Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/?Mum; mg: ?ans-"mevr? "w J: . A - 155'? ?ggve 11:9; web 4? 1 3? Mn?; A .Ig?Iwuw may?, "a nan-U and Ap roved Fer Release 2013/09/05 CIA RDP13X00001R000100070005 2 . A mssified and Approved For Release 013/09 5 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 *rmf??l Declassified and A- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 . I "11' ilff . I . I WI) ?a I Lh' thwwu; 1-11-- I .I N. -4..- ?1 l, '03 h?n?a. u. . Declassified and A- oroved For Release 2 . 215mm .Declassified and Ap?rovgd For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R00010007005-2 5-493?? . 1.. 1511 Ix ?7?2 (Eg? 41; 111i?? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 I Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA- RDP13X00001 R000100070005- 2 ~wwmem?mw?? 1 1 . $4131" am: "4 twat?; 4?32, - I si?AP? I win, ?1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA ,pm .- I. . 1' WW3 ac- and Approved? For Release 2013/09/05- Declassified an . ram 3 . x. . . gemINIT WV) 31 am. MR. f?gfmj ISL: 13] H. 1 JERIY In.? ir? :i'ii Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00 i_l 1000700052 5 m: i, 3 i I 7.11237 54?- A E. .n V.Declassified and Ac Iroved For Release 20 3/09/05 0005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 . - am my. ?119ch '2 - .2 -mm?zm??fg - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 E5 ?ng d? i 451 MM. Declassified and Abproved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 Declassmed a oved Er Release 2013/09/05 RDP13X00 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 ram; 4/6 m. aw.? 43' {?Hii?l?k ww 1 1 .) ltJ?usA .45, uL?-Jmi (Declassified and Approved For Release rm?13k mi: In, - em A. i-f Sim.? 11 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R00100070005NAVAL (QRIHEPCHWA UNIT MM. MADE FOR: 1 new: 3 (j Lt .1: ,1 OFFICIAL - . -l n. For_Rase20 - - .1 my.? - 5' - I. edior Rglease 2013/09/05 2 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 r? ., . . . Hahgm?. a "Wm. ?5 pk -V ?ADedassi?ed and Appr?d For Re 359 2013/09/05 3 CIA-RDP 3X000 .wa?y Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 ?3 15? i?l '53Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005- 2 00070005-2 DHP1X00001R0 0 ed For Release 2013/09/05 ?Aln Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001 R000710000005-2 . ., ?j ?t WM gf?fge ?r 1! JMZT: . 7 fr - ?ea? ("If I ,1 t/ affix/l" a a OFFICIAL a: we mm 4' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 R000100070005-2 W. ax ;997 1 23~ M.. Declassified and {le?09 For Release 2013/09/05 . CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 Declassified and A0 oroved For Release 2013/09/05 A g? .3 1 f: ?111-3311111111? {1:1 mm UNIT w; 1; 'mma 1m; .1 1 .. . 4? i??wf?z?gxz .Lugwfl? 51. minim, mum. 111.111 3323M H?s-van. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: RDP13X00001 2 a a. f. 2 Aln . 11Jaw fiit??r?r/J g. I OH MIMI. . it I 1 FrDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 1 ?2 Declassnfied and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 ma Aim-um? . OFFICE (?571421111 JUNE FROM CG, USE, TNT, NEW DELHI, TO SEE BELOW 1?4 WW 7513 (FUR we Dzaacron_ ATALD zaggasw, DEPARTMENT NEAT-1. DNAATAARECEIVED IN CODE: To: CG, USP, CT, REAR ECHELON, CG, USF, CT, CHUNGKING CNTNA. 00 505 CT KUNMING, CHINA. NAN 16571. CG USFIBT T0 NAacos. JNFORMATJON: C3 AECT, JSECT, CG osscr. IN TO THE LTSTED 1N CRAK TEGA4 (TN 13863), 15 WAR DOGS AND a HANDLERS AA: AETAC TC rag CHINA THEATER FOR 035. THE FOLLOW1NG 3 481MB FROM THIS HEADQUARTERS TO HEADQUARTERS CHM-M HEATER AT THE 431-? THE YRANSFEH OF THESE 15 HANDLERS: ONE ASSISTANT DOG TRAINER 458 14 Doc HANDLERS 458. 055 (WITH APPROVAL) NANTS 0003 AND HANDLERS SENT TO CHINA AS SOON As POSSIBLE. 1A LTNE Asrw A LTXE REQUEST IN OUR CRAX 12044, PLEASE ARRANGE To DECAEASE THE ca: ALLOTNENT FOR WAR DOG DETACHDENT BY THE A CVE LTSTED NUMBER OF 3AADE5, AND INCREASE THE CHINA oss ALLOTNENT ACCORDINGLY av THE SAUE NUMBER. PLEASE LET us KNOW WHAT WAS DONE 1N REGARD To OUR can 12044. FOOTNOTE: 12044 as (22 MAY 45) ASF ACTTON: ASF DPD oss 19 JUNE 45) 1213 19 JUNE 45 Tom 0922 20 JUNE 45 IT IS FORBIDDEN RE - DECPW k\ l- - I 551;. - 316Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 ease 2013/09/05 - TO: which states into China from India for meantm? course, can be done on this project churian - . disk-?mesa me OFFDCIE 553% was the?mm. er k??li General Wiiliam J. Emnmvan Louis M. Ream Re erence is made ?e ?mhln We; s: that hersee en? nuxre 5 indicates that ?hmre is ruclti?air?: ti?: by? 3L a? in the theatre. . ponies Lexie m.h Deputy Directer Adminiatrmtive Serv - akin?: ?my. 1 . SECRET 5 :7 r75) he! 2e Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X0001R000100070005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005(if #fh?A?fE/Wb? SKEKVIEIEQ Wasnmm?mm e3. TC: General FROM: Lenin Ymur ahton?i de?ed 9 :7 u" . Jug ancn amagvn ?nd unr'd PM ?lers . .H 4.