Nancy Beth Beck PhD, DABT SCLENCE & REGULATORY POLICY EXPERT Ph.D. Toxico logist with over eighteen years of applied public health experience. Specialized ability to provide a broad policy perspective as well as detai led technical input. Dee p understanding of scientific issues, risk assessment, and U.S. regulatory process. Accomplished in bringing a scientific dialogue to the policy discussion to inform critical decision-making. Skil led in lead ing and directing interagency negotiations to improve policy. Successful collaborations have involved partnerships with sen ior staff and policy officia ls througho ut the Executive Office of the President and Fede ral agencies. Education & Certification: Diplomat American Board of Toxicology (DABT), ovember 2002, recertified Aug 2016 Ph.D. Env ironmental Health. Universityof Washington, Seattle, WA, 1998 M.S. En iron mental Health, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 1992 B.S. Microbiology (minor economics), Cornell University, Ithaca, Y, 1988 APPLIED TOXICOLOGY & PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERIENCE: American Chemistry Council (ACC), Washington DC S enior Director of R egulatory Scieflce Policy January 201 2- present • Leading expert for e nsuring sound implementation of risk assessment practices w ithin the Frank R. Lauten berg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act (signed into law June 20 16). • Develo p technical and policy materials to develop sound scientific policies on sc ience and hea lth c ritical for the government assessment of chemicals. • Oversee fu nding and development of projects to advance risk assessment methodolog ies and practices. • Rev iew and provide comment on various scientific assessments including EPA IRIS assessments, O PPT Risk Assessments, Report on Carcinogens documents, and inte rnational assessments to inform indus try engagement w ith Federal Agencies. • Serve as an expert technical and strategy resource to committees and self-funded groups on the development and improve ment of sc ienti fi e docume nts related to s peci fie c hemical assessments. • Analyze scientific documents to identify critical scientific issues relating to improving the s cientific basis to s upport decisions making . Provide technical assistance in protocol development, monito ring, a uditing and communication of rt:sults. • Co-lead ACC panel o n advancing risk assessment and science policy regarding issues related to characterizing uncertainry, systematic review, and weight of evidence eva luations. • Wo rk to resolve me mbe r company concerns and problems related to chemical assessments • Monitor, a nalyze, and track emerging issues, developments and trends on science pol icy and chemical assessment a nd management. · Serve as spokesperson on behalf of ACC in front of federal agencies, congressional staff, press, inrernational groups, scientific societies and other organizations. Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Washington, DC TOXI COLOGIST/ RISK ASSESSOR/POLICY A NA LYST AUG . 2 002-January 2012 • Utilized toxico logy expertise to bridge the science and policy gap by framing and identi fYing scientific issues for an active policy debate. • Led expert for international regu latory discuss ions with the EU, Canada and Mexico on ri sk assessment and nanotechnology policy. • Managed and led the scientific review of the toxicological/scientific analyses and risk assessments upon which rulemakings, proposals, notices, guidance documents, and information collection requests rely as part of the rev iew by the Executi ve Office of the President (EOP). Included rev iew of IRIS assessments. • Supervised the oversight of fed eral agency implementation of the Informatio n Quality Law and OMB Info rmation Quality Guide lines. • Coord inated and led O MB risk assessment initiatives, including oversight, authorship, coordination of working group, shepherding of draft documents through peer rev iew and public comment, and culmination into a final OMB/O STP Memorandum on Risk Analysis. • Monitored and analyzed human health, environmental and safety information wh ich appears in legislative testimony through the legislative review c learance process within the EOP. • Prov ided direct sc ientific, risk assessment, tox icological, and environmental health assistance and interpretation to White Ho use po litical appointees and senior leaders. Prepared and conducted various brie fin g papers and talks. US EPA CAREER DEVELOPMENT D E TAIL US EPA, Office of the Assistant Administrator for the Office of Research and Development, Washington DC . Feb.2006-May 2006 • Reviewed and provided comments on strategies and draft documents for the EPA Assistant Administrator • Assessed differences and similarities of risk assessment procedures among different EPA program offices, with a specific emphasis on pestic ides and the IRIS processes. • Gained critical understanding of the O ffi ce of Research and Development and its role in regulations. AAAS (American Association for the Advancement of Science) Science and Technology Policy Fellow, Washington DC FELLOW--US EPA, N ational Centerfor Environmental Assessment Sept. 2000-Aug. 2002 • Worked on toxicology projects focused on identifYing health issues related to chi ldhood susceptibilities, human variability, childrens toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics, and susceptible populations. Washington State Department of Health, Office of Environmental Assessments, Olympia, WA TOXICOLOGIST/ P UBLIC H EALTH ADVISOR Feb. 1999-July 2000 • Prepared health and exposure assessments, including site spec ific risk assessments, for A TSDR and the Washington State Department of Health. • Evaluated human health risks using knowledge, risk assessment tools, air modeling programs, hydrogeology knowledge, and a strong understanding of the fate and trans port of compounds in the environment and the body. • Interacted regularly with other regulators and the general public at public meetings. Publications, awards, and other leadership activities available upon request NBeck CV Jan 201 7 p .2