APPENDIX A Employees Interviewed: PW-Field Services 2017-2018 Appendix A Jason Browne SW Manager Tony Miano Deputy PW Director – Field Operations Public Works Flold Opuutom? Sdid Wm ?n aha-zen 371040: 3113-720 372m: sue-ms Viz-no Pin-mm mswmuu -1ndanWadl "Via-Ia swan-M Emm Em Calm Sun em swam-o 8m cqu-mu 81.41! am saggy. 4m EN4W con-4.: on mummy Iago-ham magma: 3mm 9 Runny murm- Vac-n Dunn-ma. anus: 9N Plum Rloy om anon Btu-don 3715751 mm3121-747 8" swim ans-75:? am-m 3913.7? m: an am sw "Jags-.73 Mm mow ?ma?a? 8&8th Good 37141912 smEu? 8-00 ma Anm mm 31m: 3712-75? mam ans-m 3713.710 a. swan swan- Goad mom moms swan-m SWEnubOurl sweatpants 3714-736 Emu-mm own-um ?in swam 0w II mm sm-m amaze ?agged: ?Noam mu? ammo 371?7? ?mow" mm mm swan? Own nan Forum 3713.121 3113.712 m? muse ?more: swmowl mm 31144437 8710-1438 09cm Mum swam On I bin mun mm: mm ?mugs? swag-pom: swmm- WW 3734.73 II SIM Nanny Rind Mn?: 8W 5min 0w I 0mm 3713-711 3713-715 mm" swarn-m I ?may?: swan-papal ~11,me 311?,? Opor R-al Moral-o mum 3232-652 - Mm 3713-723 5713-119 mm Suwmm mom 3113.151 WM on I: swam one I 3714-137 "m "Ewan I I ?out; 8h- Ow Mn Pinon 3713.713 3113.123 John ?no 3712-7 1 mp ans-m swmwuu 37E 8714-727 aw I I Mm mm mum-noon sw on" swEaub can: I - 3113.722 3713-701 ?alum ?mow" 3716-779 3715732 3w Equp C9. I Van! ?m ans-m Pants-u 3715755 Wm Out If 37mm ammo aw em a mm Gary 3714-739 21th Opal 3.00?on 3715-731 memo"- Updated 1 12912017 \7 O'Connor, Jon - From: Browne, Jay Sent: Monday, April 16, 2018 5:07 PM To: O'Connor, Jon; Belousek, Ginny Subject: Written Response Attachments: SPriestFSAd18041617050.pdf Hello Jon and Ginny I apologize for the delay, but it took some time to gather my thoughts, words, and documents. I have attached a written response to several of the topics that we discussed during our interview last Friday, along with several supporting documents. I have outlined several inconsistencies with what was reported by some people, and I would like to request the committee to interview Tony Miano, and pull the records of the recent exit interview from in order to get an accurate representation of all accounts. I have outlined where each person would be able to add insight to certain situations or decisions in order to get facts of issues described. I feel this will be necessary in order to prove there has been false accusations in reference to me. If another interview is required in order to go over the documents attached, please let me know. Or after everyone is interviewed, if there are any more follow up questions that you have for me, please let me know. Can you please update me with the progress of my request? I understand that you were hopping to wrap this investigation up in the near future, but I want to make sure that we are able to get to the bottom of some of these accusations and I don't believe that can truly happen without reviewing the attachment and following up with the group of people I listed. Also the last page, exhibit K, was in response to the comment I made to- about ?nickel and diming?. Over the weekend, I had some time to think and I do remember joking with him by using that comment. But it was meant to be light hearted. I encourage all my supervisors to track their time worked, as well as ?ex their hours whenever they work over. I apologize that he took that comment any other way than what it was intended. If I think of any more examples, I will let you know as soon as possible. I hope to hear from you soon in response to my request. Thank You Jason Browne Solid Waste Services Manager Field Operations Desk# 480/350-8051 55 Priest Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281 Dear Committee, I would like to start out by apologizing to everyone for my role in the matters being considered as well as my actions that have offended some, or have been misconstrued by others. With everything that was brought to my attention, i am disappointed with myself that at times my choice of words has made people feel uncomfortable in the work place, and think I am unapproachable to the extent they needed to escalate to Safe Haven. i don't believe that some of things that have been reported or said about me are completely truthful, nor do they accurately portray my intentions. I feel that some have conspired against me for personal gain, or to distract from their shortcomings. i assure you that my intentions were to focus each individual?s talents and allow for the team to provide assistance when they struggled individually. However, change is sometimes met with negativity and obstinance. When I was hired for this position, I was tasked with some very aggressive goals that required immediate changes in order to achieve said goals. I would like to take some time to explain the challenging environment that I walked into in Solid Waste. From my understanding, I am the 6?h manager in the last 5 years. Before stepping into the position, they did not have a permanent manager for close to a year. i also learned that I had competed with my highest ranking supervisor for the position. He has applied for my position the last two times it became available. Within the ?rst two weeks of being with the City, i received a call from a colleague at my previous employer (Town of Gilbert) where he informed me that _had made comments that I ?was not quali?ed for the position" and that i ?wouldn?t last long." Within the ?rst month on the job, I made the effort to meet with all of the supervisors, office staff, and lead operators to get an understanding of what they go through day to day, and what their goals were with the City. When meeting with he went on to tell me that he was recently passed over for a supervisor position and that if he was passed over again that he would be making every attempt to find employment elsewhere. Yet, with the latest position that he applied to, he admitted to ?tanking? the interview and that his main motivation was the need for more money, not necessarily the position. i would ask the committee to please speak with _for her accounts of a recent conversation between herself and - When i had my conversation with he mentioned that he had been passed over for several opportunities, he would no longer apply to any openings in Tempe, and he was actively pursuing empl0yment elsewhere. With my meetings with -. he had expressed that he was feeling underappreciated since he was leading a crew of inspectors that were compensated at a higher rate than he was, and a few of the inspectors often threw that fact in his face. He would also mention that they were dif?cult to work with and unwilling to take direction from him. It has been reported by their current temporary duty supervisor, that these same inspectors have been rude, disrespectful, and unresponsive to directions given. (please see exhibit A attached) Also in the first month on the job, I was tasked with issuing _with a written reprimand for an issue that had happened prior to my arrival, as well as moving _from a 9/80 schedule to a less desirable 5/8 schedule. Neither of those conversations were pleasant, and this was not how I wanted to start my relationships with my two senior supervisors. But it was the direction I was given and part of my duties as their manager to administer. All of these are examples of the dysfunctional work environment that I had stepped into with several unhappy employees. I would like to please ask the committee to interview ?in regards to ?exit interview where he spoke about the culture in Solid Waste currently. (Also please see attached exhibit B) In regards to -comments that he felt bullied or intimidated, I am truly at a loss for words. I worked hard with ?to get him compensated fairly for what he was doing for the organization, something that no one else had done in the past. We had in depth conversations on a few occasions to help with how to approach his work group that he was supervising in temporary duty. I went out of my way to help support him in meetings with his work group, when he expressed that he was getting push back on his ideas, suggestions, and directions. He was the one who developed the new schedule for the inspectors in order to better service our customers. (please see exhibit in his outline for reasons why the need of the new schedule) I went with him when it came time to present the new ideas, and took the blunt of the negative reactions in order to allow him to maintain a positive relationship with his work group. In addition, I tasked him with managing the hiring process for the inspector vacancy that was in his work group. Once the applications had been forwarded to him by HR, I instructed him to use the matrix he created for all of the applicants. Even though internal hires that meet minimum quali?cations don?t normally go through this step in the process, I was informed by Tony Miano and ?that if there were a large number of external candidates that scored higher in the matrix than internal applicants there would be a deeper discussion with how to proceed. There were similar considerations with other vacancies that we were in the process of filling in Solid Waste as well. Once Riley transferred out of Solid Waste, I was tasked to ?nish the remainder of the hiring process for the inspector vacancy. I brought in the new temporary supervisor, to help with the second interviews. We both decided that one of the internal candidates was the best the applicant, and I have submitted a PAR for his hiring. So I am confused how -would say that I instructed him to hamper their chances. My instructions were very clear, to be fair and consistent throughout the process. Despite the feedback that I got from other supervisors that- may be too passive to be able to handle the responsibility of TD supervisor, I took a chance on him. I did the best I could to help him succeed in order to build his con?dence for when the next supervisor position was posted. I am deeply bothered that he would leave our group with any other impression of me, and I hope I will have the opportunity to truly apologize to him that I ever made him feel uncomfortable due to my actions or language that i used. I would ask that the committee to please request to interview to support many of these details in regards to the inspector work group and hiring process. (Please see exhibit attached) With the concerns that involved I am dumbfounded by the accusation that there was any discrimination towards him when he was asked to drive. When I started with the City, within the ?rst couple of weeks, I noticed that most of the lead drivers were only working in the of?ce. There were several occurrences where there were not enough drivers to fill all of the routes for a clay, and rather than the leads helping by filling in for the vacancies- they were doing the office work which the supervisors were responsible for. The only supervisor that was utilizing his lead in an effective way was ?in the Bulk division. The lead operators were never intended to be in the of?ce a majority of the time. The position was designed to represent working foreman, where they filled any vacancies for the day, conducted in-field training, or assisted in resolving customer issues in the ?eld. Some of the supervisors had lost sight of what their intended roles were, and the leads had started taken on supervisor duties, which was never the intent. -brought up that there might have been preference to who was assigned to drive and which leads were held back to help with other duties. I was unaware of any concerns, and every decision that was made was based on who was qualified to operate the necessary equipment. In addition, I was not the person who made this decision in the mornings. Those decisions were made by the opening supervisors, which changed daily. In addition, there was mention of possibie favoritism between _and _due to them both being Hispanic and - being Caucasian. This is extremely difficult to believe, because -and .struggle to see to and don't interact well with each other. I am working with both of them to improve their relationship with each other. _also insinuated that I recently put him in the temporary duty supervisor position as a way to bribe him for his support with negating rumors circulating in the department. This could not be further from the truth. I had conversations with _about his behavior towards his colleagues on multiple occasions. He was verbally warned about verbally attacking in a supervisor meeting a few months ago. He was also asked to step trying to undermine other supervisor?s decisions when he disagreed. There were several occasions where he would be difficult to work with, or on the verge of sabotage, when he did not agree with how things were being handled or so me of the decision making. The purpose of my conversation with _was to talk about teamwork and how to build up the team rather than poke holes in peoples? progress, support team members even if it isn't something that you didn?t necessarily agreed with, don?t add fuel to the negativity, but be a positive in?uence among the group. There is a constant circulation of various rumors within Solid Waste, and in order to bring positive change to a work group we need to support each other. I asked him to not get sucked into the negative rumors, but focus on the positive changes that were happening. You may wonder why _was put into this temporary position if there were these prior concerns. He was one of only two people that had the background to support the position. The other person being However, the work group pulled me aside and speci?cally asked me not to consider _due to their poor relationships. (please see exhibit attached) In addition, I had received some