- .6 i wasCay: . ?Pl ?ner spvvicn .angv?. QM - I . 3 (3.: zl?i?i: Tu Qmwuhv ?irwe?nt A?mimig .. -. I 4 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 I - 0005-2 ?1 - X00001 R00010007 I ed For Release 2013/09/05 . CIA RDP13 Declassified and App_rov' v? s?rnn?rmaza gamma; u. .L . -eumite .5 i . semvmm I (FOR 0 TO OFFICE train? smegma/agar. Mam? nmsm?on mum sanrs?a, armei IN (:0le (DR FREE TO 1091 (i933? Ta enumextne), HE TER DIRECTIVE 23m. JUST 1531356, ?susmsn CHINA. csiLI ma 1% 2000 a?ic? is gag: no THE PERFECT 4&3, rugs caegzne ?sag 9F FT ?3 5? Fi?? a?cams . /2 T0 mni?TA?? AN AMERICAN HERE 35 f9 MERE WE ALL FEEL THEREFORE as gamma? ?e IN YOUR #3341? 11474} seuca EACH 506 azautaza a . MEANS we JOULD HAVE T0 cuf Down a~ sane as a? so AND a. 3 ALSO couaHLim 574153 5095 9:3 NOT ma?a a. ?3 3. WE ARE REIORKING OUR PERSO CEILING AND A 0 MNEL Fsamass FWG . a; wee LL ADVISE YOU IN a FOR Vega :myasmargen, many I GROUP CEILING IS 1800. 4. SUBJECT: MY HIRE AGAIN REQUESTING MAPK ?*mj APPARENTLY CROSSED YOURS JHICH ARRIVED THIS JDRNING, 1 (198$)ch ??51 721/113? 3 romMaoa 19 mums TQNHAGE and Approyeg?fc?elea'se 3013/0395" I: ENTIWMwmange. .W .l . .k 3&1:sz- r?hdiu QEQFH .5 timrmagr T00 u??w?rzmx or mums l*0h #5715") i I I ??13.31? 76:52:13?ma .339ng I ?an-nun" nun-a onus: ?795.1! 5 RECEIVED canes: cm swam?17mm mm? f?ip?l; mmnm, in: mm: .132 L. To cm?m?m, ?3 9k. ?(?351 my? a, EXPERIENCE mm not} 3? GET. 10?: was; My!? SUCCESSFUL. 1T 13 FELT THE USE GEE gm: Fate 5.13% AN EXCESSWE MSTE CF mesmam ma mnmmam soon AN - preomsm THEncroag 55 gm: as mm mm mung, rgo Funmc? SHIPMENTS or HORSES man: me: 3331er ?325; be THE MATTER OF mow-ma mass; Til mm as. a oarrscuu PROBLEM mum Hm am 99:55: sowam T??zs mm. H43 THE OF CURRENTLY Ha?z: mg?rg; mronmnow cowumcm ?mm 34;, REAR Eazmammg amm? ?a Tom 0831; 18 my {5 (DELAYED mama): IT IS FORBIDDEN TO COPY OR EMILE. WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM Tim SECRETARIAT ?mm Magma . I i- -. -2 Declassified and Approved For Release swam, Declassified and Approved Fokr Release 2013/09/05 CIA- RDP13X00001 R000100070005- 2 Farm ggsf?niddl . OFFICE STRATEGIQS Ti?? '33 .e .. . 1. M'ssm?i?rt 3 \v OFFICE (FOR . are?" HIRECTOR .v . ".15 far?" RECEIVED CODE CIPHER a nun? an.? In .111.? 9 HEPPHEH 999 0F MD Wings; min? 39:15.1 3-8533 CONSTANT 9? Wit. C. NOT TO BRING. AMMALS 8d?? a? 553 NO FOR THEM. FURTHEWJIDRE THE-IRE. YGNEMMFL AMELABLE T0 FLY THEM. ALL FORE-SOME writ; CGNSIDERM ?230$ WHEN WE ARRWED AT OUR HE x: saw/secs. 18 MAY 45 IT IS FOR gagiDUCE THIS (HELL) WITHOUT 3N FROM SECRETARIAT . v-u "xv-ha"! -- a? I 4% - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA- 2_ I I A I I 005-2 - . Approved For Release 2013/09/05 . 0151;321:413 Declassifle 01:? 6111111111111 11311111131$ . DATE 58 MAY 191,3 3"":th 1.1111111111111111 1 . /3 ro 03111111110. 11111011111 mum FROM 13 111111111111 WOFHCE OF STRATEGIC 1.113111111111311 91.111111311111111 . 1111 111111 ?counnmriau 10 01111111141011; 5:151, 111n111n111 1, .551. ggv1g'f DMECTOR 13561353 1 1. 11 in?; TRANSMITTED IN c4003 0111 1.1111113 15? ?41 111111 #255 HEPPNERT '10 10 11110111 11. 12111113 11 11 11? Uh To tz'ounsmum' 9; (111 135118). 11 11. .1 111111.11 ?ng 311 1 11 110111 1111111111 111.1 1151111 1111111111 01111311. 11.1 110 .. 11? 111 11111111 1111 1111511111 ?11170011116 121111,,111 111111111111 11111." 111111 111113101??ng 111211311 11111 1111111111111?. 1111 11 1111111 510011150 (10.11111100611. 1. 1111 in. 1! il- ~11" 1? a 5151.5 3? 1759 18 11111 1915 ca. I 135:: 1.1 111111 03? mm THIS Cm ONFROM THE SECRETARIAT R000100070005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 ?5 OFFICE OF gamma; emwg?e 27%;qu Mm FROM . or STRATEWC ?Ww?m marmalig?nea 73779 (FOR ACTION.) MECTOR 7'8? 8 3 3' "$653155533 5 K39 ?37; 717;? 0 nun-a am" In am; "m ??35 Lt) 3 15.45.