Item No. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 Page 1 CENTRAL HOBART BUILDING HEIGHT STANDARDS REVIEW PROJECT - PROPOSED PLANNING SCHEME AMENDMENTS REPORT TITLE: REPORT PROVIDED BY: Manager Planning Policy & Heritage Director City Planning 1. 2. Report Purpose and Community Benefit 1.1. This report presents the outcomes of Building Height Standards Review Project (Leigh Woolley June 2018) (Attachment A) and outlines possible amendments to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 (HIPS 2015) and the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997 (SCPS 1997) to implement the outcomes of the review. 1.2. The proposal benefits the community by helping to ensure that the height of development in the central area of Hobart and Sullivans Cove makes a positive contribution to the streetscape and townscape values and meets community expectations. Report Summary 2.1. This report presents the outcomes of Building Height Standards Review Project (Leigh Woolley June 2018) (Attachment A) and outlines possible amendments to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015 (HIPS 2015) and the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997 (SCPS 1997) to implement the outcomes of the review. 2.2. The key conclusions from the Building Height Standards Review are as follows: 2.2.1. To maintain the transition in scale from the low-rise residential precincts (on adjacent slopes) to a compact centre, development intensity should be located on the lower contours of the ‘basin’ of the Central Business Zone, rather than its higher contours. 2.2.2. Height control zones stepping back from the Cove and the inner hills assist in identifying an ‘Inner Core’ precinct within the ‘basin’. Modelling suggests that development above the Amenity Building Envelope could be pursued within this precinct, without intruding into primary view cones. 2.2.3. Initial modelling of the ‘inner core’ urban blocks, the amenity building envelope, identified view cones, while acknowledging townscape provisions, indicates capacity for development above 45m, with limited opportunity on most urban blocks above 65m. In some locations height could rise to 75m without impacting primary view cones, subject to heritage and detailed townscape provisions. Item No. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 2.2.4. Page 2 In considering appropriate height control planes for Sullivans Cove and Central Hobart the following are recommended: - An Escarpment Zone rising from 18m to 30m (+ natural rise); A Cove Face Zone rising from 30m to 45m, (+ natural rise; A Hill Face Zone rising from 18m to 45m (+ natural rise). 2.2.5. Within the inner core precinct (shown below); amenity, townscape and heritage provisions and identified view cones should determine height outcomes. 2.2.6. The combination of proposed height control planes with view protection planes will assist in maintaining Central Hobart as a ‘compact’ and ‘contained’ urban form. 2.3. The Urban Design Advisory Panel has considered and supports the underlying approach taken by the Building Height Standards Review in determining appropriate maximum building heights for the Central Business Zone and adjacent Zones and also the draft amendments as modified following input from the Panel. 2.4. The outcomes of the Building Height Standards Review are considered to be an appropriate response to the project brief. The implementation of the height control planes and protection of important views through the planning scheme provisions will assist in maintaining the streetscape and townscape values of Central Hobart and Sullivans Cove and provide greater certainty and direction in the consideration of discretionary proposals. Item No. 2.5. 3. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 Page 3 The proposed planning scheme amendments based on the outcomes of the Review are provided in Attachment B along with a summary and explanation of each amendment. In the Central Business Zone it is proposed that the height control planes be implemented by the designation of 5 Height Areas as shown on the map in Attachment C. The key amendments are outlined in section 5 of this report. Recommendation That Council endorse of the release of the Building Height Standards Review (L Woolley, 30 June 2018) report (Attachment A) and the suggested planning scheme amendments (Attachment B) to implement its recommendations, for public comment for a 4 week period, prior to consideration of formally endorsing the report and initiating any planning scheme amendments in response. 4. Background 4.1. The current development standards for buildings in the Central Business Zone in the HIPS2015 were formulated after a detailed review and analysis of land use and development patterns in the central city area. The development standards address building height, setbacks, design, passive surveillance, outdoor storage, pedestrian links, heritage, streetscape and sense of scale, wind effects and solar penetration. 