negative feedback from other work groups outside of Solid Waste that showed was not prepared for this responsibility. On the other hand, _was requested by other city departments due to their past working relationships, and I thought it would be a good building experience for _that would allow him to be more prepared for openings in or outside the City of Tempe. Sometimes, in order to know where to improve you have to struggle ?rst. I can speak from experience on that one. I would like to request the committee to please interview _for his record of events as well. _mentioned that he thought I intended to ?punish? him by asking him to change his role to the Compost area. I had a conversation with him explaining my decision. The compost area is one of the most vital contributors to our diversion goals set by council. The supervisor who had been overseeing the area was getting ready to retire, and it seemed that _had a close relationship with him. I thought this may help with the transfer of information. The compost operation also proved to match _schedule better. Due to personal reasons, _could only work 5 am to 2 pm Monday through Friday (5/8 schedule). He was managing the residential area at the time, and that work group works Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday from 5:30am to 4pm (4/10 schedule). He was unable to adjust his schedule to match the needs of his work group like most other supervisors, so this worked out better. Recently, I brought the supervisor group together to talk about the vacancies and where everyone wanted to be in the near future. _expressed interest in staying in the compost area, and mentioned he enjoyed it. However, he seems to struggle with the operation and there has been some serious safety concerns, mishandling of materials, and severe lack of communication since he has moved to the Compost area. I have been informed by multiple supervisors that he has been difficult to work with and does not communicate well. He has no called no showed to multiple meetings, come in to work hours late without notifying me, been unwilling to turn in time slips for time missed from work, left work early on multiple Fridays on short notice, and has shown a passive aggressive behavior to others that makes them feel uncomfortable. There have been multiple occasions that he has referred to- _as a "Ricochet Rabbit" in front of others at a meeting, to which I have asked him to stop. There was one occurrence where he told me he would be late to work the following day due to a dentist appointment. When I asked him roughly what time he expected to be in, he responded back with ?that depends on the dentist.? These are just a few examples of the daily interactions with -that have made it a challenge to supervise him. I have had multiple conversations with- and I have recently submitted a part 1 for discipline because I have exhausted all options to reach him. I would ask that the committee please interview ?on their interactions with - as well. (Please see exhibit attached) Soon after my arrival to the city, I had been introduced to two of our most important diversion programs SMART and the residential Green Bin pilot program. The Green Bin pilot program was still in its infancy stages, where the SMART program was just beginning to start its advertising campaign. It was apparent that both of these programs required the full attention of our recycle outreach coordinator, - - However, after going over her calendar with her, by the suggestion of my supervisor, it was apparent that we needed to readjust the events calendar to allow room for upcoming SMART events. My intention was to allow her the necessary time to be successful with these vital programs. She has struggled to complete several projects over the years, and several more have grown stagnant due to her lack of attention. After speaking to her about her calendar, she became very hostile, and I found out later she ignored my directions completely. She has become emotional and angry on multiple occasions when receiving any feedback or direction from myself and others. has experienced this herself when working with her, as well as witnessed her reactions towards me on multiple occasions. Another example of this behavior was when I asked her to inform me before scheduling any overtime for other employees at the events she hosts. After further review of our overtime policies, I was afraid that she had violated the MOU on several occasions by only offering OT to a handful of the same people consecutively. She became very defensive and explained that she had a special clause in the MOU that allowed her to bypass the normal procedures. I had asked her to still check in with me before scheduling any overtime so that we may review together, she ignored my request on multiple occasions and continued to schedule the same people without approval from myself or their direct supervisors. Two weeks ago, in our one on one meeting, she admitted that she had reviewed the MOU recently and it did not support her previous claims. She then stated that she had a verbal agreement with I again requested that she did not rely on that, and to please notify me before any more OT was scheduled. Before my arrival, -had gone unsupervised with out any clear direction for 2 years. Tony and I have both had several discussions with her on what our goals are with Solid Waste and how she can help us all reach those goals. I would please ask the committee to request to interview Tony Mia no and ?to get their accounts of these interactions that I have outlined. (Please see attached exhibit and attached) I take responsibility for my use of inappropriate language at times. I have apologized to multiple people in my work group if I had used any language that may have offended them when this was first brought to my attention from my supervisor. I have taken steps to improve on this matter, and I believe I have shown a vast improvement rather quickly. I would like to point out that none of that language was directed towards a particular person, but more of an expression of emotion and/or frustration. 0f the instances that have heard of, many of them were of someone overhearing a private conversation from a distance, or from behind closed doors. I question if they heard the context of the conversation correctly at times, but I understand that this type of language does not belong in the workplace no matter the circumstances. In a service industry, such as Solid Waste, where we are tasked with serving our customers in a very fast paced environment, emotions can and do run high. I recently had a coaching conversation with an equipment operator for letting his emotions take over to the point where he was very vocal with a supervisor using a few choice words in arguing over a misunderstanding. On December 20, 2011? and I conducted ?rst round interviews for our Senior Equipment Operator Vacancy. After the interviews, while I was driving home, _contacted me about how she felt -was rude and disrespectful towards her throughout the process. She asked me to speak to-as his direct supervisor. When I brought her concerns up to - he responded quickly with ?Fuck I understand - let his emotions take over for a minute, so I asked him to calm down and just be a little more patient when he gets frustrated. At the last training provided by our Risk department, the presenter was obviously passionate about the topic and a few profane words were used to describe an example of a hazardous situation. I spend countless hours around our operators in the common areas where there seems to be no filter when describing their experiences and day to day challenges. I point these examples out, not as an excuse for the behavior, but more to show that we, as a team, are not perfect and that this an area the we can all improve, starting with myself. I will continue to improve myself, with hopes that i can be a better example to those around me. I would ask the committee to please interview and for an account of these interactions In conclusion, I have made several operational decisions in the last 6 months that have resulted in changes to the organization. I have a large workgroup with several personalities that takes time to become accustom to and learn how to bridge our gaps. In hindsight, I would have taken a different approach with a few of my decisions. It is obvious that I can improve on my delivery to some employees in order to clarify and explain the thoughts behind some of those decisions. I can assure you that every decision made was with good intentions and with hopes of positive change/results. In addition I have encourage positive reinforcement within my group. We have distributed 55 Pa pagos since the start of the ?scal year. Of those, 46 Papagos in the last 6 months and only 9 issued for the 3 months prior to my arrival. Those awards have gone to employees throughout the organization including supervisors, operators, inspectors, and office staff. I will continue to work with my supervisor- Tony Miano, - as well as other members of my team so that we can continue to make decisions that are best for the operations and do what we can to create a team culture. As the Manager, my goals are to maintain a positive work environment and build a strong team that can support each other as we work towards our common goals. I have worked closely with Tony and -over the last 6 months to guide me through Tempe processes and procedures, and I ask the committee to interview Tony Miano and?on any and all of my decisions in question. Should you have any more questions or need further explanation please allow me the opportunity to speak to you in person. (please see exhibit I and attached) Sincerely, Jason Browne Browne,Ja e, 14.? ALA {it From: Sent: Friday, March 02, 2018 8:44 AM To: Browne, Jay Subject: Notes WE 3/3/18 Wed 2/28/ 18 -held a group meeting including the AMP. Abate and 2 inspectors Wed morning at the beginning of the day to inform everyone on what is happening and objectives for the rest of the week and the inspectors duties for the next 2 weeks. He asked that everyone come to the table. - refused saying he could hear fine from his desk. -asked again and he continued to say he wasn?t going to-went on with his meeting. Letting the AMP crew know that they were going to be working on weed eating some alleys in map 3 -Indian bend and then Arredondo map 41 until they are able to get signed off on the equipment. -reminded him that he is off this Saturday, so-will be in the compost yard-let them know that there may be times that the abate crew would be going to uncontained to help with greening. - let the inspectors know that the week of Mar 5 -would be handling the 311 cases and -would be taking care of the AMP cases. And the week of Mar 12-is off so -will take the 311 and - will remain on AMP. They wanted to know that since they were not doing the area they were supposed to, they wanted to keep their schedules as they are now. -said we would ask. While -wa?s'ta'lkin?g '-was sitting at his deSk mumbling under his breath just enough so we could hear but not understand his comments. -asked -and they decided that we needed the coverage so they would start their new schedule Mar 5 as originally planned and-said he let them know. -emailed- about gate photos for alley closures. -asked -about this because she is already working on the procedure for alley closures. She said that she had a call into Phoenix Fence and would send me the info and photos she had. She sent info and -will ask again about the photos. - sent an email asking if I would be interested on being the representative for Field Services on the Employee Recognition Committee. am excited to be a part of that group. Thurs 3/1/18 Worked on reports, payroll and other duties. Supervisor meeting. -helped out by going over to ?and looking at their drainage issue. it appears to not be a city issue. It is a drainage issue caused by the rock they have placed on the other side of their wall Case ii -and I both spoke with-in streets. More detailed info to follow. -asked again about the AMP photos. There are not any good before and after photos currently. I have spoken with the AMP crew and moving forward we will be sure to take better photos. -asked again about the alley gates. I will ask-again. Fri 3/2/18 AMP crew asked for keys to get into the container shop so they have access to the tools they need out of the crib. -asked for a key as well, said he lost his. -asked again about the alley gates. I emailed her 8:30 am. Asked-about borrowed equipment keys and how to return them on the weekend. I will ask at the next Supervisors meeting. We let the AMP crew know that Saturday and Wednesday they would be working on removing weeds on map 3 and then moving over to 41. Saturday abate crew will be at compost and Wednesday they can help the AMP crew. 1 Browne, Jay b; 54? V7 From: Sent: Saturday, March 1 2018 4:16 PM To: Browne, Jay Subject: WE 3/17/18 Thurs Mar 8 Safety Meeting Supervisor Meeting Spoke with-bout payroll Friday Mar 9 Worked on SWANA Road-E-O Sat Mar 10 SWANA Road-E-O Wed Mar 14 Met with residents from HOA Kathy Altobello and Ed Foster. We spoke about signage and different things we could possibly do to educate the 144 units about proper bulk trash procedures. They felt our signs were directed more towards landscapers and contractors. They were going to look into having signs made themselves. I told them i would drop off 144 bulk schedules to hand out along with their literature. Followed up on old Accela cases. Payroll Turned in Papago- PIP meeting for? SW Calendar Meeting Thurs Mar 15 Safety Meeting-Spoke of Road-e-o results-also asked