-.. ?g RECEIVED IN CODE an .7 r: a 33'; gag43r #10277. FARR ron HEPPNEH 70 109 zap REAM. :87.9 7 r7 CanG??sG}, 5 ACCEPT WITH THANKS youa . - . r99 HANDLERS WILL us USEFUL. ?1915? @9996)? 3993 9?3 VJ Ton: 1059 16 may 45 :Lu?g; 4 ?aw?34:2 ?@312 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: R00O100070005- 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 H: a v. . *E?ii?ra??wzm i' - ?gs town at). was $53030, (HEW: To be yrnpurad hr ?mew {30$ wine reeab?E 35 . vet! ?emw r?n3?a4r953w% - s?J? 3?0?c?1 R?am 'm?pci?tas a9. ?gwg to: 3/6911. Glmsem nocuutnf (which May 115 iamtww ?614 my #3 3m - ococunenr no.:131145 30.: a .4 pm. at PAGESIZ ?magnum: . ?mam an EJS :?irm ATTIETIUN: rum Taco named beta? to fee van ab?anuam run ibugm is unargs? to this orfime a9 arasaa. Ga ownsepw us h?i? dunqmqu ?Pw? gnn??i? nuat yrepnre this for: as vital, anchf?iug an nauggmvimw who sees the or tq when law eua?nuhn new naagnunua%n?. mmn? Ema dime and tile ?manned, and initial wHu My? 1th! Mar? of rum? in Hm ?gamer?: pruvtded opposite his mung. Puts dumunoun may a? ?unwn ?any Eu gueamue to ice TOP documentsi ?id uh? are raqnnend en tau cont-inn. Bach person formally nanrgs? vain an? #wfak??pu?? a5 emu? ?u?wmwue T800 in lrnneh at Office ts ?ne and muna re?mva emu eaoqanm? Fa *mw T800 before further ruut?ug. Thu donning! was reegtved tron Eacwkg? #u?a?hg? (hramsh or u?Et?s ?w?5 REFEIRRED 1?0 NAME Stanton: . Hm; Leafs- TSCO 10. 11. TSCO A: anon II the officitls concerned nave read but: doeun?mt, the tSCanus! s?gq a? ling 11, dottch this chant fro. tun ?ocununt aa? retain it as a petumuamk remanw pm hi: files. In lust than dolivn: the docunoat b: Offxoor Cuurxor We cum neat listed on tn. nelabn Ranting Shoot xttachud to tuna document. Th. ittachcd document we: rnlqaaod to the Courine Eocexu! so. or office; (mm) . TOP SECRET 'n fl 33ng i Declassified and Approved ForRelease 20 I elease 2013/09/0 Declassifieq and . 35A??#N?tn?s 1h: a?iaa?e? T?b . - Vuig.? 5? a! ?55 St?ii? 1 0 bilge: Shin wan? f# 3 - - tv 088 its mint adeasain? is 6% var-3:53 it OIGQ {his lswiing anat, at All 11.9! $6 999*; w; ?in . In?! "page 54Fvama ??i?my?gg Haven wk?! trasliw ct aaga Ba fw??aga'?ac?a 5y af?sn?w Courlcr. Regain: Gautier Iceq?yia bii? Ea ??gat f9 sum? GP as?? "?(ORgevuarlnc Taco) -- um?vagg pun ya a 1m. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 m: Gut-i Mal NW W. In .0 Immuquiu lung?!- ma :m ml and ?1330110303? bin ?in; I ?with; ionic pupil? of I mm. {Mans}.- m. 0-1-5. lint-"prim? bu fu- cm? at We mx?. Nu. as gas new I "qua-t? ul- tr? out-01 In on. gun! ?337:: m. to tool that Chan I but lit turn- an. o: thou ion and third-n, ?m in}; an?; Ian-unnutut-M. 2h- nnc?ud ?me In a: up when tn out-tad? in their 1101?. s. "hr-y. um ?manna/mains of th- vuim mu of do; trust-3. in. $1.1m; steam: the 0:21.. or ?pinu- lord." would most in nth" cm Mitt-o. ?many noun. 1 an no. new ?in aWup? ?than: 0.1. can War has 1am. ?m?xmmudpuntn otthovdm?athbp ?than. man um? am (A). man morwmwuuomap Domeniumhnupwgm?nnl? in *9 mp Sizer/HM i Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005Lmihh?liy go: mama was mu you 14 h; 59 ?315?! a: u. 151.: ?mg 5 can? aauhih mm rmu mm? ?may? this ma?mm? was sh. We. ?rum 11mm, 1. 2m? awn; by my 3,133? pmogiuu tar m: it- my 1 mm horm?med?m-Kh?w uhMMu?umauuM mammuanh-ymuumunu [by say an ?in? ?m 00.11an HM mm?? th- inonoi hum, atria-n lug/hi at ?via an? in. Wm 1 tan an un- chum?. humus: It?; in ma manila! loo-mum. lady "was at of mm for: My ms, Louis I. am: My 31mm .1an Maria? SEEM 1' riff-E Declassified and Approved For Release 20/13/0905 070005-2 A - 3X00001R000100 Approved For Release RDP1 i Declassified OFFICE STRATEMK: mwvme WEELWMALLWW 1?0 gram-rig wm?e??m OFFICE iamwmm: 3mm ?ssaczs of.? th~ ?lS?f??mLf?Qm {a 1'0 want mmfma?arrmm uaenuag?, eiegaa?; y! DIRECTOR 2&2, g?ev?ege - mmemwso can: on: c: ?134?7t To cunrx, ?OlTe!34?4; 9607. To unnat, cuunaxsu HEPPNER FROM 109. p?g? 531$ SUPPLEMENTING MY 13157 FQLLawxae PKEEGNNEL aw?saasks, LT. counn. 5.5. nuupunav v?ans TRATNENQ ?eas awn ass ssze anuv nun BLIND LEADERS in azLaxua awn sseiame ?3 waig #3 METROPOLITAN POLICE v10: Pnas:6cuT a awn Taai?i?? aw SEElum eve TN szTz?nLnun an GVER Tan vagss, Tassmae:aa?e Fon auanmLcauAL IN AND nee TRATuams FOR aauv. so expch IN HORSE TEA agamu.s. nun uau. sconce ALL TVPES 0F DOG ?3?:me mm AND HORSE woax. HAS WIDE awe axaagaamw ?es? souALITv ron LIAISON BRANCHES FOR DivsLopuemT a: 30$ moan TH 5:513. CAPT. GEORGE wiLLtAus, VET coans. EXCELLENT wzre weasag AND poms. wonxsn on an?? ace WEDNTELY AVAILABLXI FEW 003137 36333:} REES QUICKLY AFTER ARRIVAL NATWE QR FOLLONING CATEGORIES: 1 '3 2461 TRAINED DOGS ARE I PUT INTOIIELD AS HANDLERS I as QR szL?mT IT 13 FORBIDDEN TO COPY OR OUT AUTHORBATION FROM mm A . 