4.2. At its meeting on 3 July 2017, the Council endorsed the recommendations of the Central Business Zone Height Standards – Performance Criteria Review report (Woolley 2016) and initiated the PSA-17-3 Amendments to the HIPS2015 to implement the recommendations of that report in relation to streetscape and townscape values. A modified version of those amendments were approved by the Tasmanian Planning Commission on 3 August 2018. 4.3. At its meeting on 3 July 2017 Council also resolved that: A further report to Council be prepared addressing the additional analysis required in relation to a number of issues including the preparation of design guidelines, modelling of buildings in certain locations, development of spatial principles to inform appreciation of the ‘urban amphitheatre’, designation of additional view protection planes, height control planes and specification of maximum height limits. 4.4. 5. At its meeting on 9 October 2017 Council endorsed the project brief for that work and subsequently Leigh Woolley - Architect and Urban Design Consultant was commissioned to undertake the project. Proposal and Implementation 5.1. It is proposed that Council endorse the release of the Building Height Standards Review (L Woolley, 30 June 2018) report and the suggested Item No. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 Page 4 planning scheme amendments to implement its recommendations for public comment prior to formally endorsing the report and initiating any planning scheme amendments in response. Building Height Standards Review (Woolley 2018) 5.2. In response to the brief the Building Height Standards Review (2018) has addressed the following: 5.2.1. Urban Context - the context of a ‘small city in a large landscape’ is discussed in response to the settlement expansion of the city region and the role of Central Hobart in the urban hierarchy. The key spatial characteristics of the Urban Amphitheatre and the Amphitheatre to the Cove are identified in order to locate and appreciate ‘intensity at the heart of settlement’ in Central Hobart. 5.2.2. Response to the context - in order to consider a layering of the urban form ‘non-conforming’ development is identified, along with height control planes between Sullivans Cove and the city centre and then the inner hills. 5.2.3. Maintaining Connectivity - an inventory of view lines, view cones and view planes is provided to identify the connecting alignments between the city centre and the regional landscape horizons. Individual view lines as well as view cones are identified, with modelling indicating the potential connectivity with and without height control planes. 5.2.4. Shaping Outcomes - the last section combines the outcomes of the previous sections, integrating view protection and height control planes (with the existing amenity building envelope) to generate a potential envelope for each urban block as shown below (extract from pages 84 and 85 of the Building height Standards Review). This also assists in considering design principles in response to the identified townscape values. Item No. 5.3. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 Page 5 The key conclusions from the Building Height Standards Review are as follows: 5.3.1. To maintain the transition in scale from the low-rise residential precincts (on adjacent slopes) to a compact centre, development intensity should be located on the lower contours of the ‘basin’ of the Central Business Zone, rather than its higher contours. 5.3.2. Height control zones stepping back from the Cove and the inner hills assist in identifying an ‘Inner Core’ precinct within the ‘basin’. Modelling suggests that development above the Amenity Building Envelope could be pursued within this precinct, without intruding into primary view cones. 5.3.3. Initial modelling of the ‘inner core’ urban blocks, the amenity building envelope, identified view cones, while acknowledging townscape provisions, indicates capacity for development above 45m, with limited opportunity on most urban blocks above 65m. In some locations height could rise to 75m without impacting primary view cones, subject to heritage and detailed townscape provisions. 5.3.4. In considering appropriate height control planes for Sullivans Cove and Central Hobart the following are recommended in the Review: - An Escarpment Zone rising from 18m to 30m (+ natural rise); A Cove Face Zone rising from 30m to 45m, (+ natural rise; A Hill Face Zone rising from 18m to 45m (+ natural rise). Item No. 5.4. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 Page 6 5.3.5. Within the inner core precinct; amenity, townscape and heritage provisions and identified view cones should determine height outcomes. 