U.S. Department of Justice United States Atiomey Southern District Qth?f? 2H EaerourmSIreel Telephone: Swim 400 Fax: {firicmmui? Ohio 45202 April 9, 2018 Ohio Statehouse ATT N: Kim Flasher, ChiefAdministration Of?cer Ohio House of Representatives 1 Capital Square Columbus, Ohio 43221 Dear Sir/Madam: Pursuant to an of?cial criminal investigation being conducted by the Department of Justice of a suspected felony, it is requested that. your company furnish the information. requested in. the attached subpoena, If you wish, you may comply with the demands in the attached subpoena by making the records called for therein available to the Agent who serves the subpoena. If you choose to follow this course of action, it will not be necessary for you to physically appeaxbofore the Federal Grand Jury in Cincinnati on the subpoena date You are requested not to disclose the existence of this request. Any such disclosure could impede the investigation being conducted and thereby interfere with the enforcement of the law. Thank you for your assistance in {his matter. Very truly yours, BENJAMIN C. GLASSMAN United States Attorney MATTHEW C. SINGER. Assistant United States Attorney GJ~l~l7~l; 1711405 MOS Enclosures 3&0 H0 {Re-v. 065709} Subpoena to Testify 13:: Fort: a Grand My UNITED STATES. DISTRICT COURT for the Southern District of Ohio SUBPOENA TO BEFORE A GRAND JURY Ohio Statehouse ATTN: Kim Flasher, Chief Administraiion Of?cer Ohio House of Representatives 1 Capitol Square Columbus, Ohio 4322.1 YGU ARE COMMANDED to appear in {3355 United States district court at the time, data, anti place shown beIow to testify before the court?s grand jury. When you an?ive, you must remain 311118 com't until the judge or a court of?cer allows you to leave. Place: POTTER STEWART U48. COURTHOUSE 100 E. FIFTH STREET, ROOM mo OHIO 45202 Date and Time: April 18, 2018; 9:30 3.111. You must also bring wiih you the following documents, cleatmoical'iy stored. information, or objects (blank one: opp?cabz?eji SEE ATTACHED FOR REQUESTED Compliance with this subpoena may be achieved by providing the requested documents to the requesting Agent. Date: .Lr' . a ?a . I of?le?c oi?Dei The name, address; eu?mail, and telephone number of {he United States attorney, or assistant United States attorney, who requosis this subpoena, are: MATTHEW C. SINGER ASSISTANT UNITED STATES ATTORNEY 221 E. FOURTH STREET, SUITE 400 CWCENNATI, OHIO 45202 174405 (MCS) Records Requested From to present: All records related to any travel of Speaker of the House Clifford Rosenberger. All records related to any public- reco'rds requests made to your of?ce regarding the travel. of Speaker of the House Clifford Rosenberger. he response should include but not be limited to the following items: 21. Calendars b. Of?cial travel schedules e. Personal travel schedules d. Travel companions e. Eumails Method of payments g. Metho? of travel 11. Meeting schedules i. Daily schedules 3. Itineraries *Once the documents requested above are reviewed, additional docmnentation may be requested. ?Where available please provide the records in electronic .fot?niiat. Qoestions may be directed to Special Agent Paul Bureau of Investigation, telephone (6 14) 849-1828 or email at emszawranslwi@fbi.m Response to this sebpoena should he sent to: Federal Bureau of Investigation Att'n: SA Paul 425 W. Nationwide Columbusa 0H 4-3215 omszawrenekvi?t?bim CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY 0F DOMESTIC BUSINESS RECORDS PURSUANT TO FEDERAL RULE OF EVIDENCE 902(11) 1' attest under permities of perjury of criminal punishment for false statement or false attestation pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1746, that the contained in this declaration is true and correct. I am employed by and my official title is . . amfwas the custodian of records of from the time period of through I certify that the documents provided. in resPonse to subpoena of aecount(s) ending in in the name(s) cl? are true and exact copies of the originals as held in the ordinary course cf business. Iha?ve reviewed the attached records. I certify that these records are the original or duplicate copies- c?l'the original records in the custody of as held in the ordinary course of business. I further state that: a. all provided were made at or seer the time of the occurrence of the matter set forth, by, or from information transmitted by, a person with knowledge of those matters; b. such records were kept in the ordinary course of a regularly conducted business activity of; e. such records were made by as a regular practice; and d. if such records is 3] ct the original, such record is a duplicate of the original. I further state that this certi?cation is intended to satisfy Rule 9020.1) of the Federal