operator of the year for last year to check in with _before next Thurs Mar 22. Supervisor Meeting Weekly Report to- Special Write up about the Road-E-O to Cody Turned in Panaso? Emailed _about _having surgery I let-(temp at compost) know that if he needed anything while his supervisor was not here he could contact me. And let him know that we do not want people in the compost yard when he is not there. Follow up with _about the PIP for-and also how to complete an accident report. Follow up with _about Tempe Gardens placement of new containers and also process on how to replace broken or missing containersround table talk about what we should be working of talking about weeds and he won?t help train the new inspectors unless he is paid more to do so. Notsure why is so against helping - out the new people. Everyone else at the table contributed. Went with _nd _to alley of Weber that we will do some work on. -called me to say that- told him that he needed chains and combination padlocks for both gates because someone stole them. i asked if anything was taken or broken. He said no. I tried to call-to let him know, no 1 Kick: b5 A V37 answer and I did not leave a message?I should have. Then I walk out and -is in a huff saying he has to do everyone?s job. I ask him what happened. He said that?told him that both water trucks are down-one had water in the oil and the other one had a bad hose. The amp crew needed one and the compost yard needed one-was outside by the trucks-I asked him to check for water In the oil. He said he didn?t see any. Then the shop showed up to jump start the grader. While he was there I asked him If they could cut some chain, he said yes to talk to - I also asked him about both trucks. The one truck was low on coolant and the shop put some in, the AMP crew took that truck. The shop is going to make a new hose (the one for filling the truck). I told -that he could use that truck until the new one is ready. I went to-in the shop explained what I needed and he cut 2 for me. He did not have combo padlocks so while I was close I stopped in the front office to see if-was there, he was not, and to see if there were any padlocks there. None. -was in his office and he called the warehouse and they did. They set 2 out for me to pick up. I took the chains out to-and explained to him that he needed to reach out to me (I gave him my card with all of my info on it) with these issues because I needed to see if we should call police and take photos of the beer cans etc. and also if he had truck issues that he should call me so I could make arrangements. He said he didn?t know what he was supposed to do because his Supervisor wasn?t here. I told him that I should have reached out to him sooner. Note to self-??And I would have, had I known that was responsible for the compost yard when that Supervisor was gone. That Supervisor did not mention anything to me about helping -or even that he was going to be gone. I had to do the best I could with what I had, to solve the problems. I had 7 cases to follow up on and needed to pick up the bulk schedule order from the print shop. While at the print shop I asked -if he could help me design a sign for the HOA. We discussed some ideas and he will get me a proof. Took the bulk schedules to?and while I was there-sent the proof. We discussed it and she wanted to change the color so I told her I would do that and send the proof to her and She is thrilled. I went back to?to look at the drainage issue. I took a bunch of more photos and the surface that is causing any issues. I still believe that is an issue on the green belt side of the property. Streets already looked at it and said that there is not anything they can do. -cal ed and I spoke to him about the compost yard. We need to replace a can that is in the canal. I moved a container on west Carter. Followed up on some other cases that have been completed so I can close. Group meeting wit_the discuss team goals and help everyone understand where we need to be. Lots of questions were asked and answered. Good meeting. We will shoot for 16 miles of alley per year (AMP). I will get with -and get the AMP crew and Abate crew phones to take photos with. -will find out if we can use fire hydrant to ?ll our water truck need to log the gallons or anything else. We will try for meetings with- I will schedule. We as a team will work on updating the Alley Maintenance Program (I will schedule a workshop) to be more accurate and will send to- -coded the padlocks and we gave to? We also decided as a group that the padlocks in the tool crib (container shop) would be the same as the gate key 5157 and-will do that on Saturday. Sat Mar 17 Tried helping the guys get onto the vacation calendar. None of them can get on. I will send a separate email about that. The guys felt that yesterday was a good meeting and they like the idea of meeting once a month. Makes them feel like upper management does want to know what they think. One of them told me that they thought I was doing a good job. Said I had a lot thrown at me and worked through It well. That was nice to say. We will all get through this together Everyone is on a mission today and Is in the field. There were 6 new cases today to inspect. I took some and when- and - came in at 2, I asked them to check on some of those sol could do the others. Worked out well. I have a 2? stack of paperwork that I have to get through so I can get some order to all the stuff handed down to me. What do you know about ?re extinguisher diecking? I have a note that says I need to check them in our building, the compost yard and the container shop on the 10?1 of every Have a nice weekend. Will see you Tuesday. v? Browne, Jay ?ihiba'f" A - If? 7 From: Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2018 7.06 AM To: Browne, Jay Subject: Safety Meeting 6:30 am this morning, I printed off the safety information to go over with ?since his schedule brings him in at 6. I asked him to let me know when he would be available to go over it and he said now. I gave him the printout and we discussed that and the other topics that were brought up this morning about housekeeping and other topics such as: Vacation committee, welcomed back the driver and introduced -I told him to stop in and introduce himself, truck tablets,-last day tomorrow and- covering his duties, etc. When was finished he asked me if I had training to give safety training. I said this was a discussion about a topic that I didn?t need of?cial training. He said well what about heat stress and bloodborne pathogens? He said it makes way more common sense to have him come in early and leave early on Thursdays so he could hear ?rsthand vs having an untrained person taking care of his safety training. How am I to proceed? Topic #10 Housekeeping Tempe 8900251? I MEMORANDUM [?ll Te Public Works Department Field Operations Division November XX, 2017 TO: Public Works Supervisor? Heavy Equipment FROM: Jason Browne. Solid Waste Services Manager SUBJECT: Part Ill Disciplinary Action - Statement of Final Action This memorandum serves as a Part ill of Disciplinary Action, the Statement of Final Action, regarding the Part dated November 8, 2017. The Part 1 alleged violations of the following section(s) of the City of Tempe Personnel Rules which provide for discipline up to and including dismissal. . Ruie 4. Section 406 C4 "been insubordinate or has failed to follow reasonable direction from a supervisor: As stated in the Part I, you failed to turn in incident/accident documentation. You also failed to investigate the incident within 48 hours per the Soiid Waste guidelines. Your Part II Response dated November 9. 2017. was reviewed and considered. In your Part II response. you focused on the disciplinary process for the employee. You state that you "failed to complete the disciplinary in a time.? However. the Part was speci?c to the accident reporting and follow-up investigation timelines that you did not abide by - not the discipline process. - based on a number of emails, the folowing timeline took place and demonstrates the issue at hand regarding this incident: On September 18, 2017, you were asked to submit an incident report. On September 19, 2017, you responded in an e-mail stating that you still needed to do more follow-up with the employee. . You did not submit an incident/accident report until October 6, 2017. It took 18 days for you to compiete and submit the requested information to the necessary parties. This is unacceptable. You have been with the City of Tempe?s Solid Waste Services Section for 20 years and have served in a leadership/supervisory capacity for approximately 17 years. You are well aware that Solid Waste has very clear expectations on timelines when an incidentlaccident occurs. You and the other Solid Waste Supervisors have been trained on these timelines on numerous occasions. am also attaching a copy of the Human Resources Guidelines forVehicle Use for City Business. effective August 2013. and the City of Tempe Public Works Department?s Incidents and Accidents Guiding Principles, dated September 2013. Both of these guidelines provide additional details related to this subject and can be found on the Human Resources and Public Works intranet websites. Wan . Ruie 4, Section 406 C4 ?been insubordinate or has failed to follow reasonable direction from a supervisor. This alleged rule violation is SUSTAINED, based on your failure to {girls} 5 Public Works Supervisor Heavy Equipment Part Ill Disciplinary Action - Statement of Final Action follow protocol and report the accident to Risk Manager within 24 hours of the accignt. Furthermore, this is the second incident where you did not follow Tempe?s accident reporting protocol. - your actions during this incident are not in keeping with the high standards expected of all employees in the Public Works Department. As a leader, trainer and supervisor, you are expected to perform all work duties in a timely manner and comply with Tempe?s Personnel Rules, safety programs, work related policies, and guidelines In your role of Public Works Supervisor-Heavy Equipment. when you fail to follow protocol, you set the example for your staff that Tempe's required rules and protocols can be disregarded. This is potentially a dangerous precedent, which over time can have negative impacts on team productivity and safety. Moving forward, it is expected that you will make a renewed effort to ensure your actions align with all applicable Tempe rules and guidelines and established deadlines at all times. You received a Memo to File dated July 6, 2017, for failing to follow deadlines and reporting protocols and were reminded numerous times to get this completed. Based on the specifies noted above and consistent with the principles of progressive discipline, I am recommending a Written Reprimand. Employee Signature 8. Date Supervisor Signature Date Attachments: Memo to File, dated July 6, 2017 Human ResourcesGuidelines for Vehicle Use for City Business, effective August 2013 City of Tempe Public Works Department. "Incidents and Accidents Guiding Pnnciples" dated September 2013 Browne, Jay 6 X'Lu'k 7L Z, From: Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 10:41 AM To: Browne, Jay Subject: Inspections schedule Amp Inspectors AMP inspectors need to be dedicated to AMP. It is not ef?cient for the AMP inspectors to switch from one function to another on a regular basis. They need to be able to focus on their target area and past target areas. We want to avoid having AMP inspectors drive around the city checking on scattered 311 cases. inspectors that are currently on the 4-10 schedule have the option to stay on 4-10'5. 311 Inspector 311 inspector focuses only on 311 cases. Gives other inspectors the opportunity to focus on their primary functions. 1 person to contact Monday-Friday for complaints. Only 1 inspector driving around the city checking on 311 cases. The number of resident complaints on Friday is comparable to the rest of the week. Resident complaints 51121174214117 Monday 367 26.67% Tuesday 266 19.33% Wednesday 215 15.63% Thursday 217 15.77% Friday 221 16.06% Saturday 38 2.76% ?unday 52 3.78% [Total 1376 Audit inspector Audit inspector is focused on recycling education. Flips lids and works in an assigned area. Available to respond to contamination issues that drivers encounter. Able to cover 311 cases if 311 inspectors are off or overloaded Audit inspector needs to be here Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday for regular collections. Wednesdays can be used to check alley containers (required by Maricopa County). Wednesdays can be used to focus on commercial audits. Inspectors have expressed that the 311 inspector could fall behind, Wednesdays would be a good day for the audit inspector to help with low priority cases. Browne. Jay $th hr"? 0 P7 From: Sent: Friday, December 15, 2017 12:14 PM To: Cc: Browne, Jay Subject: RE: Solid Waste Inspector Attachments: Inspector matrix.xls Hi- Here is the completed matrix. -had me score the internal candidates to see how they come out in the Matrix. If we are required to include internals we will probably need to interview the external candidates scored 9 or higher. This would give us a total of 8 candidates. We don?t have the schedule ?nalized at this point, as you probably know the schedule selection is still in process and may not be finalized until the week after Christmas. If you have any questions on the matrix please let me know. Thanks, City of Tempe Office Cell .Frempe From:? Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2017 1:43 PM To:? Cc: Browne, Jay Subject: RE: Solid Waste Inspector Thanks- - this is a large pool of candidates so one you have the matrix ready lets touch based before sending it to HR. Also, -the schedule has changes so once we are ready to schedule interviews we will want to let the candidate know the new schedule, we will get it to you but it will include working Saturdays. I wouldn't want to waste our time doing an interview if the new schedule is a no go for a candidate. - i know this is new for you so please let me know if you need anything. I?m attaching a link that may be helpful . Browne, Jay ?Q?kkibpff 0 V7 9? From: Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2017 12:36 PM To: Cc: Browne, Jay Subject: RE: Solid Waste Inspector Thanks- before I weigh in on interviewing the internals, I have a few questions: 1. What is the work schedule? I believe some internals may not agree to a Saturday scheduled and; if they do they need to know it is set since they could have seniority so we have to think about how that will play out. Doesn?t change anything we just need to be on the same page 2. How long are you planning for the interview questions? 20 minutes? 3. Do you have a practical exercise? How long for that? - I agree with your cut off for externals at 9 points or higher. Also, I?m a little surprised that _scored so high since i generally know his work experience, but that?s fine. As you probably know, it has been the City?s practice to interview internals, but it is not REQUIRED. However, to date we haven?t exercised our option to not include them for an interview. Once you answer the questions above I will be in a better spot to talk more about internals. I know-is out until tomorrow so we can certainly touch base over the phone when he returns. Thanks, From: Sent: Friday, December 15, 201.7 12:14 PM To. Cc: Browne, Jay Subject: RE: Solid Waste Inspector Hi- Here is the completed matrix. _had me score the internal candidates to see how they come out in the Matrix. If we are required to include internals we will probably need to interview the external candidates scored 9 or higher. This would give us a total of 8 candidates. We don?t have the schedule ?nalized at this point, as you probably know the schedule selection is still in process and may not be finalized until the week after Christmas. It you have any questions on the matrix please let me know. Thanks, City of Tempe Of?ce - 0e" Browne, Jay EMF From: Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 3:29 PM To: Browne, Jay Subject: FW: SPR17124, Metro 101, 2177 E. Apache Blvd. I Public Works Programs Manager City of Tempe 55 S. Priest dr 85281 From? Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 2:00 PM To: Subject: RE: SPR17124, Metro 101, 2177 E. Apache Blvd. Great, thank you. From: Sent: Monday, February 12, 2018 1:56 PM To: Subject: FW: SPR17124, Metro 101, 2177 E. Apache Blvd. Good afternoon- just spoke to Charles about the situation with this property. I told him since -had already agreed to this I was not going to stall his progress. I explained my concerns with having to shuffle containers when there are 4 in the enclosure like this. I mentioned the added risk to the public, both pedestrian and automobiles. He understood and was going to take that into consideration for future projects. Thank you 'r Public Works Programs Manager City of Tempe 55 S. Priest dr 85281 (?hiloll {7 9? From:? Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2018 2:18 PM To: Subject: RE: .SPR17124, Metro 101, 2177 E. Apache Blvd. Helio- L2..- Thank you for the heads up, yes please have him call me and i would be happy to meet with mm as well. Thank you Public Works Programs Manager City of Tempe 55 S. Priest dr 85281 From=? Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2018 11:54 AM To=? Subject: SPR17124, Metro 101, 2177 E. Apache Blvd. Hi- You made the following comment in this SPR report: The language used (may require) is too vague to do much with it. The applicant is wanting this project to get on an agenda ASAP, so the time to determine the refuse plan (including quantity of enclosures) is now. I believe Solid Waste asked for an enclosure in the Phase li portion of the site (adjacent to Wildermuth), but the applicant (Charles Huellmantel) has stated that they do not want to provide additional refuse enclosures, beyond the two provided in Phase I. if additional enclosures are to be provided, Solid Waste will need to determine that and how many. Again, it needs to be done at this point in time, before we get to a public hearing. I want to give you a heads up that i?m going to request that Charles contact you directly to discuss this issue before they resubmit. Thank you, Planning Division City of Tempe Community Development Department Browne, Jay E- W37 From: Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 3:22 PM To: Browne, Jay Subject: FW: looking for approval of solid waste design for Opus project at 7th University Public Works Programs Manager City of Tempe 55 S. Priest dr 85281 From:? Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 1:28 PM To:? Cc: Loyd, Lisa Subject: RE: looking for approval of solid waste design for Opus project at 7th University The solid waste plan was signed off by-roup during plan review for the Opus project. This would be one of my checks before permits being issued. Now, i don't know the level of review, was it the overall refuse plan including hotel site or just the Opus project? n' . "y -. City of Tempe. Community Development Department From:? Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2018 12:38 PM To:? Subject: looking for approval of solid waste design for Opus project at 7th University Hello, In reviewing the hotel today at and University, I noticed that refuse access was shown off of Forest, through the building that is under construction. I would like to confirm that we have a solid waste design for the overall development, inclusive of the hotel, that was approved in writing by Solid Waste services. My concern is that I?m doing an administrative approval of the design of the hotel, and as best I can tell, there is no trash collection on the hotel is shared via the other development under hopefully designed for truck access in the building! From Sent: Wednesday, November 15, 2017 12:14 PM To: Subject: Meetings/ Outside business Team, Going forward please work through -or I, when you are invited to meetings. Be sure and notify either one of us at least 48 hours in advance ofany meetings. Keeping in mind, that we have a small operation with minimal staff to get the day to day workload completed. If you have anything calendared for the near future please let us know, we will make sure the appropriate individual is in attendance if necessary. The nk you emorandum [r Tempe City of Tempe Date: March XX, 2018 To: Public Works Supervisor-Solid Waste From: Jason Browne, Solid Waste Services Manager Subject: Disciplinary Action. Fag! - the Allege_d Offense This memorandum serves as a Part I of a Disciplinary Action, the Alleged Offense. You are alleged to have violated the following section(s) of the City of Tempe Personnel Rules which provide for discipline up to and including dismissal. El Rule 4, Section 406 C1. ?exhibited a lack of suf?cient competency or efficiency to perform assigned duties and responsibilities.? Ci Rule 4, Section 406 C2. "acted negligently, recklessly, or carelessly in performing his/her duties during a specific incident or incidents.? i3 Rule 4, Section 406 C4. "been insubordinate or has failed to follow reasonable direction from a supervisor." Rule 4, Section 406 C7. "caused damage to public property or waste of public supplies through negligence, recklessness, or carelessness." -, you have struggled to communicate with me effectively on several occasions. have reached out to you several times to either get answers to questions, or schedule meetings with you. You have no called no showed to multiple meetings, not responded to email requests, and have demonstrated a level of behavior that is detrimental to the solid waste group. When I have been able to reach you, there has been a level of disrespect that is unacceptable. in addition, your recent oversight over the compost facility has resulted in safety hazards to the public and to our operations. Below are some examples of your recent behavior. I scheduled a one on one meeting with you for Friday, March 23, 2018 to discuss some of the recent events that occurred or were reported while you were on vacation the previous week. You did not attend the meeting, or notify me that you were unable to attend. You also did not attempt to schedule a one on one with me like i have asked all supervisors to do on a weekly basis. On March 15, 2018 was noti?ed that the compost fines that were recently delivered to the Tempe Sports complex were unsatisfactory/were not compost fines, caused a severe safety concern, and resulted in the cancellation of city activities at the complex. I had sent you the request from parks to facilitate and supervise a delivery of 200 yards of compost fines to Tempe Sports Complex. This oversight caused a risk to public safety, a loss of revenue, and an increase to labor costs to parks and solid waste to correct the issue. On March 7, 2018 I emailed you to setup a meeting before your scheduled vacation for the following week. You did not set a meeting before your departure, instead I located you at the compost yard Mrb?' ?1 f7)- Friday before your leave to discuss any staffing needs or concerns before your vacation. You mentioned that you had everything handled. During the week of March 12-16 2018 there was a lack of coverage in the compost yard resulting in complaints from customers, and the yard was left unattended which raised some safety concerns. When i spoke with the employee on site, the employee said that he did not have anyone to relieve him for breaks/lunch. When I met with the only other supervisor in that area, she mentioned she did not know that you were on Vacation for the week. in addition, for the week you were. on vacation you did not supply the information needed for the Weekly Report that was sent on Friday, March 16, 2018. This resulted in an incomplete report sent to upper management. It appears that the preparation for your operation in advance of your vacation was little to none, which resulted in lack of coverage and several safety concerns. On March 1, 2018 you failed to notify me that you would be arriving late to work and that you would be missing the mandatory weekly supervisor meeting. You also failed to notify your supervisor of your arrival or respond to his email inquiry at 10:4Sam that morning to see if you were coming in. On March 6, 2018 I emailed a reminder to turn in a time slip for the time missed from Marchl, 2018. You failed to get the slip in before payroll was due, and still have not turned in the time slip requested. On February 21, 2018 you noti?ed me that you would be arriving late to work due to a dentist appointment. When I asked you for a ?rough idea of what time? you would be coming in, you responded with ?that's up to the dentist.? Not only was the request given with less than 24 hour notice for a scheduled appointment, you were unwilling to let me know of approximately what time you would be arriving to work. The response was unprofessional and unacceptable. Please explain why and how your latest incident happened in your Part ll written response and return it to me no later than 4:00 pm. on March XX, 2018. if you have any questions or concerns regarding the C?mP'et??" ?the Pa? ?ease contact_ Employee Signature Date Supervisor Signature Date Browne, Jay From: Browne, Jay Sent: Friday, February 02, 2018 1142 AM To: Subject: Re: Leaving early? Calm your email was in the past tense. Approved. Jason Browne Solid Waste Manager City of tempe Fromz Sent: Friday, February 2, 2018 11:40:18 AM To: Browne, Jay Subject: RE: Leaving early? No, I need your okay first! ll! From: Browne, Jay Sent: Friday, February 02, 2018 11:39 AM To: Subject: Re: Leaving early? 50 you already left? Or leaving ten mins early? See your email below Jason Browne Solid Waste Manager City of tempe From:? Sent: Friday, February 2, 2018 11:38:38 AM To: Browne, .lay Subject: Leaving early? I need to take care of a couple of things so with your permission i want to leave 10 minutes ago. and 1 will have the answers to your questions next week. 274%,} Everything is covered BrowneJaz {#1:va From: Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 10:40 AM To: Browne, Jay Subject: RE: Dental appointment Nope, that?s up to the dentist. The office is on Greenfield so i have to drive her back to Ellsworth to take her to school. From: Browne, Jay Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 8:07 AM To: Subject: RE: Dental appointment Rough idea of what time? Thank You Jason Browne Solid Waste Services Manager Field Operations Desk# 480/350-8051 55 Priest Drive. Tempe. AZ 85281 Tempe. Wart: From:? Seni: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:27 AM to: Browne, Jay Subject: Dental appointment I will be in late tomorrow, I am taking my daughter to her appointment and then I have to drop her off at will be in after that. From? Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2018 5:41 AM To: Subject: Message from PriestRecycleCopier Browne, Jay @2694!? 