mission is Gregory J. Cami,bell, Gen~ Services Officer, Executive Secretariat. Mr . Carn bell can be reached at~ Ior via unclassified e-mail at (b)(6) He can also be reached anytime through the Department o rations Center at !(b)(6) !(b)( 6 ) !(b)(6) AMERICAr\ T. . pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0925 I DOD-17-0430-E-000345 The Department ofState,s Office of the Legal Adviser has cleared this request. Attachment: Plane manifest AMERICAr\ OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0926 DOD-17-0430-E-000346 03-Apro:o!Hl9:?':';l6 A.'-1 i\tiffl micana1sob,,, l!ll!&bo4any11me through1heDepartmentof State OpaaationsCenter "-(b_H6_) __ ___.J 4. I at! t,t Travel Itinerary: Location:AndrewsAir Fon:eBase.Maryland,to Riyadh, SaudiArabia. Date: The ev.eniDof g Friday, October20, 2017. Location:.Riyadh, SaudiArabiato Doha, Qatar. Date: Theaftemooaof Sunday,Octobe22, r 2017. Location:Do~ .Qatar to Bagram.Afghanistan. Date: The morning of Monday,October 23, 2017. Location : BagramAfgban , istao to Doha,Qatar. Date: Thelatemorningof Monday,October23, 2017. Location:Doha,Qatarto Baghdad, Iraq. Date: The afternoonof Monday,October23, 2017. Location: . Bapdad, Iraq to Doha, Qatar. Date: Theevening_ofMonday, October23, 2017. Location:Doha, Qatar to IslaNbad, Palcista.n Date: The morningof Tuesday,October24, 2017. Location:18lamabed, ~stan to NewDelhi, India. Date: 1beeveningof Tuesday, Octobe24, r 2017. Location:New Delhi, India to Geneva. Switzerland. Date: the morningof Thursday, October26, 2017. Location:Geneva, SwitarJ,md to JointBue Andrews,Maryland. . Date: The afternoon ofThursday, Octobe26, r 2017. S. SpeciaConside l rations : Aircraftshouldbe made availableon a non-reimbursable basis. ~ Department requestsanaircraftwithupgraded 11111 ca1n11 icationinftutructureto adequatelysupportBxecutivebranchcontinuity M . pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0934 DOD-17-0430-E-000354 communicationsrequirements. Thiswill provide needed supportrelated to securityand 8Cheduling concerns,as well as . ce of secure communications links. . 6. On the morningof Monday,October3, the Secietaryused in-theater supportto fly ftomAl UdeidAir Base, . Qatar to BagramAir ForceBase, Afghanistan.The Secretaryreturned to Al deid Air Basethat afternoon. The Secretary thenproceeded&om Al UdeidAir Baseto BaghdadInternational Airport. PromJlaghded International o . the Secretaryused U.S.13mbassy Air assetsto fly via helicopterto the U.S. Bm" Baghdad Compound. 1be same . transportusets appliedon his return to Al U id Air Base the evening of October 111 1 " "' 23,2017. 7. PassengerManifest: See attacbrnP.Dt 8. The Deparlmentof Stateos Offic.eof request. Legal Adviserhas clearedthis October 16, 2017 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0935 DOD-17-0430-E-000355 ........... Mn.Udl!J--- ( #1) ............ "'1dl7,JUo-IYTIMBS NPR. RBUTBllS SIBs-a U.S.Bill! IIIJ)"BsatM U.S....._,.D..,... U.S.!WINI)' Blpdld AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0944 DOD-17-0430-E-000364 s SIP MIO s NBA a, U.S.Ba'o11111yD .. hd s.c.n,.U.S,111111 llf ..,..., A?l ...._,u.s.111o1-wBlplad AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0945 DOD-17-0430-E-000365 r. THESBCRBTAR.Y ' 2. Mllaa.AUcilM. ,.oo na..a. ... .o-Ala ~, J. ...... o- .. Hiamoacl,Mm:C. :r.1(M.l'b1c2 13. ,.,,,,,,, AP 8 CBS SIP ., ,. fflnll.0..U. 12. JCtJ1o11, Miral9L. CBS MC NYTIMIS """"S, 1ft BBUIBBS :~ l(b )(6 ),(b )(7)(C) 16. ~,ltlallenA. MID 17. ....II, MllpetJ. II. Bllllfleld, DIYidM. NBA AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT I s 18-L-0088/ESD/0946 DOD-17-0430-E-000366 CBS ,MJS.IRMMC AP s NPR REUTl!1tS .MID I s CT JCS -- AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT SCA. s 18-L-0088/ESD/0947 DOD-17-0430-E-000367 I. THI SICRl?l'AllY - CBS SIBS-IJM..MC Mlflr&AlfdlM. , ..... ,111omu1. 2. .......... ,...A. .AP s ~Rlrnftt . arouae 1. ---. if M. CBS SIP NYmGS .. Fmtow.1-8. ,. H-11-. Robert C. 10. ... 0lnllDell t. ~ ICtllll L. 12. Hapl.Dlll'ectJ. .,. Hoak.Brilnff. MIS-BX Sl'BS SIP t,. !(b)(6), (b}<7l(C} 15. u..n......_L NPR If.. !awhYJenedwn S, llBUTlltS 11. l(b)(6), (b)(7)(C) ...... ---------------' 19. ~KdlunA. Ml3D 21o .._MIIIIIDA. er 20o ..._ ...... J. 8 JCS 22. WIIDlr.lollnC. 23. ~AlloeO. 24. WU.,,Mnlidl B. SCA 8 6Uela:rmz::ao, e:twee Pqe5at7 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0948 DOD-17-0430-E-000368 SIP CBS SIP NYTIMES MIS-BX ,$/BS SIP 1ft oeu:rnt MBD ..... s ,es SCA 8 Prw",,.,.. RnN.,., ...... AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT A,(CT) M!e!lftlr:NLbO 18-L-0088/ESD/0949 DOD-17-0430-E-000369 ......,... ,._ ... ............. ....... . I, nllrSICU'f AllY 2. Amlill&AlldaM. S. DNll:nw.,__ ,R. CBS ........ ,..A. SIBS-IIM-MC AP . s ~ ,M:cfflffi? c1 7. a.....,CalllmM. ..,..,.,.,., ..c. , ........... ......... a... 11....... 12. ..... ~L o..lcJ. IJ. I~ ?--". ... ~,(b)(?)(C) I . IS. ._7.......,.L. If. LIINJly, .JINdIll S. ::: l(b)(6),(b)(7')(8 ) If. Miibii,::dliiiA NBD s 20. Pllidl,Mlrpl'IIJ. .21o. Wdclr.MIIC. 22. w.u.,AHoto. 2J. Wllllw....... I. PnMJJGBP2 oo -?,d ,cs SC4 .s ?d1ttC oI hW Plp1.t1 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0950 DOD-17-0430-E-000370 000497 REDO !! THE WHITE HOUSE WASHIN'GTON March 10, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGlN ASS!STANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF ST~FF FOR OPERATIONS FROM : LTG (RET) J . KEITH KELLOG:i;_t-~. SUBJEC'l': Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary of State Tillerson Request approval of the following proposed 1. Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance foreign policy, Secretary Tillerson South Korea, and China to participa~e meetings~ Thi ? malDOr&ndua ro~locto 1.tinerary. 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact : Eric any time through the Department. at !(b)(6} I 4. Travel Principal Itinerary : Rex Tillerso White House Mission: of the President's will travel to Japa n , ir. bilateral chan9es to tho travel l(b)( 5 Nelson at ) of State Operations Time I or Cente .r O : Location: Andrews Air Force Base to Tokyo, Date : Tuesday, March 14 , 2.017 Requested of State . ~, Secretary cf Departure , Japan Evening Location : Tokyo, Japan to Seoul , South Korea Date : Friday, March 17 , 2017 Requested Time of Departure ! Morning Location: Seoul, South Korea to th e D-.ilitari~ed Date! ,riday, March 17, 20 .17 Requested Time of Departure: Morning : Demi.l..i:tar.ised GBPone to Seoul, Friday, March 1.7, 2017 Requested Time of Depa r tur e: Afternoon Location South Zone ltorea Date; AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0951 DOD-17-0430-E-000371 Location: seoul1 south Korea to Beijing, Date: Saturday, March 18, 2017 Requested Time of Departure : Morning China Beijing, China to Andrews Air Force Base Date; Sunday, March 19, 2017 Requested Ti me of Departure : Morni ~g Location: 5. Passenger Please 6. Manifest: see attached . Special Considerations : Aircraft to be made available on a nonreimbursable basis . This will provide needed support stemming from a tight .schedule in the absence of timely and adequate commercial air co nnections and security concerns. The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications links to be maintained. (b )(5),(b)(6) AMERl "'_/\ _f\._ , 1..... _ ________________ PVE8 .$1GHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0952 _____. DOD-17-0430-E-000372 Tab A 201702008 . . .-;<.., .,.. ' Rev.II l nikd ~tatto~ D.-.part11w11tof ~tak 11.,,- /(' ..,/fl I,o ._l.!ll 1. ~:1~/ March 10~ 2017 UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUM FOR LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVE SECRETARY NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Amended U Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft REF: Macmanus-Kellogg Memorandum dated March 6, 2017 In furtherance of the President's foreign policy objectives and at the direction of the President, Secretary Tillerson will depart from Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. on the evening of March 14 and travel to Tokyo, Japan to participate in bilateral meetings. On the morning of March 17, the Secretary will depart Tokyo and travel to Seoul, South Korea to participate in bilateral meetings. On the morning of March 17, the Secretary and his party of approximately 10 passengers will travel via helicopter to visit the Korean Demilitarized Zone. The party will return to Seoul via helicopter that afternoon. On the morning of March 18, the Secretary will depart Seoul and travel to Beijing, China to participate in bilateral meetings. On the morning of March 19, the Secretary will depart Beijing and return to Andrews Air Force Base. The Department of State requests this be designated a White House Support Mission and that a Special Air Missions aircraft be made available on a nonreimbursable basis to transport the Secretary and his party of approximately 17 passengers, which includes staff members and security personnel, from Washington, D.C. to Tokyo, Seoul, and Beijing on March 14-19, 2017. This will provide needed support related to security and scheduling concerns, and will enable secure communications links to be maintained. AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0954 DOD-17-0430-E-000374 The point of contact for this mission is Eric Nelson, Executive Director, Executive Secretariat. Mr. Nelson can be reached at !(b)(6 ) or via 6 unclassified e-mail at!(b)() LHe can also be reached at any tirne L through the Department of State Operations Center at! (b)(6) I The Department of State's.Office of the Legal Adviser has cleared this request. Attachments ; Plane manifest Macmanus-Kellogg Memorandum dated March 6, 2017 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0955 DOD-17-0430-E-000375 09-Mar-2017 14:01:..q PM MitsiOll No. 37322 Tail Nu, 10041 Plane Manifest(Leg 1#1) AAFB, United States -Anchorage, United States Tuesday. 14-Mar-2017 PAX Capacity: 17 I. THE SECRETARY z_ !(b)[6),(b)(7)(C) ,3. Brown,He.ctor R. S/ES-S S/ES 4. fitZ$irnmons,Elizabeth M. 5. Hammond,RobertC. 6. Hickey, Chrlstopber S. 7. Hook Brian H. 8. !(b)(6) ,(b)(7)(C) 9. Kenn] Lisa S, 10. !(b)(6C b)(7)(C) I J. McCray, Kathleen A. 12. 13. 14. 15. SIP S/ES-IRM-MC SIP s MEO Independent Journal Review McPike, Erin Nelson,Eric G. Peterlin. MargaretJ. S/ESoEX s EAP Thornton, Susan A. :~: !(brc~~'.(J;')(?~qdirb s B AddsIn,V.[B. UnitedStates SeatRequest Dropsin AAFB,UnitedStates Page I of6 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0956 DOD-17-0430-E-000376 09oMaro24117 14:01:SBPM '"isslon:N:o.3"7822 Tai ".'lio.lOIMI Plane Manifest (Leg #2) Anchor:age, Unitoo Stateso Tokyo, Japan Tuesday , 14-Marol017 PAX Capacity: 17 !. THESECRETAR Y 2. lw JgMFI, UnitfdStates Pagel of2 AMERICAr\ Q\lERSIGtlJ 18-L-0088/ESD/0972 DOD-17-0430-E-000392 M-Ju-:zt17 12:ti;31 PM MIiiion No.~ T,U No.1$1 Plane Manifest~ #2) C;u1cun,Medcoo ,\AFB, United States Wedriesday,21.Jon-201 7 PAX Capacity: 17 t. THESECRETAR.Y SJES.lRM-MC 2. B~ lc~~ ~o~ R. 3. !(b 6) b{7C ~:1cS1Sf.C~,~ the morningof JW1e19 and travel to Cancun,~co to participate in the OAS GeneralAssembly. . :c..~, ~~ .. ~~ .-. On the afternoonofJ~ AndrewsAir ForceBase. 21.,:~~ .~. . .win depart Cancunand r~tup'ftn._{i4: :, ...-': " The Departmentof State requeststhisbe designateda WhiteHouseSupport Missionand that a SpecialAir Missionsaircraftbe made availableon a nonteimbursablebasis to transportthe Secretacyand hisparty of approximately17 passengers, which includesstaff membersand securitypersonnel, ftom Washington.D.C. to Cancwion Jtme19-21, 2017.o Thiswill provide needed supportrelatedto securey and schedulingconcerns,and will enable secure communicationsfinksto be maintained. Thepoint of contactfor this missionis GregoryJ. Campbell,Supervisory GeneralSer1'ices Officer,ExecutiveSe~at, Mr.C~bell cant reachedat !(b)(6) Ior via unclassifiede-mailat }b)(6) He~ be teaehedat any time through the Department of State Operations Center~ !(b)(6) l AMr-FllCAr\ .OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0974 DOD-17-0430-E-000394 . .. - . ? o o o AM RICAr\ .OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0975 o ~. hoo DOD-17-0430-E-000395 ' IIJN-JOl7 IJ:41:81AM MlaitaNo. TIIINo. i'taae Muifest (Lee #1) ~ 11.W SWeii-C.-0, Mt~ Me11clay.1Hu-2017 PAX C.,-eit)': 17 l. TlfE $GBPCRETARY 2. 3. 4. sn mMexicoon February22-23,2017. Thiswill provideneededsupportrelatedto securityandschedulingconcerns,and will enablesecurecommunicationslinksto be maintained. The pointofcontact for this missionis JonathanMennuti ~ Bx~vo Director, ExecutiveSecretariat.Mr. Mennutican be reachedat [< ?6C 6 viaunclassified~I a,!(b)( ) ! fie bereachedoany 4 timethroughthe Departmentof StateOperaiioosCenterat (b)(5) can.,lr AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0980 or J DOD-17-0430-E-000400 The Departmentof State's Officeof the LegalAdviserhas clearedthis request. JosepaE. Macmanus ExecutiveSecretary .. ...... .. ... . AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0981 DOD-17-0430-E-000401 Approved: S/BS-BX-Jonathan Mennuti(ok) Pickett,7-5467 Drafted: SIBS-EX- Margarita Cl~: AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 8/BS:BHwrt-(ok) IJM: AKottmyer-(ok) S/BS-Milrep:CEriclcson- {olc) 18-L-0088/ESD/0982 DOD-17-0430-E-000402 ...... ,....... 13-M-Jll'J' 17:ll:tl N Plue Mnlr.t(Lea #I) .UO. UaltedS&ao-MedcoCltJ, Mexico ~edntstay,~2017 PAXCaptdty: 42 l. Tim S!CRBTAJtY ~ =ASSIST.=~9:_CRB'TAllY, TBD ::l(bX6M @rrC) .a.-DQI .~1 (:::: 6. ,M. 7. Hat tD, laaoaBmer <_ ........................ ......_ ____________ 11.I.... __, 12, VCJEAM O 1BD SlFS-DM-M5 14. S/J;S:EX . 11.!(b)(6),(b)( 7)(C) ~ ,.,,.., 1t. 15. !(b@Llb) (~ 16. PASPOICESPBJtSON, TBD PA PA 17. PASTAFFER.01, TBD PA 11. PA STAPFlll02, TBD s 19. PaHn.M....20. PRESSQI,1BD 21. PRESSO'l.TBD 22. PRESS03, TBD 23. PRESS04, TBD AP AP .AP AP AP 24. PRESS0$, lBD 25. S1mon Batbo1omau1. loanL 2'. Weh m WIJtitmA L . ' SIP.S-S MRD 27. !(b){ 6),(b)(7)(C) 2& 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. \ 36. 37. 31. 39. 40. 41. 42. oooMDnv,...,ew- PrwloMDeY?-!IWe Pqelof2 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0983 DOD-17-0430-E-000403 ............ (Le&#:2) Meuo ctty,Mafco-MPB, Ualted~ Tll?nay, 23-F-.2017 PAX C.padty; .C 1, TitE SECIETAR.Y 2. ASSISTANT SECRETAllY, 1BD 3. Browp.HectorIt. ~ l (b)(6),(b)( 7)(C) ,. Grw. Kmn M. 'IBD S/B&,S SIBS-$ a. 11am.1an1111eaxrer 9. ~TBDl 10. lcb6.b7C SIES AILS s 11. ~LlsaS. 12. lfbl< Z}CC) 13. MC1BAM#1 JBP =oI, SIESoJRIMrfC 14. !(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) SIE$:EX 15 1($Ll)Y! .~ PA 17, PASPODSPEUON~11ll) PASTAFFSR.01, tBD 19. t>ASTAPFEk02, TBD 20. ,........,.._ ta. PA ,A 21. PUSS OJ,TBD 22. PUSS 02, T8D AP 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30o .3l . 32. 33. 34. 3S. s AP AP PUSS 03,1'BD o PRESS04,'IBD PRESSO.S, TBD SJmaaBlrdK>Jom1ua, loa L. .-~. ' ?o ~ o AP AP SIES-S MBQ WJlw A Jlobm IQ. !(b)(6) ,(b)(7)( C) 36. 37, 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. wozsr PmfteMgaCIJ,,.., AM!leMske qty, M,ag OSSo TBD01,DSS, (DSS) .face2ofl AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0984 DOD-17-0430-E-000404 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 15, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOSEPH HAGIN SUBJECT: WHITE HOUSEMISSION REQUEST The attached request is for designation as a White House Support Mission. The Secretary of State will travel to Mexico City, Mexico on February 22-23, 2017. A C-32A is available mission requirement reimbursable basis. and will meet a non- <=:iQ_________ Deputy Assistant to the President and Director, White House Military Office AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0985 DOD-17-0430-E-000405 WH-SfCSfR . Nvtre122.23EM1D Requesting Agency STATE Principal Traveler's Last Name Tillerson Start Date Feb 22, 2017 End Date Feb 23, 2017 Unit 89thAW Itinerary Mexico City, Mexico Date Received Feb 14 2017 PusengerCount (b)(6) Submitted < 7 Days Approved < 4 Working Daya Secure Communications Secure Comm. Comments Commercia l Tran s portation Involved __ _ Trip Contact Jonathan Mennuti Trip Contact Phone ~ Trip Status L___J DCOS Coordination Type Tr ip Comment ReviewedBy Oechmerowski, Felix C. CIV WHMO/OPS Trip Archive State Open Documtml t!21!!!S1!2!! Tl!III ~ ~ Date '2CQ~ C22all!!111!1 hRI ~~ CVAM QiQ ~ Feb 15, 2017 !,!Q~dl!! ill RevNSSMemo Yes Yes Welter, Kimberly L. LtCol USAF WHMO/OPS White Note Yes Yes Feb 14, 2017 Welter , Kimberly L. LtCol USAF WHMO/OPS Advance Copy State Memo Yes Yes Feb 14, 2017 Welter, Kimberly L UCol USAF WHMO/OPS NSSMemo Yes Yes Feb 14, 2017 Welter, Kimberly L. LtCol USAF WHMO/OPS Trtplt!Dfl'lrv DV Load (L) Date Local 22. Feb17 22/1346 13:46 KADW 22. 