Irish Water . National Drought Plan I Revision History Revision Description of Date of Number Chan - Author(s) Approved by a . oroval (Richard Nov, Tawamba, 2016 03 [Draft] John Hand, m?a Colm O?Shea) Contents I Revision History 0 1 Introduction 3 1.1 Purpose 3 1.2 IW Approach to Drought Management 3 1.3 Other Relevant Plans 4 2 Drought Plan Management Actions 8 2.1 Demand Side Management Actions 8 2.2 Supply Side Management Actions 10 2.3 Environmental Issues 10 3 Roles and Responsibilities 12 4 Drought Management Stages 13 4.1 Drought Triggers and Actions 14 4.2 Major Emergencies 19 5 Drought Monitoring 19 6 Drought Communications Plan 20 6.1 Purpose 20 6.2 External Communications 21 6.3 Dealing with the Media 22 6.4 Online Communications 22 6.5 Internal Communications 22 6.6 Fleporting 22 6.7 Closing out a Drought Situation 23 7 Post Drought 24 7.1 Post Drought Review 24 7.2 Drought Plan Exercises . 24 8 Appendices 25 UISCF 1 Page was Summary The purpose of this drought plan is to provide an effective and systematic means of assessing drought conditions and developing mitigation actions to reduce drought impacts on the provision of water services. The plan sets out: A framework for developing a drought management structure within IW Drought triggers and the actions IW will take at each stage of drought management How IW will monitor and measure drought impacts How Irish Water will report on drought How Irish Water wiEl communicate drought 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 PURPOSE Although Ireland is considered to be a country with large amounts of rainfall, the country does, from time to time experience drought scenarios. The most significant drought years were 1887 (driest year on record), 1938, 1975, 1976, 1995, 2003 and 2006. The longest absolute drought experienced in Ireland was 37 days in Limerick from the April to 10th May 1938. Droughts can occur in winter and summer seasons. The two season drought of 1975 1976 and the summer drought of 1995 in particular are considered to be important drought years and should be considered in the development of drought plans. This plan sets out the actions IW will take during a drought to maintain public water supply and protect the environment. To manage drought impacts, lW will work with all stakeholders to find a way for reconciling the competing interests of the environment, need for public water supply and other requirements. Factors that will influence the impact of a drought on the environment, business and people include the available water resources, the way they are managed, the demands, as well as geology of the area and the environmental measures in place. The management action for a drought will therefore, to a large extent show variations, depending on geography and catchment characteristics. 1.2 IW APPROACH TO DROUGHT MANAGEMENT In managing droughts lW will be guided by existing IW incident management and procedures and protocols. IW uses a dynamic approach to incident management, consisting of the following stages: 0 Hazard Identification and risk assessment . Mitigation . Planning and Preparedness . Ftesponse . Recovery The approach is consistent with that adopted by the the lead government department on issues pertaining to water supply emergencies. It should however be noted that unlike many other incidents, the development of a drought takes time and once in a drought it is difficult to forecast when it will end. lW?s drought management is structured at three levels, ie national, regional and local. IW regional teams will provide day to management of drought incident response. The IW Crisis Management Team (CMT) is convened when necessary to provide -strategic governance and direction. The incident management procedure HSQE-SOP-24 provides details of roles and 3 Page responsibilities for the various stakeholders involved in incident management. Roles and responsibilities for the Irish Water Crisis Management Team are set out in the Crisis Response Plan HSQE-SOP-036. 1.3 OTHER RELEVANT PLANS 1.3.1 Water Services Strategic Plan (WSSP) As a requirement of the Water Services (No 2) Act 2013 IW has developed a Water Services Strategic Plan. The WSSP provides strategic direction for IW over short. medium and long term time frames up to 2040. The WSSP identify and prioritise key objectives to ensure the public water system can meet future challenges. Under the legislation IW are required to address the following issues: Drinking water quality Prevention or abatement of risk to human health or environment relating to the provision of water services Existing and projected demand for water services Existing and planned arrangements for provision of water services Existing and reasonably foreseeabte deficiencies in the provision of water services Existing and planned water conservation measures Management of the property of IW 1.3.2 National Water Resources Plan (NWFIP) The is currently being developed by IW. The plan will define how Irish Water will balance the needs of customers and regulators in terms of a high quality resilient water supply, based on environmentally sound principles, whilst maintaining maximum affordability. 