1: .9 From: Browne, Jay Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 11:40 AM To: Subject: RE: Compost - As stated before, if you need more people or help with staf?ng, you need to come talk to me and I can help. Since we have not met with In weeks, and you have not rescheduled any of our one on one meetings, it is very dif?cult for me to catch up with you to ?nd out what you have going on and where you need help. Again, please come see me and we can work through this. If you have to, we can at least schedule or a call. Or tell me a time that I can come see you. We do have different schedules and we both have responsibilities, but I will do everything I can to help accommodate and give you the resources to be successful. Thank You Jason Browne Solid Waste Services Manager Field Operations Desk# 480/350-8051 55 Priest Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281 Tempe. From:? Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 9:52 AM To: Browne, .lay Subject: RE: Compost 0k, let's one temp with multiple functions especially right now after all the activity that just went out In the compost yard. It is impossible to expect him to be there all the time, as it is now I spend the majority of my time in the compost yard just so it not left unattended. it is also impossible to expect one temp to manage the scale house and maintain the wash bay therefore the wash bay has become my area to maintain. It is practical to expect internal personnel to call me ahead of time because it has been working so far. From: Browne, Jay Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 9:34 AM To:? Subject: Re: Compost It is not practical that everyone call in advance, that's where the temp needs to communicate with you and you can help ?ll in the gaps. The yard cannot be unattended. Browne, Jay ?Kfo ?27 If; 9 From: Browne, Jay Sent: Thursda March 01, 2018 10:45 AM To: Subject: Checking in Hi- Just checking in with you, haven't heard from or seen you today. I heard from a lead that you had an issue at home but wasn't sure. Are you coming in? Is everything ok? Will you be out tomorrow too? Hope all is well. Jason Browne Solid Waste Manager City of tempe IIB_rowrie, Jay f? [11,6 7 From: Browne, Jay Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2018 8:06 AM To: Subject: time sheet Hi - Reminding you that I need to sign off on your time sheet for last week Thursday. i didn't see anything in my box, but I remember that you had to come in late and missed our supervisor meeting. Please let me know when you get that and I will sign it asap so we can give it to- Thank You Jason Browne Solid Waste Services Manager Field Operations Desk# 480/350-8051 55 Priest Drive. Tempe, AZ 85281 Tempe. Browne, Ja From: Browne, Jay Sent: Wednesday, March 07, 2018 1:32 PM To: Subject: next week Hi- Just checking in with you to see what the plans are for next week since you are on vacation. Please send me a calendar invite for our one-on one this week to discuss more. Thank You Jason Browne Solid Waste Services Manager Field Operations Desk# 480/350-8051 55 Priest Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281 'El' Tempe. Browne,Jaz From: Browne, Jay Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 7:04 AM To: Subject: compost yard issues Hi- Wanted to give you some feedback from yesterday. I was driving back from a meeting and I noticed the public area was extremely low again on compost, and there was someone there scooping up some into their vehicle. We continue to struggle with keeping up with the inventory, as I have brought this up recently. We need to solidify a process that the person in the yard drives out there at least once per day. Also, I drove into the compost yard and there was no one in the yard for several minutes and the gates were wide open. I ?nally found the temp coming out of the mobile trailer, and he mentioned he was using the restroom. However, we have a restroom next to the scale house, so I am not sure what happened there. The issue of no one in the yard has come up multiple times recently. We need to come up with a relief process for that attendant, as well as close the gates if no one is in the yard. I have seen customers pull in, bypass the scales, and drive around the yard unattended and this is a safety concern. The temp also mentioned that he had no one to relive him for lunch. I instructed him to work with- to provide relief coverage for his lunch and breaks. I remember asking you about staf?ng before you went on I did not expect this to be a concern still. I have instructed -0 reach out to you in the coming weeks to work on safety procedures in the Compost area, as I am worried that if we continue to leave the yard unattended we will have an incident that could have been easily prevented. Please schedule a meeting with me on Monday so we can go over these issues, as well as the compost issue that I sent to you from Parks about delivery of bad material that was a safety concern as well. Thank You Jason Browne Solid Waste Services Manager Field Operations Desklt 480/350-8051 55 Priest Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281 Tempe. Browne, Jay From: Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 10:37 AM To: Browne, Jay Subject: Debris in compost Attachments: ATT00001.txt; ATT00002.txt Jay The following photos are of the debris in the product that was delivered to the TSC last week. The second photo shows the rocks still on field 2 after we swept it. Unfortunately the unused product will need to be picked up and rescreened before we can use it. Let me know what I can do to help. Liloi'l? Fi?/6 4- From: Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 12:04 PM To: Browne. Jay, Subject: FW: 6W weekly info lav, - -made no attempt to have someone enter his daily information into the spread sheet so we could finalize his weekly report for him. With your approval 1 will Omit this portion from the weekly? Thank you Public Works Programs Manager City of Tempe 55 S. Priest dr 85281 From:? Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 11:45 AM To:? Subject: RE: GW weekly info - resi Parks DB I Zoo Resident 81-33378 Uncontained 68.934 23.42 31.56 28.5725 2.39 254.405 225.695 He?s not caught up yet with his logs since he?s on vacation, so the weekly numbers are extremely small. I haven?t made it back there to see where they are at. From:? Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 9:40 AM To: Subject: RE: GW weekly info - resi Yes Please, This is what it looks like now in word. Green Organics In Totals: Parks: 75.16 Tons Desert Botanical/PHX Zoo: 23.3 Tons Tempe Schools: 2.4 Tons Sawdust: 31 .6 Tons Resident: 28.52 Tons Artistic Land: 47.18 Tons Residential: 237.09 Tons Browne, Jay ?74 L?Jb?k PM From: Miano, Tony Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2018 11:38 AM To: Cc: Browne, Jay Subject: RE: Fields Closed at Tempe Sports Complex Thanks, I apricate the observation, that was the same review that I came up with. i asked -to see who and why we sent the wrong material. And one would think that after half of field of spreading this material someone would say, this isn't right. So Thanks you for spotting this. From:? Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2018 5:03 PM To: Miano, Tony Cc: Browne, Jay Subject; FW: Fields Closed at Tempe Sports Complex From=? Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2018 10:54 AM Miano, Tony Subject: Fields Closed at Tempe Sports Complex Dear User Groups, You are receiving this notice that due to maintenance/safety concerns at the Tempe Sports Complex on soccer fields #1 and #2 all play has been cancelled effective immediately. We are working on addressing the situation and correcting it 1 as soon as possible, but as of now, soccer ?elds #1 and #2 are closed. Please notify your participants, pa rents, and coaches. Fees paid will be credited to your groups account or refunded. As soon as the fields are available for play you will be noti?ed. We are sorry for the inconvenience and addressing the issues to make the ?elds playable as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. Respectfully, Field Reservation Coordinator City of Tempe Recreation Division Browne, Jaz F22 9/ From: Browne, Jay Sent: Friday, March 23, 2018 1:02 PM To: Subject: today's one on one - You missed our one on one today, haven?t heard from you. Do you have time to meet today? I would like to catch up on events since you were on vacation last week and this week has been a struggle as well. Thank You Jason Browne Solid Waste Services Manager Field Operations Desk# 48013508051 55 Priest Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281 'El' Tampe- Browne, Jay 67mg?" From: Browne, Jay Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 7:29 PM To: Cc: Subject: Re: leaving This was unscheduled and unapproved. I don't appreciate the last minute notification without speaking to me first. I understand that things come up last minute, but you could have stopped by my of?ce to speak in person. You continue to struggle with your communication with me. I hope is something that we can resolve soon. Thank you Jason Browne Solid Waste Manager City of tempe From:? Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2018 12:54 PM Subject: Leaving To: Browne, Jay Leaving an hour early to take care of business, compost yard is covered today. L?(Lfbf?f? (5 f7? emoran urn [r Tempe City of Tempe Date: March XX, 2018 To: From: Jason Browne, Solid Waste Services Manager Subject: Memo to File - Failure to Follow Reasonable Direction from 3 Supervisor - you are receiving this documentation due to the conversations that we have had in regards to scheduled overtime and the process that I have asked you to follow several times. It is imperative that we allow all quali?ed individuals the opportunity for scheduled overtime to ensure that we do not violate the MOU, as well as ensure that all supervisors are aware of their employee's time and schedules. In addition, you were instructed to remove certain events from your calendar that were considered not approved due to the upcoming events needed for SMART. On Friday, March 16, 2018 you sent an email to several employees in Solid Waste in which you were asking for volunteers for overtime possibilities at upcoming events. Some of these events were ones that I had instructed you in December 2017 to remove from the events calendar. At the time, you had expressed that removing events that you had committed to would be a dif?cult task. However, you have struggled to make yourself available for the SMART project. On February 21, 2018 you put an ?automatic reply" on all incoming emails that stated ?Due to several projects and events, there will be a delayed response to emails and phone calls through the morning of Thursday, March 1. If you need immediate assistance, please contact or This outlook message is unacceptable and can not be used in the future, unless you are scheduled off for vacation or away from work for other reasons. in addition, I had instructed all supervisors to notify me before scheduling any overtime at our supervisor meeting on Tuesday, October 31, 2017. This subject came up again at the zero waste event staffing meeting held on Friday, January 12, 2018. Recently, at the annual Touch 3 Truck event held on February 24, 2018 several employees were brought in on overtime without approval from me. On February 27, 2018 you sent an email to me informing him that you had scheduled more pe0ple on overtime without my approval. - moving forward, it is important that you follow the direction you have been given. For 2018, your main focus needs to be SMART related and green organic expansion. Please work with me prior to scheduling anymore overtime, and notifying other supervisors before scheduling their employees for any events. This memo will be kept In your ?le for one year after the date of receipt. Acknowledgement of expectations: Employee Signature Date Received Browne, kafbfd" W2 2? From: Miano, Tony Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2017 1:24 PM To: cc: -Wne Subject: Calendar 2018 Hey- I am following up from our ?smart" meeting a few weeks back where I requested your calendar for 2018. Can you send me your calendar for 2018 and what events you have scheduled so far. I am working with-and on outreach and I want to get everything on one calendar and see what our approach I need to take on our messaging. Thank Tony Miano Deputy Public Works Director Field Operations Parks/Golf/Diablo Stadium/Fleet Service/Solid Waste Service Desk# 480/350-8297 55 Priest Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281 'El' Tempe, he: W713 BrowneFrom: Browne, Jay Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2017 11.00 AM To: Subject: RE: 2018 event listings Attachments: dawns calendar.xlsx Hi - I have attached an updated calendar. I would like you to remove any of the events that are in red for the upcoming year. Though all of these events are important, we will need to focus our attention, as much as we can, towards the new SMART program and our green organics program. These programs will help move the needle towards our diversion And we can?t get to these goals without you. I am looking to you to be the conductor of this crazy train, and get us on the right track to reach our aggressive goals. We can discuss more in our weekly meeting. Thank You Jason Browne Solid Waste Services Manager Field Operations Desk# 480/350-8051 55 Priest Drive. Tempe, AZ 85281 'il' Tempe. mm From:? Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2017 4:48 PM To: Miano, Tony Ce: Browne. Jav Subject: 2018 event listings Here is a pretty good list of the events for 2018. Please note that I do not work all of these. Also, while there is some overlap with the events that Support Services provides trash and recycling services for, Support Services has a separate list of those events. Browne, Jay Cpltipif? g?lq Ll; From: Sent: Friday, january 05, 2018 1:37 PM To: Browne, Jay Subject: RE: Can you send me an email copy of the events that you want cancelled? I hanks! From: Browne, lay Sent: Thursday, January 4, 2018 4:36 PM To: Subject: RE: Can you send me an email copy of the events that you want cancelled? Thank You Jason Browne Solid Waste Services Manager Field Operations Desk# 480/350-8051 55 Priest Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281 Ter?pe. PM mm From: Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2018 12:22 PM To: Browne, Jay . . i Subject: Can you send me an email copy of the events that you want cancelled? just got an event notice (Tour de Tempe) from Transportation but I need to check the green-lit events? 