5.3.6. The combination of proposed height control planes with view protection planes will assist in maintaining Central Hobart as a ‘compact’ and ‘contained’ urban form. It is also noted that as the principal activity centre in the regional hierarchy of Activity Centre Network in the Southern Tasmania Regional Land Use Strategy, the Central Business Zone (as the core of the Hobart Activity Centre) is intended to be the densest and most compact development precinct in the state. The ‘primary hub for Tasmania where a significant proportion of all employment opportunities within the region should continue to be focussed’. Urban Design Advisory Panel Consideration 5.5. The Urban Design Advisory Panel received a briefing on the Building Height Standards Review from Leigh Woolley at its meeting on 27 July 2018 and provided the following advice: Building Height Standards Review 5.6. The Panel supports the underlying approach taken by the Building Height Standards Review in determining appropriate maximum building heights for the Central Business Zone and adjacent Zones. In doing so the Panel strongly affirms the comments made in the report that the maximum heights nominated must be expected to be further moderated on a site by site basis after having taken into consideration local townscape, streetscape, heritage and other urban design matters. Associated Draft Scheme Amendments 5.7. Council officers presented draft amendments to the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme to put into effect the principal outcomes of the Building Height Standards Review. 5.8. The Panel agreed with the principal outcomes of the Building Height Standards Review around maximum height. The Panel raised in respect of the Amendment, the following matters: 5.9. View cones - The Panel noted that 22.4.1 P1.1 will be amended to include additional view cones identified in the Building Height Standards Review in Figure 22.6. The Panel endorses this approach as it highlights the protection of views which is the fundamental guiding principle underpinning the Building Height Standards Review recommendations. It was also suggested that the view cone data be included on the K2VI model and to make the model available to prospective applicants. Item No. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 Page 7 5.10. Height Areas Map – Figure 22.2- The Panel noted that this is a replacement Map for Figure 22.2. The Panel supports the Height Area approach taken. It does suggest that the boundary between height areas 2, 3, 4 and 5 be adjusted in the vicinity of Barrack Street (old Hutchins School site) in order to reflect a better transition in these areas to adjacent Zones that have strong heritage and residential values. 5.11. Building Amenity Envelope 22.3 - The Panel noted the envelope is intended to also apply to buildings lower than maximum height of 45m and suggested that this be clarified by a reference on 22.3 to acknowledge maximum heights of 30m in Area 3. 5.12. Reducing the Bulk - The Building Height Standards Review raised the important issue of reducing bulk as height increases together with the associated issue of permeability across the city and in between buildings. The Panel strongly supports this approach and the proposed amendment: which includes the following words: ‘ (b) maintaining a level of permeability through city blocks by reductions in bulk at each elevation as height increases allowing for sunlight into streets and public spaces.’ 5.13. Reference to ‘Storey’ - The Panel noted that the reference to ‘storey’ as well as ‘height in the acceptable solutions creates some unnecessary confusion and inconsistency. The Panel considers the Planning Scheme provisions should rely on the reference to height only. 5.14. Roof Gardens - The Panel suggested a reference to roof gardens within the context of seeking improved roof-scapes as recommended in the Building Height Standards Review. 5.15. The Panel noted the Building Height Standards Review recognised the importance of designing taller buildings in ‘the round’ and the importance of roof gardens and raised the issue of urban rooftop gardens as an inclusion of clause (i). 5.16. Urban Context Report - The Panel noted that the Building Height Standards Review refers to a number of urban design principles. These principles in the opinion of the Panel, are consistent with accepted urban design principles and protocols that when applied should lead to improved urban design outcomes. 5.17. The Panel therefore suggests that an urban context report be a fundamental submission requirement for applicants to ensure that relevant urban design townscape considerations are rigorously addressed. It suggests that it forms part of the application, when these issues are relevant. 5.18. The Panel considers that such a request for an Urban Context Report should be mandatory for all applications which seek discretion on height and that for all other applications where the Council deems appropriate. Item No. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 Page 8 5.19. Where Civic Amenities need to be provided in respect of discretionary development that goes beyond the Building Amenity Envelope, Clause 22.4.1 P1.2, be supplemented by a requirement in the Urban Context Report to address the benefits of the proposed civic amenities. This is suggested by the Panel to ensure that thorough consideration of those civic amenities appropriate to the local area is undertaken. Draft Planning Scheme Amendments 5.20. The outcomes of the Building Height Standards Review is a comprehensive response to the project brief and is a significant body of work that adds considerably to the appreciation of the urban context of Hobart. The work builds on that undertaken by Leigh Woolley in 2016 in relation to the townscape and streetscape values of central Hobart and these are now identified in the Central Business Zone Desired Future Character Statement in the Hobart Interim Planning Scheme 2015. 5.21. The implementation of the height control planes and protection of important views through the planning scheme provisions will assist in maintaining the streetscape and townscape values of Central Hobart and Sullivans Cove and provide greater certainty and direction in the consideration of discretionary proposals. 5.22. The matters raised by the Urban Design Advisory Panel have generally been incorporated into the final draft of the proposed amendments provided in Attachment B. 5.23. The proposed planning scheme amendments based on the outcomes of the Review are provided in Attachment B along with a summary and explanation of each amendment. The key amendments are outlined below: Central Business Zone 5.24. In the Central Business Zone it is proposed that the height control planes be implemented by the designation of 5 Height Areas as shown on the map in Attachment C. 5.25. The boundaries of the height control planes have been modified in order to simplify implementation and take account of streets, property boundaries, zone boundaries, existing development, heritage constraints and the boundary of the Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997. The overall intent of the recommended height control planes has however been maintained. 5.26. As indicated in the summary table in Attachment C, for each of Height Areas 1 to 5 an acceptable solution (permitted) maximum height is specified along with a suggested absolute maximum height that would be contained in the performance criteria. These range from 18m in Height Area 5 to 60m in Height Area 1. The Height Areas would be included in the Planning Scheme in a new Figure 22.2. Item No. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 Page 9 5.27. The performance criteria for the Height Areas are included in an amended clause 22.4.1 and require consideration of compatibility with existing buildings in the area, preventing unreasonable impacts on identified views, overshadowing of Pedestrian Priority Streets, overshadowing of public open space, adverse wind conditions and consistency with the Desired Future Character Statements in clause 22.1.3. 5.28. The performance criteria for Height Areas 1 to 4 also require that a design response must be provided that demonstrates the form, design, materials and detailing of the proposed development derives from and responds to characteristics identified in an urban context report in a way that makes a positive contribution to the streetscape and townscape. In addition development outside the amenity building envelope must provide significant civic amenities. 5.29. In Height Area 4 the performance criteria also requires a transition in the height of development within Height Area 4 between higher buildings in the inner core of the Central Business Zone (Height Area 1) and lower buildings in adjacent zones and Height Area 5. In Height Area 4 the absolute height limit proposed is 45m or 21m if within 50m of land within Height Area 5 or the Commercial Zone. 5.30. In the inner core of the Central Business Zone (Height Area 1) the suggested absolute maximum height is 60m. This is based on a detailed block by block analysis (see Attachment D) taking into account; topography, existing development, lot size and arrangement and heritage constraints. It is clear that in many circumstances, the maximum potential height as modelled in the Building Height Standards Review would not be able to be practically achieved. 5.31. The Central Business Zone clause 22.1.3 Desired Future Character Statements is proposed to be amended so that the statements reflect the Review outcomes and ensure the statements are considered for all developments discretionary for height, not just those outside the Amenity Building Envelope. A definition of ‘urban context report’ is also proposed to be included in clause 4.1. 