3/09/ Declassified and Approved For Release 201 iDeclassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 FR OFFICE OF STRATEOIC MI MM "45? . FFLCIM 2mm: or STRATEGIC arrewcrv in?: ?we- (B) 3 3? wanespgi HANDLES. USED IN GUAHHINQ NHLHE I3 aqauszf ?0 xrfaga Rap 9:533 A WEAPON leCH CANNOY Ba YAKEN FROM HIM OR usan 43w, 7R5 mag WARNS - DOG ACTS. CAN A RF A 35m mam ROB TRANSPORT HIM. I0 .- GIVES sum? O5 maxim Rm; 3% BEFORE IDETEC ION BY A IUMAN av 2min? Mir REOOMRIRI 3:52am p3.- TROL GIDMBAT PATROL TD PREVHIT I33, WORKC AS OUTPOST GROUHD SCDUTS Y3 SOMHRT 3900?; IR ISOLATED POSITIONS. (D) COMIBIMAIIOM 13.55;} LOCATE LOST, OR IIDDQM OBJECTS SUCH as 33333 (E) f?azgl CAM SURELY FDLI.0W rumxm MORRO SIENSES ARE msur? Icim 7 (F) DQQ -- FAST AND In 80TH 33- TWEEN Two MASTERS ONE MILE APART. OILL CROSS RRFER IF MECESSARY, (G) HAQLING gag Osen SINGLV OR IR IEAOS RIIR CART OR SLED. EXCELLENT AMMUNITION CARRIERSG (Rucszs, 973.} (H) MANY OTHER USES FOR SPECIAL oss ORERRIIONS ;33 SE VELOPED FROM COMBINATION OF ABOVE. DOG Is A :23? 0F sec 439 MAN IN WHICH BOTH ARE TRAINED TO WORK TOGETHER. DOGS ARE soon AND SWIMMERS AND CAN BE DROPPED BY PARAORUIE, CONTRACTS AND COMMITMENTS AS ACOVE HAVE BEEN F??we? DECISION MUS BE MADE AND FEEL THAT SUCH A PROGRAIA NCULD Bi 0? CREAT VRLCE TO YOU. DO NOT WISH TO UNDERTAKE WITHCUT YOUR APPROVAL. TOD: 2128 FORBIDDEN '90 COPY OB REPRODUCE THIS CASH: WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THE SECREIARIAT Eimm Jaxw?mw?dr? ItDeclassified and A roved Release 2013/99/05. RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R0001000700051:5.5.51 I -- OFFICE OF STRATEGIC SERVICES .7. . ormw. Ingram? . PAT: I5 WW I9II: . . new: :5st If, I . 5 A *1 -555. ..-5 5.5 5.5 .. . 1533393?? dau??miag? . . . . 7 DISTRIBU 5 mm; .. m: 5 (CONFIRMATION ?to ORNZONATOM IFQQ 7 5 .m 5.555515% 2?3 53;; . . 49:01:25: .-.5 gamma"555.54; 3 humming, Wm] - TRANSMITTED IN com: on? CIPHER 5 . FTO I #239 T0 smex? KANOY I DOGS 155:?: as warm SENTRY. ?15.33533 BUILDING 1'30 EICLOSURE 0 WEIGHT 05:30:33.5. .. OUTSIDE A3 EARNING SENTRY To ALERT SIIEMT SEMTIT IIQ 5 DISTAEIT MIRAGE WIRES I13 :3 m1: REQUIRES 53sz 1315* mamas?- may I: emfr 5 2-.gIIm' jm?m posmoms AREAS, mama mans. .II PERIIETERSI. - IE (B). ATTACK 000-? UASICALLY A as; Waves: 055155.35 USED Guimm. 00 mo 38 To ATTACK mam: I: CANNOT BE TAKEN mom Hm (?In USED mums?: HIL..- .. SCOUT 3306-3-03 was snug. swung at museum airwzf" DETECTION 0mm. worms m: scam TO POINT MIRA. . gown To sum war?? ?nearing ISOLATED 90.3 IT IONS. mnonuclmum a? nou'm SICIHAMA .- . 11::?L?jff 5.53COUGHL 3N mm 309. . ,3 I I i' ARE ORGANIZING Dec; am. 80105?? oun TIIEATER., ARE 3 .18 mag: mum 57:05.. mm mm: BE NIELYT 0R UNITS. NUT EMSH QIJRRQIIKX. Tag aux cm as: TRAINED To 50mm mm TE mun. 3mm: 35:; ?mans HIS LIASTEII ACTs: cm: 5505.515 puns. DI ?3195?; ARI 3.13.. Imam I-'b In: .THE 000 ACTS. <3an CIITCII Pmsomsa a: DISTANCE. norms AS omposT scams: snout: scoms PROTEG s_ maxim: . . 55, 5.. Declassified and A0 oroved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100070005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 hair: a? {if 3 5 OFFICE: NE ENNEEN @V??if?l?'tz in: a: my mom: 0mm 03? STRATEQIQ 95mm a mm?- 5 :5 3.2m:- .mr?m TRANNMIY Effwfefk??* - ?a Q?kf? TOCATE NN 1? ?a NE- rm w- (E) TNAYEJNN I . HUMAN TTN NNEENN 3111 nf?x mo MASTERS 3T: 3.3m TH E: NANEINN EXC .NUNENENN QR (H) NSEETNFRON COMBENATJQN OF angovg? AND SWNNICN BOTH TRMNED 3?0 . axans ANQ CNN NE DY PERSONNEL JN PROJEGT :53; ANN OF THEN NONN YQUR NNENEEN 1?5; TEA?lfg m} (NNEKENN NR5 3mm TRIS, CM ?3?ij non SECRETARIAT 1956 1 TT HIT Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CI-A R000100070005- 2 33585.33313 I UQQ NNQ T0 YE $336 . is 359153 J?f? ECQQ EN WET Night-N E5. ii?? 56;} >513 wry. .m way-VJ: Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/109/05 ?4 a: I?Ht?imf?? 4 . . ?i 05:: mix gm 1?5sz 5 Ti be ?gured By New Matt? was: H?r i . gm; (?mvi lining) . 