1 think 1 accidentally recycled the hard copy one. Thanks! Tempe. Browne, Jay . 1 From: Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 12:57 PM To: Browne, Jay; Subject: Touch a truck overtime Attachments: Solid Waste Overtime Guideline (1).pdf Hello,-and Jason. In order to avoid overtime, we are trying to use the Saturday crew for Saturday events whenever possible per Jason?s request. Even if Riley was still here, we would have to pull one person on overtime to handle ERIC because like the other areas of Public Works, we brought multiple vehicles and had -on music. I reached out to-in January and per an MOU, I con?rmed that we select people to work the event who are trained in our programs; we also go by seniority and it is something the supervisor (me) coordinates. and-worked the Saturday event as they are familiar with our programs-and ?are on overtime. (I typically post the events, but it is not necessary because I needed folks who were at least aware of our new programs and understand not available. I looked into this when I first started in 2015 and while supervisors need to be informed when employees work an event during work hours, we do not seek permission for after-hours work as it is considered the employee?s own time. These types of events come out of my call center. This is a citywide practice. Jason, around the same time I talked to you about special events, talked to-and-about how-(my predecessor) did events. They suggested a training of employees for ERIC and tabling when things slow down and I agreed; we can combine this with the general sustainability program training that all sustainability employees receive. Jason, although we talked about this a while back and it was approved, I wanted to remind you that ERIC will be at Geeks Night Out along with a separate compost table like last year;-did it last year and-was going to do it this year._and -are not available so .will be staf?ng it. it is an evening event so everyone, sans me, will be on overtime-is not available to operate it so -wIll drive it and -and -agreed to do it. They are well versed in the programs and -is doing a refresher of ERIC with -and -as he tests everything to make sure it is working. From: Browne, Jay Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2018 11:06 AM To:? Subiect: Touch a truck overtime Was there any other people working the event on OT Thank You Jason Browne Solid Waste Services Manager Field Operations Desk? 480/350-8051 55 Priest Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281 ?14:sz 6 Event hosted or (no-hosted by City of Tempe or a Council event January 2018 Event Date and Info January Zero Waste Day? Kiwanis Park - 1/20/18 already confirm ed February 2018 Event Date and Info 2/24/18 - includes zero waste Touch-a-Truck?lPlay Day" stations, Public Works, PD and fire trucks ERIC, etc. 314.1%? (9 7977 2/28/18 - Not an event but will be monitoring and making suggestions Tempe Diablo Stadium Baseball and possibly have a few volunteers Game" with me to help - will be there for pre- game set up, during game and post- game cleanup) March 2018 Event Date and Info 3/1/18 - zero waste stations, compost/green mics table, ERIC 3/20 - 3/21/18 - haven't attended since fall of 2016 but plan on ASU Off-Campus Housing Fair attending at least once a year since several complexes/property managers attend - tabling event Geeks Night Out" Vial: PO .8 -- 7 Day Spring Preschool ii {glit?vi-tJUL-i?y? :2393nrtf attundina Kindergarten Vehicle Day even? aim-r since i is :3 P?Jtilifj April 2018 Event Date and Info We did a second seasonal giveaway on 4/2/16 and 3/25/17 but we may Valleywide compost giveaway?MI not want to continue with these giveaways or limit them to once a year pending surplus compost/mulch Tour De Tempe" Likely 4/1/18 (?rst Sunday of April) - ERIC (rip/(947? F75 State of the Nei hborhoods? Wi" likely be on 4/21/18 tabling 5 event Zero Waste Day" (Earth Day . . . . . - 1 emphasis) Fire Training Faculty 4/28/20 8 [May 2018 Event Date and Info City of Tempe Bene?ts Fair? Usually first week in May Probably 5/5/18 or 5/12/18 - will hopefully team up with other it SMART Intercept events sustainability partners in two ne?ghborhoods June 2018 Event Date and Info Event Date and Info 2018 Event Date and Info Zero Waste Day? (Add bil? Probably 8/18/18 - exact location TBD - considering Library (solar panels offer cover for potential monsoon weather), GoDaddy and Tempe Sports 1Complex - David and I will decide in December September 2018 Event Date and Info GAIN kick-off event" SMART intercept events" In August or September (2016 event was in Aug. while 2017 event was in Sept.) - Tabling event attended by neighborhood and HOA presidents/leaders Maybe 9/30/18 since October is booked with special events October 2018 Event Date and Info Valleywide compost giveaway" We generally do one valleywide compost giveaway in the fall, but we may not want to continue with these giveaways or limit them to once a year pending surplus compost/ mulch Tempe Tardeada? ERIC and separate booth - probably second Sunday (10/14/18) but could be 10/7/18 Oktoberfest Probably just tabling or ERIC during earlier part of day on 10/13/18 in family-friendly section Probably 10/20/ 18 (ERIC will visit one event and we'll likely have multiple people table with SMART bins in several neighborhoods) V77 AZ Forward Earthfest Educator?s Night ,Qx??bnd? 6 Probably during week of 10/22/18 - used to have inside booth and ERIC - skipped 2017 and will likely just reserve booth for 2018 ASU Homecoming November and December2018 Late October or early November - skipped 2017 because it was at same time as Halloween Festival Event Date and Info Zero Waste Day? Fire Training Facility - 11/17/18 Tempe Festival of the Arts Tablingr only 11/30 - 12/2/18 ka??kf? 6 k; Browne, From: Sent: Frida March 16, 2018 4:01 PM To: Subject: Upcoming events - your help is needed! Hello, everyone. Event season is about to kick off and we will need your help at the below events. Based on an MOU with the UAEA in addition to verbal con?rmation, preference is given to those who are the most experienced with tabling and outreach, including speci?c programs, followed by seniority. it can vary by event. For example, during Geeks Night Out, we needed the person with the most compost experience to staff a compost- and green organics- speci?c table. _was not available so -was selected. Another example is last year?s Connolly Middle School Career Day; because we showcased our routing, ?handled that. To allow everyone the opportunity to participate in education/outreach events, I am happy to do a brief one-on-one training and review our latest programs with you when time allows over the next several weeks. However, some events will require certain expertise or experience that will require that I select people for the event. Also, those who do educational events, including myself, will be cross-trained on other sustainability topics (water and energy conservation, transportation, shade tree canopy, Grease Cooperative, etc.) likely some time over the summer or later in 2018/beginning of 2019. This summer, I will provide a more extensive training regardless of whether we do the sustainability cross training later. If these events take place during work hours, please ask your supervisor ?rst. Outside of the experience/seniority components followed by ?rstcome/first-served, the order for choosing who will work the events will be as follows for Saturday events: 1. inspectors working Saturday 2. remaining staff from Support Services 3. other inspectors 4. office staff and leads Evening and Sunday events: 1. inspectors 2. Support Services staff, office staff and leads During work hours with permission from supervisor not including Saturdays: 1. inspectors 2. Support Services staff, of?ce staff and leads "If we need additional people for whatever reason, we then post a sign-up sheet in the break room for operators.? Friday, March 23 - Sunday, March 25 Tabling only event Focus will be on SMART program so SMART bins will be showcased Friday, March 23 Only snacks and water are provided so please plan accordingly. Set up at 8:30 am. Staff from 10 am. p.m. - will work until noon so we Saturday, March 24 Only snacks and water are provided so please plan accordingly. Arrive at 9:45 am. Staff table from 10 am. 4:15/4230 pm. -is not working so Sunday, March 25 Only snacks and water are provided so please plan accordingly. Arrive at 9:45 am. Staff table from 10 am. - 4:15/430 p.m. Break down and take everything (leave tables and chairs) back to office. - is not working so Saturday, April 7 Event is from 7:00 11:00 am. Compost yard Food may be provided but consult with- - will help plan logistics and - (Since ?nd -have done these, feel free to reach out to them). -ls not working. ?mf/s?rd is We ?we Saturday, April 7 Event is from 5:00 - 7:45/8:00 p.m. Arrive no later than 4:15 pm. Alta Mira - new parking area right next to playground on S. Taylor Just north of Myrna Ln. intersection - basically across the park from where we usually are No food is provided so please eat before the event and/or bring snacks ERIC event (- is working so we - Sunday, April 8 6:15 - 11:30 am. but likely not as long as we can leave shortly after bicycle ride starts Event starts at 7:30 am. Kiwanis Park - 6111? S. All America Way, in the west parking lot north of Guadalupe Road across from the batting cages. Bagels and coffee are sometimes provided but please plan accordingly as they may not be ERIC event -is working so we Saturday, April 21 8:00 am. 1:00 pm. 6 ?g Set-up at 7:15 am. Tabling event (-is working this event but we will I Saturday, April 28 6:00 am. (earlier for some) - anywhere from 1:15 pm. 2:30 pm. Event is from 7:00 am. - 1 pm. Fire Training Facility Breakfast and lunch are provided ?coordinates this with help from Support Services, and other sta? as needed. He will be in touch. Tuesday, May 8 9 am. 1 pm. Tempe Center for the Arts Tabling event (- may be working this event Saturday, May 12 9 am. - 11/11:30 a.m. (exact time TBD) Likely at The Lakes -isworking, Wednesday, June 6 5800 5 Forest Ave, Tempe, AZ 85283 Event is from 8:00 - 11:00 am. Arrive by just after 7:00 am. ERIC event (-is working Browne,Ja {1p From: Sent: Monday, January 22. 2018 9:48 AM To: Miano, Tony, Browne. Jay Subject: RE: INVITATION: Waste Management Executive Sustainability Forum I would love to but I am coming off of a vacation then and have project deadlines (website and some other things) that need to knock out. Can I skip this? From: Miano, Tony Sent: Friday, January 19, 2018 1:12 PM To=? Browne, Jay Subject: FW: INVITATION: Waste Management Executive Sustainability Forum Did you three sign up? Tony Miano Deputy Public Works Director Field Operations Parks/Golf/Diablo Stadium/Fleet Service/Solid Waste Service Desk# 480/350-8297 55 Priest Drive. Tempe. AZ 85281 Tempe. M: Ma From: Waste Management Forum Mowmiclug??ggm] Sent: Tuesday, January 09, 2018 9:05 AM To: iano, Tony 85. 50? 8> alto-c Joe?:0! .32 8.: oz .1820 $.86 02 090?. .0585 0.5.02 00> 804.885 .83 (80.0: .0) 803 .5218: 08050003823? 00> 00885.3 up; 53.30.?.88 0a,. Urns-5201.00 .3. a! In! "Pi?lx,?0 080088.81831! 3' [rt-4.8.1: 00>; 03.8.01 8.5.3. 88. 8282.9. 8.8 .55. 1.?.Ia0lanriiu .532.- .3. 9.28.88. 8335.801 10088:! 9.232.382 .8888! 88.390032815- 9-0-30 8> 8.05.3 84.80! 00> 006.! 83.? 00> 8.05.180 00> girlie 383 8.1.1.. 3.82 00?. ?06882 Sluggiroa 00> gain E?Oiihn; 8>?io 0.000300133838888.); 86.080388822283808 2&1ra?sjzzisjwu 08.3 5.03:0! 55 8.3.8088: 8>3.3? 8> fin-a: 8.8 I. 0.2168: J53: 05 8* ssh; 80.08 .1858. le.8-..o 3? 3.8 80.0? 0803803303? 3.088.583 0:85.98an B. $1.88 8. 8? 81.69.08 2.8.1500! .iolig 58? 4+8r888l 1.80188.? EEO-liken 00) ?hgn 5 t?idn 03.. i 83 .5 0.80 .3 la: 2888. .laizwggico 8? 88!: 8>53?Isia 89.2.8 3? 2:382 8.. 8:38:23: .8523; 30.25.53 8> 8> 1.33.2289 88 305.390.888.386! 8101885865288. 8388885858. 83.888.598.84. 555:8.oolasiaig 30.038.388.81. tibia- taugamiic ill-18 .38 53.88.4808 gain 8? gagiibo; 00> 5805. 80:80:85.0; 0:183:00 8. giu .9 019? it 3.30083 8r gs . ?