Case 9:13-cv-80943-DMM Document 29 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/09/2014 Page 1 of 3 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CASE NO.13-80943-ClV-M lDDLEBRO OKSœ M NNON ROBERT GIBSON, Plaintiff, VS. KELLIR.M ACKEY,etal., Defendants. / ORDER DISM ISSING CASE THIS CAUSE comes before the Court upon Unilateral Status Report (DE 28) by DefendantOffscerSidney Fitz-coy (sfoftscexFitz-coy'')tsled on M ay 30,2014.TheCourthas reviewed the record and isotherwisein theprem ise. Plaintiff Robert Gibson (ttGibson'') filed the instant matter seeking compensatory damagesforthe allegedly physicaland intentionalbattery and unlawfularrestofM r. Gibson by Defendants.1(Am ended Com pl., DE 16).2OffkerFitz-coy filed an Answerto the Amended Complaint.A PretrialScheduling Order(DE 12)andanOrderofReferralto Mediation (DE 13) were entered on Novem ber 14,2013.A Trialin the instantmatteris setforthe two-week trial periodcommencingJune16,2014.(DE 7). In UnitedStatesM agistrateJudgeDaveL.Brannon'sPretrialSchedulingOrder(DE 12), the Pm ieswere wnrned,çfNon-compliance with any provision ofthis Ordermay subjectthe 1On M ay 27,2014,the Courtgranted DefendantsLuc Havan, M argaritalsland,and W estPalm BeachPoliceDepartment'sM otionstoDismissbydefault.(DE 27).DefendantKelliR.Mackey (1$Mackey'')hasnotappearedorotherwisefiledanypleadingintheinstantmatter.TheCourt notesthatthereisno indication on the record thatM s.M ackey wasserved. OfficerFitz-coy, therefore,isthe only rem aining Defendantwho hasappearedin thiscase. 2M r.Gibson filed thismatteron September17, 2013.(DE 1).Hefiledan AmendedComplaint (DE 16)on February 15,2014. Case 9:13-cv-80943-DMM Document 29 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/09/2014 Page 2 of 3 offending party to sanctions ordismissal.''(DE 12 at3 !9).In M agistrate Judge Brannon's OrderofReferraltoM ediation(DE 13),thepartieswereorderedtocompletemediation atleast sixtydaysbeforethescheduled trialdate.(DE 13 at1! 1).TheOrderofReferralto M ediation also informed the Partiesthat$$ifm ediation ora settlementconference isnotcompleted,thecase maybestrickenfrom thetrialcalendar,andothersanctionsmaybeimposed.''f#.at4! 13. The Courtissued an Order Requiring Status Reportsua sponte because Court-imposed deadlineshad passed withoutfilingsfrom theParties.(DE 26).In hisUnilateralStatusReport, OfscerFitz-coy representsthatdtno discovery hastaken placeand thePartieshavenotengaged in mediation.''(DE 28 at2 !7).In addition,OfficerFitz-coy representsthatcounselçsmade severalunsuccessfulattemptsto reach (Mr.Gibson's)cotmselin an effortto comply with the Court'sOrderRequiring StatusReport.''(DE 28at1!6).3Asoftoday,Mr.Gibsonhasneither filed any response to the Court's Order Requiring Status Reportnorprovided any explanation regardinghisfailureto respond to the Court'sO rdersin the instantmatter.4Dueto M r. Gibson's failtlre to abide by or respond to the Court's Orders,the Courtthat dismissalofthis case is warranted. Accordingly,itishereby ORDERED AND ADJUDGED asfollows; ThismatterisDISM ISSED; 3OfficerFitz-coy representsthathiscotmselsentM r.Gibson'scotmselan emailon M ay 27, 2014 regardingtheCourt'sOrderRequiring StatusReport.Thenextday,afterreceiving no response,Oftk erFitz-coy'scounselcalled and spokewith M r.Gibson'scounsel,who stated he wouldemailaproposedjointreport.OfficerFitz-coy'scotmselemailedMr.Gibson'scounsel againonM ay30,2014,but,aherreceivingnoproposedjointreportorresponse,OfficerFitzCoy'scounselfiled a U nilateralStatusR eport. 4Additionally, on April1,2014,theCourtissuedanOrderto Show Cause(DE 25)afterM r. Gibson failedto respond toDefendantsLuc Havan,M argaritalsland,and W estPalm Beach PoliceDepartment'sM otionstoDismiss(DE 20,23).Mr.GibsondidnotrespondtotheCourt's Order.Asnoted previously,theCourtgrantedDefendantsLucHavan,M argaritaIsland,and W estPalm BeachPoliceDepartmentM otionstoDismissbydefaultonM ay27,2014.(DE 27). 2 Case 9:13-cv-80943-DMM Document 29 Entered on FLSD Docket 06/09/2014 Page 3 of 3 Anypendingm otionsare DENIED AS M O OT;and TheClerk ofCourtshallCLO SE thiscase. DONE AND ORDERED inChambersatWestPalm Beach Florida,this r dayof , June,2014. y.b J z V .' J D LD M .M IDDLEBROOKS UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE Copiesto: Counselofrecord 3