Glimmer!) Memoranbum mummg ruzsney may. 25,2017 ro: 1 ammo THE CASE Hm LAWIDIK ounlml, 1.2m cowsELMl-m "men . mom airhep Edward Grosz RE Chancery maelmg Rev her! Verrer relative to eernplarnt cl Kyle- DAVE 11,2017 ACTION nml: xevrmo mm on szxuru. (2) H. 1'0 scumm HBETING e1 counseunc emu (HANCERY Meeting WITH FATNER age on Tuesda 11. um horn mares Eugenie Gr_osz met 3! the crummy Father i Buflali complainant Bishop Grosz indicated that times have changed since the issuance al the Bishop's dacument "Charter lerlhe Prolechon of Children and Young People Now all at vs must be very carelul relative to how we present ourselves, what we say, and how we Cnmmunlwle others wnhin rhar context, Bishop Grasz that Kyle Wampum: ol abuse a V3313 9g are [we specific concerns ol Kyle (xiv/K (mm L) on the neck" as mentioned in one u! the eomEIarnt, Bishop Grosx indicated that in his conversation Kyle the day helore, Kyle noted that on several occasions Father Verter continues to gram him by kissing him on the neck which makes ve uncomfonable. Such has been the case even recently when Kyle rnet Father Vener er th as well as in she of Sr. Man/s vansh (or the celebration of the 150 anniversary of the original chunh Blshou Grosx then read the sEecrhc eomglalm from the document. In res onse, ratherVerter lndicaled than allthet estatedlst such a roman did Ie ever note to fatherthat this Relative to his relationship to Kyle, Father Vetter indlmed 5i me 1 mini/id and have dinner aflerwards. Ii was on that occasion that xfle lell nncomfomhl: when, during the Ereviews at the theater rather Vetier Wu laughing and "Shand" ur gland his h-nd . on lee's inner rim thigh and it [hgre for as seconds ti: 'a minute alter which Kfie EH thev Venerm "gag touching m5 er In res DnSe, Father vener noted thatthe re ort asex res "smv awning mei" Father Vener noted that the last time that he siw Kyle was at the here Father went tor a fundraising event since a family In his psrish have . :hlld galngloihat schooL Father vmer indicated he Erotraby wduld not be seeing the future my unwed into each other. TVPES or SEXUAL Bish a fired with Fatherv :1 re non- ht: dimvlewed such rasxlnem verbata ho Grosznoudthatinthehrsime a slcil tn includes 'unwanted touching Muddy ar grabbing Batting hug'nfi BishoGrosz nt - permission or touchllig an individual magnum my when 5 behavior is lor all those in church Including pflem. FOR Coumfiuufi BishaE indicated that In "gm of what Fathel' wouldbe rF Chum: me with one anh- Physical Behavior Unwanted touching of body Or clothing, holding, grab- bing, pinching, fondling, patting, hugging, kisSing, ?acclc dental" bumping or brushing against, physical assault, coerced sexual Intercourse, attempted rape or- rape. Verbal Sexual slurs or innuendoes. offensive Jokes and lan- guage, sexual teasing. sexual comments about a person's body or clothing, personal sexual questions, sexual threats, ongoing sexual descriptions and commentary. Nonverbal Staring at a person?s body, leaning over someone at a desk, lewd gestures or motions, leerlng or ogling in a sexually demeaning way, circulating printed material of a sexual nature, persistent unwelcome ?irting, displaying sexually suggestive pictures or objects at work.