>883: 88:88vz18c888'; Browne, Jay (I: Ail? From: Browne, Jay Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2017 4:00 PM To: Subject: Re: Work Orders No need to work off the clock. Keep track of the time you spend on work and you wiil be compensated far it Get From:? Sent: Sunday, December 31, 2017 3:56:32 PM To: Browne, Jay Subject: Work Orders Jason, At some point tomorrow, I will be going to the of?ce to take care of my tuition reimbursement, which is done on my time but cannot be accessed from home. While I am there I wanted to clean up my work orders that I didn't get to Friday. I don't mind doing them. However, i have been elogged for working off the clock a few years ago. Just looking for guidance Thank you, O'Connor, Jon From: Browne, Jay Sent: Monday, April 23, 2018 9:48 AM To: Belousek, Ginny, O'Connor, Jon Subject: committee response part 2 Hello Ginny and Jon, I thought of a few more items that I would included to my response to the committee: I have recently attended the ?Humanity in the Workplace? and the ?Crucial Conversations training that was provided by our Strategic Management team. I have also requested to attend the ?Crucial Accountability" training coming up in the next few months. I will continue to take steps in improving in areas that I have struggled with in the past. My goals is to become a leading example to my team and others around me. Please let me know if there is any other training that you believe I would bene?t from. Thank You Jason Browne Solid Waste Services Manager Field Operations Desk# 480/350?8051 55 Priest Drive, Tempe, AZ 85281 'ii? Tempe mm NEW HIRES, PROMOTIONS, REINSTATEMENTS, REHIRES, and while Solid Waste Services Manager (10.03.2013 - 02.19.2016) 52886808 Fag-3.7 1 30339.18- Atari-@181 ?ai3ryi?iiw mm Min iiai?'n 0.909.. Com-ants 23075 Montgomery Daniel Public Works Supvr?Heavy Equip 03/29/2015 Hired 530970000 $64,418 $58,564 10 00% SUP within Solid Waste." From memo field in PeopleSoft: "At this rate of pay, his annual salary will still be the lowest of the four supervisors in this job classification 23058 Ratcliffe Dawn Recycling Coord 03/15/2015 Hired 528434615 $59,144 $59,144 0.00% SUP 22749 Grable Gary Solid Waste Equlp Oper 07/27/2014 Hired $16.305288 $33,915 $3 3,915 0.00% 22750 Sims Maurice Solid Waste Equip Oper 07/2 7/2014 Hired 516305288 $33,915 $33,915 0.00% SU 22772 Beck David Solid Waste Equip Oper 08/10/ 2014 Hired 516305288 $33,915 $33,915 0.00% NSU 22773 Waiters Joshua Solid Waste Equip Oper 08/10/2014 Hired $16.305288 $33,915 $33,915 0. 00% NSU 22796 Gloria Michael Solid Waste Equip Oper 08/24/2014 Hired 516305288 $33,915 $33,915 0.00% NSU 17193 Arestad Craig Solid Waste Equip Oper l+ 01/26/2015 Rehke 516305288 $33,915 $33,915 0.00% NSU 23098 Carrasco Alfredo Solid Waste Equip Oper H- 04/19/2015 Hired 516305288 $33,915 $33,915 0.00% NSU 23216 Maceira Gisbel Solid Waste Equip Oper 06/14/2015 Hired 516305288 $33,915 $33,915 0.00% NSU 23217 Quintero Robert Solid Waste Equip Oper 06/ 14/2015 Hired 516305288 $33,915 $33,915 0.00% NSU 23250 Snyder Alan Solid Waste Equip Oper 07/05/2015 Hired 516305288 $33,915 $33,915 0.00% NSU 23249 Williamson Michael Solid Waste Equip Oper I4- 07/ 12/2015 Hired 516305288 $33,915 $33,915 0.00% NSU 23484 Murillo Jacob Solid Waste Equip Oper 01/11/2016 Hired $16.305288 $33,915 $33,915 0.00% NSU 14993 Mannering Robert Solid Waste Equip Oper 10/20/2013 Promotion 523393200 $49,906 $38,972 28.06% NSU promotional pay increase). Promoted from Park Ranger to Solid Waste Equip Operator I in 2011 and flexed from SWEO 1 to SWEO 2 in October 2013 (received only a 10% 21748 Roberts Patrick Solid Waste Equip Oper 10/21/2013 Reinstatement $18.849422 $39,207 $38,972 NSU resignation ($39,207) Reinstated at the same pay as he was earning at the time of his earlier 22450 Hamilton Jack Solid Waste Equip Oper Il+ 11/18/2013 Hired 518736538 $38,972 $38,972 NSU 22449 Melendez Rafael Solid Waste Equip Oper Il+ 11/18/2013 Hired 518736538 $38,972 $38,972 NSU 22796 Gloria Michael Solid Waste Equip Oper ll+ 04/05/2015 Promotion 518.907212 $39,327 $39,327 0.00% NSU 22750 Sims Maurice Solid Waste Equip Oper ll+ 04/05/2015 Promotion 518907212 $39,327 $39,327 0.00% NSU 20605 Norris TImothy NEW HIRES, PROMOTIONS, REINSTATEMENTS, REHIRES, and TEMP-TO-REG while Solid Waste Services Manager (10 03.2013- 02.19 2016) Sr Solid Waste Equip Oper 05/24/2015 Promotion in?ame?9? 522.838745 1 $47,505 $45,619 *vacr' 1; 6?5.03370. :11?th 4.13% NSU Promoted from Solid Waste Equipment Specialist to Sr. Solid Waste Equip Operator (received only a 10% promotional pay increase) 18808 Keene Mark Sr Solid Waste Equip Oper 05/24/2015 Promotion 523522541 $48,927 $45,619 7.25% NSU Promoted from Solid Waste Equipment Operator II to Sr. Solid Waste Equip Operator (received only a 10% promotional pay increase) 19580 Rodriguez Manuel 5r Solid Waste Equip Oper 05/24/2015 Promotion $21.932212 $45,619 $45,619 0.00% NSU 12398 Flores Jr. Rosalino Sr Solid Waste Equip Oper 10/04/2015 Rehire $21.932212 $45,619 $45,619 0.00% NSU 18768 Wonderling Christopher Sr Solid Waste Equip Oper 01/11/2016 Promotion $24.228218 $50,395 $45,619 10 .4796 NSU Promoted From Solid Waste Equipment Operator II to Sr. Solid Waste Equip Operator (received only a 3.0% promotional pay increase) 19276 DeGroot Riley Sr Solid Waste Equip Oper 01/11/2016 PromotIon 526.280229 $54,663 $45,619 19 .8296 NSU Promoted from Solid Waste Inspector to Sr. Solid Waste Equip Operator (received only a 10% promotional pay increase) 23131 Martinez Abel Street Maint Equip Oper l+ 05/03/2015 Hired 517.997115 $37,434 $37,434 0.00% NSU 23133 Wall Dereck Street Maint Equip Oper l+ 05/03/2015 Hired 517.997115 $37,434 $37,434 0.00% NSU 23131 Martinez Abel Street Maint Equip Oper 11/04/2015 Promotion 520390730 $42,413 540,3 11 5.21% NSU Flexed from Street Maintenance Equip Operator I and received a 10% promotional pay increase after receiving a 3% annual step increase in July 2015. 23133 Wall Dereck Street Maint Equip Oper 1 1/04/ 2015 Promotion 520.390730 $42,413 $40,311 5.21% NSU Flexed from Street Maintenance Equip Operator I and received a 10% promotional pay increase after receiving a 3% annual step increase in July 2015. Miano Jr Anthony Dep Pub Dir - Field Oper NEW HIRES, PROMOTIONS, REINSTATEMENTS, REHIRES, and TEMPS-TO-REG while Deputy Public Works Director - Field Ops (02.22.2016 to Present) 027 02/22/2016 ?f?m Promotion t. 1: W: 07.53 I 07.117. 00000519 560019297 $124,840 .1 Wvlwi $105,432 18.41% Promoted .?rom Solid Waste Services Manager to Deputy PW Director - Field Ops (received only a 10% promotional pay Increase) 22899 Auker Joshua Fleet Equip Mechanic 203 3262 03/20/2016 Promotion 522.367788 $46,525 $46,525 0.00% NSU 23300 Carlson Noah Fleet Equip Mechanic 203 3262 01/09/2017 Promotion 00002059 522392788 $46,577 $46,577 0.00% NSU 21679 Pickens John Groundskeeper I4- 074 2559 03/ 13/2016 Rehire 000G382 515.0%250 $31,213 $31,213 0.00% NSU 23601 Chavez Efren rou ndskeeper l+ 074 2556 03/ 20/ 2016 Hired 00000620 515.006250 $31,213 $31,213 0.00% NSU 23600 Metcalf John Groundskeeper II: 074 2556 03/20/2016 Hired 00w0637 515006250 $31,213 $31,213 0.00% NSU 23598 Sabori Gabriel Groundskeeper ii? 074 2556 03/ 20/ 2016 Hired 515006250 $31,213 $31,213 0.03% NSU 13780 Lopez Modesto 0 Groundskeeper 074 2556 03/20/2016 Rehire 00000642 515006250 $31,213 $31,213 0.00% NSU 22531 San nett-Castillo Jesse Groundskeeper 074 2559 03/2112016 Rehire $15.006250 $31,213 $31,213 0.00% NSU 23616 Garcia jr Erasmo Groundskeeper 074 2559 04/03/2016 Hired 000(11613 515.006250 $31,213 $31,213 0.00% NSU 24241 Torres Mendivil Saul Groundskeeper 074 2556 06/11/2017 Hired 000W642 $15 .074038 $31,354 $31,354 0.00% NSU 24283 Vigil Patrick Groundskeeper 074 2553 07/23/2017 Hired 00003631 515.074038 $31,354 $31,354 0.00% NSU 23601 Chavez Efren Groundskeeper ll+ 091 2556 12/25/2017 Promotion W620 517554649 $36,514 $34,615 5 .4996 NSU Promoted frc-m Groundskeeper to Groundskeeper ll (received only a 10% promotional pay increase! 24241 Torres Mendiwl Saul Groundskeeper ii+ 091 2556 01/08/ 2018 Promotion (11000642 511078885 $35,524 $34,615 2 63% NSU Promoted from Groundskeeper I to Groundskeeper II (received only a 10% promotional pay increase) 23668 Neiner Rick Hazardous Material Safety Spec 286 3721 05/15/2016 Hired (11000747 526715865 $55,569 $55,569 0.00% NSU 24303 Hartley Eric Parks Fac Maint Electrician 555 2552 08/13/2017 Hired 00002060 528346153 $60,000 $49,959 20 10% NSU 18 years experience at the time of hire and the new hire took a signi?cant reduction in pay ($104,832 salary). His salary is iust below the employee who holds a peer level position (Facilities Electrician has the same salary range and performance similar duties) - that employee has 16 years experience. 12698 Haytori Craig Parks 019 2552 04/17/2016 Promotion (13000662 539396154 $82,984 $82,984 0.00% SUP 24050 Fr'sk Brad Public Works Program Coord 547 3712 03/06/ 2017 Hired ?02070 536531250 $75,985 554,536 17.74% SUP 34 years of mu nicipal solid waste experience and was earning $75,000 with the Town of Gilbert. 1 7856 Wilkirson Jr Ruben Public Works Supvr 333 2554 07/24/2016 Promotion 00000053 52948861 1 $61,336 $60,783 0 91% From oted from Public Works Team Lead to Public Works Supervisor (received only a 10% promotional pay increase! 24235 Silverstein Ryan Public Works Supvr 333 2559 06/11/2017 Hired 00000619 531653846 $70,000 $60,783 15 16% SUP Starting pay based on 7.5% separation with his highest paid subordinate (TSA MOU) 22771 Quil lard Melissa Public Works Supvr Admin 1 NEW HIRES, PROMOTIONS, REINSTATEMENTS, REHIRES, and TEMPS-TO-REG while Deputy Public Works Director - Field Ops (02.22.2016 to Present) 509 3232 08/07/2016 Promotion grate t- I g. .1 n- i (XXIJOSSZ 537.655411 $78,323 $72,630 7 84% SUP Promoted from Public Information Officer to Public Works Supervisor - Admin (received only a 10% promotional pay increase) 24171 Ma rschel Amy Public Works Supvr - Admin 509 3232 05/21/2017 Hired W552 $34 918269 $72,630 $72,630 0 00% SUP Amy Marschel did not put a salary on her Job application and the employer was not asked to con?rm a salary during the reference check While it may have been discussed during the interwew process, there is no record of it Maybe worth looking into further as a similar Situation to the Melissa Heinenian concern (see below) 24219 Martinez Richard Public Works Supvr-Heavy Equip 291 3714 05/29/2017 Hired [13(00706 532.769712 $68,161 $58,564 16 39% SUP Earning $66,924 with the Town of Gilbert as a Solid Waste Supervisor. 24112 McCune Christopher Public Works Team Lead 522 2512 04/16/2017 Hired 000G512 527.720192 $57,658 $45,400 27 00% NSU Earnirg $82,000 with his previous Josltion. 23574 Peyton Brian Solid Waste Equip Oper 3718 03/07/2016 Hired 00000749 516305288 $33,915 533.915 0.113% NSU 23657 Forand Dana Solid Waste Equip Oper 3718 05/01/2016 Hired 00000753 516305288 $33,915 $33,915 0.00% NSU 23981 Lightfoot Van Solid Waste Equip Oper 3713 12/12/2016 Hired 00000713 516375962 $34,062 $34,062 0.00% NSU 23980 Saros Patrick Solid Waste Equip Oper 084 3714 12/2016 Hired 00000730 516375962 $34,062 $34,062 0.00% NSU 23997 Hanson Daniel Solid Waste Equlp Oper l+ 084 3713 01/09/2017 Hired OMOO720 516375962 534.062 $34,062 0.00% NSU 24187 Lopez Mark Solid Waste Equip Oper 3713 05/29/ 2017 Hired 00000709 516375962 $34,062 $34,062 0.00% NSU 24186 Johnson George Solid Waste Equip Oper 3718 05/29/2017 Hired 00000758 516375962 $34,062 $34,062 0.00% NSU 23484 Murillo Jacob Solid Waste Equip Oper Ii+ 137 3713 07/10/2016 Promotion 00000719 518989904 $39,499 $39,499 0.00% NSU 23574 Peyton Brian Solid Waste Equip Oper ll+ 137 3718 09/18/2016 Promotion 00000749 518989904 $39,499 $39,499 0.00% NSU 23657 Forand Dana Solid Waste Equip Oper 137 3718 11/14/2016 Promotion 00000753 518989904 $39,499 $39,499 0.00% NSU 23981 Lightfoot Van Solid Waste Equip Oper 137 3713 06/18/2017 Promotion 00000713 318389904 $39,499 $39,499 0.00% NSU 23980 Saros Patrick Solid Waste Equip Oper lI+ 137 3714 06/18/2017 Promotion 00000730 518989904 $39,499 $39,499 0.00% NSU 23997 Hanson Daniel Solid Waste Equip Oper 137 3713 07/09/2017 Promotion 00000720 318989904 $39,499 $39,499 0.00% NSU 23780 Heinemaii Melissa Solid Waste lnsoectm 167 3716 08/07/2016 Hired 00000273 $22 360096 546.509 $46,509 000% NSU equal pay treatment concern Unii ke many ofthe other new hires paid above the minimum, Melissa Heineman was hired significantly less than her $62,000 per year at he: prewous posution as a Operations Manager for a Emma-Tech DiViSion of a solid waste and recycling hauling company (8 years), 17 years experience in the Solid Waste and Recycling Field (stated in her cover letter), 'i'ony Miano did not ask about her salary during the reference check NEW HIRES. PROMOTIONS, REINSTATEMENTS, REHIRES, and TEMPS-TO-REG while Deputy Public Works Director - Field Ops (02.22.2016 to Present) kin-1.7.7511? . -. ?T?v?h?n ham?imix?n?v "01,11 9' I it 4L: Imi?? Promoted Solid Waste Routing 19347 Ulmer Michael Solid Waste Oper Coord 543 3712 04/17/2016 Promotion 00000733 526091682 $54,271 $52,937 2.52% NSU 5mm? 7? was? Operamns Coordinator (received a 10% promotionai pay increase) was earning $109,000 annually as the Environmental Services 23640 Steven Solid Waste 406 3712 05/01/2016 Hired 00000705 552884615 $110,000 $88,261 24 63% SUP Manager. his starting salary with Tempe was a .0996 increase from his job with the Town of Gilbert. Brown was earning $100,000 in his previous job. l-lis starting salary with 24408 Browne Jason Solid Waste 406 3712 10/15/2017 Hired 00000705 546.634615 $97,000 $88,261 9.90% SUP Tempe was a 3% decrease from his previous job Also TSA 7.5% above subordinate applied. Promoted from Groundskeeper li+ to 15710 kllne Larry Sprinkler Maint 101 2559 04/04/2016 Promotion 00001594 521395344 544,503 535,323 25 9994 NSU 3mm Ma'mename (received a 10% promotional pay increase) Promoted from Groundskeeper il+ to 12586 Branscum Derek Sprinkler Maint i+ 101 2553 04/18/2016 Promotion 00000622 522234505 $46,352 535,323 31 22% NSU Sprinkler?ymm Mame"? i+ (recelved a 10% promotional pay increase) Promoted from Sprinkler System Maintenance Worker ii? to Sprinkler 12586 Branscum Derek Sprinkler Maint Ii+ 138 2553 04/17/2017 Promotion 00000622 525309626 $52,644 $38,988 35 03% NSU System Maintenance Worker (received a 10% promotional pay increase) Promoted from Sprinkler System Maintenance Worker i+ to Sprinkler 15710 Kline Larry Sprinkler Malnt 138 2559 04/17/2017 Promotlon 00001594 524300329 $50,545 $38,988 29 64% N50 System Maintenance Worker li+ (reCeived a 10% promotional pay increase) Bond was earning $79,000 per year as an Engineering Associate. His starting 24304 Bond 1r. Edward Sr Civil Eng-l- 397 3813 08/06/2017 Hired (13000765 539.168122 $81,470 $76,793 609% SUP salary with Tempe was a 3% pay increase from his job with Union Pacific Railroad. 