TO: For the Record I FROM: Bishop Edward M. Grosz RE: Phone Contact with Rev. Robert Yetter relative to a counselingg?pq?p 31m. 26, 2017 ?4 DATE: Monday, September 25, 2017 CASE CLOSED . Tiff?: .0 FOLLOW-UP TO RECOMMENDATION FROM BEVIEWBOARQ . - On Monday, September 25,2017 at Senior Staff Meeting, Bis?hop Malone?lii Grosz that the case relative to Father Bob Yetter was recently dismissed by in Diocesan Review Board, with the recommendation that Father Bob Yett?r v. assessment. Bishop Malone indicated it would be good for Father Jim Grog meet with Father Bob Yetter. Bishop Malone then requested Bishop Grosz to contact Father Yeltt?egfo' arr.? Bishop Malone who Is requesting Father Yetter to make an appointment WltBi at the Diocesan Counseling Center for Church Ministers. -, and, on behalf of Bishop Malone reu - . Father Jim Croglio at the Diocesan CounselinFollowini the Senior Staff MeetingLBishop Grosz contacted Father Yetter on I. -, sq-Ir