1.3.3 Drinking Water Incident Response Plan The Drinking Water Incident Response Plans (DWIFIP) were developed by the local authorities. The plans set out Irish Water?s strategy for responding to contamination incidents or other emergencies. The main components of a DWIFIP are shown in Figure 1.1 below. The principles of DWIFIP are closely related to those required when responding to a drought scenario and in particular the DWIFIP includes measures that can be utilised when faced with water shortages. Droughts are however progressive in nature and have more identifiable triggers which facilitate more proactive response. TYPE OF SECTION I ACTION 1. POLICY STATEMENT 2. USING THIS DOCUMENT 3. ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 4. RISK ASSESSMENT 11. TRAINING AND REHEARSAL 12. REVIEW OF DWIRP 5. CLASSIFICATION OF AN INCIDENT 6.INCIDENT RESPONSE TEAMS INCIDENT RESPO 0 7.00MMANDANDCONTROL NS NS B.COMMUNICATIONS 9.5PECIFIC ARRANGEMENTS Figure 1.1 Main Components of a DWIRP SlPage UISCE illt?Hh 1? WAT 1.3.4 Wastewater Incident Response Plan (WINFIEP) WINFIEP is currently being progressed and will be used by LAs when responding to both high and low level wastewater incidents (see Figure 1.2 below). WINFIEP will also enable compliance with the EPA existing and future licence requirements to have an emergency response plan in place. Due to reduced assimilative capacity available for wastewater discharges during drought scenarios WINFIEP is considered to be of relevance to the drought plans. 'u'nl'llWASTEWATER TEAM INITIAL ACTIONS INITIAL DETERMINATION OF RESPONSE LEVEL {Low Level 1 l? Low LEVEL INCIDENT 2 HIGH Lever. lucnoenr LIJ RESPONSE :1 RESPONSE PROCEDURES 6 PROCEDURES 2 .4 I-I-I 5. ROLES I ROLES 8. RESPONSIBILITIES WASTEWATER INCIDENT OPERATIONS TEAM I RESPONSE TEAM RECORD ALL RECORD ALL ACTIVITIES . ACTIVITIES SUBMIT fill. PROVIDE INPUT INTO I QUARTERLY REPORT POST INCIDENT REVIEW Figure 1.2 Wastewater Incidence Response Decision Chart BlPage UISCE I. 1? WAT 1.3.5 Water Safety Plans The safety plan is based on a comprehensive risk management approach to the water supply chain, from catchment to consumer. The main objectives of the water safety plan are the minimisation of contamination at source, the reduction or removal of contamination through appropriate treatment processes and the prevention of contamination in the water distribution network. Figure 1.3 shows the essential components of a Water Safety Plan, as adopted by the EPA. Safe 8 Secure Drinking Water Monitoring Programme Corrective Action Improvement Plan: Procedures Documented incident management Hanayement Systems Systems . ?aming Effective Management ?nr?f?e and Appropriate Training Public Effective Operational Monitoring Engagement Catchment Inspections Source Water Ponitnring Distribution System Haintenance l. Honitoring at Risl: Assessment (Catchment to Consumer) Figure 1.3 Main Components of a Water Safety Plan WHO) 7 Page 2 DROUGHT PLAN MANAGEMENT ACTIONS 2.1 DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT ACTIONS To reduce the demand for water Irish Water will: Promote water conservation measures, including working with industry and businesses to reduce demand; carry out initiatives to improve water efficiency in households, other than those initiatives already in operation during normal circumstances; actively implement pressure management; Increase active leakage control; Introduce temporary water use restrictions including non?essential usage restrictions. 2.1.1 Temporary Water Use Restrictions The Water Services Act (No.2) Act, 2013 and Water Services Act (2007), give Irish Water the power to introduce compulsory water restrictions when needed, and can impose an order to stop or restrict the use of water supplies for certain activities (eg watering gardens, parks or sports grounds, washing cars and trailers, ?lling or replenishing swimming pools, ponds and lakes, and irrigating crops). When considering the imposition of temporary restrictions, Irish Water will take into account the following: Prioritising and sequencing restrictions based on different categories of water use. Potential exemptions and concessions e.g. sensitive customers such as hospitals, nursing homes etc. How priorities, exemptions and concessions will balance expected water savings with adverse impacts on customers and businesses whether direct or indirect Ways for communicating with customers and interest groups to provide clear and timely information about the phasing in and subsequent lifting of water restrictions on particular categories of use. Ways for demonstrating to customers and other stakeholders that water restrictions are proportionate and reasonable. DROUGHT TRIGGERS DROUGHT SCENARIOS .