24430 Fierroz James StreetMalnt Equip Operll+ 144 3716 10/15/2017 Hired 00000776 519464904 $40,487 $40,487 0.00% NSU 24422 Mejias Frank Street Maint Equip Operli+ 144 3716 10/15/2017 Hired 00000779 519.464904 $40,487 $40,487 0.00% NSU Promoted from Sign Technician to - I . 16816 Freking James TranspLead-Signing/Striping 473 3323 04/03/2017 Promotion 00000786 525951692 $53,930 $45,619 18 33% ~50 ?mum?? Lead (received a .096 promotional pay increase) O'Connor, Jon - - m? From: Miano, Tony Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2018 2:20 PM To: Belousek, Ginny; O'Connor, Jon Subject: Response from Fridays questions Attachments: 4.2018 response .pdf Ginny Jon Thank you for allowing me an opportunity to give a wider breath response to my question and answers from Friday. Please see attached some clarifying statements. Tony Miano Deputy Public Works Director Field Operations Parks/Golf/Diablo Stadium/Fleet Service/Solid Waste Service Desk# 480/350-8297 55 Priest Drive. Tempe. AZ 85281 I Tempe. I would like to take this time to follow up on a couple of questions that had been discussed Friday the 13?? during my questioning. Some of the questions or allegations had dated back 12 to 14 months so remember some content and had to think about what transpired. I would like to take this opportunity to give a response and give a wider breath of conversations or input to put it into my perspective. On one question, it was stated that I said ?in a weird voice. I don?t remember the conversation, but I do use weird voices, or poor impressions, to bring a jovial infusion into the workplace. So, if I was using an inflection in my voice or an impression as the question stated, I could have stated this. But If I was using this voice, again its to brings humor then it gets contrived as pointed as a negative, so I don?t know how to take this question as a situation or a distortion. 0n the question with-and MAKING him to get his degree to better himself and work to get promoted was taken as a negative. I have always been there for -and have guided, sometimes pushed, sometime pulled him to be better. Saturday night the 14?? I received this text (below) from him for supporting him at his graduation. Also, I won the Distinguished Alumni Award from my University for supporting my employees to achieve a higher education. I have sponsored over eight employees including -to get a higher education and they used it to promote to higher ranks throughout many organizations throughout the state. So for someone to state that I am holding - down, just baffles me as I have helped him go from driver, to lead and now as a TD Operations Coordinator. (- Unknown Mobil:- It's been a very busy week. I wanted to say thank you for attending the graduation, being mentioned during your speech and the card with a generous git (I bought Brion following morning in Wiokenburg). Althougi we all lived the some how, it went by like a blur and it was somewhat overwhelming In a positive way. I hope that you and your wife enjoyed the graduation. Thanks again! The question you asked did I say? I dumped _on you?? Well I like to put into perspective of the whole conversation with _and I, and not four words, as taking a snippet can be used as a negative, anytime. At first, I was not going to bring up the conversation of our lunch meeting since it was at a setting that was supposed to be amongst peers and the management team. But since I am the one being questioned and how most of the conversation criticizing me was left out, I will give my side of the conversation that took place 12-22-17. This lunch was an opportunity for the management team to discuss items and have conversation that was to be confidential, so I am concerned that again ?closed door meeting? are taking place and information is then twisted and used for a benefit of a few. So, the start of the conversation was brought up by _and - stating did you like the gift we gave you with smiles on their face and when I said you can have her back, they were both saying no thank you, you keep her. I had a pointed discussion with them about how I have to give day to day direction to- and I am getting pressured to get the Library Plan done now, when she had 2 years to do it. My expectations for-is that she is at a high professional level, she should be more organized and better at time management. The discussion quickly shifted to - as they stated they were not happy with her performance and how she is watching movies on her phone and surfs the internet. I stated that I had dealt with her on that when was in Solid Waste and I e-Iogged her for shopping on the internet. You can even speak with _that when was the manager I was dealing with her so don?t start from scratch. They pointed out in an attacking conversation that I didn?t tell them about her issues and she is a lot of work (something like that). I got pointed back, I admit to that well since you gave me-l am glad I dumped _on you (something of that manner). So, for _to state that she felt uncomfortable with the conversation, she should have not allowed it to start in the first place and she should have controlled her employee - I take that the whole conversation was taken as a negative upon myself, but that what that lunch was for to point concerns that we have with each other. Well to put this in prospective on your so-called witnesses and the burden I have to carry with-and - below will explain it. I don?t have faith that-or-can give a prospective without some negative overtone of myself. They don?t care much for me as I had to discipline-husband _for poor performance, not being able to complete minor supervisory tasks that was needed to lead the section. During this process it expose some dependence issues that have wreaked havoc on their relationship, his work and overall ability to function. After a year plus working with-and HR,-eventually was demoted from a Supervisor to 3 Grounds Keeper. I tried to assist him on a personal level and support AA, but the struggles at work lead him deeper and deeper into his habit. Me doing myjob lead to a bad situation all the way around. This disrupted _and-home life, that had them to move into a smaller house outside of Tempe. You don?t think I notice when I walk into a room they don?t say hi, and I notice, I am spoken too only when I speak to them. So, like many employees I am a target for holding employees accountable. I am not perfect in any way, Ijust feel like taking snippets from a year or months back and pulling them out to pile everything at once is not an equal depiction of what is going on. MEMORANDUM TO: Jon O’Connor, Deputy Internal Services Director FROM: Karen Doncovio, Sr. Human Resources Analyst Lawrence LaVictoire, HR Manager DATE: May 1, 2018 SUBJECT: , Claim of Retaliation In the Solid Waste Services Manager Recruitment Process Human Resources staff was asked to review a claim of alleged retaliation against , Hazardous Waste Compliance Supervisor. The complaint came out of an investigation that was conducted by Diversity and Human Resources staff in Field Services/Solid Waste. There have been two recent recruitment/selection processes for the Solid Waste Services Manager: the first was conducted on March 18, 2016; and the second interview process was held on August 30, 2017. competed for the position in both processes. After competing in the first Solid Waste Services Manager Recruitment & Selection Process, met with HR staff to discuss his concerns with supervisory rotation and other issues in Solid Waste. Based on a comment made to two Solid Waste employees by Tony Miano, Deputy Public Works Director – Field Services, during a meeting regarding another matter, the claim was made thatMr. Miano retaliated against for coming to Human Resources by not selecting him for the Solid Waste Services Manager position in the second process. Lawrence LaVictoire and Karen Doncovio were asked to review the recruitment process in question. All relevant interview documentation, and interviews conducted were reviewed and taken into consideration. In the first process was rated a “Recommend” and moved forward for a second interview with an external candidate, . was offered the position and began his employment with the City of Tempe on May 2, 2016. resigned from his position on May 27, 2017 and a new interview process for the Solid Waste Services Manager was held on August 30, 2017. The new process had new interview questions, a different exercise, and a different panel. In addition, , observed the interviews. Lisa Cross, HR Analyst, conducted both the panel briefing and oversaw the final selection process by the panel. Mr. Tavares, along with five other candidates competed for the position. All five panel members that participated in the August 30, 2017 process, Lisa Cross, and were interviewed for this investigation. The following is a summary of the information provided by the panel members, Lisa Cross, and . • • All panel members commented that it had been a while since the process was conducted. All panel members recall coming to a consensus on all six candidates. Two of the candidates were recommended to move forward for a second interview, and these two candidates were 1 • • • • • • unanimously recommended on all the panel members’ individual rating forms. One candidate was rated a reserve recommend, and this candidate was also unanimously recommended on all the panel members’ individual rating forms. The remaining three candidates including were not recommended to move forward, and the panel members’ individual rating forms were split between either reserve recommend or not recommend. All panel members recall the discussion was minimal as they were all very close on their individual ratings. , who observed the entire interview process, was asked to leave before the panel discussion began. Before leaving, stated she provided her observations to Mr. Miano. stated she found the process to be “pretty normal’, all the questions were the same and there were no comments made by any panel member during the interviews that were inappropriate or about . None of the panel members recall any comments made that would have given them cause for concern regarding the panel’s final rating consensus. None of the panel felt swayed or forced to agree with the group’s final ratings. Lisa Cross, the HR Analyst who conducted the panel debriefing, stated there were no comments made that raised any concern for her, the debriefing was relatively short because the panel’s ratings were very similar so minimal discussion was required. While two external candidates were selected to move forward, all panel members agreed that was the top candidate. Conclusion In conclusion, based on the findings, there is no evidence to indicate that was retaliated against by Mr. Miano. While moved forward in the first process, the second process took place a year and five months later. A different panel was used and there were new interview questions. Although two of the internal candidates competed in both processes, which included , the candidate pool comprised of four new external candidates in the second process. Therefore, the different factors stated, and the level of competition brought forward by the candidates in the second process contributed to who was selected for further consideration and who was ultimately offered the position. 2 TO: Ginny Belousek, Diversity Manager FROM: , DATE: May 17, 2018 SUBJECT: Solid Waste Manager Interviews First of all, thank you for giving me the opportunity to clarify my concerns regarding the recruitment process to select a Solid Waste Manager. UAEA spends more time dealing with employee related issues at Solid Waste than any other area of the City. For many reasons, UAEA felt it was imperative that one of our leaders be a part of the recruitment process to select the next Solid Waste Manager. I found out the day before that I would be participating with the interviews. However, next to my name was the word “Observer”. On the day of the interviews I was informed by Tony Miano that I would have to leave the room once the interviews were completed. I felt it was extremely odd that I would not hear any of the discussions regarding the candidates or help decide which candidates would be selected to move forward. I also thought it was strange that as the hiring manager, Tony Miano was an active panel member and not the observer. Over the years, I have participated in numerous interview panels for a variety of positions, including for Managers, Deputies, Lieutenants and Commanders. As a member of the Six-Sided Partnership, I had the opportunity to interview the Police Chief and both Deputy City Managers. During the Solid Waste Manager recruitment process, candidates were asked the exact same questions. There were no discussions about any of the candidates in between the interviews. Prior to leaving the room I gave Tony Miano my thoughts on the candidates. I ranked number one and second. I left the room as instructed, despite the strangeness of it all. I was so concerned with the recruitment process that I discussed it with you and Rosa Inchausti. I also relayed my concerns to Renie Broderick and eventually met with Andrew Ching. In all honesty, I don’t know if relegating me to “Observer” and having me leave the room during the most crucial part of the interview process was personal or they just didn’t want me to hear the discussions. The ordeal did nothing to help squash rumors of biased interview panels or the lack of trust between management and the employees at Solid Waste. Thank you,