FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET 1363599-0 b7E; b7E; b7E; b7E; b7E; b7E; b7E; Total Deleted Page(s) 2 25 Page 4 b6; b7C; b7D; Page 8 Referral/Direct; Page 9 b3; b6; b7C; b7D; b7E; Page 20 b6; b7C; b7D; Page 21 b3; b6; b7C; b7D; Page 24 b3; b6; b7C; b7D; Page 63 b3; b6; b7C; b7D; Page 64 b6; b7C; b7D; Page 65 b6; b7C; b7D; Page 69 Referral/Direct; Page 70 Referral/Direct; Page 71 Referral/Direct; Page 76 b3; b6; b7C; b7D; Page 77 b3; b6; b7C; b7D; Page 78 b6; b7C; b7D; Page 79 b6; b7C; b7D; Page 80 b6; b7C; b7D; Page 86 b3; b6; b7C; b7D; Page 87 b3; b7D; b7E; Page 88 b3; b6; b7C; b7D; Page 89 b6; b7C; b7D; Page 141 Referral/Consult; Page 143 Referral/Direct; Page 144 Referral/Direct; Page 145 Referral/Direct; Deleted Page(s) No Duplication Fee For this Page @9939?); Transcribed "5-19?242 5361' In B. MGM Dinah: Winn m6 humiliation Ethics 15th and Struts mum, Mlmis has: Sir: Stun-1?s smash?; In tho Unit-d Sinks. is ?may pro-lurid are, mu suspicions that sh. shy to a 6m isms. Mm.) Min: to minions?, In. Baum pudhu?m'm hit-rpm 9119160 or tho)?- gimimatl 1 In: infer-stink til-s thisindi? sidusl's Justina I111 b0 gust]: Maud, V017 Hts-sly yours, . 3? if ?5 raft?k P: - ?2 ?aug?W-?M . KN A {36? . rm: wmum zuvss?namon we?; . OF mm; 321: . b7E .. be I WW: 1:132:31: ?i??wwur?s. DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 4m; ADD SS REP 1'0 PECIAI. ASSISTA 1 IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE to x?i?wg ?th7; mm mam "fdf?fem'smeen Franklin Trust 3111le 3.1942 Mr. ?end-on Mr. Kramer? a Mr. McGuire Mr. Misc DIRECTOR. FEDERAL BUREAU or INVESTIGATION Semcgel'ge I I Referring to your communication of May 21, 1942. please 'be informed that a search of the records of this Service failed. to disclose any information concerning the above- I named. subject. sly yours, enmel WEB. ofield. Special Assistant to the Attorney Gene I ?1 1/3/4" i ?0943?? b3 . 36: b7E . (LilE??a ?#143th a 43?: 194:1 3 (F I ?hi? advice thai our do In}? contain any inform him 20911931111115 311's. . . i?,rep?rteq to be in the United states at We praz?eyn mm. 1 am, however, Mains; namain {inguiri?s audiycu wiLi be ?rgaytyy tancerninb any - partinent informeiian high 1% a?vegoygd. 133 2379 137152 b7D b3 b7E ?Honoman McGu?l an. Quimi Tiffani? r: Nest? Gndy - .Transcribea 5-19?42 knot-able Molt A. Bull, Jr. tum-m Main: at Maia of nut- 'Iuh1n?hu, D. G. I: ?(31:16! any ?mun-hm: ode- mm in! ?natal. pm. that Inmud But" A Mm: - . inter-luau 1n you-:11? Mn; this. mammar- 1:111 in] may ?unmet-mod. Md, may '0 . 1 ,CLAseraso .4332? g; mans[942* TE .. ,1 3 1333513 . Hill?s i1; 1 a; I a b6 3 . a ??1va 133 1371?. ransom nun m. DIPLOHATIG a ?le: we. Gebor Belze - ,Eepionege - .318 #9 1 relieble. Widentm home has edvieed that Hrs. Sore Gebor Belge. :3 Wm subject believed to be the divorced wife or Burhu Helge, hen cone to the United Statue] 1373) We - . 