173's; 3 :ng? a?kflg??y., .4 ?39 at Q?E?ui?f?? 4?,,fgg? I Manet: ?inda? a. Amr. W1 - 3M3: My w" .4 :6 ADOW533ED Y?lf?aau:wv$ oucuusur HATE: Docunznr 7 cow was: or P5055: I 7 af?tan?s?fs: ruq??iarwf ma?r 59; ?Ma? 3? am? {as . femmE-J EH if a, 9 5:2 ATTENTION: Tum T360 named below- :9 is ?hlrgad to this affine m! Braqo?. he must prepare this for: wn vibes. auburdteg Go 90? sauusr eugng?ha nous the ?council at ?a wage the eaa?wa?w mag naamuaeeweom. aqua eye? w??u haw dung and tile received, and Latetal wian gun dm?a a6 prnvided oppoaite M3 ?was. Fats ?(teammate may 69 "moms (my? Ma to ace TOP SECRET bid ?in ?rs ruqnarww #u bean bag tact yersau formally chargee wi?? nun Refwheopi?? uE ?at: duewm?mi a T800 1: his lranuh or Office is reapaustale fat and muaf r?euru T800 before further rusting. The utteched was recs 560? GM ?hemmed ?karuyweez? winning: 93:. 9* 0? Etna Lt-w?gmwuw Eran} guuismng [3347,93 umi. ?mhwgaraw? rm regal-a4: 1:99 In!? :hm? eafawumh am; k. 3'55"; 4a? Emu i9?d {tau hag . ?ang?ar ?oaa?u? . gusset: or 91?me wsazm5m9 REFERRED TO RECEEVEQ NAME 3 HMMIURE uafa PIGLS wa$ ?sag TSCO fa: 9. 10' 11 TSCO A: qun :3 the officials concerned nuvc rand line 11, dattcn this sheet from tn. docuncnt um his filon. Ho nuat deliver the duel-eat limted on the 0:1-01 Routing Shoat to tn his duet-tut, it? nuau aigm Q2 1 retain it a; a patumaont emewrw in by Offiemr merier tn the uni: $360 it doennont? Thu docuncnt wan raloesod to the . ruumuu~thmn TOP SECRET . . - Gautier ?eeu?p? .329 Declassified and Ac oroved For Reease 2013/09/05 ?Mu-u 1mm 'su . ?g Nomi Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 OFFICE: emwmm eemtem DA 3.97 1 . 5 ??rtmaa @I?i?wf333? 13% i .. semawbww i 8m; e??m?f?f?f FROM 1' ?aming . . 5 3 OFFICE :srz?'vqcm 33m: magi g: -3 519mgomamnmm 1 A . 3 i Wt?? lNk?ww?m?'gt?g?, 1mm 3., a. (1) Wm: 35:13 *3 u?mmw: I -. ..- . .nuw?n i mANsm?rrEo CODE are CIPHER may I 'N?gm -., #12179 To Name Calcutta 0 a my: #23939. To 315?; Kandyg ??333; 001133111111 ?rm 109 unit Hm. Animals rammed for mounted ammo: twee, We are advised by Galena]. Keith, remnant new?? that both unless and boa-ma are available in Delhi and? w, Please contact Brigxadiaa- Genoa-n1 hunch H111 to determine ?aw} 4 LE. :35; Elm . lawman or ?ame}. 11? animals can be made available tq um. Hansel pomeaa would appm mat macaw}. 11? - available. I 'v Heppner will advise summer: mm mm: rewind 'ro COPY on nnrnoxaucn THIS CABLE WITHOUT Amomzzmou mom 12m: 32mm? "ram .1758 Declassified and A0 oroved For Release I i 070005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100 am: min ms.- ism an? my.? 1/3/35} g, .A ?9 '?fw-gmgwa 0. . imam/w mam mew i?W?-M?we . arm: Lg?? - fa hi prepxr?w hi eggs vnwa ??gwgg? e? ??ww?i ,mmuw? sagucaz?y?g?g i Mi ?55530 3?0! ,3 oocummr mm 357 If! DOCUHIMT woug??i" :0 ML. i no. or Pascazl sf- 3? 5 .3: 13.5?? are: t4vuw ??Fa1 ;W?%yger? zl?? rt Ln: autumn- 45: 21V 559? mm 1800 ?an; balm: (rm: um ?Mummy NW mews Lameww wwziw as charged to cute Officm Ga we hue? wmnaaw no nus! prwparn this tar? as waioa? anvcawiug ha who sees cue ?nausea! or 05 ran: nuatenaa aste and time ravusvad. and Luiitmi w??w can dw?w wan Fgwu "f waywagu provided oypusltn his nmma? danmuna? may kw iduwd amt} to sea TOP nae wha? are exquxraw $0 coutaina. Each geraun formal}: neargaa wi? T300 in his Drench or Offiaa Ls resynuahhkp T860 before further tauekng. The docuuelt was teneiVed ffou Qme? MW Whawm Emma?. ?er rmet?rz'm? ?sqa?w?fa?w?, @rh?es'??a?i?wr? j: was?! any; gig-gs any; it! @419 ?gmsbu? 90* uurwmta nuE?an?tve-snd; Hm suffm'vawl' twig vague His Ii the Gurf?i??r?aptug at? ?We in?ame-mi? begun; en? h; 5mg? ?amen ?emEh? . a? Wu,? 1V a?a?agee ?ne gum mnu? ed?ara TO RECEWEQ NAME SIGNAFURE Duh?! 1'93le :waigg?s T360 10 11 TSCO . Am moon :0 the officiula concarncd nevc line 11, detach tnie SAC. hi: files. Ha lust listed on tum eel-on reed this ?ocunmlt, from docnaent retain ;t tan: the duquaont by Of?ine? Routing Shunt to this ?ocuneat acted to the ena YSSO qua: me ;f ma a parnauma? reamem kn Cumrgox he the nex? i Thu docuncnt we: :11 L. (41357) Courier Receimt $7 {Ea?cl or office! TOP SECRET mw??wm?lmum 070005-2 Declassified and Ac oroved For Release 2013/09/05 . CIA i ornr?mg?hngi a .1 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 . . ,9 . OFFICE or? eemme DATE ?f?i?i?h 11% Ha! 195,54.244 .4 . SEE BELOW. -40. i up? FROM . 