?00 {$31,000,100 .97 Team?" 7,000- CFH 133:? 1 . UR ELK 33931.93 93355? IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE JUDICIAL RECORDED an: [355 @131? 15:183.? CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA Am 1? Do: Stump . Palm Beach Counts: Florida GENE Sharon RI a Pa 825?; (1993 CAS NO OCA012543 0 NEW WAVEQVDEIRS 2015 LP Plaintiff er CHANCE ANTH JEFFREY ABK SOUTH PROPERTIES VC 81 CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT I ELECTRIC FIORE Defendant Respo gig CERTIFICATE OF TITLE . Chapter 45 THE UNDERSIGNED OF this Court Certi?es that a Certi?cate of Sale was executed and ?led in this action on June 12, 2017 for the property de ri erein and that objections to the sale have either not been ?led within the time allowed by statutory law or, if ?led, ha IOheard by the court. The property in Palm Beach County, Florida is described as followsi - x? Lot 2, South?elds - Phase I of Palm Beach Pea I. (0 as recorded in Plat Book 39, Pages 19 through 2 nty Club- Wellington Country Place - P.U.D., according to the map or plat thereof, clusive, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida was sold to: @f WELLINGTON 3445 LP, A FLORIDA LIMITED 375 GOLFSIDE DRIVE PA 15090 WITNESS my hand and seal of this Court Bock, a Deputy Clerk for Clerk and Comptroller Ci VHS I Duncan J. MacDonald nIgzo 2' I. C) 9238