-. DROUGHT MANAGEMENT ACTIONS SUPPLY-SIDE DEMAND -SIDE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS DROUGHT MANAGEMENT AND COMMUNICATION STRATEGY ASSESSMENT MONITORING ON POST DROUGHT REVIEW, ANO I CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT DROUGHT PLAN Figure 2.1 - Drought Plan Components 9 Page 2.2 SUPPLY SIDE MANAGEMENT ACTIONS In addition to the resources required during non drought situations, supply side management actions in any of the following categories will be used to increase water supply during a drought: Optimisation of existing sources Strategic schemes Bulk supplies Abstraction orders re-commissioning of disused sources sources that are restricted to use only in a drought 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 2.3.1 Assessment Drought scenarios have potential to cause damage to the environment by removing water from the environment at a time when plants and animals are already suffering from low flows. Taking additional water from the environment is a valuable drought management option but may cause additional stress to the environment. Furthermore, wastewater discharges during droughts periods of low flow and reduced assimilative capacity have the potential to cause pollution incidents. Existing Environmental Assessments, Appropriate Assessments or Environmental Fleports relating to abstractions will be reviewed to check for any known environmental effects of abstraction. Working with the relevant stakeholders, IW will ensure that drought actions comply with relevant statutory requirements. In the normal operating state IW will carry out a review of water supply sources and will use a risk based approach to prioritise sources where environmental assessments might be required in advance of drought management actions. The environmental assessments will include, as a minimum: . the likely changes in flow/level regime, due to implementing the drought management action the features that are sensitive to these changes the likely impacts on sensitive features mitigation that may be required to prevent or reduce impacts on sensitive features Environmental constraints identified during assessments can also act as drought triggers, for example, the maximum drawdown specified in an environmental report or water abstraction licence. 2.3.2 Environmental Monitoring In order to fully understand and properly manage drought impacts, lW will carry out environmental monitoring before, during and after a drought. The required levels of monitoring will be determined according to risk with the most sensitive requiring the most stringent monitoring regime. IW will work closely with the EPA and other stakeholders in developing an effective environmental monitoring plan and in the provision of environmental monitoring data. 2.3.3 Mitigation During normal situation, IW will identify the effects of its actions on the environment, other parties, and measures required to mitigate negative effects. Mitigation measures will be site specific. 11 Page ??5295 3 ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES Drought planning in IW is led by a team comprising representatives from Asset Management. Asset Operations, HSQE, and Communications business functions. Figure 3.1 below shows main components of the drought plan and key stakeholders for the implementation of the plan. Emu-nu] Mun-Ill .- Drought management Action: . Mir-14mm . 0 Width?! Whitman? awn-mu? my: Mme-um; ?a .c-muwl - min-Imam :jl {1 . I mill-Ila. I Minimum.? I I -. f?Ir?rrT?qnyironmenq BBSEIIHE Resources - . ?ka . n. I f/ - tam-Imam" "um I ?Mom Om .- Impacts Drought Contingency" I Hm :mrmrui?aa?l Plan 1- mumthat 'f dining: 1 s. km. Mum .4 ace?:11 I. {mill?I Figure 3.1? Drought Management Components and Stakeholders UISCE 12 Page II WAT Key roles for the drought team include: . Providing a reliable assessment of water availability and outlook for the short and long term. . Examining drought characteristics and where necessary redefine drought boundaries into more conveniently sized areas, based on shared characteristics, eg hydrological and climatological. . Developing a drought monitoring system. A number of agencies, for example the EPA, OPW, Met Eireann and E83 are involved in collecting, analysing and disseminating data. The drought team will integrate and analyse existing or new data to provide early warning of emerging drought conditions. . Carrying out drought risk assessment and identifying and prioritising actions to reduce the risk. The drought team is based in the Irish Water head office and works closely with the IW regional offices. The drought team works in consultation with other teams in other business functions. The Drought Coordinator is a member of the drought management team and is the main point of contact for the drought team. Main responsibilities for drought coordinator are detailed in the drought management stages. 4 DROUGHT MANAGEMENT STAGES decisions and actions for managing droughts are split into five stages, listed in the Table below: Drought Stage Description Normal Planning actions in normal situation Initial Dry Weather (Potential Drought) Actions required to prepare for drought following a prolonged period of dry weather. Drought Actions required to manage drought once conditions impact on customers and the environment. Emergency Actions required when drought conditions cause water demand to exceed the amount of water available for customers and the environment. Post Drought Actions required to monitor and manage recovery of water supplies and to review response to drought. 