4 j. tenemz A OF STRATEGIC war 44 Wu?. 4 a: tcourunn?nou To airwmw (1'97?" wl?rrw 4 - "In? if a" ?1 '5 gang?4?s. 51 r798 cable to Coughlin advisimg mall/ability harem Delhi. over hump making them available. China primr oughlin. TOD TRANSMITTED IN CODE OR .. Referring to your [/9809 1033 16 May #13379 to Chair: Plunmmg 9 to Mauro}. Hoppner ft 3:21 we and We are adviaed hero v.51; theme aniizheia 31 can 9mm. LNR OF IT IS FORBIDDEN T0 COPY 0R THIS CW WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM THE W?mu - .: Declassified and Ac oroved For Rele 4-41?54and mnleg Sm? issuer serif 14-1 In: . . ase 2213/09/05 R000100070005-2 or mum-N! 142.303) 23% (my; '33 amid 2m fit/mam it} 1. Gaanact .. .uAnwn?M Declassified and For Release 2013/09/05: CIA RDP13X00001R000100070005- 2 diu- {5.5 . y?mxiem.muagdi.. I. ..- 1, - - ?9559413? 393m :55 3; . "I'mKw-asvmeMM mm 53132; I 310:"? IML 3.. .I 'i?ypes of 60;; IFWLIIHLL -. bar a i 4 ,ng pmrLo? aight wank: I gantry. W055 mas?u?br marking sentry alart a 51155 a distant vantage pain?. With stationary, moving or rmvinv .i ?aLngiy or In?multiala unite I I. 12x}?! .3 FcfAers a jor seaarmtm . a . lg onl? m? 1 a . Ilth Its a? ;n bhmu?l 35? . .g 531' 53: 3S single do? can ?5 . . ?e Work 535 LiastL?I I ?11; E-hours conninuousiv and if A) I .. m1, x?g?gi? wk. . 17.; ehould h: ve every th;r? 0r du.rth niLmt Sentry dogs are not suitwd for u. A mar ?14 . . uent p8351ng traffr3c. qentry ter a I 3 ?aam pts.I Sently dogs can be uqed $50? cz?-a;e35?as: I I I Plane dispersal? n5t subject to f? .. PLO. Beach patrol and beach gun positions? ?Mays-M Gun Ie5place5ent areas. .I Declassified and A oved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001 R000100070005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005Div. 4. I - .j . Dyna??Lf", mi? (?rm virgini?f?! A date; DefEWa D?vm a: - .2 Ration 66 uv)?f 1 121w:' Wate 1 . Eivodac upsimehers. ..J :15: aninulLf?m w6anmm qnu156496;, 1?1" 6 -"if mi?handl?d. T36 ?Lug verhuu I, a 3? - 1 . Whig 50"? B?flpj'?? i E. 1. ?7 dog is used in guardiiw '5 DNA 2 1. . 2 H3: 7".31} 0512 15.33% ?5,512,214: I .2 traffic and/0r 1 . o2? 3? se TtDack and We used: a Weana? mmgum 2433? LL35: taken from or usca agaynsw ULDW%*rina: 66.6 the man warns, His ?og?natsg .226 attack: Guard. agnxnau surp: {We - . hm Catch a malfector abWa uLshw.266 1 . y, to . A. Eva ?Guard and transmor?IOL 91L Wive 511623 wanmn of 6 (cX Soont Megag 1&1? 2 P: a" - k; Iva-3) if presence before such presence 066.64 by - A 1 DQWE *2 3 Training time th?rtae?fwea?sn - . 49W 611' :1 a: DVD 3 between natives} enpnj 1 '1 it :dOg is not useful foiioWi ?g 6 Dany??Tug), ?5 alerts 6n linverxna, 66c scat 66623 6 guw 2 H. \r -. Sulfa-C? uses; 2 dog alerts, hisW master 6ct ,6 9 1 2 "?sv '2 To point reconna1 sauce patro3l .point combat paDTOl 96:1: 6'6 Declassified and A roved For Release 2013/09/05 R000100070005-2 4 was 1.4 ,5 w, 2.1 wuhg?u?i-d :5 MW, - Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA- RDP13X00001R000100070005.1111 11., 1.1 . ?Iru tuxN'L~nn Hr. uv-1/ 1.1 . PH. '1 11:1" 1:11;. . lAqIn .i I 1W: 1?1 '1,I:rr:,mnl .. .. t" - ?v ?thcm - v. -1. ?1 ?"211 Km 1f "1?11?1131111112'1?1. 1521 . do;? :3 115111 111 1 traffic 1nd!or ??en I 9 - . ?1 r111 lgv:9n 01 tne H1 an Guard. mgr: inst 911Catch a melfn:tuz at a 0 CI?fln Guard endl (0) Scout dq?g faresence before gush _Training time th_rtecn ?bet t11een aatlves. deg is not.useful censtently alerts on 5 dog alerts, th me stay acts. ?To point reconna:Lssance 1 To point combat Aatrol. 1.3.154? 53:9- 9.1?49 Declassi fied and Aggroved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA- weeks. ehemies or llj?: RDP13X00001R000100070005nn-Jz i. .. . LsonvrgAxial-21:11 h' u; up. :n 'fwua? I.. 31- u:111 353 Home nan Fearing enmm?,wm 1 a 101;oJlnb mm '1 '1 net an12. .1. - 21? 11.3. 1 5063.411..? . I -atr51 insutn?eVnt?nnaw ?Nmun . - 'Lthrough Nhemy 1 ?Oubgosh 390%??1 . . 1 TC: 1911611348 may?? Mitt-1? (Sene'imes a 11~?rancwfe hs?e ?ue Sn eenwumk 1 rate or .1?1van?GFatic secztvity Ir?a1s camb?? gfw??$1 ?4079113 - 710851133001? {10111115} . . i . a cmmhin._ an er @?rg an .1 011% I I m? h, 15?? 111 am?m . and p:.rt of: brui?10? traFnin?1 11%.11ug 1 Li. I weeks. Can} e?u?ad he ?a?abe Lash. . I, 1.1' . objects- . l(e) loh? treiminir 51? menthe 1 i :;minimum for a Nara ?ag. - . ?follow human $13115 Ttrailed_once ge ans teen-week types of tramnin I . 13%? 1 ainm 11101111111 'eth M1, :tra ling tr I FfCross dog tIo 1.0cate wounded The . I ~1 '1 . . ?1 unsatisfactory in Fae: f.1c Theatrt 1sniper positigns., 11? k. 1 1? {gf passenger doggI: a fa 9t sure 1 directions be?ween twaImueber ugTraining ~"15? :1 1? 