Rules of Evidence. DATE SIGN- cream; 174405 (MOS) AU HQ (Elev. 05:09} Subpuaria 'l'cs?ify Before Giana? my} (Mg: 2} PROOF OF SERVICE This subpoena for {Home offmfiw'dxm} or organ {sz031} Was receivad by me on (dafe) 1 served the 33131106313 by delivering, a copy {0 {he named person as; foilows: 011 {daze} 01' lreim?neci the subpoena uncxecuteii hecausez I?eciare under penalty ofpezjury that this infonnation is true. Server is .sfgnamm Prirzz'ecf name and {Eric Server '5 address Additiona} information regarding attempted Service, etc: 17-1405 (MOS) A0 93 (Rev. ill13} Search and Seizure Warrant . . f" i ?1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT for the Southern District othio In the Matter of the Search of (Brie?y describe (Improperly to be searched or idenrmt the person by name and address) The Riffs Center 77 S. Street, 14th Floor Columbus, Ohio SEARCH AND SEIZURE WARRANT To: Any authorized law enforcement of?cer Case No. An application by a federal law enforcement of?cer or an attorney for the government requests the search of the following person or property located in the Southern District of Ohio (idemg'fy the person or describe the property to be searched and give its location): See Attachment A I ?nd that'the or any recorded testimony, establish probable cause to search and seize the person or property described above, and that such search will reveal (idem)? the person or describe the property to be seized): See Attachment 8 YOU ARE COMMANDED to execute this warrant on or before (nor to exceed 14 days) 9? in the daytime 6:00 am. to 10:00 pm. at any time in the day or night because good cause has been established. Unless delayed notice is authorized below, you must give a copy of the warrant and a receipt for the property taken to the person from whom, or from whose premises, the property was taken, or leave the copy and receipt at the place where the property was taken. The of?cer executing this warrant, or an of?cer present during the execution of the warrant, must prepare an inventory as required by law and return this warrant and inventory to Hon. Karen L. Litkovltz (United States Magistrate Judge) Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 3103a(h), I ?nd that immediate notification may have an adverse result listed in 18 U.S.C. 2705 (except for delay of trial), and authorize the of?cer executing this warrant to delay notice to the person who, or whose property, will be searched 01' seized (check the appropriate box) for days (not to exceed 30) [3 until, the facts justifying, the later Speci?c date of .xi . - Date and lime issued: 1/ 27107 M- - - 1/ - . Jiidge 's signature City and state: Cincinnati, Ohio Hon. Karen L. Litkovitz, U.S. Magistrate Judge Printed name and title A0 93 (Rev. 1 3) Search and Seizure eram (Page 2] Return Case No: Date and time warrant executed: Copy of warrant and inventory left with: Inventory made in the presence of: Inventory of the property taken and name of any person(s) seized: Certi?cation I declare under penalty of peljury that this inventoxy is correct and was returned along with the original warrant to the designated judge. Date: Erecming of?cer ?3 signature Printed name and ri?e ATTACHMENT A Property Be Searched The property to be searched is: the Riffe Center, located at 77 S. High Street, 14th Floor Columbus, Ohio (de?ned as Speci?cally, as set forth in the af?davit, the three boxes are being stored in fonner chief of staff of?ce in OFFICE l, which is further described as OFFICE 1 Room 1495; and the thumb drive is being stored in Witness 2?s of?ce in OFFICE l, which is further described as OFFICE 1 Room 1498. ATTACHMENT Propel-?0? to be seized 1. The three boxes stored being in OFFICE it 1 Room 1495 and the thumb drive being stored in OFFICE 1 Room .1498, and their contents, which relate to violations of Conspiracy to Commit Extortion, Attempt to Commit Extortion, and Extortion, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1951; Promotion, Management, Establishment, Carrying On, or Facilitation of Unlawful Activity (the Travel Act), in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1952,1 and Conspiracy to Promote, Manage, Establish, Carry On, or Facilitate Unlawful Activity (the Travel Act), in violation of 18 U.S.C. 371, those violations involving CLIFF ROSENBERGER and others, andoccurring after December 1, 2016, including: Records and information containing or referring to communications between or among STEWART, DIMON, GAINES, ROSENBERGER and others, including communications or information concerning: payday lending legislation; evidence of payments, kickbacks, bribes, or other bene?ts (such as payment of travel-related expenses) offered to, paid to, received by, solicited by, or anticipated by public