{ EXHIBIT '!b IN / IJ i! "- i'l ii August 6, 2018 John B. McCuskey, State Auditor State Capitol, Building 1, Suite W-100 1900 Kanawha Boulevard, Charleston, Dear Mr. East WV 25305 Purchase of meals by Supreme Court Re: McCuskey: Thank you for your letter Supreme Court of Appeals' of July 26, 2018, outlining use of a state purchasing the position of your office concerning card to pay for working We are aware of the Advisory subject, which, although instructive, W. Va. Const., art. Vllli 93 establishes judiciary. Opinions issued by the West Virginia do not apply to the judicial the Court's power (1998): "Not administrative only does our Constitution business, but it is a fortiori explicitly to control See also Syllabus Point 2, State ex rel. Lambert S.E.2d 891 (1997). This latter properly submitted Commission. for resolution The JIC conciuded Judicial Conduct. You employed to the Judicial Investigation that "there is no probable and effectively disagree with above, the Court has both express and implied that determination as to the judicial JIC, that the expenditure there is a commensurate personal policy meals during authority the control v. Stephens, over its own in order to maintain 200 W. Va. 802, 490 issue concerning the Court was not the West Virginia utilized docket that "members branch of government, with Commission, on argument your statement Court may not use public funds to purchase lunches" business of the cause to believe that you violated an already well-established make the Court run more efficiently days." We respectfully is why the "working on the In this regard, 203 W. Va. 275, 507 S.E.2d 376 must have such control its independence." factor Ethics Commission the administrative vest the judiciary that the judiciary the course of a day, for branch of government. See, e.g., Syllabus Point 1, State ex rel. Farley v. Spaulding, the lunches for the Justices and their staff members on days when the Justices worked together throughout example, argument docket days and administrative conference days. and employees a non-travel under the West Virginia conference of the Supreme workday." Constitution subject to the limitation, of public funds must be "consistent with [the Court's] benefit to the governmental body and to the public."' Ethics the Code of by other State agencies to and administrative ""' 4 As noted to make as set forth by the public mission and where s Page Two August 2, 2018 Letter: John B. McCuskey, State Auditor We also respectfully disagree with your statement that the Court's use of a p-card to purchase working lunches is "contrary to the policies and procedures of the purchasing card program, and generally prohibited under law." None of the Advisory Opinions noted above support this sweeping conclusion; indeed, none of the opinions cited in your letter even mention the p-card issue. Further, nothing in the p-card regulations supports the conclusion that a card cannot be used to purchase a working lunch. Finally, the use of a p-card in these circumstances furthers the important goal of transparency, as the paperwork submitted for the purchase of working lunches contains not only a copy of the invoice but also the name of every individual who received a lunch. In short, there is and was nothing secret about the Court's working lunches. As you probably know from the media reports to which you allude in your letter, the issue of working lunches is now moot, inasmuch as the Court has ceased the practice. However, we appreciate your offer to work cooperatively with us on other issues as they arise, and will most certainly take you up on that. Please feel With kindest free to contact regards, me if you have any questions or concerns. I remain Very Truly Barbara Interim Yours, H. Allen Administrative Director BHA/mg cc: Margaret Robin L. Workman, Jean Davis, Justice Elizabeth Teresa ChiefJustice D. Walker, Tarr, Justice Esq., Judicial Investigation Commission In this regard, in Advisory Opinion 2012-27, the Ethics Commission concluded that a state licensing board could purchase meals for members and staff "who are required to be present at the meetin@ as part of their job duties, when the meal is provided for the benefit of the Board, i.e., to accomplish its work." Furthe5 in Advisory Opinion 2018-02, the Commission reviewed (and in some cases distinguishes) a number of its prior opinions and stated, inter alia, that "[tlhe decision to purchase the meal must be based upon a legitimate government reason, i.e., that the agency is having a working lunch or dinner in order that agency business may be conducted most efficiently and effectively."