4 Inquiry or the Idsretion end leturelieetion Service recording 4 ff: ?who": ?33: reoo . any em on er. of Stete e'dvieed tr letter de?ed June 19m that. the reoorde oeted that he. Ben Debu- Belze torus-1y reeided at. 99119 mrent. Drive. Beverly Kine. . Gelifornie end that ehe later gore her address ee 2055 Once Avenue. Hollywood. editor-hie. ?lire. Belge'e eponeere hed euhithed doomente to the State neperhent in behalf or her inieretion vise epplioetion. .end her one ie under ooneideretion. The Shete Wt Author advieed that oorreepondenoe received by ?the Department rm: verioue eonroee intereeted in Mr. Toucan-e. Wang's viee epplioetion indioeted thet. she recently entered into merriege Mr A. nit-hulk. Gone-ed x. Hilton. Itm reported thet Ir. Hilton planned to open e. i Mr:r01eggh0m on 23.11? be known lie the Billion now. an. Chihuehue, State at m, 61mm?. unmo- :m is; . . dd N:ohWol rm ie being molded to you for your intonation et the present ML To,? Erie-rand in the event tux-nui- momma Tie received concerning? m. MI. Tucyw be indietely toner-?ed ho youi; 3! :31Mr. Conny mum can nacho ym' ML. Henaon, .. ?9 2 in? . Mr. Kramer . Mn McGuireW Mrz. Quinn Tamm .- Mr. Nease - - {1 ?Miss Gandy 95?2?? h, .. i [Mr. lgh?r. ng. ?Mr. iM}. Mir. Hr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. :Mr. Miss Gondy Forth tor reference is made ,Ffl H1 July'V, 1942 concerning Bro. Sara alga. I an in receipt of information from.tho State Department indicating that Mrs. Ears Gabor Beige woo formerly'reoiding at 9949 Durant Drive, Beverly Hills, California, and subsequently she gavo her oddrono as 2055 Graoo.Avunno, Hollywood, California. It is stated that Mrs. Beige?: sponsors have submitted dooumonto to the State Department in support of her immigration visa application, which application is presently undor consideration. Corroopondenoo received by the State Departnont from various sources interested in Mrs. Belgo'a vino application indicates that she recently entered into marriage with Conrad 3. Hilton. at Chihuahua, State of Chihuahua, Maxico. Tolson . E. A. Clegg Glavin Ladd Nichols Boson Tracy Carson Coffey Hendon Kramor McGuire Quinn Tanmn__ $9 Nona. It was reported that Mk. Hilton planned to open a hotel on any 23, 1942, to be known as the Hilton Hotel- Any additional information which you may ralativa to this individual would be appreciatedJiuw?? - v. . MC 9 i a Z?cheral iBureau of ?nnes?gutinu 4 ?nite?! uf ilusticr ,4 'Los Angeles, California \i'q/I'O August .31, 1242 at . 3 INDJING Director 4? i Federal Bureau of Investigation Washington, 0.0. (KW Rc: Mrs. .HILT with alag Sari ton agi Gabor? araa? bor,, 1spins. Burharn ,_Sari ?19, Sara ?Beige?, Sarah Talisman, JEBPIONAGE H. Dear Sir: . Information reported to this office indicates that the above captioned individual may possibly be engaged in espionage activities, and accordingly, it is requested that her name be placed on both the cable and postal censorship watch lists. . Mrs. HILTON presently resides at 10730 Bellagiq Road, Bel Air, California, having recently moved there from m; 8463 Fountain Avenue Hollywood, California. b7D db i ,7 54,..14- 11?? The information in this office further indicates 9 61? 