22/1701 17:01 MMMX JOINT BASE Feb-17 ANDREWS TO LICENCIADO BENITO JUAREZ C-32 80002 37659 23- 2311701 17:01 MMMX232312146 21:46 KADW LICENCIADO Feb-17 BENITO JUAREZ TO JOINT BASE ANDREWS C-32 80002 37659 Feb17 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Time ICAO Acft Tall # Man# Travel Itinerary 18-L-0088/ESD/0986 DOD-17-0430-E-000406 o Gro,mJ Aircraft 37659 Mission#: Executive Airlift Support Mission 6 Version#: Status: CONFIRMED GOSS#: Aircraft Type: From Dept ZULU Deptucal Date/Time Daie/TimL z To ETA ZULU ETA Local Dare! n- z C--HJB ETE Dist Duty (NM) Day nm.. leg TailII 0+00 I 10041 KADW 22-Feb-17 2JAS 11-FeJ,..17 16:45 oS.O MMMX 23-Fel>-l7 02:30 21-FelJ./7 11>:JI) +6.0 04+45 1.636 6+45 19+15 2 10041 MMMX 2:l-Fel,-17 21:45 2J-FeJ,..J7 1$:45 +6.0 KADW 01:40 23-Felt-l7 2(NO 03+55 1,6:\6 S+SS Date/Time 24-Feb-17 +S.O Total Planned Hows: DoD ReimbursementRate Estimatedflight Hour Costs: $47,251.S:0 Total Pax: 22 8.67 ~ 8 +40 $5450 PASSENGERS KAOW/MMMX MMMXIKADW I ACTIVELEG I ACTIVE LEG AIRPQRTS KADW Airport. JOINT BAS[ ANDREWS City: CAMPSPRINGS State: MD Country: USA MMMX Airport: UC. B. JUAREZINTL City: MEXICOCITY State: Country: MEX Printed at 2/16/2017 8:55:20AM pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0987 DOD-17-0430-E-000407 001110 TttE WtilTE HOUSE WASl-\lNGTON MEMORANDUM FOR JOE. HAGIN ASSISTANTTO THE !'RESIDENT AND D~PUT'i CHIEf LTG H.R. MCMASTEV~e..f~~ FROM: ASSISTANT TO T~PRES!DENT E'ORNATIONALSECURITY AFFAIRS . Request White Rouse support Mission Designa 10n for Secretary Ross and Ch.:..ef of Staff Reince Priebus SUBJECT: Request approval 1. Ot STAE'E' FOR OPERATIONS of the following proposed Whi te House Mission : of Commerce, Requesting Principals: Wilbur Ross, Secretary Reince Priebus , Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furthe r an ce of the President ' s foreign policf objectives and at the direction of President, Secret:ary of Commerce Wilbur Ross and .Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff Reince Priebus traveled from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, to Washington, D.C., on May 21". 3. 24-Hour thp Point of Contact: Jonathan Mennu t i, Center 4. Travel Itinerary: Location .: Riyadh , Saudi Arabia Date: Sunday, M~y 21 , 2017 Requested Time o! Departure: 5. Passenger Attached o. AMERICAr\ ,,,,n,....e+.p,,.,.u_t.._Y ___ _, _. ....... __._""'"Fcut ive Secretariat at !..., (b-' )..._ (6__)____ """"'~----~or through the State Operations ~~...._ to Washington, o. c. TBD Evening Manif ett : at Tab Special Considerations : In-the3ter aircraft to be made available on a nonreitnbursable oasis. This wil : provide pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0988 1111111111111 HUU '..oSD01444S~t-J/CM0019067~11 . - DOD-17-0430-E-000408 needed support stemming from a tight schedule in the absence of timely and adequate commercial air connections and se,curity concerns. The aircraft "'ould also enable necessary secure c ommunications links to be maintained. (b)(5),(b)(6) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0989 DOD-17-0430-E-000409 Tab A 1 0990 201706631 j- t'lay 19, 2017 UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDU'1{FOR LTG {RET)J. KEITH KELLOGG CffiEF OF STAfP AND .l;XECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONAL SECURITYCOUNCIL SUBJECT:Requestfor SpecialAir MissionsAircraft In furtheranceof the President' s foreign policy objectives and at the directionof the President, SecretaryTillerson Willdepart from Andrews Air For:c:e Basein Washington, D.C. on the morningof May 19and travel to Riyadhi Saudi Arabia to participatein bilateraland multilateralmeetings. On the morningof Monday;M.ay 22, the Secretarywill join the Presidenton Air Force One and continue to Tel Aviv, Rome and Brussels where he will participatein bilateral meetings with the President. In the evening of Sunday,May 21, SecretaryRoss and Chief of Staff Preibus will travel from Riyadh, Saudi Arabia back to WashingtonD.C. The Departmentof Sta e requeststhis be designateda White House Suppc;,rt Missionand that a SpecialAir Missionsaircraftbe made availableon a nono . reimbursablebasis to transponthe Secretariesand their parties, whichincludes staffmembersand security,personnel,fromWashington,D.C. to Riyadh,Saudi Arabia and return to Washington. This will provide needed support related to security and schedulingconcerns,and willenable secure communicationslinks to be maintained, The pointof contactfor thism.ssion is JonathanMennud,DeputyExecutive Director,Executive Secretariat. Mr. ennuti can be reached at !(b)(6) Ior 6 via unclassifiedeomail at (b){ ) He can alfo be reachedat any time throughthe Departmentof State OperationsCenter at (b)(6) I AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0991 DOD-17-0430-E-000411 The Departmentof State's Office of the Legal Adviserhas cleared this request. AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0992 DOD-17-0430-E-000412 1a.N,rol0l 1 1':!il:20 PM i'lis91uNo.31'99 ToII No. 100.U PlaneManJresf(Leg #I) AAFB,United States o Belfast, Unittd Kin&d o111 Friday, 19-May-2017 PAX Capacby: 17 I. THESECRETARY ; : l(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) J:lororoond Boben C s.!(o)(6),(b)(7)(C) stP 6. Hook,BrianH. 7. Jones,Stuan GBP. 8. ~n, MunirDewanM, SIP 4. NE/\ .s 9. l(Q(b)(7)(C) 10. McCray, KathleenA. MED S1GBPS-E X I I. Mennuti,Jonathan.R. 12. Pe1erliri, MargaretI , ll . Smith, LeeW. 14. .s S'ESoIIU..t MC 0 s Williams, Meredith B SUIBMwt DramIPAAfl, UnJted sr,r,. Pact 1 of 4 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0993 DOD-17-0430-E-000413 l1-l'tbyo21l716:M:2tPM 1.,a No. IOIMI ~liUioa r.o,,.JIM Plane Manlfesl(Leg #1) Belf1st,U?lted klqdo1n - Rlyadb,SaudiArabia Freday,19-May-2011 PAXCapacity: 17 L THE SECRETARV ; : l{b)(6),(b)(7)(C) 4. Hammond, Robert C. SIP S. !(b)(6) .(b)(7){C} 6. HPOk,Brian H. SIP 7. NEA Jones,Stuan E. s ::!(~Wut)tlj(~)P@wnu M 10. McCray,KalhlcenA. 11. Mennu1i. JonlllhanR. 12. Peterlin,MargaretI. I 3, Smith,LeeW. f? . Williams.Mensdith 8. MED S/ES-EX s S/ESoIRM-MC s SeitReqyut Addsle Btxofb AmbrosInl, Mldlalf Clark, ~otthr. Larraurl.4'osd Prtclla1,Rein<< luffeny,Shawn 1ft Jo1es, Stuart ,-?b~o/%51. McCray,l(athlee11 Ptttrlht, Mupnt Rockls, JllmtS Ross.Wilbur, Wendy Wilson,Orl,tQpller S1?h.h,lM WIiiiams.Mefflllth Pqe2of4 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0994 DOD-17-0430-E-000414 11-Ml)'olOi 7 16:51:ltPM Min.lei>1'41>; Jlfl9 TIii NO.I~ I Plane Mani rest (Leg #3) Rlyadh,,Saudl Arabia. Bel(asl, ~inadom Sunday, 21-May-2017 PAX Caparlly: 17 l. Ambrosini, Michael EOP ;: l(b )(6 ),(b)(7)(C) 4.. Larrauri, Aniiel S. Mennuti, JonalhanR. 6. Priebus,Ri:ince DOC S/ES-EX' EOP DOC DOC 7. Rafferty, Shawn B. Rockas,James Ross, Wi1"'-irI.. 10. Tcmroo!OWendv 11.!(b)(6 ),(b)(7 )(C) 9, DOC DOC Pogc3 or4 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0995 DOD-17-0430-E-000415 ll-lb1-2GIT l,:S8:JO P\I l\llalm No.31489 hll No,)0041 Plane Maniftst (Leg #4) Bclta,t.UnitedKln1clo1n - AAFB Monday,21-May-2017 PAX Capacity: 17 Michael 1. Ambrosini, ;: l(b )(6),( b )(7)(C) 4. EOP DOC Larrauri, An~l 5. l(~~ b~ C) 6. , 1. Rafferty, Shawn EOP DOC 8. Rock?s, James DOC 9. 10. Ross,WilburL. DOC ince ooc Teramoto. Wendy I 1. !(b)(6),(b)( 7)(C) Page4 of 4 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0996 DOD-17-0430-E-000416 July 13, 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR JOSEPH HAGIN ASSISTANT'TO THE PRESIDENT i AND DEPUTYCHIEFOF STAFFFOR OPERATIONSJJ ~ ~ Kristan King Nevins, Chief of Staff to :Mrs, Karen Pence"{J\--~"\ Request White House SupportMission Designationfor Ttavel FROM: Sl)BJECT: Request to approval of the following proposedWhite House Support Mission: 1. Requesting Principal : Mrs. Karen Pence , Second Lady of the United States 2. Purpose of the trip: Mrs . Karen Pence has selected Art Therapy as.ner initiative as Second Lady . Billings Clinic offers . Montana's most robust behavioral health system and ~iands as the state,oslargest health care organiz.ation.The Clinic has a unique focuson offering a more holisticapproachto treatingpatientsthroughits HealingEnvironmentProgram.The Montana art therapy story is emblematic of the larger story t4at art therapy .services are not available to many citizens across the entire country; especially in.more rural areas and the central part of the U.S. Forthis reason,a.visit to Montanacouldhelp highlight the benefitsof art therapy to the medical professionals working in the state. and Billings Clinic, in particular, has already made strides to focus on unique, holistic approachesto helping treat patients. Additionally, Montana has a large population of veterans, and art therapy has proven an effectiveway to treat veteranssufferingfrom PTSD and TBI. Mrs. Pencewill travel to Billings, MT, on 28 Jilly, where she will engagewith 80 - 100 staffat BillingsClinicto discussart therapy. . .Point of Contact: Estephania Gongora'.l(b)(6) 3, ~ur ~office) an~ (b)(6) !(cell) 1._ ___________ ___. .\ ) . 4. Travel Itinerary: (~ Thursday, July 27,,2017 C TBD 11:30 AM Depart JointBas~ Andrews to :Billings,Montana ArriveBillings; MT TBD Meeting with local art therapists r-. --c RON Billings, MT Friday, July 28 . 20,17 12:00 PM 1;2.:10 PM Arrive Billings Clinic Tour of fru::ilities 12:30 PM Programbegins 18-L-0088/ESD/0997 DOD-17-0430-E-000417 [~15 PM Remarks by Mrs. P~nce Presentation ends~Q&A begins RON Billings,MT Saturday.July 29, 2017 TBD PM Depart Billings, Mon1anafot Joint Base Andrews 5. T-Ota.I Jl'\1tnbe1of passengers.Mrs. KarenPcllce,S~pd Lady. Please-see~hment. 6. s-iaJ Considerations: (b)(5),(b)(6) AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0998 DOD-17-0430-E-000418 Plane Manifest Billings, Montana July 27-29, 20.17 (b)(5) 1(b)(6) AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/0999 DOD-17-0430-E-000419 002704 1',E.t)O TKE WHITGBP HOUSE WASHlNGTON .August 4, 2017 "EMORANOUH FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT ANO DEPUTY CHie.F OF 'STAf'E' E'OR OPERATIONS (}., FROM: LTG ~. R. MCMASTEV~ .~ ASSISTANTTO ~Hf PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAf'FAIRS SUBJECT: Request White House. Support Mission Designation for General Anthony . Zinni Assistant Request approval of Secretary the following artd Deputy Timothy .tenderking proposed White House Mission : L Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trip : ln furtherance of the President's foreign policy, General Anthony Zinni and Deputy Assistant Princ i pal: Rex Tillerson, of State :, Secretary Sec.retary Timothy Lenclerking will travel to Kuwait City, Kuwait they will participate in meetings. They wil1 also travel to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; Doha, Qatar; Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Muscat, Oman; Manama, Bahrain; and Ceiro, Egypt. 3. . :D ....,._,~ ........ ::.J..l.......,,..._--.i. 11in, or through 4. Travel Itinerary the State <) Location: ~uwait City, Kuwait to Jeddah, Date: Tues~ay, August 8, 2017 Time of Departure .: Kuwait Saudi -Arabia Morning Loc~tion: Jeddah, Saud1. Arabia to Doha, Qatar Date : Tuesday, Auguot 8, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT G' {V : Location: tmdrews Alr Foree Base to Kuwait City, Date: Sunday, Au9ust 6, 2017 R&quested Time of Departure; Morning Bequested C 18-L-0088/ESD/1000 DOD-17-0430-E-000420 Location : Doha , )atar Lo Manama, Bahrain Date : Wednesday, August 9, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Mornin9 Location: Manama, Bahrain to Muscat, Oman Date: Wednesday, August 9 1 2017 Requested Time of Depacture: Afternoon Location : Muscat, Oman to Abu Dhabi, Date : .Wednesday , August 91 2017 Requested Ti me of Departure: Evening Location: Abu Dhabi, United i\r.Jb Emirates Date : Thursday, August 10, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon Cairo, Egypt to Andrews Air Dare: Frida.y, August 11, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning I.,~catiQn ; 5. Passenger Attached Arab Cmirates United Force to Cairo , Egy~L Bas e M6nifes~: at Tab A. Special Considerao,ions : aircraft to be made available on a norireimbursablelbasis . This will provide needed support stemming from a tight schedule in the absence of timely and adequate commercial air connections and security concerns. The aircraft would also enable (b)(5 ),(b)(6) Attachment Tab A AM RICAr\ Incoming pVERSIGHT Correspondence 18-L-0088/ESD/1001 DOD-17-0430-E-000421 w1,ow.11t11( AUG- UNCLASSIFIED L MEMORANDUMFOR LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Request for Special AirMissionsAircraft In furtheranceof the President's foreignpolicy objectivesand at the direction of the President.General AnthonyZinni and Deputy AssistantSecretary Timothy Lcnderkingwill depart from AndrewsAir Force Base on the morningor Sunday, August 6, 2017. enroutelo Kuwait City, Kuwaitwhere they will participatein meetings. On the morningof Tuesday, A\lgust S, 2017, DAS Lenderkingand General Zinni will travel from Kuwait City cnroute to Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.On the afternoon of Tuesday, August 8, 20 I 7, DAS Lenderking and Genera.I Zinni will travel frpmJeddah enroute tq Doha, Qatar. On theJnoming of General Zinni willtr~el from Wednesday,August 9, 2017, DAS Lendcrking Doha enroute to Manama, Bahrain. On the afternoon of Wednesday,August9, 2017, DAS Lendedcingand General Zinni will travel from Manamaenroute to Muscat, Oman. On the evening of Wednesday,August 9t 2017, DAS Lcnderking and General ZinnJwill travel from Muscat enroute to Abu Dhabi, UAE. On the afternoon of Thursday, August 10, 2017, DAS Lenderking and General Zinni wrll travel from Abu Dhabi enroute to Cairo, Egypt. On the rnoming ofFridayi August 11, 20171 DAS Lenderkingand General Zinni willtravel from Cairo enrouteto AndrewsAir Force Base. and The Departmentof State requeststhis be designated a WhiteHouse Support Mission and that a Special Air Missions aircraft be made availaole on a non-reimbursable basis to transport DAS Lenderking and General Zinni and the of approximately 2 passengers, which includT staff m~mbers from ashington, D.C. tlrty 1 The point of contact for this mission is Jeffiey Sillin.0~ Desk Officer, NEAiARP. Mr. Jeffrey Sillin can be reachedat (b)(6 ~ or via unclassified UNCLASSIFlED AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1002 DOD-17-0430-E-000422 UNCLASSIFIED -26 e-mailatl (b)( ) He can alsobe reachedat ?nY time throughthe Departmentof State OperationsCenterat ((b )(6) l l TheDepartment of Si.te's Office.~ . __ of...-~ requesL Attachment: PlaneManifest ...... . o' _ UNCLASSIFJED AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1003 DOD-17-0430-E-000423 ) t .JIIJ.ll 1116::t:fM ,,., liillliM N11. 1'1111 No. Plllne M1nlfnl ~AFB, Uoltcd Stata - KtawoM, SaudiA.-.bla,Qatar, UA E.Om1D,Bahrain,GBP&yp1 S11ada:,,6 -Au1o2017- Friday, A.u1u11 11,2017 PAX C1p1clty: 4 OSD I. BIIIICh.. l.once R, Bri81'dltrGmual 2. Lcnderki~ Ti1110(hy A. NEA 3. Sillin. JcffrwyH. '1. Zillni. Anthony.(;eneral NF.A NEA PageJ ofl AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1004 DOD-17-0430-E-000424 003355 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON September 21, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG M6~ IIZAA a. R. MCMASTER ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITYAFFAIRS Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson SUBJECT : Request approval of the follo~ing Principal; proposed White House Mission: 1. Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the Ptesident's Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will foreign policy, travel to Beijing, China to participate in bilateral meetings . 3. 24.Hour Point of contact ! Gregory Campbell, Supervisory Execoti ue ~ocretal'iat , General Services Offi,er lfb)(6) L !(b)(B) ~ or via State Ops at Travel Secretary of State. j. _(b)(6) 4. Rex Tillerson, Itinerary: Location: Andrews AFB, r-,aryland, to Beijing, Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon China L9cation; Beijing, China to Andrews AFB, Maryland Date: Saturday, - September 30, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning 5. Passenger Man if e1t: see ~ttached 6. list . Special Coosideraeions: nonreimbursable basis . ', AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Aircraft This will to be made available on a provide needed support 18-L-0088/ESD/1005 I IIH~HI HUI. U .o -o SD014442~17/CM00190SS.~11 --DOD-17-0430-E-000425 stemming from a tight schedule in the absence of timely and adequate commercial air connections and security concerns. The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications links to be maintained. }' AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1006 DOD-17-0430-E-000426 Tab A 201714625 U(lited States Department of State o Was~in_gton,D.C. 20520 UNCLASSlFIED September2112017 MEMORANDUMFOR LTG (RET)J, KEITHKELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFFAND EXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONALSECURITYCOUNCIL SUBJECT:Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft Requestapprovalof the followingproposedWhiteHouseMission: 1. Requesting Principal : Rex TiJJerson. Secretary of State. 2. Purposeof the Trip: In furtheranceof the President's foreignpolicy, Secretaryof State Rex Tillersonwilltravelto Beijing,Chinaon Thursday, September28, 2017, to partici~e in bilateralmeetings. 24-Hour Point of Contact: Gregory Campbellt Superviso~ General Services Officer,ExecutiveSecretariat. Mr. Campbellcan be reachedat i_b)( 6) Ior 6 via unclassifiedemail ad (h)( ) l He can al~o~ reached,, any time through the Department of State ]b){6) 3. 4. Travel Itinerary: Location: Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland,to Beijing. China. Date: The afternoon of Thursday,September28, 20 l 7, Location: Beijing, China to Andrews Air Force Base, Mmyland. Date: The morningof sawrory, September30, 2017. 5. Passenger Manifest: See attabhment. 6. Special Considerations: Aircraft should be made available on a AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1008 DOD-17-0430-E-000428 2 non~reimbursable basis. The Departmentrequestsan aircraftwith upgraded communicationinfrastructureto adequatelysupportExecutivebmnch continuity communications requirements.Thiswillalsoprovideneededsupportrelatedto security and schedulingconcerns,as well as maintenanceof secure communicationslinks. 7. The Departmentof State's Officeof the Legal Adviserhas clearedthis request. Attachment: Plane manifest AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1009 DOD-17-0430-E-000429 l \( ,. \SMUro 02-0ct-2017 ii. 50 AM Page , of 1 ,ort ::RJ::IMBl'RSt:;\h:~T IS Rt:Ql !REil fOR ALL ti\ '()ffl( 'lAL l'ASSt'.~GERS TRIP ITINERARY MEMORANDUM fOR THERECORD I Thefollowingindividualswere manifestedaboardthe followingaircraft. i f QJ I I Cl Mission No: 39581 I.all1"40: 9Q004/j0003 ~ C) ... 0 .u 0 QI C1I C:: Cl <{ ~ Lt. ... 0 -0 u: -om.c >, .Y. .m~ -~ ~ .c. co' ~ u i II,) -i - ... C: tJ) <( ro gi 0 0 CJ r- QJ ~ <(g :t z 0 ~ .i= :s ~ u Q1 C: :0 . I- 0 ~ . . . .'. - . ~I I ' . Io . . . . o I ,.,. TILLERSON. REX SECRETARYOF STATE BRAY.LEAH (1) >, .:,:. _gt:: <( ..J 4( {.) Qiilll(llQfTri'1; iA-?12-aglZo Q1.Qs.HQ1Z NAMESAND OFFICES 0 (1) oI. ~ o. DIR.ECTORFOR CHINA I BROWN,CLINTON . EXECUTIVEASSISTANT CAMP8ell, GREGORY SERVICESOFFICER SUPERVISORYGENERAL --~-~f .lSSENSTAT,EVERETT DEPUTYASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENTFOR INTERNATIONAL ECONOMICAFFAIRS Io . .. :: . . . .I . . . . . . . . ' I o .. ... . i . I. .. o ! * I (b)(6),(b )(7)(C) HAMMOf,10, R08ERT SPOKESPERSON f I o i o i o l ..' (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) HICKEY,CHRISTOPHER ft,FORMATIONMANAGEMENTSPEC1.r.1 o~T ' . (b)(6),(b )(7)(C) . PETERLIN . MARGARET CHIEFOf STAFF SMITH.LEE I 8RANCHCHIEF THORNTON.SUSAN : ACTINGMSISTANT SECRETARY ~ : WALKER,JOHN ' POLICYADVISOR. I WALTERSIll, WIL 1AM ' .PHYSICIAN i WEIGOLDSCHULTZ EVA DEPUTYEXECUTIVESECRET~Y ..-...- - ..--. -.. WILKINSONTRACY I ' : JOURNALIST. !,.OSANGELESTIMES WILLIAMS A8JGAll PRESS,NBC l WIUIAMS, .MEREDITH SPECIALASSISTANT . Io! o . ~ I o . o. . j . I o i o . .. . J . ;. ~ . .l.~ . . . ' lo ! ' ; o I o I I oI . X . o i o ' o o . *. . . . .. o . . . o. . . . . . . I u S:-1.rn ... _._,..,._, pVERSIGHT * o . . .. o ' ! J\M 18-L-0088/ESD/1010 av P1&pa1ac1 Maunav, Koztowslty l .-;U~\SSlt It.11 DOD-17-0430-E-000430 ze.&p-lt1'7 l.M4:47PM Milliol No.fflll Td N-. IGtOI Plaac Manifest(Lea #1) AAFB, United States o Allcllorqe,United Stata Thursday,2~2017 PAXC1p1cky:17 I. THESECRETARY 2. ASSISTANTSECRETARY.EAP,TBD 3. Brown.ClintonS. 4. campbell, Grqory J. 5. CHIEFOF STAFF,T8D 6. DSS.TBD0I.DSS 7, DSS o TBDOl, DSS 8. DSSo TBD 03, DSS 9. DSS o TBD 04, OSS I0. Hammond,RobertC. 11. MCTEAM,# I, TBD 12. PRESS0 I, TBD 13. PRESS 02, IBO 14. WahersUl, WilliamA. IS. WeigoldSchulu.,Eva A. 16. Williams,MeredithB. 17. kit BNwt EAP s S/ES-EX s DSS DSS DSS DSS SIP S/fS.IRMoMC AP AP MED S/ES s Dnzm 1,MfB, UolJed swa AddsloMfl, Vol!dSWn Page I of6 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1011 DOD-17-0430-E-000431 lt-Sep-201?ll:A4=''7PM MIAlln No.39!11 Tai No.,_I PIHe M1nlrest(Lea #2) Aaeborage,IJalteclStates - Tokyo, Japaa 1lu1rsd1y,2S-Sep-2Gl 7 PAXCap1city;17 I. THE SECRETARY 2. ASSISTANTSECRETARY.EAP,TBD 3. Brown,ClintonS. 4. Campbell,OregoryJ. !. CHIEFOilSTAFF,TDD 6. DSSo TBD0 I. DSS 7. DSSo TBD Dl. DSS B. DSSo TBD03, DSS 9. DSS- TBD04, DSS 10. Hammond,Rob<>D 01, DSS 7. DSS- TBD 02, DSS 8. OSS- TBD 03, DSS 9. DSSo TBD04, DSS 10. Hammond, RobertC. 11. MCTEAM,# 1, TBD 12. PRESS01, TBD 13. PRESS02, TBO 14. Waltersm,WiWamA. 15. WeigoldSchultz,Eva A. 16. William, Mmdith B. 17. SWkwt DeenI? Tan EAP s S/ESoEX s DSS DSS DSS DSS SIP SIBS-lRM-MC AP AP MED S/ES s AddslaTokye, ltPIP bell Pa1eJ of6 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1021 DOD-17-0430-E-000441 Plane Maalfest(Lea N) Tokyo,Japan Sl&sd1y, 01-0d.l017 BeiJina. Chiuo PAX Capacity:17 I. THESECRETAllY 2. ASSISTANT SECRETARY.o EAP,TBD 3. Brown. ClintonS. 4. campbell,Grego,y1. S. CHIEFOF STAFF,TBD 6. DSSo TBD01, DSS 7. DSSo TBD02, DSS a. DSSo TBO03,DSS 9. DSSo TDD04, OSS 10. Hammond,RobertC 11. MCTEAM. II I, TBO ll. PRESS01, 1'8D 13. PRESS02, TBD s S/ES-EX s DSS DSS DSS DSS SIP SIES-JRM.MC AP AP 14. Walms llI. William A MEO 15. WeigoldScbultz,EvaA. 16. Williams,MeredilbB. 17. s,,tB,g?pt EAP SIES s Af4t;, ltllloc, (Nee PAN Page4of6 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1022 DOD-17-0430-E-000442 JO.Sep,lt17U:44:41PM MJIN1 Na. JMSI Tall Ne. llOG01 PJ.. e Manll'm(lA) Tokyo,JapanoAnctora1e.United Statet Suod1y,OJ-Oct-l017 PAX Ctpadty: 17 I. 1llE SECRETARY 2. ASSISTANTSECRE'PARYo EAP.TBD 3. Brown,aintoll S. 4. Campbell, GregoryJ. 5. CHIEFOF STAFF,TBO 6. DSS- TBD 01, DSS 7. DSS-TBO 02, DSS 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. DSSo TBO 03, DSS DSSo TBD 04, DSS Hammond,RobeJ1C. MC TEAM,# 1, TBO PRESS01, TBD DSS DSS DSS DSS SIP SIES~IRM-MC AP AP 13. PRESS 02, TBD 14. Waltffl Dt,WilliamA lS. Wei&old Schulu..EvaA 16. Williams,Mfflditb B 17. Syt EAP s S/ES-EX s MED S/ES s AddiIpI 0k>1,htll IMNCC Pt9P1Io Itm Juon Pqe 5 of6 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1023 DOD-17-0430-E-000443 PIIIDIMHiltlt (Lea"> Aacboncc, Ualted States o A.AFB,UnitedStates Suclty. 01-0dol011 PAXcapach:)r. l'7 1. mE Sf.CRGBP1' AR.Y 2. ASSIST ANTSEa.ETARYo EAP,TBD 3. Brown.Clintm S. 4. Clmpbell, OrcgoryJ. S. CHIEFOF STAFF,TBD 6. DSSo TBD01, DSS 7. DSS-TBD02, DSS l DSSo TBD03, DSS 9. OSS o TBD 04, DSS 10. H11D1Dond,R.obertC. 11. MC TEAM,# l, 'BO 12. PUSS 01,TBD 13. PRESS02, TBD 14. Waltersm,William A. 15. Weio)ld St.bullz,iva A. 16. Willianu,Mercdi1B. h 17. E.AP s SJES-EX s DSS DSS DSS DSS SIP S.IESoIRMoM<: AP AP MED SIES s MmteAnsltmu,Ylblllsw- J>ace6of6 pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1024 DOD-17-0430-E-000444 000134 REDO THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON February 6, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOSE:PH HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS \.~ FROM: LTG (RET) MICHAEL T. FLYNN,_..,v, ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITY AFFAIRS SUBJE:CT ~ Request White House Suppo rt M!ss i on Designation for Secreury of State Request approval 1. Requesting 2. Purpose foreign of the Principal 4. : proposed Rex Tillerson participate in the LoQation rt~nerary : G-20 House Mission: Secretary 1 of State. President's tr avel to Bonn , Ministeriol a nd engage meetings. 24-Hour Point of Contact: Eric Execut .ive 'Secretariat, !(b)(6) or t h rough the State Operations Travel White of the Trip: In furtherance of the policy , the Secretary of State will ~rmany, to in bilateral 3. following Nelson, Center, Executive l !Cb\(6) ~!( ~)~(6~)----~ b Director, I, : Andrews Air Force Base , Washington D . C . to Bonn , Gei:many Date : Wednesday, Qaqu.aeted Time of Location February Doparture 15, 2017 : Morning Bonn, Ge:ana.ny to Andrews Air Washington D . C. Date : Friday, February 17, 2017 Requested Tim.a of Departure: Afternoon 5. Passenger Compl.ete AMt:HICAr\ pVERSIGHT ~ Foreo Base , Manifest: passenger rnanif .est attached at 18-L-0088/ESD/1025 Tab A 11UHIU~II IIII . -. OSD001645-t7/CM000242S ~17 -- DOD-17-0430-E-000445 6. Aircraft 1:0 be made available on a nonreimbursable basis. This will provide heeded support schedule in the absence cf timely and stemming from a tight adequate commercial air connections and security concerns, The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications l i nks to be maintained. Special Considerations ; (b)(5),(b)(6) AM FllCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1026 DOD-17-0430-E-000446 Executive Airlift Support Mission o ' Mission#.. 37543 Verswn #: 3 1i1;-:,,1~ ,.,;;.'. . .Jrrcrujt { il"f,w,li /,cg, 'i:,1h' 0.0(1 !(i..'W frlll i1 S1atus: CONFIRMED ~hss,on l'ypc GDSSli: Aircra/1 Type. Front !),pl 7.(.JL/' /)ah'/ '/j"n,e I .111002 Ii.ADI, 1:l-ld,-17 15 00 2 .10002 FDIJI.:: 17-Feb- l 7 15:0(, DnD :zcimhtu-,cmcnl Rate htim~tcd Totai rax: (iWOT Dept Loc11/ Date I Ti,,,,. ~.O 15-Ft!bol7 10:IJ(J T 17-Fel>-17 16:0(1 -1 0 Flight Hour Costs: GBPrt ZLV ...' z Dul< - Tim,o ETA Local Date/Tt- z ETE C-31A DiJt Duty (NM) Day EDDI-: 1~-fob-17 ~~:JO 15-Feb-17 13:Jfl -I 0 07130 3.450 9o 30 1-:AD\li 17 +eb-1~ "-': 51) 17-Fef>-17 JS:5fl < 5.0 o&,:10 3-450 10 I 51) $26 !.182.02 Total Plannd Hours: 16 + 20 4, 16.33 I i\CI o. IWt.:/h:.\OW $15994 lYE IS(_; I MTJYF Ll.(i .-1/RPon:rs K\!J'.\' :li,pvrt: .101'.\T B.\SE A'.\DREWS Ci~1-:CAMrSPRl'.\GS S1,J1e.MD Corm/ry: l!SA .lil/)()1'/' h:01. \ HO'.\:\ City: CO LOG'.\~: Stale: Country. DEl' Printed at 219120178:58:54AM pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1027 DOD-17-0430-E-000447 E z47DllJOO United S@cs DepHl'tment of State m o Jrlaslain&'toie D. C. 20520 UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUM FOR.LTO(RETIJ. KEITI-IKELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFFAND EXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONALSECURITYCOUNCIL SUBJECT:Request for SpecialAir MissionsAircraft REF: Macmanus-KelloggMemorandumdat.edJanuary30, 2017 In furtheranoeof the President's foreignpolicy objectivesand at the directionof the President,SecretaryTillersonwill depart from AndrewsAir F-otce Base in Washingt~ D.C. on Wednesdaymorning,Februaiy 15and travelto Bonn,Germanyto participate in the 020 Ministerialand fflpge in bilateral meeting.,. Onthe aftemo81lof February 17, the Secretarywill depart Bormand return to AndrewsAir Force Base . The Depacbnentof State requests this be designated a White House Support Missionand that a Special Air Missionsaircraft be srutdeavailableon a non42 reimbursablebasis to transporttheSecretaryand his party of approxima1ely passengers,which includesstaff members,press,and secwity personnel,ftom Wasbingti,n,D.C. to Bonn on February 1s ..11, 2017. This willprovide needed supportrelatedto *urity and $Chedulingconcerns, andwill enablesecure communicationslinks to be maintained. Thepointof contact for this missionis Erie Nelson,ExecutiveDirector, ExecutiveSecretariat. Mr. Nelson can be reached at! (b)(6) brvia unclassifiede-mail at!(b)(6) IHe can also be reachedat any time through the Department of StateOperations Center at ~(b)(6) ~ UNCLASSIFIED AMt:HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1028 DOD-17-0430-E-000448 UNCI,ASSIFO -2- The Department of 81ate1s Office of the Legal Adviser has cleared this request. Atta9brosts: Plane manifest REF: Marmaous-KelloSSMemorandumdated January30, 2017 UNQ,M$IfoBP AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1029 DOD-17-0430-E-000449 ~~-l-"r1.oo :: , .: ~ : 1 ~ : 11.~:3~ P\ ' ,fission , .v. j ? '.~..i~ Tni. ' \ ,_ x;Jrie.2 Plane Manifest (Leg#l) AAFB, United States - Cologne, Germany Wednesday, 15-Feb-2017 PAX Capacity : 42 I. T! lE SECR F.TAR Y 2. Christian, Mariorle E . ~: l(b)( 6 ),(b )(7 )(C ) SiES-S 5. ti . EB 7. 8. 9. (0. Ii. HasJach. Patricia \,I. Heffern. John Jones. Stuart E. !{b )(6 ),(b)(7)( C) Kafatos. Le1teri~ ~amian. Harry R. r::cnna. LisJ S. EUR NEA A/LS S/ES s !i:I(b)(6).(b)(7)(C) 14. 15_ ~.--------------------'\;clson. Eiric G . S!ES-EX 16. ! 7. iS . Palmieri. Francisco 1.,. i'amJolk. Fr:-.nkC. ,Jcterlin. \,largan:t 19 . ?RESSOL l BD :.'.0. (' Rl:.SS 0-2.TBD :.'.l.. PRESS o_;,TBD 2:.'.. ?RESS 04. TSO 23. i'RESS 05 . nm 2-4. :{eid. Rya11\ L 2 5. i{,u1kin.l l1on1as S. 26. clnssel Daawl R 2 7. !(b)( 6 ),(b)( 7 )(C ) \VHA JCS s AP A{' AP AP AP SiES-S A/LS EAP 21(, :--. 111iih.Lee\\' , S/ES-IRM-MC 29. T,)ucr. ~fa;k C .. Walters IIL \Villiam A. Yan. :Vliclrnd D. PA 3(l. 31. 32. ~'di!, Ashky C. 31, /affaroni. E5,~!a MED A/LS PA A..'LS 34. 35. .,6. 37. 3S . )9 4(J_ 41. 42 , 'Seat Rl'guest IJrops in AAFB, l 'nited States .-\dds in A A.FB, Unit~d St,!tes Page 1 of2 AM HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1030 DOD-17-0430-E-000450 l,J-ftb- ~01i l ~..,i3:J1 P\l Misoinn '-11.:;;5-13Tail :Xn. 80002 Plane Manifest (Leg #2) Cologne, Germanyo AAFB, United States Friday, 17.Feb-2017 PAX Capacity: 42 THE.SECRETARY ~ Brosious. Carolyn t\1. Christian, ivtariorie E. (b )(6),(b )(?)(C) S/ES-S S1GBPS-S Haslach. Patricia KL EB ~-I 6. EUR . . Heffern. John 8. Jones. Stuart E. .,;_ !(b)(6),(b)(7)(C} Ill. i-.afato;. Leneris l i . i(amian. Ha,Ty R. NEA A;LS S1ES s I:::. ;<.c:nnaLisa :. I~ . 1(b)(6) ,{b)(7)(C) 1-.. 15. l6 . -----------------------~--:elson. Eric G. [7 . ;)almieri, Francisco L. rs. .?~ndolfe. Frank C. I9. r'tter!in. Margaret ;R:ss '.l(:' 21. ")"> :.'. .:, , :!=. 2:,;, ~6. 27. SiES-EX WHA JCS s AP O1. TBD PRESS 02, lBD :--R'.:SS03. 1'8D ?RESS 0-+, r:m .:>RC:SS 05. TBD -~,\s5el, Daniel R. !(b)( 6 ),{b)( 7 )tC) -~111ith.Lee\\ . ~t Af/ AP AP AP EAP ~9. r~ner. !\{a:k -:::. 1\dters Ill. William A . J(i . ~-'~:L '\lk:ha;:1Q _ :r . I S/ES-IRM-MC PA MED AiLS PA Yehl. A.shleyC. .,.:.. .-i'.affaroni.i:.3,ela A/LS 3-:-. 35 . o'"! : . 4 1. Seal Ri-911c,a Umps in Cologne. Germanv Rei,l R, an ,\l(S/ES-S) Rankin. Thomas S (A/LSJ Ad.ds in Cologne, Gennanv Hrosious. Carolyn MIS/ES-SI Pagel of 2 AM FllCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1031 DOD-17-0430-E-000451 001846 REDO lII 'THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 161 2 .01 7 MEMORANDUM fOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDE.NTAND DE:PUTY' CHIEF Of STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: fiw MCMASTER SJC,) LTG H.R, ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT; Request 1. 