. . - - Standard Questigns for {nupqh?buhon of Unauthorized Disclosures (. vISet forth below are eteven questions the answers to which are required by the Attorney CLnIe-ral prior to a decision being made as to Whether the Federal Bureau of investigation should be requested . to conduct an investigation of an unauthoriZed disclosure of intelliglcaco- .- Iinformation or intelligeg?ice sources and niethods.-- . . Date and identity of the article or release disclosing the; f. classified information. ?5 ., . 1.5-. 5-.73. Specific-statements Iwhich 211 classified and Whether the: :1 . I . . data was properly: classified1.. 11-2? ?31?35 5 37; 5 3.. IWbetb?r the- classified ita disclosed is accurate13323.. - 4. \Vhether the data came from a speci?c document arid, if so, -. A the origin of the document and the name of the individual resPonsibIe for the security of the classified data disclosed. . 1 1 ..5 . The extent of official dissehiination of the data?Whether Ithe data has been tne subject of prior officialI rele cs. 7. Whether prior clearance for publication or release of the I. 1 information was soth fIrom proper authoritiesVIhether the material or pox: tions thereof or enough background . data. has been published officially or in the press to Inake an educated .- speculation on the InIaItter _po:5sibie..-- 9- ?the-malt the data cahI be declassified for the purpose of? prosecuhon and, if 50,. the: name of 16:. Iperson CorInpe-tent to testify L: . concerning the classificationJag-'1- 1:23; 21, . - . 1.0 Whether declassific atiou had been decided upon priIor to the .- .. publicahon 01? release Of the data.u-o n-11. What effect the disclosure Inf the classi?ed data 111d have onthe national defedseaegp ?1 2.3 - 1:33.21. - 3-53 -- 7? 5 7. it? .tfo-A5.1.151no. waif": ?21m meted? 4:2114?? 12?4- 51:5 .. . - I 1733-63.22.73 1? Approved For Release 2007/04/16: CIA- RDP87BD1034R000100040020 8