5 a; that Mrs. KERN received a fetter within the past few weeks from Mr. SWOURA Avenida da Hiberdad, Lisbon, Portugal, a letterW Hotel La Refoma, Merici, 9.0., Cuba, and that she as received letters from Istanbul, Turkey. - L, a It is therefore requested that the names and addresses of SERRA MOUEA and CARLENCITA GUTIRREZ also be placed on the above mentioned watch lists. 51?. if ,5 . i :ery truly yours, . ?m Bl ?five corms nEsmom HOOD ?3 .- 286 OCT 18 960? Special Ageg in Charge 4 19- :7 I +on JV ?lmy/sot) 6? a JEEGAR HOOVER 'omccroa i?choral {Emma of investigation .CAA ESL MEMORANDUM FOR 4 . ?30-287 ?niteh ?7tates Elwin-imam nf ?us?ce Washington, 53. GI. September 15, 1942 TRACY Cable Inter I - Frors?i?xogoeva Kilt W- A 0:31 . Lisbon, Portugal received that the recommendation to sugpress is being ?0110'W9a i The message .is quite suspicious as ?it may be code and may contain shipping information. .RECOMENDATION: It :is recommended that the message be suppressed. COPIES . 286 00713 1980 Respectfully, EifCOf ALL mmam?non ?seem 1s amnesty; av NNED Hr. Tolson MrClog: Ghvin Ladd Nichols Roun Tncy Carson Coffey . Hendon Mr. Mr. Mr. Harbo Mr. Quinn Tam? Krzmer McGuiro_ Tole. Room Mr. Miss I 26:1:de Mi - a. . ihe attached .oable?was transmitted! .to the Laboratory for special "recomendation and advice has "been Nease 1 m3. CONRAD lo mw'm b3 ESPIONAGE (B) b7E hm ?3 19?: intern-um me you any ham morning than: m.omu.num,uthnum: ans-1mm Mather WEI-MN 3-1 Air, mum man301M mum Ir. unifica- hum huh-M 16 . when, Mk Oahu-m m1 W. 9.0.. In. mum ??115.th mans-Am Ina-plow: as! b3 b7E intern non um'mm country. I RIGELNAL ml; (1 .1 4! ur. tug/on on 11 um ALLIN TibN CONTA :t?lenW+ Mr: ?lavin: Mr, LaddW .34: \mholgw - -- upinc; *1 f! fw?i? M: Uarsonw Mr. Coffey 1 M: Hindon A Mr. Krnm?er. Mr. (H7433 Mr. Quinn Tm? ?t 3 Skin Neale Min \Gug?? Mt. Mr. Mr. Hr. Mr. 311:}, he Angelo; .Dur Sir: ?epten?oer ?26, 3.1942 w. EPIONAGE (I) with reference to 76m- letter dlted August 31, 1942, subject? mm and tunes are being placed on the oeuorehip watch list, as I311 Hr. Sam noun uni Wait: until-res. The Bureau :11? reflect tint on August 14, 1942, a cable was directed to an?! Iowa, Munich d: Libenaade 16, When, Portugal, by Jojo": Hilton. 'The cable reads LETTERS EVERITHIM WONDERFUL HAPPIER ONLY 11133 YOU rm ?Thil cabin is appuently from the m?uect ?to Mann and it it believed that this able burl Rom?: meet address. T'lea? A. Tannin? A. 1C1013 Glavin_ qr ariz11"; Hotel: W5 I :5 Inc: '3 =4 Cnisoni ?c 1 A?r? 1"a . 2 Hen?McGuire? A. Quinn Tatum Neale Hi It 73$? ?01? 5: 3611:: Edgar Hoover Director .4413: $23159 Yours truly, b3 b7E a he :02 an .449; ?17: Ni: ABSL FNFF 594595 :cc FF: OSANGELES CALIF 92.710 NLT FIGURA AFFNIDF BF is LFSFOF HGPE AQL RIFHT NE AND Z119 HELTGN n38 - 7 Q. cinch CONTAINED gg-mom?me . 3; Date? awed?:- 7, 191.2 m, Lumen-n from: J. Edgar Ho?over' Director, Federal Bureau of Investiga?ion ?Sub?ecm mm. mm at. 331301, was ESPIOHAGE A Mom 13 to than I'm tho lac-1? um music? 