2. J.. Request White House Support Mission Designation for Deputy Secretary Sullivan approval Requesting State . of the following Pri.ncipal : John Sullivan, White 'Deputy Secretary of 24-Hour Point Services Trip ,: of eputy S&J0retary Sullivan ia at Tab A. (b)( 5),(b)(6) AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1033 DOD-17-0430-E-000453 ~ \ 2417D 7JPY7'{ XII.2017e,7Jr.J ... United States Department of State Cll o ~ Wala.,..con.D.C.20520 UNCLASSIFIBP MBMORANDUM FORLTO(RET)J. KEl1HKBLLOGG Cl:DEFOF STAFFANDBXF.CUTIVB SECRETARY NATIONALSECURITY COUNCU., SUBJECT:Amendedm Requesttbr SpecialAir MissionsAhcraft REF:Macmanqs-.Kcllog Memorandum datedJune 14,2017 at the In furtheranceof thePtesident'aforeignpolicyobjectives.and dbectionof the President,DeputySecietary Sullivanwill depart from AndmwsAir ForceBase in Wmihinaton. D.C. on thoevenina of lune 19 and travel to Cancun, Mexicoto participatein ~ OASGeneralAssembly. . On theafternoonof June20, return to AndrewsAir ForceBase. t DeputySecretarywill.depart Omam and o The Departmentof StateftqUe8tS this be designateda WhiteHouseSupport Missionand tbat a Special Air Missionsaimaft be madeavailableon a nonreimbunablebasisin light of exceptionalschedulingrequiremen18 and other compellin& opeaational connderationsthat makecnmmemia1 transpor111tion 1mecceptable. Whilethe DeputySecietary oftenuaescommercialaircraAfor officialtravel. 1bistrip is unusualin that thoDeputySecnw) wa, desipamd to makethis trip insteadof the Sectetar,.one busineu daybcfcn 1helrip wu scboduledlo be&in, and aftat die tligbts for the Secietaryhad beenscheduled. Due ia pad to the shoJtnotice,COllllllWalair optionswouldin1mferewith 1heDeputy Sectetaryosvery tight scheduleand his abilityto fbUillthe puq,oseof 1bi.a mission.Further,the useofmilitmyaircraftwill provideneeded support to enable ........ CGIIIIIIIIDic:a liab ... be AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT I 18-L-0088/ESD/1034 DOD-17-0430-E-000454 Thepointof contactfor this missionis GlegoeyJ, Campbell.Supeivisory General ServicesOfficer~ ExecutiveSecretariat.Mr.Campbellcanbereadied at !(b)(61 lorviaunclmifiecle-mail atl Cb)(6) Hecan alao beree:j oanvtimetbro .. ..1. the n-._entofState n--t:onsCeoter atl (b)(6} l(b)(6) _ "" up _..,.-1,U,1 . V'J-'. l I TheDepartmentof State'sOfficeof the Legal Adviserhascleated this request. Lisa . Kenna l - Executive Secretary ,~ Attesbamof~ Plano~ . -~ o.o..~. ' . o..... Maanenus-Kellogg Memorandum with manifestdatedJune 14.2017 . . ,, . AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1035 DOD-17-0430-E-000455 1. Clmpl,eU.O,...,J. s,a.ex 2. SIP CNN D D WHA 81pinoa,c..ou..M. 3.KlllaQp,Amley ?.Lo>.r ...2017 lAX Capadlya10 I, 2. ClmpbcD.<3Ra< AP JS. ftP.SS02.TBD sms 16: Wefao)il Sc11u11r. h A. 17. 'ffJJlillat. Mindflh B. s ' . .. ~ P1112oH AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1042 DOD-17-0430-E-000462 MID WHA AP AP BIBS . . ' -'o. ;,-.,_rn ..... s Prw Ip Cmn Mpkp Pap3af3 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1043 DOD-17-0430-E-000463 ltl7'7474 "9/20171:2$PM United StateaDepartment of State o J'ul,inp.,n, D;C~20S20 UNQ,MSU' 1B11 ' MBMORANDUMPOR.LTG (RB1)1.KBl'lH KBLLOOO CHJBF OFSTAFF~ BXEClJTIVB SBCRBTAR.Y NATIONAL SBCURITY COUNCIL .. SUBJBCI':AmendedlteqlmtforSpecialAlrMissiouAircnft REF:Mamvmw,.,KellogMemonmmDn dalmJune 1,2017 JD~ of the,President'sfon,ip policyob~ .,.I:at 1be directionof tile President,Seci$ty Tillersonwilldepart ,hm.;Andt~ Air Force Bo .~.WitJmltotr.D.C:on the ev.eml!3 of.June:it~-triinl~cun;M~ ~ to patti.cipate in 1beOASGeoen1Assembly. .. :: ~. : . : . ;~.: . . .. o o ? o o . .. ' o 0n'ihcaftemooRof.JumlO,tbe .8eaetary~~~~ndmnto AndrewsAir Foroc, Base. .-... . :,, :. . .~ Depubnent of SW. requeli8this bl deeignated aWlliti:,HouseSupport Missionand1batoa Special Air Missionsairenftbe madeavai!ablema anon-, o reimbmablebasisto tramport the Scadll) andbi., partyof approximately 17 ~ which includelfJtaff membersmdsecurityJ)CJIODDel, fi'om Wubingtoo, Cancunon JUDD 19-2.0,2017. This will~ needed supportrelatedto ~ and scheduling~ andwill eaafiie aecute. communicaaiom linb to~ mobdlibed. o Thepointof CODtlctfor thismissionii Gqory 1,Ceqibell. SlJPIMIOlY Clemn1SemcesOfficer,Bucutive Sec:retariat. Mr-Camphellcan be nw,bedat (202)647-11647 onia ....i..iliod ~ al j(b)(BJ He aim be l'IWhecJ at miy .1mlctbmqh1heDepai1mmt of StateOperatiomCader at .(b)(6) I !(b)(6) AM RICAr\ j I I. pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1044 DOD-17-0430-E-000464 1be Departmmitof State'sOfficeof the Legal~~deered request. .. .1oseph'E.Macman\lS Bxeoutive Secretmy this .- . .' .o. .. .. ..o.. o. o o\ .-1:... Att!rhmn! ,:. Planeaw,ifest Macrn1DD1-TCellogg Memorandum withmanifest datedJune .1,2Q.t7 . .: .. . . -~, -? oo .,... .. }'. .. .,.. o. t.~a ..o ... ~ \ o . ..::..,.i.,o.:.....o-"',l .~, ..... . ...- . . . o 1~. .:/: .,.!.--:..:t ..;:r_.. ~'..tow, _oo '.. ~~w .. ..... .. 1~-. ' . - .:. ...'~:..,t-.:...~....;...,'-~-' o ... .- : .: o o o o-t ..o f .... -~ ., .. :, .. . . .... ..,; ..,. ,,. ..,,..o .o.... .,. . ........ ... .; .. .: :.. " o. ,. AMEf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1045 DOD-17-0430-E-000465 .. ..: ~-~.. . ~'.-o .... .~ .~ ..-. ,o..-:. ~ S/BS:BF"lfflrimmons ok UM: SAbramson-ok SJBS.Milrep: CBricbon-ok ,;. . ? o .. -~: I .o.'' oo1 ./ .r.~ .... o1: ., -.... .,.- o '$1'o "o\. oo :.o ... -...: ~! ":. .,.. ..._., ... .. ...:o;,.oo.:ooo''=... .: ~~ - ..- .. ,, o. o o "'o''!"l.,;o o. : .,o.: .:; ./1 .... ., ~ ................;;,,...... .... .:. '\,. ~ .., ':t. t.o o o.. .... . ."o... ., .. :-t: ...A;...~ .' . .o,,...., ~1'..; .-o .. ...-~,:o.i..:. o: It + ,... ~~ .... o. o "I"-' w.~o; oo#.:- J, ...,,,:.,:. f ... . , .. - .....,....". AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1046 DOD-17-0430-E-000466 PllaeMuM(l.fa#l) AAl'JI. Udld!NltlloC.aca.Mafco -...,. D-.)m.lf17 lf P.UCaplcfl:y: W8HBH.JPY0 i S/PR,PY , s SIBS SIP H MED WHA s SIE!S . s .. - PnM'8MD-PalJPY,_. . ..: .,_..,,,. .,.. . - . - .... . ,. . 1o... .. . :. Me???DbDrftrl ... . .' ..... ." ?oo l'lee.lef2 AMEHICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1047 DOD-17-0430-E-000467 flluMalllflwt(l.tll#J) .f;aallu,lfllllko-AAII, U.....INac. w....,.21.J .. 2011 1AXC.padty;17 .... t. TBBSBCUt'AllY ~ . , '~~I s:!(bJ@Llb) (l)(C) 6. DBCU'l1YI ASSISTANT, DD 7. "'"'""'lffll,'RffnMII M. I. P........_'tobedC. 9. BookBrlpR. 10. l(b)(6) ,(b)(7)(C) 11......-------------------1 12. McQay.Xacbw (.. IS. Pllmil4ll'lllldlr.o L. 14. Pfllllrlll. Maljli\tJ. IS. WlllgDldSdmltl,hA. If. 11. Wllltlm. ....... B. o MRI) 'WBA s StlS 8 .... ., ......... -A411-.. ..1,11....,.__.,..,_ . !Ill' o .. -- - ' . o . o ~ o :..,....,_" .I Plp2of2 AMEHICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1048 DOD-17-0430-E-000468 JtlfflW '. "11.2117 3:21PM UnitedStatesDepartmentof State o Waalup,n.D ,C.ICRO l JJNQ,MWfIBD MBMORANDUMPORLTG (RBI) J. ICBl'lH l(J3lL()(l(r CHIBFOPSTAPPANDBXBClJl1VB SBCRBTAR.Y NATIONAL SBCUIUTY COUNCIL Requeltofor SpeaialAt Miaaicml Aircraft SUBJBCr: : .o. In mrtbnnce oftbe p.wddeot"s fom1gn. policyobjedivmand attbo . . dlnicdonofthoPnwi4ant, 'Sccrotary TdltnoAwilldlpuUtom AndlewsAir~ .i: , . . ..o .. ... BuDinW~Q~~~~.~of~~19~t!aYbl~~-~~ _'-o.f :;.. .to pmtldpltom thDOAS08Wn1 AamAJy. .. ... . . .. . . . ,. .,. . . .. TheDepmtamtofss.terequm tbiabt d-ipated o WhiteHome~rt Millionadtbat a Sp:dal.AlrMiaiamtamnftbemadaanilahlacm..&non-, ffJimburllble buit to tmapcnt.thl llldblapartyof appo-i11?bely 17 puc::ngen.wflicbindudesllafl'Jllillbera mclmcurity J)flUi(UneJ, &om WosbJnaton. l),C. ~ Omcuao I~ 19-21,io17. 1bi1will povtde needed supportnatedmNCUrityand-.&,li:ng eaa&J.eUC1D ~JfflmicltiDDS 1.inbto b,i meintaiftfJd. Secntwtr ~owill AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1049 DOD-17-0430-E-000469 ......... CIAJn) .u,a.Ullfld ..... ~ ....... ......,,1'Jlaa1'1 :... PAXa,? .a,i17 bA WJPM>f 8tlMt: ooo 8 Sil 8tP MID 8 MS s . We:'IIAD,,Nr: t I Ill : # o ~ o -. oo .. r~ o o . ' o.,: o"'!.. o oo ! AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1050 DOD-17-0430-E-000470 OfBcooftheLepl~hascleilod 1bia 'lbe~ofStmo, .. ftlqll8lt. ,,,,.,.,,.,.,, I Plamanifllat : .. .. oo i,..,. ooo oo '"";.. _,. . ' ... . .. , . ... . .t-: .... o...: . .... ..... f . .. ~ o t .,,~- .- . .? ... .....,. . . .. ... ~ . .. .. o~J'flt4lm:.!~.:~ -..;""'. ., t . - ... .- o :. : ...~. .... ~ .. " I' .. .. ..... - C, .- ? u ~ . . .. ..o o..,-~'A~ ' __._ r ~- ": A~ ;_..=:.1.::r : ~...~ .,.... ~ . .. .... ,,. . ': .. . ... ' . PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1051 DOD-17-0430-E-000471 J ...... ,;,. I. '11DUICU'J"AR.Y 2. AISISTANl'SIDBl'MY o WRA. 111D ~ ,l'X'J'ITt/lfmiL ~ ,rm,1m 7. BXBamVIAIIIITANr. llD L 'lfl efse, ...... M. t. Be ru_lalNltC. ... ' ==o I ewe oo s . ... . 1111. . "' I...... ..,. :... IO. BmtMI& :;: l(b)( 6),(b)(7)( C) 1/P . JJ: Moen.,,ldllaA. J4. ,.., ...... I. NBD. a. ..., ....... 8 MIS ~. A. 11. ~ ., ... .. . .......;.-;,.. ...... ... ! ! o t : ~ o . , . ....,. : . s 16. Wlllmr.llndllll. 1; . .. o o ' o ..: : :: :, : .:. ... o ' o o o o J ~ - '.~-- \ ~~:. . ~"': :~~ .... . ,., ....~. ~o,.._,. ., ,,, . ..... o o ~o,;...- ." ... I o;. Paaelof2 AM RICAN- PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1052 DOD-17-0430-E-000472 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS ..._ _ , FROM: MCMASTER~ ...t LTG H.R. ' ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FORNATIONAL SECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson Request approval of the following proposed White Ho4se Mission : l. Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trip t In furtherance of the President's foreign policy, Secretary Tillerson will travel to New York LO attend meetings at the United Nations 3. 24-Hour Principal Point !(b)(6) t. i me through !(b)(6) 4. Travel Location : Rex Tillerson of Contact: Iot via e-mail the Department !. Gre~ory l(b)( 6) at , Secretary J, of State. Campbell at of --------,---State Operations !or any Center .at Iti.nerary: : Air Andrews Rase, Force Washington, D. C . to New York, New 'iork Pate: Friday, April 28, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning New York, New York o. c . Washington, Date: Friday, April 28, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Location: 5, Passenger Complete AM RICAr\ QVERSIGHT Manifest passenger to Andrews Air Force Base , Afternoon ! manifest at Tan A. 18-L-0088/ESD/1053 DOD-17-0430-E-000473 6. Special Considerations: Aircraft to be m.ade available an a nonreimbursable basis . This will provide needed support stemming from a tight schedule in the absence of timely and adequate commercial air connections and security concerns . The aircraft would also enable necessary secure links to be maintained. communications (b)(5) ,(b)( 6') AM RICAr\ ,OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1054 DOD-17-0430-E-000474 .,,-:! .... .,. ll11!,/ii11.:.;/1,,1. /U . :..o11.,:.!IJ Apr i 1 12 , 2 0 l 7 UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUMFOR LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVE SECRETARY NATJONALSECURITYCOUNCIL SUBJECT: Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft In furtheranceof the President's.foreignpolicy objectives and at the direction of the Presiden~ Secretary Tillerson will depart from Andrews Air Force Base on the morning of Friday, April 28; 2017, and travel to New York to attend meetings at the United Nations, On the afternoon of Friday, April 28, the Secretary will depart New York and return to Andrews Air Force Base. The Department of State requests tMs be designated a White House Support Mission and that a Special Air Missions aircraft be made available on a nonreimbursable basis to transport the Secretaxyand his party of approximately l 0 passengers,which includes staff membersand securitypersonnel, from Washington, D.C. to New York, Friday, April 28.t 2017. This will provide needed support related to security and scheduling concerns, and will enable secure communications links to be maintained . The point of contact for this mission is Gregory J. CampbeJI,General Services Officer, Executive Secretariat. Mr. CamobeU canbe reached at ..,.,H b...,.. )(.,.,,. 6),.... . -.I I lor via unclassified e-mail atl (b)(G) He can also be reached .at any time through the Department of State Operations Center at !(b)(6) !(b)(6) l(b)(6) AMERICAr\ l . pVl;RSIGHT . 18-L-0088/ESD/1056 I DOD-17-0430-E-000476 The Department of State's Office of the Legal Adviser has cleared this request. " .- \ "'o"~- ~ "".. \ '. '._ \. ;! .j l '- -.,_ Joseph E. Macmanus Executive Secretary Attachment: Plane manifest AMERICAr\ P VERSIGHT ..-..--.-... -.--. ....-- -.-..... 18-L-0088/ESD/1057 DOD-17-0430-E-000477 lloApr-2017 09:06:55 AM MissionNo. Tail No. PlaneManifest(Leg #I) AAFB, United States - New Yof'ktUnitedStates Friday. 28-Apr-1017 PAX Capacity: 10 1. THE SECRETARY 2. 3. 4. OSS-TBD 01, DSS DSS -TBD 02, DSS DSS o TBO 03, DSS S. DSS- TBD 04, DSS 6. Hook. Brian H. 7. Kenna, Lisa S. DSS DSS DSS DSS SIP s s 8. Peteriin,MargaretJ. 9. 10. SeatBeg?e,t Dromia MfB. UnjtedStates Addsjg MfB, Un;tedStates Page 1 oil AMERICAr\ .OVERSIGHT--- 18-L-0088/ESD/1058 DOD-17-0430-E-000478 JJ.Apr-1017 09:Gei:55AM M'aoa No. Tall No. Plaae Manifest (Les #1.) New Yorkt Vaited Stateso AAFB, United States Friday, 28-Apr~l017 PAX Capacity: U) l. THE SECRETARY 2. DSS-TBD Ol, DSS 3. DSS - TBD 02, DSS DSS DSS DSS 4. DSS- TBD 03, DSS S. DSS - TBD 04, DSS 6. Hook, BrianH. DSS SIP 7. Kenna,Lisas. 8. s s Peterlin, Margaret J. 9. 10. swRequest Dropsin NewYm:ke unttedStatn AddsiQNewYork.UnitedStates Page 2 of2 AMERICAr\ OVERSIGHT----- 18-L-0088/ESD/1059 DOD-17-0430-E-000479 003921 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON October 26, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTY CHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERAT.IONS FROM: LTG H.R. MCMASTER Uf.>ft.v~ ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request Request White House Support Mission of State Designation for Deputy Secretary Sullivan approval of the following proposed White House Mis .sion : l, Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's foreign policy, Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan will travel to Paris, Khartoum, Tunis, and Abuja GBProm November 14 to 21 to participate in. U. S. advocacy efforts, bilateral meetings, and a binational commission. The Deputy Secr~tary's trip will be critical to advancing close coordination with France, Sudan , Tunisia, Libya, and Nigeria on counterterrorism and trade opportunities, as well as other bilateral, . regional and global issues of concern. 