September 14, 2017 Must Rev Edward 755 Main st, Buflalo, NV 14203-1259 Dear Ed, This Is an update on where things are at the moment: 1.) lam in California visning my sister fol a couple days before I meet -- in Nevada for national catholic Cemetery Canference. I'll be back Sunday the 2.) I pray tor-everyday for any pain lcaused him. 3.) Parish rented a ballroom at salvatore's for my 70'" birthday NW. 1. On Nov. 19 I am expected in Cape May, NJ tor a wedding for a man from St. Marys and a non-- calholic girl whose family lives in Cape May. Priest there said they could have the wedding as long as they brought a priest since her family are not members onhe parish. for people of Haiti as par! 5! my penance. 7.) Any pastoral changes at St. Marl/s would be uh :nntribu olls to on this Rock 2 or In assessmu 3., dwells""memos what that means. . Take care. I know you have big In Christ, [3,9 Kev. Roblfl Mt ler - EQBUXQGO . I