of?cials; interactions or relationshipswith legislators of the State of Ohio, or any other individual or entity regarding the aforementioned violations; any evidence regarding attempts to in?uence 1 With respect to violations of the Travel Act, 18 U.S.C. 1952, there is probable cause to believe that the TARGETS identi?ed below have used facilities of interstate commerce to promote, manage, establish, carry on, or facilitate the promotion, management, establishment, or carrying on, of unlawful activity including Bribery, in violation of Ohio Revised Code 2921.02. public of?cials through bribes or other unlawful conduct; and any evidence of of?cial acts taken by public officials connected with benefits received from STEWART, DIMON, AND GAINES, and others yet unknown. Records and information relating to communications between or among individuals and entities that helped fund, sponsor, or plan travel either directly or indirectly. (0) Records and information relating to travel. Records and ii?ii?brmation relating to payments or reimbursements for I travel. Records and information relating to of?cial action taken by ROSENBERGER or at the direction of ROSENBERGER relating to individuals or entities that helped fund, sponsor, or plan travel, either directly or indirectly. 2. For any computer or storage medium whose seizure is otherwise authorized by this warrant, and any computer or storage medium that contains or in which is stored records or information that is otherwise called for by this warrant (hereinafter, evidence of who used, owned, or controlled the COMPUTER at the time the things described in this warrant were created, edited, or deleted, such as logs, registry entries, con?guration ?les, saved usernames and passwords, documents, browsing history, user pro?les, email, email contacts, ?chat,? instant messaging logs, photographs, and correspondence; evidence of software that would allow others to control the COMPUTER, such as viruses, Trojan horses, and other forms of malicious software, as well as evidence of the presence or absence of security software designed to detect malicious software; (0) evidence of the lack of such malicious software; evidence indicating how and when the computer was accessed or used to determine the chronological context of computer access, use, and events relating to crime under investigation and to the computer user; (6) evidence indicating the computer user?s state of mind as it relates to the crime under investigation; evidence of the attachment to the COMPUTER of other storage devices or similar containers for electronic evidence; evidence of counter-forensic programs (and associated data) that are designed to eliminate data from the - evidence of the times the COMPUTER was used; it) passwords, keys, and other access devices that may be necessary to access the documentation and manuals that may be necessary to access the COMPUTER or to conduct a forensic examination of the records of or information about Internet Protocol addresses used by the (1) records of or information about the Internet activity, including ?rewall logs, caches, browser history and cookies, ?bookmarked? or ?favorite? web pages, search terms that the user entered into any Internet search engine, and records of user-typed web addresses; (m)contextual information necessary to understand the evidence described in this attachment. As used above, the terms ?records? and ?information? includes all forms of creation or storage, including any form of computer or electronic storage (such as hard disks or other media that can store data); any handmade form (such as writing); any mechanical form (such as printing or typing); and any photographic form (such as micro?lm, micro?che, prints, slides, negatives, videotapes, motion pictures, or photocopies). The term ?computer? includes all types of electronic, magnetic, optical, electrochemical, or other high speed data processing devices performing logical, arithmetic, or storage functions, including desktop computers, notebook computers, mobile phones, tablets, server computers, and network hardware. The term ?storage medium? includes any physical object upon which computer data can be recorded. Examples include hard disks, RAM, ?oppy disks, ?ash memory, CD-ROMs, and other magnetic or optical media. FDT597 (Rev 3-11-94) Page of - UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Receipt for Property File On (date) 3/ 39/ 5 07L 7 item(s) listed below were: . 1" Received From El Returned To Released To Seized ?(Name) /Zr 9% ?ee 774%, (Street AddreSS) 7 7 Sf 7% 016/! r? 0 525w? ?ap/r4 (City) ?ug/ 0/9/ M/i/Cf? BC: Description of Item(s): ?nm? ?/Vfg/{L m? or (:?fllru7z? Cr JilQC/Cf7z' bigge E, 5) M3?5F19/f?mpoa? 71:; . Received By: Received From: ?we (SW Wnature)