3. Christiana Hollis, General 24-Houx Point of Contact: 've Secretariat. Ms. Hollis can be Services Of. reached at (b)( 6) or via unclassified email at (b)(6) She can also be r .eached at any t~ IThroughthe Department of State Operations Center at ~ i b)(6) 4. Travel Principal: John Sullivan, State . pVERSIGHT of I. Itinerary: Location: Paris, France to Khartoum, Date: Wednesday , November 15, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: 18 : 00 AMERICAr\ Deputy Secretary Sudan 18-L-0088/ESD/1060 DOD-17-0430-E-000480 Location: Khartoum, Sudan to Tunis, Date: Friday, November 17, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: 12:00 Location: Tunis, Tunisia to Abuja, Date: Sunday, November 19, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: 08:00 Tunisia Nigeria Location: Abuja, Nigeria to Frankfurt, Date: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 04:00 Requested Time of Departure: 5. Passenger Germany Manifest: John Sullivan, Deputy Secretary of State Stephanie Sullivan, Acting Principal Deputy Assistant for African Affairs Secretary Marik String, Senior Advisor to the Deputy Jamie Shufflebarger, Special Assistant to the Deputy Christiana Hollis, S/ES-EX General Services Officer 6. AM RICAr\ Special Considerations: Aircraft to be made available on a nonreirnbursable basis. This will provide needed support in light of exceptional scheduling requirements that make for transport on the commercial transportation unacceptable requested legs. The Department of State requests use of this aircraft to support a tight schedule that cannot be accommodated by commercial air options. On November 15, the Deputy Secretary will make a public speech until at least 6:00 p.m. in Paris, and will need to arrive in Khartoum the following morning for bilateral meetings with Sudanese officials, including Foreign Minister Ghandour. Subsequent travel to Tunis and Abuja will only be possible within the allotted timeframe with a military aircraft. Milair support from Abuja to Frankfurt is also requested due to lack of viable commercial options. An aircraft with secure communications is highly desirable. Due to the tight schedule and lack of office time in the evenings, secure communications would allow him to make use of transit time to conduct business with Washington. Commercial air will be used from Washington to Paris and Germany to Washington. pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1061 DOD-17-0430-E-000481 Tab A 101717060 10(26J701712:31PM , t; 11i l(od ~lul~~ lkpurltnf'llt nf St alt' SENSITIVEBUT UNCLASSIFIED lvtBMORANDUMFOR LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG CIDEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONAL SECURITYCOUNCIL SUBJECT:Request for Special Air MissionsAircraft Request approval of the following proposed White House Mission: l. Requesting Principal: John SuUivan,Deputy Secretary of State. 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtheranceof the President's foreign policy objectives,Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan will travel to Paris, Khartown. Tunis,and Abuja from November 14 - 21 to participate in U.S. advocacy efforts, bilateral meetings, and a binational commission. (SBU)The Deputy Secretary,s trip will be critical to advancingclose coordination with France, Sudan, Tunisia, Libya, and Nigeria on countertenorism and trade opportunities,as welJ as other bilateral,regional and global issues of concern. (SBU)The Deputy Secretary will first travel commerciallyto Paris on November 14-15 for bilateral meetings with French counterparts and then lead the U.S. delegationto advocate for Minnesota's Wor]dExpo 2023 bid, which would support22,000 jobs and prompt $2. l billion in economic activity, immediately priorto the final vote on November 15. {SBU)FoJlowingthe Paris stop, the Deputy Secretary will then travel directly to Sudanto advance counterten.orismcooperation,human rights, and DPRK with ForeignMinister Ghandour in Khartoumfrom November 16-17. (SBU) The Deputy Secretary will then travel to Tunisia to advance cooperation with Libyan Prime Minister al-S81T8j and will also hold bilateral meetingswith the Tunisian govemment in Tunis from Novembes 17-18. AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1064 DOD-17-0430-E-000484 2 (SBU}Following Tunisia, the Deputy will .fly to Abuja, Nigeria to fead the U.S. delegatio11 to the Binational Commissionwith the government of Nigeria on November 19-21. (SBU) We request that a Special Air Missions aircraft be inade available on a nonreimbursablebasis in light of exceptionalscheduling requirementsthat make commercial.transportationunacceptablefor transport for Paris to Khartoumon 15, from Khartoumto Tunis on November 17, from Tunis to Abuja on Novembe1; November 19 and then :frornAhuja to Frankfurt on November 21. The Department of State requests use of this aircraft to support a tight .schedulethat cannot be acco1nmodated by commercialair options. On Novembet 15,theDeputy Secretary willmake a public speechuntil at least 6:00pm in Pari~ and. will need t.o arrive in Khartoumthe following mo1ningfor bilateral meetings with Sudanese officials, including FQreignMinister Ghandour. Subsequent travel to Tunis and Abuja will onlybe possible within the allotted time:framewith a militaryairci-aft.Milair supportfrom.Abuja to Frankfurtis alsorequesteddue to laek of viable commercial options: An nirc1-aft with secure communicationsis highly desirable. Due to the tight scheduleand lack of officetime in the evenings,. securecommimications would allow him to make use of transit time to conduct business withWashington. The Deputy Secretary will fly commercial air from Washington to Parisand Germanyto Washington. 3. 24-Hour Point. of Contact: Christiana Hollis, GeoeraJ Servicjs Officer, Executi'V'e Secretmiat. Ms. Hollis can be reached atl (b)(G) _ or via unclassifiedemail at! (b)(6) I She can also be reac d at any time (b_)(_6.,.. ) __ __. throughthe Department of State OperationsCenter at ,._ 4. Travel Itinerary: Location: to Khartoum,Sudan Date/Time: November 1'5. 201 7 " 18;00Depart Paris 01:00 Arrive Khartoum Loc.ation: Khartoum,Sudan to Tunis,Tunisia Date/lime: November 171 2017 12:00 Depart Khartoum 14:30 Arrive Tunis AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1065 DOD-17-0430-E-000485 3 Location: Twiis, Tunisia to Abuja, Nigeria Date/rime; November 19, 2017 8:00 Depart Tunis 12:00Arrive Abuja Location: Abuja, Nigeria to Frankfurt, Germany Date/Time:Nove1nber21, 2017 04:00 Depart Abuja t I :00 Arrive Frankfort S. Passenger Manifest: Deputy Secretary John Sullivan Acting Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for African Affairs Stephanie Sullivan Senior Advisor to the Deputy Marik String Special Assistant to the Deputy Jamie Shufflebarger S/ES-EX General Services OfficerChristiana Hollis Special Considerations: Aircraft should be made available on anonreimbursablebasis. The Departmentrequests an aircraft with upgraded 6. communicationinfrastructureto adequatelysupport Executive branch continuity communicationsrequirements. This will also provide needed support related to securityand schedulingconcems, as weUas maintenanceof secure communicationslinks. 7. The Department of State~s Office of the Legal Adviser has cleared this request. LisaD. Kenna Executive Secretary AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1066 DOD-17-0430-E-000486 2 Drafted: S/ES-EX - Christiana Hollis Cleared: D: ]Shufflebarger-OK LIM: SAbramson- OK S/ES-Milrep: CErickson- OK AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1067 DOD-17-0430-E-000487 001529 REDO UI THE: WHITEHOUSE WASHINGTON June S, 2017 MGBPMORANDUM FOR JO.E HAGN ASS!STANTTO THE PRESIOE:NT AND DEPUTYCHIEF or STAFF FOR OPERATIONS ' '\ t LTG H o. R. MCMASTJ:,K ... .-:...,:,:, o ~ -c, 9.. F'ROM: ASSISTANT TO tfiE ?RESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJE:CT: House Support. Missio .n Des~gna 10n for secretary T1llerson Req~estl~hite Request approval of. th~ following Princibal: proposed White House Mission: 1. Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trd.p: In furtherance of the Presidentts foreign policy, Secretary Tillerson will travel to Miami, Florida to partic~pate in the Conference on a Prosperous and Secure Central America. 3. 24-Hour Point I !Cb)(6) 4. of Contact: I or !(b)(6) Rex Tillerson, Secretary of State. Gregory J . Campbell, L ~ Travel Itinerary: C-\ Location~ Andrews Air Force Base to Miami , fL Date : Thursday, une lSr 2017 Requested Tjme of Departure : Morning G J Location: Miami, FL to Ancuewa Aix Force Basa Date! Tburaday, June 15, 2017 Requested Time of Departure : Evening Passenger Attached 6. Manifest: at Tat A. Special Considerations : Aircraft to be made available on a basis. This will provide needed support nonreimbursable stemming from a tight schedule in the absence of timely and adequate conunercial air connections and security concerns . AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1068 ... 050014438. 0 17/CM001905'2-=t"l.. DOD-17-0430-E-000488 The aircraft -would also enable necessary communications links to be maintained. secure to be made AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1069 DOD-17-0430-E-000489 Tab A 2Ul7V7437 6/1120174!53 PM t :nih11IStut.-i. l>tipurtnuout of S1ut1o UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUM FORLTG(RET)I. KEITHKELLOGG CHIEFOFSffAFFANDEXECUTIVE SECRETARY NATIONALSECURITYCOUNCIL SUBJECT;Amended111Requestfor SpecialAir MissionsAircmft REF: MacmanusoKelloggMemorandwndated June 1, 2017 In furtheranceof the President's foreignpolicyobjectivesand at the directionof the l>rcsidcnt, SecretaryTillersonwilldepartfromJointBase Andrews Thursday, JuneIs, 2017, in the morning to ttavelto Miami. Florida to participate in the Conference on a Prosperous.and Secure.CentralAmerica. Tha Secretary will returnto AndrewsAir orce Base June 15, 2017, in the evening. The Departmentof Staterequeststhis be designateda WhiteHouseSupport Missionandthata .Speclal Air Missioos auaaft be madeavailable011a non-reimbursnble basis'.to tmnsporttheSecretaryand.his.part:,of apprcximatcly20 passengers,which include3staffmembersand security person~I.from Washington,D.C~to Miami, Ff~rida, 1bursda~,June 15.>2017. ~is will provide neededsupportrelatedto secuntyand .schedulmgconcem9> and will enablesecure communicationslinksto be Jnaintained. The p.oint of contaet for this missionis GregoryJ. Campbell,Supervisory Genera)ServicesOfficer. ExecutiveSecretariat. Mr. Campbellcan be reachedat !(b )(6) . Imviaunclassifiede-mailat !{b)(6) l He can~ ~ at anytimethro.:gh the Department of StateOperationsCenter at~ ~ The Departmentof State,s Office of the ,Legal Adviserbas cbred this !.i}f 0{ ~ request. Jo~h E. Macmanus E ecutive Secretary 1 Aftadummt!(2): 1. Planemanifest 2. Macmanus-Kellogg Memorandumwith manifest.datedItmci;1, 2017 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1071 DOD-17-0430-E-000491 U,J?o2t17 19:05:ttPM Talt!'19.l0Gtl Mlllloll~Jlffl PlaneMaaifot(Lee #1) MFBr UnttedStateso Mtaml. tJalted$ta\e$ nunday, '15-Jaa-l0t7 PAXC.r,tcity: 10 I. THESECRSTARY 2. !(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) ~ !:Hmfil@72?e jC. ~ 5. ~rt ~. Hickey,ChristopherS. 7. Hook,BrianH. 8. S/ES-IJlM.MC SIP S/F.S Kam:im. HartyR. 9. l(b )(6)1(b )(?)(C) 10......---------------11. Palmieri,Fl'lllcisco J\l . Pelctlin. Marpret J. -WHA s s 13. WilliamJ.MeredidJ B. 14. IS. 16. 17, II. '19. 20, le&!MV8 IE9NIt MP. DnltpdSWe Paplofl AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1072 DOD-17-0430-E-000492 1715:U:tJPM tlW ... MlilllooPio..1IS'1 11111 No.lONI Plane M11Uest(Lq #1) Mlaal1,Ualted Stateso AAJ'II.,VnlledStates Tbunday 1 15-Jatt-2017 PAX Capacity: 20 l. lllESECRETARY 2. j(b )(6),(b)( 7)(C) !:s. i(R)@, (fmJ ) Hammond. ltobena. $ I SIP SfES.IRM-MC SIP 6. Hidce)',Christopher S. 7. Hc>>t. BrianH. B. KmriR, HmYIt 9. j(b)(6),(b)( 7)(C) S/ES 10. "":. ,--.,.,..-,-,-----,------------,--11. Petcrlin,Mqaret J. J2. WiJUains,Menditb B. S S 13. 14. JS. 16. 17. JI. 19. 20. Paaelotl AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1073 DOD-17-0430-E-000493 001821 Redo V THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON July 10, 2017 MEMORANDUf,J FOR J'OE HAGIN ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDeNT ANODEPUTY CH!EF or STAFF FOROP!RATIONS W\\"-~ LTG H. R. HCMASTtR>,A.f,- FROM:. ~ ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONAL SECURITYAFFA'IRS ('.<~t> Request White House Support ~ission Designation for Secretary Tillerson SUBJECT: Request approval of the following Rex Tillerson, l. Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's forei~n policy, secretary Tillerson will travel to Hamburg, Germany; Kiev, Ukraine; Istanbul, Turkey; Kuwait City, Kvwait '; Doha, Qatar; and Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to participate in multilateral and bilateral meetings, as well as the 3. oo Principal : proposed White House Mission : Secretary of State. G20 Summit . 24-Hour Point -0f contact: Executive or ((b)(6) Director, center !(b)( 5 ) at Jonathan Menn.uti, P,enutv Executive See .retariat at Kb)(6) I or through the State 0.... , p_e_r_a_t"""'i,...o_n_s _ __. I Travel Itinerary: Location: Andrews Al?B, Maryland to Hamburg,. Germany oate : Wednesday, July 5, 2017 Requested Time of Departure, Evening -D Location: Haml:>urg,Germany to Kiev , Oktaine Da~: Sunday, July 9, 2011 Time of Departure: Ro~lested Morning Location: Kiev, Ukraine to Istanbul, Turkey Date : Sunday, July 9, 2017 Requested Time of Departure : Afternoon AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1074 DOD-17-0430-E-000494 Location: Is .tanbul, Turkey to Kuwait D~te: Monday, July 10, 2011 Requested Time of Departure: Location: Date: Requested Location; July 11, Qataf Afternoon 2017 Time of Departure: Doha, Kuwait Kuwait to Doha, Qatar City, Kuwait Tuesday, City, Morning to Kuwait City, Ku.wait. Date: tuesday, July 11, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon City, Kuwait to Jed.dab, Saudi Arilbia July 12, 2017 Time of Departure: Morning Location : Kuwait Date: Wednesday, Requested .Location! Jeddah I Saudi Arabia to ICUtHu. t City, Date: Wednesday, July 12, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon Location: Kuwait City, Kuwait to Doha Data : Thursday, J\lly 13, 2017 P.4tqueated Time of Departure: Morning I Kuwa.i t Qatar Location: Doha, Qatar to Andrews Air &'oreo Baeo Date: !hursday, July U, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternooo. ~. Passenger Included ~- Manifest: at Tab~- Special Consider~tions: In-theater aircraft to be ~~de ava Uable on a non.reimbursable basis. This wi 11 provide needed support s : emming from a tight schedule in the absence of timely and adequate commercial air connection :, and securicy conaerns. The aircraft would also enable necessary secure cs:>mmunications links to be maintained. (b)(5) AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1075 DOD-17-0430-E-000495 Tab A 201707015 re,. 5 Unilnd Slalt.~ of Stall' II 11.~l,i11.~io11. I J. <:.:!tl.i:!O Jul! UNCLASSfflED 10, 2017 FOR L TG (RET) J. KEITI I KELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVESECRETARY MEMORANDUM NA1101'.AL SECURITY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Amendment V o Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft REF: Amendment IV - Kenna-Kellogg Memorandum dated July 5,2017 In furtherance of the President's foreign pol icy o~jectivesand at the direction of the President, Secretary Tillerson will depart from Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C., on the evening orJuly 5 and travel to Hamburg, Germany to pa11icipatein bilateral and G-20 Summit meetings. Onjthe morning orJuly 9, the Secretarywill depart liamburg and travel to Kiev, Ukraine to participate in bilateral meetings. He will thendepart Kiev in the afternoon and travel to Istanbul, Turkey to participate in bilateral meetings. While in Istanbul, he will also attend the World Petroleum Council Congress. On the afternoon of Jul} I0. the Secretary wiII depart Istanbul and travel to Kuwait Cit), Kuwait to panicipate in bilateral meetings. On the morning of July 11, the Secretary will depart Kuwait City and travel to Doha, Qatar to participate in bilateral meetings. I le will then depart Doha in the afternoonand return to Kuwait Cit). On the morning of July I:?, the Secretary will depart Kuwait City and travel to Jeddah. Sjudi Arabia to participate in bilateral and multilatiral meetings. He will then de art Jeddah in the a~emoon and return to Kuwait Tity. 1 On the morning of July 13, the Secreta1ywill depan Kuwait City and travel to Doha, Qatar to participale m bilateral meetings. He will then depart Doha in the afternoon and return to Andrews Air I-orce Base. AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1078 DOD-17-0430-E-000498 . . The Department~f S~te ~qu~sts tl~isbe designated a ~ite House Support M1ss1on and that a Special Au M1ss1ons aircraftbe made avallableon a non.. reimbursablebasis to Lransportthe Secretarya11dhis pany of approximatelyJ7 passengers,whichincludesstaffmembersand security.personnel,from Washington,D.C. to Hamburg,Kie,\, Istanbul.Kuwait City, Doha, and Jeddah on July 5-14, 2017. This will provide needed suppoit related to security and schedulingconcerns, and wtllenable secure communicationslinks to be maintained. The point of contact for this mission is Jona.thanMennuti(Deputy ExecutiveDirector,Executive Secretariat. Mr. Mennutican be reached al (b)(6 ) via unclassified e-mail at (b)(6) He can also be reached at an) lime through the Depanmen of State OperalionsCenter at l(b)( 6) lor I The Departmentof State's Oftice of the Le oal Adviserhas cleared this requ~. ~}J! ' k. Lisa D. Kenna u-.ExecutiveSecretary Attachments: Plane manifest Kenna-KelloggMemorandumdatedJuly 5. 