1.. i' . roved For Release 2013/09/05 Declassified and A DecIIassifIieId aInd Approved FoIr Release 2013/09/05 CIA- -2 "on whee15? the ?ag tealesc. 1 ??10 m: ing Name-elemen.rry 3 '1 china deg axe letter nge??ee ?xer 1 ., 13?: we?; engex w011C n; @111 I C, . ,3 he ene m14e?1 er; use? in QQ nee? R000100070005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05: CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005- 2 w. 5% .aum ?uh-cm31th scant 0333 km repmgh 1" 193d wherever the u33 HaulDad .5. With wheels, 35 4 - . 11:! if; ?Egg? ?4 -. packvd but 1, I 5. riim?x 5?90?} MW suited f2? 5/150in 5 5.5n1? . .5. 34:33 . Olher us 53 wpui? hm 3335 an tun} 1 55 m? <1 ?z-Ims? We t?nas. Training fox sucn 5515 . . . ability to Learn, facuLvi? u? - 5 ?15 5.4 merit t0 pwnership and dogs' "9 3: for his own property; dag: batchox 33 a? natural or deve,loped5 are! NLLIIngine 5 avoid canteen or:attaek mga?ns an ?mas?er; in all 3ork the dog is but haxlf the ra3g~aqg the master must be as cap5n hle as the dM i uAny man with?a ?og is more moth ?bye a dog. a ?kt? wu?hxb?n I- u, i ?a rule Dre good air travele5s 333535 a 5 1 as . :Dqgs . harness any dog can be dropped by parechu,v Declassified ad A oved For Release 2013/09/05 R000100070005-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 . I'r? {33% lath}. . ?if. 0 Vim I 1? ?If Jb? ?le?ye 1 A. up -p a. u3_ ()n?nly allpetml qntl?m . 3 - E, mm "rpm-qtjorm Hm f'qr 4?..qu are$50.1 bane F1 .. T219 pa LPN"Hf-1 Varies from hilly to vww?tql- J33 3 i a? I tlie ?ixze tr- :fxn fr-a n? A . B. The platoon workn :who arranges for cc" end we ==n1wr What 9 Lh??r {?r?s?f?uan Winn-unai ?3 ma 2 \g 43 3, 31.. . a 3 . have made onr 100 patrnle wits anra'ir' rm ?nm - wen patrels t? vhasavi L: company. Length of the ?an QZEo-dar ?a ?a - is Significant. '53} 1. ':)v09 i - . - 11:. 1- . 1? - 1' ?54?7-9 6: a simple casualty from enemy ambushes ??ed on the point of the A .x I a II. Tactical Tee the Turn? w! vamnaf. h. The initial problem was two-fold. Nev-iwg . "j a Show the what the ?f1 5? *h uzmn? both Beout and weesenger vrrk. The r, 1g :5 ggwi :0 preperly ?3?3 (303?? laterm' Fm 51"? Elfations . 1 hI?C?th C1039 inn bet ?war: .n i 5 uni e7? FatrOI l?aders, U15 {JPOblarn :ulck?tf] ?3 vaci \nf?an ?rm-w. out; each patrol leader was brlafgd on :1a . enu_d be expected or him, and any ?aw patrols Wherp d?gs ?are used. as reeui? F't .re lug, "v 4 - .?n?reg grew: "Mr: 1. ., listed man of the Peglwent hen vvrked er~ +74 oughly "sold" on them. The enthusiastic rna~nzze j? 4:;0 messenger and scout dogs proved beyond lunati?? g?wt for both types in the infe?try regiment. at stantiate this proposition and the were 3 :?Mb follow, a few of the princiyies and lesson: war?dogs are cited. (1) ca.,v 3' ~vi ~*?Ehw Ljing r1 the tormetion used roet ?3 51: 0' handler leading, next an infantry scent wit? tomwv ?um .. lem, followed by another scout and the petrol Tuwver. remai9~ der of the patrol follows in normal Fcrmatl?o red an? ?mv at the rear. The scout dog determines the a 2? 375 ing by air scent alone. When the dog patrol leader and withdraws the dog to the body of the patrol. The infantry scouts it {alf;??Ph. sc)uI?ce of the scerlt. - . .- . tk ?41?:3 ?iL? P1 A . (2) lhe messenger dog a rapzu 43? dazerdubie means of communication over short distances. 0n ?been ranvo?e e? a few thousand yards, the use of the dog elimlmute?ktg? gt? heavy radios and laying wire. 0n long coweet.eetgols.where Th: ragio :3 carried the following plan has been found re 0 patrol protected by a small group of fiflemen follows the main body of the patrol by a thousand years or so with cemmunieetices between the patrol leader and the radio taken care of bv a meeseneer dog. ThuS when the patrol makes contact, the danger to the reafeb and operator is much less, while communications from yetrcl lead . Declassified and A0 oroved For Release 2013/09/05 2 CIA-RDP13X00001R000100070005-2 -- .. .. I'x? [d 1 ?1 1 #1995 to; -L A Dedas" 9:0 ed liglligleasguzojs vi: .v Lemma-lo afitmid Mm sadgar deg batwaan ?ha maxa M??f lidbaning p?sts and ix?ag a? haVe ben? prGVen beYGh? N,h?au_ than when magganger d?g? wq?a.?ifaf; Egg Egg? 1500 yards.. Since than, 3 . doubled, wiph awan baths? rag?i?g (3) The ehlaf A?Van?ages??f4?h?