13 Page 4.1 DROUGHT TRIGGEHS AND ACTIONS Action Trigger/s Who Who monitors undertakes the trigger action? Normal Situation Monitor weather conditions and extended ongoing Drought IW Drought weather forecasts, country wide coordinator Management Team Actively monitor surface water and ground ongoing Drought lW Drought water levels coordinator Management Team Review national drought plan Every March] April Contingency lW Drought Planning Management Team Team Annual Drought team meeting Every March! April Drought lW Drought coordinator Management Team Identity priority water customers (eg Every March! April Drought Contingency vulnerable customers, hospitals),and coordinator Planning Team develop plan to prioritise these customers in i the event of a water service disruption. Coordination with stakeholders to discuss ongoing Drought lW Drought roles and responsibilities, obtaining coordinator Management resources and assistance, interconnections Team between systems, communication protocols Actively promote water conservation ongoing Drought Customer Care measures by customers coordinator Manager Prepare communications plan One or more Drought IW regions reporting coordinator Communications potential drought Team Review drought information packs, including drought information on IW internet site and ?The Well'. Every 6 months Drought coordinator Drought coordinator WATER Initial Dry Weather (Potential Drought) Actively monitor local and regional drought One or more Drought Drought team/ conditions regions reporting coordinator hydrology rep potential drought Convene drought management team One or more Drought Drought regions reporting coordinator coordinator potential drought Convene the CMT it required One or more IW Drought As per IW Crisis regions reporting coordinator Response Plan potential drought. High level of government interest and! or high levels of media interest. Actively monitor surface water and ground One or more Drought Drought team water levels and determine how long water can be provided if drought persists. regions reporting potential drought coordinator Produce a water forecast for corresponding On convening ol? Drought Drought team drought period core drought team coordinator Update communications plan One or more Drought IW - regions reporting coordinator Communication potential drought team Set up and maintain drought logs One or more Drought Drought regions reporting coordinator coordinator potential drought Confirm contacts in stakeholder organisations Preparation of Drought Drought communication coordinator coordinator plan Agree method of issuing! sharing press One or more Drought IW releases with LAs and other external regions reporting coordinator Communication stakeholders potential drought team Confirm with customer contact centre correct contact details for drought questions One or more regions reporting potential drought Drought coordinator Customer manager 15 Pag'e Action Trigger/s Who Who undertakes monitors the action? trigger Drought Convene drought management team One or more Drought Drought regions in drought stage coordinator coordinator Convene the CMT if required One or more IW regions reporting drought. High level of government interest and! or high levels of media interest. Drought coordinator As per IW Crisis Flesponse Plan Update Communication Plan At every team Drought IW Communication meeting coordinator Manager Update stakeholder engagement plan One or more Drought IW regions in drought coordinator Communications stage Manager Increase Sitrep drought reporting to weekly One or more Drought Drought . regions in drought coordinator coordinator stage Agree ways of working with LAs, identity One or more Drought iW Communication points of contact and agree communication regions in drought coordinator team structure with LAs and other groups on stage drought issues. Maintain drought logs One or more Drought Drought regions in drought stage coordinator coordinator Upgrade water situation to weekly water Drought stage Drought Drought team/ situation report coordinator Hydrology representative Provide report/s to external stakeholders One or more Drought CMT CER as required regions in drought stage coordinator Increase frequency of interaction between regions and CMT. One or more regions in drought stage Drought coordinator CMT Team Leader Increase response turnaround of customer One or more Drought lW enquiries regions in drought coordinator Communications stage Manager Support regional teams One or more Drought CMT regions in drought coordinator stage Stand down incident response No areas reporting Drought drought or coordinator potential drought weekly Drought IW Update internet site coordinator Communications team 17 Page 5 Emergency Convene the CMT Water demand in ROMS As per IW one or more Crisis regions exceeding Response available water Plan supplies as a result of drought or major emergency declared in one or two regions Increase frequency of drought management Water demand Drought Drought team meetings to weekly exceeding amount coordinator coordinator delivered to customers in one or more regions or major emergency declared due to drought Update Communication Plan At every team CMT CMT meeting Update stakeholder as required Emergency CMT CMT Increase Sitrep drought reporting as required Emergency Drought Drought coordinator coordinator i Maintain drought logs Emergency Drought Drought coordinator coordinator Upgrade water situation as required Emergency Drought Drought coordinator team/ i Hydrology i rep 9359? WATER Action Triggerls Who Who undertakes monitors the action? trigger Post Drought I Produce post drought report Return to normal Drought Contingency operations coordinator Planning team Terminate drought reporting 0 All regions Drought Communications return to coordinator Manager normal . Low risk of reversal to drought conditions Respond to external requests for information External Drought Communications Coordinator Manager . Review National Drought plan All areas return to Drought Contingency normal conditions Coordinator Planning team 4.2 MAJOR EMERGENCIES When a drought situation is escalated to a major emergency, IW will liaise with the LAls as detailed in the MOU and with the lead government department as necessary. 