PUBLIC RECORDS INFORMATION ALL CASE ELEMENTS SUBJECT TO NONDISCLOSURE HAVE BEEN REMOVED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TEXAS PUBLIC INFORMATION ACT (TX GOV’T CODE CH 552) DATE: 03/20/18 BY: SC C1482 TO: E. Perez El Paso Police Department Internal Investigations Report Incident Entered av: David Perez - 005250 Assigned Investigate COMMANDER Raymond chaires Incident Details Dene Received Date of Occurrence Time a! Occurrence 5/6/2015 5/5/2015 02 13 Record In a: case No No 33794 15-156199 lA15>>0326 Date/Tlme Entered 5/6/2015 n5:21 Incident Summary On 0570572015 Orlicers M. Balderrama #1942 (so 5) and Amparan x2173 (SG 7), Working Operation stonegardeh, arrlved at the 8501 Delfiha and located Mr. lsmael anseca (Oiroll, ootain positiye identification and confirrn the below listed outstanding warrants Mr. Fonseca was placed under arrest and transported to the central Reglonal command for completion or the needed paperwork. Mr. Funseca was left in the custody or 545 unit for processing, magistrate warning and booking. When Mr. Fonseca was being backed into the El Paso County Detention Fa by officer L. loera <<2975, Detention Officer Carrillo searched Mr. Fonseca's person and wallet. Detenllon omcer Carrillo located a small clear plastic oaggie containing a white powdery substance in Mr. Fonseca's wallet The substance weighed 0.1 drains and tested for cocaine D. Perea 82032 was notified or the incident. Orricers M. Balderrama #1942 (so 5) and Amparan #2173 (so 7) were no longer on duty at the tirne; thererore, an affidavit was worked up by Officer steltoh <<2714 and Mr Fonseca was rebooked or- possession charges. Incident Location . 501, Direction: Overland, El Pasu, TX 79901 - Location or Occurrence: El Paso Reporting/Involved Citizen Information Ismael Fonseca Rate: Hispamt Ethnicity: Gender: Male Address Phone Role charges against this citizen . EXEC OF CRIMINAL WARRANT Involved Officers OFFICER David Amparan - PD ID Numbe -- vuauc REDORDS INFORMAHON Au. misc ELEMENYS sumccr ro and ntnovcn tn Acooitonncc we was pusuc INFORMATION An (rx cow cunE cn 552) one: man/Ii IV: sc cam in: 2. Peru Body warn camer . No Response] Role Allegations linked to this officer . ml of of Search Sustalned 7/2/2015 OFFICER Manuel Balderrama - PD ID Numbe .- Bodv warn Camera. [No Response] Role Tasks No (asks tn show Running Sheet Entries No running sheet enmes to show Attachments Dale Anacned Anachment Desaiplinn Attachment vae 6/26/2015 Cards for Amparan and Balderrama 6/26/2015 Off. Amparan packelte 6/26/2015 Off. Balderrama packette 7/2/2015 7/2/2015 PID Amparan 6/15/2015 Report 6/15/2015 Narcullcs "39 Assignment tory Sent From To 7/9/2015 LIEUTENANT Raul Perez (None Speclfled) Assignment notes Released back tn lAPro Emall sell! to receiver No email sent Chain of Command History San: To cc Approved Dawn Peres LIEUTENANT Davvd Brlones (none) vuauc eroRHAnoN ALL us: sumn um um nmovzn m: was Pulu: eroRHAnoN In (H saw cnnE cn 552) mm man: n; 5: m: 2. 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