_?Q? 55 a?wm? ju?gle warfare is that it ga?r?i? Em ?fii?? w$?bhm? odenemy ambush. Thus far nh? ??ga ?aw?f ?g atKIQSS'tha? 75 yards and many aa??g hava gi?k?? W9 $?wm?g 200 yards or morn. 32? Hf Of equal ?g?thn pick up?en?my bivouacs, posiniens, g?tvm?sn .rwmg gonganagm etc. long befnra our pghrol veauhas thaw? w?vm?ga war has Iraquonnly ennblad our trmegs h?'agh?e?a ?henvy casualtiea on the Japa. nag: a {x k, 0 $51 The scant dug dpas not ?ia?i?gmig? ba?wge? ?ha ?Gan? o?wthe enemx??natives, and {vian?ly tramps. aa?her'tha? this is an a?Vantage. ara?a&waj$ sam? Lw?c anamy territcry it is aSsumed the dog alac?g $5 auamy. ?nw?v%r3 should a friendly patral stray fo 5&5 in ?roa? ?ne patrol with tha dog will haVQ Warni?? that gomq?hing Ea ahead of them and wle ha En ma?armiaw just what it 15;, Thus pha possibility a? friea??y ga?r?ia?mew?w i?g?unexpacpedly and firing an each othar Ls gynatly va?ug@@? s?aca the-patrol;with7the dog ha? adVanGa warning that smmannipg i3 In front of thqm. iThe number of?thaga ragr?htablm Lnaidanaa in tha phat mf the dog a adVa?k&ga? The dogs hmva raactad V$ry wail ana?r fiv$w Eng; shave nasponhed completaly to thalr handlerg ama havav?mna math?mg ta give away the 10cation of @ur own Alga, th$ daga havw Egan very well'behaved in the perimeter at night, ramaimina Quiat an? ?:9reatgng n9 disturpance. 15 It has been founa that scout degg cannvt be usgd m0 Agd?an?age py-patrols moving acr05$ country.? Tha dag ma?as inc mumh? w?oisg going through the nmderhnueh and tires masily? $3301 with ma it is difficult to kaag hi?,m?vin? 13 th@ Eigk? ?iu go?tfpn.3?0n?trails this troubla 13 not enqquncara . fwlx??83,eih? gho?t dog shduld not be usai an I..M. ytapk down enemy stragglers. With a larga gymbe; a; fri?ndw in a small area, the ?og alerts Gmn?tanhl? an an: men.?? It 3 3.6? I h? Where the enemy is witudrawing alang a trail a gnart 4 I . ;ldistance ahead of a patrol it is useless to Bry t0 usa the gamut i?qg; as he keeps alenting on the fresh scent in front er him aha amw ?t re distance; . h?s be?n that the efficiany Gf gag, Hand;th35bppfiden?e pi infantry'trovgs in him is in ?ira?b ralaw {tibnghipf?b the aha the fiagd training a? baa ?a??lg?a angga saqmingly lacks confi?enca 33 th? agix? If?y?of dog; lose ?aith.a150. E?e as h?s dog i$ in,?i?King mg a? nil?m?i 1 1 .p?w - gum,? . Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/05 CIA-RDP 13X00001R000100070005f?rl?fgh 5! ?g Ii?f?H-g I '5 '5 5515" ?3 .1i1alm??; .2133 13?. 1:1 3.231191 Flu-,4. ii 3 A if.? I (H's. 3?7 *1?1waf sf. .3: quli IIVP a f- ,0 yr - ivda: .1 a. 5.0m i? ?Err-F ?1 . (1ris: "ii" 5?:iv 4? is); ;zz Liza 5" a??ai ?bwfi?wurm is sh? shih?i: 0? ills-Li: iv 3 4 I?llmf't'l'?lg ?nLatha-?? 31?? ?prim?? 1? r1 F's): . . .u 3 tulle p! ampnq . amp 933? I 3m x. *x?gL .- 3111.13rlsq ht"! ryfura) Lu?, 3.. . (.01?at0108560 uh? ??qu I ?71"9?10 ?i {Shh ?If! 4 my, . the 3 Sir-I Irv, i a rum, T. 22? wlyig?'n 7A12"! ?La i i arii? 2n :wsqr?sw . -J 4? . Du?1?g the shy: ,ng?mhLIA OF). (:31 1? ?re} it: Hf 1i): )0 2. - Win? - . - i . 1-11sqr4s a? d?:?qnu? w? anyMa i? four patl?als Q?fal? {11,0 ihii?at ?033. more "cont ug L'8.11.1 ?1?99 n! ?run However, it is Felt that thla 1m aben? his Harts .pve a man-it mm as: handleres u?gpiqaal?.?ih? ?whee? . m" and :nugh 33$ ?glisi?lffniabr'v? insure adequate rash far thaw dogs to meet aweruga u?zg' Xi 1'1. In; . . i {j "172 :3 w- -. it.? this unit, it" is ?Na 5-21?: :?ztm?mr via-mu - .0. (is? (a . l? [?eet tr1?1?13e 1.: a ir vi li-f?llw?mum $90? is 13 recommended that 3L7 53i0n9d Oificers In the ?iah?0n he s- . - he??sers am gran from the wuartermamhar Corps Whig? Ln? Viogsly trained in jumglv Warfare, Ehm hm$?33PH it? ?wwqu mas {n1 W1. Rh?) ha?f?g {413: Laying "?t?iifiLi?w??f; i! gap-5,, tge an sn tiaeive but dc Have urf??i$mh twhg?in, .n an? patrolling in the jungle. Ski} 3 wvs' . . . .lu?g??i '3 on-y after long anu auduous LraLninv and cannai he mtw~m .. . 0 u- unaiif: Jingie ?M?mn?ggazir gi3h?? Liajnem can eacawq 9 ha dk?" magtegg? 63? be ready Lor patr?is {n much 1013 ggx? ?hag . ?talubht 51,3551?) i {4713' {?lmki {41:9 Y, leads to greater efficiency. D. Since time is of the essence, it is rumoumemaed 3 iigigg dg?iizai?ers,an? necessary number of dogs he sees Stem . 9 dog nandlers he taken from iungi: i units already in the theatre. The ulatoens he! and be trained for cowbat o?eretinnsyinua smwablvelv shaft '?JM-fk-iuv? osr?wn?ufi ?3131.5 - . Declassified and A din-