SCHOOL OF 7 August 1-. 2018 A Members. King County Council King County Courthouse Seattle. WA 98104 Re: Renewal of Safeco Field Lease Dear ouncilmembers: I write with reference to the pending consideration of a proposed renewal of a lease between the Public Facilities District (PFD) and the Seattle Mariners Baseball Club. I respectfully suggest that the council refer the matter back to the PFD for further negotiation. My perspective is that of a 17-year former member and chair of the PFD. I am proud to have participated in the design. building and oversight of a beautiful baseball park. Further. I am a lifelong resident of Seattle. have shared season tickets since the team came to our city more than 40 years ago, and have played senior league baseball in my sixties. I believe there are many like myself who love the game and support its continued presence in our community. but have strong reservations about the proposed lease. History matters here. I start with the recognition that the Mariners are a well-run. ?nancially successful sports franchise and have made efforts to be a good corporate citizen in the community. Yet. a good portion of that success is a product of the current lease that has been in effect for two decades. I was dismayed in joining the PFD in 1997 to learn that the lease had such favorable terms for the ballclub. The modest lease payment for both the right to play ballgames (as well as ?rst class of?ce space). including all concession and parking. naming rights, and ticket and broadcast revenue seemed surprising even with the knowledge that FACULTY OFFICES 901 12th Avenue. Sullivan Hall PO. Box 222000 Seattle. WA 98122?1090 previous owners had threatened to move the franchise. My concerns grew over the years as I read of the huge growth in the value of the franchise and net revenues notwithstanding those many years where the team was not winning. When weighing this proposed lease, keep in mind that the public contribution goes way beyond the initial land acquisition and cost of the ballpark. There is interest on the bonds that were issued, signi?cant infrastructure improvements surrounding the ballpark as well as the very favorable lease provisions as described above. This is in the context of signi?cant tax money on tickets and parking revenues which are mandated to continue to be paid through the PFD to the team for maintenance under the terms of the proposed lease. Common sense suggests that further public subsidy should be looked at very cautiously. First. in view of a franchise that was fairly close to the list of the 50 wealthiest sports franchises in the world, it would be fair to ask about the need for further public money. At a minimum, this should require a thorough review of their books, including spending and revenue sources. It is not uncommon in commercial leases to have a ?reopener? where, for example, if the ballclub is facing some ?nancial jeopardy relating to maintenance or improvements, it could come back with a request according to an agreed-upon protocol. Second, in addition to a showing of need, my personal view is that it only seems fair that, on an ongoing basis, some portion of revenue from a source like concessions be distributed for the community bene?t. I suspect fans paying $12 - $14 for a beverage and $6 for a bag of peanuts might feel better about it if a portion went back to the community. Related to that concept is the fact that I have always thought it inconsistent with public ownership of the facility that both the naming rights and any revenue related thereto were not under the control of and for the bene?t of the owner. the public. Third. keep in mind and acknowledging it to be an unknown at this time, there is a likelihood that the potential for intemet gaming will result in signi?cant. additional revenue for professional sports franchises beyond what revenue sources are now available. Fourth, it is noteworthy that the total request of additional public monies approaches this year?s total team payroll as well as the irony with the club having money available as needed for large, long-term, player contracts in recent years. All in all, given the history, it is incomprehensible how more public money can be justi?ed without detailed information as to the ?nances of this very successful enterprise. In fact, serious consideration should be given to a ?return on the public investment? by a sharing of revenues as part of a fair lease payment. I think it is a tribute to them that the Mariners (with public assistance) have created and maintained a lucrative franchise. It is only fair that they share that success with the public and not, yet again, ask for a public subsidy when the needs of the community (not represented by a stable of lawyers, lobbyists. are so critical. The practical answer is to reopen negotiations. Thank you for the opportunity to express my views. Yours truly, Judge Terrence A. Carroll. ret. Distinguished Jurist in Residence