Crisis Prevention and Intervention Services Overview Angie Marquis, Acting PA Crisis Prevention and Intervention Services Maine’s Statewide CPIS System • Services provided to adults ages 18 and over found eligible for Developmental Services or living in a Brain Injury waiver home. • The 4 district teams based in Caribou, Bangor, Augusta and Portland. They cover Maine with 44 staff providing CPIS work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Background Information • Program Administrator specific to the Crisis Program. • Team Leader, Case Managers and Mental Health Workers make up team. • 4 crisis homes located throughout state. • Program is staffed 24 hours a day. • Provide stabilization and support through a crisis situation. Overall Goal of Maine’s Responsive Crisis System Comprehensive crisis system made up of 5 major components: 1. Prevention Services 2. Crisis Telephone Services 3. Mobile Crisis Outreach Services 4. In-home Crisis Services 5. Crisis Residential Services Prevention Services Planning for the situation befo - Prevention Services are… • Proactive, comprehensive and individualized approaches to assist Individuals and their supporters to – identify ways to help them avoid a crisis or successfully work through an emergent situation. • Best accomplished through consultation and education and development of a crisis prevention plan. Crisis Telephone Services • Include supportive communication, consultation, problem solving, information and referral to persons in distress. • Crisis staff assesses when caller needs additional supports and should meet face-to- face with crisis personnel and/or other professional staff. Crisis telephone services available 24/7 Toll-free - 1-888-568-1112. Please ask for DS Crisis Worker. • Mobile Crisis Outreach Services are… Most flexible. Provided where crisis occurring. o Could be residential facility, private residence, police station or jail, boarding home, homeless shelter, work site, or in community. • Staff providing as needed on-site assessments, consultations, education, crisis stabilization, and crisis plan development. • Crisis staff assisting Individuals to become stabilized within his/her current residence when possible. n-home Crisis Supports… • Are a home-based service to assist persons to become stabilized in collaboration with their current support system. • Build on existing support system and prevents potential adverse effects of having a person leave their home. • Include: Consultation, assessment, and crisis prevention planning services. Crisis Residential Services (CRS) • Provide short-term, highly supportive and supervised residential settings where individual can stabilize and return home or move to another location. • Ensure Crisis Staff present 24/7 to assist in crisis planning and stabilization, training/assistance in daily living skills, monitor medications, and provide transportation to all necessary appointments during their stay. Crisis Homes Locations Presque Isle, Bangor, Monmouth and Gray Emergency Transitional Housing DS crisis services has a contract with two agencies in Maine to provide Emergency Transitional Housing. • Up to 6 Individuals can be placed in agency homes under the State contract. • Individuals with an urgent placement need and Section 21 funding, can be placed and billed to the waiver if agency availability allows • A request is made to the Crisis Team Leader who will have Crisis staff conduct an assessment of the Individuals needs and appropriateness for Emergency Housing Placement. • Emergency Housing is considered to be a short-term option while long-term placement is being actively sought. Notification DS Crisis Team should be notified every time person with DS services: • • • • • Has involvement with law enforcement Requires a mental health assessment Is a lost or missing person Has a suicide attempt or serious threat Any other dangerous situation which impose risk of imminent harm For More information Call Toll-free statewide - 1-888-568-1112 Ask for a DS Crisis Worker NOTE: If you have not received a response in 15 minutes, please call again.