5 DROUGHT MONITORING IW will continuously engage with its stakeholders to obtain up to date data relevant for detecting onset and progression of droughts. The national drought team will be responsible for collating information, reporting, coordinating a consistent approach across the IW regions. The various information types and sources are detailed in the Table below: 19 Page Information Description Source Past weather Met Eireann Current weather Met Eireann Weekly weather forecast Met Eireann Expected weather for the next Met Eireann four weeks River flow River flow data on selected indicator sites for each region EPA IOPW. EPA is the lead agency in providing flow and hydrometric data. Groundwater levels Latest groundwater levels EPA is the lead agency in collecting and analysing groundwater level data. lmpoundment reservoir levels Latest reservoir levels EPA, ESB. LAs Specific reservoir levels Weekly data on reservoir levels EPA, ESB, LAs Regional situation report Provides details of drought or potential drought stage Regional teams Prospects for water resources Provides information on what might happen to public water supplies! environment over next six months Regional teams Drought impacts Describes how drought is affecting businesses and the environment Regional teams, External sources eg business forums 6 DROUGHT COMMUNICATIONS PLAN 6.1 PURPOSE The Communication Manager prepares a national communications plan during the potential drought stage. Progression to the drought stage will prompt a review and update. The purpose of the drought communication plan is to: . Inform external stakeholders . Support customers in promoting water efficiency . Inform customers (including business and industry) of likely impacts . Ensure correct and consistent messages are delivered at local. regional and national levels . Provide information to staff on the situation and what actions they need to take . Manage IW reputation during drought by making IW role clear to media, public and other stakeholders. Table 6.1: Drought Communication Objectives Aim I How . Maintain awareness of water . geg?gl-high level media coverage during spring and situation, prospects for water .1 . t' . supplies and need to conserve - a ewe sr provr mg orma ion. on. water - Weekly! water Situation reports . Water use restrictions maps - Rainfall statistics - Analyse number of website hits to measure success - Provide regular briefings to key stakeholders Set agenda on how drought is - Deliver key messages consistently and proactively reported by the media by proactively providing drought information Promote water efficiency . Promote media coverage of water efficiency, water saving tips and environmental impacts Provide water saving tips on website Collaborate with stakeholders to promote water efficiency Use drought situation to - Incorporate key policy areas in drought messages, eg promote other important areas metering, development. 01? water resources - Integrate drought messages within other severe weather management communications, egflood and vice versa Regularly brief staff on current . . Update intranet site situation I Ensure consistent messages . Regularly update FAQs - are disseminated . Use consistent messages in press releases, interviews and external briefings Coordinate external communications between affected regions Regions! areas review stakeholders Combine drought communications as far as possible, unless they relate to a specific issue. reports before issuing to 6.2 EXTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS IW has responsibility to manage water supplies to meet the needs of its customers. will collaborate with the relevant stakeholders to fulfil this objective. The list below sets out groups and organisations IW will communicate with during a drought. 21 Page 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Customers Government Met Eireann, OPW Local Authorities Domestic, industrial :9 commercial customers Newspapers, TV, radio, internet EPA NGOs DEALING WITH THE MEDIA All dealings with the media will be managed through the existing communication procedure and protocols. ONLINE COMMUNICATIONS IW will provide drought information on the IW website. The information includes: 0 Latest water supply situation on a national level 0 Links to any water supply restrictions across the regions . Links to water efficiency advice INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS The main aims of internal communications are to: . Ensure all IW staff are clear on IW's position regarding the drought 0 Ensure relevant managers are aware of the resource requirements to manage the drought and that any issues are quickly raised . Ensure awareness across all IW REPORTING The Table below lists the reports IW will produce during a potential drought and drought. Table 