1 (?3th AW 31, 1942, urinating that infatuation mid to ?gum om? 1mm that met us: may!? Win cm. le?dtiilo 11. Jam; ?won't am an pita-d an as. mm- peat-n1 momma II A I A. 1371') A . .r 5?1? renown or ?u stataabor ?80ng ch. tam); mum at 99?? Durant mm, mun, emu 1min, mud 1th:- gave hu- Iddrau a 2055 Grant ?smut; mum, mum-nu. Al at mm: m, 1942, bur Migration um :ppli?oatim an: .undcr con?dara?en b3 how that State In}: at. th- Mm Wt ?11? mnea?o tut munch . HE Mr, ?Miami-id cw mm: Hilton planned known A: an. mm mm in w, marl! Hz, ?li .- unJJial?B ?Mr. Gin I Mr. Lanai m. Hm: hm. . up. Ron: . ?Tru - .L .. A A Knm?qf r. ?Qu?inn Tummg? am, In Austin 2 mi following intorocptod ?1:10an and. animal. by cantor-hip authoritiu, having bun Manna an ?ow-lbw 24, 1942, to Law Baum, natal swam, 3am; *?mSIm IOU mm am: 1?0 EVA. NOR ML Hangman1:11]. be noted that subject apparently now it; In ?Iark City.- Imlnsoha mm 13111-101: should sub-tit ram Winston ?naming "thin utter, in 11" 91' it: lottcr dated Amt .31, 3.942. Sufficient ?"9151qu mom he mad-mks: to uh a Malawian :mbjoqt .uy ho indulging swim or related ?Mutt?. - i+ A 2: A SHE 3E 3 EASE 5m 1733 1669.37 sen 55 53' EAEW ?germs CABLE NOV 24 TELEPHGNED 2EE LUTEL BUSAELA HOTTL EAGDAD (UFAQ) SE AISSAEA YOU EARLIAA EAT 3 OR THOTEL LTO GET REWA LOVE Lu AA HOTEL 55 AND 5TH AVEAns: A L35 SEER CREATE EEC DEC 23442 23 CABLE ELPASQ TEX 27 NLT . gm AVENIEA BE LIEE?agn?fxs (PQRTUGALB DARLINGS HE VERY HAPPY MISSING YOU Yb. 131R G37: LETTER YQU MILLIQN KISSES 7 W?ow, @353: gaasoo SNER - 7; an . . 7+ 0:00 CNY 1?58#9? AG . b3 b7E pm? December so, 3.942 . 5m, 1m angel? ?From: 1. ?Edgar iHoo'V?er - ?Director. i?ederal Bureau of Investigation. t: . 59? was. mm x. mm, mm Ear-mm; in nude to your letter dated August 31?, 1942, which you requested that Summit: Oath-res, Hots bu planed on the .censorship watch list. Mme-em: Through cabin censorship the Emu has truer: adviaud that the following; cable was ?led at 31 Fan, Texas, on Dumber 27,, 1942: b7D '28 mm BLPASO (Pom-mm mamas WE VERY mar MISSING 10:: mm mu .mp9! mm mm (m LOVE you .umon xxssas :97 i It :appoara that this m?hrna ?mind in your ?office in August i 1942. an yet no report has boon received. in tha Bureau and tho man requested by you have boon on the watch list "sine. 59aner 1%2. Ion are instruct? rte In that a. ?park is ,aubnittod in this newer um m? moral days and you are muostod to Edwin mm the ?nuns: placed By you should he . . ??lmed on the watch 11?. Mt. molten Mr. E. A. Tamra? Nix-?01623 Mr.?Gl?tvin MriLndd Mr..N}ehols .M M-.. w- Mr . 3036::me .31 see mu A Mn 6?30an A 2 .L. Mr- .3 01942 P. M. Mr .Hmdongww Mr. ?rmer i' WW: Edam n- A White: M?Gulre 3. In? :3 Mr. Quinn Tim; A r? - i Raf?, ?52 .4 Hr: ML In. Mr. Mr, Hr. Hr. 11Gamay Tel-on E, Tamm_ Cl?: ?Gltvin Lt?dd Nichollw Bonn The; Curran .991!? Houdon Krumor MaGu?iu *1 . Esrbo An 'Quinn Taming. Jinn SAG, Lot Angel?s near ?ne: was. com I. HILTON, was ESPIOHAGE There are transmitted herewith for your intonation copies of a censorship submiuion of a letter dated Navenbcr .1942, from subject and Gabor to Joaquin Serra-MOHr . 