BACKGROUND To request a review by the Hearing Officer, customers must have completed (1) the customer service review and (2) the supervisor review, and they must file an appeal In writing within five business days after completing the supervisor review. If you have completed the first two reviews and would like to submit a dispute, this worksheet will help ensure that you've provided all the Information the Hearing Officer will need to make a determination. REQUIRED INFORMATION Date: May 7, 2018 Name: Robert Klug and Linda Lockwood Account: ----------- Address: -------- Describe the reason for your appeal: Our current electric bill dated 26 April 2018 is $2,002.04. This high bill amount is based on multiple estimated reads and on a poorly executed meter exchange where the old meter data was not recorded and the new meter information was not entered Into the billing system until a month after the fact; the new meter was installed on February 27, 2018; the data was entered on March 27, 2018. This series of problems caused the miscalculation of the bill over the last three billing cycles because, as it turns out, the last actual meter read was over six months ago, on October 19, 2017. All of this information was verified by Seattle City Light customer contact center staff. As a result of the missteps, the estimated consumption was miscalculated at 21207 kwh over the last three bllllng cycles, October 19, 2017 to April 20, 2018; and given this calculation, the estimated . consumption tumed out to be 1.8 to 2.0 times more than the actual consumption over the same three billing cycles in the two prior years, October 20, 2016 to April 24, 2017 and October 20, 2015 to April 23, 2016; as a comparison, the consumption based on actual reads was 12049 kwh and 10506 kwh respectively in the two prior years. See Table 1: Energy Consumption. But this revelation is only the so-called tip of the Iceberg. In the latest, most recent, bill cycle, February 22, 2018 to April 20, 2018, the estimated consumption was miscalculated at 15352 kwh and as a result was 4.3 to 5.8 times more than the actual consumption In the same billing cycle in the two prior years; in those two years, the consumption was 3561 kwh and 2627 kwh respectively. Luckily, we recognized that the prior City Light bill dated 28 December 2017 was based on an stimated read; so we decided that we should take and record our own meter reads. As a result of our meter read on February 19, 2018, we can confirm that the consumption, 12448 kwh, over the last three billing cycles of the current year, 2017-2018 is very close to the energy use, 12049 kwh, In the same three billing cycles in the prior year, 2016-2017. Once again, see Table 1: Energy Consumption. Specify the relief, solution, credit you are requesting: Given that the consumption or use over the three billing cycles in the current year, 2017-2018, Is much like the energy use in the three billing cycles in the prior year, 2016-2017, the recommendation Is to apply the rates in the current year to the actual consumption in the prior year which is based on actual reads to resolve this billing issue. The customer contract center staff, Mimi Jones, given City Light has no accurate data for the three billing cycles in the period, October 19, 2017 to April 20, 2018, actually offered this solution. To end the needless hassle caused entirely by City Light systems and staff as quickly as possible, the property owners concur and accept a recalculated bill as a reasonable and fair solution to this problem. See Table 2: Recalculated Seattle City Light Bill. Should the Hearing Officer also concur, the results are as follows: (1) The recalculated bill over the three billing cycles based on the energy consumption in the prior year, 2016-2017 and the City Light rates In the current year, 2017-2018 is $1.454.04. (2) Over the last three billing cycles, we've made three payments against the recalculated bill and that total payment amount Is $1,096.84 . (3) Therefore, the net amount due is $357.20 . A check in that amount is attached to this appeal form. (4) For the current bill dated 26 Aprll 2018, the net- amount of the overcharge is $1,216.84. See Page 2 on the other side of this Form. Mail this form along with any copies of bills, notes or other documents to Seattle City Light at this address: Attention: Hearing Officer, Seattle City Light, 700 5th Avenue, Suite 3300, PO Box 34023, Seattle, WA 9812+4023 WWW.SEATILE.GOV/UGHT/PAYMYBILL/DISPUTE-RESOLUTION HEARING OFFICER REVIEW - APPEAL FORM Hearing Officer Review May 7, 2018 Page 2 ยท Provide the dates of conversations with Customer Care representatives including the representatives' names and the response you received or the steps that were taken at that time: We called the Seattle City Light customer contact center and talked to customer service representative Mimi Jones on Monday, April 30, 2018 at 10:30AM. In the course of our conversation, she verified the following facts: (1) City Light meter reading staff conducted the last actual read on Meter 821677 on October 19, 2017; thereafter no actual data was recorded from that meter by meter reading staff. Every subsequent blll was based on estimated reads over the next three billing cycles. (2) City Light technical metering staff exchanged meters on February 27, 2017. Two errors occurred In the process. A final read was not executed on the old meter; and then the new meter was not entered Into the City Light billing system until March 27, 2016. Because the data entry was a month late, It corrupted the data from the new meter inthat part of the billing cycle, February 27, 2018 to April 20, 2018. (3) A suggested bill payment was created and sent to us in the mail so that our account stays Inits paid up status during the appeal process; that payment was made on May 1, 2018. Should you wish clarification from us on any part of the content in this appeal form, you may contact us either by phone: ---- or ------- or through our respective email addresses: -------.