2017 (with attachments) AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1079 DOD-17-0430-E-000499 ,.... a1-.zo170,:lt:47,01 Mluiaa Nu.31741 Toll '.lilo.10IMt Plant Ma11if,sf(IA&#I) A.APB.Uniled States-H1111b11re, GennlRY Wednesday, 05-Jul,--2017 PAX Capacity: 19 t. THBSECRET ARV t l(b)(6) ,(b)(7)[C) 5. Ham1nond. RobertC. 6. Heffem,Joh11 A. 7. Hicke)',ChristopherS. $, H~pn, OerecU. 9. Rook,BrianH. 10. Madyun, MunirQaww, M, JI . !(b)( 6},{b)(7)(C) 12. McCray, KathleenA. 13. Menn11ti, 1onathllnR. SIP EUR S/65-lRM-MC S!ES 14, Wadhums,NicholasH. 15. William,,Me,editbB. 16, Williams,AbigailM. 17. BLOC>>.1BERC SIP s MED SIES-EX s NBC ,a. 19. M Baucat ArootaMOJ.lhtudSJttcs Pacel of l,l AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1080 DOD-17-0430-E-000500 IO;Jtil-2117 09:18:4,AM Mlakill nnNo.IalMO Plane Ma11lfest (Let fl) ffam.,__'IoCem11ny-Kylv,Ukrairte;_ Stlnd1y,~ul-2017 t'AX C.pacit): 19 I. l' He SF.cRETARY ;: l(b)(6) ,(b)(7)(C] 4. . 5. H1m1110nd, RobenC SIP GBPUR 6. Hefl'em , Jollll A. 7, Hogi1n. Oered.J. f . H04)(c, Brian lt 9. M~n.tJlunirDa\\ 10 .!( . II, S/ES SIP s .1111 M. MSo 11A. 12. ~n1.11i, JonachanR. S/ESoEX S/ES-IRM~C BLOOMBERG 13. Smith, 1.ce W. 14, Wacfhlms,Nichola II. ts. William.MeredithB. 16. Willillms,Abipil M 17. II. s NBC J9. S,,lboo PONlgflM!PIUlt Qcrmont I lidtcy. Chrlstoph...'l' S (S/8S-lRM-MCl Addiit UooJua,GfcPIIBY W ISll~RMoMC) Pace lofll AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1081 DOD-17-0430-E-000501 lWlil-201' '91.:1D-A7 AM MllltolN-.,3'1"1 Ttdl~a. lM PJoo Mutrat (Lee#3) Kyfv,UkraineoIstanbul,T1dtey Suod11,09.J?l-10t7 P,\X C.J)lclty:19 I . THE SECRETARY ~: r )[6),(b)(7J(C) 4, _...._________________ _, SIP EUR S. HamniOnd,RobertC. 6. Het'fem,JohnA. 7, 8. 9. 10. 1l. SIES H9pn 1 Dere~kJ. Hook, BricutH. Madwn. M1.11\'ir DawanM. !{b)(6),(b)(7)(C) McCray.Kadil.-n A. SIP s MED SIES-EX SIES-IRMoMC BLOOMBERG 12. Menn\di, JonathanIt 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 13. 19, Smith.LeeW. W1dl111ns, NicholasH. Williams , MeredithB. Williams., AbigailM. . s NBC AddsIn.Kylv.llkqiN &Ml ltAMb& llclAa IDICyjv.\llsoino P111e 3 or11. AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1082 DOD-17-0430-E-000502 tWlll-2il1199:10~7 A.\t ) llAil)o No. J8'1'4'1T.. Na. 10G40 Plau Manlrso (Leg #4) lstanblal.Tu.rkey - Kuwait, Kuwait Mo11day 1 tO-Jol--2017 PAX Capacity; 19 I. THE SECRETARY t r )f6),(b)(7)(C) 5, H1n1mond, RobertC. 6, Hogan,~ck J, 7, Hook,BrianH. 8. Mad~roMunirOawanM. 9. l(b)(~ (b)(7 )(C) 10. McCray.KathleenA, 11. Mennuri.JonathanR. 12. Smitll,Lee W. 13, Wadhellll,Nicholas1-C . 14. Weigold Schula, EvaA. IS. Williams.MerodllJI D. 16. Williams., AbigailM. 17. 18. 19. Sgt &IMPS AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT Prto,1o lp,bal, ItrlSCY l.kfftm. JQlin A (HUR) SIP S/ES SIP s MED SIES-EX SIES-IRM-MC BLOOMBERQ .S/ES s NBC Adds'" lmohl, Iaclsn Wei&oklSemal .lL EvaA {S/ES) 18-L-0088/ESD/1083 DOD-17-0430-E-000503 lf.J .111-al?O!lll0l47,UI ....... No. JB'ln T1IIIN.. 1"40 Plane~1onirnt (l.e&#S) Kllwalt,Kuwait- Doha, Qa111r Tuesday, 11.Jul-1tt7 PAX Cop.aejty: ., I. THESECRETARY 2. l(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) !. 3. ftuuiokMac;ic A l(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) 7. Hiunrnoncl. RobertC. SIP ";ff1e .~d~ !(b]) b 7~(C) $IP s. 9. JO. Lcndertdna, TinlOtby A. Mi'r~QawanM 12.t l)c ) 16. -.~ 11. I SIES ..JRM-MC 18, Smith,LeeW. 19, Wadhams.NicholasH. 20, NEA 5 BLOOMBERG s Williams. Meredith8. me l I. Williams. Abipil M. scatBMml Datalo ksmJiJ. Kml1 llupn. D~ J (S/ES) Wci&oldSchultz.Eo.-a A ( Lenderlciat,TlmodlyA ('Nl::AJ Muslcmany.MohwnedM (NBC) Nygapch,k;m Mfl,S) l(b )(6),(b)(?)(C) P~ge5of11 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1084 DOD-17-0430-E-000504 lO-Jo10l7 o,:10-.47AM ffistiollNo.3'141 Tai No. IOCMO PIJIJlC, Manifest(lq #6) Dolla.Qataro Kuwait.Kuwait Tuesday,11.Jul-2011 PAX Capacity: 19 I. THESECRETARY 2. !(b )(6 ),(b )(7)(C) 'NBC 3. B"fllek, Maci~A. ~: l(b)(6),( b )(7 )(C) SIP .SIP 6, Rimrt10ncf. RebertC. 7, Hook, BrianH.. ,. Lenderking. TlmotkyA. 9. Mad~, MunirDawanM. WEA .s 10. lttor Pa1e6ofll AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1085 DOD-17-0430-E-000505 1Wul-20t? 0,:10:'7 ,\t.l MiMltl!Ila.317411ill No. IOCMO Plant Manifesl (Lea#7) Ku'Wllit,Kawalt o Jcddah, Saudi Ar.abli Wednaday, 1Wul-20l7 PAXCopscity: i9 I. THESECRETARY ,2. Bgaiak. MacieA. ~: r )(6),(b)(7)(CJ NBC 6. Hammond,Roberte, 7. Hogan,DtrcdtJ. 8. Hook,BrianH. SIP SIES SIP NEA !t Undcrkiag, TimothyA. I0, M~n, MunirC>awan M. 11. ll. s l p MissionNo:38741 Cl Tail No: 10040 Date(s) of Trip; ..J 4( ...I < 05-Jul-2017 - 14-Jul-2011 y IL. LL. NAMESAND OFFICES 0 T!LLERSON.REX SECRETARYOF STATE (b )(6),(b){7)(C) '> .0 ~ .. :'!::: CQ C: ~ <<> 0 ftJ C: 3: .c. C :::J 0 (0 Ill ~ ~ C 'iij ~ ::; * ~ ,Q - 3 ..... (1J .a; (Q .mni C .c 3: "C 3 .c (ti :, :, 0 0 .c ::r: ::i.::: .!E. ::i.:::Cl ::i.:::~ ::i.:::Cl (f) .. i T n, i ? .. .. ,., ,., I ,, ! * tJDI"' (ti C u. J: .._ u. al ,Q:::J :::: 0 LL E > z cu .;;_ ~ .c ~ .r=. (U -0 3: -0Cl.I ::i.::: 0 ::s ffl .:::: 0 ~ 0 s::. C ::; ~ ::i.::: s::. ;::i fl) 0 (/) C ::; 0 E l'O * BUGAJAK,MACIE lcDO,,C.-t> ::) .0 * * * ... (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) HAMMOND,ROBERT SPOKESPERSON HEFFERN,JOHN ACTINGASSISTANTSECRETARYEUR0PEANANO EURASIANAFFAIRS HICKEY,CHRISTOPHER INFORMATION.MANAGEMENTSPECIALIST HOGAN,DERECK DEPUTYEXECUTIVESECRETARY HOOK.BRIAN DIRECTOR .o * * * I ,.. Ii .. I ! i o o * * .. i l * * . .. , o I .. o * ,. o ;, * * o o .. I .. I ,. - !... " I o " " .. " o (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) LENDERKING.TIMOTHY DEPUTYASSISTANTSECRETARY MADYUN, MUNIR DAWAN SPECIALASSISTANT * o .. . .. " o o .o ,. * * * * * * ,. ., o o o .* " * o o * *. o o ... ~ .. ,., * * * * o * (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) !Ml.A.KAY, KAfHLE~III PHYSICIAN MENNUTI,JONATHAN DEPUTYEXECUTIVEDIRECTOR MUSLEMANY,MOHAMED PRESS.NBC NUSEIBEH ..REEM INTERPRETER-ARABIC .. o oI * o * .. * * * .. * (b)(6),(b)(7)(C) t !(f -~.--__,_ Date pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1091 Prepared By: MatthewK~y t::"in ASSnu:o DOD-17-0430-E-000511 1-4-JUl-.!UlI \J\:#:~_, AM 1-'~e i. Ol, UNCl,ASSll-'IED NOTE! RKIMBURSEMEN1 ' IS REQUIRED 1-"0R.\I.L l '\OFFICIAL PASSENCE.RS TRIP ITINERARY MEMORANDUM FO.R THE RECORD manifestedaboardthe followingaircraft:" Mission No: 38741 Tail No: 10040 Date{s} of Trip: 05-Jul-2011 - 14o,lu1-2Q17 -' .J NAMES AND OFFICES ---- o AC:C:!~TANT ::i LL 0 LI. z 0 :, * I l i i co - s; LL J: u. :::, LL ~ .o. C: :, .0 E (ti J: (0 ti) > .>> -~3: ! .....c 'co o. o ,.. * * o " " * * 0 a:i LL C: 3 C -c ::I .c 0 ~ 11) ~ .s::. :::: 0 :,== ..... cu C: :::, ::. ~ ~ .s::. -~ Cl) 0 c:: Cl) ::IGBP. .0 C cu o 'iij tU ~ .s::. ~ -:, 0 :::, ~ ~ 0 ~ * * - .. .. .. ' I'll lU :::IC 0 in ~ C ~ (1J ~ * PRESS.NBC WILLIAMS,MEREDITH ! 2> > :! .ClE 0 C'II 0 SMITH.LEE BRANCHCHIEF TILLETT,LEAH INFORMATION MANAGEMENTSPECIALIST WADHAMS,NICHOLAS PRE$$, BLOOMBERG WEIGOLDSCHULTZ,EVA DEPUTYEXECUTIVESECRETAAY WILLIAMS.ABIGAIL ' ! I The following individuals were ! i !l l'G "ij ~ i:, i:, G) ..., ~ - Ill C: ffl 0 .c; .s::. C en * * o o * * o o o o o * * ~ ,.I .. * I ,. I .. o ,.! " ~ - o o ~ o o * o * * o * o (b)(6),(b )(7)(C) F>reparea8y ~Matthew Kozlowsky l ~("l,ASSltU:o pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1092 DOD-17-0430-E-000512 NA T IONA L. SE CURITY 003101 REDOII COUNCIL. WAS HI NGTON , O.C. September 21, 2017 J1 20!504 d) a MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANT TO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS LTG H. R. MCMASTER ~ t,,..,tte)!\ FROM: ASSISTANT TO THE PRES!DENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request Request White House Support ~ission Designation for Secretary of State Rex Tillerson approval of the following Princip a l : proposed Rex Tillerson, White House Mission: 1. Re questing Secretary of State . 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the Presid e nt ' s foreign policy, Secretary Tilleron ~ill travel to New York to participate in multilat e ral meetings at the United Nations General Assembly . 3. 24-Hour Point of Contact: Kei th Heffern Director, Exe cutive Secretariat, ~ )~) !(b)(6) !, or via State Ops ._ a_t ____ (,,.., b,..,. )(6 =)-------.-' 4. Travel Executive -------------------------... Itinerary: Location : Washington, D.C. to New York, New York Date: Sunday, Septemb e r 17, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: evening Location No wark , No w JerooY , to Washington, : D.C. Date: Friday, September 22, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: afternoo n 5. Passenger Manif e st: Se e attached 6. AMERICAr\ list. Specia l Considerati ,ons: Aircraft to be made a vailable on a non r eimb ursable basis . This will provide needed support stemming from a tight schedule in the absence of ti mely and pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1093 DOD-17-0430-E-000513 2 adequate commercial air connections and security The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications l inks to be maintained. concerns . (b)(5),(b)(6) AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1094 DOD-17-0430-E-000514 Tab A 201712946 Unito\d States Department of State Wa,~hingrnn. D.C. 20520 www ..~tatc.1.;ov UNCLASSIFIED Se p tember 6, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR LTG (RET) J. KEITH KELLOGG CHIEF OF STAFF AND EXECUTIVE SECRETARY NATIONAL SECURJTY COUNCIL SUBJECT: Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft In furtherance of the President's foreign policy objectives and at the direction of the President, Secretary Tillerson will depart from Andrews Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. on the evening of September 17, 2017, and travel to New York, NY to participate in multilateral meetings at the United Nations General Assembly . On the afternoon of September 22, 2017, the Secretary will depart New York and return to Andrews Air Force Base. The Department of State requests this be designated a White Hou se Support Mission and that a Special Air Missions aircraft be made available on a nonreimbursable basis to transport the Secretary and his party of approximately 19 passenger s, which includes staff members and security personnel, from Washington, D.C. to New Y ork on September 17-22, 2017. This will provide need ed support related to sec urity and scheduling concerns, and will enable secur e communica tions links to be maintained. The point of contact for this mission is Keith Heffern, Deputy Executive J or Director, Executive Secretariat. Mr. Heffern can be reached at ICb)(6) ~ He can also be reached at any via unclassified e-mail at l(b)(6) time thro ugh the Department of State Operations Center at !(b)(6) !. AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1096 DOD-17-0430-E-000516 The Department of State's Office of the Legal Adviser has cleared this request. Executive Secretary Attachment: Plane manifest AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1097 DOD-17-0430-E-000517 30-Aug-2017 14:28:01 l'M Mi!!iob Nil. T~il Nu. 10041 Plane Manifest (Leg #1) AAJ!'B, United Slates- New York, United Sta tes Sundty,17-Sep-2017 PAX Capaci ty; 19 I. THE SECRETARY TBD SIP DSS DSS 2. ASSISTANT SECRETARY , TBD 3. Biers , Daniel L. 4. DSS -TBD OJ, DSS 5. DSS - TBD 02, DSS 6. DSS - TBD 03, DSS 7. . Fitzsimmons, Elix.abethM. 8. Hammond, Robert C. 9. DSS S/ES SIP s Mad~~unirDawanM. 10. !(b)t6 ..:..~ye) 11. M , 1. TBD 12. MEDICAL DOCTOR, TBD 13. Nelson, Eric G. 14. Peterlin, Margaret J. 15. PRESS 01, TBD 16. PRESS 02, TBD 17. Williams, Meredith B. 18. S/ES-IRM-MC I MED S/ES-EX s AP AP s 19. Seat Request Adds in AAFB, United States Drops in AA FB. United States Page 1 of2 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1098 DOD-17-0430-E-000518 30-Ailg-'201714:28:01 l'M Mission No. Tail No. 10041 Plane Manifest (Leg #2) New York, U11itcdStatt:S- AAFB, United States Friday, 22-Sep-2017 PAX Capacity: 19 l. THE SECRETARY TBD 2, ASSISTANT SECRETARY,TBD 3. Biers, Daniel L, 4. DSS -T BD 01, DSS 5. DSS - TBD 02, DSS 6. DSS-TBD 03, DSS 7. Fitzsimmons, Elizabeth M. 8. Hammond, Robert C. 9. Madli] , Munir Dawan M. 10. !(b)(6 b)(7)(C) 11. MC TEAM,# I, TBD 12. MEDICALDOCTOR, TBD 13. Nelson,,Eric G. 14. Peterlin, MargaretJ. 15. PRESS 01, TBD SIP DSS DSS DSS Sf.ES S{R s S/ES-lRM-MC MED S/ES-EX s AP 16. PRESS 02, TRD AP 17. Willi.ams,Meredith B. s 18. 19. Seat Reguttt Drops in NewYork, United States /\dds in New York,UeitedStates Page 2 of2 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1099 DOD-17-0430-E-000519 201712946 Rev. 2 9/22120172:31 PM United States Department of State o -Wa,hington.D.C. 20520 www .state .gov UNCLASSIFIED . , ... I o o '1 : MEMORANDUMFOR LTG (RET)J~ .KEffH KEILOG'G CHIEF OF STAFFAND EXECUTIVESECRET~Y . ' NATIONAL SECURITYCOUNCIL. .. SUBJECT: Amendment II - Request for Special Air Missions Aircraft REF: Kenna-Kellogg Memorandum, dated September-21, 2017 Requestapprovalof the followingproposedWhite HouseJ4i,ssion: - . . .1o. _:R~~cipal : Rex Tillmon, Secretary. . . o(State .. , ....: :~' .. o. ~ 2. . ..Purposeof the Trip: In furtheranceof the President's fo~policy, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will travel to New York, NY on Sunday, September 17, 2017, to participate in multilateral mmings at the Unit.edNations General~em.bly . He will then travel to Bedminster, NJ on Friday, September 22, 2017, to participatein cabinet-level meetin~ with President Do~ Trump. .w,uty Executivj Director, ( or via 24-Hour Point of Contact: Keith L..Hetfern, Executive Secretariat Mr. Heffern can be reached:~ 3. l 5 ) _ He can also be-reached at any time unclassified email atl (b)(5) through the Department of StateOperations Center at l(b)(6) ... ~ 4. Travel Itinerary: Location : Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland, to New Yo~ New York. Date: The afternoon of Sunday, September 17, 2017_ Location: Newark Liberty InternationalAirport;New Jersey~to Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. Date : The afternoon of Friday, September22 ,.2017 ~ . AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1100 DOD-17-0430-E-000520 5. Passenger Manifest: See attachment. Special Considerations: Aircraft should be made-awilable on a.nonreimbursable basis. The Department requestsan aircraft.with.upgraded communication infrastructureto adequatelysupport Executive branch continuity communications requirements. This will also.provide needed support-related to security and scheduling concerns, as well as.maintenance of secure .- . communications links. 6. 7. The Department of State's Office of the Legal'Adviser ~ 'cleared this request. Attachment (2): Plane manifest Kenna-Kellogg ~~oiiuia~ AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 'dated?'~eptember21, 2017 18-L-0088/ESD/1101 DOD-17-0430-E-000521 Approved: S/ES-EX- Keith Heffern Drafted: Cleared: S/ES-EX - Matthew Kozlowsky, 7-5467 S/ES:EFimimmons - ok UM : SAbramson- ok S/ES-Milrep:CErickson- ok : .-., ) :.: ....: . ~...' : . . ,.! AM RICAr\ .... o. pVERSIGHT .... . -:.o. -~=-~ ... : : ..... ' .. .. .... 18-L-0088/ESD/1102 . .. . ~ DOD-17-0430-E-000522 . J2.&p-3111 7 N:15:57AM Mw..No.3!111.,,,_ TailNo.llNl/1._ Plue Muifest (Lee o1) AAFB, United States- NewYork, UnitedSims Saaclay,17-Sep-2017 . PAX Capacity: 12 I. 11IE SECRETARY 2. !