6.2 Drought Reports Report Frequency in Frequency in Audience Who Produces potential drought Report drought National Drought weekly IW Management brief team, government National internal As required to As required to Management Water resources brief support IW support IW team and all assessment management management team involved in team team managing drought water Public (published Water resources situation report on internet) assessment team Weekly water As weekly rainfall weekly Public (published Water resources situation report summary on intemet) assessment team Post Drought Not applicable End of drought lW management Contingency Fleport Planning Team 6.7 CLOSING OUT A DROUGHT SITUATION IW will close drought situations when conditions return to normal for the time of year for a period of time and the risk of impact from drought no longer exists. indicators and pay regard to the drought triggers. In closing out drought situations IW will examine multiple drought IW will consider the following criteria to close out a drought situation: Fleservoir levels are back to normal; Groundwater/ well levels are back to normal All water restrictions have been lifted; Met Eireann have declared an end to the drought; IW will communicate with the relevant stakeholders to confirm there is The closing of a drought will be reported in local and national media and the website maintained up-to- agreement to close-out a drought situation. date. The drought management review will identify important lessons learnt from the process and these will be used to influence and improve future drought management procedures. 23 Page 7 POST DROUGHT 7.1 POST DROUGHT REVIEW After the decision to end drought measures is taken, IW shall conduct a review of the drought management procedure. A drought team meeting shall be held to review how the drought was managed and inform the post incident report. The contents of the Post Drought Fieview include; . a record of the drought - A summary of impacts and actions taken 0 A record of lessons learnt - A review of the environmental impacts of the drought by analysing baseline, in-drought and post-drought data. This should be carried out in conjunction with the EPA and other relevant stakeholders. . A review of the measures and actions taken and mitigation measures in place; 0 An assessment of sources and how they coped during the drought scenario including the time taken to reach trigger levels and the periods required for recharge. This can also include a review of the performance of any emergency sources utilised during the drought . A review of the trigger levels in place including refinement of the levels if they were considered to be overly ambitious or onerous; . Estimates of demand reductions achieved from the implementation of demand-side drought management actions. . A review of the communications plan implemented and its effectiveness; . A review of demand forecasts and if demand patterns experienced during a drought are different to those in the drought plan or in other lW strategy reports. . An assessment of any strategic investments that would reduce the impact of a future drought. 7.2 DROUGHT PLAN EXERCISES IW will undertake drought simulation exercises to test the drought plans and become more familiar with drought management. The exercises are based on information, data and lessons learned from previous droughts. The frequency of the drought exercise is once every three years, as a minimum. 8 251Page ER Appendix 1- Template for Weekly Regional Situation Report Region Report Date Lead Contact Current Drought Status Details of drought in the region Summary Provide summary of what has happened and what is expected to happen Predicted Outlook Report if there is change or no change to previous situation Report if drought is likely to escalate, stabilise or reduce Region! Area Response Provide summary of response, including staff and resources Issuesl Resources Include impact on resources and other signi?cant issues arising. Public Water Supply Include impact on public water supplies Current water resource situation, reservoirs, groundwater Drought plan actions taken, forecast of possible demand/ supply management measures Impact on the environment Provide clear picture of wider impact on the environment, eg algal blooms, fish kills, etc 91%? WAT ii Medial Comms update Provide summary of media interest, press statements issued, interviews Health and Safety Provide summary of health safety issues Additional Information lnclude details of any restrictions in abstractions Appendix 2: Temporary Water Use Restrictions Region Local Authority Location! DMA Details of Restriction Date Commenced Date Lifted 28 Page Eda.? .3 u. mUmS Appendix 3: Outline for National Drought Brief Weather (Describe weather situation since the last report). Rivers and groundwater (Outline situation with rivers and groundwater levels. Are these above or below average for the time of year?) Environmental impact (Describe the environmental impacts that have occurred, eg algal blooms. Public Water Supplies {Outline situation regarding public water supplies, restrictions in place, abstraction orders applied for and likely situation for next 2 weeks) Reservoirs (Provide current reservoir levels, are these above or below average for the time of year?) Outlook