553(- mi: Very truly yours, John Edgar quvor Direetor Enclosures b7C b3 b7E f. 19732:? Date: rota-nary 6, 19h} To: 510, Erma: J. Edgar 'Hoowr (Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation 0 Subject: yaw mom MWby?mimMI?pod 9" 2? i a? 133 . 1071:: Mr. 19130.2: . If . Elf; Elwin.? i I {?4133}wa I Mr: 01.922 ?uh? i {a is?; 3 I i Mr.Ladd_ #35 ?3 anifa?f ?tm?l? 15 gunman? A iE.? ,3 7? 3 Mn?men. '11 ruey?g. FEB 7343 saw; Mr. 0;?an Mr. Cami W'sumu am Mr: Henhg an nr ??ng {r 1 Mr. Kramer W?a' CONTM Mt. MeGuirq . ?5 (0 Mr. Quinn 3171mm? .DATE BY- Mf- 13.13116? a . -. ,4 ?in In? Mtgmam 3 4. 5 I "9 i?eheral {Bureau of investigation . Huiteh gaining nf ?un?re Los Angeles, California February 10, 19113 Director, FBI i 0 RE: ms. CONRAD NICHOLSON HILTON, was ESPIONAGB (3) (Bureau File No.l: Dear Sir: Reference is made to-the report of Special Agent ERNEST J. VAN 1003, [Los Mggleg, rdated?Fqbrug? 8 1 I wher nf d? - 4 remain; A, B, and is identi?ed as 1279 13713 I I b7D i I I 29193 . Iconfimed ?the above igf?matiombut could add not 10715COPIES DESTROYED ?mm3950 ?A?Emaxm??lL Director -2- 2/;0/10 . RE: Mrs. CONRAD N. HILTON, was -- ESPIONAGE (H) 1379 ,3 Reference is also made to ,Los Angeles letter dated August 31, 19142, requesting that certain names be placed on the censorship watch lists, and to Bureau letter dated December 30, 19112, requesting advice as to whether or not these names should be retained on the watch lists. It is considered advisable that said names be cont on the watch lists ,for the present time. These names are: Mrs. C. HILTON, with aliases, 10730 Bellagio Road, QUIM Avenida de Liberdade 16, Lisbon Portu? gal, CABMENGII or GUTIFW) Merici, Cuba. At this time is desired that the following mesh be added to the watch lists: mrm?smu, Hotel Senbad, Bagdad, Iraq., LYBN, Berlin, Tfilmonsdaf, Prinzi Genten str. 75 Berlin, Germany; Corpora . GO, R.N.A.F., 3h S.F.T.S., Medisin Hat (probably Medicine Hat) Alberta, Canada. ?It is asked that the back traffic, any, on all of the six names mentioned above, be requested of censorship authorities and mmished to this office. Very truly yours, SAC b3 b3 b7E I: I "Hi 5' ?kc-{U a I gar?? ii . g, . -5 mar(2., 2 ;i 20: 191:3 EX u- 55 SLO, In: Ans-an no: m. cm mason mm up; mamas Bur Sir: Wm: ism ?mi-tia- 'arfabruu710 19m 1: to wand-ma" mum? thummtum found the amt ?1 to ambit. my at tho mutfarthrartho Wot naming mum. Very truly years, Mr. Tolaon Mr. E. A. 71mm?, Mr. cm; John Edam I Mr. Cottey; 111!" Mr. Glavin ?dd CONTA 1 A man 54:. Mr. Tracyghim: aausnrv 9711:3303? Mn?arbo I Jig] ?2 if: 3:212? m. was 02 new m" Quinn 4 if 5 Mr. Ncuq in 4? Misletn?y? . 1 b3 b7E 1101 iORigp?gim 1.03 11121122 211.1%? b3 1. 1 1 r-r b7E Fade at: i Date: reriod Wade by: ?Fumyumn ate-Jiv- Los ?2737134? ?f63m 12, 1,11,19,25, 211%.531 J. V11 ?50111 VL F, ,2 A 3 1/1, 11,11,113 ,23, 96718 i ?1 :22: 3-3: a?-4I9 ~349=ii - ?~35 'i E125- it 5334 4 ?51! E: vi r=1 'i "Title: Chara 1111*: Yrs. 201111 11102121301; 111.101, was Jojoeva 2.33.91, Gogoev'ss uiltan, Sari 15:1011111 2111111212: 59133); 331? B?lgea 58x3: T531533 "l 9179,: if: if Sara Gabar