(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) 3. Eoe EmiJv E ~: l(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) $ 6. Hammond,Robert C. 7. Heffern,KeithL. 8. Hook, Brian H. MunirDawan M, 9. Madyun. 10. !{b)(6),(b )(7)(C) 11. Pctcrlin. Margam J. 12. W"tlliams. Meredith B. Satlkqpat SIP - SIF.S-EX SIP s s s PnP io MFB, Upipd SW. AddsillMD, Upkf:I\Na Pagel of2 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1103 DOD-17-0430-E-000523 22,&p.201708:15:57AM Mi111DeNo.3'tumM TalNe.tlMt/llMO . Plue Manifest(Leg#%) Newark.UaitedStates-AAFB, United States Friday, 12-Sep-2017 PAX Capacity: 12 I. 1lfE SECRETARY 2. !{b)(6),(b)(7)(C) 3. Daniels,Brent u~ s 4. ~Em~E. s. !(b6),(bJ)(C) 6. Ftaberty, Sarah 7. Hammond. Robert C. I. Hook, Brian H. 9. Lorenz, Quinn 10. Muoir Dawan M. 11. !(b)((b) (7)(C) NSC SIP SIP NSC MadTTS s 12; McMastcr,Herlle:rtR. 13. I(b}(6} (b}(7}(C} 14. Pet.erlin, Margaret]. Joseph G. IS. Semrad. 16. NSC s s . s Williams, Meredith B. 1cb'rr6) ,(bi(?)(q u,ind C.:, Hdfcm. Keith L (S/ES-EX) ....~ . +,w, in Newedr )hired Stetee o. "!"-.. !(b)(6),(b)(7)(C) ! .-o . .. Flahaty . Sanb (NSC) . J ~~SQ !(bX6Llt(Zi(C Page2of2 AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1104 DOD-17-0430-E-000524 201712946 Rev. 1 . 9/21/201711:49 AM United States -Department of State o W~ D.C. 20520 UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUMFOR LTG (RE'I') J. K.:filrli KELf:;()GG CHIEF OF STAFFAND EXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONALSECURITY COUNCil, SUBJECT: Amendment - ~est for Special Air Misions Aircraft REF: Keona-KelloggMemoran>11 l0-.Z,:15AM MlllloaNo.l'1WJMlt Tail No.llMI/IOIMt .PlaaeMuifest (Leg #'l) New York. UaHed Sbtes- Morristowa,Ulliud States. Friday, 22-Sep-2017. PAX Capac:ity:1l 1. nm SECRETARY 2. !(b )(6),(b )(7 )(C) 3. &i, Emily E. = 4,!(b~6~7~ s. ltrn __ s c. 1. SJp 6. Hook.Brim H. 7. Munir DawanM. 8. !(b67i )(7)(C ) 9. McMaster.Heri,e,rtR. 10. !(b}<6l (b)(7}(C} 11. NSC Rqnsentative, TBD I 12. .NSC Representative,TBQ 2 13. Petmlin. MargaretJ: 14. Serno4losmbG IS.!(b )(6) ,(b )(7 )(C) 16. Williams,MeredithB. SIP s NSC NSC NSC s s s m1Yf:8ffed6Wn 1 l;.::::~-~~-~-_:-.: ..-~.-.The DepartmentofState~~~ -~ Wa.c;bington,D.C. to New York on September l7-2Z2017~ ThmwilLprovide needed support related to secm:ny and schMJIJingooncems, and will enable secure commmricationslinks to be maintaioeck The point of contact far this mission kKeith -Heffem, ~ Executive Director, Executive Secret.ariat.Mr. Hefferncan:be n:acliedat or 7 6 via unclassified e-mailatl (b)( ) LHe can also be reached at any time through the DepartmentofState:OpemtiomC4lter ai:l (b)(6) ffl .-- . .. ., I !. .. --... AM RICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1110 DOD-17-0430-E-000530 The Department of State's Officeof the Legal :Atfym- bas.:clemed.this request. .. ..-. . . ... o:~ ;/' Attacl:Jroent Planemanifest '.. ' ...:~..:- ....... .,.... o o. . . .... ... . .:-.. . :o .. . . ;/' oo.. ~ .......... . .. . .ooV....oo.-. , ,~7.,.;-1o.; oo. ..;_. .. ... ~-~.. ~ o .r . o o .J.\.4.,._\:;;. .-.. .. f -~, ' o ,, t:o ;~. . .. - . o.-: : . : -~ . - .: : .... . :.1,..o ~ . " o i.-. , ....-... -. .. .,.\-..-:.:z...4' . . ... ...:.. . ... _ ~-.......:::.. ..., -: . ,. ; ' A~?- ..... ... RIC pVERSl .GHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1111 DOD-17-0430-E-000531 ~714al:l1PM ..._No. TdNe..11141 PlwMnHeit~#l) , ..- AAl'B, UDIRdsa.ta-NewYri..UalWSam- ..- Sudaf.17 Se,~017 . PAX~ . 1. THBSECR.BTAR.Y -2. ASSISTANTSECRETARY , 11ID: .. . 3. Biers. Damd L 4. S. 6. 7. S. . 9. DSS~TBDOl~DSS DSS - TBD 02, DSS DSS - TBD 03, DSS F"m:simmom. FJiDJvi,hM. HW!IlOQd. :Robert C. MwbamMvni:: Dunn M nm: o SIP tm -.. l)SS; _ -- 1m1 : SIES.. . .. ........ _ '!,.. .... gm s 10. !(b)(6),(b )(?)(C) 11. MC TEAM.#1, nm SIES-IBM-ME 12. MBDICALDOCTOR. TBD 13. Ndsoo,PricG. 14. Pc:atin,MmprccJ. MBD 15. PRESS 01, TBD AP AP ~ s 16. PJBSS m, mo 17. Williams,Maeditb.B . IL . . 19. . - s . . ., ,o . .- -; Pacelafl AMt:HICAN pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1112 DOD-17-0430-E-000532 30-.Uc-2017H:21:81PM Mlllila No. TIii No.lllOCl a _ . Plane Maaifest(Llc#l?-: New York, States-~ U.W.Smtes Friday,22-Sep-2017'. u__. PAXCapadly-...19 1. THESBCRETARY 2. ASSISTANTSECRETARY, nm Bm, DanielL. 4. DSSo TBD O1, DSS 5. DSS- TBD02, DSS 3. 6. .. DSS - TBD 03~DSS 7. Fitzsimmcn., BJizabcd:t ~ -s. DS& . s 11. C 1, 1'BD 12. MEDICALDOCTOR.nm I SIBS-IRM-MC MED 13. Nelsoo. Eric G. 14. Petatin,Margmt J. SIBS-EX s 15. PllESSOl,TBD 16. PlESS02, TBD ,. .. ~........ SIP . -DSS. DSSo . S/FS. SIP HammoDd, RobertC. 9. ~an~ir:PalDnM 10. !(b}@@m(C ) .. 1BD AP AP" s 17. WiJliams,MeredithB. 11. 19o SeatReqmt Daw IPNmYoil?.:Uiaiw -Stnei~ .i o .. ... . Page:l of 2. AMLf llCAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1113 DOD-17-0430-E-000533 UNCLASSIFIED (W51 1 14 ..,.,.. {11) ""'='" (5 )--------------------. AMt:HICAr\ pVERSIGHT , 18-L-0088/ESD/1115 DOD-17-0430-E-000535 II DOD-17-O430-E-000536 UNCLASSIFI ED 25-Sep-20 17 08:23 AM Page 1 of 1 NOTE : REIMB URSEMENT IS RF.QUIR ED FOR ALL UNOFFIC IAL PASSENGERS TRIP ITINERARY MEMORANDUM FORTHERECORD The following individuals were manifested aboard the following aircraft : ..J Date(s) ofTr ip: 17-Sep-2017 - 22-Sep-2017 NAMES ANDOFFICES TILLERSON . REX SECRETARY OF STATE ... OJ X Mission No: 39118/39409 Tail No: 10041/10040 ~ 0 >3 Q) < u z u u. u. OJ ..J LL ~._ u. 0 -- 3 " * LL .:,,:_ ro z DOD-17-0430-E-000537 0.02692 REDOII THE WHITE HOUSE WASHlNGTON Nov:ember 28, 2017 MEMORANDUM FOR JOE HAGIN ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT AND DEPUTYCHIEF OF STAFF FOR OPERATIONS FROM: LTG H.R. MCMASTE@~; ASSISTANTTO THE PRESIDENT FOR NATIONALSECURITYAFFAIRS SUBJECT: Request White House Support Mission Designation for Secretary Tillerson Request approval of the following Rex Tillerson, White House Mission: Secretary 1, Requesting 2. Purpose of the Trip: In furtherance of the President's Secretary Tillerson will travel to foreign policy, Brussels,Belgium, where he will participate in the NATO .ministerial, EU Foreign Affairs Council meeting. He will meetings , then travel to Stockholm, Sweden for bilateral Vienna, Austria. to attend the OSCE Ministerial; and Paris , France for bilateral meetings. 3. Keith L. Heffern, 24 ...Hour Po;int of Contact; Executive Director, Executive Secretar . 4. reached at through the Travel Principal: proposed I or !(b)(6) Sta:te Operations Center Deputy an be or (b )(6) at (b)(6) ----------- Itinerary; Location: Andrews Air Force Base to Brussels, Date: Monday, December 4, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning Location : Brussels t Belgium to Stockholm, Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Morning Location: Stockholm, Sweden to Vienna, Date: Wednesday, December 6, 2017 Requested Time of Departure, Afternoon AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT of State. 18-L-0088/ESD/1118 Belgium Sweden Austria DOD-17-0430-E-000538 Location: Vienna, Austria to Paris, France Date: Friday, December B, 2017 Requested Time 0GBP Departure : Morning Locatian: Paris, France to Andrews Air Force Base Date: Friday, December 8, 2017 Requested Time of Departure: Afternoon 5. Passenger Attached 6, Special Manifest: at Tab A. Considerations: nonr.eirnbursable ha.sis . Ai-rcraft This will to be made available on a provide needed support stemming from . a tight schedule in the absence of timely and adequate commer~ial air connections and security concerns. The aircraft would also enable necessary secure communications links to be maintained. The Department specifically requests an aircraft with upgraded communications infrastructure to adequately support communications requirements , Executive branch continu.ity {b)(5) ,(b)(6) AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1119 DOD-17-0430-E-000539 Tab A 120 201'710732 Rev.I 11/l?/20174:43 PM Unitutl Statt~sDepartment of State o lfluahu1gtu11 1 D.C. 20520 UNCLASSIFIED MEMORANDUMFOR t TG (RET)J. KEITHKELLOGG CHIEFOF STAFFANDEXECUTIVESECRETARY NATIONALSECURITYCOUNCIL SUBJECT:AmendmentI - Requestfor SpecialAir MissionsAircraft Reference: Kemia-KelloggMemorandum,dated August3, 2017 Requestapprovalof the followingproposedWhiteHouseMission: l. RequestingPrincipal: Rex Tillerson, Secretaryof State. . Purposeof the Trip~erance .-- ' ..iI . ~. . + ' 2. ofthe President's foreignpolioy..ob~ves andat the directionof the President,SecretaryTiHersonwill departfromAndrews Air ForceBase on the mo~iqg of Monday, December4, 2017, allQtrav~ltp,~nissels~ Belgiumwherehe willparticipatein the NATOministerialand the EU Foreign AffairsCounciJmeeting. 0n the morningof Wednesday,Dece1nber6, the Secretary will travelto Stockholm,Swedenfor bilateralmeetings. That afternoon the Secretary will travelto Vienna,Austriato attendthe OSCEMinisterialon Thursday, December 7. On the morningof Friday, December 8 the Secretarywill travel to Paris, Flllllce for bilateralmeetings. He will retumto Washingtonon the eveningFriday, December8, 2017, 3. 24-HourPoint of Contact:KeithL. Heffem.1~nmJ BxeoutjvjOirector, Executiv~Secretari~ Mr,Hefferncanhejached at (b)(5) or via unclassified emailat! b)(6) He can.also bereached any time through the Deparbnentof State OperationsCenter at l(b)(6 ) o r,t 4. Travel Itinerary: Locatioi1:AndrewsAir ForceBase,Maryland,to Brussels,Belgium. Date: The morningof Monday,December4, 2017. AMERICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1121 DOD-17-0430-E-000541 Location: Brussels,Belgiumto Stockholm,Sweden. Date: The morningof Wednesday.December6, 2017. Location: Stockholm,Swedento Vienna,Austria. Date: The afternoonof Wednesday, December6, 2017. Location: Vienna,Austriato Paris,France. Date: The morningof Friday,December8, 2017. Location: Paris, Franceto AndrewsAir Force Base, Maryland. Date: The afternoonofFriday,December8, 2017. S. PassengerManifest:Seeattachment. 6. SpecialConsiderations:Aircraftshouldbe made availableon a non-reimbursablebasis. The Departmentrequestsan aircraftwith upgraded communicationinfrastructureto adequately supportExecutivebranchcontinuity communicationsrequirements.This will also provideneeded supportrelatedto securityand.scheduling concerns,as wellas maintenance communications .. . . of-- . links ..,. i \ .,. ... oo ....,.. ;; secure ~ - "' o ... 1. W1ioo --. o o 'oooo o.c.ooolt:11 . ~. - ... oo . I- o ... _.._, ...,,.._,~?.-.-- ~.: ~... o o ~ . ~~ J;>epartment of State's Offiu of the Legal~v~ ~ cleared this request 'o. ~\,---- -,~ Lisa D. Kenna ExecutiveSecretary AU!mbments (2): 1. 2. AMt::HICAr\ Planemanifest Kenna-Kellogg Memorandum of August 3, 2017 pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1122 DOD-17-0430-E-000542 Drafted: S/ES..EX-Joyce Harley,7..7457 Cleared: LIM:SAbramson - ok, 11-16-17 S/BS-Milrep: CBrickson- 11-17-17 Approved:S~BX - KeithHeffern - 11-16-17 .. .... ., ..." ..... . .:. .:. ~ . .. ... ... ..- . o : ..... , !.oo"I~o..., . . . .... ....... oooo . .. .'.. .. pVERSIGHT o ../, "t AMt::HICAr\ -.,.... .,, 1-""1. oo ~' o 18-L-0088/ESD/1123 DOD-17-0430-E-000543 ".. .- "": 16-NoY-ZtlT 1114!1127 AM Mllllu Ne.4DU2T1IINe.I004t PlaneMultest (Lee #1) AAFI, UnitedS18tu o Bmsell, Belpum Mollday,M-Dee-201'7 PAXCapacity: 18 J. nm SBCJU?TAR.Y s 2. Brown. ClintonS. 3. DSS-TBD 01,DSS ?. DSS~ TBD02,DSS 5. DSSo TBD03, DSS 6. DSS- TBD04. OSS DSS DSS DSS DSS 7. Hammond. RobertC. 8, Hoffom.KeithL. 9. .Hogan.DereckJ. 10. Hook,BrianH. SIP S/BS-EX S/BS SIP SIES MED BUR 11. Klein, Christopher C. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. MEDICALDOCTOR.TBD Mitchell,AaronW. Pctcrlln,Margan,tJ. PRBSS01, TBD PRESS02,TBD s AP AP Smith. Lee w. SJBS-IRM-MC s WIiiiams,Meredith B. AddsIPMPB,United SWM Paplot5 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1124 DOD-17-0430-E-000544 16-Not-JOl71014fl21 AM MIIIIDaNt.~ TIii "" 18140 PIHo Manifest(Lea#2) Bruaels,BelalUIR - S10ckllolm, Sweden Wedaada7 1 06-J>oe.2017 PAXCapaelty: 18 I. 111ESECRBTAllY s 2. Brown,ClintonS. 3, DSS-TBD 01. DSS DSS DSS 4. DSS- TBD02, DSS 5, DSS- TBD 03,DSS DSS 6. DSS- TBD04, DSS 7. Hammond. RobertC. 8. Heffern,, KeithL. DSS SIP S/ES-EX S/BS SIP SIES 9, Jlopn,DereckJ. 10. Hook. BrianH. 11. Klefn,airistophcrC. 12. MEDICAL DOCTOR. TBD MED BUR 13. Mftcheli AaronW. s 14. Peterlfn. MarpretJ. IS. PRBSS01,TBD 16. PRESS02,TBD AP 17. Smkh, LeeW, 8/BS.IRM-MC AP s 18. Williams,MorcdilhB, SutRegugt .Dom ? oo ,: Mr!oo Adfo11ltYHMltJlfuPI Page2of5 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1125 DOD-17-0430-E-000545 l~l11t'841ilf Mllltt? No.~1 'NI No. IOM ..... MaDJr.t (Leg#3) Stock!lolmSweden . o VienoooAustril Wednesdaff.Dec-201 y, 1 PAX Capadtyr 11 1, THESBCRETARY 2. Brown,Clin&on S. 3. DSS-180 OJ,DSS 4. DSSo TBD02.OSS S. DSS-TBI>03, DSS 6. DSSo TBt>04,DSS 7. HammondRobert , C. 8, Hoflml,KeithL. 9. Hopn, DereetJ. 10. Hoek,Briu.H. 11, K1eJn. a.iltopber C. 12. MEDICAL DOCTORTBD , 13. MltclleU, AaronW. 14. Petatln.MarpretJ . 15. PRESS01, TBD 16. PRESS02, mo 17. Smitb, Leew. I 8. Wlllium,Meredith 8. s DSS DSS DSS DSS SIP SJES.EX SIBS SIP S.IBS MED EUR s AP AP SIBS-IRM-MC s Page3of5 M pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1126 DOD-17-0430-E-000546 l'-NM-201710149127 AM Mbll1111 No..tlW N No.lOo<SS SIP S/BSoEX SIES SIP SJES MED BUR s JS. PRESS 01, TBD 16. PRESS 02, TBD AP AP SIBSoIRMoMC 17. Smlill,LeeW. 18. Willllms. Meredith B, s Mu a.hdtern,a StatBeeWC PmNtobrfL most . Page5of5 M pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1128 DOD-17-0430-E-000548 J01110732 Wl0179'J I AM United Statea Department of State o W'ohin8,on,D .C. 20520 MEMORANDUFOR.LT M O (RB'I')J. IOmHKBLLOOO CHIBPOPSTAFFANDBXBCUTIVB ~y NATIONAL 8BCU1UTY COUNCIL. SUBJBCT : Requestfor SpecialAir MissionAircraft s In furtheranceof thePreaident'aforeignpolicyobjectiwsandat tbc direction of thePreddent,8ecxe18ry Tillenonwill departftomAndrewsAir Fon:eBue on 1be . morningof Sunday,December3 andtravelto Bnassels,Bolgiumwherehe will pllticipttDlo the NATOministerial,BUForeignAffah! ~ s meetinand & USm.JBnel'I)'Councilmeeting. o d I . ... On1bo:ifterpoon ofSatmday,December 9 tho Secntarywill departBmasels return to AndrewsAir ForceBase. :. o-:e. ,. !:: t.:. o. ~, Theo.,ucmentof Statereqlltltsthis be designateda WhiteHouseSupport Missionandthato SpecialAir Missionaircraft s be madeavailableon a non-NimbUl'laQ basis le to transporthe t Secre1aand ly hisparty of approximately 19 ~ whichinr.ludeltaff s mombenwt socuritypersoam.iom , Wasbingtoa, B1U9SooDoce els mber 3-9,2017.TheDepmlmeutrequasts anaitcraftwith uparadecCOIDIIU l IDication ~ to adequately supportBxec:utive bnncb CODdrlJcommun ity ications requjremonta.'I1liswill pn,vide neededsuppm:tnoted to securhyand schedulingconcernand s, willonable .secmecommunication liob s to be maintained . . =="- # t oo 1he point of contactfor thiamissionis BricG. Noiaon,Bxea1tivoDhect.or, eM : Bxecutive unolaail1ed e-mail~ )(~ ~= ~ the o. . M o pVERSIGHT 6 Nfcb tt! ecl (b)() lorvia Hoeaalao-bemcl,m. llllf ODI Center atL...! (b_)(6_) __ 18-L-0088/ESD/1129 _,j time DOD-17-0430-E-000549 TheDepartment of State'sOfficeof the.Legal' Advisel:has clearedthisrequest. Keim --T., .. ~;....,,..,. .. r ,o ..., . ..o . ... .. ..... . -..,....~. .. . . . .. . ... . .. ... ....o'.~. . ..... ..... o::o ;.tto...=.- ....;-:,: ..... . ....~~t...!:l,;::..o -. ., .o ..... .o:.'.:.. _, o~1.,,o. ' - 'r, t .l o .,t o .. . .. , M pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1130 DOD-17-0430-E-000550 I. THI SBCRBTAR.Y 2. 3. 4. S. f. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1'. 16. 17. 18. 19. A8818TAlttSICRBTAB.Y o SUR,mD Blln,DuleJL Bnnnl.CllaloaS. DSSoTBDOl,08S 1)88 - nl> 02.D8S DSS..TBD03,0SS DSSo T8D04.DSS IJmamoed, Robertc. lloPD, DereckJ. MCTBAM,#1.TBD MBDICALDOCTOR, 'lBD Mela.Brico. P< PUSS02.TDD WUU...Meredith 8. ....... DataII ,'tADeUnited 8WM EUI. SIP s DSS DSS n,s D8S SIP BISS &m-lRM-MC MBD . SIBHX s AP AP s : ..._.. l:Hr,. MD,JJalld,,,,, ... . .' ' . Paplof2 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1131 DOD-17-0430-E-000551 I. 11tBSSCUTARY 2. ASSiffANTSBCRETMY .BUR.1BD 3. Bfen.DalelL ... Brown. CllDtoa 8, :;. DSS-TBD01,DSS 6. DIS - TBJ> 02,DSS EtJa SIP s DBS DSS o 1, DSSoTBD03,DSS a, DSSo 1BD04,D8S ,. HllnlDollll. Robertc. 