5.32. It is also proposed that the sites currently zoned Commercial between Melville and Brisbane Streets be rezoned to Central Business. The types of uses encouraged in the Commercial Zone such as bulky goods sales are not considered the most desirable for this location on the fringe of the CBD. The Central Business Zone will more accurately reflect the current uses on the blocks and will generally allow for increased development potential in a well located and well serviced area on the fringe of the CBD. A detailed assessment of the appropriate zoning of this area is provided in Attachment E. 5.33. The current HIPS2015 Central Business Zone provisions related to development standards for buildings are provided in Attachment F. Item No. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 Page 10 Commercial Zone 5.34. The proposed amendments to the Commercial Zone clause 23.4.1 Building Height are intended to make the height provisions of the Commercial Zone more consistent with the Central Business Zone and also set an absolute maximum height limit of 18m. The permitted height in this zone is 11.5m or 15m if the development provides at least 50% of the floor space above ground level for residential use. Urban Mixed Use Zone 5.35. In the Urban Mixed Use Zone clause 15.4.1 Building Height P1 and P2 it is proposed to insert an absolute maximum building height of 15m for the whole of the Urban Mixed Use Zone in order to provide a transition in height from the Inner Residential Zone. The permitted height in this zone is 10m. Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme 1997 5.36. The SCPS Wapping Local Area Plan clause 15.5.9 Height is proposed to be amended to introduce an absolute maximum height of 21m for Wapping which is currently the highest ‘deemed to comply’ (permitted) height under the Wapping Local Area Plan. Maximum heights in the Macquarie Point Site Development Plan area are yet to be determined as the Master Plan is currently under review. 5.37. It is proposed that Schedule 2 Urban Form clause 23.6.2 ‘Discretionary’ Buildings be amended to include an absolute maximum height of 18m for the remainder of the SCPS. 18m is currently the highest ‘deemed to comply’ (permitted) height under clause 23.6.1 A and Figure 8 Deemed to Comply Heights (Attachment G). No change is proposed to the permitted heights. Examples of building heights 5.38. Examples of some existing building heights in central Hobart are provided in Attachment H in order to provide an appreciation of the various heights discussed in this report. The highest building in the CBD is currently the building on the south east corner of Elizabeth and Collins Streets which is 57.47m. The new RHH building currently under construction will be the highest building when completed at around 68m. 6. Strategic Planning and Policy Considerations 6.1. The proposed planning scheme amendments will assist in the achievement of the strategic objectives of the Capital City Strategic Plan 2015-2025 particularly in relation to Goal 2 Urban Management 2.3 "City and regional planning ensures quality design, meets community needs...." Item No. 6.2. 7. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 The implementation of the outcomes of the Building Height Standards Review is consistent with; Hobart: A community vision for our island capital, particularly in relation to the statements in Pillar 1. Sense of Place and Pillar 7. Built Environment. Financial Implications 7.1. Funding Source and Impact on Current Year Operating Result 7.1.1. 7.2. 7.3. None. Legal, Risk and Legislative Considerations 8.1. Any future planning scheme amendments would be considered under the provisions of the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (LUPAA) which requires planning scheme amendments to further the objectives of Schedule 1 of the Act and be prepared in accordance with State Policies. Community and Stakeholder Engagement 9.1. 10. None. Asset Related Implications 7.3.1. 9. None. Impact on Future Years’ Financial Result 7.2.1. 8. Page 11 It is proposed the Building Height Standards Review (L Woolley, 30 June 2018) report and the suggested planning scheme amendments in response be subject to a community and stakeholder engagement process prior to any decision being made on its implementation. The engagement process will include a public forum and stakeholder briefings to outline the proposed amendments and the results of the Building Height Standards Review. Delegation 10.1. Council. As signatory to this report, I certify that, pursuant to Section 55(1) of the Local Government Act 1993, I hold no interest, as referred to in Section 49 of the Local Government Act 1993, in matters contained in this report. James McIlhenny Neil Noye Item No. Agenda (Open Portion) City Planning Committee Meeting 27/8/2018 MANAGER PLANNING POLICY & HERITAGE DIRECTOR CITY PLANNING Date: File Reference: 14 August 2018 F18/88963; 17/167 Attachment A: Attachment B: Attachment C: Attachment D: Attachment E: Attachment F: Attachment G: Attachment H: Building Height Review Report - L Woolley June 2018 Draft Planning Scheme Amendments Height Areas Map City Block Analysis Height limits Central Business Zone Extension Assessment HIPS Central Business Zone Provisions Sullivans Cove Planning Scheme Heights Building Height Examples Page 12