Father Art Smith RECEIVE. '3 DEC 1 12012 December 8, 2012 DIOCESE OF BUFFALO Immaculate Conception Most Reverend Richard J. Malone, Bishop of Buffalo 795 Main Street Buffalo. New York 14203 Dear Bishop Malone: very grateful that you have appoint .7 ?in Clarence and for the compensation you hav a? WW ?nancial support. Thank you. it: usiness that needs to be addressed. r. LiPuma as a result ed me Chaplain to the Brothers of determined with r. We is still some un?nished l. .unpaid bills which I have submitted to 1.113. and leave. .. . never called me regarding clearing my name and the people of St. Mary of the Lake, my family, friends and remember that you said that the ?bullets? I submitted to ch information" and that you were going to ask him to ement to be read or put into the bulletin. we asked that celebrate their funeral Mass at Saint 1. they die and I am in a quandary as to what to tell g. a giving some life back to me. I . 3w situation.