10. Hotu,Dereokl. 11, MCTBAM, 11, TDD 12, MB~L OOCTOR. T8D 13. Nmoa.BricO. DSS DSS SIP SIBS SIBS-11.M-MC MBI> SIBS-BX s 14. Potdn,MapretJ. IS. PUSS 011 TBD AP 1'- PUSSOJ.TDD AP s 17, W811mt, MeredllhB. 18. 19. ,.,._,_ ._; Pmeiilrio-- .. ~ o o ., .. 'l,;t Acid,, tnl::I It ...,.., Pap2ol2 AMt::HICAr\ pVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1132 DOD-17-0430-E-000552 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION DIVISION 1155 DEFENSE PENTAGON WASHINGTON, DC 20301-1155 February 11, 2019 Ref: 18-L-0088 I: 18-cv-00787 Ms. Sara Creighton American Oversight 1030 15th Street, NW Washington, DC 20005 Dear Ms. Creighton: This is the final response to your October 17, 2017 Freedom oflnformation Act (FOIA) request, a copy of which is enclosed for your convenience. The Department of Defense conducted a thorough search of their records systems and provides the enclosed fifty three (53) pages , determined to be responsive to your request. Twelve (12) pages are being withheld in part pursuant to 50 U.S.C.? 3024(i) (b)(3), which pertains to intelligence sources and methods; (b)(6), which pertains to information the release of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of the personal privacy of individuals. Forty-one (41) pages have been withheld in full pursuant to 50 U.S.C.? 3024(i) (b)(3) , which pertains to intelligence sources and methods; and (b)(6), which pertains to information the release of which would constitute a clearly unwan-anted invasion of the personal privacy of individuals. Appellate rights are moot as your request is cunently in litigation. Sincerely, Enclosures: As Stated AM[HICAN PVERSIGHT FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024 (i) MSN NO: 39710' ACI-T: MSNDATE: 12.13October 2017 )( ): COSTEST.. (? 3024 (i) Wohlngton,D.C.20505 6 October2017 MEMORANDUMFOR: Executive Secretariat Office of the Secretaryof Defense Washington, DC 20307o1000 SUBJECT: AMMENDEDTO DROP KSAT, Request for VIP Airlift and Acceptance of Liability [CIA Memo A031.18, Amends Memo A028.18] 1. (U) The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) requests Departmentof Defense (DoD) ~~~l i approval and Headquarters, U.S. Air Force (USAF) assistance in coordinatin VIP airlift(b) for the Director, Central Intelligence 5 Agency (DCIA), (b)( 3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i) 3024(ij . .. .. I .o.. -. . IT.k~ g !The DCIA requires roundotrip air transportationfrom ~rews AF_B.MD to . ? Austin. TX. and Fort Worth TX from 12 to 13 October 2017. Airlift Operatu>n.~has ... ..... 3024(i) coordinated travel with the USAF Special Air Missions (CV AM) plannersand reserved a o mission from Andrews AFB supported by ... . Airlift Operations can be reached atl (b)( 3):50 I u.s.c. ? 3507,(b)(6) I 2. The proposed itineraty is: !(b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i) This trip is in the national interest and commercial travel is unsuitabledue to DCIA security and communicationsrequirements. 3. I certify that the U.S. military air transportationrequested abovewas required by the Central Intelligence Agency. The DCIA Office of Budget and Finance, IAW Title 31. USC, the "Economy Act," have obligated funds to cover the cost of this mission. Additionally. this request comP.Iieswith all the reauircmentsoutlined in 0MB circular 126. Please submit billing to: l(b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3507 l .K>U national i.nteiat and commercial tntvcl is unsuitable due to DCIA security and communicationsrequirements. 3. I certify that the U.S. miliuuyair transportation requested above was required by the Central Intelligence Agency. The DCIA Office of Budget and Finance, IAW Title 31, use. the ooEconomy Act,~ have obligatedfunds to cover the cost of this mission. Additionally. this requestoo~Jies withallthemauifementsgutlinedin OMRcircular 126. Please submit bill~ to: l(b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3507 3>_:5_o_u_.s_. c_.?_3_5_07___1 '--1Cb_)<_ .____ ======-' -::(:::b ):::(3;:::):::::;:so;:::;u::;:.s:;;:_::::;:c.::;:?::;:3::::;:50::::::7::, (b=)(::6=) (b)(6) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 11 HIIIHllll 1111 . --osooos305~1.11CM001131e~17-JI r r I,.. A I 18-L-0088/ESD/1134 DOD-17-0430-F-000002 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLV MSNN~ ACJ-T: 00 39857& 398.31 ____.IO . L(b=)(3;;:;.i.): ...... so_u_.s_. c_._? ].024(i} MSNDATE: 26-29October2017 COSTEST: !(b)(3):50 u.s.c. ? 3024(i) ! 19October2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: ExOCQtivc Secretariat Officeof the Secretaryof Defense Washington,DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT!Roquestfor VIPAirliftandA~ of Liability[CIAMemoA03CJ.. l8) 1. (UJ The Ccnttal IntelligenceApncy (CIA) requcstsDepartmentof Defense (DoD) approvaland Headquarters.. U.S.Air Force(USAF)~jstanceincoordinating VIPairlift far the Direclot, Central IntelligenceAgency (DCIAjJb)(3):50 u.s.c. ? 3024(i) The DCIANqUires r:ound-tripair transportatioo ftom AndrewsAFB,MDto Atlanta,OA from 26 to 29 October2017. AirliftOperationshas eootdinated travel with the USAF (b)(3):SO I :,, ~~~l)nloawrs3.~~=1i~~~~ca1-~--~6~~g) reached aq(b)(3):5o u.s.c. ? 3507,(b)(6) ? I I 2. Theproposcditineraryis: l I II. OEPART OATVTIMl~ (+/. 2 ~ (tJt,mpls: 2tilf2(J{) DEC98 (J<~ Agency. The DCIA Officeof Budgetand Finance~IAW Title 31. USC.the '"Economy A4 .. haveoblipaed fimdsto coverthe cost of this mmion. Additionall this request . . . o . . bill' g to: (b)(3) :50 U.S.C. ? 3507 126 PJc.!ot !(b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3507 t (b)(3) :50 U.S.C. ? 3507 ,(b)(6) (b)(6) FOR OFFICJA.L USE ONLY 18-L-0088/ESD/1152 DOD-17-0430-F-000020 - (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i),(b)(6) AMf HICAN OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1153 DOD-17-0430-F-000021 FOR O1-'FICIAL USE ONLY 38883& 38918 (b)(3):SO MSN NO: r-:J U.S.C.? 3Q24{i) -.-.--- ~ ACFT: MSN DATE: 18& 23 July2017 COSTEST: I .... I o o o s o. (b)(3) :50 ll :s.c. ? 10July2017 3024(i) MEMORANDUMFOR: Executive Secretariat Office of the Secretaiy of Defense Washington, DC 20307-1000 .; i SUBJECT: Requestfor VIP Airliftand Accep~ of Liability[CIA MemoA1S9-17J I I I I . (b)(3) :50 U.S.C. ? 1. (U) The Central IntelligenceAgency (CIA) requestsDepartmentof Defense(DoD) 3024(i) approvaland Headquarters,U.S. Air Force (USAF)assistancein coordinatin VIP airlift ........... ... for the Om,ctor. Central Intelligence Agency (DClA), (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i) to , c=]Thc DCIA requires roundotrip air transponation (b)( 3 ):SO U.S.C....?___ 3 24 o (i) Aspen, CO from 18 to 23 July 2017. Airlift Opemionshas coordinatedtravel with the and reservedtwo separatemissioosfrom USAF Spccia1Air Missionsi,Lil.AD4.lll!UIDJIJ.Cl'S be chedat . -. . .. .._ .. -.- ...... _-.- .--.--- - .---- ........ rea (b)(3) :50 U.S.C. ? 3507,(b)(6) ell <:..\: 3. 1certify that the U.S. military air transportationrequested above was required by the Central Jntelligenc:eAgency. The OCIA Office of Budget and Finance, IAW Title 31, USC. the J::conomyAct.., have obligated fundsto cover tho cost of this mission. 44 Additionally,this request omllP.:IJ~lg{li~J!li:Jlt'~mnlmlS..m.llWIU::d.JlD.llMllLJ::il:culat....--, :IU&I.ingto: (b)(3) :50 U.S.C. ? 3507 ,.,...,.i~~~~~~. (b)(3) :50 U.S.C. ? 3507,(b)(6) (b)(3) :50 U.S.C. ? 3507 [: ~ . ,J: (b)(6) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY iHIll HIii I 111 . --osooos302::1-r1CMoott374~w ... 18-L-0088/ESD/1154 DOD-17-0430-F-000022 (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i),(b)(6) AMf HICAN OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1155 DOD-17-0430-F-000023 (b)(3) :50 U.S.C . ? 3024(i),(b)(6) AMf HICAN OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1156 DOD-17-0430-F-000024 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (b)(3):50 U.S.C.? MSNNO: ACFr: 40560 _)P 24(i) l;ts:\ ~ ?. MSNDATB: 14-18Feb2018 2February2018 MEMORANDUMFOR: .Executive Secretariat Office of the Secretaryof Defense W~ DC 20307~1000 (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i). SUBJECT: Requestfor VIP Airlift and Acceptanceof Liability [CIAMemoA090-18] . 1. (U) The CentralIntelligenceAgency (CIA)requestsDepartmentof Defense(DoD) ....._approval and Headquarters,U.S. Air Force(USAF)assistancein coordinatingVIP airlift u.s.c. ? 3024(i) I L:__Jrhe DCIAreqwres round-mp8ll" transportationfromAndrewsAFBtMD to Berlin,Germany,andMunioh,Gennanyfrom14to 1812018. AirliftOp<'24(i) I __J 9 February2018 MEMORANDUMFOR: ExecutiveSecretariat Office of the Secretary of Defense Washington,DC 20307o1000 SUBJECT: Request for VIP Airlift and Acceptanceof Liability [CIA Memo A097-l 8] 1. (U) The Cffltral IntelligenceAgency(CIA) requestsDepartmentof Defense (DoD) (b)(3):S0 u.S.G,.? .. 3024(i) .... .. approval and Headquarters.U.S. Air Force (USAF) assistance in coordinatin$ VIP airlift for the Director. CentralIntelligenceAgency (OCIA)J(b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(1) I l The DCIArequiresair transportationfrom West Point.NY to New York City, NY on 22 February2018. Airlift Operationshas coordinatedtravel with the 2nd Aviation Ja~-~LlSt~ew,~art~Intemational Airport, NY and reserved a fli rted b a (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i) Airlift Operationscanbe reached at (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3507,(b)(6) .--.j.-.-.. (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3507,(b)(6) 2. The proposed itinenuy is: l(b)(3):SO u.s.c. ? 3024(i) This trip is in the nationalinterest,___and ___co_mmerot ___ JU...--tra-'!-1-el...,is,...uns_u....,i_ta.,,..,bl,...e-due_to_DC_IA_ ...... security and communicationsrequirements. (b)(3):50 U.S.C. .?_ 3024(i) . , .. 3. 1 certify that the U.S. military air transportationrequested above was required by the Central IntelligenceAgency. The DCIA Office of Budgetand Finance,IAW Title 31, USC, the "Economy Act," have obligatedfunds to cover the cost of this mission. Additionally,this request complies with all the uirement.soutlined in 0MB circular .. 126. Please mibmit billing to: t.:(b~)(~3)!.:.i:5n0:frU~.s~.C~.m3~50~7F;;~ihv~---------i..., ! l (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3507,(b)(6) - (b)(6) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 18-L-0088/ESD/1170 DOD-17-0430-F-000038 (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i) ,(b)(6) AM~ HICA'\J OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1171 DOD-17-0430-F-000039 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (b)(3):50 U.S.C.,? 30~4{0 MSNNO: ACFr: PATtbd'/ I 'I MSN DATE: 2November2017 COSTEST: .----..1--.~!~~6 .5~ I 3024(i) 10 October2017 MEMORANDUM FOR: Executive Secretariat Office of the Secretary of Defense Washington, DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: Request for VIP Airlift and Acceptanceof Liability [CIA Memo A033-l 8] 1. (U) The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) requests Department of Defense (DoD) approval and Headquarters,U.S. Army (USA) assistance in coordinatin VIP airlift for the Director, Central Intelligence Agency (DCIA), (b)(3):50 u.s.c. ? 3024(i) The DCIA requires one-wayair transportation from ort c atr to ew or , ew York on 2 November 2017. Airlift Operations bas ~otdio~led travel witb 1'1e] 2 planners and reserved a missionfrom supportedby a_(b)(3 )-50 U.S.C, ? 3024( 1) _ Follow-on portion after KJRA will be via a s aratc r uest to CVAM. Airlift ations can be reached at (b)(3):50 u.s.c.? 3507 ,(b)(6) tV (b)( ): ? 35 .S.C . 5 0?,(b)( ) l(b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 30241 2. The proposed itinerary is:mThis trip is in the national interest and commercial travel is unsuitable due to DCIA security and communications requirements. (b)( ): 3 50 3. l <:ertifythat the U.S. militaryair transportation requested above was required by the Central Intelligence Agency. The DCIA Office of Budgetand Finance, IAW Title 31. USC, the .oEconomy Act," have obligated funds to cover the cost of this mission. Additionally, this ~eq~~ com lies ~th all the r uircmentsoutlined in 0MB circular ~. . lea.-.esubmit balhngto: (b)(3) .50 U.S.C. . 3507 U.S.C. ? 35o7 o-- ...-- .... t:_j (b)(3) .50 U.S.C. ? 3507 ,(b)(6) 0 6 C) --1 ,~ ( ) (b)(6) '""N FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY AM~ HICA'\J PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1172 1111 IIIHH~II . ...OSD01265o~17/CM0016791;t7 .... DOD-17-0430-F-000040 (b~(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i),(b)( 6) AMf HICAN OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1173 DOD-17-0430-F-000041 U.S.C. (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i),(b)(6) l\Mf HICAN OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1175 DOD-17-0430-F-000043 (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i) ,(b)(6) AM~ HICA'\J ..OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1176 DOD-17-0430-F-000044 (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i),(b)(6) ,\M~ HICA'\J OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1177 DOD-17-0430-F-000045 (b)(3) :50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i) ,(b)(6) AM~ HICA'\J OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1178 DOD-17-0430-F-000046 (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i),(b)(6) ~Mf HICAN PVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1179 DOD-17-0430-F-000047 (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024{i) ,(b)(6) AM~ HICA'\J ..OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1180 DOD-17-0430-F-000048 (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3024(i) ,(b)(6) AM~ HICA'\J . OVERSIGHT 18-L-0088/ESD/1181 DOD-17-0430-F-000049 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY (b)(3):50 U.S.C:..? 30;24{1) .' MSNNO: 40088,. .,- ' I / I ACIT: MSNDATE: 30Nov2017 o COSTBST: (b)(3):50 3 Dec2017 U.S,C. ? . .3024(i) . 1 r 29 November 2017 MEMORANDUMFOR; ExecutiveSecretariat OfficeoftheSecretazyofDerense Washington,DC 20307-1000 SUBJECT: Request for VIP Airlift andAcceptanceof Liability[CIAMemoA056-l8J I. (U) The CentralInteJligenceAgency(ClA) requests DepartmentofDefeose (DoD} u.s.q.? approvaland Headquarters,U.S.Air Force(USAF) in comdioativv ~ airlift 3024(1)., , .JortheDirector,CentralintelligenceAgency(DCIA)}b)(3)jo u.s.c.? 3024(i) I ..o I The OCIA requiresround-tripair transportationfrom AndrewsAFB, MD to Los Angeles,CA from 30 November2017to 3 December2017. Airlift Operationsbas coordinated travel with the USAF Special o . o plannersand reserved a be mission o oo''can (b)(3):50 1istan~ I reached a (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3507,(b)(6) (b)(3):50 u.s.c.? 302,f(i) l 2. Theproposeditinetaryis: !Cb)(3):50u.s.c.? 3024(i) Thistripisinthenational interestaud (lOJlllUeI'Cial travel is unsuif.abledue to DCIA securityand communications requirements. ~ ... -t'i ~ 3. I certify that the U.S. militacyair transportationrequestedabovewas requiredby the ~~~6_5~ CentralIntelJigenceAgency. The DCIAOfficeof BudgetandFinanc:, IA_ W Title 31, 3024(1}, USC, the ooEconomy Act." have obligatedfundsto coverthe cost of this mISsion. . .... Additionally,this request complies with all the requirementsoutlined in 0MB circular aease "- C:,> .0 .... submit billingtol._~b_)(_3)_:5;:;0=U;;.S;:::;. C;;.:;?;:::;35;:::;0;:::7:;:;;;;:;;::;:;:;============~-----, (b)(3):50 U.S.C. ? 3507,(b)(6) (b)(6) FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 1rn1m111u11 . ...OS0014S'88:.171CMOOt965S~17'--. 18-L-0088/ESD/1182 1\Mf HICAN VERSIGHT .......... .-...--.-".---.----------- DOD-17-0430-F-000050 u.s.c. U.S.C, 183 0.3.0. ?3024(i) 184 DOD-17-O430-F-000052 U.S.C. DOD-17-O430-F-000053